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Análise Ex Ante do Plano Nacional de Internet das Coisas (IoT): Ambiente Cidades Inteligentes


Abstract and Figures

Realiza-se análise ex ante do Plano Nacional de Internet das Coisas (IoT) e seus impactos para o desenvolvimento das cidades inteligentes no Brasil, com enfoque nas questões relacionadas à privacidade e proteção de dados dos cidadãos, no escopo das soluções de mobilidade urbana, segurança pública e eficiência energética propostas nos projetos-piloto da política. Apresenta-se um diagnóstico, com causas e evidências de problemas urbanos, como congestionamentos, violência nas cidades e consumo de energia elétrica no Brasil, e as propostas de soluções com o uso de tecnologias de IoT. Enumeram-se políticas nacionais e internacionais similares, em andamento ou finalizadas, bem como as razões para intervenção do Estado. Examinam-se dados sobre o impacto orçamentário e financeiro da política. Descreve-se a estrutura de governança adotada, com os principais atores envolvidos. Realiza-se análise crítica a partir de oito componentes do modelo de governança de políticas públicas do TCU, dentre os quais: institucionalização; planos e objetivos; participação; capacidade organizacional e recursos; coordenação e coerência; monitoramento e avaliação; gestão de riscos e controle interno; e accountability. Por fim, propõe-se a adoção de princípios para garantir uma abordagem mais sistêmica para a política pública de cidades inteligentes voltada para as necessidades dos cidadãos.
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Apresenta os avanços setoriais e das políticas públicas que apoiaram o desenvolvimento do setor agropecuário no Brasil, mas, também, mostra que ainda há muitos desafios a serem superados e vários espaços para atuação do Estado. Avançar no desenvolvimento nacional significa pensar as políticas voltadas ao setor primário e à ampliação dos investimentos em serviços e produção industrial de maior valor agregado. Essas políticas devem associar o desenvolvimento produtivo à inclusão social, à segurança alimentar e à sustentabilidade ambiental.
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We are facing a future of unbounded complexity. Whether that complexity is harnessed to build a world that is safe, pleasant, humane and profitable, or whether it causes us to careen off a cliff into an abyss of mind-numbing junk is an open question. The challenges and opportunities--technical, business, and human--that this technological sea change will bring are without precedent. Entire industries will be born and others will be laid to ruin as our society navigates this journey. There are already many more computing devices in the world than there are people. In a few more years, their number will climb into the trillions. We put microprocessors into nearly every significant thing that we manufacture, and the cost of routine computing and storage is rapidly becoming negligible. We have literally permeated our world with computation. But more significant than mere numbers is the fact we are quickly figuring out how to make those processors communicate with each other, and with us. We are about to be faced, not with a trillion isolated devices, but with a trillion-node network: a network whose scale and complexity will dwarf that of today’s Internet. And, unlike the Internet, this will be a network not of computation that we use, but of computation that we live in. Written by the leaders of one of America’s leading pervasive computing design firms, this book gives a no-holds-barred insiders’ account of both the promise and the risks of the age of Trillions. It is also a cautionary tale of the head-in-the-sand attitude with which many of today’s thought-leaders are at present approaching these issues. Trillions is a field guide to the future--designed to help businesses and their customers prepare to prosper, in the information.
Digital technologies can be valuable tools to create better public services that benefit society as a whole. Governance is the way to align digital public services with the interests of society. In this article, we discuss principles and elements of governance of digital public services.
The world of smart shoes, appliances, and phones is already here, but the practice of user experience (UX) design for ubiquitous computing is still relatively new. Design companies like IDEO and frogdesign are regularly asked to design products that unify software interaction, device design and service design -- which are all the key components of ubiquitous computing UX -- and practicing designers need a way to tackle practical challenges of design. Theory is not enough for them -- luckily the industry is now mature enough to have tried and tested best practices and case studies from the field. Smart Things presents a problem-solving approach to addressing designers' needs and concentrates on process, rather than technological detail, to keep from being quickly outdated. It pays close attention to the capabilities and limitations of the medium in question and discusses the tradeoffs and challenges of design in a commercial environment. Divided into two sections ? frameworks and techniques ? the book discusses broad design methods and case studies that reflect key aspects of these approaches. The book then presents a set of techniques highly valuable to a practicing designer. It is intentionally not a comprehensive tutorial of user-centered design'as that is covered in many other books'but it is a handful of techniques useful when designing ubiquitous computing user experiences. In shot, Smart Things gives its readers both the "why" of this kind of design and the "how," in well-defined chunks. * Tackles design of products in the post-Web world where computers no longer have to be monolithic, expensive general-purpose devices * Features broad frameworks and processes, practical advice to help approach specifics, and techniques for the unique design challenges * Presents case studies that describe, in detail, how others have solved problems, managed trade-offs, and met successes.
Congressman George Brown (D-CA) has agreed to speak. This should be a speech worth hearing. Known as one of the most thoughtful men in Congress, Representative Brown has been a longtime friend of science. He is currently the Ranking Minority Member of the House Science Committee. The meeting schedule has been rearranged to accommodate the Congressman's need to return to Washington for an important vote.
An introductory message from Peter Hustinx, European Data Protection Supervisor, delivered at Privacy by Design: The Definitive Workshop. This presentation looks back at the origins of Privacy by Design, notably the publication of the first report on “Privacy Enhancing Technologies” by a joint team of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada and the Dutch Data Protection Authority in 1995. It looks ahead and adresses the question of how the promises of these concepts could be delivered in practice.