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Exploitation of fungicides and plant extracts for ecofriendly management of chilli fruit rot disease

  • SKN College of Agriculture (SKNAU), Jobner (Jaipur Rajasthan India)


Three promising fungicides, tebuconazole (0.1%), carbendazim + mancozeb (0.1%) and propiconazole (0.1%) and two botanicals extract, NSKE (5%) and neem leaf extract (5%) were for the control of pathogen (C. capsici) in the field against fruit rot disease of chilli. These fungicides were applied as seed treatment and plant extracts as foliar spray. Results of the study revealed that maximum reduction in disease (69.30%) with minimum per cent disease (17.24) and maximum fruit yield (8.23 q/ ha) were obtained with the application of propiconazole (0.1%) as seed treatment and foliar spray of neem (NSKE 5%) followed by application of propiconazole (0.1%) as seed treatment and foliar spray with neem leaf extract (5 %) resulted in decreased PDI and increased fruit yield.
International Journal of Chemical Studies 2017; 5(4): 1632-1634
P-ISSN: 2349–8528
E-ISSN: 2321–4902
IJCS 2017; 5(4): 1632-1634
© 2017 IJCS
Received: 28-05-2017
Accepted: 30-06-2017
AL Yadav
Ph.D student, S.K.N. COA,
Jobner, Rajasthan, India
RP Ghasolia
Assistant Professor, SKNAU,
Jobner, Rajasthan, India
Sajjan Choudhary
Ph.D student, S.K.N. COA,
Jobner, Rajasthan, India
VK Yadav
Ph.D student, Department of
Agricultural Chemistry and Soil
science, RCA Udaipur,
Rajasthan, India
AL Yadav
Ph.D student, S.K.N. COA,
Jobner, Rajasthan, India
Exploitation of fungicides and plant extracts for
ecofriendly management of chilli fruit rot disease
AL Yadav, RP Ghasolia, Sajjan Choudhary and VK Yadav
Three promising fungicides, tebuconazole (0.1%), carbendazim + mancozeb (0.1%) and propiconazole
(0.1%) and two botanicals extract, NSKE (5%) and neem leaf extract (5%) were for the control of
pathogen (C. capsici) in the field against fruit rot disease of chilli. These fungicides were applied as seed
treatment and plant extracts as foliar spray. Results of the study revealed that maximum reduction in
disease (69.30%) with minimum per cent disease (17.24) and maximum fruit yield (8.23 q/ ha) were
obtained with the application of propiconazole (0.1%) as seed treatment and foliar spray of neem (NSKE
5%) followed by application of propiconazole (0.1%) as seed treatment and foliar spray with neem leaf
extract (5 %) resulted in decreased PDI and increased fruit yield.
Keywords: Chilli, Colletotrichum capsici, Percent disease index, NSKE
Red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) commonly known as chilli, is a prominent vegetable crop
of India belonging to the nightshade family, Solanaceae. It has 24 chromosomes (2n) and may
be herb or sub-shurb of height up to 2.5 m with extensively branched stem having hairy
growth with purplish spots near the nodes. The tap root is strong with numerous lateral roots.
Chilli fruits are considered vegetable and are botanically berries (Saxena et al., 2016). It is a
good source of capsaicin (capsaicinoid), vitamin A, vitamin C, riboflavin and thiamine. It
contains about 8.8 g, 5.3 g carbohydrates sugar, 1.9 g protein and 534 micro g beta carotene
per 100 g chilli (Panda et al., 2010). In our country, chilli is cultivated on an area of about
986.4 thousand hectares with an annual production of 1404.4 thousand tonnes. Though, in
Rajasthan, the area under chilli is about 13.7 thousand hectares with annual production of 18.7
thousand tonnes (Anonymous, 2015-16a). In Jaipur, the area under chilli is about 1296 ha with
annual production of 584 MT (Anonymous, 2015-16b). Chilli is a universal spice crop of India
grown in almost all the states of the country. The quality of the chilli varies from state to state.
For example, chilli of Karnataka is known for its oil content, Gujarat quality is majorly known
for its sharp color while that of Rajasthan is well known for making pickles.
Fruit rot or anthracnose or die-back of chilli caused by Colletotrichum capsici (Sydow) Butler
and Bisby is one of the most destructive diseases of chilli in India. The pathogen causes severe
damage to ripened fruits and reduce the quality and quantity of immature and mature fruits.
This disease was reported first time in India from Coimbatore of Madras Presidency (Sydow,
1913). Due to this disease, more than 50 per cent crop loss has been reported from different
parts of India (Ramchandran et al., 2007)
. In Thiland, Poonpolgul and Kumphai (2007)
noticed anthracnose disease (Colletotrichum sp.) as most damaging disease of chilli reducing
marketable yield up to 80 per cent. The disease has been reported to cause 8-27 per cent yield
loss in Maharashtra, 20-60 per cent in Punjab and Haryana and 30-76 per cent in Tamil Nadu
(Bansal and Grover, 1969; Sujathabai, 1992 and Datar, 1995)
[5, 6]
. In India, a calculated loss of
10-54 per cent has been reported in yield of the crop due to the anthracnose disease
(Lakshmesha et al. 2005)
. The loss is high owing to the post and pre-harvest involvement
of the pathogen causing a loss of 10-80 per cent of the marketable yield of chilli fruits (Than et
al., 2008). Most of work on management of fruit rot of chilli has been done through fungicide
alone. In view of the increasing disease incidence in chilli and prolonged and repeated use of
fungicides may also result in environmental pollution and non-acceptability of the produce and
also development of resistance in pathogen. Recommended integrated management
techniques, as no signal specific management program could eliminate chilli anthracnose.
Effective control of Colletotrichum diseases usually involves the use of a combination of
International Journal of Chemical Studies
cultural control, biological control, chemical control and
intrinsic resistance. Therefore, in present study, attempts were
made to integrate the use of fungicides and botanicals to
manage this disease.
Materials and Methods
Three promising fungicides, tebuconazole (0.1%),
carbendazim + mancozeb (0.1%) and propiconazole (0.1%)
and two botanicals extract, NSKE (5%) and neem leaf extract
(5%) were selected for the control of pathogen (C. capsici) in
the field against fruit rot disease of chilli. These fungicides
were applied as seed treatment (Jadon et al., 2015) [8], and
plant extracts as foliar spray. The seeds of chilli cultivar ‘Pusa
Jwala’ were treated with required dose of fungicide and were
rolled on pure culture of C. capsici and sown in nursery bed.
The field experiment was laid down in 2.25 m x 1.50 m sized
plots having three replications in randomized block design.
Thirty day-old seedlings were transplanted in plots from the
nursery beds. Twenty five plants in each replication were
maintained at distance of 45cm x 30cm plant spacing. The
plants were raised by following the normal agronomical
practices including irrigation and fertilizers as per
Chilli plants of 60 days age were inoculated by spraying the
spore suspension of C. capsici (3x104 conidia/ml) thoroughly
on the plant canopy in the afternoon for creating disease on
plants. Foliar sprays of each plant extract was applied after 5
days of inoculation with pathogen and second spray at 15
days interval (as per below schematic representation). Control
plots were maintained with spray of water.
The schematic presentation of the treatment is as follows:
T1 = Seed treatment with tebuconazole (0.1%) and
spray of NSKE (5%)
T2 = Seed treatment with tebuconazole (0.1%) and
spray of NLE (5%)
T3 = Seed treatment with carbendazim + mancozeb
(0.1%) and spray of NSKE (5%)
T4 = Seed treatment with carbendazim + mancozeb
(0.1%) and spray of NLE (5%)
T5 = Seed treatment with propiconazole (0.1%) and
spray of NSKE (5%)
T6 = Seed treatment with propiconazole (0.1%) and
spray of NLE (5%)
T7 = Check
Disease severity was recorded 90 DAS as standard disease
rating scale (0-5) described as follow
Fruit area affected Disease grade Disease reaction
Healthy 0 Immune (I)
1-5.0 % 1 Resistant (R)
5.1-10.0% 2 Moderately resistant (MR)
10.1-25.0% 3 Moderately susceptible (MS)
25.1-50.0% 4 Susceptible (S)
>50.1% 5 Highly susceptible (HS)
The per cent disease intensity was calculated using the
formula of Wheeler (1969) [18].
Sum of individual ratings
Per cent Disease Intensity =------------------------------------------------------------------------X100
Total no. of observations x Maximum disease rating
Results and Discussion
Integration of fungicides and botanicals
The integrated use (Table 1) of propiconazole (0.1%) as seed
treatment and NSKE (5%) as spray resulted in lowest
(17.24%) disease intensity and maximum disease control
(69.30%) over check along with highest yield (8.23 q/ha)
followed by seed treatment with propiconazole and foliar
application of NLE (22.22 PDI, 60.44 per cent disease control
and 8.10 q/ha yield). Application of tebuconazole (0.1%) as
seed treatment and NSKE (5%) as spray gave 25.55 per cent
disease intensity and 54.51 per cent disease control and 7.58
q/ha yield with 122.47 % increased yield. The foliar
application of carbendazim + mancozeb (0.1%) as seed
treatment and NLE (5%) as foliar spray was showed 34.64 per
cent disease intensity that accounted for 38.33 per cent
efficacy of disease control and its showed the lowest 6.86
q/ha yield and 101.32 per cent increase yield over control
(48.54 PDI and 3.41 q/ha yield).
Most of work on management of fruit rot of chilli has been
done through fungicide alone. In view of the increasing
disease incidence in chilli and prolonged and repeated use of
fungicides may also result in environmental pollution and
non-acceptability of the produce and also development of
resistance in pathogen. Bailey (1987) [4] and Agrios (2005) [1]
recommended integrated management techniques, as no
signle specific management program could eliminate chilli
anthracnose. Effective control of Colletotrichum diseases
usually involves the use of a combination of cultural control,
biological control, chemical control and intrinsic resistance
(Wharton and Dieguez-Uribeondo, 2004). Therefore, in
present study, attempts were made to integrate the use of
fungicides and botanicals to manage this disease. Results of
the study revealed that maximum reduction in disease
(69.30%) with minimum per cent disease (17.24) and
maximum fruit yield (8.23 q/ ha) were obtained with the
application of propiconazole (0.1%) as seed treatment and
foliar spray of neem (NSKE 5%). This was followed by
application of propiconazole (0.1%) as seed treatment and
foliar spray with neem leaf extract (5 %) resulted in decreased
PDI and increased fruit yield. Our findings are in agreement
with results of Hegde et al, (2001) [7] who tested the efficacy
of the plant extracts (chilli, ocimum, neem, onion,
Clerodendron) and fungicides (0.05% carbendazim, 0.2%
mancozeb) in controlling C. capsici causing fruit rot of chilli
and reported that all the plant extracts and fungicides tested
exhibited inhibitory activity against the pathogen. Similarly,
Krishnam and Reddy (2007) [10] have also been tested
differential in sensitivity of carbendazim and thiophanate
methyl at different concentrations against different isolates of
C. capsici and reported that the some isolates are highly
sensitive to carbendazim and other were highly sensitive to
thiophanate methyl and all the isolates was varied greatly in
their per cent inhibition values at all the seven concentrations
tested. However, use of botanicals and vermivash was less
effective as compared to chemicals. But they are safer in
application for vegetables and fruit crops in terms of toxic
residues and also eco-friendly for maintaining in the
ecological biodiversity in the environment.
Jadon et al. (2015) [8] have also been tested various fungicides
(hexaconazole, tebuconazole, propiconazole, difenoconazole,
vitavax, carbendazim with captan and mancozeb) as seed
International Journal of Chemical Studies
treatment against groundnut diseases and found effective in managing soil borne diseases along with yield advantage.
Table 1: Efficacy of fungicides and botanicals against fruit rot of chilli (C. capsici) and dry fruit yield (In vivo)
Fungicides Disease severity (%)* Disease control (%) Dry fruit yield (q/ha) Yield increase (%)
2015-16 2016-17 Pooled 2015-16 2016-17 Mean 2015-16 2016-17 Pooled 2015-16 2016-17 Mean
T1 24.44 26.66 25.55 55.56 53.50 54.51 8.05 7.10 7.58 111.29 136.67 122.47
(29.63) (31.09) (30.36)
T2 25.00 28.61 26.81 54.55 50.10 52.27 7.95 6.90 7.43 108.66 130.00 118.06
(30.00) (32.34) (31.18)
T3 28.88 32.22 30.55 47.49 43.80 45.61 7.65 6.80 7.23 100.79 126.67 112.19
(32.51) (34.58) (33.55)
T4 31.72 37.55 34.64 42.33 34.50 38.33 7.05 6.66 6.86 85.04 122.00 101.32
(34.28) (37.79) (36.05)
T5 15.31 19.17 17.24 72.16 66.56 69.30 8.75 7.70 8.23 129.66 156.67 141.56
(23.03) (25.97) (24.53)
T6 21.11 23.33 22.22 61.62 59.31 60.44 8.65 7.55 8.10 127.03 151.67 137.89
(27.35) (28.88) (28.12)
T7 55.00 57.33 56.17 - - - 3.81 3.00 3.41 - - -
(47.87) (49.21) (48.54)
Sem + 0.52 0.60 0.42 - - - 0.18 0.17 0.20 - - -
CD (p=0.05) 1.56 1.78 1.24 - - - 0.54 0.49 0.60 - - -
* Average of three replications
** Values in parenthesis are angular transformed
T1= ST with Tebuconazole & NSKE Spray, T2=ST with Tebuconazole & NLE spray, T3=ST with Carbendazim +
mancozeb & NSKE spray,
T4=ST with Carbendazim + mancozeb & NLE spray, T5=ST with Propiconazole & NSKE spray, T6= ST with
Propiconazole & NLE spray, T7 = Control
1. Agrios GN. Plant Pathology, 5th Ed. San. Diego:
Academic Press. 2005, 922.
2. Anonymous. Indian Horticulture Data Base. National
Horticulture Board, 2015-16.
3. Anonymous. Government of Rajasthan. Directorate of
Horticulture, 2015-16.
4. Bailey JA. Phytoalexins: A genetic view of their
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5. Bansal RD, Grover RK. Reaction of chilli (Capsicum
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6. Datar VV. Pathogenicity and effect of temperature on six
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7. Hegde GM, Anahosur KH, Srikant K. Biological control
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8. Jadon KS, Thirumalaisamy PP, Kumar V, Koradia VG,
Padavi DR. Management of soil borne diseases of
groundnut through seed dressing fungicides. Crop Prot.
2015; 78:198-203.
9. Jayalakshmi C. Studies on fruit rot of chillies (Capsicum
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Thesis TNAU, Coimbatore, India. 1998, 173.
10. Krishnam RS, Reddy DR. Differential sensitivity of
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11. Lakshmesha K, Lakshmi devi K, Aradhya N, Mallikarjun
S. Changes in pectinase and cellulose activity of
Colletotrichum capsici mutants and their effect on
anthracnose disease on Capsicum fruit. Plant Prot. 2005;
12. Panda R, Panda H, Prakash K, Panda A. Prospects of
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13. 13. Poonpolgul S, Kumphai S. Chilli pepper anthrachose
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chilli anthracnose, Republic of Korea: National
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14. Ramchandran N, Madhavi RK, Rathnamma K. Current
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2007, 26.
15. Saxena, Amirta, Raghuwanshi, Richa, Gupta VK, Singh
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... "Among the fungal diseases, anthracnose/ dieback/ fruit-rot of chilli is an economically important disease causing serious losses in field, transit, transport and storage and cause the major share of crop loss" [1]. "In India, a calculated loss of 58.6 per cent has been reported in fruit yield due to this disease" [3]. ...
Aim: To know the best culture media for growth and development of Colletotrichum capsici causing chilli anthracnose. Study Design: Twelve different culture media were selected and three replications were maintained. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Plant Pathology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnatka, which was carried out in the year 2021-2023. Methodology: The laboratory study was conducted to know the best nutrient media for the growth and sporulation of the pathogen. The pathogen was isolated from infected chilli fruit using tissue isolation technique and pure culture was maintained. Twelve different nutrient media were selected and tested for the growth and sporulation of the pathogen in three replications. Results: Among twelve media tested, Red chilli dextrose agar have promoted the maximum growth of C. capsici (90.0 mm), which was followed by carrot dextrose agar and potato carrot agar (89.50 mm). Green chilli extract agar significantly promoted minimum growth of C. capsici (33.50 mm), which was followed by red chilli extract agar (48.00 mm) and Sarbouraud’s agar (48.50 mm). The cultural characters were varied among the media. Conclusion: Potato dextrose agar and carrot dextrose agar media were proved to be best media for growth and sporulation of Colletotrichum capsica.
... The disease severity was assessed at the end of the storage period (day 21, based on the following scale (from 0 to 5) according to Yadav et al. (2017)), and was categorised as follows: 0 = healthy, no disease; 1 = 1 -5% of fruit area were affected; 2 = 5.1 -10% of fruit area were affected; 3 = 10.1 -25% of fruit area were affected; 4 = 25.1 -50% of fruit area were affected; and 5 = > 50.1% of fruit area were affected. ...
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Anthracnose, mainly caused by Colletotrichum spp., is one of the fungal diseases resulting in major economic losses affecting chilli production worldwide. Propolis extract from honeybee has been discovered for its antifungal properties, which can potentially reduce postharvest decay. Therefore, the present work investigated the efficiency of aqueous extract of stingless bee (Heterotrigona itama) propolis in controlling postharvest anthracnose and maintaining quality of chilli. Colletotrichum capsici was isolated and characterised from infected chilli. Stingless bee propolis extract at different concentrations of 1, 2, 5, and 10% were assessed in vitro to inhibit the mycelial growth of C. capsici. The best concentration in inhibiting C. capsici growth was thereafter selected for in vivo experiments. All tested concentrations of stingless bee propolis extract inhibited the mycelial growth of C. capsici the highest being 35% inhibition from the treatment of 10% propolis extract. The extract at this concentration was therefore tested in vivo, and showed effectiveness in reducing the percentage of disease severity in chilli. The propolis extract was also efficient in reducing weight loss, retaining firmness, pH, total soluble solid, and colour (a* value) throughout 21-day storage at 10°C. The present work demonstrated that aqueous extract of stingless bee propolis could have the potential to control anthracnose disease and delay deterioration, thus maintaining the postharvest quality parameters of chilli. This natural product from stingless bee has the prospect to be an alternative to synthetic fungicide.
... Chili (Capsicum frutescens) is an important vegetable cum spice crop with considerable economic value. Chili anthracnose is a serious disease that renders up to 50% yield loss (Than et al., 2008b;Dev et al., 2012;Yadav & Singh, 2016;Yadav et al., 2017;Kiran et al., 2020). At least four species of Colletotrichum were found responsible for the fruit rot disease of chili in different countries. ...
... The green chilli is also the source of vitamin A, C, B1, B2 (Saleh et al. 2018) and P (rutin) with immense pharmaceutical importance (Ganeshpurkar and Saluja 2017). The chilli crop is affected by fungal, bacterial and viral pathogens that reduce productivity (Agrios 2005;Yadav et al. 2017). Among the fungal pathogens, species of Alternaria cause die-back, leaf spot and fruit rot diseases in several crop plants (Narain et al. 2000;Jain et al. 2019). ...
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Purpose Raw and composted oil-cakes of neem, madhuca and simarouba were evaluated for their effect on plant growth, yield, and management of Alternaria tenuissima leaf spot disease, and rhizosphere microorganisms in chilli crop. Method The oil-cakes were composted in simple pits containing a mixture (6:1:1) of individual oil-cake, soil and rice straw. Growth promotion and disease incidence were assessed in plants grown in soil amended with raw or composted oil-cakes of neem, madhuca and simarouba in pot and field. Rhizosphere microflora was also determined in all treatments. Results Raw oil-cakes and their composts increased plant growth and yield and considerably decreased disease incidence and severity of A. tenuissima leaf spot in chilli grown in pot and field. The composted oil-cakes of simarouba were most effective in improving plant growth and yield and decreasing leaf spot disease in chilli, followed by madhuca and neem oil-cake compost. Fruit yield and vitamin C content were also high in simarouba compost. All composted oil-cakes increased beneficial microbial population in the rhizosphere, including phosphate solubilizers, free-living N2 fixers and Trichoderma species. The compost amendment decreased A. tenuissima population in the soil at the same time. Conclusion The growth promotion, yield increase and disease reduction in chilli were attributed to chemical compounds in oil-cakes and stimulation of beneficial microbes in the rhizosphere by raw or composted oil-cakes. This study demonstrated that composted non-edible oil-cakes could be used for soil amendment in place of agrochemicals to increase productivity, manage soil-borne diseases and improve soil health.
... The present results regarding the supremacy of Prozole 255 EC (propiconazole) in managing leaf spot disease and increasing rhizome yield are in agreement with findings reported by Mishra and Pandey (2015). Similarly, Jagtap et al. (2013) and Musheer et al. (2019) studied the foliar efficacy of fungicides, biocontrol agents and botanical extracts against Colletotrichum species to enhance turmeric growth and yield traits. Yadav et al. (2017) also achieved the best results with foliar sprays of propiconazole and neem leaves extracts in minimizing the severity of disease caused by the same pathogen C. capsici. Another previous study (Musheer et al., 2019) determined the best results of propiconazole, Trichoderma viride and neem cake foliar sprays in decreasing the turmeric leaf spots disease incited by C. gloeosporioides and in enhancing plant height, rhizome girth, fresh rhizome weight, dry rhizome weight, photopigments of leaves and curcumin content of rhizome. ...
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Turmeric leaf spot, caused by the pathogen Colletotrichum capsici, is the greatest damaging disease that limits the production and productivity of turmeric, and reduces qualitative and quantitative rhizome yields in Southwestern Ethiopia. A field trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of different fungicides against a disease epidemic of turmeric leaf spot in Southwestern Ethiopia. The field experiment was performed at Tepi Agricultural Research Center during the 2019 and 2020 main cropping seasons using four fungicides: Ethiozeb 80% WP (mancozeb), Prozole 255 EC (propiconazole), Mancolaxyl 72% WP (mancozeb + metalaxyl) and Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG (metalaxyl-M), which were applied either as seed rhizome treatments plus foliar spray, or as foliar spray alone for control of leaf spot infection. The field experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with nine treatments and three replications. The results of the experiment indicated that both rhizome treatment + foliar spray, and foliar fungicide spray treatments significantly affected the turmeric leaf spot epidemics. The effect of the foliar spray Prozole 255 EC (propiconazole) was significantly higher than the other treatments in reducing disease severity (27.0) and maximizing rhizome fresh yield (34.1 ton/ ha). The maximum cost benefit ratio (1:2.65) was achieved by the foliar spray fungicide Prozole 255 EC (propiconazole). Amongst different fungicides considered, the foliar spray Prozole 255 EC (propiconazole) reduced leaf spot disease incidence up to 47.1% over the control on the last day of disease evaluation. The whole outcome of this experiment showed that foliar Prozole 255 EC (propiconazole) fungicide sprays were effective in alleviating the epidemic of turmeric leaf spot and boosting turmeric production and productivity.
... Fugro et al. (2004) [8] reported that carbendazim 80% WDG at 250g a.i./ha was most effective in managing powdery mildew of chilli. [17] , they reported that, three fungicides viz., tebuconazole (0.1%), carbendazim + mancozeb (0.1%) and propiconazole(0.1%) were effective in management of chilli fruit rotpathogen (C. ...
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The present studies were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of botanical extracts (neem, mint, turmeric and ginger) and salicylic acid on disease incidence and associated physiological and biochemical parameters against anthracnose disease in commercially available guava variety Allahabad Safeda. Three foliar applications of botanical extracts prepared from mint leaf (10, 20 and 30 gL − 1 ), neem leaf (10, 20 and 30 gL − 1 ), turmeric rhizome (5, 7.5 and 10 gL − 1 ), ginger rhizome (5, 7.5 and 10 gL − 1 ) and salicylic acid (5, 10 and 15 mgL − 1 ), were applied to the guava trees during flower bud appearance (mid-May), fully opened sepals (end of May) and 50% opened bloom stage (mid-June). Percent disease index (PDI) and physio-biochemical attributes were assessed at 30 DAS, 60 DAS and 90 DAS during 2022 and 2023. Neem @ 30 gL − 1 reduced the incidence of the disease to 11.52 per cent in the infected guava fruits as compared to the untreated control (31.53 per cent) and emerged as most effective against anthracnose. All other treatments at their highest concentration controlled the disease incidence in the guava fruits. Neem leaf extract @ 30 gL − 1 resulted in higher photosynthetic pigments, total soluble sugars, total soluble proteins, free amino acids, antioxidants (ascorbic acid, proline and α-tocopherol content) and lowered H 2 O 2 and malondialdehyde content; with higher activities of peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase enzymes as compared to untreated control. The organic acid and salicylic acid content was higher in the peels of fruits taken from trees treated with botanical extracts. This study can be further used to decipher the underlying molecular mechanism during anthracnose infection in guava and to further promote the green management strategy to reduce this disease.
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Indian cuisine is renowned and celebrated throughout the world for its spicy treat to the tongue. The flavor and aroma of the food generated due to the use of spices creates an indelible experience. Among the commonly utilized spices to stimulate the taste buds in Indian food, whole or powdered chilli constitutes an inevitable position. Besides being a vital ingredient of of Indian food, chilli occupy an important position as an economic commodity, a major share in Indian economy. Chilli also has uncountable benefits to human health. Fresh green chilli fruits contain more Vitamin C than found in citrus fruits, while red chilli fruits have more Vitamin A content than as found in carrots. The active component of the spice, Capsaicin possesses the antioxidant, anti-mutagenic, anti-carcinogenic and immunosuppressive activities having ability to inhibit bacterial growth and platelet aggregation. Though introduced by the Portuguese in the Seventeenth century, India has been one of the major producers and exporters of this crop. During 2010–2011, India was the leading exporter and producer of chilli in the world, but recently due to a decline in chilli production, it stands at third position in terms of its production. The decline in chilli production has been attributed to the diseases linked with crop like anthracnose or fruit rot causing the major share of crop loss. The disease causes severe damage to both mature fruits in the field as well as during their storage under favorable conditions, which amplifies the loss in yield and overall production of the crop. This review gives an account of the loss in production and yield procured in chili cultivation due to anthracnose disease in Indian sub-continent, with emphasis given to the sustainable management strategies against the conventionally recommended control for the disease. Also, the review highlights the various pathogenic species of Colletotrichum spp, the causal agent of the disease, associated with the host crop in the country. The information in the review will prove of immense importance for the groups targeting the problem, for giving a collective information on various aspects of the epidemiology and management of the disease.
Soil borne diseases viz., stem rot, collar rot and aflaroot are potential threat to groundnut cultivation. Although some plant diseases may be managed through resistant varieties and alteration of cultural practices, some diseases are only managed effectively with the application of suitable fungicides. About 150 chemicals belonging to different classes are used as fungicides in various countries. In this context, we evaluated ten systemic seed dressing fungicides and their combinations for management of major soil borne diseases of groundnut during kharif 2009 and 2010 at Directorate of Groundnut Research (DGR), Junagadh Experimental Farm. The fungicides viz., hexaconazole, tebuconazole, propiconazole, difenco-nazole, vitavax, carbendazim along with captan and mancozeb and various combinations were applied as seed treatment at recommended doses. The results indicated that tebuconazole 2 DS @ 1.5 g kg1 seed, mancozeb 75% WP @ 3 g kg1 seed, carbendazim 12%þmancozeb 63% WP @ 3 g kg1 seed, were very effective in the management of soil borne diseases when used separately, with apparent yield advantage over untreated plots. Management of soil borne diseases of groundnut through seed dressing fungicides. Available from: [accessed Sep 26, 2015].
It is a pleasure to review Yanoff and Fine's Ocular Pathology. This standard reference has progressed during the past 27 years from its beginnings in the "golden era" of ophthalmic pathology to the present exciting time of digital technology and molecular biology. It has retained its hallmark features and flavor of a manageable outline with key points. In fact, the first edition was 747 pages, and the fifth edition is 761 pages. This is a remarkable feat, considering the exponentially expanding knowledge base. Most of the more than 1885 illustrations are in color. These illustrations are excellent and have been mined from the archives of the authors as well as cases presented at ophthalmic pathology societies. There are 18 chapters that range from covering concepts, such as surgical and nonsurgical trauma, to topographies, such as the uvea, to specific diseases, such as retinoblastoma. The chapters on basic principles, skin and lacrimal drainage systems, the lens, and diabetes mellitus are particularly useful. The references provided at the end of the chapters are appropriate supplemental resources. I have enjoyed following the evolution of this textbook, from the first edition I used as an ophthalmology resident to its present attractive form, which includes a color-coded outline. An advantage of this book is that the same authors have revised each edition and built on a continuum of purpose, style, and content. This book is now a repository of an important knowledge base. There are new entities in this edition, such as North Carolina macular dystrophy and familial atypical mole and melanoma syndrome. Additionally, the basic pathobiologic mechanisms, including specific mutations, are mentioned for a number of conditions. Clinical pearls, such as using a hair dryer to dissolve anterior chamber cholesterolosis, are scattered throughout the text. Also included are brief introductory notes on difficult concepts, such as invasive keratoacanthoma and the lack of clinical utility of some pathological terms, such as basosquamous carcinoma. Minor criticisms are that a few rare entities are mentioned, whereas some more common conditions are given limited coverage. The captions of a few figures could be redone, and there are occasional differences in interpretation compared with those of some ophthalmic pathologists. These minor points merely illustrate that ophthalmic pathology is not an exact science. The CD-ROM version, available by itself (249)orwiththetext(249) or with the text (349), provides the same information as the textbook in a digital format. This standard textbook and CD-ROM should be on the bookshelves of ophthalmologists and pathologists in training as well as those who are practicing. On the recommendation of Morton Smith, MD, who wrote the foreword to the fifth edition, I sat in my comfortable chair and read the book, then put it on my shelf for future reference. I was not disappointed.
Indian Horticulture Data Base. National Horticulture Board
  • Anonymous
Anonymous. Indian Horticulture Data Base. National Horticulture Board, 2015-16.
Government of Rajasthan. Directorate of Horticulture
  • Anonymous
Anonymous. Government of Rajasthan. Directorate of Horticulture, 2015-16.
Phytoalexins: A genetic view of their significance
  • J A Bailey
Bailey JA. Phytoalexins: A genetic view of their significance. In: Day P.R., Jellis G.J. editors. Genetics and Plant Pathogenesis. Oxford: Blackwell. 1987, 13-26.
Pathogenicity and effect of temperature on six fungi causing fruit rot of chilli
  • V V Datar
Datar VV. Pathogenicity and effect of temperature on six fungi causing fruit rot of chilli. Indian J. Mycol. Pl. Pathol. 1995; 25:312-313.
Biological control of Colletotrichum capsici causing fruit rot of chilli
  • G M Hegde
  • K H Anahosur
  • K Srikant
Hegde GM, Anahosur KH, Srikant K. Biological control of Colletotrichum capsici causing fruit rot of chilli. Pl. Path. Newslet. 2002; 20:4-5.