Conference Paper

Asset-Centric Analysis and Visualisation of Attack Trees

  • Continental Automotive Technologies GmbH
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Attack trees are an established concept in threat and risk analysis. They build the basis for numerous frameworks aiming to determine the risk of attack scenarios or to identify critical attacks or attack paths. However, existing frameworks do not provide systematic analyses on the asset-level like the probability of (un)successful attacks per asset. But these insights are important to enable decision-makers to make more informed decisions. Therefore, a generic approach is presented that extends classical attack tree approaches by asset-specific analyses. For this purpose, the attack steps in the attack trees are annotated with corresponding assets. This allows to identify the attack paths each asset is exposed to. In combination with the standard attack tree parameter "probability of attack success" a set of complementing attack success and protection metrics can be applied on each step of the paths. Furthermore, an integrated visualisation scheme is proposed that illustrates the results in a comprehensible way so that decision-makers can intuitively understand what the metrics indicate. It also includes several features improving the usability and scalability. As a proof of concept, we have implemented a prototype of our proposed method.

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Information security risk assessment frameworks support decision-makers in assessing and understanding the risks their organisation is exposed to. However, there is a lack of lightweight approaches. Most existing frameworks require security-related information that are not available and that are very challenging to gather. So they are not suitable in practice, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who often lack in data and in security knowledge. On the other hand, other explicit SME approaches have far less informative value than the proposed framework. Moreover, many approaches only provide extensive process descriptions that are challenging for SMEs. In order to overcome this challenge, we propose LiSRA, a lightweight, domain-specific framework to support information security decision-making. It is designed with a two-sided input where domain experts initially provide domain-specific information (e.g. attack scenarios for a specific domain), whereupon users can focus on specifying their security practices and organisational characteristics by entering information that many organisations have already collected. This information is then linked to attack paths and to the corresponding adverse impacts in order to finally assess the total risk. Moreover, LiSRA can be used to get transparent recommendations for future security activities and presents detailed insights on the mitigating effects of each recommendation. The security activities are being evaluated taking into account the security activities already in place, and also considering the dependencies between multiple overlapping activities that can be of complementary, substitutive or dependent nature. Both aspects are ignored by most existing evaluation approaches which can lead to an over-investment in security. A prototype has been implemented, and the applicability of the framework has been evaluated with performance and robustness analyses and with initial qualitative evaluations.
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Security metrics present the security level of a system or a network in both qualitative and quantitative ways. In general, security metrics are used to assess the security level of a system and to achieve security goals. There are a lot of security metrics for security analysis, but there is no systematic classification of security metrics that is based on network reachability information. To address this, we propose a systematic classification of existing security metrics based on network reachability information. Mainly, we classify the security metrics into host-based and network-based metrics. The host-based metrics are classified into metrics “without probability” and “with probability”, while the network based metrics are classified into “path-based” and “non-path based”. Finally, we present and describe an approach to develop composite security metrics and it’s calculations using a Hierarchical Attack Representation Model (HARM) via an example network. Our novel classification of security metrics provides a new methodology to assess the security of a system.
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We provide the first formal foundation of SAND attack trees which are a popular extension of the well-known attack trees. The SAND attack tree formalism increases the expressivity of attack trees by introducing the sequential conjunctive operator SAND. This operator enables the modeling of ordered events. We give a semantics to SAND attack trees by interpreting them as sets of series-parallel graphs and propose a complete axiomatization of this semantics. We define normal forms for SAND attack trees and a term rewriting system which allows identification of semantically equivalent trees. Finally, we formalize how to quantitatively analyze SAND attack trees using attributes.
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ADTool is free, open source software assisting graphical modeling and quantitative analysis of security, using attack---defense trees. The main features of ADTool are easy creation, efficient editing, and automated bottom-up evaluation of security-relevant measures. The tool also supports the usage of attack trees, protection trees and defense trees, which are all particular instances of attack---defense trees.
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To protect critical resources in today's networked environments, it is desirable to quantify the likelihood of potential multi-step attacks that combine multiple vulnerabilities. This now becomes feasible due to a model of causal re- lationships between vulnerabilities, namely, attack graph. This paper proposes an attack graph-based probabilistic metric for network security and studies its effi- cient computation. We first define the basic metric and provide an intuitive and meaningful interpretation to the metric. We then study the definition in more com- plex attack graphs with cycles and extend the definition accordingly. We show that computing the metric directly from its definition is not efficient in many cases and propose heuristics to improve the efficiency of such computation.
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While efficient graph-based representations have been developed for modeling combinations of low-level network attacks, relatively little attention has been paid to effective techniques for visualizing such attack graphs. This paper describes a number of new attack graph visualization techniques, each having certain desirable properties and offering different perspectives for solving different kinds of problems. Moreover, the techniques we describe can be applied not only separately, but can also be combined into coordinated attack graph views. We apply improved visual clustering to previously described network protection domains (attack graph cliques), which reduces graph complexity and makes the overall attack flow easier to understand. We also visualize the attack graph adjacency matrix, which shows patterns of network attack while avoiding the clutter usually associated with drawing large graphs. We show how the attack graph adjacency matrix concisely conveys the impact of network configuration changes on attack graphs. We also describe a novel attack graph filtering technique based on the interactive navigation of a hierarchy of attack graph constraints. Overall, our techniques scale quadratically with the number of machines in the attack graph.
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We describe a framework for managing network attack graph complexity through interactive visualization, which includes hierarchical aggregation of graph elements. Aggregation collapses non-overlapping subgraphs of the attack graph to single graph vertices, providing compression of attack graph complexity. Our aggregation is recursive (nested), according to a predefined aggregation hierarchy. This hierarchy establishes rules at each level of aggregation, with the rules being based on either common attribute values of attack graph elements or attack graph connectedness. The higher levels of the aggregation hierarchy correspond to higher levels of abstraction, providing progressively summarized visual overviews of the attack graph. We describe rich visual representations that capture relationships among our semantically-relevant attack graph abstractions, and our views support mixtures of elements at all levels of the aggregation hierarchy. While it would be possible to allow arbitrary nested aggregation of graph elements, it is better to constrain aggregation according to the semantics of the network attack problem, i.e., according to our aggregation hierarchy. The aggregation hierarchy also makes efficient automatic aggregation possible. We introduce the novel abstraction of protection domain as a level of the aggregation hierarchy, which corresponds to a fully-connected subgraph (clique) of the attack graph. We avoid expensive detection of attack graph cliques through knowledge of the network configuration, i.e. protection domains are predefined. While significant work has been done in automatically generating attack graphs, this is the first treatment of the management of attack graph complexity for interactive visualization. Overall, computation in our framework has worst-case quadratic complexity, but in practice complexity is greatly reduced because users generally interact with (often negligible) subsets of the attack graph. We apply our framework to a real network, using a software system we have developed for generating and visualizing network attack graphs.
Remote connectivity of today’s and future cars increases their capabilities of autonomy and safety, but also their attack surface, as reported by several research papers. In the automotive domain, the security has a direct impact on the user’s safety. Thus, the management of risk is becoming the main concern of automotive manufacturers, especially for the future fully connected and autonomous cars. A possible way to quantify the overall risk of a system is the systematic construction of attack graphs and attack trees. These formalisms are presented as one of the possible solutions in the new Cybersecurity Guidebook for Cyber-Physical Vehicle Systems (SAE-J3061). In this chapter we propose to use graph transformation to formally model the car architecture and its state evolution in order to study cyber-physical attacks against it. The resulting attacks are converted into attack trees which are used to estimate the overall risk of the system. Consequently, it becomes possible to study improvements while building a more secure architecture. The proposed method is designed to support the conceptual phase of the vehicle’s cyber-physical system. We illustrate the method on a small pedagogical example to show how it is possible to prove its efficiency.
This paper presents and discusses the current state of Graphical Security Models (GrSM), in terms of four GrSM phases: (i) generation, (ii) representation, (iii) evaluation, and (iv) modification. Although many studies focused on improving the usability, efficiency, and functionality of GrSMs (e.g., by using various model types and evaluation techniques), the networked system is evolving with many hosts and frequently changing topologies (e.g., Cloud, SDN, IoT etc.). To investigate the usability of GrSMs, this survey summarizes the characteristics of past research studies in terms of their development and computational complexity analysis, and specify their applications in terms of security metrics, availability of tools and their applicable domains. We also discuss the practical issues of modeling security, differences of GrSMs and their usability for future networks that are large and dynamic.
This paper presents the current state of the art on attack and defense modeling approaches that are based on directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). DAGs allow for a hierarchical decomposition of complex scenarios into simple, easily understandable and quantifiable actions. Methods based on threat trees and Bayesian networks are two well-known approaches to security modeling. However there exist more than 30 DAG-based methodologies, each having different features and goals. The objective of this survey is to present a complete overview of graphical attack and defense modeling techniques based on DAGs. This consists of summarizing the existing methodologies, comparing their features and proposing a taxonomy of the described formalisms. This article also supports the selection of an adequate modeling technique depending on user requirements.
This report reviews past research papers that describe how to construct attack graphs, how to use them to improve security of computer networks, and how to use them to analyze alerts from intrusion detection systems. Two commercial systems are described 1, 2, and a summary table compares important characteristics of past research studies. For each study, information is provided on the number of attacker goals, how graphs are constructed, sizes of networks analyzed, how well the approach scales to larger networks, and the general approach. Although research has made significant progress in the past few years, no system has analyzed networks with more than 20 hosts, and computation for most approaches scales poorly and would be impractical for networks with more than even a few hundred hosts. Current approaches also are limited because many require extensive and difficult-to-obtain details on attacks, many assume that host-to-host reachability information between all hosts is already available, and many produce an attack graph but do not automatically generate recommendations from that graph. Researchers have suggested promising approaches to alleviate some of these limitations, including grouping hosts to improve scaling, using worst-case default values for unknown attack details, and symbolically analyzing attack graphs to generate recommendations that improve security for critical hosts. Future research should explore these and other approaches to develop attack graph construction and analysis algorithms that can be applied to large enterprise networks.
Attack graphs for large enterprise networks improve security by revealing critical paths used by adversaries to capture network assets. Even with simplification, current attack graph displays are complex and difficult to relate to the underlying physical networks. We have developed a new interactive tool intended to provide a simplified and more intuitive understanding of key weaknesses discovered by attack graph analysis. Separate treemaps are used to display host groups in each subnet and hosts within each treemap are grouped based on reachability, attacker privilege level, and prerequisites. Users position subnets themselves to reflect their own intuitive grasp of network topology. Users can also single-step the attack graph to successively add edges that cascade to show how attackers progress through a network and learn what vulnerabilities or trust relationships allow critical steps. Finally, an integrated reachability display demonstrates how filtering devices affect host-to-host network reachability and influence attacker actions. This display scales to networks with thousands of hosts and many subnets. Rapid interactivity has been achieved because of an efficient C++ computation engine (a program named NetSPA) that performs attack graph and reachability computations, while a Java application manages the display and user interface.
Conference Paper
Abstract Attack graphs have been proposed as useful tools for analyzing security vulnerabilities in network systems. Even when they are produced efficiently, th e size and complexity of at- tack graphs often prevent a human,from fully comprehending,the information conveyed. A distillation of this overwhelming,amount,of information is crucial to aid network adminis- trators in efficiently allocating scarce human,and financial resources. This paper introduces AssetRank, a generalization of Google’s PageRank algorith m which ranks web pages in web graphs. AssetRank addresses the unique semantics of dependency,attack graphs and incorporates vulnerability data from public databases to c ompute,metrics for the graph ver-
Conference Paper
Various tools exist to analyze enterprise network systems and to produce attack graphs detailing how attackers might penetrate into the system. These attack graphs, however, are often complex and difficult to comprehend fully, and a human user may find it problematic to reach appropriate configuration decisions. This paper presents methodologies that can 1) automatically identify portions of an attack graph that do not help a user to understand the core security problems and so can be trimmed, and 2) automatically group similar attack steps as virtual nodes in a model of the network topology, to immediately increase the understandability of the data. We believe both methods are important steps toward improving visualization of attack graphs to make them more useful in configuration management for large enterprise networks. We implemented our methods using one of the existing attack-graph toolkits. Initial experimentation shows that the proposed approaches can 1) significantly reduce the complexity of attack graphs by trimming a large portion of the graph that is not needed for a user to understand the security problem, and 2) significantly increase the accessibility and understandability of the data presented in the attack graph by clearly showing, within a generated visualization of the network topology, the number and type of potential attacks to which each host is exposed.
Conference Paper
This paper presents a graph-based approach to network vulnerability analysis. The method is flexible, allowing analysis of attacks from both outside and inside the network. It can analyze risks to a specific network asset, or examine the universe of possible consequences following a successful attack. The graph-based tool can identify the set of attack paths that have a high probability of success (or a low effort cost) for the attacker. The system could be used to test the effectiveness of making configuration changes, implementing an intrusion detection system, etc. The analysis system requires as input a database of common attacks, broken into atomic steps, specific network configuration and topology information, and an attacker profile. The attack information is matched with the network configuration information and an attacker profile to create a superset attack graph. Nodes identify a stage of attack, for example the class of machines the attacker has accessed and the user privilege level he or she has compromised. The arcs in the attack graph represent attacks or stages of attacks. By assigning probabilities of success on the arcs or costs representing level-of-effort for the attacker, various graph algorithms such as shortest-path algorithms can identify the attack paths with the highest probability of success.
The attack graph is an abstraction that reveals the ways an attacker can leverage vulnerabilities in a network to violate a security policy. When used with attack graph-based security metrics, the attack graph may be used to quantitatively assess security- relevant aspects of a network. The Shortest Path metric, the Number of Paths metric, and the Mean of Path Lengths metric are three attack graph-based security metrics that can extract security-relevant information. However, one's usage of these metrics can lead to misleading results. The Shortest Path metric and the Mean of Path Lengths metric fail to adequately account for the number of ways an attacker may violate a security policy. The Number of Paths metric fails to adequately account for the attack effort associated with the attack paths. To overcome these shortcomings, we propose a complimentary suite of attack graph-based security metrics and specify an algorithm for combining the usage of these metrics. We present simulated results that suggest that our approach reaches a conclusion about which of two attack graphs correspond to a network that is most secure in many instances.
Visualizing cyber security: Usable workspaces
  • G A Fink
  • C L North
  • A Endert
  • S Rose
Fink, G.A., North, C.L., Endert, A., Rose, S.: Visualizing cyber security: Usable workspaces. In: 2009 6th International Workshop on Visualization for Cyber Security. pp. 45-56 (2009)