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Artificial Intelligence Review
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A survey onparallel clustering algorithms forBig Data
ZinebDar1 · YasmineLamari1· SaidChahSlaoui1
© Springer Nature B.V. 2020
Data clustering is one of the most studied data mining tasks. It aims, through various meth-
ods, to discover previously unknown groups within the data sets. In the past years, con-
siderable progress has been made in this field leading to the development of innovative
and promising clustering algorithms. These traditional clustering algorithms present some
serious issues in connection with the speed-up, the throughput, and the scalability. Thus,
they can no longer be directly used in the context of Big Data, where data are mainly char-
acterized by their volume, velocity, and variety. In order to overcome their limitations, the
research today is heading to the parallel computing concept by giving rise to the so-called
parallel clustering algorithms. This paper presents an overview of the latest parallel clus-
tering algorithms categorized according to the computing platforms used to handle the Big
Data, namely, the horizontal and vertical scaling platforms. The former category includes
peer-to-peer networks, MapReduce, and Spark platforms, while the latter category includes
Multi-core processors, Graphics Processing Unit, and Field Programmable Gate Arrays
platforms. In addition, it includes a comparison of the performance of the reviewed algo-
rithms based on some common criteria of clustering validation in the Big Data context.
Therefore, it provides the reader with an overall vision of the current parallel clustering
Keywords Algorithms· Big Data· Clustering· Data mining· DBSCAN· FPGA· GPU·
k-means· MapReduce· MPI· Multi-cores CPU· Spark
1 Introduction
With the advent of the Big Data phenomenon, the data analysis techniques are currently
being modernized in order to address the emerging challenges. Data clustering is no excep-
tion to this trend. This long-established data mining technique is used to partition a set
* Zineb Dafir
Yasmine Lamari
Said Chah Slaoui
1 Faculty ofScience ofRabat, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco
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of data instances into homogeneous subsets, such that each subset is formed by similar
instances, and at the same time dissimilar to instances belonging to other subsets (Han
etal. 2012). The primary objective is to discover previously unknown groups, which is a
sought-after result in several problems in everyday life. This can be achieved through dif-
ferent categories of clustering methods such as hierarchical methods, partitioning methods,
density-based methods, grid-based methods, or other clustering techniques (Fahad etal.
1.1 Challenges
Most traditional clustering algorithms are specialized and operate under specific conditions
to solve a particular type of problem. Besides, they are outdated and impractical in the
context of the Big Data due to their computational costs and their inability to handle het-
erogeneous data. They also suffer from their dependence on prior knowledge, data order,
and complex input parameters. In order to overcome these limitations, the research today is
heading to the parallel computing concept by giving rise to the so-called parallel clustering
algorithms. As the designation implies, this kind of algorithms can partition data sets into
several chunks, and then for each chunk, execute activities simultaneously on one or on
many processing devices. The intermediate clustering results are usually aggregated at the
end to produce the final result. The concept of parallelism aims to improve the speed-up,
the throughput, and the scalability of the clustering process so that it becomes effective to
meet the challenges of Big Data.
These challenges arise primarily from the characteristics that define the Big Data,
namely the volume, the velocity, and the variety of data, which stand for the 3V’s defini-
tion proposed by the Gartner company in Laney (2001). The first dimension refers to the
quantity of generated and stored data. Recently, the volume of data ranges from petabytes
toward zettabytes in a continued increase. Then, the second dimension represents the fre-
quency at which the data is coming and updated because the data is constantly in motion.
The third dimension to be also considered is the variety of data, since data is collected
from multiple sources and in different forms. These dimensions describe the Big Data phe-
nomenon, and they serve also as criteria for evaluating algorithms that attempt to solve the
Big Data issues such as clustering algorithms.
1.2 Scope ofthearticle
This paper presents an overview of the latest parallel clustering algorithms categorized
according to the computing platforms used to handle the Big Data. Indeed, at some point,
we need to know what has been accomplished and what remains to be done regarding the
clustering of Big Data. Accordingly, this paper aims to provide the reader with an overall
vision of the parallel methods of clustering Big Data that have been developed recently as
well as the current trend of the research in such relevant field. In this respect, we opted for
a recent classification of the different platforms for the Big Data analytic which is proposed
in Singh and Reddy (2014). According to this classification, two categories of platforms
of Big Data can be distinguished: the horizontal scaling platforms and the vertical scal-
ing platforms. The first category gathers systems that distribute the workload across many
servers or commodity machines. And so it includes peer-to-peer networks, MapReduce,
and Spark platforms. While the second category brings together systems that work on a
single server and allows adding additional resources, such as processors, memory, and fast
A survey onparallel clustering algorithms forBig Data
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hardware. This category includes High Performance Computing Clusters (HPC), Multi-
core processors, Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), and Field Programmable Gate Arrays
(FPGA) platforms. Figure1 illustrates the classification of different Big Data platforms.
1.3 Contributions
This section explores the fundamental contributions of this paper as follows:
1. Presents a technical overview of different Big Data platforms.
2. Surveys the new parallel clustering algorithms and their categorization according to the
platforms adopted to ensure their parallelization.
3. Introduces a comparison of the algorithms studied in terms of clustering validation
criteria and Big Data characteristics.
1.4 Organization
The remainder of this survey is organized as follows: Sect.2 reviews the most popular plat-
forms of Big Data. Section3 exposes the most recent parallel clustering methods classified
based on the used platform. Section4 compares the studied parallel clustering algorithms.
Fig. 1 Classification of Big data platforms
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Finally, Sect.5 summarizes the main observations of this survey and the corresponding
2 Overview ofthedierent platforms ofBig Data
This section presents a brief overview of the most popular platforms of Big Data. First, the
horizontal scaling platforms are presented, including MapReduce, Spark, and Peer-to-peer
networks. Then, the vertical scaling platforms are presented, which comprise Graphics
Processing Unit, Multi-core CPU, and Field Programmable Gate Arrays. These platforms
have been the basis for several designs and clustering algorithms of which some relevant
works are examined in this paper.
2.1 MapReduce
MapReduce is a popular parallel programming model, which was first introduced by
Google in Dean and Ghemawat (2004). It was designed to read, process, and write a huge
amount of data. This programming model consists of two main functions: the Map and the
Reduce functions. The Map function takes as input a logical record (also called a chunk of
data) and produces a set of intermediate key/value pairs. Once the Map phase is completed,
the Reduce phase starts processing the intermediate key/value pairs produced in the previ-
ous phase. Indeed, the Reduce function takes as input the set of intermediate key/value
pairs that share the same key, and then, merges together all values assigned to the input key
in order to produce the set of values associated with the corresponding key. There are two
other optional functions used to refine the execution of the programs: the Partitioner and
the Combiner functions. The Partitioner function splits the intermediate keys according to
the number of Reduce tasks or the number of output files which is specified by the devel-
oper. The Combiner function aims to summarize intermediate results produced by each
Map task in order to avoid potential repetitions, thus optimizing the transfer of data to the
Reduce task over the network. All these functions are programmable by the developer. Fig-
ure2 describes the operational flowchart of the MapReduce programming model (Dean
and Ghemawat 2004).
Fig. 2 Flowchart of MapReduce model
A survey onparallel clustering algorithms forBig Data
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2.2 Spark
Apache Spark is a big data processing framework designed for data-intensive applica-
tions and executed on commodity clusters (Zaharia et al. 2010). Unlike MapReduce,
Spark framework supports iterative jobs and allows running queries on big datasets by
loading only the useful dataset into memory. In this way, the execution time is reduced
Spark introduces three fundamental aspects: resilient distributed datasets (RDDs), par-
allel operations, and shared variables. RDD is a collection of objects shared by a set of
machines that can be recovered in case of loss; it can be also stored in memory to reuse it
in multiple parallel MapReduce jobs. The second aspect is the parallel operations which
can be performed on RDDs. It includes the Reduce, Collect and Foreach operations. The
last aspect consists of broadcast variables and accumulators.
Spark is flexible, easy to use and does not need any abstraction to program. It pro-
cesses the data in real-time using the Spark Streaming module and caches partial results
in memory using distributed workers. Moreover, Spark is efficient and exceeds the Hadoop
MapReduce framework by 10× in interactive machine learning workloads while preserving
the fault tolerance and scalability of MapReduce. However, Spark shows some limitations,
such as the fact that it requires large resources, and it is also expensive in terms of memory.
Figure3 depicts the operational flowchart of the Spark model (Zaharia etal. 2010).
2.3 Peer‑to‑peer networks
Peer-to-peer (P2P) networking represents a distributed architecture that divides tasks
among peers. The definition of P2P networking includes any type of network architec-
ture which does not need a server to control the transfer of information between contrib-
utors, and which makes a part of their resources accessible by other contributors in the
same network (Milojicic etal. 2002). Hence, P2P systems allow valuable externalities,
lower cost of ownership and sharing, and finally anonymity. The most used scheme in
this platform is the Message Passing Interface (MPI). The fundamental idea behind the
standard MPI is to provide the necessary abstractions in order to ensure the communica-
tion between peers. It is also characterized by its ability to keep processes alive during
Fig. 3 Flowchart of Apache Spark model
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the running of the system, which means that there is no need to read the data several
times from the disk. This quality makes the MPI suitable for iterative jobs.
The Architecture of P2P network has the ability to add nodes dynamically and thus
to scale up efficiently to a larger size that may be needed to process applications with a
huge amount of data, as shown in Fig.4. This kind of platforms is known to be resistant
to failures, which means that when a node experiences a local failure, it will have no
impact on the remaining nodes. Another advantage lies in the fact that the capacity of
a P2P system increases with the addition of new nodes. However, adding new nodes to
the system can slow down the transfer of data to the connected users. P2P systems suffer
also from security issues and require high bandwidth usage.
Fig. 4 A typical architecture of the peer-to-peer network
A survey onparallel clustering algorithms forBig Data
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2.4 Graphics processing unit
A Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is a single-chip processor which was initially dedicated
for processing 2D and 3D calculations. As an input, it receives geometry primitives from
the CPU in a 3D form. Then it transforms them from individual vertices into pixels, which
are shaded and mapped onto the screen. In order to produce the final image, the processed
pixels are combined to form an output destined to be visualized in a display device. These
stages form the so-called graphics pipeline as shown in Fig.5 (Owens et al. 2008). The
GPUs follow the single program multiple data (SPMD) as a programming model and the
single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) as parallel architecture.
Today, modern GPUs are gaining increasing attention due to their massively parallel
processing architecture that accelerates the performance of applications requiring high
floating point calculations. Indeed, GPUs are not beneficial only for graphics applications;
they are also used to perform non-specialized calculations giving rise to the general pur-
pose graphics processing unit (GPGPU) computing. In order to take full advantage of the
parallelism offered by GPUs, new parallel programming languages, such as CUDA (Nick-
olls etal. 2008) and OpenCL (Stone etal. 2010), have emerged. These languages simplify
and improve the performance of the linear algebra on the GPUs (Owens etal. 2008).
GPUs have demonstrated energy and cost efficiency for arithmetical intense and stream-
ing-memory problems. However, their major drawback lies in the limited memory capac-
ity, which often necessitates complex memory management.
2.5 Multi‑core CPU
A Multi-core platform is a processor that integrates multiple cores in a single chip. Gener-
ally, there are three commonly recognized architectures of multi-core CPU (Akhter and
Roberts 2006). The first architecture shares the on-chip cache between execution units,
while the second architecture provides a dedicated cache for each execution core. The third
architecture adopts a hybrid approach that subdivided the cache into two types of layers,
Fig. 5 A typical structure of graphics pipeline
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layers dedicated to a particular execution core and others shared by all execution cores.
Figure6 describes a typical architecture of multi-core platform.
In order to take advantage of the parallelism offered by the multi-core platforms, one has
to consider the allocation of the work among all available processors (Gepner and Kowalik
2006). The multi-threading model is a common way that allows the parallel execution on
a multi-core platform. This is achieved by dividing the work into separate execution units
which can run on the different processors at the same time.
The multi-core platforms offer a high performance and low heat generation. They are
useful for applications with high capacity of parallelism that can profit from all the avail-
able cores, otherwise, the multi-core platforms won’t be a practical choice. This entails
a substantial effort to parallelize an application as far as possible, which is not always
2.6 Field programmable gate arrays
A Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) is an integrated circuit device. It is composed
of an array of programmable logic blocks, in addition to a hierarchy of reconfigurable inter-
connects and I/O blocks (Brown etal. 1992). Different architectures of logic blocks can
be conceived in order to form a complex circuit. Such circuits contain several other sub-
circuits and have more than one output. These blocks are interconnected via reconfigurable
interconnects, which consists of wire segments and programmable switches. Like the logic
blocks, the structure of programmable switches can be conceived in different ways. The
configurations of all components of the FPGA are described using a hardware description
language (HDL).
The main advantages of FPGAs lie in the reduced costs of prototypes they offer, in
addition to their expandability and flexibility. In fact, the flexibility is regarded as both an
advantage and a drawback since it makes the FPGAs larger, slower, and more power con-
suming (Farooq etal. 2012).
The FPGAs are omnipresent in various applications and can figure out any computa-
tional problem, especially the applications that require exploiting the parallelism available
on FPGAs.
Fig. 6 A typical architecture of multi-core platform
A survey onparallel clustering algorithms forBig Data
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3 Parallel clustering algorithms
This section exposes the most recent and relevant parallel algorithms for clustering Big
Data. The aim is to explore a variety of types of clustering, such as partitioning-based
clustering, density-based clustering, bio-inspired methods and many other techniques of
clustering. First, we describe the parallel clustering algorithms based on horizontal scaling
platforms. Then, we describe the parallel clustering algorithms based on vertical scaling
platforms. Figure7 presents the main works reviewed in this paper.
3.1 Horizontal scaling platforms‑based clustering algorithms
As mentioned above, the horizontal scaling platforms considered in this survey are MapRe-
duce, Spark, and Peer-to-Peer networks. This section covers a selection of clustering algo-
rithms that are implemented using this kind of platforms.
3.1.1 Clustering algorithms using MapReduce
The work proposed in Cui etal. (2014) is a processing model in MapReduce which elimi-
nates the iteration dependence of the k-means algorithm through a sampling technique. The
Fig. 7 Parallel clustering algorithms for Big Data
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main idea of this optimized k-means is to estimate the iterations using a sampling tech-
nique in order to obtain only some subsets from big datasets. Then, by processing these
subsets, the sets of centers are constructed and used to cluster the original datasets. The
proposed algorithm consists of three MapReduce jobs. The first job is responsible for sam-
pling the original dataset. The second job performs the samples clustering step in mappers,
and then the merging step in one reducer in order to produce k final centers from the inter-
mediates centers. For this purpose, the authors introduced two novel methods for merging:
weight-based merge clustering (WMC) and distribution-based merge clustering (DMC).
At last, the third job generates the Voronoi diagram using k points from the previous job,
partition the original dataset, and then, obtain the final clustering result. The experiments
on synthetic and real datasets show that the proposed method performs better compared
with other parallel versions of the k-means algorithm.
In the same context, Li etal. (2014) suggested Multiplex k-means, a parallel execu-
tion of multiple k-means processes using MapReduce. In the proposed method, several pro-
cesses are launched serially, then only the best result is considered. The execution of these
processes is costly in terms of time and resources, unlike the proposed Mux k-means algo-
rithm, which simultaneously runs multiple k-means using different centroid groups, and
keeps the best solution at the end. The proposed algorithm involves four steps. It first runs
the k-means processes using Map and Reduce operations. The Map operation calculates
the distance between the current point and all existing centroids, while the Reduce opera-
tion is responsible for updating the centroids. After each iteration, the quality of clustering
result is evaluated based on the Total Within-Cluster Variation value (TWCV). The TWCV
metric is the sum of the distances between each point and the centroids of each group.
More the value of TWCV is lower more the quality of clustering is higher. Then, in the
second step, the groups with a lower value of TWCV are pruned. The third step consists
of swapping similar centroids. Finally, the last step consists of generating new centroids
using two methods: the Random Search with a definite Scope (RSDS) and the Average of
Dissimilar Group Pairs (ADGP). This process is repeated until the centers become steady.
The algorithm was implemented using the Hadoop MapReduce framework and tested with
real-life datasets. The experiments show that the Mux-k-means can achieve better results
than when using other serial versions of the k-means algorithm.
MR-DBSCAN (He etal. 2014) is a MapReduce-based implementation of the well-
known DBSCAN algorithm. This work introduces a new cost-based data partition-
ing method in order to take into account the density of points. The proposed method is
a 3-stage end-to-end solution. The first stage, which is called data partitioning, produces
small partitions from the whole dataset according to the spatial proximity. The second
stage, which is called local clustering, groups partitions independently. Finally, the third
stage, which is called global merging, aggregates the produced partitions in the previous
stage in order to form the final result. This latter is achieved in two steps: build merge map-
ping and relabel data. The build merge mapping step first determines all pairs of intersect-
ing partitions, then computes the global clusters and builds a mapping from local to global
clusters. And the relabel data step adjusts the intermediate results of local clustering by
replacing local cluster ID’s with global ones and determines the type of all points. The
MR-DBSCAN was evaluated using two large real-life datasets. A set of experiments were
carried out in order to study the performance changes when varying some sensitive param-
eters related to the DBSCAN algorithm, such as MinPts,
and partitioning methods. The
results of experiments confirm the efficiency and scalability of the proposed method.
MR-ABC (Banharnsakun 2017) is a MapReduce-based implementation of the arti-
ficial bee colony (ABC) for large-scale data clustering. The proposed method optimizes
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the assignment of large data to clusters through the minimization of the sum of squared
Euclidean distance. The main operations involved in this method are to update centroids
of clusters and to evaluate the fitness. First, the proposed method generates the initial solu-
tions. Then, it updates the new centroid values for the employed bees. After that, the fitness
is calculated and evaluated based on the sum of the squared Euclidean distance. Since this
task is time-consuming, the author uses the MapReduce model in order to calculate the
fitness value. Then, each onlooker bee selects the centroid values which produce a higher
fitness from employed bees and updates them. This process reiterates until the number of
iterations reaches a threshold value. In order to evaluate the MR-ABC algorithm, experi-
ments were conducted on synthetic and real-life datasets. The results obtained show that
the proposed method outperforms the PKMeans (Zhao etal. 2009) and the parallel K-PSO
(Wang etal. 2012) algorithms in terms of quality. Besides, the running time and speed-up
results of MR-ABC with 10 Hadoop cluster nodes demonstrated that the MR-ABC can pro-
cess large amounts of data in reasonable time.
In Yang and Li (2013), the authors studied the Ant Colony optimization algorithm
in order to propose a new approach for big data semantic clustering (MBSC) based on
MapReduce. The parallel implementation of Ant Colony Clustering method based on
semantic content involves a single MapReduce job. The Map task splits the data records
into data chunks. Then, it defines the key-value pairs as the length of traversal path without
dropping records and the set of traversed nodes. In each step, the Map function reads the
pheromone value and calculates the swarm similarity, which is transformed to probability
value, in order to decide either to drop or to select a record. In this way, the data records
with the same similarity are gathered in the same cluster. The reduce task collect solutions
from all data chunks given by ants and then update the pheromone value for a next itera-
tion. The process is repeated until the final result is reached. The comparison shows that
the MBSC algorithm is more efficient than k-means in terms of time when considering dif-
ferent MSBC parameters.
In Jin etal. (2013), the authors proposed a parallel method of spectral clustering using
MapReduce. The spectral clustering is based on the evaluation of the sparse matrix eigen-
value. The calculation of the similarity matrix and other parameters used in this algorithm
are expensive, hence the need to use MapReduce in order to reduce the computation time.
The proposed parallelization of the spectral clustering consists of three steps. The first step
calculates the similarity matrices, which are simplified by the use of the Map and Reduce
operations. The second step calculates the k minimum feature vectors using the Lanczos
algorithm (Lanczos 1950). Finally, the third step parallelizes the k-means algorithm. The
parallelization of k-means is divided into two fundamental steps. The Map function calcu-
lates the nearest centroid for each point. Then, the combiner function partially merges sam-
ples with the same centroid and sends the result to the Reduce function in the form of pairs,
where the key is the centroid and the value is the list of points having the same centroid.
The Reduce function collects the points with the same centroid and updates the centroids
values by calculating the average of each set of points assigned to the centroids. The pro-
cess reiterates until stable centroids are obtained. The experiments were performed using
the classic dataset using several properties (correctness validation, a test of speed-up ratio,
analysis of scalability). The results show that the parallel spectral algorithm is efficient for
processing large datasets.
In Sun etal. (2014), the authors developed a parallel method combining the information
bottleneck (IB) theory with centroid-based clustering. Their main contributions include
the use of the IB theory-based hierarchy clustering to determine the centroid of each Map
computational node, in addition to the use of an objective method in order to determine the
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number of clusters. The parallel IB theory is based on MapReduce. The MapReduce job
is designed with multiple Map tasks and a single Reduce task. In this method, the data is
divided into partitions, and then each partition is treated independently and in parallel by a
Map computational node. In each Map computational node, the IB theory-based clustering
method is applied to each partition in order to obtain the sub-centroid. All sub-centroids
are gathered in the Reduce task in order to create a new dataset. Then, the IB theory-based
clustering method is once again applied to the new dataset in order to generate the ini-
tial centroid of the global dataset. Once the initial center is calculated, the parallel cen-
troid clustering based on an iterative MapReduce model, called Twister (Ekanayake etal.
2010), is applied. It is designed with multiple Map tasks and a single Reduce task, which
returns its output to the Map tasks iteratively. The parallel centroid clustering processes
as follows. First, the initial sample dataset is partitioned and the initial centroids obtained
previously are mapped to each computational node. In each Map computational node, the
sub-centroids are recalculated with centroid-based clustering method. All sub-centroids are
gathered in the Reduce computational node and the global centroid is updated. Then, the
new centroids are sent to the main computational node to be used in the next iteration. The
process stops when a certain difference, which is measured with Kull-back divergence, is
less than the fixed threshold value. In order to visualize the clustering results, the multidi-
mensional scaling (MDS) has been applied, as a dimension reduction method, on the DNA
data used in the experiments. The results show that the developed method is better than a
typical parallel k-means implementation.
The Best of both Worlds (BoW) approach, which is proposed in Cordeiro etal. (2011),
combines two parallel clustering methods: the Parallel Clustering (ParC) and the Sample-
and-Ignore (SnI), in order to reduce the I/O and network costs. The ParC method is exe-
cuted in five phases using three different strategies for partitioning data. In the first phase,
the data is distributed to the mappers from the distributed file system. Each mapper com-
putes the key value of the received data element. In the next phase, each reducer processes
the elements with the same key. And then, it normalizes them and runs the plugged-in
clustering algorithm in order to obtain the
-clusters from each reducer. In the following
phase, the algorithm finds a pair composed of the reducer description as key and the cluster
description as value. The last phase is executed serially by putting together the
pairs which overlap in the space. The SnI method consists of executing the ParC algorithm
after applying a pre-processing step. This step starts by sampling the datasets and find ini-
tial clusters in order to cluster only the unclassified elements using the ParC algorithm. The
BoW method chooses the least expensive clustering strategy in terms of time and other
parameters using a cost-based optimization. The proposed approach has been developed
using Hadoop MapReduce framework, and tested with up to 1024 cores in parallel, on real-
life and synthetic datasets. The results show that the BoW approach is scalable, and gives
approximately the same results compared to the serial clustering algorithms.
3.1.2 Clustering algorithms using Spark
A recent algorithm, called Parallel Kernel Kmeans, has been introduced in Tsapanos etal.
(2016). The proposed method, which expands a previous work called the Trimmed Kernel
k-Means (Tsapanos etal. 2015), handles clustering of large datasets using Spark frame-
work. The proposed method begins by sub-sampling the data to perform the clustering
of large datasets. Then, it calculates the Kernel matrix iteratively using MapReduce and
writes it to the disk for future use. Thereafter, it reads the Kernel matrix from the disk in
A survey onparallel clustering algorithms forBig Data
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order to compute the Kernel matrix trimming. The calculation of this matrix consists of
two main steps. The first step finds the winning cardinality of each node and trimmed rows
accordingly using the Map function, while the second step sums up in the same vector the
votes of the cardinality of each cluster using the Reduce function. The Map and Reduce
functions are used again to remove the winning votes. This process reiterates until finding
the cardinality of all nodes. The next step applies the Kernel k-means to adjacency lists
given by the calculated Kernel matrix trimming. The process of Kernel k-means proceeds
as follows: first, it associates each sample to a cluster randomly and then calculates the par-
tial sum of the entries retrieved from the adjacency list by a mapping function. The reduce
function calculates total sums from every cluster. Thereafter, the map function performs
the distance computations in order to define the new cluster assignment for each node.
The last distributed operation is the nearest neighbour assignment. The performance of the
proposed method was evaluated using the Youtube Faces dataset, and compared with the
approximate Kernel k-means and the Trimmed Kernel k-means algorithms. The clustering
results show that the Parallel Kernel k-means algorithm is more efficient than the Trimmed
Kernel k-means algorithm, and yields results close to those given by the approximate Ker-
nel k-means algorithm.
The work suggested in Mallios etal. (2016) is a framework for clustering and classi-
fication large amount of data using Spark.The k-means and ID3 algorithms were studied
and implemented using the proposed framework. The proposed framework is a parallel
execution of multiple round-trips performed by the master node and several workers. Each
round-trip consists of three main phases: Local Pre-processing, Global Distributed Pro-
cessing, Local Post-processing. In the first phase, the master node requests to the workers
to compute intermediate results from the stored data as part of the Map function. In the
second phase, the workers swap the results obtained, and then collect the global informa-
tion. In the last phase, each worker completes its own computations based on the interme-
diate results obtained from the previous phase. After having completed these phases, the
master node runs a new round-trip. The data, which is swapped between the master node
and the workers or between workers, operates in three modes: No-restriction mode, Par-
tially Restricted Data Exchange Mode and Strict Restricted Data Exchange Mode. Addi-
tionally, the data processed by the workers can be executed differently according to the
algorithm used in the proposed framework. The results show that the algorithms tested
in the proposed framework were efficient in terms of time and scalability. Moreover, the
k-means algorithm, which is implemented using the proposed framework, exceeds 31 %
the quality of results provided by the k-means algorithm using Spark.
There are several other works related to the implementation of k-means using Spark,
such as Wang etal. (2016), Zayani etal. (2016) and Sinha and Jana (2016).
In Wang etal. (2016), the authors conceived a parallel k-means algorithm using
Spark. The proposed design can select the appropriate variant of the k-means algorithm
and the distance function to use. The algorithm reads data from the HDFS and writes it
in RDDs blocks using two different strategies. In the first strategy, each data instance
is loaded directly into the RDD block in the form of a set of dense vectors, while in
the second strategy it is represented by a set of sparse vectors. The next step computes
the distance between each two sparse vectors in parallel. Finally, the last step performs
two different methods for updating the centroids according to the clustering type used
(crisp clustering or fuzzy clustering). For the crisp clustering, the assigning and the
distance calculation steps are performed as part of the Map function, whereas the cen-
troids updating step is performed as part of the Reduce function. This latter consists of
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collecting the instances with the same centroid, and then compute their average value.
For the fuzzy clustering, the centroids updating step is performed using a predefined
Another work related to the k-means algorithm is proposed by Zayani etal. (2016),
which is called the Parallel Overlapping k-means method (POKM). It was designed to per-
form non-disjoint partitioning of large-scale data. The proposed work is based on a geo-
metrical method, called Overlapping k-means (OKM), which consists of two steps: assign-
ing each instance to multiple clusters and updating centroids. These steps are repeated until
reaching the convergence criterion. Following the same manner, the Spark-based version
is based on two steps: the data assignment and prototypes calculation steps. Ones the input
data is partitioned, the first step would be to apply a Map function for each block, which
assigns the instances to multiple clusters, in order to parallelize the assigning procedure
locally. Then, another function operates on the global clusters, which are produced previ-
ously, by sorting the prototypes of clusters according to their proximity to the processed
instance. This process assigns the clusters from the nearest to the farthest as long as a
predefined criterion decreases. The Prototypes calculation step is performed by Map and
Reduce tasks. The Map task performs local computations for each cluster and sends as
output a set of key-value pairs, where the key is the index of the prototype cluster and value
is a couple of computed parameters. The Reduce task updates the prototype clusters and
returns the final ones.
In the same context, Sinha and Jana (2016) presented a method based on classical
k-means algorithm to process a big data streams using the Spark framework. The proposed
algorithm consists of four main processes. The first process consists of generating initial
clusters using a large value of k. The second process applies the k-means algorithm to the k
clusters. The next process consists of merging the centroids that are spaced from each other
by less than a certain threshold value. The last process returns the final clusters by merging
the previously obtained clusters. This algorithm is characterized by its free over-resolution.
The reviewed methods demonstrated their efficiency in terms of scalability and quality
of clustering large data.
The work introduced in Bharill etal. (2016) is a scalable random sampling and an itera-
tive optimization fuzzy c-means algorithm. The proposed method, which is called SRSIO-
FCM, divides randomly the dataset into many subsets. Then, it generates the centers of
clusters randomly in order to cluster the first subset. The cluster centers and the member-
ship information of the first subset are calculated, and then they are given as input to clus-
ter the second subset. In turn, the cluster centers and membership information of the sec-
ond subset are calculated. After the first two iterations that present a particular case, the
membership information of all the processed subsets are combined in order to compute the
new cluster centers, which will be given as input to cluster the next subset. The following
subsets are clustered in the same manner. The authors proposed a parallel implementation
of the LFCM algorithm (Havens etal. 2012) using Spark, which they called the SLFCM
algorithm (Scalable Literal Fuzzy c-Means), in order to handle the parallel computation of
membership information and centers of clusters. It performs Map and ReduceByKey oper-
ations, where the Map phase is responsible for the membership degree calculation of a data
point with respect to each center, and the ReduceByKey phase is responsible for updating
the values of the center of cluster based on the output of the Map phase. The performance
of the SRSIO-FCM algorithm was compared with the Spark based-implementations of two
well-known fuzzy clustering algorithms. The experiments on some big datasets demon-
strated that the proposed method achieves almost the same quality of clustering results in
less time.
A survey onparallel clustering algorithms forBig Data
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The work proposed in Gouineau etal. (2016) is a distributed density clustering algo-
rithm to analyze very large datasets, called Patchwork. It was designed using the MapRe-
duce model to parallelize the calculations and implemented with Apache Spark. The Patch-
work algorithm is a part of density clustering algorithms that are known for their linear
computational complexity and near-linear horizontal scalability. It consists of two funda-
mental steps. The first step consists of dividing the multidimensional feature space into a
grid in order to determine dense regions and then finding the ID of the cell (hypercube in
D-dimensional feature space) for each point using the Map function. After that, the Reduce
function collects the tuples with the same cell ID and constructs collections of cells with
their density. The second step consists of creating clusters using the collections of cells and
sorting them by decreasing the density until all cells are processed. An optional filter is
used to help to find clusters with enough cells. The proposed algorithm was compared with
Spark MLLib k-means and Spark DBSCAN using four Synthetic datasets. It is efficient and
yields 40× better results than those produced by Spark MLLib k-means.
In Liu etal. (2017), the authors presented a parallel implementation of the density peaks
clustering algorithm (Rodriguez and Laio 2014) using the Spark’s API for graphs compu-
tation, called GraphX. The authors noticed that the original method needs to calculate the
distances between all pairs of data points which results in high computational cost. In order
to overcome this issue, they have proposed a parallel version of the density peaks cluster-
ing algorithm using the Spark RDD model. The process starts by initializing the thresholds
values of the local density and the distance from points of higher density and then gener-
ating a graph. The graph construction requires first importing separately vertex and edge
data stored in the HDFS to vertex RDD and edge RDD, then computing the distance and
updating its value in each edge, and finally combining vertex RDD and edge RDD to form
a Graph. The next step consists of computing the truncated distance, the local density, and
then the distance from points of higher density. The last step performs the clustering of
data points by selecting cluster centers, isolated points, and then performs the classification
based on the thresholds fixed previously. The experimental results demonstrated that the
proposed implementation can be up to 10× faster than the density peaks clustering algo-
rithm when implemented using MapReduce.
Remaining within the context of the density-based clustering methods, several studies
have been conducted on the DBSCAN algorithm in order to propose parallel implementa-
tions based on Spark, such as Luo etal. (2016), Han etal. (2016) and Cordova and Moh
The S_DBSCAN algorithm, introduced in Luo etal. (2016), starts by partitioning the
raw data based on random samples. It produces partial clustering results by performing
local DBSCAN algorithm in parallel. At this stage, the Map task generates partial clusters,
while the ReduceByKey task saves each partial cluster as a new RDD to the HDFS, then
computes the centroid for each partial cluster. Finally, it merges the independent clustering
results obtained in the previous steps based on the centroid.
The proposed implementation in Han etal. (2016) starts by reading data from the HDFS
and then generates RDDs in order to transform them into data points. In the next step, mul-
tiple executors build independently partial clusters and sent them back to the driver. When
all the partial clusters are collected, the merging process starts identifying the clusters
that need to be merged based on a new concept introduced by the authors, called SEEDs.
SEEDs are points that do not belong to the current partition and they are placed by execu-
tors to serve as markers in order to identify master partial clusters and then merge them.
The proposed method is distinguished by the use of a Java-based kd-tree implementation in
order to optimize the complexity of the task of searching for the neighbours of points.
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The RDD-DBSCAN algorithm, introduced in Cordova and Moh (2015), consists of five
steps. This algorithm starts the same way as the Apache Spark-based implementations of
DBSCAN described above. It divides data and then performs local DBSCAN algorithm on
each partition. After that, it identifies clusters which span multiple partitions and generates
global cluster identifiers. Finally, all points are relabelled using the newly-found, globally-
unique identifiers.
The three methods were assessed based on their accuracy and speed up. They have
proven their efficiency in processing large data. The algorithm, proposed in Han et al.
(2016), can achieve a performance 16× faster than the MapReduce implementation of the
DBSCAN algorithm. The experiments of the RDD-DBSCAN algorithm demonstrated that
the communication costs do not significantly affect its performance.
3.1.3 Clustering algorithms using peer‑to‑peer networks
Recently, Azimi etal. (2017) introduced a new gossip-based distributed clustering algo-
rithm for peer-to-peer unstructured networks (GBDC-P2P). The GBDC-P2P is based on
K-medoids and k-means algorithms for extracting the representative data and discovering
the final clustering results, in addition to the CYCLON algorithm (Voulgaris etal. 2005) to
ensure the interactions between peers. It starts by selecting M representatives in each peer
among its internal data. In the next step, which concerns the gossip-based interactions,
each peer sends the representatives to the neighbour peers. This process of interactions
between peers is based on the CYCLON algorithm. Then, the summarization step sum-
marizes the external data of peers once their memory is full. This step is performed only
when necessary. The property of the data summarization is provided by the K-medoids
algorithm. The adaptation of the GBDC-P2P algorithm to dynamic network conditions is
ensured using an age variable for each external data of peers. At each round of gossip-
based operations, all peers increment the age variables of their external data. This mecha-
nism allows replacing the old external data of peers. Finally, an improved version of the
k-means algorithm, called Persistent k-means, is proposed and it is performed in each peer
in order to calculate the final clustering results. The proposed algorithm was compared to
other methods in the literature in order to demonstrate its efficiency. The clustering results
obtained by the GBDC-P2P algorithm are very close to those obtained by the centralized
k-means algorithm.
In Gehweiler and Meyerhenke (2010), a distributed heuristic, called DIDIC, is pro-
posed for clustering a virtual P2P supercomputer. It consists of three phases, namely,
the establishment of the initial situation, the elimination global knowledge with suit-
able diffusive processes, and the determination clustering. In the first phase, if no ini-
tial configuration is provided, then a random configuration is considered. In the second
phase, the diffusive clustering process is carried out. Two diffusion systems are used
per cluster to represent the same load colour. The primary diffusion system exploits the
property of diffusion and random walks in order to identify dense graph regions, while,
the secondary system sends a load of the system to nodes belonging to cluster in order
to accelerate the forming of large cluster-connected components. The last phase aims
to flood areas by new clusters when the diffusion process shows a really strong desire
for this by integrating the isolated nodes. The authors adopted the bulk synchronous
parallel (BSP) model (Valiant 1990), which provides an abstract view of technical struc-
ture and communication features of the hardware, in order to ensure the parallelism of
the proposed method. The clustering results of the DIDIC heuristic were compared to
A survey onparallel clustering algorithms forBig Data
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results obtained with the MCL algorithm (Enright etal. 2002), which tend to be close
and sometimes slightly better in favour of the proposed method.
In Yıldırım and Özdoğan (2011), the authors proposed a MPI-based implementation
of a grid-based clustering algorithm based on the wavelet transform, which is known
as the WaveCluster algorithm (Sheikholeslami etal. 2000). The WaveCluster algorithm
transforms the original feature space by adopting the wavelet transform, thus forming
a new space in which the dense regions must be sought. As a result, it produces sets of
clusters at different resolutions and scales. In order to ensure the parallelism the Wave-
Cluster algorithm, the authors adopted the replicated approach (Skillicorn 1999), which
consists in splitting the data set over processors that execute nearly identical code seg-
ments of the algorithm. Therefore, processors need to exchange their local results and to
check the correctness. Furthermore, they adopted the master/slave model with the Sin-
gle Process, Multiple Data (SPMD) technique on a distributed-memory multiprocessor
system. The MPI was used to manage the communication requirements between master
and slave nodes. Experiments were conducted on a PC cluster of 8 compute nodes with
32 processors at total and having fast Ethernets as underlying communication hardware.
The clustering results demonstrated that the proposed method yields a high speed up
and scales linearly.
p-PIC (Yan etal. 2013) is a MPI-based implementation of the power iteration clus-
tering (PIC) algorithm (Lin and Cohen 2010). The original algorithm produces clus-
tering results by embedding data points in a low-dimensional subspace derived from
the similarity matrix. It consists of three main operations: the similarity matrix calcu-
lation and normalization, the iterative matrix-vector multiplication, and the clustering.
The authors of the p-PIC algorithm noticed that the original method depends on the
memory resources because it stores data and its associated similarity matrix in memory.
Therefore, they suggested enhancing the two first operations involved in this method
by exploring the parallelization strategies in order to reduce the computation and com-
munication costs. Indeed, each processor stores only two cases in memory at a time, in
addition to this, the similarity matrix is split according to the strategy of row-wise block
stripped matrix-vector multiplication and stored at the processors executed in parallel.
The experimental results on a local cluster and Amazon EC2 cloud show that the p-PIC
algorithm reaches almost a linear speed-up on all tested datasets.
A MPI-based implementation of the DBSCAN algorithm is presented in Savvas and
Tselios (2016). The authors designed an approach based on three phases, namely, the
splitting, the DBSCAN execution, and the final clusters forming. Furthermore, they
adopted the Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) technique, which allows executing
the same task by each computational node of the system on different data. The mas-
ter node is responsible for splitting and assigning the data to the worker nodes, while
the worker nodes perform independently the DBSCAN algorithm. Consequently, each
worker node produces its own local clusters in the form of a collection of pairs, wherein
the centroids and the radius of the clusters are saved. Then, each worker node sends its
collection to its neighbor node in order to explore possible aggregations of clusters.
This is achieved by computing the intersections of circles then examining these inter-
sections. In the case where the circles do not intersect then there is no action since these
form different clusters. This process is repeated until all information become on the
final worker node, which will emit the clusters as a final result to the master node. The
experiments were conducted on 33 computational nodes and they demonstrated that the
proposed approach reduces the time complexity and yields identical results compared to
the original sequential DBSCAN.
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3.2 Vertical scaling platforms‑based clustering algorithms
In this section, we present the recent clustering methods based on vertical scaling plat-
forms, namely the GPU, Multi-core CPU, and FPGA platforms.
3.2.1 Clustering algorithms using multi‑core CPU
Authors of Hadian and Shahrivari (2014) suggested a parallel variant of the k-means algo-
rithm using multiple CPU cores of a single machine. The proposed algorithm divides
the datasets into chunks and then distributes them to the processing units. The process-
ing units perform the clustering on the chunks of data in parallel. The proposed algorithm
consists of two thread sets: Master thread and chunk-clustering threads. The master thread
is responsible for reading datasets and organizing them into chunks that have a predefined
size. After that, the master thread sends the chunks using the concept of the queue. The
next step consists of performing the clustering by multiple threads using k-means++ and
then storing the centroids obtained from each chunk in the global list of centroids. Once
the clustering of all chunks is completed, the global list of centroids is loaded by the mas-
ter thread in order to run the next step, which consists of clustering the centroids using
k-means++ to produce the final centroids. The proposed algorithm was evaluated using a
12-cores machine, and compared with the k-means, k-means++, and stream-based algo-
rithms. The results show that this algorithm can achieve a near-linear scalability, and yields
the same quality of results as k-means++. In addition, it runs much faster than stream-
based algorithms.
An adaptation of an uncertain data clustering algorithm (Erdem and Gündem 2014),
called fast density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (FDBSCAN) (Kriegel
and Pfeifle 2005), to multi-core platform. The idea behind the original FDBSCAN algo-
rithm is to integrate the fuzzy distance functions directly into the traditional DBSCAN
algorithm in order to measure the similarity between fuzzy objects. The adaptation of this
clustering algorithm to the multi-core platform resulted in the so-called M-FDBSCAN,
which has demonstrated a significant acceleration of processing. The newly introduced
algorithm operates in three steps. First, it splits the 2-dimensional fuzzy data object dataset
into subsets according to the number of available cores in the multi-core system. Then, it
applies the FDBSCAN algorithm to each subset concurrently which leads to the determi-
nation of the final cluster regions partially. Finally, the last step in this algorithm consists
of merging the subsets pairs to get the final cluster regions. The M-FDBSCAN algorithm
is implemented using OpenMP in C to achieve its parallelism. Experiments conducted on
synthetic datasets demonstrated that the proposed algorithm scales linearly when increas-
ing the number of cores and it outperforms the FDBSCAN algorithm when processing
huge amounts of data.
Earlier, the work published in Kraus and Kestler (2010) suggests a parallel implemen-
tations of the k-means and K-modes algorithms using a multi-core platform with trans-
actional memory in order to process a large amount of data. The k-means and k-modes
algorithms were implemented as follows: The first step consists of distributing the initial
datasets to the cores. Then, each data point is assigned to the nearest centroid. The next
step consists of updating the centroids by k data threads. The operations assigning data and
updating centroids are performed in parallel using a software transactional memory (STM),
named deferred-update STM. Each data point is processed by running simultaneously the
A survey onparallel clustering algorithms forBig Data
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threads. The data must be verified before sending it to the shared memory. If any change
has been made to the data, the transaction is sent. Otherwise, the transaction is rejected.
The parallel multi-core k-means algorithm (McKmeans) was compared to the single-core
k-means algorithm implemented in R, by simulating artificial data, using a dual quad-core
computer. Then, it was compared to the network-based ParaKMeans tested on the web with
the same datasets. These comparisons show the high performance of the proposed algo-
rithm. Besides, the speed-up achieved by the proposed algorithm is 10× better compared to
single-core implementations.
3.2.2 Clustering algorithms using graphics processing unit
Three parallel implementations of the k-means algorithm are suggested in Cuomo etal.
(2017) for the purposes of reducing the execution time using GPUs and CUDA. These
implementations follow a hybrid approach, in which the k-means algorithm is performed
partly in host and partly in device. Data transfer between host and device is efficiently car-
ried out using coalescing memory accesses and pitch for matrices memory allocation. The
proposed parallel approach calls the device at each iteration. This requires fixing some
parameters and checking the dimension of the matrix of data points. Some dimensions
need the data points to be divided in chunks and then process them one by one. Then, the
host calculates the new centroids using the information of the new indices produced by
the device, and finally it checks the convergence. The authors observed that the k-means
algorithm needs three data structures to store the set of data points, the centroids, and the
indices that indicate the membership of each data point. In order to address this observa-
tion they proposed a lighter data structure that can reduce the data transferring time. In
their first implementation, they proposed to use a matrix to store the data and to update the
results for the labelling stage on the CPU, while in the second implementation; they used
two different data structures to store them. The third implementation, which is considered
the most refined solution, adopts a parallel technique to compute the squared Euclidean
distance. This refined implementation achieves a speed-up reaching 88× faster than the
CPU version.
Authors of Huang etal. (2015) proposed PaStream, a parallel algorithm for clustering
data streams based on NVIDIA GPUs. This single-pass algorithm discovers clusters with
arbitrary shapes and detects outliers. The PaStream algorithm is implemented following
a framework for clustering fast evolving data streams, called CluStream (Aggarwal etal.
2003). The PaStream algorithm requires an initialization step, in which some micro-clus-
ters are generated using the k-means algorithm. Then, it involves two phases: an on-line
phase, in which data points are gathered into micro-clusters, and an off-line phase, in
which micro-clusters are aggregated into macro-clusters. In the on-line phase, for each data
point, three cases must be considered. In the first case, an existing micro-cluster absorbs
the data point. In the second case, the data point forms a new micro-cluster, while in the
third case, two closest micro-clusters merge to form one. This decision is made accord-
ing to the absorption rate. Furthermore, the authors have defined a merging factor, which
determines when the close micro-clusters should be merged in order to optimize memory
and time. In the off-line phase, the Euclidean distance between all centers is calculated,
then, the decision graph is plotted based on the local distance and the local density for
each micro-cluster. It should be noted that this algorithm operates on data groups and not
on data points at its arrival. This helps reduce the time required to transfer data from CPU
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to GPU. The experiments on real and synthetic datasets show that the PaStream algorithm
outperforms its version based on CPU in terms of time and quality of the produced result.
In Zhang etal. (2010) a parallel implementation of a nature-inspired algorithm for docu-
ment clustering is introduced. The original method is called the flocking-based document
clustering algorithm (Cui etal. 2006). In order to reduce the execution time and the com-
plexity of this algorithm, the authors exploited the computational power of Beowulf-like
clusters equipped with GPUs. In a typical flocking model, the behaviour of an individual is
based only on its neighbour flock mates within a certain range. This behaviour is described
by three rules: separation, alignment, and cohesion. In order to adapt this model to the
document clustering problem, the document is considered as an individual that participates
in the flocking formation. Then, the three rules are combined for similar neighbour docu-
ments, while only the separation rule is applied for non-similar neighbour documents. The
authors developed a special GPU cluster programming model to implement the proposed
method. It consists of a distributed object interface to unify CUDA memory management
and explicit message passing routines, a mechanism to spawn a flexible number of host
threads for parallelization that may exceed the number of GPUs in the system, in addition
to an interface for advanced users to control thread scheduling in clusters. The experiments
show that the GPU-based implementation scales up over one million documents processed
simultaneously in a sixteen-node moderate GPU cluster. Moreover, the proposed method
can reach up to 50× speed-up compared to its CPU-based implementation.
Async-EM (Altinigneli etal. 2013) is a parallel variant of the Expectation–Maximiza-
tion (EM) algorithm based on the GPU platform. Their main contributions concern the
synchronization of cores and the organization of memory access. Indeed, the authors
noticed that several updates of the global cluster representatives cause an inefficient use
memory bandwidth and synchronization overhead. Therefore, to avoid these issues, they
proposed to update the global cluster representatives only when a certain number of mem-
bership changes have occurred. This is achieved through the idea of the asynchronous
model updates combined with an efficient technique, called the model of consolidation.
The model of consolidation is responsible for merging the different sets of cluster repre-
sentatives when the local model updates are exchanged, and it exploits the special charac-
teristics of the memory hierarchy of modern GPUs. The experiments on real and synthetic
datasets show that the Async-EM. This method outperforms the incremental-EM and the
Batch-EM algorithms in terms of the convergence, the modelling error, and the execution
time performances. A comparison between the GPU and the CPU performances of the pro-
posed approach has also shown its effectiveness.
The work proposed in Melo et al. (2016) is part of the density-based clustering. It
focuses on the parallelization of the OPTICS algorithm using GPU and based on data
indexing strategy. The OPTICS algorithm creates an augmented ordering of the dataset
representing its density-based clustering structure (Ankerst etal. 1999). The proposed par-
allel implementation of the OPTICS algorithm consists of two phases: the graph construc-
tion and the OPTICS process. The proposed approach adopts a data representation in a
graph form following the METIS data structure, which is presented in Karypis and Kumar
(1998). And it uses three vectors to store the vertices, the nodes in the adjacency list, and
the distance. The process consists of four main steps, respectively, the vertices degree cal-
culation, the adjacency index calculation, the adjacency lists assembly and sorting. These
steps, in addition to the construction of data structure and the storage at the end of the adja-
cency lists of nodes, are each processed in parallel using GPU. The experiments show that
the proposed approach reduces significantly the complexity of the OPTICS algorithm and
makes it faster than the serial CPU-based version.
A survey onparallel clustering algorithms forBig Data
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In the same context, authors of Deng etal. (2015) have proposed a new trajectory clus-
tering approach based on the POPTICS algorithm (Patwary etal. 2013). In order to adapt
the POPTICS algorithm to the trajectory data, the authors applied a spatio-temporal dis-
tance to measure the similarity between trajectories and an indexing approach based on
the STR-tree structure to their proposed algorithm. This latter, which is called Tra-POP-
TICS, is based on shared memory and involves three main steps. In the first step, each CPU
thread processes a local disjointed subset of trajectory data. It finds out the neighbours of
each trajectory. Then, it computes the core distance of each trajectory and then local Prim’s
minimum spanning tree (MST). The next step generates the global MST, and finally, the
last step extracts the clusters from the global MST. As part of this study, a parallel ver-
sion of the Tra-POPTOCS algorithm, called G-Tra-POPTICS has been designed using the
Hyper-Q feature of Kelper GPU and massive GPU threads. The experiments on real trajec-
tory dataset demonstrated that the Tra-POPTICS algorithm and its parallel version have
reached the quality of clustering result produced by a variant of OPTICS algorithm called
T-OPTICS (Nanni and Pedreschi 2006). In addition, the GPU-based version outperforms
the Tra-POPTICS algorithm regarding the computational time.
Another work related to the density-based clustering is presented in Andrade et al.
(2013). It is a GPU-based implementation of the DBSCAN algorithm, called G-DBSCAN,
which uses a simple graph-based data indexing technique. The proposed approach con-
sists of two main steps, namely, the graph construction and the identification of clusters
using the breadth-first search algorithm (Harish and Narayanan 2007). The First step aims
to construct a graph in order to represent the data. Indeed, each object in the dataset is
represented as a node in the graph, and when the similarity measure between two objects is
less than a threshold, which is given as an input parameter, an edge is added between them.
Therefore, this first step performs the calculation of vertices degree, the calculation of the
adjacency lists indices, and finally the assembly of adjacency lists. The second step aims to
identify the clusters by traversing the graph created in the previous step using the breadth-
first search algorithm. According to the experiments, the G-DBSCAN algorithm is 100×
faster than the serial implementation of the DBSCAN algorithm.
CUDA-MCL (Bustamam etal. 2012) is a parallel variant of the Markov clustering algo-
rithm (MCL) (Van Dongen 2008) applied to the protein-protein interaction networks. The
MCL algorithm discovers cluster structure in graphs by adopting the concept of random
walks. The proposed parallel implementation is based on GPU programming via CUDA.
The MCL algorithm is based on two algebraic operations on the Markov matrix, namely,
the expansion and the inflation. Therefore, the performance of this algorithm depends on
the size of the Markov matrix. The main contributions of the authors include the enhance-
ment of the performance of the original MCL by implementing parallel tasks for the expan-
sion and inflation operations, in addition to the storage optimization using sparse matrix
data structures. The proposed algorithm involves three parallel threads CUDA kernels.
A kernel to compute the parallel MCL expansion processes, a second kernel to compute
the parallel MCL inflation processes, and the last kernel to compute the parallel local and
global chaos. Comparing to the original MCL algorithm, which is based on CPU, the pro-
posed approach is faster on large datasets.
The Calculation-On-Demand CAST with GPU (COD-CAST-GPU) algorithm (Lin etal.
2014) is a parallel design of the Clustering Affinity Search Technique (CAST) (Ben-Dor
etal. 1999). As its name suggests, it is based on the GPU platform and the individual mem-
ory of graphics card. The CAST algorithm requires as input the similarity matrix and the
affinity threshold. Therefore, the size of such matrix is a critical point which causes the
storage problems. The idea behind the proposed algorithm is to calculate the similarity
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between data nodes only when it is needed in order to avoid the prior calculation of the
similarity matrix. In addition, in order to accelerate the CAST algorithm and gain in terms
of performance, the authors exploited the capabilities of the GPU. The proposed algorithm
starts by selecting a random node as a new cluster. Then, it uses two operations: ADD and
REMOVE to form this new cluster. After each movement, the affinity values are updated in
parallel, and this is where the GPU comes in. The technique adopted by the authors showed
remarkable improvements in terms of performance compared to the original algorithm.
3.2.3 Clustering algorithms using eld programmable gate arrays
Authors of Scicluna and Bouganis (2015) proposed to accelerate the well-known DBSCAN
algorithm using an implementation based on FPGA in order to achieve a high-performance
clustering. The proposed FPGA-based implementation is partially parallelized because the
authors considered that the step aiming to obtain the extended neighbourhood of points for
a cluster consumes the longest portion of the execution time. And since this step has no
data dependencies, it is suitable to be performed in parallel. The proposed method is a fully
configurable IP core, thus it contains many parameters to be adjusted, such as the size and
dimensions of the input data, internal precision, pipeline depths, and the level of parallel-
ism. Performance evaluation based on 2D point clustering shows that the execution time of
FPGA-based implementation is not impacted by the increase in the number of dimensions.
The proposed method can reach mean speed-ups of 31× in real-life datasets and 202× in
synthetic datasets when compared to the state-of-the-art methods.
The study introduced in Shi etal. (2014) is also related to the DBSCAN algorithm. It is
a FPGA-based implementation of this algorithm while adopting task-level and data-level
parallelism. Their main contributions include a design of a data reuse pipeline structure in
order to overcome the problem of the extra memory access caused by the data dependen-
cies in the parallel algorithm. In addition to a robust collision check mechanism in order to
prevent wrong clustering results in some special conditions. The experiments on synthetic
datasets show that proposed parallel architecture can reach up to 86× speed-up compared
to a software implementation on the general-purpose processor and up to 2.9× compared to
a software implementation on the graphic processor.
SAKMA (Jia etal. 2015) is a FPGA-based implementation of the k-means algorithm.
This architecture accelerates the whole k-means algorithm through certain approaches
such as the pipeline, the tile technique, the duplication parallelism, and the hardware adder
tree structures. The SAKMA architecture contains a processing system part in software
and a processing logic part in hardware. The FPGA-based implementation of the k-means
algorithm is carried out by the IP Core. The frequent off-chip memory access is a com-
mon problem that the authors resolved using the tiled technique. This technique aims to
divide the large volume of memory blocks into small tiles that can be buffered on-chip.
The experimental results on real biological and synthetic datasets show that the proposed
method can reach a speed-up at 20.5× with the affordable hardware cost when compared
with other state-of-the-art methods.
In the same context, authors of Winterstein et al. (2013) proposed to accelerate
the k-means algorithm using the FPGA and a binary tree data structure. Indeed, the
authors adopted the filtering algorithm (Kanungo etal. 2002) which intends to reduce
the computational load using a kd-tree as the main data structure. This algorithm con-
sists of constructing a tree from the set of points, then it traverses the tree iteratively
and updates the centers. The main challenge is how to pipeline and to parallelize the
A survey onparallel clustering algorithms forBig Data
1 3
kd-tree processing using multiple banks of distributed on-chip memory. Besides, the
on-chip dynamic memory allocation is used in order to efficiently utilize the memory
resources by allowing the allocation of the average amount of memory required dur-
ing runtime. The proposed method needs 5× fewer computational FPGA resources
compared to the conventional k-means algorithm implemented in parallel for the same
throughput constraint.
The work proposed in An etal. (2012) is part of the clustering-based prototype
learning algorithms. It is a k-means-based multi-prototype learning system strength-
ened by a FPGA-based implementation coprocessor for the nearest Euclidean distance
searching. This technique allows overcoming the high computational cost of the near-
est neighbour searching implementations for the k-means clustering algorithm and the
one nearest neighbour (1-NN) classification algorithm. The aim of the proposed sys-
tem is to construct prototypes using the k-means algorithm iteratively until its con-
vergence to stable centroids, then, the prototypes are used in order to recognize the
test samples by applying the 1-NN classifier to search for the nearest Euclidean dis-
tance among these prototypes. Finally, the k prototypes with the best training result
are selected to represent the final recognition. The experiments on a handwritten digits
dataset show that the proposed learning system can reach an accuracy rate of 97.91%
with 930 prototypes.
Another contribution to the k-means algorithm is proposed in Hussain etal. (2011)
which aims to design a FPGA-based implementation of the k-means algorithm for the
Micro-array datasets, which are known for their large sizes. The proposed approach
requires a careful analysis of samples of Micro-array data in order to fix the values
of some critical parameters, such as data size, dynamic range, precision, and memory
requirement. The k-means algorithm is implemented using three main blocks. The first
block is responsible for the calculation of distances, the second block is responsible
for the assigning data points, and the third block is responsible for recalculating the
centers. Respecting this order, each block executes its operations in parallel and as
soon as it finishes it activates the following block. This process reiterates until the
convergence. The experiments on a sample of a real-life dataset show that the proposed
method can reach a speed-up up to 51.7× compared to a software model and 206.8×
more energy efficient than the CPU implementation.
Authors of Sotiropoulou etal. (2014) proposed 2D-clustering implementation based
on multi-core FPGA for real-time image processing. The proposed clustering imple-
mentation operates on zero-suppressed data and it consists of a pipeline of three mod-
ules: the hit decoder module, the grid clustering module, and the centroid calculation
module. The first module is a preprocessing step which transforms the incoming data
to a recognized form. The second module identifies the clusters using an innovative
moving window technique to reduce the FPGA resources required for this process.
Finally, the third module is a post-processing step which performs the data reduction
process. In other words, the cluster data are replaced with a single set of centroid coor-
dinates. In order to parallelize this implementation, the authors proposed to instanti-
ate multiple grid clustering modules which work independently on data from separate
pixel modules. This is achieved through two logic modules, the parallel data distribu-
tor module, and the data merger module. The experiments concerned the 2D-clustering
single flow implementation and its parallel version up to 16 clustering engines. A com-
parison with a previous version showed that the proposed parallel implementation uses
64× fewer logic resources.
Z.Dafir et al.
1 3
4 Comparison oftheparallel clustering algorithms
The research carried out in the context of this survey has highlighted several noteworthy
observations. The first point concerns the fact that the majority of the parallel clustering
algorithms, which are proposed recently, focus on some well-known algorithms, such
as the k-means (Hartigan and Wong 1979), DBSCAN (Ester et al. 1996), and OPTICS
(Ankerst etal. 1999) algorithms. The nature of these algorithms makes them suitable for
parallelism in different designs and based on various platforms to handle Big Data.
4.1 Experimental setup
Table1 provides a general idea of the performance of the k-means algorithm when imple-
mented using different Big Data platforms. Each parallel k-means version is firstly classi-
fied according to the Big Data platform used to attain the parallelism of the original algo-
rithm. Then, we present the initial parameters, the type of data processed and the criteria
of clustering validation, namely, the quality of the obtained results, the running time con-
sumed, and the speed-up achieved. The quality of the results depends on the data type pro-
cessed and therefore the measures used differ in some cases. Finally, we present criteria
related to the ability of the proposed algorithm to handle Big Data through the volume, the
velocity, and the variety of the processed data.
4.2 Parallel k‑means algorithms
Although k-means is known to be popular and easy to implement, it suffers from some
weaknesses such as the determination of the suitable number of clusters k, in addition to
the scalability issues when treating sparse values. k-means is an iterative algorithm which
involves three main steps: initialization, clusters assignments, and centroids updates. There
are several designs that may be put forward to perform the clusters assignments and cen-
troids updates steps in parallel. From Table1, it can be observed that the MapReduce-
based implementation of the k-means algorithm can process up 4 billion data points in only
a few minutes.
4.3 Parallel DBSCAN algorithms
DBSCAN is as important as k-means. It aims to discover the clusters and the noise in a
spatial database requiring two parameters: Eps and MinPts. The Eps parameter denotes the
maximum radius of the neighbourhood from a point, while the MinPts parameter denotes
the minimum number of points required to form a dense region. Once these input param-
eters are set, DBSCAN performs clustering in a two-step approach. First, it starts by select-
ing an arbitrary point from the dataset that fulfils the core point condition as a seed. Then,
it groups all points that are density-reachable from the selected seed including itself, thus
obtaining a cluster.
DBSCAN offers several advantages including finding clusters of arbitrary shapes and
to handling automatically outliers. And unlike k-means, it does not need to set the num-
ber of clusters. However, the estimation of its input parameters is a complex and critical
task. This algorithm suffers also from the scalability issues like the rest of the traditional
A survey onparallel clustering algorithms forBig Data
1 3
Table 1 Comparison of the recent parallel clustering algorithms of k-means
Platforms Algorithms Clustering criteria Big Data criteria
Input param-
Datasets type Quality Running time Speed-up Volume Velocity Variety
Horizontal scaling
Cui etal.
K: number of
Real, synthetic DBI: 0.0133 for
5.38 min for
– Up to 4 billion
No Data
0.0128 for
5.29 min for DMC
K=100, 16
(N=4b, K=100,
16 reducers)
Spark Tsapanos
: threshold Real NMI: 0.8412 9 h 2.6× Up to 2.8 million
No Face
Azimi etal.
K: number of
Real, synthetic AC: 80.14% – – Up to 1 million
No Data
Vertical scaling
GPU Cuomo etal.
K: number of
Real, synthetic – – 88× Up to 500,000
No Data
D: input size (N=500k,
Hadian and
K: number of
Real, synthetic SSE: 7.42E+12 12.9 s 8.2× Up to 11,620,300
No Data
Z.Dafir et al.
1 3
Table 1 (continued)
Platforms Algorithms Clustering criteria Big Data criteria
Input param-
Datasets type Quality Running time Speed-up Volume Velocity Variety
size of
K=100, 12
cores, chunk_
size= 10000)
FPGA Jia etal.
K: number of
Real, synthetic – 238.86 s 20.5× Up to 20,000
No Data
AC, accuracy; DBI, Davies–Bouldin index; DMC, distribution-based merge clustering; N, the size of the tested dataset; NMI, normalized mutual information; SSE, sum of
squares error measure; WMC, weight-based merge clustering
A survey onparallel clustering algorithms forBig Data
1 3
clustering algorithms. The two steps involved in this algorithm can be easily performed in
parallel on chunks of the dataset. Table2 presents the performance of the DBSCAN algo-
rithm when implemented using different Big Data platforms. The experiments of the paral-
lel implementations of DBSCAN demonstrated that they reached an interesting speed-up
in comparison with the original version algorithm that attains 11× (the MapReduce-based
implementation of DBSCAN for 1.2 billion records).
4.4 Observations andopen issues
Also, it has to be noted that most of the parallel clustering algorithms proposed in the lit-
erature do not handle real-time data and focus on a single type of data, which limits their
adequacy to process Big Data. Indeed, most of the data nowadays are unceasingly produced
in real-time, which necessitate a continuous processing. Such processing should minimize
the storage and computation costs in order to analyse large-scale real-time data. Despite
the difficulties encountered with this kind of data, the parallel clustering methods, which
are proposed in Huang etal. (2015) and Sotiropoulou etal. (2014), handle data stream and
real-time data efficiently using the GPU and FPGA platforms respectively.
The variety of data is also an important dimension of the Big Data, which is unfortu-
nately difficult to handle in the context of clustering. Indeed, most of the parallel clustering
algorithms are designed for numerical data. A few others are specialized in other types of
data, such as text data, multimedia data. However, the Big Data also takes into account het-
erogeneous structured, semi-structured, and even unstructured data as it represents the larg-
est proportion. Indeed, clustering unstructured data is a challenging task due to the absence
of a recognizable representation. To the best of our knowledge, there is a lack of parallel
algorithms for clustering multi-view, heterogeneous, or multi-modal big data.
It should also be noted that most of the reviewed algorithms require fixing some initial
parameters, which involves a complex beforehand study to decide the appropriate values.
Such studies are often calling on information about the data distribution, in addition to
considerable efforts and time, which is not always feasible. However, there are very few
free-parameter algorithms, which are easy to use particularly in the context of Big Data,
where excessive human interactions should be prevented or minimized when processing
data. Therefore, there is a persistent need for parallel clustering algorithms that can meet
all observations mentioned above.
5 Conclusions
This paper proposed an in-depth review of the latest parallel clustering algorithms sorted
according to the Big Data platforms used. There are two fundamental categories of plat-
forms, which can handle large-scale data processing. In the first category, we addressed the
clustering algorithms based on MapReduce, Spark, and Peer-to-Peer networks. These plat-
forms form part of the horizontal scaling platforms. While in the second category, which is
known as the vertical scaling platforms, we focus on the clustering algorithms conceived
with Multi-core processors, GPU, and FPGA. All the reviewed algorithms were analysed
according to the strategies adopted to ensure the parallelism. This work also includes a
detailed comparison of the discussed clustering algorithms based on some common criteria
of validation clustering result in Big Data context.
Z.Dafir et al.
1 3
Table 2 Comparison of the recent parallel clustering algorithms of DBSCAN
Platforms Algorithms Clustering criteria Big Data criteria
Input parameters Datasets type Running time Speed-up Volume Velocity Variety
Horizontal scaling
He etal. (2014)
: distance Real 58 s About 11.29× Up to 1.2 billion recordsNo Spatial data
Minpts: minimum clus-
ter size
(64 tasks, N=1.2b,
(64 tasks, N=1.2b,
Spark Han etal. (2016)
: distance Synthetic 1493 min About 137× Up to 1 million points No Data points
Minpts: minimum clus-
ter size
(N=1m, 512 cores,
=25, Minpts=5)
(N=1m, 512 cores,
=25, Minpts=5)
Savvas and Tselios
: distance Synthetic 67.55 s About 17.5× Up to 100,000 points No 2D data
Minpts: minimum clus-
ter size
(N=100k, 33 nodes) (N=100k, 33 nodes)
Vertical scaling
GPU Andrade etal.
R: proximity radius Synthetic 82.9 s 111.6× Up to 700,000 points No 2D data
MinPts: minimum
cluster size
(N=700k, MinPts=4,
Erdem and Gündem
: minimum distance Synthetic 9.4 s – Up to 50,000 points No 2D fuzzy
: minimum cluster size (N=50k,
=7, c=24)
c: number of cores
FPGA Scicluna and Bou-
ganis (2015)
: distance Real 211.88 ms 33.77× Up to 25,000 points No Data points
A survey onparallel clustering algorithms forBig Data
1 3
Table 2 (continued)
Platforms Algorithms Clustering criteria Big Data criteria
Input parameters Datasets type Running time Speed-up Volume Velocity Variety
Minpts: minimum clus-
ter size
(N=19,504, parallel
(N=19,504, paral-
lel elements=300,
N, the size of the tested dataset
Z.Dafir et al.
1 3
After this thorough study, it is observed that most of the reviewed approaches concern
some well-known clustering algorithms, such as k-Means, DBSCAN, and OPTICS. This
choice lies in the fact that these algorithms are widely studied and suitable for parallel-
ism in different ways. Also, it was noted that some Big Data platforms are becoming less
commonly used in clustering, such as the Peer-to-Peer networks. This is due to the rapid
advancements in the field of parallel and distributed computing. These efforts gave rise
to new programming models and more powerful hardware that exceed the limitations of
the old platforms. It is important to point that most of the parallel clustering algorithms
proposed in the literature do not handle real-time data and focus on a single type of data,
which limits their capability to process Big Data. Consequently, the real-time and the het-
erogeneous data processing remains challenging issues in the context of clustering.
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