
Determinanty zachowań transportowych mieszkańców Łodzi



Celem monografii było określenie czynników determinujących zachowania transportowe mieszkańców Łodzi. W procesie definiowania zachowania transportowego ujawniono niespójności semantyczne występujące na tym tle w literaturze polskiej. W pracy dokonano szerokiego przeglądu literatury dotyczącej czynników warunkujących zachowania transportowe. Finalnie czynniki te podzielono na cztery kategorie: czynniki socjodemograficzne, czynniki przestrzenno-organizacyjne, cechy odbywanej podróży oraz czynniki psychospołeczne. Podmiotem analizy empirycznej byli mieszkańcy Łodzi i dokonywane przez nich wybory w zakresie środków lokomocji wykorzystywanych w codziennych podróżach. W zawiązku z tym w monografii scharakteryzowano specyficzne dla miasta Łodzi przestrzenno-demograficzne, infrastrukturalno-organizacyjne i społeczno-gospodarcze uwarunkowania, w których łodzianie dokonują przemieszczeń. Ważnym wątkiem pracy było także zebranie, opisanie i porównanie wszystkich prowadzonych w Łodzi badań zachowań transportowych począwszy od roku 1995, a skończywszy na roku 2015. Kluczowy element pracy stanowi przeprowadzone ilościowe badanie empiryczne. Niniejsza monografia stanowi pierwsze w literaturze polskiej zastosowanie tak szerokiej gamy modeli mikroekonometrycznych do analizy czynników determinujących zachowania transportowe. Metodyka ta była dotychczas częściowo stosowana w podobnych badaniach przeprowadzanych w innych krajach, ale z pominięciem państw Europy środkowo-wschodniej. W badaniu empirycznym wykorzystano unikatowe dane stosowane pierwotnie w badaniach socjologicznych co pozwoliło na uwzględnienie w modelach niespotykanie szerokiej gamy zmiennych charakteryzujących zarówno respondentów jaki ich otoczenie i odbywane przez nich podróże.
... The ever-increasing number of cars results in higher exhaust and noise emissions, traffic congestion, and reduced road safety. This poses a challenge to authorities, who must continuously attempt to improve the efficiency of the city's transport system (Wójcik, 2020). Any research effort which addresses this issue and provides guidelines for the necessary changes in cities therefore will be not only a contribution to the theoretical development of the field, but may also facilitate the process of changing transport systems in cities for the better. ...
... al., 2014), Wroclaw (1.7 trips per day), and Gdansk (2.1 trips per day) (Gadziński & Goras, 2019). The observations recorded in Łódź were also noticeably lower than in previous years: 1.91 trips per day in 1974 (Gadziński & Goras, 2019), 2.13 trips in 1995 (Wójcik, 2020), 2.4 trips in 2013 (City Office, 2013), and 2.2 trips in 2014 (City Office, 2014). In all likelihood, the overall low mobility may have been due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resultant changes in mobility among the population (increase in remote working, etc.) (Engle et al., 2020;Martin & Bergmann, 2021;Schlosser et al., 2020;Tarkowski et al., 2020). ...
... 3). These findings differ substantially from the results of studies on the modal structure conducted in Łódź in 1994 (52% public transport, 27% walking, 20% car, and 1% bicycle) (Wójcik, 2020), in 2013 (respectively: 45%, 27%, 25%, and 2%) (City Office, 2013), and in 2014 (respectively: 40%, 39%, 30%, and 3% (including motorcycles)) (City Office, 2014). It is difficult to unequivocally indicate to what extent this high share of car trips is a lasting phenomenon and to what degree it has been temporarily intensified by the pandemic, where people were trying to avoid close contact with crowds. ...
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The transport behaviour of Lodz residents with a view to constructing a balanced traffic model to include both private and public transport is examined in this paper. A survey was conducted among 6,000 Lodz citizens using mixed-mode techniques: CAWI and CATI: respondents were asked to complete a travel log for the previous day and the previous Sunday. This served as a basis for further analyses, performed with PTV simulation software, following a four-step model. The main results of the study are presented, including the mobility rate of Lodz residents, the motivations and duration of journeys, and the division of transport tasks into workdays and Sundays, indicating that a higher private carload is typical for home-other and other-home trips on Sundays compared to working days. The number of home to work and work-home trips via private cars is higher for working days compared to Sundays. Furthermore, the simulated traffic load of the public transport system is much higher for working days compared to Sundays. A higher percentage of non-motorised trips and longer trip duration are found to be common for Sundays as well.
... And finally, the functional structure and spatial configuration of the built and natural environment are examined. That category encompasses the location of a job and service facilities relative to places of residence (densities, physical and time distances), land-use structure, public transport accessibility (access/egress distances, service frequency, and necessary transfers), length/ density and configuration of roads, intersections, and bicycle lanes, and the availability of parking space, among others (Schoenau & Müller, 2017;Sun et al., 2017;Wójcik, 2020). Some of the above-mentioned factors have also been recognized as influencing holiday, leisure, and long-distance travel behavior with reference to trip generation in general, distance, and mode choice (see Appendix). ...
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The article presents insights into holiday travel and its determinants in Poland. The purpose of the study was to analyze Polish citizens’ modal split and its determinants. Raw data from a pilot survey conducted in 2015 were used as the source material. To identify the determinants of travel mode choice for holiday trips, a multilevel multinomial logit model was utilized. This approach made it possible to include the hierarchical structure of the data, in which respondents are clustered within municipalities. The results reveal that apart from the decision-maker’s socioeconomic characteristics and household attributes, trip characteristics significantly determine Polish citizens’ choice of holiday travel mode. Moreover, the inclusion of municipality-level predictors substantially improved the accuracy of the model. The analysis revealed that the severity of the environmental consequences of motorized transport perceived by respondents also significantly influences their travel mode choice for holiday trips.
... Braun Kohlová 2009). Należy jednak dodać, że w ostatnich latach pojawiają się badania dotyczące pojedynczych polskich miast lub obszarów metropolitalnych, takich jak: Łódź (Wójcik 2019(Wójcik , 2020, Warszawa (Kucharski, Kulpa, Szarata 2016), Trójmiasto (Jaśkiewicz, Besta 2014), region Komunikacyjnego Związku Komunalnego Górnośląskiego Okręgu Przemysłowego (KZK GOP; ...
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W przedstawionym badaniu dokonano analizy czynników determinujących wybór samochodu jako środka transportu w codziennych podróżach mieszkańców: Białegostoku, Gdańska, Krakowa i Warszawy. Została ona przeprowadzona na podstawie danych z badań jakości życia zebranych przez Eurostat w 2019 r. Otrzymane rezultaty wskazały na istotność wpływu czynników społeczno-demograficznych na prawdopodobieństwo wyboru samochodu. Ważnymi predyktorami okazały się także opinie mieszkańców w zakresie odczuwanej satysfakcji z jakości powietrza i poziomu hałasu w mieście oraz oceny jakości funkcjonowania transportu publicznego. Wykorzystane w pracy podejście metodyczne pozwoliło na uwzględnienie w modelu homogeniczności preferencji mieszkańców poszczególnych miast odnośnie do wyboru samochodu jako codziennego środka lokomocji.
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On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) classified the COVID-19 outbreak as a global pandemic and, in consequence, many countries took steps to prevent the importation and subsequent local transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, resulting in restrictions on economic activity, transport, travel, and daily mobility. Although the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on daily mobility have been widely addressed in the literature, there is a limited number of studies that indicate to what extent these changes have become permanent. The purpose of this study was to determine the nature and scale of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the local transport system of a large city in Poland (Łódź) and, above all, to identify the permanence of this impact. To accomplish these objectives, a questionnaire survey was conducted using the computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) technique on a sample of 500 residents, which included questions on daily mobility in the period before (autumn 2019) and after (autumn 2022) the pandemic. In addition, the results of the questionnaire survey were juxtaposed with data from intelligent transport systems (ITS) (data from 20 induction loops, and data on the number of tickets validated in public transport vehicles). Not only did the pandemic change the frequency of spatial motivations, but it also affected trip durations and preferred modes of transport. The most unfavourable changes concern the modal division and the increase in the use of private transport at the expense of public transport. Understanding the durability of the impact of the pandemic on changes in the spatial mobility of the population may help to develop transport policies and increase the resilience of transport systems to possible future pandemics.
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