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Upstream fishway performance by Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) spawners at complex hydropower dams — is prior experience a success criterion?

Canadian Science Publishing
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
  • County Administrative Board of Västra Götaland

Abstract and Figures

Passage of hydropower plants by upstream-migrating salmonid spawners is associated with reduced migration success, and the need for knowledge of fish behavior downstream of dams is widely recognized. In this study, we examined fishway passage of landlocked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in River Klarälven, Sweden, and brown trout (Salmo trutta) in River Gudbrandslågen, Norway, and the influence of prior experience on passage success in 2012 and 2013. Fishway trap efficiency varied from 18% to 88% and was influenced by river discharge. Most salmon (81%) entered the fishway trap on days without spill, and salmon moved from the turbine area to the spill zone when there was spill, with small individuals showing a stronger reaction than large fish. Analysis of fish with and without prior trap experience showed that a higher percentage of the “naïve” fish (70% of salmon and 43% of the trout) entered the fishway traps than the “experienced” ones (25% of the salmon and 15% of the trout). Delays for fish that entered the trap ranged from 3 to 70 days for salmon and 2 to 47 days for trout.
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Upstream shway performance by Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
and brown trout (Salmo trutta) spawners at complex hydropower
dams is prior experience a success criterion?
Anna Hagelin, Jon Museth, Larry Greenberg, Morten Kraabøl, Olle Calles, and Eva Bergman
Abstract: Passage of hydropower plants by upstream-migrating salmonid spawners is associated with reduced migration
success, and the need for knowledge of sh behavior downstream of dams is widely recognized. In this study, we examined
shway passage of landlocked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in River Klarälven, Sweden, and brown trout (Salmo trutta)in
River Gudbrandslågen, Norway, and the inuence of prior experience on passage success in 2012 and 2013. Fishway trap ef-
ciency varied from 18% to 88% and was inuenced by river discharge. Most salmon (81%) entered the shway trap on days
without spill, and salmon moved from the turbine area to the spill zone when there was spill, with small individuals show-
ing a stronger reaction than large sh. Analysis of sh with and without prior trap experience showed that a higher per-
centage of the naïvesh (70% of salmon and 43% of the trout) entered the shway traps than the experiencedones (25%
of the salmon and 15% of the trout). Delays for sh that entered the trap ranged from 3 to 70 days for salmon and 2 to
47 days for trout.
Résumé : Le passage à travers des centrales hydroélectriques par des salmonidés en montaison de frai est associé à une
réduction du succès de migration, et il est largement reconnu que des connaissances sur le comportement des poissons en
aval de barrages sont nécessaires. Nous examinons le passage dans des passes migratoires de ouananiches (Salmo salar)dans
le euve Klarälven (Suède) et de truites brunes (Salmo trutta)dansleeuve Gudbrandsdalslågen (Norvège), et linuence de
lexpérience antérieure sur le succès de passage en 2012 et 2013. Lefcacité de piégeage des passes migratoires variait de
18 % à 88 % et était inuencée par le débit du euve. La plupart des saumons (81 %) entraient dans le piège de la passe durant
des jours sans déversement et les saumons se déplaçaient de la zone de turbinage à la zone de déversement quand il y avait
un déversement, les petits spécimens présentant une réaction plus forte que les gros poissons. Lanalyse des poissons avec
et sans expérience de pièges antérieure montre quun plus grand pourcentage de poissons « naïfs » (70 % des saumons et
43 % des truites) que de poissons « expérimentés » (25 % des saumons et 15 % des truites) entrait dans les pièges des passes.
Les retards des poissons qui entraient dans un piège allaient de 3 à 70 jours pour les saumons et de 2 à 47 jours pour les
truites. [Traduit par la Rédaction]
Habitat fragmentation is a major threat to biodiversity world-
wide and an important topic in conservation biology (Nilsson
et al. 2005;Noss and Daly 2006). Hydroelectric development, in
which dams block, partly or completely, upstream migration of
shes such as salmonids, is one common cause of habitat frag-
mentation (Nilsson et al. 2005;Clay and Eng 2017). As a result,
shways have often been implemented to restore connectivity
in these fragmented rivers, with varying degrees of success
(Mallen-Cooper and Brand 2007). The different kinds of shways
vary in their physical characteristics, and these differences may
not only facilitate passage of certain species of sh over others,
they may also favour passage of a subset of individuals within a
species due to individual differences in behaviour and (or)
physiological status of the sh (Hinch and Bratty 2000;Pon et al.
2009). Moreover, it is not only the physical characteristics of the
actual shway that affect successful dam passage, but also the
environment characterizing the headwater and tailrace above
and below the hydropower station and dam, which often varies
over time, so that even well-designed shways may function
poorly in certain situations, resulting in delayed or disrupted
dam passage (Larinier 2001). This may be especially true during
high ow conditions due to turbulent white waterin the tail-
race section, inadequate attraction ows at shway entrances
relative to turbine outows and spillwater release, as well as the
placement of shways at hydraulically unsuitable locations
(Larinier 2001;Larinier et al. 2002). Successful passage of dams
might therefore be lower than expected, and shways may not
Received 14 August 2019. Accepted 3 August 2020.
A. Hagelin,* L. Greenberg, O. Calles, and E. Bergman. River Ecology and Management Research Group RivEM, Department of Environmental and Life
Sciences, Karlstad University, S-651 88 Karlstad, Sweden.
J. Museth and M. Kraabøl.
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), NO-2624 Lillehammer, Norway.
Corresponding author: Anna Hagelin (email:
*Present address: County administrative Board of Västra Götaland, Länsstyrelsen Västra Götalands län, S-403 40 Gothenburg, Sweden.
Present address: Multiconsult Norway AS, P.O. 0265 Skøyen, N-0213 Oslo, Norway.
This article is being published as part of the special issue Conservation, Ecology, and Evolution of Nonanadromous Atlantic Salmon, arising from an
international symposium on landlocked Atlantic salmon held 1720 June 2018, at the Ecology and Evolutionary Ethology of Fishes Conference in
Montréal, Quebec.
Copyright remains with the author(s) or their institution(s). Permission for reuse (free in most cases) can be obtained from
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mitigate the fragmentation of the river caused by hydroelectric
dams and power plants (Roscoe and Hinch 2010).
Anadromous salmon and brown trout (Salmo trutta) use consid-
erable amounts of energy during migration, and it is important
that they use energy efciently, minimizing swimming costs
when possible (Bernatchez and Dodson 1987). Fishways with low
functionality may have severe consequences for both individual
tness and population resilience. Studies in the Fraser River, Brit-
ish Columbia, Canada, showed that sockeye salmon (Oncorhyncus
nerka) that failed to pass a shway had high levels of physiologi-
cal stress, made repeated attempts to locate and enter a shway,
and exhibited long periods of intense swimming activity, often
swimming in unfavourable areas with high water velocities and
turbulence (Hinch and Bratty 2000;Cooke et al. 2006;Young
et al. 2006). The successful sh, on the other hand, often entered
the shway on their rst attempt, spent little time searching for
the shway entrance, and selected routes through areas where
water velocity was low and thus less energy-consuming. These
results for sockeye salmon suggest that failure to pass shways
may be due to a combination of poor route choices, elevated
stress, and physical exhaustion. Thus, demanding migratory
routes, combined with challenging sh passage solutions, may
not only cause exhaustion and stress, but could ultimately also
act as bottlenecks for survival and passage success of migrating
sh (Stevens and Black 1966;Peake and Farrell 2004). Prolonged
searches for a passage route past an obstacle also expose sh to
predators and anglers, which may cause surviving sh to con-
sume even more energy in their struggle, energy that otherwise
could be used for reproduction (Kinnison et al. 2001,2003). As
anadromous species feed less during their riverine migratory
phase, energy-consuming migrations may increase mortality and
act as evolutionary selection forces (Bernatchez and Dodson
1987;Jonsson and Jonsson 2011).
Upstream-migrating salmon and trout often seek areas with
high velocities and ows. This behaviour is thought to be an evo-
lutionary mechanism that ensures spawning success by enabling
the sh to negotiate along the main river stem and reach suitable
spawning grounds (Ferguson et al. 2002). Hence, discharge of
water is probably the single most important factor for attracting
upstream migratory salmonids to shway entrances, and large
variation in the operation scheme of ow and (or) spill releases
from dams may hinder or delay upstream migration (Larinier
2001 and references within; Rivinoja et al. 2001;Williams et al.
2012 and references within). In many cases, the main reason for
upstream passage failure often occurs when turbine and (or) spill-
way discharge ow masks attraction ow from shway entrances
(Vegar and Kraabøl 1996;Karppinen et al. 2002;Thorstad et al.
2003). For example, ascending sh may be steered towards blind
alleys and interrupted or delayed in their upstream migration if
attraction ow from turbine or spillway discharge is high rela-
tive to shways or if spill is released far from the shway
(Bjornn and Peery 1992;Kraabøl 2012). Therefore, application of
optimal spillway manipulations seems to be a potentially cost-
effective mitigative action to improve shway performance. To
survive, reproduce, and maintain natural adaptations to the
preregulated river environment, sh rely on the ability to make
decisions that encourage behavioural patterns that lead to suc-
cessful passage (Brown and Laland 2003;Laland et al. 2003).
Thus, any sh passage solution should consider the behaviour
of the sh, including their cognitive abilities and motivational
state, as seen in Goerig and Castro-Santos(2017) study of brook
trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), where they found individual variabili-
ty in attempts to pass even after accounting for the effects of
hydraulics, diel period, and physiology. Although individuals
respond directly to the hydrodynamic and hydraulic environ-
ment in the tailrace section, behavioural responses may also
depend on previous experience and the ability to learn from
prior experiences during passage attempts. Kieffer and Colgan
(1992), for example, describe how sh learn about their sur-
roundings through trial and error, but also by observing the
behaviour of conspecics. Thus, the cognitive abilities of sh
may enable them to modify their search behaviour from previ-
ous experiences. If so, this may entail searching for, or avoiding,
certain objects or areas (Goodyear 1973).
Studies of sh passage typically involve some sort of tagging,
which in turn involves capturing and handling of sh. Handling
the sh during capture, anaesthesia, tagging procedures, and
transportation is associated with an increase in stress and may
result in abnormal behaviour (Thorstad et al. 2008 and references
within). Whether or not the stress generated from handling is
related to learning, with subsequent effects on passage, is in
need of further investigation. Nevertheless, stress associated
with handling may not only have a negative effect on passage suc-
cess, but may also lead to faulty evaluations of the performance
of a given sh passage solution, potentially leading to poor man-
agement decisions (Nyqvist et al. 2017).
In this study, we investigated how mature wild spawners of
large-bodied, landlocked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)inthe
River Klarälven, Sweden, and brown trout in the River Gud-
brandsdalslågen, Norway, performed during their attempts to
locate and ascend shways. The purpose of the study was to
(i) assess shway trap efciency at both study sites; (ii) compare
the behaviour and performance of salmon and trout translocated
from successful shway entries with behavior and performance
of ascending salmon and trout without previous experience from
successful entries of the shway; and (iii) describe and analyze
behaviour and performance of adult salmon approaching a large
and complex hydroelectric dam and power station in relation to
spillway and turbine outlets in the tailrace area. The shortage of
experimental studies on these topics represents a major knowl-
edge gap, and there is a need for descriptive as well as experimen-
tal studies dealing with the behavioural details during the
migratory phase of salmonids in regulated rivers.
Materials and methods
The study was conducted at the Forshaga dam in the River Klar-
älven and at the Hunderfossen dam in the River Gudbrandsdal-
slågen (Fig. 1). Both dams are associated with a run-of-the-river
power plant and a dam section equipped with several spillways.
The environmental conditions are characterized by several
waterways across the dam and great variation in water discharge
during the migratory season. The River Klarälven was investi-
gated during 2012 and 2013 and the River Gudbrandsdalslågen
during 2013.
Study area in Sweden (salmon)
The River Klarälven (catchment area 11 800 km
through Norway and Sweden before it empties into Lake Vänern
(5650 km
), Swedens largest lake. This river is the major spawning
and nursery river for landlocked Atlantic salmon in Lake Vänern.
The mean annual discharge at the river outlet is 162.5 m
mean annual high of 690 m
( During the two
study years, the mean discharge for June to September was 265
in 2012 and 165 m
in 2013 (Fig. 2). The River Klarälven has
been dammed for hydropower purposes since the beginning of the
1900s (Piccolo et al. 2012), and today there are 11 hydropower plants
in the river, of which nine are situated in Sweden and two in
Norway. The main available spawning areas occur above the eighth
dam, within a free-owing reach of 140 km. There are no known
spawning grounds below the rst hydropower plant.
All hydropower dams located in the Swedish portion of the
River Klarälven lack shways and are not passable for upstream-
migrating sh. Instead, the upstream-migrating salmonid spawners
are collected in a shway equipped with a trap at the lowermost
power plant in Forshaga, 25 river km upstream of Lake Vänern
(Fig. 3). The maximum intake capacity at Forshaga power plant is
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Fig. 1. The catchment areas for Lake Mjösa, River Gudbrandsdalslågen, Norway, and Lake Vänern, River Klarälven, Sweden. Map made
using ArcMap 10.5.
Fig. 2. Discharge (m
) in the River Klarälven during the migration period in 2012 (solid black line) and 2013 (broken black line) and in
the River Gudbrandsdalslågen in 2013 (solid grey line).
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163 m
, and water is spilled through four spillways and a log
chute distributed across the dam, depending on river discharge
(Fig. 3). Once captured, the sh are transported by truck and
released upstream of the eighth power plant where the spawning
grounds are situated (see also Hagelin et al. 2016 for details of the
There are two entrances to the shway, one facing the spill
area and one facing the turbine outow area. Both entrances lead
the sh to a single large pool into which auxiliary water is
released (Figs. 3 and 4). From each entrance, sh can ascend a
Denil shway to a false weir that empties into a downward-
sloping tube that leads them into an indoor collecting basin
where the sh are held up to a week until transported (Fig. 4).
The shway discharge is about 1 m
in the ladder but the
attraction ow can be up to 3 m
. All spawners caught in the
trap are netted, sorted by species and origin (hatchery-reared or
wild, sorted by the absence of an adipose n in reared sh), and
measured for body length and sex before transporting them fur-
ther upstream.
The sh trap in Forshaga was open 106 days between 11 June
and 27 September 2012 and 110 days between 21 May and 3 Octo-
ber 2013. From 2004 to 2013, an annual mean number of 628
(range: 2921031) wild and 592 (range: 124992) hatchery-reared
Atlantic salmon were caught in the trap (data from Fortum Gen-
eration AB).
Study area in Norway (trout)
The River Gudbrandsdalslågen (catchment area 11 500 km
is the major spawning and nursery river for the landlocked and
large-bodied brown trout in Lake Mjøsa (365 km
). The mean
annual discharge is 248 m
, with a mean annual high of
630 m
(Fig. 2). A 78 km river section is available for ascend-
ing trout, of which 62 km is situated upstream of the dam and
reservoir at the Hunderfossen power plant. In this study, we
focused on trout movements downstream the dam. Out of 17
major and minor spawning areas recorded in the river, 10 are
located upstream of the dam (Kraabøl and Arnekleiv 1998);
the rest are located downstream of the power plant. In this
study, however, we tagged sh in the shway (termed experi-
enced) and immediately downstream of the dam (termed
naïve), so these sh are likely looking to reach areas further
Hunderfossen dam was constructed in 19601964 (Fig. 5).
The maximum intake capacity of Hunderfossen power plant
is 320 m
. After passing the turbines, the water is led back
to the river, 4.4 km downstream of the dam. Spill water is
released through seven spill gates, one timber gate, and one
ice and trash spillway (Fig. 5).
The shway (1.8 m
) at Hunderfossen dam consists of a pool-
and-weir section (from the entrance to the sh trap) and a Denil
section (from the sh trap to the outlet) (Fig. 5). From 2004 to
2013, the trap caught an annual mean number of 508 (range: 305
685) brown trout. The shway empties directly into a deep pool
below the dam, where there are three different entrances (Fig. 5).
Radiotagging and tracking Atlantic salmon in Sweden
In 2012 we tagged 16 wild Atlantic salmon (Table 1) caught in
fyke nets in Lake Vänern, 5 km f rom the river mo uth. The mean
length of the tagged salmon was 71 cm (range: 6179 cm; SD =
5.0 cm). Th e sh were tagged on a boat and then either released at
the capture site in the lake (n= 10) or transported in a tank and
released 5 km upstream of the river mouth (a total transport dis-
tance of 10 km) (n= 6). Fish were tagged on four occasions: 19
and 26 June and 3 and 6 July. All sh in 2012 were tagged before
they reached the shway in Forshaga and are hereinafter
referred to as naïve.
In 2013, 20 wild Atlantic salmon (Table 1) were caught in fyke
nets at the same location as in 2012. The sh were removed from
the fyke net, tagged, and then immediately released back into
the lake. We tagged sh on four occasions: 19, 24, and 27 June
and 8 July. The mean length of the tagged salmon was 73 cm
(range: 5786 cm, SD = 5.5 cm). In addition, 20 experiencedsh
Fig. 3. Aerial photo (Google Maps) of the power plant at Forshaga, River Klarälven, showing the location of the three turbines, four
upward-opening spill gates, and one downward-opening log chute. There are two entrances to the shway. The area depicted with 1
represents the spill area, and 2represents the turbine outow area, with the dotted line showing the border between the two areas.
The three stars show the location of the telemetry antennas. [Colour online.]
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(Table 1)fromthesh trap in Forshaga were also tagged and then
transported by truck in an aerated tank and released 4 km down-
stream of the power plant. The mean length of the experienced
tagged salmon was 74 cm (range: 6285 cm; SD = 6.1 cm). Again,
the sh caught in the lake were regarded as naïvesh, lacking
experience from entering the sh trap in 2013, whereas the sh
caught in the shway trap were treated as experienced. The
experienced sh were all tagged on 28 June.
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the sh trap in Forshaga.
Fig. 5. Aerial photo (Google Maps) of the power plant at Hunderfossen, Gudbrandsdalslågen, showing the intake to the power station and
the placement of the seven spillways and the shway solutions. The sh trap is located between the pool and weir section (from the
shway entrances to the sh trap; in green) and the Denil section (from the sh trap to the outlet; in blue). [Colour online.]
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All sh were inspected for injuries and measured to the nearest
centimetre (total sh length, L
), after which they were tagged
with external radio transmitters (model F2120, Advanced Teleme-
try Systems (ATS), Isanti, Minnesota, USA), with a mortality signal
that becomes activated after 8 h of no movements. The tags
weighed 16 g, which is well below the recommended maximum
of 2% of total body mass (Winter 1983;Thorstad et al. 2000), and
measured 21 mm 52 mm 11 mm, lying at against the shs
body. During the tagging procedure, in which two coated wires
are pierced through the area below the dorsal n, sh were kept
in a dark plastic tube lled with river or lake water. As soon as
the tagging was done, the sh were put in a large tank to monitor
their recovery. To minimize further stress, the sh were treated
without anesthetics as described by Finstad et al. (2005).Allsh
were tagged in temperatures below 19 °C.
To track the tagged sh, we used stationary loggers and man-
ual tracking. We placed three stationary data loggers, model
R4500S (ATS), connected to six-element Yagi antennas, around
the power plant to detect movements in the area downstream of
the dam. One was placed near the turbine outlet, one at the spill
gate closest to the sh trap, and one at the spill gate furthest
away from the sh trap (Fig. 3). Before tagging we used the sta-
tionary loggers to provide a signal map of the area so the we
could tell, more specically, where the sh resided. Manual
tracking, using receiver model R4000 (ATS) and a three-element
Yagi antenna, was conducted approximately every third day
from the time of release until the sh had either been caught in
the trap or had moved back downstream to the lake. Manual
tracking was primarily done on foot but also by boat and covered
the area from the power plant to the river mouths. We also had
additional antennas at the three mouths of the River Klarälven to
detect river entry and downstream movements into Lake Vänern.
Radio-tagging and tracking trout in Norway
During the spawning migration season in 2013, articial fre-
shets were used to attract and capture brown trout at spillway 1
on the eastern side of Hunderfossen dam (Kraabøl 2012;Fig. 5).
When ow through spillway 1 exceeds 10 m
, ascending trout
gather in the deep pool below the dam (Fig. 5). Trout were
trapped in pots or stranded after spillway closure and netted and
secured as quickly as possible in a 1 m deep pool. A total of 44
brown trout were captured, tagged, and released into the deep re-
cipient pool immediately below the shway (Table 1;Fig. 5). All
individuals were tagged with Floy anchor tags, and a subsample
was radio-tagged (n= 9) on 9 an d 29 August 20 13. Th e mean length
of the tagged trout was 68 cm (range: 4888 cm; SD = 9.9 cm).
These sh were termed naïveas they had not entered the sh
trap during 2013. In addition, 73 experienced brown trout were
captured in the sh trap (Fig. 5;Table 1). All individuals were
tagged with Floy anchor tags, and a subsample was radio-tagged
(n= 10). These individuals were released downstream of the dam
in the same pool as the naïve sh. The mean length of the experi-
enced trout was 72.5 cm (range: 4887 cm; SD = 9.6 cm).
For all sh, origin (hatchery-reared or wild, sorted by the ab-
sence of an adipose ninrearedsh) of the sh was noted, and
total sh length (L
) was measured to the nearest centimetre.
The hatchery-reared sh were stocked as 2-year-olds (lengths
2025 cm) and had been at least three growth seasons in Lake
Mjøsa before they returned as spawners. Previous studies have
shown no effect of origin on downstream or upstream migration
and behavior of trout at the Hunderfossen dam (Kraabøl 2012),
but we nevertheless included origin in the analysis of the trout in
this study. The Floy anchor tags (Floy Tag, Seattle, Washington,
USA) were inserted in front of the dorsal nbyaFloypistol.The
unanesthetized sh were kept in a dark plastic tub lled with
river water during tagging. Radio-tagging followed the same pro-
cedure as in Sweden. After tagging and measuring, all tagged na-
ïve trout were carried in opaque, dark plastic bags lled with
water and released in the deep pool below the dam. Experienced
trout were put in a large sh tank and transported with a crane
to the deep pool downstream of the shway. The handling time
was approximately the same for the naïve and experienced sh.
All sh were ta gged in temperatures below 19 °C.
Tagged trout (Floy and radio tags) caught in the sh trap were
identied on a daily basis by the staff at Hunderfossen trout
hatchery. To follow the radio-tagged sh, we used manual track-
ing. The sh were positioned by using an ATS R4500s receiver
and a handheld antenna from land (there are roads along both
sides of the river, running from the dam to Lake Mjøsa). The posi-
tion of trout was identied on average every 2.7 days (i.e., 23
times in the period 30 August to 1 November 2013).
We calculated shway efciency (Eberstaller et al. 1998), or to
be more exact shway trap efciency, for the shways in For-
shaga (Atlantic salmon) and Hunderfossen (brown trout). Fish-
way trap efciency was dened as the proportion of tagged sh,
residing in the area, that entered the shway and were captured
in the sh trap. In Forshaga, only sh actively approaching the
dam were considered residing in the area, whereas in Hunderfos-
sen all tagged sh were assumed to be residing in the area, since
they were captured and released immediately below the shway.
Since experienced sh had already passed the shway once, we
only used recaptures of naïve salmon and trout (one year at Hun-
derfossen and both years at Forshaga) to estimate shway trap ef-
ciency, as this measurement best describes efciency under
To make comparisons between naïve and experienced sh,
we also calculated shway trap efciency for tagged sh (i.e.,
capture rate for naïve sh and recapture rate for experienced
sh) that were detected near the dam. These calculations were
based on data from 2013 for both naïve and experienced Atlan-
tic salmon and brown trout. Analysis of these data was done
using a binary logistic regression model BSTEP, exploring the
relationship between the probability (P) of observing captures
in the shway at the dam in Forshaga (Atlantic salmon) and
Hunderfossen (brown trout) and three different sh state
Table 1. Overview of the tagged Atlantic salmon and brown trout during 20122013 in
the River Klarälven (Sweden) and the River Gudbrandsdalslågen (Norway).
Sex Length (cm)
Female Male Mean Range SD
Naïve salmon 2012 —— 6479 4.5
Experienced salmon 2013 13 7 74.5 6285 6.4
Naïve salmon 2013 10 10 72.9 5786 5.5
Experienced brown trout 2013 52 21 72.5 4887 9.6
Naïve brown trout 2013 32 12 68.3 4888 9.9
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variables, namely the level of experience (experienced or naïve
sh), sex, and length. In addition, origin (wild or hatchery-
reared) was included as a variable in the brown trout analysis.
The movement between areas 1 and 2 in the River Klarälven
(Fig. 3) was analysed for naïve Atlantic salmon from 2012 and
2013 using a generalized linear model. Occupancy of an area
was treated as a binary response variable and year as a factor. The
spill difference during the time period between manual tracking
occasions was quantied as either absolute or relative spill (i.e.,
absolute spill was set as maximum spill minus the minimum
spill, and relative spill was set as the ratio of mean spill to mean
ow (Q)), and both were used as covariates together with sh
We also tested for behavioural differences between naïve and
experienced sh. The behaviours tested were delay and motivation.
Delay (i.e., the number of days from entering the area below the
power plant (Fig. 3) (Sweden) or from being tagged (Norway) to enter-
ing the sh trap) was analyzed using a MannWhitney test. For At-
lantic salmon we used data from 2012 and 2013, and for brown trout
we used data from 2013. Motivation, expressed as number of
attempts to enter the trap, was calculated both totally and per day
andtestedusingaMannWhitney test. An attempt is dened as an
occasion when the sh resided in the vicinity of the shway en-
trance, positioned by the automatic loggers. This metric was only
computed for Atlantic salmon in Klarälven in 2012 and 2013.
A separate success rate was also analysed for the Atlantic
salmon studied in 2012. Here, we compared the performance of
naïve Atlantic salmon that were treated in two different ways:
(i) tagged and released directly into the lake or (ii) tagged, trans-
ported, and then released into the river. This analysis was done
using a binary logistic regression BSTEP. Whether or not the sh
made attempts and (or) passed the shway was used as the
response variable, and handling of sh (released directly versus
transported and released) and length were treated as factors. All
statistical analyses were carried out in IBM SPSS Statistics 24.
All handling of sh in Sweden was performed in agreement
with the animal welfare permit No. 2013/85 from the Swedish
Board of Agriculture and in Norway in agreement with animal
welfare permit No. 2013/116588.
Fishway trap efciency
For Atlantic salmon at Forshaga, 11 of the 16 radio-tagged naïve
salmon made attempts to enter the shway in 2012 (i.e., they
resided in the area). Two of the 11 salmon eventually entered the
shway and were captured in the collecting basin in the sh trap.
The transmitters switched to mortality mode for ve of the
salmon, indicating the sh died, became inactive, or lost their
transmitters before entering the shway. Thus, shway trap ef-
ciency in 2012 was 18% if the sh with mortality signals are
included and 33% if they are excluded. In 2013, 18 of the 20 naïve
radio-tagged salmon made attempts to enter the shway (i.e.,
they resided in the area). Of the 18 salmon, 14 were captured in
the trap, and two either died or lost their transmitter (for the
same reasons as outlined above). Thus, shway trap efciency in
2013 was 78% if the sh with mortality signals are included and
88% if they are excluded. The average discharge for the migration
period (i.e., when the sh were in the area) was higher in 2012
(276 m
), and consequently there was
also more spill in 2012 (Fig. 6). Most sh (81%) entered the trap on
days without spill (Figs. 6aand 6b).
For brown trout at Hunderfossen in 2013, 19 of the 44 naïve
tagged (Floy and radio) trout were captured in the trap in the sh-
way. Thus, shway trap efciency was 43%.
Naïve versus experienced
There was a signicant effect of level of experience (naïve ver-
sus experienced) on the number of salmon that entered the sh
trap in Forshaga in 2013 (Z=7.5,P= 0.006). Of the 20 tagged naïve
salmon, 70% were captured in the trap as compared with 25% of
the 20 experienced ones (Table 2;Fig. 7). Further, 10% of the naïve
and 45% of the experienced salmon ceased upstream migration.
Based on manual tracking and information from the dataloggers,
they moved downstream and left the area after tagging and
release, and they did not move upstream to the power plant area.
A similar difference in success rate between naïve and experi-
enced sh was found for brown trout at Hunderfossen dam (Z=
10.35, P= 0.001). Out of 44 tagged naïve brown trout, 43% were
captured in the sh trap, whereas only 15% of the experienced
(n= 73) ones were captured in the sh trap (Fig. 7). Manual posi-
tioning of the radio-tagged sh revealed that 11% of the naïve and
50% of the experienced brown trout ceased migration after tag-
ging and release. We found no signicant effects of sex and sh
length on the success rate for salmon or trout (Table 2). In addi-
tion, we found no signicant effects of origin (wild or hatchery-
reared) for trout.
Searching behaviour
Based on telemetry data, we found that salmon searched for a
passage route in waterways releasing the highest water dis-
charges. When the majority of water discharge was released
through the turbines, the salmon were mainly observed in tur-
bine zone 2, and when the majority of water was released
through the spill gates, the sh were more often located in spill
zone 1 (Fig. 3). Periods of high spill water release (Z=21.04,
P0.001) and increasing spill (Z=4.71,P= 0.03) stimulated the
sh to move to zone 1 in both 2012 and 2013 (Figs. 6aand 6b;Table 3).
There was also a signicant difference between years (Z= 8.68,
P= 0.003), where more sh moved to the spill zone in 2012, and an
effect of sh length (Z= 5.14, P= 0.023), where smaller sh
responded by searching more actively towards the spill than
larger individuals (Table 3).
Naïve salmon were delayed by a median of 15 days (370 days),
whereas the experienced salmon were delayed by 7 days (770 days).
For brown trout, the median delay for experienced and naïve trout
was 26 (247) and 25 (443) days, respectively. The difference in
delays between experienced and naïve sh was not signicant for
either species (MannWhitney Utest: U=36.5,N
=11,P= 0.698 for trout).
We found no differences in total number of attempts to enter
the shways between the naïve (median 1 attempt) and experi-
enced (median 2 attempts) salmon (MannWhitney Utest: U=
87.0, N
= 18, N
=11,P= 0.444). The same was true if expressed as
the number of attempts per day, with a median of 0.027
for the experienced sh and 0.037 attempts·day
for the naïve ones (MannWhitney Ustatistics: U=94.0,N
= 18,
=11,P= 0.822).
There was a signicant difference in the number of attempts
between the two groups of naïve salmon that had been handled
differently in 2012 (logistic regression, Z=4.49,P= 0.034). Out of
the 10 salmon that were released immediately after tagging,
seven made attempts to enter the shway, and two succeeded in
entering the trap. Out of the six salmon that were transported to
the river, two made attempts to enter the shway, but none man-
aged to enter it.
All migratory salmonid populations are dependent on spawners
reaching spawning grounds, and therefore in regulated rivers, it is
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Fig. 6. The percentage of salmon (of the total number of salmon in the area at that time; depicted by the histobars) observed in the
vicinity of the turbine outlet (area 2 in Fig. 3) at Forshaga in 2012 (a)and2013(b). Arrows represent times of salmon entering the sh trap.
[Colour online.]
Table 2. Results for the binary logistic regression model for the probability of captures
in the sh trap, showing the Wald statistic and the odds ratios (exp(
)) with 95% CI for
captures in the sh traps.
Model Predictor Coefficients
Wald statistic
) 95% CIZ P
Salmon Intercept 0.85 3.02 0.082 0.43
Experienced 0 1
Naïve 1.95 7.50 0.006 7 0.4328.17
Trout Intercept 0.27 0.81 0.37 1.32
Experienced 0 1
Naïve 1.44 10.35 0.001 4.22 1.7510.12
Note: A backward stepwise likelihood procedure suggested that the variables sexand individual
sh lengthshould be excluded from the model. The variables experiencedor naïverefer to the
salmon and trout that either passed or failed to pass a shway.
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paramount that spawners can successfully pass dams to reach
them. Our study of Atlantic salmon and brown trout showed that
the situations for single dam passages in two regulated rivers could
potentially be improved as passage success varied in Klarälven and
was unsatisfactorily low in Gudbrandsdalslågen. Our analyses also
showed that previous experience, dened as prior successful entry
into the shway traps, had a negative effect on passage success for
the same shway later in the season.
Reproductive success is of fundamental importance for all pop-
ulations, and for migrating sh it is tightly linked with both
migration success and timing (Dingle 1996). Within this context,
well-functioning shways are required, where functionality not
only involves successful passage (i.e., the proportion of sh that
enter and pass a shway), but also passage with little delay. If
delay is substantial, reproductive success may be negatively
impacted due to aborted spawning migrations, reduced windows
of opportunity to mate due to delayed arrival at spawning sites,
and forced spawning at suboptimal and over-crowded areas
below dams (Gorsky et al. 2009;Holbrook et al. 2009). While the
observed delays for salmon (715 days) and trout (2526 days)
passing the dams at Forshaga and Hunderfossen may not have se-
rious consequences for reproductive success, although one may
question this for trout, there is seldom only one dam for sh to
pass to reach their spawning grounds. In the River Klarälven, the
sh would need to pass eight dams to reach the spawning
grounds in Sweden and an additional three to reach the Norwe-
gian spawning grounds. The cumulative delay associated with so
many dams would undoubtedly have a negative effect on repro-
ductive success, and thus the current truck and transport system
seems to be the only viable alternative.
A well-functioning shway must work well under a variety of
ow conditions. We found that mean shway (trap) efciency in
River Klarälven varied greatly, ranging from 18% in a high ow
year to 88% in a year of normal ow conditions. Our measure of
efciency in Gudbrandsdalslågen may be an underestimate, as
we assumed all of the sh remained in the dam area after release
(i.e., we did not radio-track all sh). Even if this is the case, the ef-
ciency in Gudbrandsdalslågen (47%) was higher than a previous
report of 21% to 39% for other years (Kraabøl 2012). Fish used in
these previous reports (Kraabøl 2012) were all considered naïve.
Hence, there was large annual variation in shway performance
at both dams, which have run-of-the-river hydropower plants.
Fishways at run-of-the-river hydropower plants have previously
been shown to have large interannual variation in their passage
performance, which has been ascribed to differences in ow condi-
tions, resulting from different patterns of spill in relation to ow
(Rivinoja et al. 2001;Lundqvist et al. 2008). We found, for example,
that Atlantic salmon were more likely to enter the shway when
spill was low or nil and moved from the tailrace to the spill area
when spill increased, a pattern also reported by Rivinoja et al.
(2001). While we did not study in detail the behaviour of the trout
at Gudbrandsdalslågen, previous studies here have estimated sh-
way performance to be optimal at ows of 220 m
, suboptimal
up to 180 m
, and completely dysfunctional at higher ows
(Jensen and Aass 1995). In Klarälven, we also saw a size-dependent
effect of spill, where small sh responded by searching more
actively towards the spill area than large sh. We can only specu-
late as to why this occurred, but it may be related to large individu-
als being more successful at holding position (Fleming 1996;
Fleming et al. 1997).
Fig. 7. Percentage of naïve and experienced individuals of (a) Atlantic salmon and (b) brown trout that succeeded in entering the sh trap
at Forshaga and Hunderfossen dams, respectively. Total sample sizes are indicated above each histobar.
Table 3. Results for the generalized estimating equations model for occupancy in an area, showing the Wald statistic and
the odds ratios (exp(
)) with 95% CI.
Model Predictor Coefficients
Wald statistic
) 95% CIZ P
Salmon Intercept 6.36 4.30 0.067 578.27
Year 1.65 8.68 0.003 0.19 2.75 to 0.55
Length 0.93 5.14 0.023 0.91 0.17 to 0.13
Spill (m
) 2.58 21.04 0.000 13.20 1.48 to 3.68
Spill increase (m
) 0.01 4.71 0.030 1.01 0.00 to 0.26
Note: Variables in the model are years 2012 and 2013 and individual sh length. Total spill and spill increase were measured during the
time between two tracking occasions.
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The low efciency at high spill observed in the River Klarälven
will require one or more countermeasures to reduce the likeli-
hood that sh become attracted away from shway entrances.
One way to increase shway trap efciency would be to establish
operational schemes for releasing spill water near the sh trap
entrance during spawning migrations. Such a spill plan was
recently implemented in Klarälven (in 2018), but to date it has
not been evaluated. Another countermeasure that one might
consider is installation of physical screens along the tailrace to
hinder sh from moving away from shway entrances towards
spill or turbine discharge areas. At the Pitlochry Dam, Scotland,
Webb (1990) found that 55% of the ascending Atlantic salmon
passed shways successfully without screens, but 100% passed af-
ter screens had been installed (Gowans et al. 1999).
Catching, handling and transporting sh may affect the up-
stream migration behaviour and success due to stress (Jokikokko
2002;Portz et al. 2006) and exhaustion (Cooke and Hinch 2013).
Many studies looking at passage success have still used sh col-
lected from passage facilities (i.e., experienced)sh that have
been exposed to some degree of handling (e.g., Roscoe et al. 2011;
Bunt et al. 2012). Unfortunately, the difculties associated with cap-
turing naïve spawners in large lakes and rivers often necessitates
the need to use sh captured in shways (i.e., it is the only viable
option). Our study indicates that there may be biases associated
with using experiencedsh. We do not know the reason for the
lower passage success for experienced sh than for naïve sh.
Nevertheless, it is important to consider that prior experience as
dened here includes more than experience entering a shway; it
also includes effects from handling or transport procedures as well
as other experiences such as delays in the shway traps or exhaus-
tion from migrating in a portion of the river for a second time. We
believe that a likely explanation for the difference in shway trap
efciency for naïve and experienced sh, which is consistent with
the results for the 2 years of study in the River Klarälven and for the
River Gudbrandsdalslågen, may be related to stress and that stress
reactions may have over-ruled the effects of prior success. Both na-
ïve and experienced sh were subjected to stress associated with
handling and tagging, but the experienced sh were also subjected
to stress associated with being held in the collection basin and, for
salmon, transportation from the shway trap to the release site in
the river. Further support for an effect of stress can be seen in the
response of naïve and experienced salmon directly after release,
where 10% of the naïve salmon and 45% of the experienced ones
ceased migration after tagging and release and did not move up to
the power plant area.
Even if a tenable explanation for this difference in behavior
and performance of naïve and experienced salmon and trout is
stress-related, we cannot rule out the possibility that this differ-
ence may be related to learning as well. Previous experimental
studies have provided indications that sh can remember nega-
tive experiences for a substantial amount of time (Odling-Smee
and Braithwaite 2003;Yue et al. 2004) and that the primary func-
tion of fear and stress is to help animals avoid danger (Paul et al.
2005) and thereby avoid certain places (Portavella et al. 2004;Yue
et al. 2004). In the study conducted in 2012, we found that a larger
percentage of the salmon released directly into the lake
attempted to enter the shway (70%) than sh transported 10 km
into the stream before released (33%). Thus, it once again seems
likely that the difference in behaviour and performance of naïve
and experienced sh is stress-related and (or) related to second-
ary effects such as energy consumption, where stress associated
with transportation alone may be sufcient to produce behaviou-
ral differences.
Overall, our results suggest that evaluations of shway per-
formance (efciency) should be tempered with caution, depend-
ing on the source of individuals used in such studies. More
research is needed to understand the reason for the difference we
observed, but the potential bias associated with prior experience
appears to be general, as we obtained similar results with two dif-
ferent species in two different river systems. Our results also
underscore the need to consider shway efciency during multi-
ple years, presumably related to interannual differences in ow
conditions. There are many ways to deal with interannual ow
variation, such as establishing a spill plan and using screens to
inuence route choice. Other possibilities are to increase attrac-
tion ow at the traps, design shways with multiple entrances, or
in some cases, in particular in large rivers, to construct more than
one sh passage solution and in that way cover the broad range of
ow conditions that the sh face (Larinier 2001).
Fishway efciency and sh behaviour during passage is
affected by a number of factors, factors that may cause cumula-
tive responses, and it is difcult to single out the importance of
each factor. We have, in this study, attempted to illustrate the im-
portance of prior experience to shway efciency, but we also
recommend further research to continue to investigate and pin-
point the different factors affecting shway efciency to reduce
losses during migration in the future.
We thank Anders Andersson and Daniel Nilsson for help with
the eldwork in the River Klarälven, Måns Bagge for support in
catching sh in Lake nern, and Klas Jarmuszewski and the crew
at Fortum Generation AB for practical support at the sh trap. The
crew at the Hunderfossen power plant and trout hatchery are also
thanked for their contributions to trapping, maintaining, and
transporting the trout. The study in Sweden was carried out as part
of the EU, European Regional Development Fund, Interreg project
Free passage for landlocked Lake Vänern salmon. The study in
Norway was funded by the Norwegian Research Council (NRC)
through the MILJOE2015 program (thematic area: Water), which
supports the RIVERCONN project (grant No. 221454) and the
SAFEPASS-project (grant No. 244022).
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... Medidas de manejo e mitigação a serem implementadas no caso da construção dessas usinas terão ef icácia nula ou bastante limitada na proteção das populações. Sistemas de Transposição de Peixes por exemplo, poderão limitar o número de indivíduos que trans põem as barragens, além de poder atrasar a sua chegada em seus sítios reprodutivos, já que indivíduos em migração reprodutiva levam tempo para identif icar a entrada do sistema e para atravessá-lo (Hagelin et al., 2021;Zydlewski et al., 2023). Os próprios reservatórios formados pelas barragens serão obstáculos extras para a migração reprodutiva (Lopes et al., 2021(Lopes et al., , 2024. ...
... However, water courses were not sampled randomly, so the proportions between sampled water courses and the occurrence of trout and salmon may be misleading. In contrast, monitoring of adult trout and salmon focuses mainly on the greatest fluvial systems, often in conjunction with hydropower, or in systems where there is a public interest such as recreational angling (Hagelin et al., 2021;Shephard et al., 2019). ...
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This study outlines a method for using surveillance cameras and an algorithm that calls a deep learning model to generate video segments featuring salmon and trout in small streams. This automated process greatly reduces the need for human intervention in video surveillance. Furthermore, a comprehensive guide is provided on setting up and configuring surveillance equipment, along with instructions on training a deep learning model tailored to specific requirements. Access to video data and knowledge about deep learning models makes monitoring of trout and salmon dynamic and hands‐on, as the collected data can be used to train and further improve deep learning models. Hopefully, this setup will encourage fisheries managers to conduct more monitoring as the equipment is relatively cheap compared with customized solutions for fish monitoring. To make effective use of the data, natural markings of the camera‐captured fish can be used for individual identification. While the automated process greatly reduces the need for human intervention in video surveillance and speeds up the initial sorting and detection of fish, the manual identification of individual fish based on natural markings still requires human effort and involvement. Individual encounter data hold many potential applications, such as capture–recapture and relative abundance models, and for evaluating fish passages in streams with hydropower by spatial recaptures, that is, the same individual identified at different locations. There is much to gain by using this technique as camera captures are the better option for the fish's welfare and are less time‐consuming compared with physical captures and tagging.
... In an ideal world, all fish used to investigate fishway performance would be naïve to the weir (Hagelin et al., 2021) both before and after fishway construction to ensure previously learnt behaviors do not influence the likelihood to approach or pass the impediment. At the very least, fish passage solutions should be studied when first opened to assess performance when first encountered. ...
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Reversing the negative impacts that anthropogenic habitat fragmentation has on animal movement is a key goal in the management of landscapes and conservation of species globally. Accurate assessment of measures to remediate habitat fragmentation, such as fish passage solutions in rivers, are imperative but are particularly challenging for territorial species, which are less likely to leave their existing home range, or populations composed of both migratory and resident individuals (i.e., partial migration). This investigation quantified the movements of translocated (captured upstream of the impediment and released downstream) and non‐translocated (captured and released downstream of the impediment) riverine brown trout (Salmo trutta L.), a species known to perform a homing movement, through a fish pass using passive integrated transponder (PIT) telemetry. A significantly higher proportion of translocated fish approached, entered, and passed (on a wider range of flows) compared to non‐translocated fish, consistent with the theory that motivation is a key driver in fish pass use. Translocated fish that entered the pass were significantly larger than those that approached but did not enter, presumably due to physiological capability. Translocated fish were a more reliable indicator of the fish passage solution effectiveness than non‐translocated fish. Our findings hence imply that many fish passage solutions globally, and potentially measures to remediate habitat fragmentation for other taxa, may have been mistakenly assessed for unmotivated animals. Studying both non‐translocated and translocated fish is recommended to provide more accurate and cost‐effective fish passage solution assessments.
... The most glaring knowledge gap in the design of effective fishways is the degree to which different dam designs and operations affect passage success (Hagelin et al., 2020;Lackey, 2017;Poff & Hart, 2002). For example, recommended fishway discharge for attraction is usually 1%-10% of total dam discharge during the passage season, so that 90%-99% of dam releases are controlled by the operation of the dam at which the fishway is located (Gisen et al., 2016;Williams et al., 2012). ...
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Nearly 60,000 large dams (higher than 15 m) occur worldwide in addition to an estimated 16 million smaller impoundments with individual surface areas larger than 100 m2. The resulting habitat fragmentation threatens global riverine biodiversity and sustainable fish populations. Two opposing approaches for selecting fish passage designs to mitigate river fragmentation are possible: develop a limited number of standardized (reference) designs from which a design for a candidate dam is selected (one-size-fits-all approach) vs. conduct scientific fish passage studies specific to each dam and targeted fish species (made-to-order approach). The two approaches vary in probability of effectiveness, cost of supporting biological studies, and overall project cost and schedule impact. To address this conundrum, we analyzed 73 USA dams to identify two groups that differed markedly in fish passage planning approaches. Snake River dams are similar in design, flow, geological setting, and target fish species. In contrast, Mississippi River dams are relatively dissimilar in design, flow, geological setting, but generally similar in target fish species. We conclude that the more similar a candidate dam for fish passage is to a reference set of similar dams (i.e., the Snake River Dams), then the more likely fish passage technology can be successfully extrapolated to a proposed dam in the same or a nearby watershed. As a general strategy, we recommend that dams in a region be clustered using key hydrologic, structural, operational, and biological variables. These variables can be used to assign a new dam or retrofit of an existing dam to a cluster to which they are most similar; thereby, optimally extending existing knowledge to new applications. In the process, reliance on the less efficient and more expensive made-to-order approach can be reduced.
... Handling stress was unlikely to influence delays because our fish were allowed to pass Milford of their own volition instead of being captured by an invasive gear-type such as gill nets, fyke nets, or angling (Bernard et al. 1999, Mӓkinen et al. 2000, Hagelin et al. 2021. They also did not experience anesthesia or surgery during tagging. ...
Dams interrupt river connectivity and disrupt fish migrations. We used telemetry to study the migratory movement patterns of adult American shad, sea lamprey, and Atlantic salmon on the Penobscot River, Maine after dam removals and other passage improvements had occurred. We also studied scale formation of marine-stage Atlantic salmon raised in marine net pens, the findings from which could be relevant to captive rearing efforts. American shad now have access to the majority of their historic spawning habitat, contingent on passage the first main-stem dam (Milford Dam). We found that habitat upstream of dams was infrequently accessed, and first time spawners were most likely to pass Milford, suggesting that passage motivation may be related to downstream spawning habitat saturation. Sea lampreys provide important ecological services within their native range. Passage success of tagged lampreys at Milford was relatively high, but passage success at upstream dams was variable. The insights provided by this study are an important first step towards ensuring that lampreys will persist in their native habitats. Although fish passage exists at Milford Dam, it does not appear to be efficient for Atlantic salmon. Most salmon experienced extended delays at Milford Dam. Salmon also had low passage efficiencies when approaching dams elsewhere in the system. Most adults in the Penobscot are hatchery-origin fish stocked into the river as smolts, and current stocking practices release smolts downstream of Milford. This may prevent smolts from imprinting on upstream waters. We also found that fish that searched for passage at Milford near the fishway entrance experienced shorter delays compared to fish that searched throughout the river channel. Many study fish passed the dam on the same day as entering the fishway, suggesting that attraction to the fishway is a major factor leading to delays. The rate at which scale circuli are formed can yield valuable information about fish growth. Scales were collected from Atlantic salmon raised in marine net pens to characterize circulus deposition and scale growth in relation to time and water temperature during the early marine phase. Deposition and growth rates were variable through time and when related to temperature.
... This would not be seen in a bypass in a river and it inflated the number of camera observations since returning fish could not be identified. There were indications of changes in behavior across observation groups, suggesting that experience of passing the bypass may alter subsequent behavior, as seen in field studies (Hagelin et al., 2021). Future studies of similar design should consider implementing features that reduce the risk of fish from returning back after successfully passing through the bypass. ...
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Historically, ecological engineered solutions for fish passage across anthropogenic barriers in rivers has mainly focused on facilitating upstream passage for long-migrating diadromous fish, such as salmonids. More recently, passage solutions have shifted their focus to a more holistic ecological perspective, allowing passage for species with different swimming capacity, both upstream and downstream. This experiment investigated whether the addition of cobble in the passageway of a surface bypass could facilitate downstream movement of a cyprinid fish, the common roach Rutilus rutilus. Surface bypasses were constructed in large experimental flumes and roach were released into the flumes and monitored for bypass passage using PIT-telemetry through 11-h night-trials. Behavior was scored using four continuously-recording video cameras at the bypass construction. There was a negative effect of substrate-treatment on the passage rate through the bypass. The majority of the fish in the No substrate treatment had successfully passed within 4 h, while a lesser proportion of the fish in the Substrate treatment had done so (additional fish in the latter treatment passed later in the trials). Fish exposed to cobble substrate in the bypass passageway showed more avoidance-like behaviors at the ramp section of the bypass and tended to return back upstream more often than the fish in the no-substrate control trials. When reaching the passageway, the substrate-exposed fish expressed no behaviors that could be indicative of reduced passage success, as compared to controls. We conclude that passage was not hindered by the presence of cobble substrate, but passage was delayed due to avoidance behavior at the bypass ramp when cobble substrate was present. Based on these results, the addition of cobble substrate in a surface bypass cannot be recommended as a measure to facilitate the downstream passage performance of the common roach through surface bypasses.
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An increasing presence of instream structures such as weirs, dams, culverts and reservoirs degrades habitats, fragments rivers and blocks fish movements worldwide. Longitudinal river movements are fundamental for many fish species and the most widespread solution to restore longitudinal connectivity is the implementation of different fish passage solutions. Fishway functionality, however, is highly variable. To design a functional fishway, several aspects of the fish's interaction with its environment need to be taken into consideration. Artificial light at night (ALAN) can affect a range of different behaviours in fish, from activity and movement to feeding and predator–prey relationships. In a fish passage setting, fish are exposed to artificial light at night (ALAN) in the form of light pollution, but, sometimes, also as part of the fish passage solution. Although likely highly species specific, the effect of artificial light on fish passage behaviour has been little explored. Here we study the passage behaviour of two small‐sized fish species, European gudgeon ( Gobio gobio ) and Italian riffle dace ( Telestes muticellus ), over a scaled deep side notch weir in a hydraulic flume in three different light conditions: daylight, darkness and ALAN. Although both species passed the obstacle at high efficiencies under all light conditions, their passage behaviours were influenced by light, particularly at the higher levels. While ALAN reduced passage success and resulted in delayed passage for gudgeon, riffle dace passed at higher rates under the artificial light compared to night treatment. Both results indicate a risk of negative effects from ALAN on passage performance at real fishways—or movement rates in lit areas of natural streams—for both species. Independent of light conditions, individuals of both species also passed faster after repeated trials, demonstrating learning in a fish passage context.
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More than a century of impoundments in the Penobscot River, Maine, USA, has contributed to population declines in migratory fish in the system. A decade of change, research, and monitoring has revealed direct and indirect ways that dams have influenced the river habitat, connectivity for migratory fish, and the food web. The removal of two main-stem dams (in 2012 and 2013) and bolstering of fish passage have been part of coordinated restoration efforts in the watershed. Integral to this undertaking was support for short- and long-term monitoring and research that included physical habitat, fish passage, and broad scale ecological assessments. Herein we discuss the seven interconnected and complex ways that dams have affected the Penobscot River ecosystem, particularly for migratory fish. These include familiar influences ascribed to dams: i) impaired access to habitat, ii) injury and mortality, and iii) delays of migration. Other ecological influences are less studied and more subtle: iv) facilitation of predation, v) community shifts, and vi) demographic shifts. Lastly, dams result in vii) a loss of ecosystem services that would otherwise be intact in an unimpounded system. We draw on both direct examples from the Penobscot River and broader information to characterize how impoundments have transformed this ecosystem for more than a century. Recent dam removals and mitigation efforts have reestablished some of these ecological functions.
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The authors outline in this paper the basic principles which can be used as a guide for planning fish passage facilities at dams or obstructions. The first part adresses the negative effect of barriers across rivers on natural fish population, contributing to the reduction of abundance and even the extinction of species. French statutory legislation on fish passage at obstructions is given. Functional features and design parameters are described for different types of fish facilities, focusing on the advantages, the limits and the cost of each type: pool type fish passes, baffle fish passes, fish locks, fish elevators, natural bypass channels, pre-barrages. Stress is laid on the importance of the location of the fishway, hydraulic conditions and the flow discharge at the entrance. Special mention is made of fish facilities for shad, young eels and elvers. Various monitoring techniques to evaluate fish passage efficiency are presented (trapping, automatic counters, video recording, telemetry). Fish passage through culverts, rock weirs and at estuarine obstruction are addressed. Downstream migration problems at hydroelectric power plants are discussed in the last part: evaluation of fish mortality in spillways and hydraulic turbines, design of fish screening and alternative behavioural diversionary techniques used to prevent entry of downstream migrants into intakes. Special mention is made of the most popular technology in France, i.e. surface downstream bypasses associated with conventional trashracks, focusing on their design criteria, advantages and limits.
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Culverts can restrict movement of stream-dwelling fish. Motivation to enter and ascend these structures is an essential precursor for successful passage. However, motivation is challenging to quantify. Here, we use attempt rate to assess motivation of 447 brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) entering three culverts under a range of hydraulic, environmental, and biological conditions. A passive integrated transponder system allowed for the identification of passage attempts and success of individual fish. Attempt rate was quantified using time-to-event analysis allowing for time-varying covariates and recurrent events. Attempt rate was greatest during the spawning period, at elevated discharge, at dusk, and for longer fish. It decreased during the day and with increasing number of conspecifics downstream of the culvert. Results also show a positive correlation between elevated motivation and successful passage. This study enhances understanding of factors influencing brook trout motivation to ascend culverts and shows that attempt rate is a dynamic phenomenon, variable over time and among individuals. It also presents methods that could be used to investigate other species’ motivation to pass natural or anthropogenic barriers.
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Surface ice in rivers and lakes buffers the thermal environment and provides overhead cover, protecting aquatic animals from terrestrial predators. We tested if surface ice influenced the behavior (swimming activity, aggressive encounters, and number of food items eaten) and stress level (coloration of eyes and body) of stream-living brown trout Salmo trutta at temperatures of 3–4 °C in indoor experimental flumes. We hypothesized that an individual’s resting metabolic rate (RMR, as measured by resting ventilation rate) would affect winter behavior. Therefore, groups of 4 trout, consisting of individuals with high, low, or mixed (2 individuals each) RMR, were exposed to experimental conditions with or without ice cover. Ice cover reduced stress responses, as evaluated by body coloration. Also, trout in low RMR groups had a paler body color than those in both mixed and high RMR groups. Trout increased their swimming activity under ice cover, with the highest activity found in high RMR groups. Ice cover increased the number of aggressive encounters but did not influence the number of drifting food items taken by each group. In mixed RMR groups, however, single individuals were better able to monopolize food than in the other groups. As the presence of surface ice increases the activity level and reduces stress in stream-living trout, ice cover should influence their energy budgets and production. The results should be viewed in light of ongoing global warming that reduces the duration of ice cover, especially at high latitudes and altitudes.
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Upstream migration by adult salmonids is impeded by dams in many regulated rivers, as is the case for landlocked Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in the River Klarälven, Sweden. There, the salmon cannot reach the spawning grounds due to the presence of eight dams. Hence, hatchery-reared smolts are released downstream of the dams, and upstream migrating spawners are caught in a trap at the lowermost dam before transported by truck to the spawning grounds past the dams. To identify the spawning grounds and compare the behavior of wild and hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon during upstream migration and spawning, 34 wild and 28 hatchery-reared, radio-tagged Atlantic salmon were followed during their spawning migration from August to October 2011. Half (50%) of the hatchery fish, but only 11,8% of the wild fish ended up as fallbacks, i.e. they migrated past the first downstream power station, and did not spawn. A significantly higher proportion (21.4%) of hatchery- reared salmon moved in an erratic way, with several up and down stream movements, when compared to the wild salmon (5.9%). When looking at the salmon that stayed in the river (exc. fallbacks), wild individuals exhibited a holding behavior (little or no movements before presumed spawning) more often (86.7%) than the reared ones (50%). The wild salmon also held position (and presumably spawned) for longer time (25.4 days) than the reared salmon (16.1 days). Reared salmon held position, on average, 10 km further upstream than wild salmon, passing the presumed best-quality spawning habitat. The migration speed (average 17.4 km/day) between two logger stations did not differ between wild and reared fish or between sexes. Our results suggest that the reproductive success of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon is relatively low and their capacity as supplementary spawners to the wild population in the Klarälven, is probably small. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.