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Using Mobile Apps to Improve English Speaking Skills of EFL Students at the Islamic University of Gaza.



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... Moreover, enhanced communication skills will also help the learners in their professional careers. (Alzatma, 2020) The speech features in the mobile applications have been the catalyst in improving the listening and speaking skills in the English Language as the mobile applications record the responses and allow the learners to listen to and review their responses. The learners can identify their errors and improve the same with the help of such hand handled devices. ...
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The present study focuses on how the leveraging technology for oratory skills assessment of plurilingual learners who studied first-year engineering at Marwadi University, India, between 2020-2021. The targeted group of learners used a mobile application, I-Speak. The learners were required to record their responses in audio recordings for the application randomly suggests to them. They were asked to record their responses initially, in the English Language, a Foreign Language and then in the Gujarati Language, a First Language. The assessment of the recordings while played together exhibited the findings related to the learners' articulation, comprehension, and oratory skills. The research was carried out keeping the IELTS band descriptors for Speaking skills as a base. The mobile application proved very useful as the learners could listen to their recordings more than once and find out their mistakes. They were also mentored on how they can leverage technology for enhancing their oratory skills as plurilingual learners. This research paper aims to present that the learners who are fluent in the First Language are also fluent in the Foreign Language and vice-versa. Pronunciation and the Lexical Resources were moderately associated with both languages. There is a highly significant correlation between respondents' First Language and Foreign language-oratory skill bands.
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Research objectives describe what researchers want to achieve through research. This research will apply a qualitative descriptive design. Therefore, to find out the learning strategies applied by successful speaking students, the subjects in this research were students of Tadulako University, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, class C English Education 2018. This research aims to determine the learning strategies used by successful EFL students in speaking English. The subject of this research is students who get grades B+ to A in speaking four; 15 participants were obtained from DPNA and used the purposive sampling technique, and respondents who had good answers continued to the interview stage. This interview stage uses a snowball sampling research technique. Data collection uses a google forms questionnaire and interviews. As for the strategies, There are five strategies that the researcher obtained through interviews and from the 15 statements in the questionnaire, two strategies became the dominant strategy used. The highest percentage was 2 with 60% results, and other questions were brought from 60%.
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La tecnología es parte importante de la sociedad actual y una interesante herramienta para mejorar el aprendizaje, su uso responde a la naturaleza lúdica que la caracteriza. El objetivo de la presente investigación es conocer si existe una correlación entre el uso frecuente de la aplicación VoScreen y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de idioma inglés de la Universidad Estatal de Bolívar, Ecuador. Esta investigación cuantitativa experimental, se basa en un muestreo no probabilístico intencional, aplicado durante un periodo de dieciséis semanas a un total de 270 estudiantes universitarios de diferentes edades y pertenecientes a diferentes carreras. Se analizó el uso o no de la aplicación VoScreen y los resultados obtenidos al final del periodo académico, constatando la investigación correlacional entre el uso de la aplicación y la obtención de mejores calificaciones al término del periodo académico. Finalmente, una encuesta aplicada reflejó la alta aceptación de la aplicación.
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Research on students’ skill speaking English in a non-English speaking country such as Indonesia is limited. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to document Indonesian EFL student teachers’ experiences in speaking English at one public university in Jambi, Indonesia. Data came from demographic questionnaires and semi-structured interviews obtained from eight participants. We organized our analysis and discussion around Indonesian EFL student teachers’ perspectives and the contexts in which experiences they encountered emerge. Our analysis of the text revealed overarching themes and sub-themes including (1) language barriers (vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and fluency); (2) psychological factors (anxiety, attitude, and lack of motivation); (3) learning environment (lecturers, peers, and topics of speaking modules), and (4) practicing the language (self-practice, practicing the language with tutors and peers, practicing the language with media and technology, and maintaining a positive motivation). The findings indicated that all of themes and sub-themes appeared to be intricately interrelated.
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The main characteristics of mobile learning (m-learning) are recognized as the potential for learning process to be personalized, spontaneous, informal and ubiquitous. Although learning through mobile phones may take longer time compared to computers, the learners feel a greater sense of freedom of time and place, so that they can take the advantage of spare time to learn a second language when and where they are. Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) deals with the use of mobile technology in language learning. In contrast to classroom learning, in MALL there is no need for the learners to sit in a classroom or at a computer to get learning materials. In fact, MALL can be considered an ideal solution to language learning barriers in terms of time and place. In this paper by looking at some applications of m-learning as well as some examples across various aspects of it, we observe the advantages and disadvantages derived from using mobile technologies for students as well as professionals. Here, it has been tried to demonstrate the benefits of using mobile phones in learning English as a second language. Areas of mobile-based language learning discussed in this paper are vocabulary, listening, grammar, phonetics, and reading comprehension.
University students must cope with a bewildering array of registers, not only to learn academic content, but also to understand course expectations and requirements. While many previous studies have investigated academic writing, we know comparatively little about academic speech; and no linguistic study to date has investigated the range of academic and advising/management registers that students encounter. This book is a first step towards filling this gap. Based on analysis of the T2K-SWAL Corpus, the book describes university registers from several different perspectives, including: vocabulary patterns; the use of lexico-grammatical and syntactic features; the expression of stance; the use of extended collocations ('lexical bundles'); and a Multi-Dimensional analysis of the overall patterns of register variation. All linguistic patterns are interpreted in functional terms, resulting in an overall characterization of the typical kinds of language that students encounter in university registers: academic and non-academic; spoken and written.
The current study investigates the impact of multiple intelligences-based Instructions on developing speaking skills of the students of English. Therefore, the problem of the current study can be stated in the lack of speaking skills of the students of English school in Junior High School, MTs Al-Ihsan Jakarta Barat. To confront this problem, the researcher developed a multiple intelligences-based program to enhance the speaking skills paying due attention to the individual differences among students. The sample of the study consisted of sixty fourth-year perspective students of English. The Quasi-experimental research design was used in the study as the researcher used the one group post-test to assess the usefulness of using this approach. Results of the study proved the effectiveness of Multiple Intelligences-(MI) On Developing Speaking Skills of the 9th Grade Students’ of MTs Al-Ihsan Jakarta Barat.