
Discourse Strategies



To understand the role of language in public life and the social process in general, we need first a closer understanding of how linguistic knowledge and social factors interact in discourse interpretation. This volume is a major advance towards that understanding. Professor Gumperz here synthesizes fundamental research on communication from a wide variety of disciplines - linguistics, sociolinguistics, anthropology and non-verbal communication - and develops an original and broadly based theory of conversational inference which shows how verbal communication can serve either between individuals of different social and ethnic backgrounds. The urgent need to overcome such barriers to effective communication is also a central concern of the book. Examples of conversational exchanges as well as of longer encounters, recorded in the urban United States, village Austria, South Asia and Britain, and analyzed to illustrate all aspects of the analytical approach, and to show how subconscious cultural presuppositions can damagingly affect interpretation of intent and judgement of interspeaker attitude. The volume will be of central interest to anyone concerned with communication, whether from a more academic viewpoint or as a professional working, for example, in the fields of interethnic or industrial relations.
... Facilitating diplomatic fallbacks becomes crucial when discussions hit an impasse. Phrases like "let's consider" introduce options constructively, ensuring a non-confrontational approach to finding alternatives (Gumperz, 1982). ...
This article presents a comparative analysis of the functional roles of the pragmatic markers utilized in the documentation of the Kosovo and Nagorno-Karabakh conflicts. Grounded in the postulate that the pragmatic markers employed in Kosovo's documentation were stronger and contributed to a favorable outcome, namely the attainment of Kosovo's independence, the study contrasts this with the case of Nagorno-Karabakh. According to our postulate, similar markers in Nagorno-Karabakh were less effective and were one of the reasons for the inability to achieve peace through diplomatic negotiations. The disparity in the utilization and effectiveness of pragmatic markers in the documentation of two conflicts, underscores their significance in influencing international recognition, support, and ultimately, the success of diplomatic negotiations.
... Several linguists and researchers have defined the term CS as -the alternation of two languages within a single discourse, sentence, or constituent‖ (Poplack, 1980, p. 583). Gumperz (1982) defined CS as -the juxtaposition within the same speech exchange of passages of speech belonging to two different grammatical systems or subsystems‖ According to Grosjean (1982), CS refers to simultaneously using words, phrases, sentences, or several sentences from more than one language. Milroy and Muysken (1995) defined CS as -the alternative use by bilinguals of two or more languages in the same conversation‖ (p. 7). ...
Many researchers have noticed that instructors who teach English as a foreign language (EFL) in language-learning institutions worldwide frequently implement code-switching (CS). Through this study, we investigate the functions of CS, specifically topic-switching, affective, and repetitive functions, as a pedagogical tool in an English for Specific Purposes classroom. The study is based on the perceptions of lecturers and students from two higher education institutions, Digital Colleges and Yanbu Industrial College, in Saudi Arabia. A quantitative research design was employed, with data collected through a questionnaire. The study incorporated a sample of 24 female EFL lecturers and 193 Saudi female students. The results indicate that both groups acknowledge using CS for topic shifting, with students displaying slightly higher acceptance. Additionally, both lecturers and students recognize the affective aspects of code-switching, with the students exhibiting greater agreement. Furthermore, lecturers and students agree regarding clearly identifying all repetitive functions. The study highlights the potential of CS functions as an educational tool to enhance interaction between EFL lecturers and students, encouraging engagement, cooperation, and academic achievements. It also underscores the significance of determining appropriate functions for various circumstances and shows that although acceptance may differ, there is general agreement on the various purposes for which CS is utilized in the EFL context.
... CDA is also pivotal in analyzing how ideologies are taught and accepted globally. It has been applied across disciplines by sociolinguists, linguistic anthropologists, and communication ethnographers to study various cultural and educational dynamics (Gumperz, 1982;Hymes, 1972;Labov, 1972;Sinclair and Coulthard, 1975;Silverstein and Urban, 1996). In educational settings, CDA helps elucidate how discourse structures within classrooms reflect and perpetuate social hierarchies (Bourdieu, 1977(Bourdieu, , 1984Bowles and Gintis, 1976;Oakes, 1986;Willis, 1977). ...
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This study examines the development and influence of the international anti- corruption regime, utilizing Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to dissect the discursive practices that shape perceptions of corruption and the strategies employed to combat it. Our analysis reveals how Western institutional entrepreneurs play a pivotal role in defining corruption predominantly as bribery and governance failures, underpinned by a neoliberal ideology that prescribes societal norms and identifies corrupt practices. By exploring the mechanisms through which this ideology is propagated, the research enriches institutional entrepreneurship theory and highlights the neoliberal foundations of current anti-corruption efforts. This study not only enhances our understanding of the institutional frameworks that govern anti-corruption discourse but also demonstrates how discourse legitimizes certain ideologies while marginalizing others. The findings offer practical tools for altering power dynamics, promoting equitable participation, and addressing the imbalanced North-South power relations. By challenging established perspectives, this research contributes to transformative discourse and action, offering new pathways for understanding and combating corruption. These insights have significant theoretical and practical implications for improving the effectiveness of corruption prevention and counteraction strategies globally.
... From the 1980s to the 1990s, researchers have elaborated on the answer to CS. For instance, Gumperz asserts that CS could be regarded as a cue for contextualization, involving its utilization in signaling and interpreting the intentions of speakers [14]. ...
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In Malaysia, due to the complexity of the population composition, students may possess diverse linguistic and cultural capitals, potentially resulting in a lack of a shared first language among both the teacher and their classmates. Although there are a considerable number of studies exploring Mandarin-English-code-switching practices in education, few studies have investigated its patterns and functions in Malaysia ACCA classroom contexts. This study conducts qualitative research on ACCA lessons at a public online Malaysian training center in the higher education phase, including observation and a case study by discourse analysis and multimodal conversation analysis, to explore what are the typical code-switching patterns in this education setting and how the Mandarin-medium instruction teacher mobilizes multiple resources to ensure knowledge accessibility and cater for more students in the classroom. Findings indicate that intra-sentential code-switching and situational code-switching are prominent from the perspective of speaking styles and sociolinguistics, and code-switching practices, occurring as an intentional teaching strategy, contribute to inclusive education, by facilitating more students to comprehend unfamiliar concepts more effectively and fostering better communication and engagement in learning.
Over the years, academics from all over the world have discovered that learning a language can face several challenges and limitations that typically lead to more serious issues. It has been revealed that for certain language learners, acquiring a second language can be traumatizing. One of the things that started this experience is feeling worried, tense, and apprehensive, especially when talking to people. It is the opinion of many researchers in all areas of language education and learning that using code-switching in foreign language classrooms promotes learning. Nevertheless a significant amount of evidence suggests that this impairs learning and prevents students of exposure to the second language. This study discusses teachers and students’ views regarding the practice of code switching in English as foreign language (EFL) classrooms at university level. It also discusses the role of code-switching to students’ first language (Kurdish). In order to reach a valid and reliable data, two data collection methods are chosen. Data is collected through a close-ended questionnaire to students and a semi-structured interview for university level language teachers’ views concerning code-switching. This study is conducted in Kurdistan, from the universities of Sulaimani, Halabja and Charmo. ‘112’ EFL learners are asked to give their responses to a 16-item questionnaire focused on the effects of code-switching applied in the EFL classroom. The interviewees are all Kurdish native speakers who teach English language at university level. The interview data is selectively extracted from the viewpoints of the instructors. The findings generally revealed that code-switching is employed by students in various circumstances because of their limited competence in the target language. In addition, the experienced instructors argued that code-switching can be used in specific restricted situations.
Code switching (CS), along with other types of Language contact in bilingual speech, is one of the most studied phenomena in bilingualism research. Our paper focuses on the syntactic aspect of code switching in speech. There are models designed to summarize the fragmented facts about CS and to describe general constraints for any language pair. The Matrix Language Framework Model (MLF) is a model of bilingual speech production that is dominant in the study of the syntactic constraints of CS. The MLF describes the speech production in bilinguals as a sequence of stages that determine syntactic constraints on the generated structures. This research tests the validity of MLF predictions using a grammatical acceptability survey.
Despite the theorisation of codeswitching (CS) as an emotional-identification phenomenon, little research has examined the emotional side of CS. The present study explored 15 Iranian English language teachers' CS-invoked emotion and the contribution of such emotions for their identity construction. Collecting data over a three-month period and from classroom observations, post-class discussion, semi-structured interviews, and narrative frames, we found three major categories as defining the teachers' CS-related emotion and identity construction: codeswitching as an agentic act, codeswitching as enhancing institutional emotionality, and codeswitching as a source of emotion labour. We found that CS interacts with circulating discourses and institutional participants to define the push and pull of teachers' perceptions about CS and how such factors contribute to their emotionality, agency, and interpersonal identities. Based on the findings, implications for teacher educators are provided in how to anchor CS in teachers' agency and emotionality to positively contribute to teachers' effective identity construction.
This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access – for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language – to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. Also available as Online Resource:
This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access – for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language – to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. Also available as Online Resource:
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Neste trabalho, apresentamos os resultados e a análise de uma pesquisa junto a um grupo de professores e estudantes do Ensino Médio, na cidade de Tapiramutá/Bahia. Com ele, objetivamos compreender as contribuições das atividades de contação de histórias realizadas por contadores tradicionais, orientadas pela perspectiva sociointeracionista da linguagem, para a formação do leitor literário, a partir das seguintes questões: como a literatura da tradição oral pode possibilitar a proposição de práticas de ensino situadas a partir da perspectiva sociointeracionista? Quais as contribuições da contação de histórias para a formação do leitor literário? Partimos do entendimento da importância da inclusão das literaturas da tradição oral no currículo como conteúdo de ensino, na perspectiva sociointeracionista, objetivando tornar pública e visível a cultura dos falantes de uma determinada comunidade discursiva, narrada a partir dos gêneros orais. A metodologia é de natureza qualitativa, sob os fundamentos da pesquisa-ação, por meio de atividades propostas envolvendo uma rede colaborativa que, conjuntamente, planejou e desenvolveu as atividades compostas pela promoção de sequências didáticas e atividades de leitura, interpretação, ilustração e releitura de textos literários oriundos da tradição oral. Tomamos como percurso teórico as perspectivas de Marcuschi (2008; 2010), Bakhtin (2007; 2015; 2017) e Gumperz (1982). Verificamos que as atividades e práticas de leitura literária desenvolvidas seguiram metodologias norteadas pela reflexão dos contextos históricos, sociais e culturais concretos dos educandos e foram embasadas nas seguintes perspectivas: na teoria sociointeracionista, na BNCC - Base Nacional Comum Curricular - e no letramento literário.
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The widespread adoption of Large Language Models (LLMs) for understanding natural language makes us believe to be the de-facto standard for natural language processing tasks. In practice, natural language conversations are not limited to monolingual conversations. A significant number of internet users are multi-lingual. Such multi-lingual userbase has led to exponential growth in code-mix text content. In this study, inclusive of monolingual we evaluate the true capabilities and weaknesses of LLMs for understanding sarcastic code-mix conversations on the internet. Considering the morphological linguistic features of sarcastic instance, we have proposed an Ensemble-learning inspired novel architecture, MuKX . MuKX outperforms the state-of-the-art code-mix by 12.68% and monolingual by 8.42%. MuKX is a continuous effort, and we will expand it with more low-resource languages and tasks.
В статье рассматривается явление сопряжения публицистического дискурса и искусствоведческого дискурса в статьях рубрики «Арт», представленной на страницах двух разноязычных государственных газет — франкоязычной Le monde и русскоязычной «Российская газета». Выявлено наличие различного количества размещенных в рубрике «Арт» статей за идентичный период, что обусловлено актуальностью тематики статей рубрики для французского и российского общества. Определено, что в проксемно-темпоральном сегменте информативного кода статей двух газет превалируют хронемы, среди которых точечные хронемы, предельные хронемы, пролонгированные хронемы, обобщающие хронемы. Проксемные маркеры менее частотны по сравнению с темпоральными маркерами. Установлено, что в таксономической сравнительно-сопоставительной модели дискурса проксемно-темпоральный сегмент информативного кода в материале на французском и русском языках обладает одинаковым свойством: этот сегмент сопряжен с лингвокультурным сегментом, выраженным лингвокультуремами, что предопределяет синергию двух типов дискурса в статьях рассмотренной рубрики «Арт» в разноязычных газетах. The article deals with the phenomenon of combining journalistic discourse and art historical discourse in articles in the “Art” section, presented on the pages of two multilingual state newspapers, the French newspaper Le mondeand the Russian newspaper Rossiyskaya gazeta. The presence of a different number of articles presented in the “Art” section for an identical period was revealed, which is predetermined by the relevance of the topics of the articles in the section for French and Russian society. It has been determined that in the proxemic-temporal segment of the informative code of the articles of two newspapers, chronemes prevail, including point chronemes, limit chronemes, prolonged chronemes, and generalizing chronemes. Proxemic markers are less frequent than temporal markers. It has been established that in the taxonomic comparative model of discourse, the proxemic-temporal segment of the informative code in the material in French and in the material in Russian have the same property, namely this segment is associated with the linguocultural segment expressed by linguoculturemes, which predetermines the synergy of the two types of discourse in the articles reviewed “Art” columns in multilingual newspapers.
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This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access – for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language – to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. Also available as Online Resource:
Legal genres are situation-sensitive and one same genre may take different structural and functional patterns according to the historical context within which it is situated. Judicial opinions of ancient China, for example, look like a totally different genre in contrast with the language of modern Chinese judicial documents. It is not uncommon that county magistrates’ (ancient Chinese judges) writing considerably downplays the task of reasoning and argumentation and becomes fully devoted to the provision of emotional narratives regarding defendants’ wrong-doings and to the meta-communication of imperial ideological values to grassroots. This paper looks into why ideology is a key concern of ancient Chinese judicial writing, what concrete ideological values are actually invoked and how they are interactively disseminated. The analytical framework combines the notion of contextualization (Gumperz, 1982), interactive framing (Tannen, 1993), and footing (Goffman, 1981). Through a nuanced interpretation of the relatedness of imperial ideological values and judicial language structures, the authors attempt to reveal how ancient judicial opinions are built as speech activities of performing identities and activities of presenting ideological stances and beliefs.
El presente proyecto de investigación tuvo como objetivo principal comprender cómo se expresan y modulan las emociones-motivaciones en la interacción comunicativa dentro del aula de ciencias sociales. Con base en la pregunta de investigación se reconocieron aspectos fundantes con el fin de identificar y describir las diversas emociones-motivaciones que surgen durante la interacción entre los diferentes participantes del proceso educativo en el entorno del aula de clase, a través del uso del discurso. Para lograrlo, se utilizaron categorías de análisis del discurso, emociones, motivaciones e interacción comunicativa. La metodología empleada en este estudio fue de enfoque cualitativo, lo que permitió profundizar en las experiencias y significados subjetivos de los participantes. Se llevó a cabo un ejercicio de análisis del discurso como principal técnica de recolección de datos, complementado con entrevistas, grupos focales y observación. Se identificaron diversos patrones, tensiones y posibles mejoras en la interacción entre docentes y estudiantes, así como explorar cómo estas variables afectan el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Así mismo, se identificó la correlación entre las categorías motivación, emoción e interacción dialógica. En conclusión, se encontró una relación significativa entre las normas implícitas, la interacción discursiva y las emociones-motivaciones en el contexto educativo. Se observó que la libertad, la confianza y la seguridad son aspectos clave que permiten a profesores y estudiantes expresarse de forma libre y espontánea, sin sentirse cohibidos por máscaras o prejuicios que puedan limitar sus emocionesmotivaciones.
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Public space plays a pivotal role in translating language policy into real-world practice. This study is grounded in empirical data collected through ethnographic fieldwork and semi-structured interviews from the Beijing Subway Line 1, which is typical of the normativity of a public space. The findings indicate that the linguistic landscape (LL) serves as a tangible representation of the inherent normativity within the subway space. Language policy implemented in the subway LL is achieved through hierarchical, process and result intervention. Hierarchical intervention addresses the synchronic stratification of normativity represented by the subway LL and its evolving connotation over time. Regarding process intervention, the subway LL utilizes two approaches to express normativity: the unity of semiotic features and indirect speech acts. Result intervention means that passengers perceive the normative representations of LL as knowledge and transform de facto language policies into experience. These intervention methods illuminate the intricate mechanism of language policy embedding in the normative representation of the LL within subway space. The harmonization of language policy with the LL, subway space, and passenger behavior collectively shapes the subway into a vital transportation hub. ARTICLE HISTORY
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In written language as well as in spoken communication, codeswitching is often accompanied by flagging. Directing attention to features which are important or potentially difficult to process, flags also appear in medieval manuscripts and may have a visual or a verbal form. Visual flagging may involve, for example, the use of red ink, underlining, or marginal manicules, while verbal flags include metalinguistic labels specifying the embedded language or the main language, and intratextual translations of other-language material. Based on data from a large number of manuscripts produced in England in the long twelfth century, this study examines both Latin code-switches in Early Middle English texts and English switches appearing in Latin manuscripts. It considers motivations for both code-switching and concomitant flagging, and outlines a tentative typology of verbal and visual flagging, which may also be applicable to other periods and language pairs. OPEN ACCESS: available at
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This paper analyses the use of indigenous language elements including code-switching in two contrasting genres, i.e. group chats and Twitter memes along with tweets, in the English communication of South Asian (Bangladeshi, Indian, Pakistani, and Sri Lankan) internet users. The results from group chats show that one of the most common lexical indigenous elements are tags, for example, address forms like yaar, machan , and da which all can be translated to English as ‘dude’ or ‘buddy’. The analysis of Twitter memes along with tweets shows that despite the tweet text being in English, the South Asian users tend to employ memes with indigenous text more often as compared to English memes for political satire. Overall, the study finds that code-switching and indigenous resources are used to create a sense of localness in English communication, whether it is group chats or Twitter memes and tweets.
Drawing on Goffman's Frame Analysis and 20 years of observations of city planning councils in Western Europe and North America, this article lays the groundwork for a grammar of democratic ambiguity characterizing top‐down participatory processes and other public meetings aimed at some degree of citizen inclusion in local, municipal, or regional government. After pointing out Goffman's singular conception of the “interaction order,” the author shows how institutional organizers and ordinary citizens deal with interactional ambiguity, in its contrasting effects on the dynamics of these participatory assemblies. A primary form of ambiguity, between a “representative” and a “deliberative” definition of participatory democracy, is proving inhibiting for citizens' involvement and tends to “suspend interaction.” A second type of ambiguity arises from a wide range of facilitation methods (playful, dramaturgical, educational, therapeutic, esthetic, etc.) designed to transform the initial ambiguity to offer more fluid interaction and more stimulating involvement opportunities, yet in an activity that now has only an uncertain connection to civic participation. The author concludes by presenting some frame‐analytical tools for tracking and evaluating dynamics of ambiguity transformation in participatory processes and emphasizes the implications of this type of sociological analysis for political theory.
La sociolingüística investiga las implicaciones sociales y lingüísticas sobre cómo dos o más lenguas pueden ser utilizadas en un mismo lugar y lo que esto representa; cómo las personas interactúan y se comunican entre sí reflejando aspectos culturales y sociales propios. En este artículo se realizará un relevamiento de obras sociolingüísticas que dialogan con el enfoque de Vigotsky, y cómo éste autor deja su legado para la formación de la red de significados que construyen la práctica docente.
The social imaginary that legitimizes sexual violence is continuously reinforced by discourses that are deployed in the aftermath of physical attacks. These, in turn, nourish a specific type of collective memory from which clear social identities emerge. This article identifies the textual trajectories of social meanings associated with sexual violence and their discursive expressions in media, legal, and political discourses. The examples provided here are related to the Spanish “wolf pack case” and its social and political consequences. It concludes that the case not only generated a conceptual battle about violence but also a mnemonic dispute related to newly interpellated subjectivities.
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The current study elaborates on one mechanism through which teasing is accomplished in Hebrew interaction. Investigating naturally occurring casual conversation from the Haifa Multimodal Corpus of Spoken Hebrew, and employing the methodologies of Interactional Linguistics and Multimodal Interaction Analysis, we explore a recurrent and recognizable practice used by Hebrew speakers – the deployment of lo ‘no’ followed by a ki ‘because’-prefaced ironic utterance. We suggest that the [ lo, ki + ironic utterance] structure is a fixed format that encapsulates a practice of providing a teasing comment as a responsive action. We propose that via the use of this structure, speakers convey a negative stance of inappropriacy toward the previous action by appealing to knowledge that the recipient is obliged to know, while simultaneously mocking the recipient responsible for the inappropriacy and indirectly reproaching them for disregarding this knowledge, whether by failing to take it into account, or by a deliberate choice to ignore it.
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Based on a linguistic ethnographic study of student–teacher classroom interactions, this article sheds light on language norms in a contemporary Danish STX school (upper secondary education, also known as gymnasiums). The analysis reveals that neither classrooms with the explicit teaching of an ‘academic register’ nor classrooms where teachers orient towards a youth norm constitute spaces where students have equal access to perform as good students. Even when students can decode and reproduce the language preferred by the teachers, they do not experience an equal opportunity to conform to this. It is argued that performing linguistically as good and competent students is more complex than just adapting to a specific school norm, as the students have to navigate different teacher’s norms as well as peer norms emphasising authenticity.
This paper investigates offensive animal metaphors in blog comments about the management of donations of money and medical relief during the coronavirus pandemic in China. Rather than understanding the metaphorical usage of language as a cognitive process, we consider its situational usage as a social action and invoke insights from Conversation Analysis. Based on data retrieved from Sina Weibo, we show how discussants use animal metaphors to accomplish varying actions and construct intelligibility between them-selves and others about the relationship between actions, moral account-ability, and description of social events. We therefore argue that CA with its focus on topicality, action and societal membership can complement the cognitive understanding of the proximity between the source and the target domains.
Through comparing and contrasting the work of professional American street photographers Diane Arbus and Bruce Gilden, this article examines the use of scale in photographs, and the way it communicates the stance of the photographers toward their subjects. This article uses the notion of scale in a literal fashion as a way to look at the relationship between the objects and people in the image, the physical point of view of the photographer, and then how the optical properties of the camera lens impact this sense of relationality and proportionality within the frame. I discuss the way that visual narratives tell a story, and how they influence and take part in circulating discourses. The choices of where to take the picture from, and how to capture the subjects within the frame indexically convey attitudes and ideologies about the subject. These non-referential indexicalities of a photographic narrative influence the denotational narrative and can work to enregister aspects of various figures of personhood within the image. I show this through the work of Arbus and Gilden, who often photographed people belonging to marginal communities. I compare their photographic work alongside discussions of their ways of working and interacting with the people they photographed.
The potential that narratives have to transport storytellers and audience members across time and space has made them fertile sites to study spatiotemporal and scalar effects. Through a linguistic anthropological analysis of a corpus of narratives from interviews conducted with executives of Northern Italian historical cafes (2011–2022), I examine how collective, intimate identities are (co)constructed and negotiated through the stances that these executives take vis-à-vis both the historical and the contemporary artistic uniqueness of their cafes. In this respect, the notions of scale and chronotope, and the way they intersect in executives’ stories, become prominent. Furthermore, although historical cafes have rarely been studied from a linguistic anthropological perspective, they have been key social spaces where individuals meet and interact on a daily basis while consuming their beverages and/or small meals, in many European countries, across centuries. This article thus bridges recent research on the Bakhtinian chronotope with a multiscalar approach, as applied to storytelling practices.
The study aimed to explore how social functions impact the success of recent graduates in job interviews. It employed a qualitative research approach, conducting interviews with 10 recent graduates to gather primary data. Interviews provided a detailed examination of graduates’ experiences and interactions during job interviews. The analytical framework utilized was Halliday’s theory of social functions, which offers insights into how language operates in various social contexts, such as conveying information and establishing interpersonal relationships. Findings indicated that candidates demonstrated proficiency in experiential, interpersonal, textual, and ideational aspects. However, shortcomings were observed in phatic and esthetic functions, suggesting a prioritization of conveying information and facilitating interaction over social and esthetic elements in communication. Findings also underscore the importance of prioritizing informative and interactive communication strategies to enhance recent graduates’ success in Malaysian job interviews. By recognizing and adapting to prevailing communication norms in job interview contexts, recent graduates may navigate challenges more effectively and seize opportunities, thereby improving their employment prospects. This research illuminates the intricate dynamics of job interviews, offering valuable insights for both recent graduates and employers in Malaysia.
Çok dillilik, toplum dilbilimin alt alanıdır. İki veya daha fazla dili kullanan bireyler çok dilli bireylerdir. Günümüzde, her ülkede çok dilli bireylerle karşılaşmak mümkündür. Çok dillilik, günümüzde toplum dilbilim araştırmacıları tarafından araştırılan bir konudur. 11. yüzyılda da çok dilli bireyler yaşamıştır. Dîvânu Lûgati’t-Türk, çok dilli bireyleri ve toplumları günümüze taşıyan önemli bir sözlüktür. Kâşgarlı Mahmud, Türk boylarından derlediği bilgiler ışığında çok dilli bireylerin yaşadığını eserinde işler. 11. yüzyılda, birden çok dili bilen ve kullanan Türk boyları çalışmamızın konusudur. Çalışmamızda, Ahmet B. Ercilasun ve Ziyat Akkoyunlu tarafından hazırlanan Dîvânu Lûgati’t-Türk incelenerek çok dilli boy ve uruklar araştırılmıştır. Boy ve uruklar, yaşadıkları coğrafya, ekonomik faaliyetleri, dinleri ve etkilenebilecekleri komşuları da göz önünde bulundurularak incelenmiştir. Araştırmamız, nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden doküman incelemesi tekniğiyle yapılmıştır.
Aims and Objectives/Research Question: This is a case study of a toddler acquiring Finnish in a trilingual (Finnish-Spanish-English) setting. Despite the apparent ease of the child’s acquisition of Finnish, the pressure of the majority language (English) suppresses the use of the acquired minority language. Is it feasible to expect an early-childhood minority language to be maintained at the level of production? Design/Methodology: Video-recordings were collected in domestic settings, mostly with the Finnish-speaking mother in interactions with the child, who was between the ages of 3;6 and 4;6. The approach follows loosely the principles of interactional sociolinguistics. Data and Analysis: The data were collected in 2008, when the child was three years old, and the follow-up data eight months later, when the child was four. Samples of this corpus are analyzed in detail for the emerging target-like Finnish case endings and verbal inflections, as well as for deviations from adult Finland Finnish. The mother’s strategies of maximizing the effects of the limited input are also discussed. Findings/Conclusions: Even though the input the child receives is limited, his acquisition of Finnish morphosyntax follows monolingual patterns and shows overgeneralizations typical of monolingual Finnish children’s language. Some transfer from the contact with English and Spanish languages is present. The question of ultimate attainment in a heritage-language situation is addressed. Originality: The study is rare, as it documents the rapid transition from the child’s well acquired minority language to English, the majority language, in the matter of months. Significance: This article confirms the vulnerability of childhood bilingualism: even a few months between the two longitudinal datasets show a sharp decline in the child’s output in the heritage Finnish, but the dichotomy between “maintenance” vs. “loss” is challenged because the decline in output does not necessarily extend to the loss of comprehension.
The introduction of the artificial intelligence has already changed the main characteristics of public and interpersonal communication. ChatGPT is both a channel of communication and an equal participant in the communication process. In such a way, a correction is made in the classical models of communication, such as the ones of Schramm or Shannon-Weaver, where the sender, the receiver, and the channel are separate elements in the communication process. Moreover, the artificial intellect marks a new era in digital storytelling where anonymity predominates. AI accumulates stories, which at any moment can be combined with new stories, different points of view, and opinions. Thus, digital storytelling loses the personality of its narrators and becomes anonymized, and folklorized. This anonymity and collectivity are more characteristic of the traditional folk storytelling than of the digital storytelling on the Internet or on the social media. Together with the numerous advantages of AI, this chapter also studies some challenges in public communication, such as the interrelation between technology and psychological well-being, as well as the need for legal and ethical regulation of the use of smart chatbots.
Este trabalho investiga caminhos alternativos para um entendimento de fenômenos linguísticos do tukano mais próximo à perspectiva ontológica dos falantes e, portanto, mais distante da epistemologia ocidental Moderna que subjaz os estudos linguísticos. Para tanto, realizo primeiramente uma revisão das bases sobre a qual a linguística hegemônica se ancora, mostrando as suas relações com Modernidade (Toulmin, 1990) e com a colonialidade (Mignolo, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2007). Em seguida, mostro como também a antropologia se constituiu através das dicotomias que caracterizam a epistemologia ocidental, mas buscou se distanciar de tal visão a partir de movimentos realizados desde a década de 1980. Opto por destacar os avanços realizados através do perspectivismo ameríndio (Viveiros de Castro, 1996, 2002, 2018), que, ao propor um movimento de descolonização permanente do pensamento, pode ser utilizado para pensar o desenvolvimento de uma linguística descolonial. Mostro também como o conceito perspectivista de “equívoco” se aplica à noção de “língua”, evidenciando que o que é língua se define através de uma perspectiva ontológica. Portanto, língua para os Tukano não é o mesmo que língua para não-indígenas ocidentais. Essa proposta é corroborada através de uma analogia entre as diferenças estruturais entre o sistema de classificação ictiológico ocidental e o sistema de classificação ictiológico tukano, tal qual mapeadas por J. P. Barreto (2013), e as diferenças entre o sistema linguístico ocidental e uma forma possível de conceber um sistema linguístico tukano, aqui sugerida. Finalmente, parto para as implicações dessa outra concepção de língua para a análise de três dados de eventos linguísticos em tukano coletados em campo. Proponho uma discussão sobre o sentido dos morfemas de evidencialidade que ocorrem nos dados discutidos, mostrando como a sua análise pode se beneficiar de uma perspectiva que não se atenha ao sentido estritamente linguístico de tais morfemas (tal qual proposto por Ramirez, 1997a), tampouco exclusivamente ao sentido do morfema em relação ao seu contexto imediato (como faz Aikhenvald, 2004, 2018), mas que procure entender a língua como parte integrante e constituinte de uma perspectiva ontológica distinta, tukano, na qual o processo de significação difere do ocidental.
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This paper examines the psychology of alienation and the quest for belonging in V.S. Naipaul's novels 'Half a Life' (2001) and 'Magic Seeds' (2004). Through a close analysis of the protagonist Willie Chandran's journey across continents and cultures, this study explores how Naipaul portrays the psychological impacts of displacement, cultural hybridity, and the search for identity in a postcolonial world. Drawing on theoretical frameworks from postcolonial studies, psychology, and literary criticism, the research investigates themes of rootlessness, cultural alienation, and the struggle for self-definition. Findings suggest that Naipaul's portrayal of Willie's experiences offers profound insights into the psychological complexities of postcolonial existence, highlighting the challenges of constructing a sense of self and belonging in a world marked by cultural dislocation and global mobility. This paper contributes to the growing body of literature on the psychological dimensions of postcolonial experience and offers new perspectives on Naipaul's later works.
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Researching in heterogeneous communities can present challenges for the most experienced of researchers, especially in the context of ethnographic work, where the dynamism and unpredictability of a research setting can make it difficult to anticipate the languages spoken. Drawing on data from multilingual health consultations, I reflect on incidents where language(s) extend beyond the scope of my repertoire and inhibit the immediacy of inference. Ensuing collaborative processes of translation, transcription and analysis offer opportunities to illuminate (mis)understanding(s), but also demonstrate how additional contributions can complexify and shape what can be understood as ‘interpretation’. In documenting some of the practical and ethical considerations that emerge during the research journey, I explore the experience of developing capabilities to cope with communicative opacity and (un)expected tensions. I conclude with some tentative recommendations for institutions seeking to support doctoral students embarking on fieldwork in diverse settings.
Mock impoliteness is a social practice typifying the interaction of close friends consisting in the use of rude jokes or utterances that signify the speaker’s intent to show solidarity and intimacy with the interlocutor. Nonetheless, as an impolite load is still carried by such utterances, how targets of mock impoliteness will react to them, namely whether they will find them amusing or outright offensive, may depend on a series of factors. The present research focuses on how Spencer-Oatey’s (2000) face and sociality rights categories, together with gender (male/female) and lingua-culture (British English and Italian) interact to determine the acceptability degree of mock impolite jokes. This cross-cultural and cross-gender perception study, which placed its focus on the hearer’s evaluations, consisted in a rating task administered through an online questionnaire, and revealed that the interaction of the three factors determine the offensiveness versus acceptability of the jokes.
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In multi-lingual workplace interaction involving L2-speakers with different levels of proficiency, L1-speakers can be seen to use self-translation of their own prior contributions as a repair-practice to restore intersubjectivity. This paper shows that self-translations are produced in three environments: (a) in response to repair-initiation by recipients, (b) in response to inadequate or missing responses, (c) after disaffiliative responses in order to elicit a more favorable uptake. Self-translations therefore are not only used to deal with linguistic understanding problems, but can also use linguistic diversity as a resource for dealing with lack of affiliation and alignment. Self-translations are produced by a switch to the addressee’s L1 or to a lingua franca. They are only partial, being restricted to a translation of the core semantic content of the turn to be translated, thus relying heavily on a shared understanding of the pragmatic context and being designed so as to support interactional progression. Data come from video-taped meetings in Finland involving Finnish and Russian L1-speakers and various kinds of professional trainings in Germany involving instructors with German as L1 and refugees with various linguistic backgrounds.
This paper considers the interplay of small-scale pragmatic actions and large-scale discursive formations; specifically, we examine frame-shifting and keying in the globally syndicated BBC television show Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby . Focusing on the fourth season of Amazing Hotels , which broadcast in 2021, we document how work and workers are staged for entertainment as quintessential examples of a non-serious frame that Goffman called regroundings . We argue that this particular keying of other people’s labour as play is further evidence for how mediatized representations of super-elite lifestyles normalize inequality by “democratizing” privilege and amplifying entitlement.
Sociopragmatics is a rapidly growing field and this is the first ever handbook dedicated to this exciting area of study. Bringing together an international team of leading editors and contributors, it provides a comprehensive, cutting-edge overview of the key concepts, topics, settings and methodologies involved in sociopragmatic research. The chapters are organised in a systematic fashion, and span a wide range of theoretical research on how language communicates multiple meanings in context, how it influences our daily interactions and relationships with others, and how it helps construct our social worlds. Providing insight into a fascinating array of phenomena and novel research directions, the Handbook is not only relevant to experts of pragmatics but to any reader with an interest in language and its use in different contexts, including researchers in sociology, anthropology and communication, and students of applied linguistics and related areas, as well as professional practitioners in communication research.
Sociopragmatics is a rapidly growing field and this is the first ever handbook dedicated to this exciting area of study. Bringing together an international team of leading editors and contributors, it provides a comprehensive, cutting-edge overview of the key concepts, topics, settings and methodologies involved in sociopragmatic research. The chapters are organised in a systematic fashion, and span a wide range of theoretical research on how language communicates multiple meanings in context, how it influences our daily interactions and relationships with others, and how it helps construct our social worlds. Providing insight into a fascinating array of phenomena and novel research directions, the Handbook is not only relevant to experts of pragmatics but to any reader with an interest in language and its use in different contexts, including researchers in sociology, anthropology and communication, and students of applied linguistics and related areas, as well as professional practitioners in communication research.
The five interculturologies, Philosophical, Politeness, Politics, Power and Practical, are addressed. Etymological discussions in several languages as well as examples of myths concerning the ways these interculturologies have been constructed and used in research and education are presented. Recent literature reviews from different corners of the world serve the purpose of unravelling current mythologies and ideologies about the entries and help the reader move forward in their own understanding and position towards them. Critical and reflexive questions end the chapter to support the principle of criticality of criticality. The reader is asked to keep this principle in mind as they engage with the content of each entry, observing if and how the author himself puts it into practice while discussing the interculturologies he has identified.
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El objetivo general de la presente investigación radica en analizar las funciones de las fórmulas de tratamiento en actos de habla descorteses (Kaul de Marlangeon, 2005) y anticorteses (Zimmermann, 2005) utilizadas en redes (Hanneman, 2000) de jóvenes de dos1 escuelas bonaerenses. Como objeto de estudio tomamos a las fórmulas de tratamiento,2 dentro de actos de habla descorteses (Kaul de Marlangeon, 2005) y anticorteses (Zimmermann, 2005) en diferentes microeventos comunicativos, que tienen como participantes a jóvenes de dos escuelas de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Como veremos en profundidad en el Capítulo 2, según Rigatuso (2005), las fórmulas de tratamiento son las formas lingüísticas que los hablantes utilizan para dirigirse al destinatario, hacer referencia a una tercera persona y a sí mismos.3 A partir de estos objetivos y de las etapas exploratorias de esta investigación, podemos plantear las siguientes cuatro hipótesis, formuladas y reformuladas en estrecha interrelación con la teoría y con la construcción del corpus: Primera hipótesis: en nuestro corpus, podemos diferenciar entre fórmulas de tratamiento descorteses y anticorteses a través de las siguientes variables: la distancia interpersonal entre los jóvenes participantes, la presencia de un adulto en rol institucional, el contenido de imagen social implicado y el efecto social positivo o negativo. Segunda hipótesis: el análisis reticular muestra que el uso de fórmulas de tratamiento anticorteses en un evento comunicativo se da, preferentemente, entre participantes que mantienen una relación estrecha de camaradería y confianza (en términos de análisis de redes sociales, estas serían relaciones entre nodos situados a un solo paso y preferentemente en redes densas). Tercera hipótesis: entre los jóvenes, el uso de determinadas fórmulas de tratamiento que consideramos como descorteses, así como también las anticorteses, refuerza actos de habla directivos Cuarta hipótesis: los jóvenes establecen un juego alrededor de la ambigüedad en las formas lingüísticas para su interpretación como descortés o anticortés. En particular, la presencia de un adulto en el microevento comunicativo puede provocar o inhibir este juego.
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