... A subaqueous mass flow origin for the primary diamicts can be ruled out considering the sheet-like geometry, presence of ice-rafted debris and parallel lamination, scarcity of soft-sediment deformation, no correlation between the bed thickness and the maximum clast size, and lack of associated facies unambiguously produced by sediment gravity flows (e.g., turbidites). However, redeposition of the thick-bedded diamictites by such flows, i.e., cohesive debris flows (Mulder and Alexander, 2001;Talling et al., 2012), is implied by their stacked nature (less than 2 m thick beds), sharp non-erosive basal contacts (probably as a result from hydroplaning of individual flows), lack of internal structures (except slumped beds), grading and preferred orientation of the clasts, formation of load casts, very poor sorting, presence of extraclasts derived from basement lithologies, locally abundant mud matrix and mudstone intraclasts, and absence of disturbance below lonestones (see López-Gamundí, 1991;Visser, 1994;Mulder and Alexander, 2001;Eyles and Januszczak, 2004;Arnaud and Eyles, 2006;Dobrzinski and Bahlburg, 2007;Ampaiwan et al., 2009;Henry et al., 2010Henry et al., , 2012Arnaud and Etienne, 2011;Couto et al., 2013;Isbell et al., 2016). In the same context, it is noteworthy that some of the above described textural characteristics, e.g., outsized clasts, galaxy/turbate structures and sediment aggregates (pellets), are known from deposits of subaqueous debris flows. ...