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Abstract and Figures

Mastering distance teaching imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic was challenging for many teachers. In the present cross-sectional survey, we assessed the level of stress that teachers experienced during the lockdown of schools in Germany, their strategies to cope with it, and external and internal barriers for distance teaching with an online questionnaire. Teachers were recruited for the study on the basis of nationwide professional networks (e.g. Eduserver – Education in Germany, The German Education Union (GEW)) as well as by advertising the study on homepages of associations for different special educational needs and in social networks (e.g. Facebook, Instagram). A total of 380 teachers from different school forms participated. They experienced medium to high levels of stress. More than 50 percent of them spent more than four hours daily on remote teaching, with secondary grammar school teachers experiencing significantly more stress and working more hours daily than special education teachers. The vast majority of them experienced technical barriers, but most of them felt able to cope functionally with the stress. Female teachers experienced significantly more stress, but coped with it more often in a functional way; teachers used more functional coping strategies when they expected external factors as barriers for distance teaching. The results imply that teachers’ digital skills should be developed, schools should be better equipped with the necessary computer hard- and software, and more research on psychological factors contributing to teachers’ willingness to use technologies for remote teaching in the pandemic and beyond should be done.
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Journal of Pedagogical Research
Onlinefirst Article
Research Article
Teachers’ experiences of stress and their coping
strategies during COVID-19 induced distance
Florian Klapproth
1, Lisa Federkeil
2, Franziska Heinschke
3 and Tanja Jungmann
1Medical School of Berlin, Germany (ORCID: 0000-0002-4598-837X)
2Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany (ORCID: 0000-0001-7285-4134)
3Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany (ORCID: 0000-0003-1400-7062)
4Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany (ORCID: 0000-0001-8530-2857)
Mastering distance teaching imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic was challenging for many teachers. In
the present cross-sectional survey, we assessed the level of stress that teachers experienced during the
lockdown of schools in Germany, their strategies to cope with it, and external and internal barriers for
distance teaching with an online questionnaire. Teachers were recruited for the study on the basis of
nationwide professional networks (e.g. Eduserver Education in Germany, The German Education Union
(GEW)) as well as by advertising the study on homepages of associations for different special educational
needs and in social networks (e.g. Facebook, Instagram). A total of 380 teachers from different school
forms participated. They experienced medium to high levels of stress. More than 50 percent of them spent
more than four hours daily on remote teaching, with secondary grammar school teachers experiencing
significantly more stress and working more hours daily than special education teachers. The vast majority
of them experienced technical barriers, but most of them felt able to cope functionally with the stress.
Female teachers experienced significantly more stress, but coped with it more often in a functional way;
teachers used more functional coping strategies when they expected external factors as barriers for
distance teaching. The results imply that teachers’ digital skills should be developed, schools should be
better equipped with the necessary computer hard- and software, and more research on psychological
factors contributing to teachers’ willingness to use technologies for remote teaching in the pandemic and
beyond should be done.
Keywords: Pandemic; Lockdown; Stress; Functional/dysfunctional coping; Distance teaching
Article History: Submitted 27 June 2020; Revised 22 August 2020; Published online 25 August 2020
1. Introduction
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in unprecedented actions in the area of education: From the
13th of March to the 23rd of April, all schools in Germany were closed, and teachers had to teach
their students from home. Thereafter, schools opened partly and stepwise. In Germany, the
distance teaching imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic was a mixture of traditional public
schooling and homeschooling (Wrase, 2020). Whereas schools set up the curriculum and teachers
provided tasks and instructions, parents were expected to implement these tasks and instructions.
Address of Corresponding Author
Medical School Berlin, Rüdesheimer Straße 50, 14197 Berlin, Germany.
How to cite: Klapproth, F., Federkeil, L., Heinschke, F., & Jungmann, T. (2020). Teachers’ experiences of stress and their coping strategies
during COVID-19 induced distance teaching. Journal of Pedagogical Research. Advanced online publication. doi: 10.33902/JPR.2020062805
F. Klapproth et al. / Journal of Pedagogical Research, 0(0), 1-9 2
Neither the parents nor the teachers were well prepared to master the multiple challenges these
changes imposed on them. Many parents experienced unstructured task transmission by teachers
and a lack of teacher feedback (Wildemann & Hosenfeld, 2020), whereas teachers struggled with
keeping their relationships to their students and missed advice and support from their schools
(Goetz, 2020). Presumably, the gap in students achievement between families of high and low
socioeconomic status will be widened due to differences in material and educational resources,
living space, or availability of time, when children were taught at home (Anger & Plünnecke, 2020;
Bol, 2020).
Little is known about factors that contributed to difficulties of teachers to ensure continuation of
instruction, when most teaching was conducted from home. For example, schools and teachers
became increasingly dependent on digital tools for both teaching and communication processes.
Whereas for some teachers, using the internet, communicating via social-media channels or using
video-conference tools did not pose a real problem, other teachers might experience remote
teaching as a burden (Quezada, Talbot & Quezada-Parker, 2020). Depending on their (technical)
skills some teachers may have perceived the situation as positive, whereas others considered it as
irrelevant. Moreover, others may have perceived it as negative and stressful (Drossel, Eickelmann,
Schaumburg & Labusch, 2019). If the latter is the case, it can be a potential stressor and might in
turn result in the experience of stress and lower well-being (Skaalvik & Skaalvik, 2018).
In a survey conducted in Germany between the 2nd and the 14th of April 2020, Eickelmann and
Drossel (2020) revealed that on average only 33 % of N = 310 teachers felt well prepared for remote
teaching, with teachers serving in the highest track of secondary school (Gymnasium) feeling more
prepared than those teaching in lower tracks of secondary school or in primary school. The authors
explain the difference between the school tracks as a result of differences in supply with hardware
and knowledge in software between students of different tracks, with primary-school students
being the least skilled and worst equipped groups of students (Eickelmann & Drossel, 2020).
Furthermore, 34 % of the teachers in this survey experienced the new situation as a burden,
whereas 36 % of the teachers indicated that they benefitted from remote teaching. Currently, we
still do not know much about the psychological factors that account for the differences in teachers’
experiences of remote teaching and their actual teaching behavior. For example, it is unclear why
and how some teachers maintained daily contact to and relationships with students and parents
during the lockdown, whereas others made contact to their students and parents only once a week
(Porsch & Porsch, 2020), or why some teachers mastered digital technologies, whereas others
experienced discomfort.
Major barriers limiting teachers’ ability to use and integrate technology into classrooms are lack
of resources, time, and support (e.g., Pittman & Gaines, 2015). Ample studies have shown that
teachers are prone to experience stress when they feel lack of support and time when teaching
students (e.g. Kyriacou, 2010; Pithers & Soden, 1998; Travers & Cooper, 1996). In addition, teachers
are also likely to experience stress if they have to use technology for which they do not feel
competent enough (e.g., Al-Fudail & Mellar, 2008). During the lockdown, both conditions certainly
applied. Stressors outside of work can also play a key role, such as socio-demographic factors or
coping strategies. Carver, Scheier, and Weintraub (1989) distinguished between different styles of
coping with stress, which could be either active or functional on the one hand or could impede
activity and hence be dysfunctional on the other hand.
The current study aimed at closing the gap between what is already known about stressors
affecting teachers’ remote teaching practices, and how teachers actually overcame the stress during
the COVID-19 imposed lockdown.
1.1. Research Question and Hypotheses
With the current research, we examined the level of stress that teachers experienced during the
lockdown of schools in Germany, their strategies to cope with it, and external and internal barriers
for distance teaching. We expected that teachers who taught in the highest track of secondary
F. Klapproth et al. / Journal of Pedagogical Research, 0(0), 1-9 3
school were on average experiencing lower levels of stress than teachers teaching in lower tracks
of secondary school or in primary school (cf. Eickelmann & Drossel, 2020). We assumed that stress
was induced during the lockdown by lack of sufficient support, both technical and social, and
excessive workload regarding the use of computer technology and social media. We anticipated
that teachers would use both functional and dysfunctional coping styles with a higher prevalence
of functional styles. Moreover, we investigated the influence of socio-demographic factors on level
of stress, coping strategies, and experienced barriers.
2. Method
2.1. Research Design and Participants
In our cross-sectional study, N = 380 teachers participated. The participants were selected using an
ad-hoc sampling strategy. They were recruited via professional networks (e.g. Eduserver
Education in Germany, The German Education Union (GEW)) as well as by advertising the study
on homepages of associations for different special educational needs and in social networks (e.g.
Facebook, Instagram). From all participating teachers, 307 (79.7 %) provided full data sets. 77 (20.3
%) participants showed some data missing that were identified as missing completely at random,
2(1) = 3.38, p = .07. We therefore decided to use listwise deletion for handling missing values
(Cheema, 2012). 27.6 % of the participants were primary school teachers, 21.2 % were teaching in
the lower tracks of secondary modern school or in comprehensive school, 31.7 % were teaching in
the highest track of grammar school, and 19.5 % were teaching in special schools for students with
different developmental challenges. Of the participants, 293 (77 %) were female, 86 (23 %) were
male, and one participant identified with a diverse gender. Their mean age was 43.7 years
(SD = 10.6).
2.2. Instruments and Data Gathering Procedure
The participants filled out an online questionnaire on their perceived stress level, coping strategies,
experienced barriers during distance teaching, and socio-demographic data.
2.2.1. Stress level
We asked teachers how often they have felt nervous or stressed during the last four weeks, with
the response choices on a five-point Likert Scale ―never,‖ ―rarely,‖ ―sometimes,‖ ―rather often,‖
and ―very often.‖
2.2.2. Coping strategies
We assessed the different strategies to deal with the experienced stress with a shortened version of
the COPE questionnaire (Carver et al., 1989). The COPE is a self-report measure consisting of 52
items assessing coping along 14 theoretically-based subscales. The questionnaire encompasses a
range of functional and dysfunctional coping strategies, which are active coping, planning, denial,
suppression of competing activities, restraint coping, instrumental support, emotional support,
positive reinterpretation, acceptance, religion, venting emotions, behavioral disengagement,
mental disengagement, and alcohol-drug disengagement. The self-developed shortened version
consisted of 27 items representing all 14 coping strategies. The participants’ response choices were
on a four-point Likert Scale ―I didn’t do this at all,‖ ―I did this a little bit,‖ ―I did this a medium
amount,‖ and ―I did this a lot‖.
2.2.3. Barriers experienced during distance teaching
The barriers that teachers experienced were assessed by 11 self-developed multi-choice items that
were preceded by the following question: ―Which were the biggest obstacles for you to do
successful distance teaching?‖ The items could be either accepted or denied: excessive workload
for students; excessive workload for parents; low housing conditions; lack of access to computer
hardware; low internet connectivity; low motivation of students; low motivation of parents;
F. Klapproth et al. / Journal of Pedagogical Research, 0(0), 1-9 4
parents’ low level of organization of temporal schedules; school’s low level of organization of
temporal schedules; own low level of organization of temporal schedules; low digital competence.
2.2.4. Socio-demographic data
In addition, we assessed some socio-demographic data from the participants (age, gender, type of
school, federal state of school) as well as their estimate of the daily duration of teaching from home
(in hours).
2.3. Statistical Analyses
For further data processing, we factor analyzed the 14 coping strategy scales and revealed 4 factors
with eigenvalues larger than 1.0. After varimax rotation, scales loading high on the first and the
third factor were combined to a dysfunctional coping strategies scale, whereas scales loading high
on factor two and four were combined to a functional coping strategies scale. Functional coping
strategies were related to mastering the situation in a proactive und effortful way. Functional
coping strategies included active coping (e.g., to concentrate efforts on doing something about the
situation), suppression of competing activities (e.g., focusing on dealing with the problem),
restraint coping (e.g., forcing oneself to wait for the right time to do something), planning (e.g.,
thinking about how to best handle the situation), and seeking social support (e.g., getting
emotional support from friends or relatives). In contrast, dysfunctional coping strategies were
related to avoiding proactive and deliberate mastering, and to abdicating from one’s responsibility
for managing the new situation. Dysfunctional coping strategies involved denial (e.g., acting as if
this situation has never happened), venting of emotions (e.g., getting upset and letting emotions
out), mental disengagement (e.g., watching TV to think about it less), behavioral disengagement
(e.g., giving up to attempt goals), and alcohol- or drug-related disengagement (e.g., drinking
alcohol or taking drugs in order to think about it less). Dysfunctional copings strategies did also
entail the inverse of positive reinterpretation of the situation, e.g., not to learn something from the
situation, and the inverse of acceptance, e.g., not to learn to live with it. The internal consistency of
the new created scales was sufficient, with α = .73 for the functional coping strategies scale and the
same value for the dysfunctional coping strategies scale.
All metric variables were analyzed by using parametric statistical procedures. Non-metric
variables were analyzed by using Chi-Square tests or Spearman rank correlations.
3. Results
3.1. Level of Stress
Teachers experienced on average a medium-to-high amount of stress during the lockdown,
indicated by a mean value of 3.64 (SD = 0.98) on the five-point Likert scale. Teachers level of
experienced stress differed between school types, F(3, 289) = 4.88, p < .001, 2 = .05.
As Figure 1 illustrates, teachers in the highest track experienced the most severe stress
(M = 3.89, SD = 0.95), teachers in special education experienced the lowest level of stress (M = 3.26,
SD = 0.90). Primary school teachers (M = 3.56, SD = 0.99) and teachers of lower tracks of secondary
school (M = 3.56, SD = .97) were in-between. Scheffé post hoc tests revealed significant differences
of experienced stress level only between teachers of the highest track and teachers in special
education, p = .002. Moreover, stress level was higher in female (M = 3.71, SD = 1.10) than male
teachers (M = 3.41, SD = 0.94), t(377) = -2.56, p = .011.
F. Klapproth et al. / Journal of Pedagogical Research, 0(0), 1-9 5
Figure 1. Experienced level of stress according to type of school
3.2. Duration of distance teaching and experienced obstacles
Of the teachers participating in our study, 56.6 % (n = 215) indicated to teach more than four hours
daily, 18.7 % (n = 71) stated to teach about three to four hours daily, 9.7 % (n = 37) specified their
daily teaching activities to last no longer than two hours, and 15.0 % (n = 57) did not specify their
teaching duration. Teachers spending more hours a day with remote teaching activities
experienced significantly more stress than did teachers spending less time, r = .41, p < .001.
There were no significant gender differences regarding the duration of distance teaching,
r = -.04, p = .490, but significant differences between school types, 2(9) = 28.38, p = .001. Grammar
school teachers had the greatest daily workload in terms of teaching duration, with 87.1 %
specifying their daily teaching time longer than four hours, whereas only 56.5 % of special
education teachers did the same amount of teaching per day.
Teachers most often agreed that the lack of adequate hardware was a barrier for successful
teaching. Often mentioned were also excessive workload and low motivation of the students. As
Table 1 displays, about half of the participants considered excessive workload of parents and low
internet connectivity as barriers for their teaching. About one third of the teachers were concerned
about their own housing conditions, their own level of organization, and the low motivation of
parents. Less than 20 % of the participants agreed that the school’s and their own level of
organization as well as their digital competence contributed to impeding their teaching from
home. On average, teachers experienced 4.52 (SD = 2.04) from a total of 11 presented barriers.
Table 1
Frequency of barriers teachers experienced during distance teaching (percentage of teachers who agreed)
Excessive workload for students
Excessive workload for parents
Low housing conditions
Lack of access to computer hardware
Low internet connectivity
Low motivation of students
Low motivation of parents
Parents’ low level of organization
School’s low level of organization
Own low level of organization
Low digital competence
3,56 3,56
Primary school (n =
Secondary school,
lower tracks (n = 65)
Secondary school,
higher tracks (n = 97)
SEN schools (n = 60)
Level of stress
Type of school
F. Klapproth et al. / Journal of Pedagogical Research, 0(0), 1-9 6
There were no significant differences in the number of experienced barriers between the types
of school they were teaching at, F(3, 264) = 0.38, p = .768. The level of perceived stress and the number
of experienced barriers did not correlate significantly, r = .07, p = .184.
3.3. Coping Strategies
When experiencing stress, teachers made use of both coping strategies. But what type of strategy
did they prefer, and under which conditions?
Teachers applied on average more functional (M = 2.59, SD = 0.45) than dysfunctional coping
strategies (M = 1.70, SD = 0.39), t(359) = 27.71, p < .001). The more stress was experienced, the more
coping strategies were applied to master the situation. The use of both functional (r = .25, p < .001)
and dysfunctional (r = .40, p < .001) coping strategies was positively related to stress experience.
Teachers´ choice of coping strategies was primarily affected by what they experienced as a
burden. The use of functional coping strategies was positively related to the teachers’ perception of
low motivation of parents (r = .15, p = .005) and their experience of a school’s low level of
organization (r = .20, p < .001). In contrast, the use of dysfunctional coping strategies was positively
related to their perception of high student workload (r = .12, p = .032), low perceived digital
competence (r = .23, p < .001), their own low level of organization (r = .14, p = .009), and again the
school’s low level of organization (r = .15, p = .006). Table 2 shows all correlation coefficients
regarding the relationship between coping strategies and experienced barriers.
Table 2
Correlation coefficients indicating relationships between coping strategies and experienced barriers
coping (1)
coping (2)
workload for
students (3)
workload for
parents (4)
Low housing
conditions (5)
Lack of access to
hardware (6)
Low internet
connectivity (7)
Low motivation
of students (8)
Low motivation
of parents (9)
Parents’ low
level of
School’s low
level of
Own low level
of organization
Low digital
competence (13)
Note: *: p < .05; **: p < .01
F. Klapproth et al. / Journal of Pedagogical Research, 0(0), 1-9 7
The longer teachers worked at home, the more likely they were to apply functional coping
strategies (r = .22, p < .001). Moreover, females more often applied functional coping strategies
(M = 2.62, SD = 0.43) than males (M = 2.46, SD = 0.48), t(357) = -2.91, p = .004), whereas gender did
not matter in regard to the execution of dysfunctional coping strategies (p = .796).
4. Discussion
This study revealed three major results. First, the level of stress experienced by teachers was
medium to high. Since we do not know the level of stress before the lockdown, we will abstain
from interpreting it. However, we found a substantial relationship between teachers subjective
stress level and their type of school. Contrary to our hypothesis, teachers from the highest track of
secondary school (grammar school) experienced the highest level of stress, whereas those from
special education classes experienced the least. Presumably, teachers in the highest track posed
more workload on their students compared to teachers from other schools, so that students in the
highest track were likely to disengage from instruction, and teachers found them less motivated.
Second, more than half of all participating teachers spent more than four hours a day on remote
teaching and experienced significantly more stress than teachers spending less time a day in
teaching activities. However, teaching time differed between school types. Teaching time was
longest with grammar school teachers and shortest with special education teachers. Possibly,
recommendations for distance teaching and learning from educational policy were more explicit
and pronounced for regular schools than for special educational schools and even more focused on
pupils switching from elementary school to secondary schools and graduates from school (Huber
& Helm, 2020), forcing secondary school teachers in the higher tracks to spent more time with
distance teaching and experiencing more stress due to technical problems. The expert statements
of the Leopoldina (2020) underline that children and their parents from elementary and primary
school need the most support and the caring services of school, but they did not mention students
with special educational needs. Three essential functions of schooling are abrogated due to the
shutdown: a) the structured learning environment pupils with ADHD, Autism Spectrum
Disorders and other neurodevelopmental challenges need the most, b) the learning supportive
social exchange with peers and teachers that practices societal participation, especially important
for pupils with socio-emotional and language problems, and c) professional, differentiated
feedback to advances in learning that are essential for pupils with learning disabilities.
The vast majority of teachers considered the lack of adequate computer equipment, alongside
with a low internet connectivity, as major barriers for successful teaching. This result mirrors
complaints that diverse agents in society have made years ago (e.g., Harwardt, 2020). Thus,
teachers faced technological problems that were already known, but during the lockdown they
became visible. Furthermore, teachers felt constrained by excessive student workload and their
low motivation for doing schoolwork at home. When teachers experienced that their students were
overstrained by distance teaching and learning, they may have feared a tendency for them to
employ a surface learning approach (Kember & Leung, 2006), which in turn might prevent them
for reaching the learning goals. In addition, low motivation of students would also prevent them
for reaching learning goals. Students’ low motivation might have been the result of a combination
of both students’ low-to-medium computer and internet skills (Eickelmann, Bos, Gerick &
Labusch, 2019), and teachers’ low ability to facilitate online learning and to overcome technological
limitations (Fryer & Bovee, 2016). However, there was no significant relationship between type of
school and the number of barriers experienced by teachers. Since the mere number of experienced
barriers and the level of stress did not correlate significantly, the number of barriers seems to cover
a different aspect of subjective pressure than perceived stress.
Third, the result that teachers applied on average more functional coping strategies (e.g.,
planning or seeking social support) than dysfunctional coping strategies (e.g., giving up to attempt
goals or drinking alcohol) underlines that most of them felt able to actively and deliberately
manage distance teaching. However, although many teachers preferred functional over
F. Klapproth et al. / Journal of Pedagogical Research, 0(0), 1-9 8
dysfunctional strategies, almost all of them also used dysfunctional strategies, like, for instance,
watching more TV or abandoning personal goals.
Teachers were more likely to use functional than dysfunctional coping strategies when they
attributed the causes of their constraints to external factors, like parents’ low motivation or the
school’s low level of organization. However, when they internalized the constraints, e.g. when
they complained about their own level of organization or the low level of digital competence, they
preferred dysfunctional over functional coping strategies.
Female teachers were more stressed than male teachers, but female teachers also used more
often functional coping strategies than their male colleagues. Elevated work stress of females
might stem from gender differences in domains outside of work, such that female teachers may
experience higher workload for teaching and domestic tasks at the same time or a sharper conflict
between work and family roles (Greenglass & Burke, 2003). It may also be that teachers who
perceived greater stress from responsibility for students’ achievement exerted more effort during
lesson planning and distance teaching and thus used more functional than dysfunctional coping
strategies (cf. Klassen & Chiu, 2010).
4.1. Limitations of the Study
One limitation of the present study is the non-representativeness of the sample we used. Since we
did not apply a deliberate sampling strategy, teachers were recruited for the study on the basis of
professional networks as well as by advertising the study in social networks. Our research
instrument is self-constructed, although the assessment of coping strategies is adapted from the
COPE. The factor structure and the internal consistency could be replicated for the shortened
version used, but the quality criteria are only acceptable. Moreover, causal implications are not
possible because of the correlational design of the study.
4.2. Implications of the Study
One implication of the results obtained is that in order to enhance teachers’ digital skills, training
programs have to be developed and applied to teachers wherein they are trained in using digital
tools for remote teaching. Teachers should also be equipped by their schools or local authorities
with computer hard- and software that is necessary for distance teaching. Both supply with
technologies and training how to use them could eliminate at least one important barrier that
teachers were faced with during distance teaching. Since teachers experienced a medium to high
amount of stress during the lockdown, and did also use dysfunctional in addition to functional
coping strategies, coping competencies should also be trained by professional trainers. Moreover,
more research should be done in order to examine psychological factors that contribute to teachers
willingness to use technologies for remote teaching in the pandemic and beyond. Researchers have
suggested that major barriers limiting teachers’ ability to use and integrate technology into
classrooms are lack of resources, time, and support (e.g., Pittman & Gaines, 2015). Besides these
external barriers, internal factors may be of even more relevance (Ottenbreit-Leftwich, Liao, Sadik
& Ertmer, 2018). Motivational factors, attitudes, knowledge and self-efficacy, for instance, have
been suggested as reasons for teachers’ reluctance to incorporate technology into their classrooms.
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... Mastering distance teaching imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic was challenging for many teachers. In the present cross-sectional survey of Klapproth, et. al. (2020), they assessed the level of stress that teachers experienced during the lockdown of schools in Germany, their strategies to cope with it, and external and internal barriers for distance teaching with an online questionnaire. As a result of their study, they found out that one of the stressors among the teachers is technical difficulties ...
... Mastering distance teaching imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic was challenging for many teachers. In the present cross-sectional survey of Klapproth, et. al. (2020), they assessed the level of stress that teachers experienced during the lockdown of schools in Germany, their strategies to cope with it, and external and internal barriers for distance teaching with an online questionnaire. As a result of their study, they found out that one of the stressors among the teachers is technical difficulties ...
This research aims to determine the stress levels of public secondary school teachers in Asipulo District, SDO-Ifugao, Cordillera Administrative Region, Philippines.
... Teachers at sports high schools were crucial for student-athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic (Hertting et al., 2023;Johnson et al., 2022), and it is reasonable to assume that they also were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, even though the research focusing on teachers is scarce; that is, relatively few studies have examined how teachers were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and these studies have primarily focused on teachers in elementary schools (e.g. Bates & Harrel, 2024;Folkman et al., 2023;Kim et al., 2022;Kim & Asbury, 2020;Klapproth et al., 2020;Varea & González-Calvo, 2021), or colleges and universities (e.g. VanLeeuwen et al., 2021). ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on daily life. Research has shown that high school student-athletes were especially vulnerable to the pandemic and its associated restrictions. Teachers at sports high schools were likewise affected by the pandemic. Studies of student-athletes' and teachers' experiences of the pandemic are found separately but not in combinations. Based on the reconceptualized uncertainty in illness theory (RUIT), this paper explored how student-athletes and teachers at certified sports-oriented high schools in Sweden experienced uncertainty concerning the pandemic and how it impacted their everyday life experiences, personal development, and well-being. A re-analysis based on an abductive qualitative content analysis of student-athletes, and teachers in two published studies was investigated. The analysis resulted in four categories: 'Social life in uncertain times,' 'Uncertainty affects health and well-being,' 'Rapid changes, uncertainty, and adaptation,' and 'Learning for an uncertain future'. Throughout the student-athletes and teachers' stories, the pandemic had a negative impact on their well-being, but they also stressed that they had learned several things for the future, as discussed using the RUIT as a lens. The combined experiences of these interrelated groups provide unique knowledge about their everyday life experience, personal development, and well-being and suggest that future research would benefit from studying different support structures for dealing with future global adversities. ARTICLE HISTORY
... Recognizing these challenges, a program led by students from Universitas Ary Ginanjar aims to empower MSMEs by equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills to utilize digital marketing tools, particularly on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. This initiative includes training and ongoing mentoring to ensure practical application and long-term impact, ultimately contributing to the broader goal of enhancing economic resilience through MSME empowerment (Faizah et al., 2022;Klapproth et al., 2020). ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the economic sector, particularly MSMEs, which have struggled to adapt to the digital era. This report discusses the implementation of a community empowerment program aimed at enhancing MSMEs' ability to utilize digital marketing through social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. The program involved stages of FGD, surveys, socialization, training, mentoring, and evaluation. The culminating activity, a webinar titled "Optimizing Your Instagram for Business," was attended by 10 MSMEs. Evaluation results showed that the program successfully improved participants' understanding and skills in utilizing social media to boost sales. It is hoped that similar programs can continue to support MSMEs in facing the challenges of the digital era and increase their contribution to the national economy.
... The pressing issue of mental health and education for women is a global concern. Research from the Girlguiding Girl's Attitudes Survey 2015 highlights alarming trends, particularly among young women aged 11 to 21, who often struggle with self-harm, depression, and low self-esteem (Klapproth et al., 2020). These challenges emphasize the importance of providing tailored educational opportunities that empower women to navigate these difficulties effectively (Carver-Thomas & Darling-Hammond, 2019). ...
This study explores the establishment of a specialized educational institution, The House of Humaira, aimed at empowering young Muslim women through a blend of homeschooling and boarding school methods. Located in Purwakarta, this initiative addresses the significant issue of gender disparities in education by providing a model that integrates Islamic principles with academic and cognitive development. Through targeted social outreach, financial planning, and operational management, the project enhances awareness of the importance of education for women, emphasizing their roles as future mothers and contributors to societal growth. By creating tailored educational programs and sustainable management systems, the initiative seeks to produce competent, productive, and cooperative young women, serving as a blueprint for similar institutions nationwide. Key outcomes include an operational framework, a financial planning template, and community engagement through digital platforms. This project underscores the critical role of education in fostering self-reliance and leadership among women, ensuring long-term societal impact.
... The coping techniques used by educators during the mandatory distance learning of the COVID-19 epidemic are essential and need attention for the advancement of inclusive education. Klapproth et al. (2020) found that instructors had moderate to high stress levels during remote instruction throughout the pandemic, with secondary school educators experiencing more stress and longer working hours compared to their counterparts in special education. Many educators encountered technical challenges but saw themselves as adept at handling stress effectively, especially women, who often used functional coping mechanisms. ...
In Kosovo, the inclusion of special education needs (SEN) in regular classrooms is growing, yet teachers often lack the necessary preparation. Effective management requires competency, inclusive training and development. This study explored the relationship between teacher competences, inclusive education training, and professional support in managing classrooms with children with SEN in Kosovo. We employed a mixed-methods approach, distributing structured questionnaires to 57 elementary and secondary school teachers and conducting a literature review. Descriptive statistics revealed that 98.20% of children receiving special education services had impairments, indicating a robust commitment to addressing SEN. The emphasis was on early intervention, as evidenced by the creation of 96.50% Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) in the first grade and the active analysis of previous program data by 87.70% of teachers. A chi-square test found a significant correlation between training in inclusive education and teachers' proficiency in managing inclusive classrooms (p-value < 0.01). However, 8.80% of teachers reported limited data access, highlighting the need for further training and support. IEP goals often prioritized social skills (12.10%) and adaptive behavior (11.8%), emphasizing the necessity of thorough educator preparation. The study underscores the critical role of inclusive education training in enhancing teacher competency. Although most SEN children receive necessary services, challenges like restricted data access require solutions through continuous professional development. Hypothesis testing showed professional support significantly boosts teacher confidence in inclusive practices (p-value < 0.05), emphasizing continuous training.
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COVID-19 pandemic has brought upon some tremendous changes in functional areas of students such us the distance learning and the following return to physical learning. The study examine the cognitive, social and emotional effects of the pandemic on school-age students, as these have been defined by primary education teachers themselves during the pandemic. 50 teachers asked to fill in a questionnaire, which results signaled adverse effects on every direction, including learning, teaching along with children, teachers and parents’ mental health.
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O estudo caracteriza o estado emocional docente e analisa os fatores associados em uma perspectiva de reabertura de escolas (segundo semestre de 2021) no contexto da pandemia de Covid-19 no Brasil. Uma websurvey elaborada pelo Instituto Península foi aplicada com aproximadamente dois mil professores brasileiros de escolas públicas e privadas. A metodologia foi análise fatorial com a extração das componentes principais para a elaboração das variáveis latentes (1 – Sentimentos positivos; 2 – Esgotamento; 3 – Exaustão emocional) para a construção dos perfis docentes. Posteriormente, empregou-se regressão linear para a análise dos fatores associados. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade, por parte dos docentes, de apoio pedagógico especialmente quando se sentem cansados ou depressivos.
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This article examines the challenges in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic for German teachers, who had to change the previous classroom-teaching almost overnight into distance learning. This affected not only the subject matter, but also the relationship between teachers and their students. Guided interviews with German teachers show the temporal, technical and administrative challenges faced by the teachers here and how they ultimately implemented distance learning. The aim is to show specifically which factors favored or made it difficult to implement distance & digital teaching. The perspective of the student parents is also taken into account. This gives a direct insight into the pedagogical practice of German teachers on the outbreak and peak of the corona pandemic.
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The crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus has far-reaching effects in the field of education, as schools were closed in March 2020 in many countries around the world. In this article, we present and discuss the School Barometer, a fast survey (in terms of reaction time, time to answer and dissemination time) that was conducted in Germany, Austria and Switzerland during the early weeks of the school lockdown to assess and evaluate the current school situation caused by COVID-19. Later, the School Barometer was extended to an international survey, and some countries conducted the survey in their own languages. In Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 7116 persons participated in the German language version: 2222 parents, 2152 students, 1949 school staff, 655 school leaders, 58 school authority and 80 members of the school support system. The aim was to gather, analyse and present data in an exploratory way to inform policy, practice and further research. In this article, we present some exemplary first results and possible implications for policy, practice and research. Furthermore, we reflect on the strengths and limitations of the School Barometer and fast surveys as well as the methodological options for data collection and analysis when using a short monitoring survey approach. Specifically, we discuss the methodological challenges associated with survey data of this kind, including challenges related to hypothesis testing, the testing of causal effects and approaches to ensure reliability and validity. By doing this, we reflect on issues of assessment, evaluation and accountability in times of crisis.
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We analyzed how teacher perception of job demands and job resources in the school environment were related to teacher well-being, engagement and motivation to leave the teaching profession. Participants were 760 Norwegian teachers in grade 1–10. Data were analyzed by means of confirmatory factor analysis and SEM analysis. A second order job demand variable strongly predicted lower teacher well-being, whereas job resources more moderately predicted higher well-being. Teacher well-being was in turn predictive of higher engagement and lower motivation to leave the profession. Analysis of primary factors showed that time pressure was the strongest predictor of teacher well-being.
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In e-learning environments that are characterized by minimal peer and teacher regulation, motivation is particularly critical but poorly understood. Students' prior experience with computers and smartphones, as well as the teacher support they receive during in-class instruction (in blended learning scenarios), are essential components of the e-learning experience that must be accounted for when seeking to explain students' motivation and learning outcomes in these contexts. This study therefore aimed to test the longitudinal effects of teacher support, prior subject competence, and prior experience with computers and smartphones, on student motivation for e-learning and finally e-learning completion. Employing five data points collected over one academic year, first-year Japanese university students (n = 975), studying English as a foreign language completed surveys at three time points. Cross-lagged panel structural equation modelling was undertaken with the finalized latent variables, prior subject competency (standardized test), and year-end e-learning completion rates. Perceived teacher support was found to have a broad range of direct and mediated effects on students' motivations for e-learning. Effort beliefs were consistent predictors of task value and ability beliefs after accounting for auto-lagged effects. E-learning completion was chiefly predicted by ability beliefs. The practical and theoretical implications for e-learning are discussed. ----> FREE COPY :
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A qualitative study of perception of workload found that it was very weakly related to hours of work. The complex construct was better characterised as being influenced by a broadly conceived teaching and learning environment. It appeared to be possible to encourage students to perform a great deal of high‐quality work, without complaining about excessive workload, by attention to this environment. This hypothesis was tested quantitatively with structural equation modelling with a sample of 3320 undergraduate students at a university in Hong Kong. The hypothesised model had nine factors of the teaching and learning environment grouped under three higher‐order latent variables: teaching, teacher–student relationships and student–student relationships which have influences on perceived workload. The model showed a good fit to the data, confirming the hypothesis that attention to the teaching and learning environment can spur students to work hard without feeling overly stressed. The questionnaire could be used as a diagnostic tool to discover which aspects of the environment need attention.
The spread of COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe with incendiary events that transformed not only economies and health, but also education at all levels, in all nations, and to all people. The effects on primary, secondary, and higher education were swift, leaving higher education institutions to fend for themselves. In the United States, the delivery of knowledge in a traditional classroom setting changed to exclusively online teaching overnight. This article presents how one California liberal arts college and its graduate teacher education programme prepared its faculty for this significant transition for a different educational setting and teaching methodologies in response to COVID-19. Faculty were resilient to the changes in teaching delivery models of remote/online education that were imminent. The data yielded five themes: Technology-Based Instructional Strategies; Technology-Based Support Office Consultation; Alternative Technology-Based Course Assessments; Feedback for Learning and Teaching Improvement; and Social-Emotional Engagement in Courses, and Support of Clinical Placement that were found to be essential to transitioning to remote/online teaching.
Die Herausgeber vermitteln anwendungsnah und praxisorientiert die Anforderungen an Führungspersönlichkeiten im digitalen Zeitalter. Renommierte Experten diskutieren aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven den digitalen Wandel und geben aktuelle Einblicke und konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen. ● Der Umbruch: Digitalisierung in Deutschland, Trends, Mythen & Konsequenzen ● Die Führung: Leadership in der digitalen Welt ● Der Wandel: Die digitale Transformation bewältigen ● Der Durchbruch: Organisationsdesign, Recruiting, Lernen, Marketing und digitales Wachstum Die Herausgeber Prof. Dr. Mark Harwardt ist Professor für Handelsmanagement, E-Commerce und Marketing an der Hochschule für angewandtes Management (HAM). Er war in unterschiedlichen Führungspositionen bei mittelständischen und Konzernunternehmen aktiv, insbsondere in den Bereichen Softwareentwicklung und E-Commerce. Prof. Dr. Peter F.-J. Niermann ist Professor für strategisches und internationales Management und Prodekan an der HAM, Gastprofessor an der Technischen Universität München (TUM) am Institute of Game Engineering und Managing Director von straightlabs, dem Expertenteam für Corporate Trainings in der Extended Reality. Prof. Dr. Andre M. Schmutte lehrt marktorientierte Unternehmensführung an der HAM. Er ist ausgewiesener Experte für Business Transformation, Partner des Extended Reality-Unternehmens straightlabs und berät Unternehmen in agiler Unternehmensentwicklung und der Führung von High Performance Teams. Prof. Dr. Axel Steuernagel ist Professor für E-Commerce an der HAM und Berater für Marketing, Vertrieb und E-Commerce. Er lehrt und forscht zu Themen der strategischen Unternehmensführung und der digitalen Transformation.
The outbreak of the Corona virus has led to unprecedented measures in education. From March 16, all schools in the Netherlands are closed, and children must keep up with their schoolwork from home. Parents are expected to take a crucial role in this “homeschooling”: they are primarily responsible for ensuring that their children follow the curriculum. In this article I report the first results of a module in the LISS Panel that was designed to map how parents school their children in primary and secondary education. Data on a nationally representative sample of 1,318 children in primary and secondary education were gathered in April. The results show marked differences between social groups. Whereas all parents find it important that their children keep up with the schoolwork, children from advantaged backgrounds receive much more parental support and have more resources (e.g., own computer) to study from home. Differences in parental support are driven by the ability to help: parents with a higher education degree feels themselves much capable to help their children with schoolwork than lower educated parents. Parents also report that schools provide more extensive distant schooling for children in the academic track in secondary education (vwo) than for children in the pre-vocational track (vmbo). Finally, there is a clear gender gap: parents feel much more capable to support their daughters than their sons.These initial findings provide clear indications that the school shutdown in the Netherlands is likely to have strong effects on the inequality in educational opportunities.
In this study, we examined a group of four teachers who completed extra educational technology coursework and field experiences during their teacher education programs to determine how their technology integration knowledge, self-efficacy beliefs, intentions, and practices evolved over time. We conducted interviews and evaluated data sources at three intervals: (1) after teacher education coursework was completed, (2) after student teaching was completed, and (3) after two initial years of teaching. Results showed that school resources and environment had a strong impact on beginning teachers' practices, regardless of strong internal enabling factors.
Research on teacher stress has become a major area of international research interest. This paper reviews research findings on teacher stress and suggests five directions for future research: (i) monitoring the extent to which particular educational reforms are generating high levels of teacher stress; (ii) exploring why some teachers are able to successfully negotiate periods of career reappraisal and retain a positive commitment to the work, whilst others are not; (iii) clarifying the nature of the stress process in term of two types of triggers' one based on excessive demands and the other based on a concern with self-image; (iv) assessing the effectiveness of particular intervention strategies to reduce teacher stress; (v) exploring the impact of teacher-pupil interaction and classroom climate on teacher stress.