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Optimizing API Documentation: Some Guidelines and Effects


Abstract and Figures

The growing importance of APIs creates a need to support developers with effective documentation. Prior research has generated important findings regarding information needs of developers and expectations they form towards API documentation. Several guidelines have been proposed on the basis of these findings, but evidence is lacking whether such guidelines actually lead to better documentation. This paper contributes the results of an empirical test that compared the performance of two groups of developers working on a set of pre-defined tasks with an API they were unfamiliar with. One group had access to documentation which was optimized following guidelines for API documentation design proposed in the literature whereas the other group used non-optimized documentation. Results show that developers working with optimized documentation made fewer errors on the test tasks and were faster in planning and executing the tasks. We conclude that the guidelines used in our study do have the intended effect and effectively support initial interactions with an API.
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Optimizing API Documentation
Some Guidelines and Eects
Michael Meng
Department of Business Studies and
Information Sciences, Merseburg
University of Applied Sciences,
Merseburg, Germany
Stephanie M. Steinhardt
Department of Business Studies and
Information Sciences, Merseburg
University of Applied Sciences,
Merseburg, Germany
Andreas Schubert
Department of Business Studies and
Information Sciences, Merseburg
University of Applied Sciences,
Merseburg, Germany
The growing importance of APIs creates a need to support devel-
opers with eective documentation. Prior research has generated
important ndings regarding information needs of developers and
expectations they form towards API documentation. Several guide-
lines have been proposed on the basis of these ndings, but evidence
is lacking whether such guidelines actually lead to better documen-
tation. This paper contributes the results of an empirical test that
compared the performance of two groups of developers working
on a set of pre-dened tasks with an API they were unfamiliar
with. One group had access to documentation which was optimized
following guidelines for API documentation design proposed in
the literature whereas the other group used non-optimized docu-
mentation. Results show that developers working with optimized
documentation made fewer errors on the test tasks and were faster
in planning and executing the tasks. We conclude that the guide-
lines used in our study do have the intended eect and eectively
support initial interactions with an API.
Software and its engineering
Software creation and man-
agement; Software post-development issues; Documentation;
Human-centered computing
Human computer interaction
(HCI); HCI design and evaluation methods; User studies.
API documentation, user studies, information design, usability
ACM Reference Format:
Michael Meng, Stephanie M. Steinhardt, and Andreas Schubert. 2020. Opti-
mizing API Documentation: Some Guidelines and Eects. In Proceedings of
the 38th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication (SIG-
DOC ’20), October 03, 04, 2020, Denton, TX, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA,
11 pages.
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classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for prot or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
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SIGDOC ’20, October 03, 04, 2020, Denton, TX, USA
©2020 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7525-2/20/10. . . $15.00
The growing importance of Application programming interfaces
(APIs) in modern software development creates a need to support
developers in learning new APIs. A dimension that has become
critical in this respect is API usability, i.e. the extent to which
APIs t the needs and expectations of the target audience [
API documentation plays an important role in making APIs more
usable. As pointed out by Myers & Stylos [
], API documentation
is essential in mitigating API usability problems that cannot be
resolved via API design decisions or tool support. Moreover, it has
been shown that poor documentation leads to frustration, loss of
time and can cause developers to abandon an API [4, 5].
Various research eorts have been made to improve API docu-
mentation. One line of research has focused on tools that facilitate
access to information, e.g. by recommending information that could
be relevant in the context of a certain task [
]. A dierent approach –
which also guides the research presented here – has been to identify
content elements that are critical for learning an API, and dimen-
sions of information design that support developers in locating and
processing this content [4, 7].
Prior research following this approach has identied various
aspects regarding content and design that are important from a
developer perspective. Based on such ndings, a number of guide-
lines for optimizing API documentation have been proposed [
However, it is unknown whether these guidelines have the intended
eect and eectively support developers learning an API.
The goal of this paper is to contribute the results of an empirical
test that examined eects of applying guidelines for API documenta-
tion design we proposed in earlier work on developer performance
]. The test was designed to nd out whether changes to the doc-
umentation in response to the guidelines lead to more successful
initial interactions with the API, with focus on success (i.e., errors
made on a set of pre-dened tasks) and eectiveness (i.e., the time
required to solve the tasks).
2.1 Research on API documentation
API documentation [
] and documentation on software systems
in general [
] have often been described as poor and incom-
plete. In fact, Robillard [
] and Robillard & DeLine [
] identied
documentation as main obstacle for learning a new API. In response
to the ndings of Robillard & DeLine, much research has been de-
voted to explore what users of API documentation want, expect and
need by conducting interviews and surveys [
], by observing
SIGDOC ’20, October 03, 04, 2020, Denton, TX, USA Michael Meng et al.
developers solving tasks with a new API [
], and by analyzing
API documentation developers produce themselves [
] or refer
others to [
]. In this section, we summarize main results of these
research eorts. Guidelines for optimizing API documentation that
have been derived from this research will be presented in the next
2.1.1 API overview. Developers approach API documentation with
two broad goals in mind: orientation (e.g. to nd out whether the
API oers solutions to a specic problem) or learning (e.g. to try
out features or to solve a specic programming task). Regardless
of the goal, developers initially expect high-level information that
provides a brief overview of the API, e.g. explains the scope of
the API, the main features it oers, and technical requirements
[7, 14, 16].
2.1.2 Opportunistic vs. systematic approaches to learning and pro-
gramming. Developers use dierent strategies when starting to
work with a new API. The dierent strategies have been described
in terms of developer personas presented in Clarke [
]. Clarke
distinguishes between opportunistic, pragmatic and systematic de-
velopers. Opportunistic developers work in an exploratory manner
and attempt to start working on specic tasks as soon as possible.
They look for code example that relate to their problem and attempt
to extend those examples step by step. Systematic developers try
to understand how the API works before diving into the details of
a task. They deal with concepts even if the concepts do not relate
directly to the task at hand. Pragmatic developers combine elements
of both strategies.
2.1.3 Importance of task orientation. The importance of task ori-
entation belongs to the core insights of Minimalism [
] and this
insight is relevant in the context of API documentation as well.
Developers approach documentation with a problem or task in
mind [
]. They do not intend to learn an API as a whole, even if
they follow a systematic approach to learning. Learning a new API
proceeds in a task-directed manner [
], and can be described as a
form of “just-in-time learning” [16].
2.1.4 Role of conceptual background knowledge. Background
knowledge of the domain covered by an API (e.g. business pro-
cesses involved in B2C or B2B commerce, procurement or enter-
prise resource planning) greatly facilitates the learning process
]. Furthermore, links to documentation developers include in
answers on StackOverow often point to description of concepts,
emphasizing the importance of conceptual background informa-
tion as well [
]. However, it is a challenge that developers tend to
ignore documents which focus on conceptual information, hence
potentially convey the domain-related background knowledge of an
API, with the reluctance to refer to concepts documents apparently
being independent of the learning strategy the developers adopt
2.1.5 Selective access to documentation. Like most users, develop-
ers use API documentation in a highly selective manner [
]. In
addition, Meng et al. [
] observed that the developers participating
in their observation study used documentation to roughly the same
extent, but diered with respect to the amount of attention devoted
to individual sections, in particular the concepts section. Findings
like this suggest that documentation has to provide means to fa-
cilitate selective access, for example by clearly separating text and
code sections, as well as by providing a powerful search function
and consistent navigation.
2.1.6 Identifying entry points. A main challenge for developers
getting into a new API is to identify appropriate entry points and
to relate specic use cases or business processes to particular API
elements [
]. This involves discovering API resources or classes
that represent particular business objects, as well as discovering
functions and methods to access and transfer data across business
objects. Therefore, specic means should be taken to help devel-
opers map business objects and processes to API resources, e.g. by
highlighting API elements mentioned in a textual explanation in a
corresponding code example.
2.1.7 Role of code examples. Several studies identied code exam-
ples as an important learning resource [
] and as an important
starting point for solution development [
]. Developers often
use code examples that seem to address the task at hand, and then
extend and modify the code example to make it t the current
2.2 Guidelines for API documentation design
This section summarizes and slightly extends the heuristics and
guidelines for API documentation design proposed in Meng et al.
]. The guidelines derive from ndings as discussed in the previous
section. Note that the guidelines are not intended to be exhaustive.
For additional guidelines, see Jeong et al [
] and Robillard & DeLine
]. Note also that the guidelines are merely “rules of thumb” and
can be implemented in various ways. They do not determine a
specic solution but are intended to guide the search for solutions.
2.2.1 Heuristic 1: Enable eicient access to relevant content. The
design of API documentation should facilitate eective and selective
access to content that is relevant to developer tasks.
Guideline 1.1: Organize the content according to main us-
age scenarios supported by the API and typical tasks that
developers will solve with the API.
Guideline 1.2: Present important conceptual information
integrated with the description of tasks or usage scenarios
where knowledge of these concepts is needed.
Guideline 1.3: Provide transparent and consistent navigation
options and a powerful search function. If integrating search
is dicult, e.g. due to technical limitations, facilitate simple
search by presenting information on a single page instead
of distributing the information across multiple linked pages.
Guideline 1.4: Structure the content at section level con-
sistently. Use appropriate verbal and visual signaling tech-
niques to make the structure transparent.
2.2.2 Heuristic 2: Facilitate initial entry into the API.. API documen-
tation design should support developers in identifying entry points
into the API. Relating particular tasks or usage scenarios to specic
elements of an API are key issues for successful API learning.
Guideline 2.1: Provide clean and working code examples.
Code examples need to be complete and accurate and should
enable direct re-use via copy-and-paste.
Optimizing API Documentation SIGDOC ’20, October 03, 04, 2020, Denton, TX, USA
Guideline 2.2: Provide relevant background knowledge on
the domain covered by the API and explain important con-
cepts that can support the learning process.
Guideline 2.3: Support developers in relating concepts to
API elements. Signal to the developers how concepts are
represented, e.g. by emphasizing relevant elements in a code
Guideline 2.4: Provide a concise API overview that tells de-
velopers and other stakeholders the purpose of the API, its
main features and important technical characteristics. Make
sure the overview can be accessed easily.
2.2.3 Heuristic 3: Support dierent strategies for learning and de-
velopment. API documentation has to serve dierent strategies for
learning and development. In particular, API documentation has to
address the information needs of developers that adopt an oppor-
tunistic and exploratory strategy.
Guideline 3.1: Enable selective access to code, e.g. by using
a multi-column layout and formatting means that clearly
separate text from code.
Guideline 3.2: Signal text-to-code relations in order to help
developers mapping concepts to code. This reduces reading
eorts and facilitates the identication of relevant informa-
Guideline 3.3: Provide important conceptual information
redundantly. Present it wherever needed. If possible, present
important conceptual information as part of source code
comments to make sure developers focusing on code will
discover and process it as well.
Guideline 3.4: Enable fast and productive use of the API.
Include code examples and integrate try-out functionality
that can be used to test API elements immediately without
much eort.
Beyond the guidelines presented here, it is necessary to ensure that
API documentation meets standard quality criteria of technical doc-
umentation. Developers expect API documentation to be accurate
and complete in the sense that it provides all information required
to solve tasks with the API, building on the knowledge which they
bring to the tasks. Moreover, developers expect documentation to
be easily comprehensible, even when (and in particular if) the API
is inherently complex.
2.3 Research Questions
The guidelines presented in the previous section are motivated by
research based on introspection, self-report, analysis of documen-
tation artefacts produced by developers and observation of actual
developer activities. So far, no attempts have been made to demon-
strate that these or similar guidelines proposed in the literature
support better developer performance. However, understanding the
eects of such guidelines and the design decisions they encourage is
important both from a research and from a practitioner perspective
]. The goal of our research was to contribute empirical data on
this issue.
(RQ1) Our rst research question is to examine whether
the guidelines for API documentation design presented in
the previous section have the intended eect on developer
performance when using documentation following these
guidelines to learn a new API. In particular, we want to
know whether the guidelines support more successful initial
interactions with an API.
(RQ2) Given that eects on developer performance can be
determined, our study also aims to provide initial insights
into how such eects come about. According to the model
proposed by Guthrie et al. [
], interacting with procedural
documents in order to solve tasks involves cognitive pro-
cesses along two main dimensions: processes involved in
locating, studying and comprehending information provided
in a document, and processes involved in planning, prepar-
ing and executing tasks. Following this distinction, our study
asks whether optimizations of API documentation on the ba-
sis of guidelines proposed in the literature primarily have an
impact on locating and studying information, or on actually
performing the tasks.
3.1 Study Design and Materials
In order to address the research questions, we set up a study in
which developers were asked to solve a set of tasks with an API that
was unfamiliar to them. Whereas one group of developers worked
with documentation that closely mirrored the original documenta-
tion of the API provider, the other group had access to an improved
version of that documentation. Modications of the documenta-
tion followed the guidelines discussed in the previous section. The
setup enabled us to measure the joint eect of the guidelines – as
implemented by our specic modications – on variables that can
inform us about developer performance, such as the time required
to solve the tasks and the proportion of tasks solved correctly.
The purpose of the API selected for the test (
is to facilitate the integration of online shops with the services of
shipping providers, making it easier for shop owners to oer a broad
range of shipping services to customers. The API, which we already
used in an earlier study [
], is based on the REST paradigm, which
means that business objects such as shipments, carriers or service
rates are represented as resources that are addressable over the
Internet via a URL and standard HTTP requests. For a nontechnical
introduction to REST APIs, see Johnson [26].
Documentation and other resources to get started with the ship-
cloud API are provided on a developer portal (http://developers. For our test, we partly rebuilt the developer por-
tal using Flatdoc, a simple HTML-based site generator (https:
//atdoc/.. The rebuilt version of the developer
portal included all parts of the original site that were relevant for
the purposes of our test.
Two new version of the developer portal were created: a control
version and an optimized version. The control version retained the
structure of the original documentation, including all main content
categories: “Concepts”, “Recipes”, “API Reference”, “Integration”,
and “Samples.” The structure of the sections within each content
category, the sub-headings and all content elements were left un-
modied. Mirroring the original site, the control version did not
oer a search option.
SIGDOC ’20, October 03, 04, 2020, Denton, TX, USA Michael Meng et al.
Figure 1: Example page of the API documentation serving as control version.
The optimized version was modied following the guidelines
discussed above and included the following changes:
A three-column layout separating navigation, textual de-
scriptions and sample code was imposed in order to facilitate
selective access to code. (guideline 3.1)
All sections of the documentation were checked and mod-
ied if necessary to ensure consistent structure at section
level. (guideline 1.4)
Conceptual information was added, for example to explain
the concept of a shipment, the stakeholders and resources
involved in a shipment, as well as more specic concepts
such as return shipment. In addition, a new section “Terms
you need to know” was added to explain important terms.
Note that this modication was restricted to sections of the
documentation that developers would potentially use when
solving the tasks. (guideline 2.2)
When conceptual information was added, it was integrated
with the description of use cases where it was needed. (guide-
line 1.2, 3.3)
Graphics and visualizations were added to help developers
map concepts and business processes onto API elements.
Process components and their relation to stakeholders were
sometimes visualized using animation. (guideline 2.3)
Likewise, visual signaling and color coding were used to
relate API elements mentioned in a textual description to
the respective API elements in the code example accompa-
nying the description (e.g., parameters in the JSON request
body). This was intended to support selective reading and
to help developers identify and select relevant information.
(guideline 3.2)
The structure of the documentation was changed to increase
task orientation and to better reect important use cases. In-
stead of using “Concepts”, “Recipes”, “Samples”, “Integration”
and “API reference” as main categories, we used: “How the
API works”, “How to run the API” and “How to use the API.
(guideline 1.1)
A short overview of main API features and use cases served
by the API was added. This overview was presented on the
starting page to make it easily accessible. (guideline 2.4)
A sample request for creating a shipment was added as part
of the overview. This sample represents a central use case.
The sample supports developers in getting productive fast.
(guideline 3.4)
All code examples were reworked to eliminate placeholders
and to make them ready for copy-and-paste use. (guideline
An example page of the control version is shown in Figure 1. The
page describes how to congure a return shipment. Figure 2 shows
how this page changed following the optimization process, includ-
ing the three-column layout, the graphic that was added to explain
the concept and to demonstrate how the concept is related to param-
eters of the JSON code transferred via the request body. Moreover,
placeholders were removed from the corresponding code example
and visual signals added to highlight a parameter that is particularly
relevant in the context of the current topic and mentioned both in
the graphic and in the textual description.
Note that for practical reasons, guideline 1.3 could only be imple-
mented in a limited way. According to guideline 1.3, a powerful
search function should be oered to facilitate selective access to
relevant content. We added a search function to the optimized ver-
sion. However, due to technical restrictions, only a simple search
function was possible.
3.2 Participants
We recruited 22 participants (21 male, 1 female) for our test. Seven-
teen participants were recruited from software companies that we
contacted leveraging our personal network. To obtain the partici-
pants, we asked the management whether they would be interested
Optimizing API Documentation SIGDOC ’20, October 03, 04, 2020, Denton, TX, USA
Figure 2: Example page showing the page of Figure 1 in the optimized version of the documentation.
in supporting our study and requested volunteers. Since the API
used for our test does not presuppose any specic skills with respect
to programming language or technology, the only inclusion criteria
we dened was for participants to have practical experience with
REST APIs and to be unfamiliar with the shipcloud API. Volunteers
that were proposed by the partner companies as test participants
included both employees as well as students working as interns.
Five additional participants (all advanced computer science stu-
dents) were recruited from our university. All participants received
10 EUR for completing the test.
In a questionnaire administered to all participants before the test,
ten participants identied themselves as “developer”, two as “team
lead” and ten as “student.” Participants were assigned randomly to
one of the two experimental groups: the group working the control
version of the documentation (“control”) and the group working
with the optimized version (“optimized”). We dened a test schedule
beforehand and assigned developers to groups depending on the
order in which they appeared.
The mean age of participants was 33.4 years (Min: 21, Max: 53).
The two experimental groups did not dier with respect to age, with
a mean age of 33.1 for the control group and of 33.7 for the group
working with the optimized documentation. In order to assess the
level of programming expertise of our participants, we asked for
developer experience in general, and for developer expertise in a
professional context. The two groups were similar with respect to
both parameters (general developer experience in years: control
9.3, optimized
9.5; developer experience in a professional context:
8.0 years, optimized
7.8). Both groups were also similar
with respect to experience with REST APIs, which participants
were to assess on a scale ranging from 1 (
“no experience”) to 5
(=“highly skilled”), with means of 3.36 for both groups.
In addition to developer experience and experience with REST
APIs, we also assessed e-commerce experience. First, we asked
whether participants had gained any developer experience in e-
commerce, for example by working as a developer for an online
shop or a company developing online shop software. In both groups,
six participants indicated to have such experience, and ve to have
no such experience. We also asked participants to assess their e-
commerce developer experience on a scale ranging from 1 (
experience) to 5 (
highly skilled). Means obtained were 2.0 for the
control group and 1.8 for the group working with optimized docu-
mentation. None of the between-group dierences was statistically
3.3 Procedure
Tests were conducted in the usability lab of our university for the
university students, and on-site at conference rooms provided by
the partner companies for industry participants. Before starting
the test, we obtained informed consent from participants using a
document which explained the study, the procedure and policies
regarding processing personal data. Participants were also informed
that they could terminate the test at any point without having to
give a reason. Note that no IRB or similar institution is in place at
our university.
Test sessions started with a short questionnaire to obtain data
regarding age, gender, developer experience and experience with e-
commerce and the shipcloud API. Afterwards, participants received
test instructions and were shown the resources available to them
during the test. When participants had completed the test tasks, a
second questionnaire was administered which requested them to
rate the structure and the overall quality of the API documentation.
Moreover, a short, semi-structured interview was conducted to
provide participants with the opportunity to comment on positive
and negative aspects of the documentation. Participants were then
debriefed, which ended the session. Test sessions lasted between
40-60 minutes.
SIGDOC ’20, October 03, 04, 2020, Denton, TX, USA Michael Meng et al.
The test consisted of ve tasks that covered typical API use
cases, such as creating return and express shipments, requesting
pickup for a shipment at a predened time and directing a ship-
ment to a dedicated drop-o station. The tasks were identical to
the tasks used in our earlier study [
]. The tasks did not require
any programming. Rather, participants had to identify the appro-
priate endpoints, resources and parameters. Moreover, the tasks
required to add request body information to the API calls using
JSON notation. To facilitate the conguration and execution of
API calls, participants had access to a Postman client that was pre-
pared with respect to authentication information and the request
body format. Tasks were provided in written form. Along with the
tasks, participants received a sheet summarizing basic activities in
Postman. Besides Postman, participants were provided with the
shipcloud API documentation and the shipcloud dashboard, each
presented on a separate browser page. Participants were free to use
the documentation at any point they wanted.
During the test session, we took audio and screen recordings of
all participant activities. In addition, we recorded participant’s eye
movements using a video-based eye tracker (SMI 250mobile, Sen-
soMotoric Instruments) attached to the monitor of the test laptop.
Recording of screen activities and eye movements started immedi-
ately before participants received the task sheet. Recording stopped
after the last task had been completed. To record the interviews per-
formed after the tests, the retrospective think-aloud (RTA) function
of the software package BeGaze was used.
3.4 Data Analysis
Data analysis was based on the screen videos with eye tracking
data overlaid. Screen videos were loaded into the INTERACT 17
(Mangold International) software for manual coding. Two coding
schemes were applied:
. The code for “Task” provided the basis for analyzing
accuracy on task and task duration. As part of the instruction,
participants were asked to notice the experimenter when
they had completed a task and when they started to work on
a new task. Using this information, we coded interval events
for task 1 to task 5 ranging from the beginning to the end of
each task.
. The coding schema “Window” was used to deter-
mine the time participants spent in the documentation and
the time they spent in the dierent types of resources outside
the documentation. Values of the coding schema “Window”
were applied on the basis of the eye tracking data. On the
one hand, we coded interval events whenever participants
viewed sections within the shipcloud API documentation.
We also coded events to mark intervals in which participants
viewed resources outside the API documentation, such as the
Postman client, the shipcloud dashboard or other resources
(e.g. when participants opened a browser window to look
up an unknown term in an online dictionary).
Each coding schema was applied in a separate coding run. Coding
was always performed by a single researcher only.
3.5 Results
Quantitative data analysis focused on three dependent variables:
accuracy on tasks, time on tasks and time spent in documentation
versus time spent in resources outside the documentation. All sta-
tistical tests were conducted using the R software package, version
3.6.1 [
]. The data were analyzed with mixed-eects regression
modeling [
] using the lme4 R package [
]. Mixed-eects models
can be used to analyze both continuous variables (such as time on
task) as well as categorical variables (such as task accuracy, scored
as “correct” or “incorrect”). Moreover, they make it possible to cap-
ture eects of multiple random factors in a single analysis, such
as random eects due to systematic dierences between partici-
pants or experimental tasks in the current study. For an in-depth
discussion of advantages of mixed-eects modeling, see Baayen et
al. [
] and Jaeger [
]. A non-technical introduction can be found
in Balling [
]. For applications of mixed-eects modeling in the
context of usability studies, see Balling [32] and Meng [33].
Note that there are dierent proposals with respect to the con-
struction of random eect terms in a mixed model. Following Ma-
tuschek et al. [
], we attempted to identify the most parsimonious
model predicting the observed data pattern.
3.5.1 Accuracy on tasks. The ve tasks constructed for the test
represented typical API use cases. However, they diered in com-
plexity. We therefore dened 3-5 sub-tasks per task in order to take
the varying degree of complexity between the tasks into account,
resulting in a total of 18 sub-tasks. For example, task 1 (“Creating
a shipment that is delivered to a specic drop station”) involved
the sub-tasks “Identifying the resource to create a shipment re-
quest”, “Identifying and modifying the correct parameter to have
the shipment delivered to the specic drop station”, “Constructing
the URL to invoke the resource correctly.” Task 2 (“Creating a return
shipment for the shipment just created”) involved the sub-tasks
“Identifying and modifying the parameter that denes a return ship-
ment”, “Changing the addresses [sender becomes recipient and vice
versa]” and “Constructing the URL to invoke the resource correctly.
We then checked on the basis of the screen recordings whether sub-
tasks were solved correctly or not, using binary coding. Sub-tasks
solved correctly were scored as 1, sub-tasks that were not com-
pleted correctly or only with the help of the experimenters were
scored as 0. Hence, for task 1, a total of three points was possible if
participants solved all sub-tasks completely. Often, task solution
was partially correct in that only some of the sub-tasks were solved
correctly. For example, for task 1, participants sometimes identied
the correct resource and correctly constructed the URL to invoke
the resource, but failed to identify and modify the parameter that
would have the shipment delivered to the drop station, resulting in
a score of 2 out of 3.
Results for accuracy on tasks (reported as percentage values)
were as follows. The overall mean was 80.29 (SD
14.09). Accuracy
was higher for the group working with optimized API documenta-
tion (M
86.35, SD
11.46) compared to the control group (M
14.32). To assess the eect, we tted logistic mixed-eects mod-
els using the glmer function of the lme4 package (Table 1). The
analysis included “doctype” (optimized vs. control) as xed eect,
and “subject” and “sub-task” as random eects. Hence, every partic-
ipants contributed 18 data points to the analysis, one for each of the
Optimizing API Documentation SIGDOC ’20, October 03, 04, 2020, Denton, TX, USA
Table 1: Modelling results for task accuracy.
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 1.3222 0.3982 3.320 < 0.001
“optimized” vs. “control” 2.2210 0.8973 2.475 < 0.05
Formula: score_correct doctype +(1|subject) +(1 +doctype|sub-task)
Table 2: Modelling results for time on tasks.
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 380.704 67.589 5.633 < 0.01
“optimized” vs. “control” -16.831 38.717 -0.434 n.s.
Formula: time doctype +(1|task)
18 sub-tasks (see Table 1 for the formula call of the model nally
selected). As shown in Table 1, the observed dierence between the
two groups is signicant.
3.5.2 Time on tasks. Did optimization have an eect on the time
participants needed to solve the tasks? The analysis of time on
tasks is based on the interval codes using the coding schema “Task.
Hence, each participant contributed ve data points, repesenting
the times needed to solve each of the ve test tasks. Prior to analy-
sis, data were screened for outliers using boxplots and Q-Q plots
(quantile-quantile plots). Since inspection of the plots suggested
that there were outliers, data were corrected by removing all values
more than 2.5 standard deviations away from the overall mean.
This procedure removed 3 out of 110 data points, hence 2.8 % of the
The overall mean time participants spent on a test task was
369 s (SD
234). The numeric dierence between the two groups
was rather small, with means of 364 s (SD
224) for the group
working with optimized documentation and a slightly higher 374 s
245) for the control group. To check whether the dierence
between groups is signicant, linear mixed-eects models were
tted which included “doctype” (optimized vs. control) as xed
eect, and “subject” and “task” as random eects (see Table 2 for
the complete formula call of model nally selected). As shown in
Table 2, the observed dierence between the two groups is not
3.5.3 Reading versus acting. To address RQ2, an additional analysis
was performed to explore time on tasks further. The time partici-
pants spent on a task aggregates two dierent types of activities:
the time they spent locating and studying information in the docu-
mentation, and the time they needed to plan and execute the tasks,
such as conguring values in the Postman client or inspecting the
response received from the API. If the eorts to optimize the API
documentation work as expected, they should facilitate task execu-
tion. Predictions regarding the time participants spend in the docu-
mentation are less clear. On the one hand, it could be argued that
the optimizations should support participants in locating relevant
information, hence reduce the time they spend in the documenta-
tion. On the other hand, the optimizations increased the amount
of content contained in the documentation, e.g. because graphics
were added to explain important concepts. Moreover, participants
could possibly devote more time to reading in the documentation
because they nd it more helpful.
To operationalize this question, we grouped time values depend-
ing on whether participants viewed some part of the documentation,
or whether they viewed resources outside the documentation, such
as the Postman client or the shipcloud dashboard. This analysis was
based on the coding schema “Window.” Evidently, this approach
is only a rough approximation to activities that reect “reading”
and “acting.” Participants also attend to the documentation while
executing a task, e.g. when copying example code to be included as
part of their own solution. However, the operationalization should
be good enough as a start. Moreover, the criterion used to distin-
guish between time to read and time to act is suciently clear to
enable reliable coding.
Data were analyzed on a by-task basis for each participant. There-
fore, each participant contributed 10 data points: two data points
(a viewing time for documentation and a viewing time for other
resources) for each of the ve test tasks. Prior to analysis, data were
screened and corrected for outliers, which aected 7 out of 220
data points, corresponding to 3.3 % of the data. The overall mean
obtained was 179 s (SD
124). Condition means, factor means and
the respective standard deviations are shown in Table 3.
Data were subjected to a 2x2 analysis using linear mixed-eects
models. The models included the factors “window” (documentation,
other) and “doctype” (control, optimized) as xed eects. Initial
modeling started with “subject” and “task” as random eects. The
nal model arrived at and the respective model values are shown
in Table 4.
The main eects were not signicant, but there was a signicant in-
teraction of “window” and “doctype.” To explore the interaction, we
performed post-hoc Tukey HSD comparisons using the emmeans
R package [
]. The comparisons revealed a signicant dierence
between the conditions “control” and “optimized” for viewing times
outside the documentation (189 s vs. 149 s, t(205)
2.20, p < .05)
whereas the dierence was not signicant for viewing times within
the documentation (179 s vs. 202 s, t(205)
-0.93, n.s.). Hence, opti-
mizations facilitated task execution, but did not signicantly aect
the time spent in the documentation.
SIGDOC ’20, October 03, 04, 2020, Denton, TX, USA Michael Meng et al.
Table 3: Mean viewing times in or outside the documentation.
doctype window
documentation other mean
control 179 (129) 189 (133) 184 (131)
optimized 202 (127) 149 (105) 175 (119)
mean 190 (128) 168 (121) 179 (124)
All times in seconds, standard deviations in parentheses.
Table 4: Modelling results for viewing times in or outside the documentation.
Estimate Std. Error t-value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 181.379 31.396 5.777 < 0.01
doctype -12.103 14.807 -0.817 n.s.
window -21.138 14.796 -1.429 n.s
doctype:window -63.326 29.595 -2.140 < 0.05
Formula: time doctype * window +(1|task)
3.5.4 Post-test questionnaire data. After participants had com-
pleted the tasks, we administered a questionnaire in order to get
feedback on perceived task diculty and documentation quality.
The questionnaire consisted of three items, all associated with a
scale ranging from 1 to 5.
The rst question asked participants to rate the diculty of the
tasks (1
very easy, 5
very dicult). For the control group, a mean
rating of 2.27 (median
2) was obtained, for the group working with
optimized documentation a mean rating of 2.09 (median
2). The
second question asked participants to evaluate the overall quality
of the documentation (1
very bad, 5
very good). Mean values for
the control group (3.73, median
4) and the group using optimized
documentation (3.91, media=4) were again very similar.
Finally, participants were asked to evaluate the structure of the
documentation (1
very bad, 5
very good). For both groups, the
mean rating was 3.72 (median
4). None of the dierences reached
statistical signicance.
3.5.5 Observations and comments. This section describes some ob-
servations and comments noted during the test or during post-hoc
inspection of the screen videos, as well as participant comments.
Note that interviews were not transcribed and no attempts were
made at a more formal analysis. Observations and comments de-
scribed here should be treated as anecdotal evidence.
We noted that developers diered greatly with respect to how
they prepared for the rst task. For example, P03 and P13 took
much time to read through the documentation, whereas P04 and
P08 jumped almost immediately into the rst task. Whether this
dierence correlates with the distinction between opportunistic and
systematic strategies for learning and development is an interesting
question that future research should take up.
We also noted great variability among developers with respect
to their ability to reect and report on their strategies and their
approaches to the tasks. While some developers clearly recalled the
approach they followed towards individual tasks and sometimes
even remembered individual steps, others had a lot more diculty
to provide this type of self-report.
Several participants working with optimized documentation
mentioned that they appreciated the number of examples and that
the examples could be re-used directly. Participants of the control
group appreciated the number of examples provides as well, but
noted that some examples were not ready to be re-used.
When asked what they liked or did not like about the documen-
tation and which suggestions they would have for improvements,
participants of the group working with optimized documentation
expressed that they liked the presentation of explanations and code
in separate columns. Participants from both groups mentioned
that the documentation would benet from more powerful search.
Other issues that were mentioned by participants regardless of
test group were that they missed more elaborate explanations of
error codes, more comfortable navigation options and more links
between related sections.
The results of our quantitative analyses suggest that the guidelines
for API documentation design used in our study do have an eect on
the initial interactions of developers with an API that is unfamiliar
to them (RQ1). We observed an eect of documentation type on
task accuracy: participants working with documentation that was
optimized following the guidelines proposed in Meng et al. [
] made
fewer errors on a set of pre-dened tasks. This suggests that initial
interactions were more eective. The average time participants
needed to solve the test tasks was slightly lower for participants
working with optimized documentation, but this dierence was not
Having conrmed that the guidelines do have an overall eect,
our second research questions attempted to reveal how this eect
comes about. With reference to the model proposed in Guthrie et al.
], we asked whether the guidelines for API documentation design
Optimizing API Documentation SIGDOC ’20, October 03, 04, 2020, Denton, TX, USA
have an eect on actual task execution (e.g. by making task execu-
tion faster), whether they aect the amount of time participants
spend searching and studying information in the documentation, or
whether they would possibly aect both types of activities (RQ2).
Analysis of the viewing times of the participants in the documen-
tation versus in resources other than documentation revealed an
interactive eect. We observed a signicant dierence in viewing
times in resources outside documentation, a variable which we used
as a rough estimate to assess the eort involved in planning, prepar-
ing and executing the test tasks. Participants working with modied
documentation spent less time in resources outside documentation,
hence actually performed the test tasks faster. Viewing times in
the documentation did not dier signicantly between the groups
and were slightly elevated for participants working with optimized
documentation. As discussed above, only limited conclusions can
be drawn from this comparison, since optimized documentation
contained more content.
The fact that initial interactions were more successful when
participants had access to optimized documentation did not lead
to better post-test ratings of overall documentation quality and
documentation structure, nor did it aect the assessment of per-
ceived task diculty. We assume that the absence of any eects
here is due to the simple instruments used to measure perceived
documentation quality and task diculty.
Overall, we conclude that the guidelines for API documentation
design are successful in the sense that they jointly drive perfor-
mance of developers in the intended direction. Our results conrm
the usefulness of design guidelines that have been developed on the
basis of prior research exploring information needs of developers
working with APIs, their expectations regarding the content and
design of API documentation, and the strategies they adopt for
learning and programming.
Given the growing importance of APIs and the critical role of API
documentation for API usability, there is a need to support best
practices that emerge in the eld with evidence-based principles
on which practitioners can base decisions regarding API documen-
tation design. Research on API documentation has generated many
specic ndings related to content elements and content presenta-
tion. From these ndings, several guidelines have been derived to
help make API documentation t the needs of the target audience.
However, evidence is lacking whether the guidelines proposed in
the literature actually have an eect on the performance of devel-
opers trying to get into a new API. The goal of the current study
was to examine whether guidelines proposed in Meng et al. [
] lead
to more successful initial interactions when developers have access
to documentation following these guidelines.
Our study revealed two main results. First, we found that docu-
mentation that was modied based on the Meng et al. guidelines
enabled developers to solve initial tasks with the API more suc-
cessfully in that fewer errors were made. As a second nding, our
study provides some initial evidence that the modications which
were applied to the documentation facilitated task execution, hence
reduced the time developers needed to plan, prepare and execute
the API calls. The modications did not reduce the time developers
spent searching and studying information in the documentation.
However, as already pointed out in the Discussion section, there are
confounding factors that make it dicult to draw conclusions from
a comparison of the time participants spent viewing the documen-
tation. Despite uncertainties that remain with respect to whether
the design decisions aect only task execution or possibly cognitive
processes involved in searching and reading as well, we conclude
that the guidelines do have the intended eect and support de-
velopers trying to get into an API that is unfamiliar to them. If
validated by future studies, the guidelines can hence contribute to
evidence-based principles of API documentation design that enable
practitioners in this domain to make informed decisions.
5.1 Limitations
A limitation of the current study arises from the small sample size
that formed the basis for our quantitative analyses. The main reason
why we decided to terminate data collection with 22 participants
was that we faced severe diculties in our attempts to recruit
developers as participants from outside university. A solution could
have been to scale up the study by including more students. But as
argued by Ko et al. [
], relying primarily on students potentially
introduces additional biases, as students are likely to have less
experience and skills.
With a small sample size, statistical power is low and studies
run the risk of missing eects that would emerge if a larger sample
was used. Note that we were able to mitigate this problem to some
extent by analyzing the dependent variables on a by-participant
and by-task or sub-task basis. Although we are condent that the
eects reported here are suciently robust to draw preliminary
conclusions, follow-up studies using larger samples are clearly
called for.
A related problem arises with respect to participant selection. We
accepted every participant who was proposed to us by the partner
companies supporting our study and who met our inclusion criteria.
Hence, our participants all volunteered and are likely to have been
more interested in the topic of API documentation than the average
Another limitation concerns the type and complexity of the API
used for the test. The shipcloud API is a small API of limited com-
plexity that represents a specic API type: REST APIs. Although
there is at least some evidence indicating that approaches to learn-
ing and programming adopted by developers do not dier depend-
ing on API type and complexity [
], additional research is needed
to determine whether the conclusions drawn here generalize to
more complex APIs and dierent API types.
5.2 Future Research
The conclusions that can be derived from our study pertain to the
entire set of modications that were applied to optimize API docu-
mentation for the test. We have observed an overall eect jointly
produced by the guidelines which motivated our modications
and the specic design decisions which we used to implement the
guidelines. It is not possible to derive conclusions with respect to
the contribution of individual guidelines and design decisions to
the overall eects. Hence, it is impossible to decide whether all or
only some of the guidelines contributed to the eects, and whether
SIGDOC ’20, October 03, 04, 2020, Denton, TX, USA Michael Meng et al.
some guidelines contribute more to the eects than others. Future
research should focus on individual design variables and clarify
their importance.
Related to this point, future research should also examine inter-
actions of design variables and experience more closely. Research
in other areas (in particular, multimedia learning) has demonstrated
repeatedly that instructional design decisions that eectively sup-
port beginners in a eld are less eective – and sometimes even
adversely – for learners that are more knowledgeable, a phenom-
enon known as expertise reversal eect [
]. Applied to API doc-
umentation, future research should examine the role of general
programming experience and domain-related background knowl-
edge more closely, and it should also address whether guidelines
that eectively support developers in the initial learning process
also support developers that have already reached a certain level of
expertise with an API.
Our study provides only limited information with respect to the
eect of guidelines for optimizing documentation on perceived us-
ability. Future research should use more sophisticated instruments
to evaluate perceived usability, e.g. by using standardized question-
naires such as the System Usability Scale (SUS) or the Computer
System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ), which both have been
found to be informative for a wide range of products [38].
The work reported here has been supported by the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), FHprofUnt, grant
13FH014PX4 to Michael Meng
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... Furthermore, from a usability perspective, multiple parties use the API. An API thus should facilitate its usage with good documentation, like providing efficient access to relevant content, giving an initial entry point for the API, or supporting different learning and development strategies [22]. ...
... E.g., a sign of high solution maturity is the presence of adopted standards or guidelines. Therefore, we have already a high solution maturity for RBAC [35], REST API design [22], [23], [25], or SCIM itself (regarding to exchanging identities) [1]- [3]. These standards try to solve wellunderstood problem domains for access control, data, and identity exchange, indicating a high problem maturity for each domain individually. ...
... Guidelines for API documentation design cover three heuristics: efficient access to relevant content, an initial entry point for the API, and support for different learning strategies [22]. We examine these heuristics with the Swagger prototype described in Section V-D. ...
Full-text available
System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) is a schema and protocol to exchange identity data across cloud-based applications utilizing a Representational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming Interface (API). Since it quickly gained decent vendor adoption, it is considered a relevant industry standard for Identity Management (IdM) and related systems. The Request for Comments (RFC) of SCIM primarily focuses on identity data but has opening points for Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). E.g., sets for roles and entitlements are specified for a user entity. However, the RFC family does not detail RBAC further, which leads to some proliferation and anomalies. E.g., the role and entitlement sets for the user are implemented in "freestyle" notations by vendors, and information on orphan roles or entitlements is not accessible. Moreover, some vendors and recent extensions add role and entitlement (and some other) endpoints leading to vendor-specific dialects for SCIM, which hampers simplicity and interoperability. This work contributes by proposing a RBAC profile for SCIM utilizing Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM). We thus look at present knowledge about API design, Access Control Models (ACMs), IdM and its APIs. Furthermore, we conduct a literature review on SCIM, including its specification documents, scientific contribution, and vendor implementations. An artifact combines this knowledge and improves SCIM with a RBAC profile. An open-source Swagger prototype showcases the API design. Finally, design principles formulate essential insights to guide future RBAC REST APIs.
... Thus, an API documentation is incomplete when it misses important information, conditions and knowledge elements that is required by API users. Several works from the literature focus on the issue of completeness [10,25,37,44,46,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91]. In our findings, the thematic analysis showed that the main artifacts to which completeness is applied are resources, directives and summaries. ...
... This dimension is related to the clarity of API documents so that developers can understand the usage and purpose of an interface [40]. Several studies have addressed this dimension in the context of API documentation [8,40,46,58,59,60,70,72,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,82,83,84,85,87,88,89,91,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102]. Some of these studies have noted the importance of the need for enrichment, such as summaries of text around code in CQAs [96] and supporting documentation with insights [59], observing also that missing good examples affect users who, as a consequence, often look for alternative resources on the web [95]. ...
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Application Programming Interface (API) is a core technology that facilitates developers’ productivity by enabling the reuse of software components. Understanding APIs and gaining knowledge about their usage are therefore fundamental needs for developers. Here, API documentation plays a pivotal role in enabling developers to take full advantage of the benefits brought by APIs. The quality of API documentation has therefore become an important concern given the celerity and dynamics at which APIs are now being made available to users. This article aims at exploring existing research in the area of API documentation in order to identify the associated quality dimensions addressed by the literature. The research is carried out as a systematic mapping study where 103 research papers selected from the literature were reviewed and a total of 5 core quality dimensions were identified and analyzed. By focusing on the two most relevant quality dimensions (understandability and completeness), this article presents an approach to enable API users to explore, discover and learn about APIs through API topic issues discussed in Stack Overflow (SO). We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach through Scout-bot, our tool for exploration and discovery of API topic issues.
A large number of tutorials for popular software development technologies are available online, and those about the same technology vary widely in their presentation. We studied the design of tutorials in the software documentation landscape for five popular programming languages: Java, C#, Python, Javascript, and Typescript. We investigated the extent to which tutorial pages, i.e. resources , differ and report statistics of variations in resource properties. We developed a framework for characterizing resources based on their distinguishing attributes , i.e. properties that vary widely for the resource, relative to other resources. Additionally, we propose that a resource can be represented by its resource style , i.e. the combination of its distinguishing attributes. We discuss three techniques for characterizing resources based on our framework, to capture notable and relevant content and presentation properties of tutorial pages. We apply these techniques on a data set of 2551 resources to validate that our framework identifies valid and interpretable styles. We contribute this framework for reasoning about the design of resources in the online software documentation landscape.
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Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) play a crucial role in modern software engineering. However, learning to use a new API often is a challenge for developers. In order to support the learning process effectively, we need to understand how developers use documentation when starting to work with a new API. We report an exploratory study that observed developers while they solved programming tasks involving a simple API. The results reveal differences regarding developer activities and documentation usage that a successful design strategy for API documentation needs to accommodate. Several guidelines to optimize API documentation are discussed.
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Purpose. Screenshots are an important means of visualization in software documentation. One question technical communicators need to address when dealing with screenshots is whether visual signaling elements such as arrows or frames should be added in order to highlight relevant information. This article reports the results of an experimental study that examined whether signaling elements successfully guide visual attention of readers to relevant screenshot information as intended. A second goal was to find out whether visual signaling has a positive impact on how accurate and fast users execute the tasks which the screenshots support. Method. Two versions of a software tutorial were constructed that included screenshots with or without signaling elements. Participants’ eye movements were recorded while they studied the tutorial and executed the tasks described therein. In addition to eye movement measures, accuracy of task execution and time to complete the tasks were determined as measures of overall success on the tasks. Results. Participants working with tutorials that used visual signaling executed more tasks correctly. No differences were found regarding the time needed to complete the tasks. Analysis of the eye tracking data showed that participants fixated relevant screenshot areas longer and more often if highlighted by signaling elements. Conclusions. The results provide evidence that adding signaling elements to screenshots is an effective means to guide the visual attention of users. As predicted by the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, visual signaling does not simply increase interest in pictures, but helps users to select relevant information.
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The success of an application programming interface (API) crucially depends on how well its documentation meets the information needs of software developers. Previous research suggests that these information needs have not been sufficiently understood. This article presents the results of a series of semistructured interviews and a follow-up questionnaire conducted to explore the learning goals and learning strategies of software developers, the information resources they turn to and the quality criteria they apply to API documentation. Our results show that developers initially try to form a global understanding regarding the overall purpose and main features of an API, but then adopt either a concepts-oriented or a code-oriented learning strategy that API documentation both needs to address. Our results also show that general quality criteria such as completeness and clarity are relevant to API documentation as well. Developing and maintaining API documentation therefore need to involve the expertise of communication professionals.
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APPLICATION PROGRAMMING INTERFACES (APIs), including libraries, frameworks, toolkits, and software development kits, are used by virtually all code. If one includes both internal APIs (interfaces internal to software projects) and public APIs (such as the Java Platform SDK, the Windows .NET Framework, jQuery for JavaScript, and Web services like Google Maps), nearly every line of code most programmers write will use API calls. APIs provide a mechanism for code reuse so programmers can build on top of what others (or they themselves) have already done, rather than start from scratch with every program. Moreover, using APIs is often required because low-level access to system resources (such as graphics, networking, and the file system) is available only through protected APIs. Organizations increasingly provide their internal data on the Web through public APIs; for example, lists almost 15,000 APIs for Web services and https://www.digitalgov. gov/2013/04/30/apis-in-government/promotes use of government data through Web APIs.
Software engineering is knowledge-intensive and requires software developers to continually search for knowledge, often on community question answering platforms such as Stack Overflow. Such information sharing platforms do not exist in isolation, and part of the evidence that they exist in a broader software documentation ecosystem is the common presence of hyperlinks to other documentation resources found in forum posts. With the goal of helping to improve the information diffusion between Stack Overflow and other documentation resources, we conducted a study to answer the question of how and why documentation is referenced in Stack Overflow threads. We sampled and classified 759 links from two different domains, regular expressions and Android development, to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the links' context and purpose, including attribution, awareness, and recommendations. We found that links on Stack Overflow serve a wide range of distinct purposes, ranging from citation links attributing content copied into Stack Overflow, over links clarifying concepts using Wikipedia pages, to recommendations of software components and resources for background reading. This purpose spectrum has major corollaries, including our observation that links to documentation resources are a reflection of the information needs typical to a technology domain. We contribute a framework and method to analyze the context and purpose of Stack Overflow links, a public dataset of annotated links, and a description of five major observations about linking practices on Stack Overflow. Those observations include the above-mentioned purpose spectrum, its interplay with documentation resources and applications domains, and the fact that links on Stack Overflow often lack context in form of accompanying quotes or summaries. We further point to potential tool support to enhance the information diffusion between Stack Overflow and other documentation resources.
This research continued previous investigation of the relationships among measures of perceived usability: the System Usability Scale (SUS), three metrics derived from the Usability Metric for User Experience (UMUX), and the Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ), this time with ratings of four everyday products (Excel, Word, Amazon, and Gmail). SUS ratings of these products were generally consistent with previous reports. Significant differences in SUS means across studies could be due to differences in frequency of use, with implications for using these data as usability benchmarks. Correspondence among the various measures of perceived usability was also consistent with previous research. Considering frequency of use, mean differences ranged from -2.0 to 1.8 (average shift in Sauro-Lewis grade range from -0.6 to 0.8). When SUS scores were above average, the range restriction of the UMUX-LITEr led to relatively large discrepancies with SUS, suggesting it might not always be better than unadjusted UMUXLITE.
This article considers text comprehension through the integrated perspectives of language processing research and practical writing advice as expressed in writing guides and language policies. Such guides for instance include advice to use active constructions instead of passives and sentences instead of nominalizations. These recommended and problem constructions and two other contrasts were investigated in an eye-tracking experiment where 27 students read four authentic texts where the target constructions had been manipulated. A mixed-effects regression analysis showed no difference between recommended and problem constructions, while several control variables were significant. This result indicates that the linguistic manipulations are not in themselves crucial to text comprehension, and it is hypothesized that the central aspect for text comprehension is how the linguistic manipulations support cohesion and coherence in the text.
Purpose: While research is an important to both academics and practitioners alike, it seems the field is currently at an impasse about what constitutes research and what questions should be a priority for the field. We wanted to give practitioners a forum to provide their perspectives on what research is and what questions the field should be researching. Method: We conducted 30 asynchronous interviews with practitioners, and then analyzed the interviews for common themes and topics. Results: Interviewees (practitioners) noted an interest in research that examined how individuals (particularly specific audiences) use different technologies as well as an interest in collaborating with academics to explore research on different topics and from different perspectives. Conclusion: The information reported here and the related questions it raises can enhance understanding of and facilitate collaboration across the field. This study helps industry practitioners of technical communication to better understand how other industry practitioners in the field view and think of research; it also helps academic researchers in technical communication to better understand perspectives, assumptions, and expectations industry practitioners have about research. © 2016, Society for Technical Communication. All rights reserved.