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Mohammad Louie Oyoun
Abstract: The ideal aim in industry is high-speed quantitative production at low costs with the
tremendous advances in electronic equipment, mechanics became associated with electronic
science. Automatic control is possible in different production areas. With the increase of more
complex products, CNC machine was invented. The CNC machine was invented and a new
industrial renaissance took place after this invention. Today, most of the factories work
according to this technique. One of the reasons for today's development is computer numerical
Keywords: CNC, CAD, CAM, GODE.
The invention of operating machines was a milestone in the history of mankind to replace human.
These machines manufacture instead of human and the efficiency is higher and accuracy of
course will be better and instead of using the number of hand tools it seemed about a year 1775
A. D [1]. When the cylinder cavity machine was invented to manufacture the James Watt steam
machine. Since then it led to the introduction in large quantities to the development of machine
tool in order to produce the highest accuracy of mass production in the century 20 AD [2]. The
mass production was applied practically intensively in the assembly of Ford car machines in
1913 in the United States of America. Since then this method of Mass production has been known
with high efficiency [3]. The tremendous progress in electronic equipment so that automatic
control became possible in various productive areas and this was called automation, while the
appearance of machines was called mechanization [4]. Shortly after World War II, with the
increase of more complex products, the CNC machine was invented to effectively reduce the
urgent need for skilled workers to operate manufacturing systems. Since the 1950s several
Scientific and technical developments were one of the most prominent inventions of the
computer in the form of the spine for the development of several industrial technologies of digital
control and reboot and the manufacture of computer support cam [5].In this introduction, we try
to present the historical developments that have accompanied the development of digital control
technology and identify the differences between traditional number machines and digital control
number machines, as well as to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of using
digital control machines. It is useful to determine from the beginning that the focus will be
entirely on the application of digital computer control technology on number machines. The
considering that this is the historical area in which it appeared, and also the most important area
for production technology, although there are other applications for this technology. Before
starting to deal with this technology and establish the necessary drivers, it is necessary to identify
the framework in which the digital computer control technology works, and when to use it
economically and technically, this confirms the importance of this introduction.
In this article we will explain general overview of all kind of CNC machines. and we will
mention about its concept as well as why it was named by that name. and Why all factories use
CNC today. We will find the difference between method of classic production and CNC. We
will mention about Stages of work and how is working CNC, also its relationship to CAD/CAM.
We will mention about concept of CAD/CAM and languages of CNC G Code. finally, we will
overview the advantages and disadvantages of the mechanism of CNC. also, its relationship to
digital control and the way to take commands from the computer and sending of commands to
the tools cutting.
The concept of CNC
Digital control machines are machining whose tasks are controlled so that the functions of
operating them are arranged through letters, symbols and numbers all formed to be called the
driver has been named CNC because it contains the computer and machine and the switching
device between the two. The meaning of digital control machines is the connection of the
computer to the machine and there is between them a translator device to know them some or as
we say interface and of course the machine does not know the language of the computer and that
is why we put this device [6].
The CNC consists of three parts:
• Machine (which is the operation).
• Control (which is responsible for controlling machine engines).
• Computer (and the function of the computer we write on it the program dedicated to the
machine and save the programs on its allocated memory).
Types of CNC machines
The strength of CNC machines comes from their ability to handle different types of materials
with high precision. Unlike other machines, digital control machines have proven their efficiency
in handling thick materials and can easily penetrate them. CNC machines can also handle fine
details, for example cutting the letter V may not be easy for other machines to deal with such
work that requires precision, but this cut will be easy if using CNC .Digital control machines
have many advantages and deal with various materials such as wood and other materials, and
this versatility has led to the existence of more than one type of CNC machines[11]:
a) CNC routers
CNC routers cut wood, plastic, and also sheet
metal, and have three-dimensional axises in the
manufacture for bulky products and Complex
products. And using for cutting different materials
along a path. the figure1 Is the shape of the CNC
b) Water Jet Cutting
A cutting system used in CNC machines, a cold cut
system that is not polluted for the environment, is cut
by pumping water and uses this technique with any
kind of soft or harsh material such as metal, glass and
ceramics. the figures 2 Is the shape of the Water Jet
c) 3D printers
Three-dimensional printing is one of the modern methods of manufacturing (manufacturing
in addition) where a three-dimensional product can be manufactured stereoscopic and
tangible by designing on a computer and
then printed (manufacture) with a 3D
printer. The printing process is done by
stacking the material layers on top of each
other until the desired object is completed
the figures 3 Is the shape of the 3D printers.
Figure 1: CNC routers
Figure 2: Water Jet Cutting
Figure 3: 3D Printing
d) Lathes Lath
One of the types of CNC machines that are used
in the filling and manufacture of metals by
rotating the artifacts to be formed, giving them
the desired shape the figure 4 is the shape of the
Lathes Lath.
e) Milling Machine
This type of CNC machine uses rotary
cutters to cut different materials from
manufactured materials. When she was
working by hand the figures 5 Is the shape
of the Milling Machine.
f) Plasma Cutters
This type of CNC machine severs steel and other
materials by plasma, and the cutting process is
done using plasma scissors. hand the figures 5 Is
the shape of the Plasma Cutters
The advantages of CNC machines
The lifeblood of any producing country is industry. The more the industry relies on
machinery, the more successful it is. The more accurate these machines are at work, the faster
they are better if scientists start to develop the use of electronic systems in the field of
mechanical machines. and worked to connect these machines to the computer for the
increasing control. The CNC advantages:
• Programs can be entered directly from the machine and saving them in the memory of
the computer attached to the machine
• Easy of correcting and reviewing the program.
• The input data is less and output production is faster.
• This safety machine of the operators.
Figure 4: Lathes Lath
Figure 5: Milling Machines
Figure 6: Plasma Cutters
• The Activity works are High because the system machine allows to the works to do other
jobs at the same time.
• Producesing high-precision products for all pieces due to the use of the same program.
• Producing complex products that are difficult to produce on traditional machine.
• Reduce the total production time because it needs to adjust and equip the machine only
in the first operation.
• Reducing production cost. Because the no wrest in production
• Saving the consuming time in Production compared with the traditional machines.
• Provides high precision in the production of parts.
• the ability to repeat the large number of products with the same precision for all pieces
• Ability to control appropriate cutting conditions.
• Easy of movement between different forms of products.
Disadvantage of CNC machines
There is no perfect invention in the world when it has advantages, it is meaning has
disadvantages but the good invention it's the advantages is bigger than its disadvantage.
The CNC disadvantages:
• The high cost of the machine.
• Operator must be provided at the highest level of training to deal with this type of
• Shortage of specialists in the maintenance of this type of machines.
• Providing special Tools for remote control this machine and till working continually.
Stages of CNC work
The data is transferred the input and output because there is a computer and compares it inside
of the memory or on the device and read the sensors and return to the computer to compare
between the input and the sensor reads until we reach the lowest possible error rate and thus
reach the highest accuracy and high quality stages of CNC work :
1) CAD
2) CAM
3) Machine control and operation Conclusion
Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
The computer design system has been closely associated with the development of the concept of
computer graphics. However, the concept of computer design goes beyond many computer
graphics in terms of analysis and modeling. However, interactive computer graphics (ICG:
Interactive Computer Graphics) is the necessary technical basis for the computer design system.
It is a software that allows us to draw the geometric pieces to be produced in all dimensions and
then convert the two-dimensional shapes to three-dimensional if necessary. It also allows us to
simulate geometric pieces in terms of movement, distribute stresses and also allows Draw the
curves of forces and moment that affect the piece of engineering to be produced We then save
the file in an appropriate format for understanding CAM software the most famous of these
▪ Autodesk Inventor
▪ SolidWorks
The figure 7 it explains how to process cad software: The sketch is beginning from start and
adjust settings. if we need draw the 2 dimensions, we choice the 2D icon or if we need draw 3
dimensions, we choice the 3D icon. and we can transfer design 2D to 3D by option in software.
After finish the design we export the design to program languages for reading the design by
CAM [7].
Figure 7: Generic CAD Process
Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
Computer Aided Manufacturing can be defined as the use of computer systems to plan, manage
and control manufacturing processes through direct or indirect interaction of computers with
production sites in the factory. CAM is a software that converts a part of engineering designed
on CAD software to GCODE to enable the CNC machine to read the design. This GCODE is
transferred to the CNC machine directly from the software via a network cable or indirectly via
Flash memory and then determine the parameters of the CNC machine for the beginning of the
manufacturing stage [8]. The most famous of these programs :
▪ Surfcam
▪ PowerMill
▪ Hsm
▪ Solidcam
The figure 8 it shows and summarized
the typical workflow of a CAM system.
The order of the definition can be
different in different CAM systems, but
the definition of the listed data is
required every case for appropriate
work. The most important application
of the CAM systems is the milling
technology, so hereafter I focus to this
application [9].
Machine control and operation
The CNC machine tool equipment performs operations by achieving linear sliding and rotating
movements. These normal movements are designed by the machine manufacturer and can
change from machine to machine. The system will respond to the axis moving command (cutting
tool) along the X + or Y + axis of the table by moving it in the opposite direction -X, -Y because
the machine automatically learns how to move in response to a move order on an axis. It does
not need to know if the table or the axis of the machine is moving. The only important thing here
is that the cutting tool axis or cutting tool reaches the location you want to reach according to
the program. All control systems are used to prevent automation of the machine unless the return
to zero is executed. This is a good safety feature. The zero is placed at the junction of the positive
Figure 8: CAM Process
ends of the axle movement areas. After the program is loaded into the MCU, the programmer
works to enter other important information which is left blank by the programmer, the most
important of which is to locate the reference point of the occupied or zero program Part Origin
for the zero-machine home [10]. For CNC operation:
1. Ensure a suitable working environment.
2. Ensure suitable and safety feeding for machine.
3. Choose cutting tools with adjust its length to suit the machine.
4. Selecting the metal to be used.
5. Operation of the machine.
6. Download the piece program it will be produced. from the CAM program according to
the language that suits the machine.
7. Copy the program to the machine memory.
8. Adjust zero widget.
9. Choose the appropriate parameters.
10. Run.
11. Control work.
In this article we explained about the computer numerical control (CNC). its history, what is its
components. What is its mechanism of work and the benefits and disadvantages. we talked about
the computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) and what its work
in CNC. So we found whatever the disadvantage of computer numerical control (CNC), it is
better than traditional machines that cannot produce a model, product or template with high
accuracy and low cost with a small time that any error in the design model negatively affects the
mold and this leads to weakness in the design of molds and hence the importance of computer
numerical control (CNC), where it can avoid all defects in design and production In addition, the
complex products we use in our daily lives can only be produced by computer numerical control
(CNC).Workshop machines play an important role in the manufacture of most metal products,
and workshop workers use them to make parts of some products, such as cars, molds, different
production machines and refrigerators. Many other products are made by machines made by
machines. Others, known as grinding or drilling, perform multiple tasks. Automated machining
centers have devices. Automatic to change the kit, some may use more than a hundred kit.
Workshop machines can connect to form a flexible manufacturing system. Each machine
performs a different operation of the product in the flexible manufacturing system. The product
being filled, called the workpiece, is transferred from one machine to another by a robot and
other automatic equipment. A single flexible manufacturing system can make various parts. The
number of machines is available in a wide range of sizes,
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7. Prof. Olivier de Weck ©January 6, 2005 Engineering Design and Rapid Prototyping
Lecture 4
8. Mach motion Specializing in CNC Automation and Motion Control G & M Code
Copyright © 2016, Mach Motion All rights reserved.
10. Fundamentals of CNC Machining Copyright 2014 Autodesk, Inc.
11. Dr Atul Thakur Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering lecture
Computer Numerical Control,
12. Introduction to Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) Machines Version 2 EE IIT,