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QUR'AN ISYARAT Membela Hak Belajar Al-Qur'an Penyandang Disabilitas



Beberapa tahun terakhir, aksesibilitas pendidikan untuk penyandang disabilitas telah menjadi slogan ketika membahas masalah pendidikan inklusi di Indonesia. Sayangnya, akses pendidikan yang semakin mudah tidak diiringi dengan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai terutama teknologi pembelajaran yang mendukung anak tunarungu untuk belajar lebih efektif. Di era digital saat ini, teknologi seharusnya menjadi suatu pilihan yang harus ditempuh untuk membuka kemungkinan baru dalam dunia pendidikan inklusi sehingga membuat kehidupan siswa tunarungu lebih mudah. Untuk mereka yang muslim, setidaknya mereka terbantu untuk mempunyai keterampilan dasar dalam Islam yakni membaca Al-Qur’an. Dalam buku ini, akan dibahas mengenai aplikasi dan gawai yang dirancang khusus untuk membantu anak tunarungu belajar membaca Al-Qur’an, yakni aplikasi QUR’ANI. Buku ini akan memberikan gambaran secara ringkas dan tepat bagaimana merancang teknologi mobile learning yang mungkin dalam waktu dekat akan menjadi suatu media pembelajaran yang dapat diandalkan dalam pendidikan agama Islam, khususnya dalam membelajarkan anak tunarungu membaca Al-Qur’an. Sebelum membahas masalah aplikasi, dalam buku ini juga dibahas mengenai pandangan Islam terhadap indera pendengaran, kesulitan pembelajaran bagi anak tunarungu, dan tanggung jawab lingkungan dalam membantu anak tunarungu belajar. Dalam satu bab khusus, juga dipaparkan mengenai desain penelitian single subject reseach sebagai suatu alternatif yang menawarkan fleksibilitas tinggi dalam mengukur keberhasilan belajar (kinerja/perilaku) anak tunarungu. Penelitian penerapan aplikasi QUR’ANI dengan melibatkan empat siswa tunarungu telah memberikan informasi bahwa aplikasi ini telah mampu meningkatkan kemampuan siswa tunarungu dalam belajar membaca Al-Qur’an ditinjau dari aspek kelancaran membaca (akurasi dan otomatisiti).
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... Dari beberapa penelitian terdahulu tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa anak tunagrahita belum mampu mengenal bentuk sekaligus pelafalan huruf hija'iyyah. Mereka hanya mampu melafalkan saja tanpa mengetahui bentuk huruf apa yang dilafalkan (Hanafi, 2020). Padahal hal ini merupakan tujuan terpenting agar mampu membaca huruf Arab. ...
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Intellectually disabled children have difficulty understanding abstract things such as Arabic letters. An appropriate learning media that can help them learn is significantly needed. In addition, some Intellectually disabled children can only pronounce Arabic letters but do not know the shape of the Arabic letters. In this context, ABATA media associates and equates Arabic letters with surrounding objects in their form and pronunciation so that intellectually disabled children can know the form and pronunciation of Arabic letters. This research aims to describe the ABATA media and its effectiveness. This research uses narrative review by gathering data from various sources, analyzing and designing the media. ABATA media is designed based on visual media and adopts the analogy method by equating the form of objects with Arabic letters, and the pronunciation of Arabic letters is the same as the initial syllable of objects. Based on the search for various literature sources conducted by the researchers, ABATA media is predicted to be adequate for mentally disabled children in introducing Arabic letters. This is because the visual media and analogy methods that are the basis for developing the ABATA media have proven effective and acceptable to intellectually disabled children. Therefore, ABATA media is believed to make it easier to introduce the shape and pronunciation of Arabic letters. Keywords: Arabic letters, visual media, analogy, intellectual disability. Abstrak: Anak tunagrahita mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami hal yang bersifat abstrak, seperti huruf Arab sehingga diperlukan media yang dapat mengonkretkan hal tersebut. Selain itu, terdapat anak tunagrahita yang hanya mampu melafalkan huruf Arab namun tidak mengetahui bentuk huruf Arab tersebut. Dalam konteks ini, media ABATA mengaitkan dan menyamakan huruf Arab dengan benda-benda sekitar dalam bentuk dan pengucapannya agar anak tunagrahita mampu mengetahui bentuk sekaligus pelafalan huruf Arab. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan media ABATA dan keefektifannya secara konseptual. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode narrative review dengan mencari berbagai sumber, menganalisis, dan kemudian mendesain media. Media ABATA dirancang berbasis media bergambar dan mengadopsi metode analogi dengan menyamakan bentuk benda dengan bentuk huruf Arab. Adapun pelafalan huruf Arab disamakan dengan suku awal benda. Berdasarkan penelusuran berbagai literatur yang telah dilakukan oleh peneliti, media ABATA diprediksikan efektif untuk diterapkan kepada anak tunagrahita dalam mengenalkan huruf Arab. Hal ini didasarkan pada kenyataan bahwa media bergambar dan metode analogi yang menjadi basis pengembangan media ABATA ini terbukti efektif dan mampu diterima oleh anak tunagrahita. Oleh karena itu, media ABATA diyakini mampu mempermudah dalam pengenalan bentuk sekaligus pelafalan huruf Arab. Kata kunci: huruf Arab, media bergambar, analogi, tunagrahita
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The ability to read the Qur'an is based on the perfection of reciting each letter and knowing the punctuation of each verse. But not so with the deaf, reading aloud is a complicated thing and can even be said to be impossible for them. The interaction of the deaf with the Qur'an is done through sign language. This inclusion awareness is carried out by the Deaf Welfare Movement (Gerkatin) Gorontalo which focuses on eradicating illiteracy in the Qur'an. This study aims to describe the motivational experience of the interaction of the deaf with the Qur'an. This research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach and uses Herbert Blumer's symbolic interaction theory as an analytical tool. The results of this study indicate that although the deaf does not use sound when reading and memorizing the Qur'an, the deaf can still understand and interpret it. This can be seen from the interaction of the deaf with the Koran through the stages of 1) memorizing the Qur'an sign letters 2) writing the Qur'an sign letters 3) memorizing letters and their punctuation 4) understanding verses. In this case, the verses of the Qur'an are manifested through sign symbols that are moved by the deaf.
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Sekolah Luar Biasa Yayasan Rehabilitasi Tuna Rungu Wicara (SLB YRTRW) Surakarta merupakan tempat belajar bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus terutama bagi anak tuna rungu wicara yang memiliki banyak permasalahan dalam proses belajar mengajar di sekolah. Kelas yang tidak kondusif akan mempengaruhi kenyamanan dan ketertarikan anak-anak dalam belajar. Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di SLB hanya ada satu yang mengampu dari sekolah dasar sampai sekolah menengah atas sehingga siswa perlu mengulang kembali pelajaran saat di rumah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang bangun aplikasi belajar huruf hijaiyah untuk anak tuna rungu.Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan kurikulum SLB YRTRW terutama kurikulum sekolah dasar kelas 2.Berdasarkan wawancara dan observasi yang didampingi oleh guru PAI aplikasi ini mencakup kemampuan siswa tuna rungu dan mensimulasikan cara mengajar guru PAI ke media digital. Aplikasi ini akan beroperasi pada perangkat smartphone android yang hampir setiap orang miliki saat ini.Aplikasi ini dibuat menggunakan Construct 2 yang akan diubah ke versi android menggunakan software aplikasi Cordova dan Pembuatan asset game menggunakan aplikasi Corel Draw. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa aplikasi game edukasi “Mari Belajar Huruf Hijaiyah” untuk anak tuna rungu. Game edukasi ini memiliki sesi belajar huruf hijaiyah yang dilengkapi dengan isyarat tangan. Pengujian aplikasi dilakukan dengan cara memberikan aplikasi pada siswa-siswi tuna rungu dan mencobanya secara langsung. Berdasarkan hasil kuisioner yang diisi langsung oleh siswa tuna rungu dengan bimbingan guru PAI dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi ini menarik dan efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan anak belajar huruf hiijaiyah.
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An interview with parents of children with hearing impairment was carried out in the initial study since the coordinated effort of parents and children is essential in the education of children. Considering that this interview was appropriate for collecting qualitative-oriented data, it has been chosen as the knowledge elicitation method. In most families who have a hearing impaired child, mothers play a vital role regarding communication and family cohesion. In addition usually children spend more time with their mothers and they have a closer relationship with them; as a result particularly mothers are selected as respondents of this interview. The goal of the interview is to to ask parents about the Islamic education of their hearing impaired children. Four parents have been interviewed in depth. As a results, there are four concerns expressed by the mothers which are lack of family support in education, the Malay culture with regard to disabled children, dissatisfaction toward schools and lack of technology support in schools.
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Pengenalan huruf hijaiyah tidak hanya dikenalkan kepada orang-orang yang berkehidupan normal saja tetapi juga harus dikenalkan kepada orang-orang yang memiliki kebutuhan khusus bagi yang beragama Islam seperti yang diperuntukkan bagi para penyandang cacat tuna rungu. Tuna rungu merupakan salah satu yang kesulitan dalam pendengarannya, sehingga dalam percakapan para tuna rungu menggunakan bahasa isyarat. Saat ini masih belum banyak aplikasi-aplikasi yang dapat memberikan pendidikan dan pengetahuan tentang bahasa isyarat, khusus huruf hijaiyah yang dapat digunakan oleh para penyandang disabilitas tuna rungu, untuk itu diperlukanlah sebuah aplikasi yang dapat membantu para tuna runguagar dapat mengenal huruf-huruf hijaiyah .air terjun yang akan menghasilkan aplikasi bahasa isyarat pengenalan huruf hijaiyah. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu para penyandang cacat tuna rungu agar lebih mudah mengenal huruf-huruf hijaiyah serta diharapkandapat membaca Al-Qur'an dengan baik dan benar. Kata kunci : Huruf Hijaiyah, Tuna Rungu, Air Terjun
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A student’s perception of teacher effective communication influences the learning atmosphere. The measurement of perception indicates how students view the quality of learning. As few studies have explored the development of an appropriate measurement tool of students’ perception of learning to read the Qur’an, this study aims to develop such a tool. Conceptual analysis and a survey using open-ended questions resulted in dimensions and items. Six experts and three instructors evaluated the content validity. The questionnaire was then administered to 421 participants – 201 for Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and 220 for Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The results successfully identified four dimensions that explained 64.6% of the variation. The instrument consisted of 13 items with satisfactory reliability and validity. The dimension with the highest coefficient path was ‘understanding and friendliness’ (UF), while the dimension of ‘learning media’ (LM) was the lowest. There was a significant influence of gender on the dimension of UF, as well as verbal (V) and non-verbal (NV) communication, while there were no differences in the dimension of LM. The questionnaire can be effectively used as a measurement device of dimensions related to students’ perception of teacher effective communication in Qur’an learning.
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Accurate spelling is a fundamental skill for effective written communication. It is regarded to be a predominant goal of literacy since spelling errors may significantly change the meaning of the words or sentences. Spelling skill implicates legitimate phonetic, morphemic and orthographic formations that require appropriate awareness levels of the language rules and structure. But if the linguistic rules are complex or irregular and the literacy context is diglossic or even tri- or multi-glossic, the ability to accurately spell words is expected to be limited. This paper accounts for the spelling skill of one certain consonant in one specific position, i.e. the hamzah consonant in its middle position, and presents the challenges that might be encountered by Arabic learners in a high educational level. The current study aimed specifically at providing an insight into the spelling proficiency of two groups of college students in Kuwait, hearing and orally-educated deaf, who are undertaking four-year teaching preparation programs in different educational disciplines. The spelling stimuli was balanced for lexical familiarity and the data analysis accounted for the effect of orthographic, phonological and morphological aspects of the hamzah on the spelling outcome. Results indicated that hearing and deaf college students experienced difficulty in attaining all written forms of middle hamzah, but the most and least common errors showed a general tendency to follow the phonological route of phoneme-graphene conversion when spelling. Unfamiliarity with the governing rules of hamzah was also evident since a higher percentage of errors occurred in spelling low-frequency words despite following the regular spelling rules of hamzah. The irregularity and complex orthographic and morphemic rules of hamzah as well as the variability in the acoustic production of hamzah sounds are discussed in light of the multi-glossic context of Arabic. تعتبر الكتابة الصحيحة أو الكفاءة الإملائية مهارة أساسية ومهمة لتحقيق التواصل الكتابي المطلوب والفعال، وذلك لما قد تسببه الأخطاء الإملائية إن وجدت من تغيير أو تشويه للمعاني المقصودة من الكلمات والجمل. تتطلب الكفاءة الإملائية مستويات وعي مناسبة بقواعد اللغة وبنيتها، وتحليلا دقيقا للكلمات من حيث تكويناتها الفونولوجية الصوتية أو المورفولوجية الصرفية وكذلك قواعد تهجئتها الأورثوغرافية. ولكن إذا كان النظام اللغوي المتداول في المجتمع يتميز بطبيعته الازدواجية بل المتعددة، وإذا كانت القواعد اللغوية للمهارة المعنية معقدة ومختلفة باختلاف النظام المستخدم، أو تحوي حالات خاصة واستثناءات عديدة تخرج عن القاعدة العامة، فإن المتوقع أن تنخفض الكفاءة الإملائية وتبقى القدرة على كتابة الكلمات برسمها الصحيح محدودة وغير متقنة، حتى في مراحل التعليم المتقدمة. وفي هذا الصدد، تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى قياس وتحليل ومقارنة الأخطاء الإملائية التي قد ترد في الحالات المختلفة لكتابة الهمزة المتوسطة في اللغة العربية لدى مجموعة من الطالبات العاديات وأخرى من الصم في المرحلة الجامعية في دولة الكويت، وستناقش الأخطاء الإملائية للطالبات باعتبار المسار المتخذ في الكتابة، سواء بالاعتماد على التكوين الفونولوجي أو المورفولوجي أو الأورثوغرافي للكلمات وكذلك باعتبار التباين في الانتاج الصوتي للهمزة، الذي يختلف باختلاف الأنظمة اللغوية، حيث اللهجة المحلية، والفصحى المعيارية، إضافة إلى الكلاسيكية المبنية على القرآن الكريم.
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The ability to read Qurán of students with hearing impairments supported by special education is still not as expected due to the limited access to technology. The progress of technology such as a smartphone has led many people to adopt a view that the technology of application is very appropriate to be developed for their learning. In this study, we have developed an application called QUR'ANI to teach reading the Qur'an fluently and appropriately for students with hearing impairments. The method used was single subject research with the AB model. The effectiveness of this application in teaching the Qur'an for students with hearing impairments has been tested with positive effect. Besides, the teacher's subjective point of view in this application has also been consulted. This research found that there was a strong correlation between the components of reading fluency.
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Introduction: This discussion paper aims to synthesise available literature on hearing sciences from Islamic perspective and to relate this to the current hearing care practices. The paper focuses on several main scopes: i) the importance of sense of hearing from Islamic and scientific perspectives ii) impacts of hearing impairment iii) limitations in understanding and practicing Islamic teaching due to hearing impairment, iv) Islamic responsibility towards people with hearing impairment, v) current available methods to facilitate Islamic practices among hearing impaired people, and vi) incorporating Islamization in hearing care practice. Design: Narrative review and synthesis Method: Related publications and references were identified through several ways: i) by structured searches in PubMed, Google scholar, Web of Knowledge and Science Direct using the combinations of 'Islam', 'hearing impairment', 'hearing loss', 'hearing', 'social', learning', 'memory', 'disability', 'Islamic responsibility', and 'learning for deaf' as key words, ii) by inspecting the reference lists of relevant articles, and iii) by identification of relevant references from Quran and Hadith by authors who have background in Quranic studies. Results: The number of publications within the audiology field, which address the aforementioned scopes, is rather limited. Additionally, a review and synthesis of literature from other related fields such as medical, health, and education, with references from Quran and Hadith, were also carried out to facilitate the discussion of the above mentioned scopes. Conclusion: This paper concludes that there is an emerging trend for the studies of hearing and Islam in the literature. Facilitating hearing impaired people in understanding and practicing Islam becomes a shared obligation for parents, society, and the patients themselves. This discussion also identifies that there is a need for more contributions from Muslim scholars in integrating and implementing the Islamic principles in current hearing care practices.
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It is very important to provide proper and appropriate education for the hearing impaired individuals. Today, it appears that using only traditional teaching methods is not sufficient for the education of hearing-impaired individuals. The use of modern technology makes training for hearing-impaired individuals more useful. Looking at the literature, it is seen that there are a limited number of studies on the comprehensive use of technologies used in the education of hearing impaired individuals. In this context, the aim of this study is to examine the technologies used in the training of hearing impaired individuals. In this study, document analysis method was used as a qualitative research method. The findings of the study were presented as technologies that contribute to the development of academic and linguistic skills of hearing impaired individuals. Prospects for further research and application were given in the light of the findings.
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Hearing-impaired students must have the correct religious education and the same as typical pupils. Their inability factor can not be an excuse for leaving guidence and teaching in Islamic Education. This is because they need to live life as a muslim and be responsible as a servant of God. The purpose of this article is to discuss the mastery of pillar of prayer as well as issues and challenges in teaching and learning of Islamic Education among hearing-impaired students. This study is meta-analysis involving 25 articles. This article literacy search strategy use the two sources of electronic database, the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) and EBSCOHOST, which is filtered based on the latest publications from 2010 to 2017. The first screening of 25 articles involves the curriculum, the practices of Islamic education and the practice of prayer among hearing-impaired students. The second filter using keyword mastery, issues and challenges of Islamic education among hearing-impaired students resulted in 12 article to be meta-analyzed. The first findings show that the mastery of prayer is at a weak level due to cognitive disability, weak language proficiency and the limitation of communication of hearing-impaired students to the study of religion. The second findings involve the aspects of skills among teachers, lack of terminology and sign language corresponding to religion and lack of teaching aids. The implications of this study are expected to open the eyes of all parties in order to improve the teaching and learning needs of Islamic education among hearing-impaired students. DOI: