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Are local and traditional ecological knowledge suitable tools for informing the conservation of threatned amphibians in a biodiversity hotspot.


Abstract and Figures

Globally, amphibians are declining more rapidly than any other vertebrate group. A general shortage of funding for the support of focused scientific studies led us to investigate local and traditional ecological knowledge as an alternative data source for amphibian conservation. In this context, we undertook a questionnaire-based interview survey with forest-dwelling indigenous and non-indigenous communities across the Anamalai Hills, within the southern Western Ghats of India, to gather ecological knowledge on three cryptic and threatened frog species. Our results suggest that local communities possess ecological knowledge of frogs and that the magnitude of this knowledge is influenced by gender, community type, education, and age. Accuracy of local knowledge was primarily influenced by the morphological distinctiveness of the focal species, but cultural association and utilisation were also important factors especially for the enigmatic purple frog Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis, which has uses in medicine and amulets.
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Herpetological Bullen 153 (2020) 3
India harbours exceponal diversity and endemism of
amphibians, with a total of 459 species (Frost, 2020).
Most amphibian studies have focused on taxonomy and
systemacs (e.g. Van Bocxlaer et al., 2009; Biju et al., 2011,
2014) rather than populaon status, ecology and threats
to these species. In the absence of resources for focused
scienc studies, alternave data collecon approaches to
understand key amphibian conservaon parameters need to
be idened and tested.
Communies develop an array of knowledge and
management strategies to exploit the local natural resources
on which they depend (Berkes et al., 2000). The collecon
and assessment of such knowledge from untrained observers
therefore represents a potenally cost-eecve approach to
understand the biology, distribuon, populaon status, and
potenal threats for otherwise poorly-known and potenally
threatened amphibian species. This approach may be
parcularly important for species that are dicult to detect
using standard scienc survey methods, that have limited
acvity paerns, and/or are rare or possibly exnct (Anadón
et al., 2009; Turvey et al., 2010; Meijaard et al., 2011; Stuart,
2012; Ziembicki et al., 2013).
The knowledge that local communies possess can be
classied as either tradional ecological knowledge (TEK),
a composite set of beliefs, informaon and pracces that
are handed over from one generaon to another, or local
ecological knowledge (LEK), the observaons gathered by an
individual over a lifeme (Gadgil et al., 1993; Berkes et al.,
2000; Gilchrist et al., 2005). These two knowledge categories
dier; TEK oen relates to beliefs towards species that can
lead to their protecon, culling or ulisaon (Stacey et al.,
2012). Whereas LEK, by being observaonal in nature, can
assist in understanding species occurrence, abundance,
habitat use and threats (Gilchrist et al., 2005; Anadón et
al., 2010; Lescureux et al., 2011), especially for globally
threatened and/or elusive species for which very few data
are otherwise available (Turvey et al., 2014, 2015; Pan et al.,
2015). LEK is parcularly useful for understanding status and
threats for large-bodied, morphologically disnct species
(Turvey et al., 2014) or economically or culturally important
species (Jones et al., 2008; Pan et al., 2015). However,
collecng and interpreng data about focal species from
untrained respondents to establish baselines for conservaon
is not straighorward (Gilchrist et al., 2005). TEK and LEK
data can be aected by errors around species idencaon
or associated encounter details (e.g. ming recall), negave
reporng bias, retrospecve bias, exaggeraon, and/or
varying data breadth and quality depending on species and
respondent (Davis & Wagner, 2003; Gilchrist et al., 2005;
McKelvey et al., 2008; O’Donnell et al., 2010).
Under the Forest Rights Act of India, 2006, indigenous
communies in the Western Ghats are permied to
harvest non-mber forest products and freshwater sh
sustainably. Indigenous communies in the Western Ghats
region of Kerala have been found to ulise 54 wild animal
taxa, primarily freshwater sh, herpetofauna and small
mammals, for meat and tradional medicine (Kanagavel et
al., 2016). Amphibians are known to be used by indigenous
communies across the Western Ghats and in other parts of
India for medicinal purposes (Tiwari et al., 2013; Narzary &
The Herpetological Bulletin 153, 2020: 3-13
Are local and tradional ecological knowledge suitable tools for
informing the conservaon of threatened amphibians in
biodiversity hotspots?
1Conservaon Research Group, St. Albert’s College, Banerji Road, Kochi 682 018, India
2Zoological Society of London, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4RY, UK
3Laboratory for the Conservaon of Endangered Species, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad 500 048, India
4Department of Fisheries Resource Management, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Kochi 682 506, India
*Corresponding author e-mail:
ABSTRACT - Globally, amphibians are declining more rapidly than any other vertebrate group. A general shortage of funding
for the support of focused scienc studies led us to invesgate local and tradional ecological knowledge as an alternave data
source for amphibian conservaon. In this context, we undertook a quesonnaire-based interview survey with forest-dwelling
indigenous and non-indigenous communies across the Anamalai Hills, within the southern Western Ghats of India, to gather
ecological knowledge on three crypc and threatened frog species. Our results suggest that local communies possess ecological
knowledge of frogs and that the magnitude of this knowledge is inuenced by gender, community type, educaon, and age.
Accuracy of local knowledge was primarily inuenced by the morphological disncveness of the focal species, but cultural
associaon and ulisaon were also important factors especially for the enigmac purple frog Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis,
which has uses in medicine and amulets.
4 Herpetological Bullen 153 (2020)
Bordoloi, 2014; Thomas & Biju, 2015; Kanagavel et al., 2016)
and are also the focus of legends and taboos (Harpalani et al.,
2015). The area therefore oers an opportunity to invesgate
the LEK and TEK of amphibians, within a wider connental
context where baseline data on amphibian species diversity
and distribuons are very limited (Molur, 2008). We focused
on three poorly-known threatened frog species from
southern India, all idened as EDGE (Evoluonarily Disnct
and Globally Endangered) species for conservaon (Isaac et
al., 2012). We aimed to assess whether LEK and TEK can be
eecve tools for gathering ecological knowledge to inform
future amphibian-based conservaon iniaves in the
Western Ghats.
Our study was undertaken in three adjoining areas of the
Anamalai Hills (Kerala and Tamil Nadu States), within the
southern Western Ghats; Valparai (municipality), Topslip
(Forest Range) and Munnar (town). These locaons are
bordered by several protected areas, reserve forests, and
private forest fragments (Fig. 1). The primary vegetaon of
this area, which historically comprised tropical rainforest,
has now been transformed into a mosaic of plantaons
interspersed with fragmented patches of original evergreen
forest (Raman & Mudappa, 2003).
Both indigenous (Kadar, Mudhuvar, Malasar, Malai
Malasar, Pulayar) and non-indigenous forest-dwelling
communies live in the study area. Indigenous communies
are dened by their historical occupancy of the area,
geographic isolaon, disncve culture and ancient cultural
traits (MTA, 2012). Non-indigenous communies are mostly
recent selers from other regions of India. Both indigenous
and non-indigenous communies work with the State Forest
Department or as labourers in farms and plantaons, and
collect non-mber forest products (Chandi, 2008; Surendran
& Sekhar, 2011). The populaon of the area has a higher
proporon of non-indigenous than indigenous individuals
(>13:1; Chandi, 2008; DCO, 2011).
Three threatened EDGE amphibians, endemic to the
study area were selected as focal species: the purple frog
(Nasikabatrachidae: Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis, Fig. 2A),
the black microhylid frog (Microhylidae: Melanobatrachus
indicus, Fig. 2B), and the toad-skinned frog (Ranixalidae:
Walkerana phrynoderma, Fig. 2C) (Table 1). These three
species vary in their morphological disncveness and in the
availability of scienc knowledge about them. This provides
a useful framework for assessing correlates of potenal
LEK and TEK variaon and usefulness. Nasikabatrachus
sahyadrensis was described sciencally in 2003 but was
already known by indigenous communies and is relavely
well studied (Aggarwal, 2004; Table 2). This fossorial frog is
morphologically disnct, and is only acve above the soil for
the annual two-week breeding season (Biju & Bossuyt, 2003;
Thomas et al., 2014). It has been consumed by indigenous
communies for decades, and these communies possess
considerable knowledge about its behaviour and lifecycle
(Thomas & Biju, 2015). Melanobatrachus indicus is
Arun Kanagavel et al.
Figure 1. Map of the study area in the southern Western Ghats of India
2004a; Kanagavel et al., 2018). It has been the focus of a
published scienc study and it is known to occur at mid and
high elevaons with dense canopy cover (Kanagavel et al.,
2018). There are no published accounts of the species being
ulised by people.
We conducted quesonnaire-based interview surveys
from August 2013 to May 2016, where LEK data correspond
to species presence, associated habitats and locaons while
Herpetological Bullen 153 (2020) 5
disncvely paerned but is rarely encountered and not well
studied; some data are available on habitat associaons, but
its reproducve biology is unknown (Daltry & Marn, 1997;
Kanagavel & Tapley, 2013; Table 2) and there are no published
accounts of the species being ulised by people. Walkerana
phrynoderma is an uncommon, rainforest-dependent,
ground-dwelling brown frog that bears a supercial
resemblance to several other frogs in the region (Biju et al.,
Are local and tradional knowledge suitable tools for conservaon of threatened amphibians?
Figure 2. Focal frog species for the study - A. Purple frog N. sahyadrensis, B. Black microhylid frog M. indicus, C. Toad-skinned frog W. phrynoderma
Scienc Name StatuskHabitat1Community Type
& No.mUlisaon Typen
sahyadrensisa, b, c
EN Fossorial, acve above the
ground only for a few weeks
during the monsoon
Kadar (27) Adults and larvae are consumed specically by children and infants
as medicine for skin-based ailments, cold, cough, throat infecon,
asthma, measles, chicken pox and stomach pain. They are consumed
aer cooking or aer drying and/or powdered or vapours from
burning the dried frog are inhaled. Fat ssue/mucous lining is applied
on external wounds. Small-sized individuals, skin, limbs, or digit ends
are used as amulets for children to reduce fear, when they are unable
to sleep at night or who do not speak or walk well.
indicusa, d, e
EN Fallen bark and leaf lier
close to streams
Kadar (1) For those who have a problem with walking, the frog is ed within a
small sack and worn around the individual’s neck.
phrynodermaa, f
CR Leaf lier Kadar (0), Mudhu-
van (0)
Since it is confused with Duaphrynus sp., this species and others
in the same genus could be used as medicine to cure skin burns and
other skin-based body ailments.
CR Understory of rainforests Kadar (1) Used as medicine for coughs and as amulets for children who do not
speak or walk well
NE 2m above the ground in
forest undergrowth
Kadar (3) Used as medicine for coughs, as general medicine for children and as
amulets for children who do not speak or walk well
NT Moist forest patches,
wayside vegetaon and tea
Kadar (3) Used as medicine for coughs, as general medicine for children and as
amulets for children who do not speak or walk well
LC Wide range of habitats Kadar (2),
Mudhuvan (1),
communies (1)
Used as medicine to cure skin burns and other skin-based body
8Indosylvirana sp.jLeaf lier and streams in
open secondary and primary
Kadar (3) Used during the rainy season as bait for shing
LC Close to streams, lakes,
pools and farms
communies (5)
Meat is consumed
10 Fejervarya sp. Close to water bodies,
muddy areas
Kadar (1),
Mudhuvan (1),
communies (1)
Used as bait to catch sh and crabs
11 Euphlycs sp. Water bodies Kadar (1),
Mudhuvan (1),
communies (1)
Used as bait to catch sh and crabs
Table 1. Details of how anuran species are ulised by local communies in the Anamalai Hills, Western Ghats, India
aFocal species of this study; bBiju, 2004; cGururaja, 2012; dBiju et al., 2004b; eKanagavel & Tapley, 2013; fBiju et al., 2004a; gVasudevan & Dua, 2000; hBiju &
Bossuyt, 2009; ivan Dijk et al., 2004; jBiju et al., 2014; kIUCN Red List Category- CR: Crically Endangered, EN: Endangered, NT: Near Threatened, LC: Least Concern,
NE: Not Evaluated; lHabitat according to published scienc literature; mNumber of respondents who consumed the species; addionally, ve respondents used
any frog available as bait for capturing sh and crabs; nThis informaon is from the current study
6 Herpetological Bullen 153 (2020)
TEK data correspond to the vernacular names of species and
to their ulisaon. Interviews were held with forest-dwelling
indigenous and non-indigenous communies across the three
localies. We selected 16 selements (Valparai=6, Topslip=5,
Munnar=5) for surveying using a targeted sampling strategy
and then selected the respondents at each selement
using a convenience sampling strategy (Newing, 2011). We
undertook a door-to-door survey where each household
was visited and conducted interviews face to face in local
languages (Tamil or Malayalam). Aer introducing ourselves,
we interviewed any consenng individual over the age of 18.
There were both male and female interviewers; to reduce
gender-related respondent bias, female respondents were
interviewed only by female interviewers (Newing, 2011).
We used a standard quesonnaire composed of open
ended and closed quesons (see Supplementary Material)
for all interviews. Interviews took a maximum of 20 minutes
to complete. Firstly, we recorded each respondent’s socio-
economic characteriscs. We then showed each respondent
un-labelled photographs of the three focal amphibian
species, in the same sequence in all interviews. Aer each
photograph was shown, we asked respondents whether they
had seen the species, and if they had, about its vernacular
name and the associated habitats and locaons in which
they had seen it. We then asked respondents whether any
frogs were ulised, and if so, which species and the type of
ulisaon. Since we did not know if frog ulisaon in general
was a sensive topic or not, we used both direct and indirect
quesoning approaches, asking both whether respondents
ulised frogs themselves and whether they knew of anyone
else who ulised them. Finally, we asked respondents
whether and why they visited forests, and then asked two
separate quesons about whether they were interested in
protecng forests and frogs in their area.
If respondents were only able to provide very general
informaon (e.g. species is “found everywhere” or is
found “in the forests of Kerala”), we considered such data
unreliable and excluded them from further analysis. Since
W. phrynoderma resembles several other frog species, we
cross-checked habitat details reported by respondents with
the limited scienc informaon available for this species
(Kanagavel et al., 2018), and only retained informaon from
respondents who reported the specic habitat requirements.
We calculated the frequency of respondents who had seen
Scienc name Vernacular namebCommunity typecAccurate habitats associated
with species occuranced
Unreliable habitats
associated with speciesd
Known scienc
Koraan/Koaan* (Kadar)
= 26
Mannu/Manal tavala* (soil/
sand frog; Malasar, Pulayar)
= 8
No name = 15
Kunjunni*+ (Mudhuvan) = 11
Makkan/Makachi tavala+
(non-indigenous) = 2
Koku tavala* (beaked frog;
Malasar) = 1
Kuyi aamai* (turtle-like;
Malasar) = 1
Kadar = 27
Mudhuvan = 19
Malai Malasar,
Malasar & Mannan
= 11
Pulayar = 4
Non-indigenous = 2
Within the ground and/or
found it during digging = 38
First rains, rainy season, rains
accompanied by thunder,
lightning or hail = 30
Stream & stream bank = 10
Forests = 3
Plantaons & Selement = 4
Water cavity within rewood
= 1
On ground = 1
In water = 1
Forests of Kerala = 1
Don’t know anything
else = 3
Fossorial, acve above
the ground only for a
few weeks during the
monsoon, found close
to forest streams with
rocky pools (Zachariah
et al., 2012)
chus indicus
No name = 14
Velladichi tavala* (close to
water; Kadar) = 4
Thotri tavala* (Kadar) = 2
Peckachi tavala* (Kadar) = 1
Karin tavala* (black frog;
Kadar) = 1
Mara tavala+ (tree frog; Mud-
huvan) = 1
Kadar = 13
Mudhuvan = 7
Malai Malasar,
Malasar & Mannan
= 2
Pulayar = 1
Non-indigenous = 0
Stream and water body = 12
Forest = 6
Rocks & leaf lier = 4
Trees = 3
Bamboo = 2
On rocks and ground = 2
Dry areas = 2
On green plants = 1
Everywhere = 2 Fallen bark close to
streams in semi-
evergreen forest
(Kanagavel & Tapley,
No name = 2
Porkan tavala* (warty frog;
Kadar) = 1
Vadakan tavala+ (Mannan) = 1
Metru tavala* (Kadar) = 1
Kadar = 3
Mudhuvan = 0
Malai Malasar,
Malasar & Mannan
= 1
Pulayar = 1
Non-indigenous = 0
Evergreen forest = 5
Ground, leaf lier = 3
Close to stream = 2
Mist covered area = 1
Stream, water body &
Ground, leaf lier,
crevice, rock, grass, bush,
bamboo = 18
Forest = 15
Houses, plantaons,
elds, well = 12
Everywhere = 8
Rainy season = 4
Don’t know anything
else = 9
Leaf lier in evergreen
forest at 1300-
1700m asl, where
canopy cover is high
(Kanagavel et al., 2018)
Table 2. Numbers of responses contribung local ecological knowledge on the three focal anuran species and the reliability of response
relave to the scienc literaturea
a To safeguard the species, the names of locaons have not been menoned in this table. Researchers and conservaonists can apply to the authors for this
informaon; b Only those vernacular names associated with accurate LEK data have been menoned. The meanings for some of the vernacular names were not
known by the respondents. The indigenous community that uses the specic name has been menoned in italics. The names correspond to two local languages
– Tamil* and Malayalam+; c The total number of respondents belonging to each community type who could accurately idenfy the specic focal species; d The
dierent habitats have been grouped and the total number of respondents for each group has been menoned
Arun Kanagavel et al.
Herpetological Bullen 153 (2020) 7
Figure 3. A QUEST decision-tree detailing the socio-economic characteriscs that inuence whether local individuals have encountered - A.
Purple frog N. sahyadrensis, B. Black microhylid frog M. indicus, and C. Toad-skinned frog W. phrynoderma
each focal species in relaon to the habitat associaons of
each species. We assessed reported vernacular names for
each species to understand local folk taxonomy of amphibians
(cf. Atran et al., 1997).
We explored the relaonship between species detecon
and socio-economic characteriscs of respondents using
a QUEST decision-tree (Brewer & Rabeni, 2011, Lin & Fan,
2019), to idenfy appropriate ‘experts’ for informing future
LEK surveys. Decision-tree analyses assist in establishing
classicaons and QUEST was chosen in this case since it
can handle variables with mulple categories. It uses Anova
F and Chi-square tests to select variables for spling and
the resultant tree was pruned using the CART algorithm.
Then in order to idenfy appropriate audience groups
towards whom future conservaon iniaves could be
targeted, we calculated the frequency of ulisaon of
dierent anuran species by respondents and people they
knew. These frequencies were explored using a binomial
logisc regression model followed by ad-hoc analysis of
deviance (Bond et al., 2017) to show the inuence of socio-
economic characteriscs, experience of seeing focal species,
and frequency of forest visits, on amphibian ulisaon.
Respondent interest in protecng frogs was analysed, also
using a binomial logisc regression model, incorporang
respondent socio-economic characteriscs, experience
of seeing focal species and ulising frogs, and interest in
protecng forests. The stascal analyses were undertaken
using IBM SPSS Stascs 21.0 and R version 3.3.0.
A total of 113 quesonnaires were completed with 1 to
15 respondents based at 16 dierent selements (Table
3). Of the respondents most were male (65 %, n=73) and
most belonged to the Kadar and Mudhuvan indigenous
communies (58 %, n=66). Many had no formal educaon
(48 %, n=54) and the majority were involved in non-mber
forest product collecon, daily-wage labour or farming for
their daily livelihood (59 %, n=67). Most visited forests (81
%, n=92) to collect non-mber forest products and fuelwood
(76 %, n=86) or for temporary work related to the Forest
Department (19 %, n=22).
Local ecological knowledge
Of the three focal amphibian species, W. phrynoderma
had reportedly been seen by the greatest number of
respondents (77.9 %, n=88), followed by N. sahyadrensis
Figure 4. Interest in protecng forests and frogs by local communies
in the southern Western Ghats
Are local and tradional knowledge suitable tools for conservaon of threatened amphibians?
8 Herpetological Bullen 153 (2020)
(59.3 %, n=67) and M. indicus (22.1 %, n=25). However,
following crical vericaon of W. phrynoderma reports with
published ecological data, we only considered ve reports
(4.4 % of respondents) to represent reliably idened records
of this species. Conversely, we only excluded four reports of
N. sahyadrensis and two reports of M. indicus on the basis
of dubious idencaon (nal reliable species totals: N.
sahyadrensis, 55.8 %, n=63; M. indicus, 20.4 %, n=23). While
a greater proporon of respondents from Topslip reported
N. sahyadrensis (78.9 %, n=15) followed by Valparai (53.7 %,
n=29) and Munnar (47.5 %, n=19), M. indicus was reported
mostly by respondents from Valparai (29.6 %, n=16) followed
by Munnar (15.0 %, n=6) and Topslip (5.3 %, n=1). Walkerana
phrynoderma was mostly reported from Valparai (7.4 %,
n=4) followed by Munnar (2.5 %, n=1). Of the three focal
species, only N. sahyadrensis was idened by respondents
belonging to non-indigenous communies (16.7 %, n=2;
Table 3). Respondents who were able to idenfy the focal
species frequently provided informaon on locaons where
the species occurred in the study area (Table 2). Respondents
described N. sahyadrensis as being found beneath the ground
(n=38) and mostly encountered during the rainy season
(n=30), coming out of the ground only to lay eggs and calling
by making loud noises beneath the soil. Respondents reported
that M. indicus was associated with streams and water bodies
(n=12) while W. phrynoderma was known from evergreen
forests (n=5).
Decision tree analysis indicated dierent demographic
predictors associated with increased likelihood of detecng
each of the three focal amphibian species. For N. sahyadrensis,
respondent gender (P<0.01) was the most powerful
predictor, with men more likely to have encountered the
species than women (Fig. 3A). Within the subset of female
respondents, community type (P=0.04) further improved
the predicve power of the model, with female Kadar
respondents more likely to have encountered the species
than female respondents from other communies. Within
the subset of female, non-Kadar communies, educaon
(P<0.01) further improved the model, with respondents
lacking formal educaon more likely to have encountered
the species. For M. indicus, community type (P=0.01) was
instead the most powerful predictor, with Kadar respondents
again more likely to have encountered the species (Fig. 3B).
Within the subset of non-Kadar communies, educaon
(P<0.01) further improved the predicve power of the model,
with respondents lacking formal educaon again more likely
to have encountered the species. For W. phrynoderma, age
was the only signicant predictor (P=0.04), with respondents
above 45 years of age more likely to have encountered the
species (Fig. 3C).
Tradional ecological knowledge
Vernacular names used for N. sahyadrensis were either
culturally signicant or based on morphology or habitat,
whereas M. indicus mostly did not have a local name,
although some respondents referred to it by its habitat or
colour (Table 2). Vernacular names used for W. phrynoderma
were based on its morphology (Table 2), and respondents
used the same vernacular name for other common species of
the families Ranixalidae and Bufonidae (‘chori/pori thavala’
n=20), leading to frequent misidencaon with such species
and inaccurate ecological associaon with water bodies,
wetlands, and habitats close to human selements.
Thirty-eight respondents (33.6 %) reported that they
ulised frogs themselves, mostly N. sahyadrensis (n=27).
A larger proporon of respondents from Valparai ulised
frogs (38.9 %, n=21) followed by Munnar (30.0 %, n=12) and
Topslip (26.3 %, n=5). The focal species were ulised only
by the Kadar indigenous communies (Table 1). Other non-
focal anurans were also mostly ulised by the Kadars and to
a small extent by Mudhuvans. Non-indigenous communies
depended on common, widely distributed species (Table
1). Frogs were used for general consumpon and medicine
(n=28), as amulets to reduce fear among children (n=12),
and as bait to catch freshwater sh and crabs (n=8) (Table
1). Only indigenous communies ulised amphibians for
tradional medicine while non-indigenous communies used
them for general consumpon and as bait (Table 1). Thirty-
two respondents (28.3 %) stated that they knew of other
individuals or communies that ulised frogs, including N.
sahyadrensis, Hoplobatrachus gerinus and Indosylvirana
sp., which were eaten and used as medicine (n=23), as
bait for shing (n=6), or for other reasons (n=3, perceived
export of frog legs). Analysis of deviance performed on the
logisc regression model revealed that community type
(df = 5, P<0.001) and gender (df = 1, P<0.001) were the
most stascally signicant factors predicng ulisaon of
characterisc Descripon No. of respondents by group
1 Interview
Regions in which
respondents were
Munnar = 40
Topslip = 19
Valparai = 54
2Age Respondent’s age
in years
18-30 = 35
31-45 = 35
46 & above = 38
Don’t know = 5
3 Gender Male or female Male = 73
Female = 40
4 Educaon Maximum formal
educaon aained
None = 54
Primary Educaon (1st -5th) = 23
Secondary Educaon & above
= 36
5 Occupaon Main livelihood of
the respondent
Labourer/Farmer/NTFP* collec-
on = 67
Other occupaons = 10
Forest Department work = 14
Housewife/ Rered/ Not work-
ing = 22
6 Community
indigenous com-
munity to which
the respondent
Kadar = 29 (Topslip = 6, Val-
parai= 23)
Mudhuvan = 37 (Munnar = 24,
Valparai = 13)
Malai Malasar, Malasar & Man-
nan = 18
Pulayar = 17 (Munnar = 6,
Topslip = 12
Non-indigenous communies
= 12 (Munnar = 10, Topslip = 1,
Valparai = 1)
Table 3. Descripon of the socio-economic characteriscs and the
numbers of quesonnaire respondents from local communies in
the Anamalai Hills, Western Ghats, India
*Non-mber forest product
Arun Kanagavel et al.
Herpetological Bullen 153 (2020) 9
frogs (Table 4), with ulisaon more common in the Kadar
community and by men.
Local support for conserving forests and frogs
Respondents were more interested in protecng forests than
frogs (Fig. 4). Respondent interest in protecng forests was
the most stascally signicant factor predicng interest
in protecng frogs (df=1, P<0.001) followed by interview
locality (Table 5). Respondent interest in protecng frogs
was nested within their interest in protecng forests, as all
respondents who wanted to protect frogs also wanted to
protect forests and not vice versa, and interest in protecng
frogs was higher at Topslip (72.2 %) and Valparai (71.4 %)
than at Munnar (42.1 %).
Local ecological knowledge
LEK has not oen been gathered to provide researchers
with informaon about herpetofauna. Community-based
surveys have rarely been used to assess the conservaon
status or to obtain other conservaon-relevant data for
amphibians, and so far, have only been applied to very large-
bodied “charismac” taxa such as the giant salamander
(Andrias davidianus) (Pan et al., 2015). Indeed, researchers
have somemes previously ignored LEK of amphibians, as in
the case of the enigmac N. sahyadrensis, which was well
known to local communies long before its formal scienc
descripon (Aggarwal, 2004). Our study demonstrates that
despite this lack of past aenon, LEK can be a suitable tool
for collecng conservaon-relevant informaon on focal
amphibian species, in this case especially for N. sahyadrensis.
Accurate collecon of LEK has been shown in previous studies
to be greatly improved if the focal species is morphologically
disnct and easily idenable even to non-trained observers,
is non-crypc, and has an exclusive vernacular name (Anadón
et al., 2009; Pillay et al., 2011). Of the three focal species
included in our study, N. sahyadrensis and M. indicus are both
morphologically disnct, and each indigenous community
had an exclusive vernacular name for N. sahyadrensis, which
could account for why it was locally the best known of the
three focal species. Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis was also
the only focal species that was known among non-indigenous
communies and this reveals its potenal as an eecve
conservaon agship among local communies (Kanagavel
et al., 2017a) who dwell close to forests. Conversely, W.
phrynoderma resembles many other frogs, and had no
consistently used vernacular name, consequently the
majority of LEK that we collected for W. phrynoderma was
considered to be unreliable. We conclude that LEK-based
surveys may only provide limited data on morphologically
indisnct amphibian species. Accuracy of idencaon may
have been improved if we had used control images of locally
occurring amphibian species that are morphologically similar
to W. phrynoderma, and we encourage further invesgaon
of the ability of local respondents to dierenate between
similar species using this approach in future LEK-based
amphibian surveys.
Our results help to idenfy local expert groups who possess
greater levels of knowledge about dierent focal amphibian
species. These groups could be preferenally targeted in
future studies that aim to collect addional amphibian-related
data. In our study, men provided LEK that corresponded
more closely with exisng knowledge of N. sahyadrensis
than women, possibly because men are more involved with
hunng acvies in the Western Ghats (Kanagavel et al.,
2016), and likely visit forests more frequently. The Kadar
communies had beer knowledge of both N. sahyadrensis
and M. indicus, possibly because they have greater cultural
df Deviance Residual
deviance P(>Chi)
Null 96 127.95
2 2.57 94 125.38 0.276
Age 2 3.08 92 122.31 0.215
Gender 1 11.45 89 106.08 <0.001
Educaon 2 4.78 90 117.53 0.092
Community 5 33.58 84 72.49 <0.001
N. sahyadrensis
1 2.47 83 70.02 0.116
M. indicus
1 0.02 82 70.00 0.897
W. phrynoderma
1 1.12 81 68.89 0.291
Forest visit 1 0.97 80 67.91 0.324
Table 4. The inuence of several explanatory variables on the
ulisaon of frogs (dependent variable). Analysis of deviance
performed on a logisc regression model ed to explain the eect
of explanatory variables listed in the table. The result indicates
signicant change in deviance (P<0.05) with the addion of the
variables ‘Gender’ and ‘Community’ type to the model.
df Deviance Residual
deviance P(>Chi)
Null 96 128.97
2 8.51 94 120.46 0.014
Age 2 1.16 92 119.30 0.560
Gender 1 3.79 91 115.51 0.051
Educaon 2 2.20 89 113.31 0.333
Community 5 10.42 84 102.89 0.064
N. sahyadrensis
1 2.79 83 100.10 0.095
M. indicus
1 0.01 82 100.09 0.915
W. phrynoderma
1 0.93 81 99.16 0.335
Forest visit 1 0.12 80 99.04 0.731
Use of frogs 1 2.75 79 96.29 0.098
1 41.92 78 54.38 <0.001
Table 5. The inuence of several explanatory variables on interest of
local communies in protecng frogs (dependent variable). Analysis
of deviance performed on a logisc regression model ed to explain
the eect of explanatory variables listed in the table. The result
indicates signicant change in deviance (P < 0.05) with the addion
of the variables ‘Interview locality’ and interest in ‘Protecng forests’
to the model.
Are local and tradional knowledge suitable tools for conservaon of threatened amphibians?
10 Herpetological Bullen 153 (2020)
associaons with N. sahyadrensis. Their livelihoods are
more forest-dependent and both the species occur in their
tradional lands, increasing the possibility of encountering
them. The posive relaonship between respondent age and
level of LEK about W. phrynoderma is consistent with the well-
known phenomenon seen in many LEK studies where older
respondents are more knowledgeable of local environmental
condions (e.g., Papworth et al., 2009; Turvey et al., 2010).
The demographic predictors varied for the three amphibians
which could be explained by the dierent local distribuon
ranges of the species that may not be present within the
tradional lands occupied by all the communies. Moreover,
the communies also dier in their extent of dependence
on forests and the frequency of their visits to surrounding
forests. This means that ‘expert’ groups would vary based
on the species concerned and more relevant data could
be collected across mulple species by focusing on major
predictors, e.g. males, the Kadar community, respondents
above 45 years of age etc..
Tradional ecological knowledge
Folk nomenclatures are based on morphology, use of the
species, social constructs, economic importance, and
ecology (Newmaster et al., 2007; Ulicsni et al., 2013; Berlin,
2014). For large plants and animals, vernacular names are
mostly exclusive for a species, since the majority of species
within these groups are disnctly idenable (Atran, 1998;
Souza & Begossi, 2007; Ulicsni et al., 2013). However, this
is not the case for small vertebrates, many of which appear
supercially similar to untrained observers. Hence they are
typically grouped together under a single name, making
indigenous taxonomy less reliable for species-specic
idencaon (Forth, 2009; Beaudreau et al., 2011). In our
study, N. sahyadrensis is well recognised among numerous
indigenous and non-indigenous communies and has
disnct vernacular names that are based on culturally
signicant aributes and direct awareness of the species by
each indigenous community. This disncve and charismac
amphibian may therefore represent a potenal agship
species for building local community interest in amphibians
and their conservaon (Bowen-Jones & Entwistle, 2002).
Melanobatrachus indicus is disnct and associated
with specic vernacular names based on body colour and
habitat. However, it is relevant only for the Kadar community
who themselves associated with it lile, resulng in
reduced ecological knowledge of the species. Although W.
phrynoderma was found to have only a general vernacular
name based on body morphology and colour which is shared
with many other anuran species, this frog grouping was
known to local communies as these species are incorrectly
perceived to be pests of cardamom (Elaaria cardamomum),
a major high-value crop in the region (Kanagavel & Parvathy,
2014; Kanagavel et al., 2017b). The dierences between the
local communies in how they refer to the three focal species
highlight the role of cultural and ulitarian values in shaping
TEK as well as LEK (Atran, 1998; Beaudreau et al., 2011).
TEK of amphibian ulisaon is beer documented
than LEK detailing amphibian ecology, since amphibians
are ulised by many cultures world-wide and for many
dierent reasons (Adeola, 1992; Alves & Souto, 2011). Our
study highlights the tradional and subsistence use of frogs
by indigenous communies in the Western Ghats. It also
reveals the cultural associaon of indigenous communies
with frogs from their intricate ulisaon in tradional
medicine. This use is absent in non-indigenous communies
who are recent selers from other parts of the country.
Frog ulisaon did not appear to be a sensive issue in
the communies invesgated in our study, as respondents
appeared happy to discuss this subject openly. The raonale
for the use of frogs among indigenous communies in this
study, especially in treang skin burns, was similar to that
reported for other communies from North India (Negi &
Palyal, 2007). Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis was the most
notable species ulised by indigenous communies in the
region, and this should be taken into consideraon while
formulang conservaon plans for this species. Our results
idenfy disnct user groups and raonale for ulisaon of this
endangered frog, providing an important baseline for further
research, stakeholder discussions (Kanagavel et al., 2013),
and development of culturally appropriate conservaon
intervenons. We recommend that more research should be
focused on the use of amphibians by local communies, to
idenfy more species that may be important to communies
and for which useful knowledge may therefore be collected.
Local support for conserving forests and frogs
Although there has been an increase in scienc research on
Indian amphibians, there is very lile awareness about the
status of amphibians among regional forest departments
(Kanagavel et al., 2017c) and local communies; two groups
of stakeholders that are integral to successful amphibian
conservaon. Interest in amphibian protecon among local
communies has, unl now, not been well-understood. Our
results suggest that for an amphibian-based community
conservaon iniave to be eecve, it must be linked
to protecon of forests, since a signicant proporon of
community livelihoods depend directly on the connued
presence of forests, and local respondents were only
interested in frog conservaon within the wider concept of
forest protecon. Such programmes could be iniated at
Topslip and Valparai as determined by our study since the
interest of respondents in protecng frogs was greater at
these localies. Respondents at Munnar showed a reduced
interest in frog conservaon, due to the widespread
mispercepon of frogs as pests of cardamom (Kanagavel
et al., 2017b). Clearly an educaonal campaign to improve
the prole of frogs among local communies is required in
Munnar (Kanagavel et al., 2017a).
Our study demonstrates that the knowledge of local
communies can potenally be used to gather reliable
informaon on the ecology and distribuon of amphibian
species that are morphologically disncve, have a specic
local name, and are associated with specic cultural and/or
ulitarian values. We also highlight paerns of folk ulisaon
of frogs in the southern Western Ghats and provide new
insights into respondent typology that can assist in future
LEK-related amphibian research.
Arun Kanagavel et al.
Herpetological Bullen 153 (2020) 11
We thank Carly Waterman, Cath Lawson, Craig Turner,
Jack Tordo, Je Dawson, K.V. Gururaja, Olivia Couchman
and Stuart Paerson for their support in designing and
conducng the study; Nithin Divakar for assisng in
data collecon; Sandeep Das and Elangovan for helping
with species informaon; and Christopher Michaels and
Rajan Amin for helping with data analysis. The study was
undertaken with ocial research permissions from the Tamil
Nadu and Kerala Forest Departments (WL5/28696/2012,
WL5(A)/16458/2014, WL 10-15417/2014, WL 10-
15417/15). The study was nancially supported by the ZSL
EDGE Fellowship (2012), Ruord Small Grant for Nature
Conservaon (17771-2), Idea Wild, Conservaon Leadership
Programme-Future Conservaonist Award 2015 (03234915)
to AK and the Mohammed Bin Zayed Species Conservaon
Fund (12253920).
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Accepted: 27 June 2020
Are local and tradional knowledge suitable tools for conservaon of threatened amphibians?
... When creating impactful communication and education programmes, stakeholder engagement and community involvement are key factors to consider in order to align the local context with the proposed conservation actions (Bennett et al., 2017;Lin et al., 2008). For example, Kanagavel et al. (2020) found that to develop amphibian-based community conservation initiatives in the Western Ghats of ...
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Most instances of detrimental environmental conditions are caused by human behaviour, and the amphibian decline crisis is not an exception. Although some species can be highly popular, amphibians are in general among the least preferred animals by people. This situation represents a source of direct and indirect threats to amphibians. In this chapter we review key research on the human dimensions of amphibian conservation. The first section looks at human attitudes and behaviours that act as threats to amphibians. The second section offers a review of the factors that have been identified as drivers of amphibian-focused human cognition. In the third section we provide an overview of different conservation education and outreach techniques that can be used to change human behaviours and improve public support for amphibians, as well as the role of communication in the co-production of usable science in amphibian conservation. We conclude this chapter by discussing some knowledge and methodological gaps that need to be addressed in order to better inform effective and strategic conservation education and communication actions to support amphibian conservation. Communications and education can increase stakeholder engagement and the success of amphibian conservation actions. Communicating the value of amphibian conservation using carefully designed messages, for instance by highlighting evidence about amphibians' relevance for ecosystem functioning and human well-being, or about the imperilled status of these animals, might provide a good starting point to increase the willingness to protect amphibians in decision makers and the public.
... Several caecilian species have been shown to exhibit preferences for less compacted soil (Ducey et al., 1993) and soil compaction is considered a potential threat to B. niedeni (Malonza, 2016) but one that has not yet been quantified. Finally, the landowner prediction variable was included to test the hypothesis that local ecological knowledge may be a more efficient method to gather data on the presence of a particular amphibian species (Harpalini et al., 2015;Pan et al., 2016;Turvey et al., 2018;Kanagavel et al., 2020). ...
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Caecilians (Order Gymnophiona) are generalist predators of soil invertebrates, and may therefore play an important role in tropical soil ecosystems. However, their fossorial lifestyle and the associated difficulties in surveying them have caused a deficit in data for the majority of species. We applied a systematic approach and an intensive sampling strategy to an Endangered and evolutionarily distinct caecilian from the Eastern Arc Mountains, the Sagalla caecilian Boulengerula niedeni. We investigated the association between habitat type and caecilian occupancy across its entire range, the Sagalla Hill, Kenya, and explored the relationship between several variables (land use type, surface soil temperature, soil compactness and landowner prediction of caecilian presence) and its presence in different habitats. We found no significant effects of any of the investigated variables in predicting caecilian presence across the Sagalla landscape. Instead, our findings suggest that the species survives at least as well in agricultural landscapes as it does in areas with indigenous vegetation, with an estimated density of around 900 caecilians per hectare. A bimodal distribution of sizes and weights of captured specimens suggests ongoing successful breeding and recruitment. This suggests that there is a case for cautious optimism with regard to the status of B. niedeni. Our work could act as a useful pilot for further, improved caecilian surveys in the Eastern Arc Mountains and beyond, to improve our understanding and conservation of these overlooked fossorial amphibians.
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The Critically Endangered Cantor's giant softshell turtle Pelochelys cantorii is a freshwater turtle found in South and Southeast Asia. Its population is declining because of habitat destruction and alteration, and hunting for its meat. Data on the species’ ecology, behaviour, population size, distribution and threats are limited, and previous surveys undertaken in India have failed to detect individuals in the wild. This lack of data hinders strategic conservation planning. Ecologists and conservationists increasingly utilize local ecological knowledge to determine the status and gain insights into the ecology of threatened and rare species that are difficult to detect in field studies. To examine the historical and current occurrence of Cantor's giant softshell turtle, we conducted community interviews along the Chandragiri River in Kerala, India. With data from these interviews, we identified multiple sites where the species continues to occur. Older respondents and those that used the river for fishing and irrigation were more likely to report sightings of the species. Our findings also improved knowledge about the turtles’ seasonal and diel activity patterns. A network of key informants identified through the interviews provided information on turtle bycatch, sightings and nesting. This network is being utilized for the continued monitoring of the species and could help in devising evidence-based management strategies for softshell turtles in India. These methods can also be adopted more widely for other threatened species of freshwater turtles globally.
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Amphibians across the world are suffering alarming popu¬lation declines with nearly one third of the ca 7,300 species being threatened worldwide. Major factors attributed to the decline include habitat destruction, chemical pollution, climate change, diseases and invasive species. The West¬ern Ghats of India, a global hotspot for amphibian diver¬sity and endemism, has more than 40% of its amphibian fauna threatened with ex¬tinction. Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis (Indian Purple frog) is a rare, unique, fossorial and endemic frog of the Western Ghats that has also been considered as a flagship species for amphibian conservation in this region. The species is list¬ed as Endangered B1ab(iii) in the IUCN Red List based on its restricted distribution range and lack of adequate information about the threats faced. Major threats reported to date are indirect factors that include habitat fragmentation and destruction due to urbanization, cultivation, and dam con¬struction. Here we provide the first report of a direct threat to Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis in the form of collection for human consumption of its tadpoles by tribal or indigenous communities dwelling in and around forest areas of Kera¬la state. We present a quantitative evaluation of harvesting in one tribal settlement area during five consecutive years (2008–2012), discuss the implications of this threat and suggest possible conservation measures.
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The type and number of defects constitute a major indicator of project quality and are thus emphasized in project management. Therefore, it is necessary to explore appropriate tools and methods to train/test/analyze defect-related big data in order to effectively explain the cause/rule/importance of the defect, to understand the focus of site management, and to effectively prevent defects. The aim of this study is to explore the capability of three kinds of decision tree algorithms, namely classification and regression tree (CART), chi-squared automatic interaction detection (CHAID) and quick unbiased efficient statistical tree algorithms (QUEST), in predicting the construction project grade given defects. Firstly, a total of 499 types of defects were identified after the analysis of the data of 990 projects obtained from the Public Construction Management Information System (PCMIS). Secondly, inspection scores and defect frequencies were estimated to perform cluster analysis for re-grouping the data to create project grade. Thirdly, decision trees were used to classify rules for defects and project grades. The results revealed that, among the three algorithms, CHAID generated the most classification rules and exhibited the highest defect prediction accuracy. The finding of this research can improve the defect prediction accuracy and management effectiveness for construction industry.
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Little is known about Walkerana phrynoderma, a frog endemic to the Anamalai Hills of the Western Ghats of India. Baseline information (i.e., distribution, threats, habitat characteristics, activity patterns, and relative abundance) is provided for this species, with the aim of improving our understanding of the status of the species in the wild. Visual-encounter, transect, and time-activity budget surveys were conducted in and around the Anamalai Hills of the Western Ghats. The frog skin was swabbed to determine the presence/absence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, and habitat and environmental characteristics were recorded at sites where W. phrynoderma was found. These data were compared with those of sites apparently lacking this species that had suitable habitat. Walkerana phrynoderma is restricted to evergreen forests between 1300 and 1700 m a.s.l. in the Anamalai Tiger Reserve and at Munnar; thus, its range was extended from the state of Tamil Nadu to the adjoining state of Kerala. Pesticide runoff and human disturbance are the most severe threats to the species; B. dendrobatidis was not detected. This nocturnal anuran prefers forest edges and is associated with well-shaded forest floors in cool areas near freshwater streams. Walkerana phrynoderma is rarely encountered whereas its congener, W. leptodactyla, is more common. The impact of anthropogenic disturbances, especially waste disposal and development of tourism infrastructure, should be evaluated. The land that is owned by the Forest Department peripheral to the protected areas could be designated as eco-sensitive sites to prevent changes in land use that could have an adverse effect on W. phrynoderma.
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Marine reserves, areas protected from ex ploitative anthropogenic processes, are being widely implemented to conserve biodiversity and initiate species recovery. Evidence supports the effectiveness of marine reserves in improving biological attributes such as biodiversity, density, biomass, and body-size for sedentary species or those with r-selected life histories. However, there is limited long-term time series- based information determining the effectiveness of these protected areas for elasmobranchs. Marine reserve effectiveness is commonly evaluated spatially by examining differences in species' biological parameters inside and outside of protective boundaries, which can often mask the occurrence of slow population declines. We used a temporal fishery-independent standardized longline survey at Glover's Reef Mar - ine Reserve, Belize, to monitor long-term population trends in the commercially important Caribbean reef shark Carcharhinus perezi for more than a decade. Linear models were performed to examine whether the factors habitat, year, or their interaction had a significant impact on C. perezi catch per unit effort (CPUE) and on catch demographic composition. Only the factor 'habitat' had a significant influence on CPUE, with the forereef catch significantly higher than in the lagoon. Our results support that the population of Caribbean reef shark at Glover's Reef Marine Reserve appears stable with no significant decline in CPUE or decrease in mean total length detected. This is evidence that marine reserves can be an effective conservation tool for reef-associated shark species.
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Education workshops conducted with forest departments in Western Ghats resulted in improved ability to identify four of five amphibian species and their habitats.
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In the Western Ghats of India, amphibians are culled at cardamom plantations since they are perceived to consume cardamom. To better understand the relationship between amphibians and cardamom, a study was undertaken at these plantations, which harbor numerous threatened and range-restricted amphibians. We undertook questionnaire surveys with 298 respondents at 148 plantations across southern India. Time-activity budget and diet analysis surveys were undertaken to determine whether amphibians really consumed cardamom. The conception that amphibians eat cardamom was found to be widespread especially among small-sized plantations, leading to negative perceptions and a lack of interest in amphibian conservation. The plantation community perceives a substantial economic loss due to amphibians, even though this is non-existent as revealed by our field surveys. These perceptions would lead to a continued intolerance of amphibian presence in plantations. A suitable outreach initiative re-affirming facts and spreading awareness on the positive role of amphibians would need to be conducted to negate this age-old myth.
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Wildlife utilization in the tropics is massive, with nearly five million tons of bush-meat consumed by local communities. In India, a megadiversity nation, hunting though illegal is widespread among indigenous communities. However, the extent, frequency and rationale for hunting, and factors influencing wildlife utilization are poorly known. Our study based on 19 different indigenous communities in the Western Ghats region revealed the utilization of 54 wild species/taxa. While freshwater fish, herpetofauna and small mammals were most frequently utilized, enforcement by the Forest Department was largely focused on large mammals. Gender, land-ownership, number of domestic meats consumed, distance to markets, time spent hunting and distance to hunting areas were major factors that affected wild meat utilization in the region. While conservation needs to be focused on the most utilized groups, increasing access to domestic meats at remote settlements and integrating utilization of common, culturally-prominent species could improve conservation of threatened fauna.
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Results indicate that the same taxonomic rank is cognitively privi-leged for biological induction in two diverse populations: people raised in Michi-gan, and Itzaj Maya of the Peten rainforest. This is the generic species -the level of oak and robin -which is coextensive with Berlin's folkgeneric rank but with a distinct theoretical sense. The findings are unaccounted for by similarity-based models of category formation and induction because such models cannot simul-taneously yield different measures of privilege. For example, Rosch and her col-leagues suggest that life forms -the level of tree and bird -rather than folkgenerics comprise the "basic level" for many Americans. Rosch, like Berlin, advances such domain-general models of similarity to account for privileged cat-egories as maximally informative clusters of perceptual attributes that best repre-sent"objective discontinuities" in nature. However, this favors cross-cultural dif-ferences in the rank privileged in induction as a function of differences in famil-iarity with the natural environment. Although our data indicate some relative downgrading of knowledge to a higher rank among industrialized Americans and upgrading to a lower rank among silvicultural Maya, these differences are clearly a second-order effect. To account for the absolute privilege of generic spe-cies in diverse cultures, a domain-specific view of folkbiology is offered. It favors the idea of the generic-species level as a partitioning of the ontological domains of plant and animal into causal essences. The attribution of essence, and the bio-logical expectations that go with it, is in part independent of actual experience or degree of perceptual familiarity with the kind in question. This reflects a cogni-tive division of labor between domain-general perceptual heuristics and domain-specific learning mechanisms, which may be an evolutionary design. 18 ATRAN, ESTIN, COLEY and MEDIN Vol. 17, No.1 RESUMEN.-Nuestros resultados indican que el mismo rango taxonomico es privilegiado cognoscitivamente en dos poblaciones diferentes: gente que crecio en Michigan, en los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica, y Mayas Itzaj de la selva tropical del Peten en Guatemala. Este rango taxonomico es la especie generica -el nivel del encino y el petirrojo -que coincide con 10que Berlin llama el nivel generico 'folk' pero tiene un sentido teorico distinto. Los modelos de formaci6n de categorias e induccion basados en la similitud no pueden dar cuenta de estos resultados porque tales modelos no pueden producir simultaneamente diferentes medidas de privilegio. Por ejemplo, Rosch y sus colegas sugieren que son las formas de vida -el nivel al que pertenecen arbol y pajaro -mas que los genericos I folk' las que comprenden el "nivel basico" para muchos norteamericanos. Rosch, al igual que Berlin, propone tales modelos de similitud, generales a todo dominio, para explicar las categorias privilegiadas como conjuntos, maximamente informativos, de atributos perceptuales que mejor representan las II discontinuidades objetivas" de la naturaleza. Esto, sin embargo, favorece las diferencias entre culturas en el rango privilegiado en la induccion como funcion de las diferencias en familiaridad con el medio ambiente. Si bien nuestros datos indican cierta disminucion relativa del conocimiento hacia rangos superiores en-tre los norteamericanos industrializados, y un aumento del conocimiento hacia rangos inferiores entre los silvicultores mayas, estas diferencias son claramente un efecto de segundo orden. Para responder al privilegio absoluto de la especie generica en diversas culturas, ofrecemos una perspectiva especifica de dominic de la biologia 'folk'. Esta perspectiva favorece la idea del nivel de la especie generica como una division de los dominios ontologicos planta y animal en esencias causales. La atribuci6n de esencia, y las expectativas biol6gicas que conlleva, son independientes en parte de la experiencia real 0 el grade de familiaridad percep-tual con la clase en cuestion, Esto refleja una division cognoscitiva del trabajo entre la heuristica perceptual de dominic general y los mecanismos de aprendizaje de dominic especifico, division que puede ser un disefio evolutivo.
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Ethnobiologists and anthropologists have long recognized a distinction between "general purpose" ethnotaxonomies and specialized ways of classifying plants and animals, such as "symbolic classification." This article on the folk ornithology of an eastern Indonesian society distinguishes between ethnotaxonomy and symbolic classification in order to consider the conceptual position of bats. Contrary to the predictions of Douglas and others, Chiropterans are shown to be peripheral to both forms of classification in a way that contrasts with values attached to both nocturnal and diurnal birds of prey. (Ethnotaxonomy, symbolic classification, folk ornithology, Nage).