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Effect of Phyllanthus emblica Linn. on Tensile Strength of Virgin and Bleached Hairs


Abstract and Figures

In Ayurveda medicine, Phyllanthus emblica Linn. (emblica) has been used as a hair nourisher for more than a decade by soaking it overnight, but no study has proved the effect of emblica on hair. This research aims to determine the effect of emblica solution on the tensile strength of three types of hair: virgin hair (VH), bleached hair (BH), and twice bleached hair (TH). The investigated active substances were deionized water (DI water) as a control, 3% emblica extract solution (3% EXS), 6% emblica extract solution (6% EXS), and 9% emblica extract solution (9% EXS). Black Virgin Asian hair was measured and analyzed before bleaching with a 12% bleaching agent once (BH) and twice (TH). Three treatments and the control were applied to each type of hair under a controlled condition. The tensile characteristics and surface morphology of all treated hairs were measured and analyzed by texture analysis (TA.XT Plus Texture Analyzer, Stable Micro Systems), Aramo (Aramo-SG Skin & Hair analysis system), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM model JSM-5410LV JEOL). The results of the nanoindentation test proved that the tensile strength and extensibility of all three types of hair increased in all concentrations (DI water, 3% EXS, 6% EXS, and 9% EXS). High magnification SEM images were taken from the cuticle surfaces and cross-sections. Emblica extracted solution (EXS) formed a coating around the hair, especially cuticle damaged by bleaching (BH and TH). The breaking pattern from the cross-section images showed that emblica extract solution reinforced all hair types. In conclusion, the emblica extract solution has a significant positive effect on the tensile strength and extensibility of VH, BH, and TH. The result has proved the ancient intelligence that the emblica nourishes the hair. In addition, our results show additional benefit by strengthening virgin hair and bleached hair.
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Eect of Phyllanthus emblica Linn. on Tensile
Strength of Virgin and Bleached Hairs
Pratya Tiampasook 1, Chaiyavat Chaiyasut 2,* , Bhagavathi Sundaram Sivamaruthi 2,
Thanaroat Timudom 1and Duangporn Nacapunchai 3,*
1Faculty of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, Suansunandha Rajabhat University,
Bangkok 10300, Thailand; (P.T.); (T.T.)
2Innovation Center for Holistic Health, Nutraceuticals and Cosmeceuticals, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Chiangmai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand;
3College of Allied Health Science, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok 10300, Thailand
*Correspondence: (C.C.); (D.N.)
Received: 15 August 2020; Accepted: 8 September 2020; Published: 10 September 2020
In Ayurveda medicine, Phyllanthus emblica Linn. (emblica) has been used as a hair
nourisher for more than a decade by soaking it overnight, but no study has proved the eect
of emblica on hair. This research aims to determine the eect of emblica solution on the tensile
strength of three types of hair: virgin hair (VH), bleached hair (BH), and twice bleached hair (TH).
The investigated active substances were deionized water (DI water) as a control, 3% emblica extract
solution (3% EXS), 6% emblica extract solution (6% EXS), and 9% emblica extract solution (9% EXS).
Black Virgin Asian hair was measured and analyzed before bleaching with a 12% bleaching agent
once (BH) and twice (TH). Three treatments and the control were applied to each type of hair under a
controlled condition. The tensile characteristics and surface morphology of all treated hairs were
measured and analyzed by texture analysis (TA.XT Plus Texture Analyzer, Stable Micro Systems),
Aramo (
Aramo-SG Skin & Hair analysis system
), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM model
JSM-5410LV JEOL). The results of the nanoindentation test proved that the tensile strength and
extensibility of all three types of hair increased in all concentrations (DI water, 3% EXS, 6% EXS,
and 9% EXS). High magnification SEM images were taken from the cuticle surfaces and cross-sections.
Emblica extracted solution (EXS) formed a coating around the hair, especially cuticle damaged by
bleaching (BH and TH). The breaking pattern from the cross-section images showed that emblica
extract solution reinforced all hair types. In conclusion, the emblica extract solution has a significant
positive eect on the tensile strength and extensibility of VH, BH, and TH. The result has proved
the ancient intelligence that the emblica nourishes the hair. In addition, our results show additional
benefit by strengthening virgin hair and bleached hair.
Keywords: emblica extract solution; tensile strength; extensibility; virgin hair; bleached hair
1. Introduction
Human hair is a keratin fiber with various properties, such as water absorbable, water-insoluble,
physically durable, chemically inert, flexible, and recoverable from physical deformation. Hair consists
of three concentric areas: the cuticle, cortex, and medulla. The cuticle is the outer layer (3.5–4.5
that helps to protect the hair and reduce physical impacts. The cortex is the middle layer and the main
part of the hair, which is essential for hair stability, cohesion, stiness, and suppleness; there is melanin
in this layer. The medulla is the core of the hair, which is transparent. The fundamental chemical
composition of hair is keratin, up to 95%, which is contained in the cortex and medulla [1].
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6305; doi:10.3390/app10186305
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Hair bleaching is a chemical reaction that oxidizes melanin, damages keratin in the hair structure,
and changes the appearance of the hair, such as color, smoothness, and endurance, which cause most
of the hair to become brittle and fall out problems [2,3]. The chemical agent in the bleaching solution
dramatically causes peeling and inflammation on the scalp, erythema, and pain on the skin nearby [
These problems have increased the need to use hair coloring products, via hair dyeing, in the senior
population, and the popularity of hair color change fashion in juniors [
]. There are numerous studies
on hair treatment before and after bleaching to reduce hair troubles and promote hair strengthening
and growth such as green tea [6], Eclipta alba [7], or Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn [8].
Phyllanthus emblica Linn. (syn. Emblica ocinalis), commonly known as emblica, amla, or Indian
gooseberry, is highly nutritious; it contains vitamin C, amino acids, and minerals [
]. It is one of the
well-known and valuable medicinal herbs in ancient medicine, such as Thai Traditional Medicine,
Ayurveda (Indian Traditional Medicine), and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Based on studies in
many countries, emblica helps to boost the immune system and has anti-cancer [
], antimicrobial,
analgesic [
], and anti-oxidant activities [
]. It has been used as an ingredient to cure human illnesses,
such as diarrhea, injuries, fever, cold, malaria, gout, tumor, etc. The chemical components of emblica
include alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, terpenoids, glycosides, and tannins. Among the more than
100 phenolic compounds in emblica, tannins are the main content with astringent properties [
They shrink the hair surface as well as tighten and make the hair stronger and healthier by coating
the hair cuticle [
]. Emblica also helps to promote hair growth, length, density, health [
] and
reduces hair loss by inhibiting 5
-reductase [
]. However, its eect on hair tensile strength has never
been studied. In ancient Ayurveda, emblica has been used as a traditional hair tonic for hair growth
(density and volume) and hair treatment (nourishment and pigmentation) by rinsing hair during the
last wash with a tonic prepared by soaking emblica in water overnight [19].
Strength is one of the fundamental properties of a material. It is determined by measuring
the amount of stress that makes a material deform or the maximum stress that breaks it. Material
strength is related to elastic and plastic properties (the ability of a material to resist distortion) [
One of the popular strength testing methods is tensile testing. The test was placed on stretching a
specific length of material at a fixed strain rate. The result would change the conditions and properties.
The most common testing machine is a comprehensive and extensive tester that can test tension,
compression, and bending in any material by changing grip [
]. In recent decades, tensile testing has
been developed to test micro/nanomaterials and measure their properties precisely. The metrological
and experimental techniques of material testing in micro size have become accessible and convenient in
many fields of research, including hair and cosmetic industries [
]. Some studies that have used these
techniques in the hair treatment field include Eects of Hard Water on Hair [
] and Tensile Strength of
Bleached Hair [
]. Studies have shown that in the hair structure, the hair cortex has the highest eect
on hair tensile properties [
]. The melanin causes the hair’s color is in the hair cortex. The eect of the
bleaching agent destroys hair structure through the cortex and makes hair color fading [
]. As the
Ancient know-how, emblica is a natural hair treatment. There is no previous study on the eect of
emblica on the tensile strength of hair. In this study, three concentrations of emblica extract solution
(3%, 6%, and 9%) were selected according to the result of a previous study on the eect of butterfly pea
and emblica hair spray [27]. The best concentration of emblica was 6.66%.
The objective of this study is, therefore, to evaluate the eect of emblica extract solution on the
tensile strength of virgin hair (VH), bleached hair (BH), and twice bleached hair (TH). The results of
this study would prove the know-how of ancient herbal medicine and the eect of emblica on the
tensile strength and extensibility of hair. The outcome would lead to further research in hair cosmetic
product formulation.
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2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Emblica Extract Solution and Dye Solution
Fresh emblica samples were purchased from Chiang Mai province, Thailand, and dried at 60 C
for three days. One hundred grams (100 g) of dried emblica was mixed with 1 L of water, boiled for
1 h, and the liquid collected. A filter (Whatman filter paper No.41) was used to separate the liquid.
The emblica extract solution was kept (in a refrigerator) at 8
C; 3%, 6%, and 9% emblica extract
solutions were prepared by diluting emblica extract solution with deionized water based on each
concentration, and they were kept at room temperature.
As per the manufacturer’s instruction, 15 g of Berina hair bleaching powder was mixed with
60 mL of Berina developer (12% w/whydrogen peroxide). The mixture was stirred until becoming
homogenous, and it was put on the hair immediately after mixing for 60 min and rinse water.
2.2. Tannin Assay Kit
Tannin Microplate Assay Kit (Catalog # CAK1060) was purchased from Cohesion Biosciences
(London, UK). Tannin can react with phosphomolybdic acid, and this Assay Kit can be measured at a
colorimetric readout at 650 nm. Emblica extract was a liquid sample which can be detected by the
assay directly. The procedure from Cohesion Biosciences was to warm the reaction buer, dye reagent
to room temperature before use and add sample, standard, distilled water, reaction buer, and dye
reagent into the microplate. Mix the sample with the reagent and stay at room temperature for 10 min
before measured at 650 nm and record the absorbance.
2.3. Total Iron Testing
Emblic extract sample was sent to Central Laboratory Co., Ltd. (Chiang Mai, Thailand) for
total iron testing by ICP-OES technique. ICP- OES or Inductively coupled plasma- optical emission
spectroscopy is one of the suitable element analytical techniques that can be quickly and simply
measured most of the elements at trace levels that the plasma energy is given to analyze the element
with high sensitivity.
2.4. Hair Preparation
The hair samples used in this experiment were purchased from U And I Cut And Beauty (beauty
supply store) (Bangkok, Thailand); the samples were black, straight, and virgin hair (never been
bleached or dyed before). All samples were washed with room temperature water (22–25
C) for 2 min
and dried at room temperature before been measured and cut to 10 cm length. Thirty hair samples
were randomly chosen and weighted in the preliminary analysis, and their weights were sorted in
ascending order. The ten medium weights were chosen as the representative weight range to select
360 samples to be used in the study (0.00063–0.00095 g). The hair diameters were measured with the
Aramo-SG Skin & Hair analysis system with a 200
magnifying camera. Each hair was measured three
times, at both ends of the hair and in the middle. The average diameter from the three measurements
is shown on the monitor by “Hair Pro X” analysis program, as shown in Figure 1. The measured
hairs were separated into 12 groups: (1) VH with DI water (B
), (2) VH with 3% EXS (B
), (3) VH
with 6% EXS (B
), (4) VH with 9% EXS (B
), (5) BH with DI water (B
), (6) BH with 3% EXS
), (7) BH with 6% EXS (B
), (8) BH with 9% EXS (B
), (9) TH with DI water (B
), (10) TH
with 3% EXS (B
), (11) TH with 6EXS (B
), and (12) TH with 9% EXS(B
), as shown in Table 1.
The purpose of using the bleached hair was to compare the strength of VH, BH, and TH before and
after treatments. Various concentrations of emblica solution (3%, 6%, 9% w/w) were used to treat each
type of hair (virgin, bleached, and twice bleached). The processing parameters include temperature:
C, relative humidity: 52–57%, and pH of solutions: 3.41–6.54. All hairs were immersed in
the solutions for 3 h, dried at room temperature and kept in zip-lock plastic bags. Then, as per the
manual (Hair and Hair Product testing: Texture analysis application overview, Stable Micro System),
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6305 4 of 16
square-hole papers (87
52 mm with 55
30 mm hole) were prepared for each hair, as shown in
Figure 2a. One hair shaft was put in the middle of the paper and glued at both ends of the hair before
putting another prepared square-hole paper on it, as shown in Figure 2b. The hair-attached paper was
mounted on Tensile Testing Grip (A/TG) with a 5 kg load cell, and both sides of the paper were cut,
as shown in Figure 2c.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 17
attached paper was mounted on Tensile Testing Grip (A/TG) with a 5 kg load cell, and both sides of
the paper were cut, as shown in Figure 2c.
Figure 1. Hair diameter measurement by the Aramo-SG Skin & Hair analysis system with 200×
magnification, which is shown on the Hair Pro X analysis program.
Table 1. The 12 groups of hair after measurement before bleaching and treatment.
Number of Bleaching Times (B)
Emblica Extract Solution Concentration (E)
1. VH (
No bleaching
) (B
One time bleaching hair
Twice bleaching hair
Figure 1.
Hair diameter measurement by the Aramo-SG Skin & Hair analysis system with 200
magnification, which is shown on the Hair Pro X analysis program.
Table 1. The 12 groups of hair after measurement before bleaching and treatment.
Number of Bleaching Times (B)
Emblica Extract Solution Concentration (E)
1. VH (No bleaching) (B0) B0E0B0E3B0E6B0E9
2.One time bleaching hair (B1) B1E0B1E3B1E6B1E9
3.Twice bleaching hair (B2) B2E0B2E3B2E6B2E9
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 17
Figure 2. (a) Prepared square-hole paper (87 × 52 mm with 55 × 30 mm hole); (b) one hair glued in the
middle of the paper before being attached to another paper; (c) cut both sides of the paper after
mounting it on the Tensile Testing Grip (A/TG).
2.5. Tensile Testing
Tensile strength and the corresponding failure strain of all 360 samples were tested on the
TA.XTplus Texture Analyser and Exponent Texture Analyser software. Tensile strength force (N)
and extensibility (mm) were measured by “Hair Mono Filaments” product, and force was measured
in “Tension” mode, 0.5 mm/s test-speed, 200 mm distance, and 20 g break detect. The machine was
calibrated before the experiment. All hair samples were prepared and tested under ambient
laboratory conditions (temperature 22–25 °C and 52–57% relative humidity). The test results are
shown on the monitor in the “Texture Exponent” program, as shown in Figure 3. Tensile strength
force (N) and time(s) were plotted continuously until hair breaking.
Figure 3. “Texture Exponent” program showing a graph of test result involving Tensile strength force
(g) and time(s).
2.6. SEM Analysis
Figure 2.
) Prepared square-hole paper (87
52 mm with 55
30 mm hole); (
) one hair glued in
the middle of the paper before being attached to another paper; (
) cut both sides of the paper after
mounting it on the Tensile Testing Grip (A/TG).
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6305 5 of 16
2.5. Tensile Testing
Tensile strength and the corresponding failure strain of all 360 samples were tested on the
TA.XTplus Texture Analyser and Exponent Texture Analyser software. Tensile strength force (N) and
extensibility (mm) were measured by “Hair Mono Filaments” product, and force was measured in
“Tension” mode, 0.5 mm/s test-speed, 200 mm distance, and 20 g break detect. The machine was
calibrated before the experiment. All hair samples were prepared and tested under ambient laboratory
conditions (temperature 22–25
C and 52–57% relative humidity). The test results are shown on the
monitor in the “Texture Exponent” program, as shown in Figure 3. Tensile strength force (N) and
time(s) were plotted continuously until hair breaking.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 17
Figure 2. (a) Prepared square-hole paper (87 × 52 mm with 55 × 30 mm hole); (b) one hair glued in the
middle of the paper before being attached to another paper; (c) cut both sides of the paper after
mounting it on the Tensile Testing Grip (A/TG).
2.5. Tensile Testing
Tensile strength and the corresponding failure strain of all 360 samples were tested on the
TA.XTplus Texture Analyser and Exponent Texture Analyser software. Tensile strength force (N)
and extensibility (mm) were measured by “Hair Mono Filaments” product, and force was measured
in “Tension” mode, 0.5 mm/s test-speed, 200 mm distance, and 20 g break detect. The machine was
calibrated before the experiment. All hair samples were prepared and tested under ambient
laboratory conditions (temperature 22–25 °C and 52–57% relative humidity). The test results are
shown on the monitor in the “Texture Exponent” program, as shown in Figure 3. Tensile strength
force (N) and time(s) were plotted continuously until hair breaking.
Figure 3. “Texture Exponent” program showing a graph of test result involving Tensile strength force
(g) and time(s).
2.6. SEM Analysis
Figure 3.
“Texture Exponent” program showing a graph of test result involving Tensile strength force
(g) and time(s).
2.6. SEM Analysis
After tensile testing, a hair sample was randomly chosen from each group and cut at 0.5 cm from
the hair breaking terminal. The prepared samples were mounted on metal aluminum to be coated with
gold under vacuum. Multiple sections were scanned and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) to check hair surface and hair cross-section to check the breaking texture at the hair terminal by
SEM model JSM-5410LV JEOL, Japanat Tarabusiness Co., Ltd. (Bangkok, Thailand).
2.7. Statistic Analysis
After testing, all data were collected and checked for validation before being processed using
SPSS. t-test was used to compare the means of data. One-way ANOVA was used to check all hair
samples before bleaching or treatment with emblica extract solution. One-way ANOVA was used to
compare the tensile strength/extensibility of VH, BH, and TH before treatment with EXS to check the
eect of bleaching on hair. One-way ANOVA with LSD comparison was also used to compare the
tensile strength/extensibility of the12 groups of hair (B
, B
, B
, B
, B
, B
, B
, B
, B
, B
, and B
). The Spearman’s correlation was used to check the mutual relationship
and to find the correlation coecient (R) between emblica extract solution concentration and tensile
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6305 6 of 16
3. Results
3.1. Hair Data
The results showed in Table 2displays the means, Standard error of the mean (SE), and
p-values of hair weight, diameter, and density of the groups (30 hairs per group). All hairs
were measured before bleaching or treatment with emblica extract solution. The p-value showed
non-significant dierences (p>0.05) between each group. The prepared hairs had the same size
(10 cm), and non-significant dierences of weight and diameter. The measurement in this table aimed
to compare all hair in each group before the experiment to normalize and choose the virgin hairs that
were non-significant dierences.
Table 2.
Hair weight, diameter, and density before bleaching or treatment with emblica extract solution.
Hair Group Label Emblica
Virgin hair (B0)
0 8.21 ±0.13 114.7 ±1.34 0.0079
3 8.14 ±0.12 115.7 ±1.67 0.0078
6 8.16 ±0.13 112.9 ±1.08 0.0082
9 8.04 ±0.11 114.3 ±1.26 0.0079
BH (B1)
0 8.02 ±0.14 111.4 ±2.13 0.0084
3 8.04 ±0.14 113.5 ±1.51 0.0079
6 8.18 ±0.13 113.9 ±1.97 0.0082
9 8.07 ±0.14 114.7 ±1.62 0.0078
TH (B2)
0 8.15 ±0.12 113.5 ±2.14 0.0083
3 8.10 ±0.14 114.0 ±1.75 0.0081
6 7.89 ±0.12 112.0 ±2.31 0.0084
9 8.10 ±0.12 111.6 ±1.47 0.0083
Means 8.095 113.52 0.0081
SE 0.037 0.495 0.00007
p-value * 0.936 0.834 0.511
* One-Way ANOVA compares data in the same column with LSD comparison.
3.2. Eect of Bleaching Agent on Hair
Table 3shows the eect of bleaching agents on hair tensile strength and extensibility before
emblica extract solution treatment. The tensile strength) N (of VH was significantly higher than those
of BH and TH) p<0.01. (The tensile strength of BH was also significantly higher than that of TH)
p<0.01). The extensibility) mm (of VH was significantly lower than those of BH and TH) p<0.01.
(The extensibility of BH was insignificantly lower than that of TH) p<0.01). We found that the
bleaching agent) 12% H2O2) aects the tensile strength and extensibility of hair.
Table 3. Eect of bleaching agent on tensile strength and extensibility.
Strength No of Bleaching (Times) p-Value *
0 1 2
Tensile strength (N)
0.958 ±0.019 a,b 0.884 ±0.023 a,c 0.810 ±0.032 b,c 0.000
Extensibility (mm) 22.79 ±0.497 a,b 31.05 ±0.787 a32.41 ±1.202 b0.000
S.E * One-way ANOVA with LSD comparison.
There are no statistically significant dierences between
means with the same alphabet in the same row. (p<0.01).
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6305 7 of 16
3.3. Eect of Emblic Extract Solution on Hair
Emblica extract solution has been tested for tannin content (1.25 g tannin/1000 g emblica extract
solution) and iron content (6.01 mg iron/1000 g emblica extract solution). Then it was used in
the experiment.
3.3.1. Eect of Emblica Extract Solution on Tensile Strength
Figure 4demonstrates the eect of emblica extract solution on the tensile strength of three types
of hair: The tensile strength of VH (0.958
0.102, 1.020
0.086, 1.13
0.165, and 1.124
was higher than those of BH (0.884
0.126, 0.927
0.188, 0.951
0.141, and 0.981
0.147N) and TH
0.175, 0.874
0.177, 0.801
0.170, and 0.881
0.241 N). Emblica extract solution extremely
aected VH. The tensile strength of hair treated with 9% EXS was higher than those of 6% EXS, 3% EXS,
and DI water, respectively. Only the increase in the tensile strength of VH caused by 3% EXS was
statistically insignificant. The tensile strength of BH and TH were statistically insignificantly increased
by all concentrations of emblica extract except for the tensile strength increase of BH by 9% EXS,
which was statistically significant. The hair with the highest tensile strength was VH treated with 9%
EXS, while that with the lowest tensile strength was TH treated with DI water. Emblica extract solution
increased the tensile strength of VH by 14.76% and that of BH by 9.88%. The result showed that the
more the concentration of emblica extract solution, the more the tensile strength for VH and BH.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 17
Figure 4. Mean of tensile force (N) of 3 groups of hair samples treated with DI water, 3%, 6%, 9%
emblica extract solution using a texture analyzer (n = 30 each, p < 0.05); error bars represent standard
error of the mean. (3 groups: virgin, bleached, and twice bleached).
Analysis of correlation was conducted on the result with Spearman’s correlation coefficient to
measure the statistical relationship. Regarding VH, the degree of correlation between the
concentration of emblica solution and tensile strength was “moderate positive association” (0.656) (p
< 0.01), that of BH was “low positive association” (0.234) (p < 0.01), and that of TH was “no linear
association” (0.050) (p > 0.05).
3.3.2. Effect of Emblica Extract Solution on Extensibility
Figure 5 demonstrates the extensibility effect of emblica extract solution on three hair groups.
The extensibility of VH (22.79 ± 2.72, 25.24 ± 4.76, 32.20 ± 3.22, and 37.14 ± 5.95%) was lower than those
of BH (31.05 ± 4.31, 35.54 ± 4.59, 39.46 ± 5.32, and 39.78 ± 3.50%) and TH (32.41 ± 6.59, 33.98 ± 6.69,
30.18 ± 6.22, and 31.60 ± 7.40%). Emblica extract solution increased the extensibility of VH by 38.63%
and that of BH by 21.94%. For VH and BH, the extensibility of hair treated with 9% EXS was higher
than those of 6%, 3%, and DI water, respectively. The extensibility of VH and BH were statistically
significantly increased by all concentrations of EXS except for the increase in the extensibility of BH
caused by an increase from 6% EXS to 9% EXS, which was statistically insignificant. The hair with the
highest extensibility was BH treated with 6% EXS, while that with the lowest extensibility was VH
treated with DI water. The result showed that the more the concentration of emblica extract solution,
the more the extensibility for VH and BH. For TH result, the tensile strength and extensibility showed
fluctuations and inconclusive results.
Figure 4.
Mean of tensile force (N) of 3 groups of hair samples treated with DI water, 3%, 6%, 9%
emblica extract solution using a texture analyzer (n=30 each, p<0.05); error bars represent standard
error of the mean. (3 groups: virgin, bleached, and twice bleached).
Analysis of correlation was conducted on the result with Spearman’s correlation coecient to
measure the statistical relationship. Regarding VH, the degree of correlation between the concentration
of emblica solution and tensile strength was “moderate positive association” (0.656) (p<0.01), that of
BH was “low positive association” (0.234) (p<0.01), and that of TH was “no linear association” (0.050)
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3.3.2. Eect of Emblica Extract Solution on Extensibility
Figure 5demonstrates the extensibility eect of emblica extract solution on three hair groups.
The extensibility of VH (22.79
2.72, 25.24
4.76, 32.20
3.22, and 37.14
5.95%) was lower than those
of BH (31.05
4.31, 35.54
4.59, 39.46
5.32, and 39.78
3.50%) and TH (32.41
6.59, 33.98
6.22, and 31.60
7.40%). Emblica extract solution increased the extensibility of VH by 38.63%
and that of BH by 21.94%. For VH and BH, the extensibility of hair treated with 9% EXS was higher
than those of 6%, 3%, and DI water, respectively. The extensibility of VH and BH were statistically
significantly increased by all concentrations of EXS except for the increase in the extensibility of BH
caused by an increase from 6% EXS to 9% EXS, which was statistically insignificant. The hair with the
highest extensibility was BH treated with 6% EXS, while that with the lowest extensibility was VH
treated with DI water. The result showed that the more the concentration of emblica extract solution,
the more the extensibility for VH and BH. For TH result, the tensile strength and extensibility showed
fluctuations and inconclusive results.
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Figure 5. Mean extensibility (mm) of 3 groups of hair samples treated with DI water, 3%, 6%, 9%
emblica extract solution using a texture analyzer (n = 30 each, p < 0.05); error bars represent standard
error of the mean. (3 groups: virgin, bleached, and twice bleached).
The analysis of correlation was also conducted on the result with Spearman’s correlation
coefficient. Regarding VH, the degree of correlation between the concentration of emblica solution
and extensibility was “moderate positive association” (0.656) (p < 0.01), that of BH was “moderate
positive association” (0.608) (p < 0.01), and that of TH was “no linear association” (0.091) (p > 0.05).
All images in Figures 6 and 7 were taken from a group hair sample; thus about 50 SEM images
were obtained in each group. Representative SEM images were chosen when >80% of electron
micrographs showed a similar pattern of damage [28].
Figure 5.
Mean extensibility (mm) of 3 groups of hair samples treated with DI water, 3%, 6%, 9%
emblica extract solution using a texture analyzer (n=30 each, p<0.05); error bars represent standard
error of the mean. (3 groups: virgin, bleached, and twice bleached).
The analysis of correlation was also conducted on the result with Spearman’s correlation coecient.
Regarding VH, the degree of correlation between the concentration of emblica solution and extensibility
was “moderate positive association” (0.656) (p<0.01), that of BH was “moderate positive association”
(0.608) (p<0.01), and that of TH was “no linear association” (0.091) (p>0.05).
All images in Figures 6and 7were taken from a grouphair sample; thus about 50 SEM images were
obtained in each group. Representative SEM images were chosen when >80% of electron micrographs
showed a similar pattern of damage [28].
Figure 6illustrates the magnified Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images of hair surface in
the cuticle scales. All VH surfaces treated with DI water (a), 3% EXS (b), 6% EXS (c), and 9% EXS (d)
were normally smooth.
The VH surface in Figure 6a was flat compared with the BH surface in Figure 6e, which was slightly
damaged, and the TH surface in Figure 6i, which was dramatically damaged. On precise inspection,
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6305 9 of 16
the surfaces of BH and TH were damaged and lifted as much as the number of bleaching times.
The damage of bleaching remains on treated TH (Figure 6i–l) more than on treated BH (Figure 6e–h).
By comparing the pictures in the horizontal direction, emblica treated BH and TH (Figure 6e–l)
showed that the higher the concentration of emblica extract solution, the smoother the surface.
From the illustrations of BH (Figure 6e–h), 9% EXS could coat BH surface as smooth as VH, but the
cuticle was more damaged and fractured.
From the illustrations of TH (Figure 6i–l), 9% EXS could coat TH surface, but the cuticle was much
more fractured and lost than VH and BH. Emblica extract could recover some parts of damaged hair.
It could cover VH, BH, and TH and treated hair cuticle as confirmed by SEM analyses. From previous
studies, emblica extract solution composed of gallic acid, tannic acid, and iron [
] therefore,
it could imply that the emblica extract solution could coat VH, BH, and TH firmly, as shown in
Figure 6b–d,f–h,j–l.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 17
Figure 6. SEM images of damaged cuticle scale of VH/BH/TH after treatment with DI water and
different concentrations of emblica extract solution: (a) VH+ DI water, (b) VH+ 3%EXS, (c) VH+
6%EXS, (d) VH + 9%EXS, (e) BH+ DI water, (f) BH + 3%EXS, (g) BH + 6%EXS, (h) BH + 9%EXS, (i) TH
+ DI water, (j) TH + 3%EXS, (k) TH + 6%EXS, and (l) TH + 9%EXS.
Figure 6 illustrates the magnified Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images of hair surface in
the cuticle scales. All VH surfaces treated with DI water (a), 3% EXS (b), 6% EXS (c), and 9% EXS (d)
were normally smooth.
The VH surface in Figure 6a was flat compared with the BH surface in Figure 6e, which was
slightly damaged, and the TH surface in Figure 6i, which was dramatically damaged. On precise
inspection, the surfaces of BH and TH were damaged and lifted as much as the number of bleaching
times. The damage of bleaching remains on treated TH (Figure 6i–l) more than on treated BH (Figure
By comparing the pictures in the horizontal direction, emblica treated BH and TH (Figure 6e–l)
showed that the higher the concentration of emblica extract solution, the smoother the surface.
From the illustrations of BH (Figure 6e–h), 9% EXS could coat BH surface as smooth as VH, but
the cuticle was more damaged and fractured.
From the illustrations of TH (Figure 6i–l), 9% EXS could coat TH surface, but the cuticle was
much more fractured and lost than VH and BH. Emblica extract could recover some parts of damaged
hair. It could cover VH, BH, and TH and treated hair cuticle as confirmed by SEM analyses. From
previous studies, emblica extract solution composed of gallic acid, tannic acid, and iron [20,21]
therefore, it could imply that the emblica extract solution could coat VH, BH, and TH firmly, as shown
in Figure 6b–d,f–h,j–l.
Figure 6.
SEM images of damaged cuticle scale of VH/BH/TH after treatment with DI water and
dierent concentrations of emblica extract solution: (
) VH+DI water, (
) VH+3%EXS, (
) VH+6%EXS,
) VH +9%EXS, (
) BH+DI water, (
) BH +3%EXS, (
) BH +6%EXS, (
) BH +9%EXS, (
) TH +DI
water, (j) TH +3%EXS, (k) TH +6%EXS, and (l) TH +9%EXS.
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6305 10 of 16
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 17
Figure 7. Cross-sectional SEM images of VH/BH/TH after treatment with DI water and 9%
concentration of emblica extract solution: (a) VH + DI water, (b) VH + 9%, (c) BH + DI water, (d) BH +
9%, (e) TH + DI water, and (f) TH + 9%.
The high magnification SEM images were taken from cross-sections of VH, BH, and TH. Figure
7a,c,e, (left column) shows that the bleaching agents cause hair structure damaged based on the
number of bleaching times. By comparing the breaking pattern of VH between Figure 7a,b, 9% EXS
made hair more rigid and harder to break than DI water.
In Figure 7d, it is shown that 9% EXS consolidated the damaged hair than in Figure 7c, and the
breaking pattern of BH showed more durability than when treated with DI water; however, it was
inadequate for it to recover as well as VH. The breaking pattern of TH treated with 9% EXS (Figure
7f) was more rigid than when treated with DI water (Figure 7e); however, the damage of 2-times
bleaching was too severe for 9% EXS to recover.
Figure 7.
Cross-sectional SEM images of VH/BH/TH after treatment with DI water and 9% concentration
of emblica extract solution: (
) VH +DI water, (
) VH +9%, (
) BH +DI water, (
) BH +9%, (
) TH +DI
water, and (f) TH +9%.
The high magnification SEM images were taken from cross-sections of VH, BH, and TH.
Figure 7a,c,e, (left column) shows that the bleaching agents cause hair structure damaged based
on the number of bleaching times. By comparing the breaking pattern of VH between Figure 7a,b,
9% EXS made hair more rigid and harder to break than DI water.
In Figure 7d, it is shown that 9% EXS consolidated the damaged hair than in Figure 7c, and the
breaking pattern of BH showed more durability than when treated with DI water; however, it was
inadequate for it to recover as well as VH. The breaking pattern of TH treated with 9% EXS (Figure 7f)
was more rigid than when treated with DI water (Figure 7e); however, the damage of 2-times bleaching
was too severe for 9% EXS to recover.
4. Discussion
Hairs in this experiment were black and straight. They were bought from a beauty supply store
that sells Thai healthy hair in Thailand. The hair diameters, which were measured by ARAMO,
were used to find the hair cross-sectional area. The SEM images of VH show that all hairs were
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6305 11 of 16
almost circular in cross-section, which is confirmed and consistent with previous studies on hair from
subjects of dierent ethnic origins (Caucasian, Asian, and African). African hair tended to be flat oval,
while Asian hair tended to be round [
]. The hair diameters, which were measured by ARAMO,
were 101–132
m, consistent with a previous study on 2249 healthy subjects from 24 ethnic groups.
The hair diameters from Thailand and China were 73–136
m [
] and consistent with a previous study
about ethnic variation in hair. The hair diameter of people who are referred to as Oriental or Asian hair
were generally ranging from 100–130 µm. [31].
The damage of bleaching agents regarding one-time bleaching and twice bleaching is consistent
with previous studies on morphological and histological bleached hair. Even though the percentage of
hydrogen peroxide solution of bleaching agent and bleaching time were dierent, SEM images showed
hair damage and lifted cuticle [
]. In accordance with studies on hair dying [
], hair color was also
lighter from black to brown and light brown as the concentration of bleaching agent and the number
of bleaching time increased. The bleaching agent oxidizes hair melanin in the cortex and medulla
through the cuticle. The more the cuticle damage is, the less the hair color left and the less the tensile
strength but with increased extensibility.
The eect of bleaching on hair decreased the tensile strength from 0.958
0.019 to 0.884
0.023 N,
or about 7.72% decrease, which is consistent with previous studies on the tensile strength of bleached
hair. Tensile strength was decreased from 14.66 g/cm
to 12.95 g/cm
, or about 11.66% decrease [
The extensibility of bleached hair increased from 22.79
0.497 to 31.05
0.787%, or about 36.24%
increase, which is consistent with previous studies on the eect of bleaching time and hydrogen
peroxide concentration on hair damage. The extensibility increased by about 35.71% [
]. The bleaching
agent was dramatically aected both the tensile strength and extensibility of twice bleached hair.
The tensile strength decreased to 0.810
0.032 N, or about 15.44% decrease, and the extensibility
increased to 32.41
1.202%, or about 42.17%, which is consistent with previous studies on the damage
of hair bleaching. The result of the previous study showed that the more times of bleaching agent the
more tensile strength decreased and the more extensibility increased [34].
Test-speed in the tensile testing was 0.5 mm/s, which made a strain rate of 0.05/s, the stress of
74.49–123.3 MPa, and strain of 0.198–0.299, which is consistent with previous studies on female hair of
about the same age. The hair diameter was about 90
m, the strain rate was 0.1–0.01/s, the stress was
100–160 MPa, and the strain was 0.2–0.3 [25].
After three concentrations of emblic extract treatment, the best and only one concentration
that statically significantly eect on BH was 9%EXS treatment. It was a 10.97% increase, which is
better than the previous study on a novel leave-on technology combination (caeine, niacinamide,
panthenol, dimethicone, and an acrylate polymer (CNPDA)). The tensile stress eect between bleached
untreated and bleached CNPDA treated hair had a 5.00% increase [
] and consistent with another
previous studies on Glycolipid Biosurfactants, Mannosylerythritol Lipids, Repair the Damaged Hair.
The tensile strength eect on MEL-A treatment had a 22.00% increase and on MEL-B there was a 19.40%
increase [36].
Tannins are influential chemical components for emblica extract to coat hair. In this study,
9% EXS [
] treated VH caused tensile strength of 1.29 times and extensibility of 1.63 times more than
DI water treated VH. This is consistent with previous studies on the eect of eucalyptus ash on hair,
which caused tensile strength to increase by 1.17 times and extensibility by 1.38 times. The tannin in
the ash, which is bonded (s-bond) with iron (Fe), made hair stronger and darker [38].
The result of tannin testing is 1.25 g tannin/1000 g emblica extract solution, or 12.0 mg tannin/1 g
dried emblica weight which is calculated according to 960 mL emblica extract solution was obtained
from 100 g dried emblica. Compare with the tannin from the previous studies, “Acute and chronic
oral toxicity of standardized water extract from the fruit of Phyllanthus emblica Linn.” [
], the tannin
content of Amla (Phyllanthus emblica) fruit was 24.32% w/wor 41.32 mg tannin/1 g dried emblica weight,
which is higher than tannin in our study. The higher tannin content may be due to two times the
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6305 12 of 16
extraction process of emblica (boil for one hour two times compared to boil for one hour one time in
our experiment).
The total iron was 6.01 mg iron/1000 g emblica extract solution or 0.0576 mg iron/1 g dried emblica.
Another study of the iron content from the nutritional value of Phyllanthus emblica fruit, “Indian
gooseberry (Emblica ocinalis): Complete pharmacognosy review” [
] found that the total iron was
0.0150 mg iron/1 g dried emblica, which is lower than in our study.
Another consistent study involves tannic acid, gallic acid, and iron bonded with protein [
and they were all found in emblica [
]. The study was conducted on the chemical bond in
dyed hair [
]. The ingredients used in their formulation included tannic acid, gallic acid, and Fe
(D-gluconate). The formulation is oxidized upon exposure to air and coats hair firmly as blackish
tannin nano molecule, as shown in Figure 8. Among the numerous emblica chemical component
studies, there are pieces of evidence that emblica extract has a lot of phytochemical compounds,
such as gallic acid, tannic acid, iron (Fe), ascorbic acid, ellagitannin, ellagic acid along with flavonoids
and kaempferol [
]. Emblica extract solution could be able to coat hair like a chemical bond in
hair dyeing.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 17
weight, which is higher than tannin in our study. The higher tannin content may be due to two times
the extraction process of emblica (boil for one hour two times compared to boil for one hour one time
in our experiment).
The total iron was 6.01 mg iron/1000 g emblica extract solution or 0.0576 mg iron/1 g dried
emblica. Another study of the iron content from the nutritional value of Phyllanthus emblica fruit,
“Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis): Complete pharmacognosy review” [40] found that the total
iron was 0.0150 mg iron/1 g dried emblica, which is lower than in our study.
Another consistent study involves tannic acid, gallic acid, and iron bonded with protein [41],
and they were all found in emblica [37,42]. The study was conducted on the chemical bond in dyed
hair [42]. The ingredients used in their formulation included tannic acid, gallic acid, and Fe2+ (D-
gluconate). The formulation is oxidized upon exposure to air and coats hair firmly as blackish tannin
nano molecule, as shown in Figure 8. Among the numerous emblica chemical component studies,
there are pieces of evidence that emblica extract has a lot of phytochemical compounds, such as gallic
acid, tannic acid, iron (Fe), ascorbic acid, ellagitannin, ellagic acid along with flavonoids and
kaempferol [43,44]. Emblica extract solution could be able to coat hair like a chemical bond in hair
Figure 8. The air oxidation of soluble ferrous during hair dyeing and the possible binding of tannic
acid, gallic acid, and ferrous. This image was modified with permission from Han, S.Y.; Hong, S.P.;
Kang, E.K.; Kim, B.J.; Lee, H.; Kim, W.I.; Choi, I.S. Iron, Gall Ink Revisited: Natural Formulation for
Black Hair-Dyeing; published by Cosmetics, 2019 [41].
The SEM images selection method is consistent with a previous study of the comparison of hair
shaft damage after chemical treatment in Asian, White European, and African hair [28].
The bleaching agent concentration and bleaching time were the major cause of hair damage. As
the manufacturing instruction, 12% of Hydrogen peroxide for 1 h causes the cuticle lifted and
damaged on bleached hair more than previous studies on 6% of Hydrogen peroxide for 0.5 h. After
treated with polyquaternium 7® solution, the SEM images showed a roughness caused by the solution
on the hair surface which similar to the SEM in this study that EXS were coated on the hair surface.
Comparing the breaking patterns of cross-sectional images of DI water treated hair in Figure 9
(left column) (m, o, q) and 9% EXS treated hair in Figure 9 (right column) (n, p, r) indicates that 9%
EXS improved the condition of hair and made it more rigid and harder to break compared with DI
water. This experiment is consistent with a previous study on the breaking pattern of hair. There
usually are four types of hair fracture patterns, as shown in Figure 9. Fibrillation and splitting tend
to occur more in hair in poor condition than smooth and step patterns [46].
Figure 8.
The air oxidation of soluble ferrous during hair dyeing and the possible binding of tannic
acid, gallic acid, and ferrous. This image was modified with permission from Han, S.Y.; Hong, S.P.;
Kang, E.K.; Kim, B.J.; Lee, H.; Kim, W.I.; Choi, I.S. Iron, Gall Ink Revisited: Natural Formulation for
Black Hair-Dyeing; published by Cosmetics, 2019 [41].
The SEM images selection method is consistent with a previous study of the comparison of hair
shaft damage after chemical treatment in Asian, White European, and African hair [28].
The bleaching agent concentration and bleaching time were the major cause of hair damage. As the
manufacturing instruction, 12% of Hydrogen peroxide for 1 h causes the cuticle lifted and damaged on
bleached hair more than previous studies on 6% of Hydrogen peroxide for 0.5 h. After treated with
polyquaternium 7
solution, the SEM images showed a roughness caused by the solution on the hair
surface which similar to the SEM in this study that EXS were coated on the hair surface. [45].
Comparing the breaking patterns of cross-sectional images of DI water treated hair in Figure 9
(left column) (m, o, q) and 9% EXS treated hair in Figure 9(right column) (n, p, r) indicates that 9% EXS
improved the condition of hair and made it more rigid and harder to break compared with DI water.
This experiment is consistent with a previous study on the breaking pattern of hair. There usually are
four types of hair fracture patterns, as shown in Figure 9. Fibrillation and splitting tend to occur more
in hair in poor condition than smooth and step patterns [46].
Appl. Sci. 2020,10, 6305 13 of 16
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 17
Figure 9. Schematic depicting some of the fracture patterns of human hair modify from Chemical and
Physical Behavior of Human Hair [46].
5. Conclusions
Emblica has been ubiquitously used in Ayurvedic medicine for nourishing hair since ancient
times. The results of this experiment show that emblica extract solution promoted hair strength
(tensile strength and extensibility). Among all treatments (DI water, 3%EXS, 6%EXS, and 9%EXS), the
results showed that tensile strength/extensibility of VH and BH and concentration of emblica extract
solution are directly related; 9% EXS was the best concentration that could achieve the maximum
tensile strength (1.124 ± 0.123 N) and extensibility (37.14 ± 5.95%) for VH. Only the effect of 3% EXS
on VH led to a statistically insignificant increase, which means that the emblica extract solution can
increase the tensile strength of VH when the concentration is more than 3%. All concentrations of
emblica extract solution increased the tensile strength of BH and TH in a statistically insignificant
manner except for the increase of the tensile strength of BH by 9% EXS, which was statistically
significant; this means that emblica extract solution can increase the tensile strength on BH when the
concentration is more than 9%.
The extensibility of VH and BH were statistically significantly increased by all concentrations of
EXS except for the increase in the extensibility of BH caused by an increase from 6% EXS to 9% EXS,
which was statistically insignificant; this means that 6% EXS was the minimum concentration that
could cause the maximum extensibility for BH (0.40 ± 0.05%).
The extensibility of TH fluctuated with statistically insignificant changes. The microscopical
surface and cross-sectional images of SEM showed the morphological attachment of emblica on VH,
BH, and TH. As an extract solution, emblica has potential as a hair strengthening treatment for virgin
hair and 12% of hydrogen peroxide on BH.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, and methodology, P.T., T.T., C.C., and D.N.; formal analysis, data
curation, P.T.; writing—original draft preparation, P.T.; writing—review and editing, B.S.S., C.C., D.N.;
supervision, project investigator, C.C., D.N. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the
Funding: This project was partially supported by Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand. This
project was partially supported by Chiang Mai University, Thailand.
Acknowledgments: BSS would like to acknowledge postdoctoral grant of Chiang Mai University.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest in this work.
Figure 9.
Schematic depicting some of the fracture patterns of human hair modify from Chemical and
Physical Behavior of Human Hair [46].
5. Conclusions
Emblica has been ubiquitously used in Ayurvedic medicine for nourishing hair since ancient
times. The results of this experiment show that emblica extract solution promoted hair strength (tensile
strength and extensibility). Among all treatments (DI water, 3%EXS, 6%EXS, and 9%EXS), the results
showed that tensile strength/extensibility of VH and BH and concentration of emblica extract solution
are directly related; 9% EXS was the best concentration that could achieve the maximum tensile strength
0.123 N) and extensibility (37.14
5.95%) for VH. Only the eect of 3% EXS on VH led to
a statistically insignificant increase, which means that the emblica extract solution can increase the
tensile strength of VH when the concentration is more than 3%. All concentrations of emblica extract
solution increased the tensile strength of BH and TH in a statistically insignificant manner except for
the increase of the tensile strength of BH by 9% EXS, which was statistically significant; this means
that emblica extract solution can increase the tensile strength on BH when the concentration is more
than 9%.
The extensibility of VH and BH were statistically significantly increased by all concentrations of
EXS except for the increase in the extensibility of BH caused by an increase from 6% EXS to 9% EXS,
which was statistically insignificant; this means that 6% EXS was the minimum concentration that
could cause the maximum extensibility for BH (0.40 ±0.05%).
The extensibility of TH fluctuated with statistically insignificant changes. The microscopical
surface and cross-sectional images of SEM showed the morphological attachment of emblica on VH,
BH, and TH. As an extract solution, emblica has potential as a hair strengthening treatment for virgin
hair and 12% of hydrogen peroxide on BH.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, and methodology, P.T., T.T., C.C., and D.N.; formal analysis,
data curation, P.T.; writing—original draft preparation, P.T.; writing—review and editing, B.S.S., C.C., D.N.;
supervision, project investigator, C.C., D.N. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
This project was partially supported by Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand.
This project was partially supported by Chiang Mai University, Thailand.
Acknowledgments: BSS would like to acknowledge postdoctoral grant of Chiang Mai University.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest in this work.
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... Temporal hair coloring is widely used for the coverage of premature graying of hair (PGH) [13] and senile gray hair [14], but public concern on the potential side effects of dyes in the hair-dyeing products, such as allergic reactions and tumorigenesis [15][16][17], leads academic researchers and cosmetic companies to seek for alternatives [18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28]. For example, a mixture of graphene sheets, vitamin C, and chitosan was utilized for the black hair-dyeing formulation that had an antistatic property and enhanced thermal conduction [18]. ...
... Various biocompatible oxidation conditions for polydopamine deposition to hairs have also been investigated [19][20][21][22][23][24]. In addition, there has been much effort on the functional combination of hair coloring and strengthening (or other hair-boosting functions) based on nature-derived, biofriendly compounds [25]. ...
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Inspired by the redox reactions in the preparation of the iron gall ink that has been used in Europe since the Middle Ages, we developed a technology for forming the oil-in-water emulsions, without any surfactants and emulsifiers, by homogenizing a mixture of tannic acid, gallic acid, Fe(D-gluconate)2, and natural oil, which are all approved as cosmetic ingredients. Various plant-derived oils, such as argan oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, grape seed oil, hemp seed oil, peppermint oil, rosemary oil, and ylang-ylang oil, were used as an oil phase for the emulsion formation, and all the fabricated emulsions exhibited the capability of black hair-dyeing. This surfactant-free emulsion technology for combining the hair-dyeing capability of Fe3+–tannin complex with the hair-fortifying property of natural oil would have great impact on the hair-cosmetic industry.
... Experiments showed that Amalaki extract solution promoted hair strength (tensile strength and extensibility). [16] Mahamanjishthadi Kwath is a blood purifier. It pacifies the vitiation of Kapha and Pitta and acts as a Rakta Shodhaka. ...
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Indralupta (Alopecia areata) is a disease characterised by patches of hair loss spread throughout the body and scalp described as Shirogata Roga (diseases of head) & Kapalagata Roga (Scalp disease) by Acharyas. It can be considered alopecia areata according to conventional medicine. Alopecia areata is considered autoimmune, making it difficult to treat with increased chances of recurrence. But Ayurveda is very effective with no side effects and minimal chances of recurrence as it not only treats the disease but also works on the causative factors (Nidan Parivarjana). The present case report is on the effectiveness of Shaman (treatment that pacifies the aggravated Doshas), Keshya (Hair nourishing treatment), and Raktamokshna (blood-letting) in the patient of Indralupta. A 16-year-old boy who had hairless patches on his scalp was diagnosed with Alopecia areata 4 years before by a dermatologist. He already took conventional modern medicines but didn’t get a satisfactory result. It showed recurrence after the stoppage of medicines. So, he came to Kayachikitsa OPD for Ayurvedic treatment. After 4 months of Shamana Chikitsa, Jalaukavcharan (Leech therapy), Nasya (medicine administered through nasal route), and Shirolepa (local application of Ayurveda herbs), complete recovery was seen with no adverse effects during and after treatment. In this case, hair regrowth from hair follicles was evident within 30 days of treatment. The collected data of this study suggest that Shamana treatment, Raktmokshan, and Keshya medicine can provide complete relief in Indralupta
... emblica) has been a traditional remedy for treating illnesses in numerous countries, which is derived from Euphorbiaceae, commonly konwn as Indian gooseberry or Alma, has been a household remedy for addressing issues related to eyes, hair, and immunity. It is typically consumed as a fruit or incorporated into Ayurvedic formulations like Chyawanprash [13,14] . P. emblica fruit is known to contain a rich array of phytoconstituents, including polyphenols like emblicanin A and B, tannins, chebulinic acid, gallic acid, and ellagic acid, flavonoids like flavones, alkaloids such as phyllantine, glycosides, terpenoids, carbohydrates, vitamins like nicotinic acid, riboflavin, amino acids such as lysine, methionine, tryptophan, minerals, and phosphorus [15] . ...
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Objectives: To explore the application of Quality by Design (QbD) tools in assessing geographical variations of Phyllanthus emblica from five distinct Indian states. Methods: In the current experiment, the Box-Benken design with a reduced quartic model and 105 runs was employed with the use of the Design Expert software for randomized response surface mapping. For extraction, three different extraction methods (Soxhlet, maceration, and sonication) along with three solvents (distilled water, methanol, and water-methanol mixture (50:50 v/v)) were considered in the present study. The antioxidant activities, total flavonoid content (TFC), total phenolic content (TPC) in the Phyllanthus emblica were determined and analysed by Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) GC-MS to identify the major components. Results: The QbD overlay plot showed that the extractive value of the Phyllanthus emblica was no less than 30 % (w/w), 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) no less than 60 % mcg/mL (microgram per millilitres), TFC no less than 75 mg QE/g (milligrams of quercetin equivalents per gram) and TPC no less than 80 mg GAE/g (milligrams of gallic acid equivalents per gram). Moreover, the GC-MS data confirmed the presence of variation in the bioactives of P.emblica extracts.
... Apart from the expression of key growth factor genes such as insulin growth factor (IGF-1), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), keratinocyte growth factor (KGF), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) can also be tested using qPCR-based approaches [45]. The herbal phytoactives present in Phyllanthus emblica [46,47], Eclipta alba [48], Butea frondose [49], Hibiscus rosa [50], and Camellia sinensis [51] have been used in many anti-hair-loss products; some of these have been shown to act directly by influencing the growth of follicular stem cells [52,53]. ...
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Cosmetic formulations have evolved significantly over the years. These are no longer viewed merely as beauty-enhancing products. Rather, they are expected to deliver additional benefits to the skin that positively affect the skin health. There is a renewed interest in using herbal extracts and herbal ingredients in cosmetic products since they offer several advantages over synthetic ingredients. Evaluating the cosmetic ingredients for their efficacy and safety is critical during product development. Several regulatory bodies impose restrictions on using animals for testing these ingredients in cosmetic products. This has increased the need for developing novel cell-based or cell-free biological assays. The current article systematically presents in-vitro/cell-based and/or cell-free strategies for validating the efficacies of cosmetic ingredients for skin health and hair growth. The article focuses on details about various assays for the anti-acne effects, hair-growth-promoting activities, anti-aging activities, skin-rejuvenating properties, wound-healing effects, and skin-depigmentation activities of natural ingredients in cosmetic formulations.
... The 9 PE aqueous extract showed the greatest increase in the tensile strength of VH and BH. In addition, the application of the 9 PE aqueous extract caused the hair to be more rigid and more difficult to break because of the phytochemical compounds found in the PE extract that had been coated on the hair e.g., gallic acid, tannic acid, iron Fe , ascorbic acid, ellagitannin, ellagic acid, etc. 45 . ...
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Phyllanthus emblica Linn. (PE) has been used to promote hair growth for decades. In this study, dried PE fruit powder was extracted, tested for biological activities, and loaded into transfersomes for hair follicle targeting. Before lyophilization, PE fruit powder was extracted using 2 solvent systems, water and 30% ethanol. The PE 30% ethanolic extract had higher antioxidant activity and total phenolic content than the PE aqueous extract. However, the cytotoxicity of the PE 30% ethanolic extract was higher than that of PE aqueous extract. As a result, the PE aqueous extract was analyzed using ultra-performance liquid chromatography and found that the major component of the PE aqueous extract was gallic acid. Afterward, the PE aqueous extract was tested for its potential to activate the expression of genes involved in hair growth promotion in human keratinocytes. At a non-toxic concentration (10 µg/mL), this extract promoted various growth factors comparable to 1% minoxidil. PE-loaded transfersomes were prepared to deliver the PE aqueous extract to the hair follicle. The particle size and polydispersity index of PE-loaded transfersomes were 228 nm and 0.25, respectively. After 3 months of storage, the particle size at 4°C and 30°C was 218 nm and 241 nm, respectively, which was comparable to its initial size. However, at 40°C, the particle size dramatically increased (315 nm). The fluorescent agent, rhodamine B, was used to evaluate the potential of transfersomes to target hair follicles. Rhodamine B transfersomes had better penetration and accumulation in hair follicles than rhodamine B solution. To conclude, the PE aqueous extract, mainly composed of gallic acid, can activate hair growth gene expression. The extract can be loaded into hair follicles targeting transfersomes. Thus, PE-loaded transfersomes are a promising delivery system for hair follicle targeting to promote hair growth. graphical abstract Fullsize Image
Objectives Conventional hair permanent waving (PW) and permanent straightening processes typically involve two steps: reduction, for breaking ‐S‐S‐ bond in cystine into cysteine and oxidation for ‐S‐S‐ bond reconnection. However, it is known that the hair incurs damage during the oxidation step. In this work, we proposed a novel strategy to reconnect reduced disulfide bonds in hair via the thiol‐Michael click reaction, by using a symmetric Michael reagent. Methods Virgin black Chinese hair was reduced using 8% wt thioglycolic acid and employed as model hair containing a high content of broken disulfide bonds. The reduced hair was treated with 1,4‐n‐butylene dimaleate. Raman spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT‐IR) were used to verify the chemical changes occurred in untreated and treated hair fibre. Single‐fibre mechanical properties and thermal properties of the hair were evaluated using tensile testing and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), respectively. Results The 1,4‐n‐butylene dimaleate could reconnect free thiol groups generated by disulfide bond reduction via thiol‐Michael click reaction and significantly improve the mechanical strength of hair compared to that of the reduced hair. Secondary conformational resolution analysis of FT‐IR results revealed that the content of α ‐helix structure could be restored after treatment with 1,4‐n‐butylene dimaleate. The intermolecular forces established by the newly generated C‐S bonds compensate the broken disulfide bonds and enhance the fracture strength of the hair compared to that of reduced hair. Michael reagents of similar structure also showed similar performance in restoring the mechanical properties of reduced hair. Conclusions Our data suggest that 1,4‐n‐butylene dimaleate can restore the mechanical properties of reduced hair by reconnecting reduced disulfide bonds and restoring the secondary conformation of hair keratin.
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Inspired by the iron gall ink that has been used since the Middle Ages, we formulated a hair-dyeing solution for blackening hair. The ingredients in the formulation have been approved as cosmetic ingredients, including tannic acid, gallic acid, and Fe(d-gluconate)2. The formulation does not require any harmful oxidizing agents, such as hydrogen peroxide—the Fe(II) cations bound to tannins are oxidized spontaneously upon exposure to air and form the blackish Fe(III)-tannin nanocomplex that coats hair firmly. In our study, we show that the dyed color did not fade under sunlight exposure for at least three months and after shampooing. This natural formulation for black hair-dyeing can have great impact in the hair cosmetic industry.
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Medicinal plants have served humans since prehistoric times to treat various ailments. Both developed and underdeveloped countries rely on traditional systems of medication using natural sources from plants. Phyllanthus is one of the largest genus in the family Phyllanthaceae, comprising over 700 well known species cosmopolitan in distribution mainly in the tropics and subtropics. Phyllanthus species are being in constant used in traditional medications to cure an array of human diseases (constipation, inhalation related, arthritis, loss of appetite, injuries, conjunctivitis, diarrhoea, running nose, common cold, malaria, blennorrhagia, colic, diabetes mellitus, dysentery, indigestion, fever, gout, gonorrheal diseases of males and females, skin itching, jaundice, hepatic disorders, leucorrhea, vaginitis, menstrual irregularities, obesity, stomach pains, and tumors), confectionaries, food industry, and in some pesticides. Phyllanthus species are rich in diversity of phytochemicals e.g., tannins, terpenes, alkaloids, glycosidic compounds, saponins, and flavones etc. More in depth studies are a direly needed to identify more compounds with specific cellular functions to treat various ailments.
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Wood ashes infused with water have been traditionally used as hair cosmetics, but little or no research has examined the effects of ash on human hair. This study investigated the effect of eucalyptus ash on the structure and morphology of excised human grey hair and its potential use as a pretreatment in natural hair dyeing using anthocyanins extracted from purple cops of Zea mays. Tensile characteristics and surface morphology of ash-pretreated hair was monitored by texture analysis, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The biochemical characteristics of ash-treated hair were analyzed by synchrotron radiation-FTIR and sulfur K-edge X-ray absorption near edge. Dyeing with anthocyanins was analyzed by Lab color scale and adsorption of anthocyanins. Ash-treated hair was elastically and plastically deformed with microscopic alterations to the ridges of the cuticle cells, similar to ammonia-treated hair. The ash extract significantly changed the relative proportion of alpha-helices in the cuticle and cortex layers (p < 0.05), but did not affect the interaction of S-bonds with neighboring atoms (p > 0.05). Ash-treated hair showed significantly enhanced adsorption of anthocyanins (p < 0.05) which changed the color of the grey hair. The alteration of secondary proteins in the cuticle and cortex layers of the grey hair by ash extract pre-treatment, enhanced anthocyanin adsorption. The eucalyptus ash could potentially be useful as a natural hair dyeing pre-treatment.
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The proprietary DA-5512 formulation comprises six herbal extracts from traditional oriental plants historically associated with therapeutic and other applications related to hair. Here, we investigated the effects of DA-5512 on the proliferation of human dermal papilla cells (hDPCs) in vitro and on hair growth in C57BL/6 mice and conducted a clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of DA-5512. DA-5512 significantly enhanced the viability of hDPCs in a dose-dependent manner ( p<0.05 ), and 100 ppm of DA-5512 and 1 μ M minoxidil (MXD) significantly increased the number of Ki-67-positive cells, compared with the control group ( p<0.05 ). MXD (3%) and DA-5512 (1%, 5%) significantly stimulated hair growth and increased the number and length of hair follicles (HFs) versus the controls (each p<0.05 ). The groups treated with DA-5512 exhibited hair growth comparable to that induced by MXD. In clinical study, we detected a statistically significant increase in the efficacy of DA-5512 after 16 weeks compared with the groups treated with placebo or 3% MXD ( p<0.05 ). In conclusion, DA-5512 might promote hair growth and enhance hair health and can therefore be considered an effective option for treating hair loss.
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p>Abstract not available Jahangirnagar University J. Biol. Sci. 5 (1): 81-85, 2016 (June)</p