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Machine Learning for Automated Classification of Patient Cases
Cole Deisseroth - cdeisser, Jon Wang - jonwang1, James Bai - jamesbai
Much of high-quality practice and decision-making depends on one physician.
Sending patients to the right department is important to save physicians time and help patients
find treatment. This is an initial study toward the development of an intelligent patient-allocation
system. This serves to save medical personnel valuable time, and help patients find the care
they need more efficiently by automatically categorizing cases into specific departments. We
develop an algorithm which predicts the categories of patient cases from the American Board of
Internal Medicine Examinations—a certification that all physicians must go through to practice
general medicine. Methods:
Our ontology breaks questions into their components (Case,
AnswerChoice, Explanation). We then run an automatic concept extractor (ClinPhen) on the
passage (description of the case) to compile a list of concepts (words, phenotypes, and
phenotype closures). We then use a Naïve Bayes classifier to take the concepts and predict the
category of the case. Results
We have developed a classifier that predicts the category of a
patient case correctly 80.5% of the time, and has over 80% precision and recall. Discussion
Future work will include developing more-sophisticated techniques of leveraging up-to-date
knowledge graphs, and building our own graphs to categorize these cases. Ultimately, this
classifier should become applicable in clinical settings (and not just for medical board cases),
and be able to accurately suggest a department to send a patient to.
Background and Motivation
Despite the rapid and widely successful incorporation of artificial intelligence into a
plethora of different industries, when it comes to medicine, much of high-quality practice and
decision-making depends almost entirely upon a single physician. Consistency and variability
are a part of much of the current practice, especially when determining which department to
send a patient to from the emergency department [1]. Many clinical decisions in the hospital lack
evidence-based support, due in part to the difficulty of performing randomized controlled patient
experiments, as well as the high variability in compliance to evidence-based guidelines [2], [3].
Moreover, only about 11% of recommendation guidelines are backed by high-quality evidence
[4]. This has detrimental effects on healthcare, with thousands of people dying annually due to
medical errors made in hospitals [5]. Providing high-quality medical care consistently involves a
combination of clinical experience and knowledge derived from literature [6], [7], and can be
best achieved by a clinician in the appropriate department, with the most-relevant expertise.
However, with the progressively growing number of possible medications, diagnoses, and
procedures, selecting the correct department for these patients becomes less tractable,
requiring larger amounts of time and resources [2], [8]. Hence, when allocating patients to a
department, physicians tend to rely on personal intuition rather than data from robust scientific
studies [9].
Studies have demonstrated the potential of automated algorithms to produce decision
support better than manually derived support systems [10]–[18]. With the increasing amount of
clinical data available, machine learning algorithms have been shown to be very effective in
many supervised learning tasks, such as medical image segmentation and predicting
diagnoses, readmission, length of stay, and death [19]–[22].
The current study proposes an initial foray into the development of an intelligent
allocation system for medical patients. This serves to save medical personnel valuable time and
help patients find the care they need more efficiently by automatically categorizing cases into
specific departments. Our interest is to take a first pass at this through the development of an
algorithm which automatically categorizes the cases in the American Board of Internal Medicine
Examinations—a certification that all physicians must go through to practice general medicine.
Though a number of companies claim to have had success in developing algorithms similar to
this [23]–[25], to our knowledge, none of them have published on their findings. Without
published findings, it is difficult to reproduce and further progress on the development of these
algorithms [26]. Thus, this remains a potentially impactful problem to solve, and would facilitate
further development of intelligent allocation systems for medical patients visiting the emergency
A. Data
Being aware of the page limit, please see Appendix A for details on data acquisition and data
B. Ontology
We used Protegé to model an Exam Ontology (ExOn) of Board questions (Fig 1). The
ABIM tells us the topics, but the question-component breakdown shown in the “Class hierarchy”
is of our own design.
Figure 1: Exam Ontology (ExOn)
Every Question contains exactly one Case, Explanation, and 4 or 5 answer choices.
Additionally, each question hasTopic some Topic (of which there are 11 instances). Each
AnswerChoice contains exactly 1 Solution.
We also tried incorporating the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) [27] into the program
that we use to classify cases. HPO is an OBO-Foundry ontology that provides a hierarchy of
human disease phenotypes. For example, Generalized tonic-clonic seizures (HP:0002069) is a
subclass of Generalized seizures (HP:0002197).
Finally, we used probabilistic graph models for the purpose of training a classifier. We
used two versions of the probabilistic graph model. Here, circles are nodes, and arrows
represent a conditional dependency between two nodes (A -> B means B is conditionally
dependent on A).
1. Each case category served as the root node. The root node points to every word in the
vocabulary, where the vocabulary consists of every word ever seen in all the cases
(Figure 2). In the figure below, n represents number of unique words over all cases.
Figure 2: Probabilistic Graph Model with All Words
2. Each case category served as the root node. The root note points to every Human
Phenotype Ontology term seen in all the questions (Fig 3). In the figure below, n
represents the number of unique Human Phenotype Ontology terms used over all cases.
Figure 3: Probabilistic Graph Model with Human Phenotype Ontology terms
C. Problem-Solving Methods
As mentioned, every ABIM question has a passage about a patient case (in terms of our
ontology, every Question contains a Case), which details the phenotypic abnormalities, such as
seizures and coughing. To predict the category (or, as our ontology calls it, the Topic) of the
case, we would first need to tokenize the patient’s phenotypic information. We did this using
ClinPhen, a recently published tool that automatically extracts HPO phenotypes from free text.
We built a Naïve Bayes classifier that would take information from the patient cases and predict
the category. Our classifier uses Bayes’ theorem to predict the most-likely category of a case
given the information provided. Let P(X) = the probability that the case is in Category “X”, and
P(a,b,c) = the probability that the case has phenotypes “A”, “B”, and “C”:
P(X|a,b,c) = P(X)P(a|X)P(b|X)P(c|X) / P(a)P(b)P(c).
Using this formula, the classifier calculates the probability of each category given the
phenotypes (or words) found in the patient case. One can then predict the category to be the
one marked with the highest probability. The assumptions of the classifier are as follows: 1)
each category is mutually exclusive/disjoint, 2) all observations are independent of one another,
and 3) our categories are exhaustive or complete. Evidently our data does not fit assumption 2,
as certain terms are highly correlated with each other. However, assumptions 1 and 3 are both
met, as categories given from the scraping are complete and disjoint (though in real life when
allocating patients, this is not true, so more sophisticated models may need to be used in the
We tested this classifier on different probabilistic graph models (as described above) to
see what would work best. Note that the second probabilistic graph model was adapted for two
forms of handling Human Phenotype Ontology terms, specific phenotypes and closures.
● All words in the cases (Fig 2): To see if ClinPhen was useful for this purpose, we also
tried simply training/testing the classifier on the raw, unprocessed words found in the
● All Human Phenotype Ontology terms (Fig 3): We ran ClinPhen [28] on the passage and
extracted a set of phenotypes for the question. We gave this to the classifier to train/test
● All Human Phenotype Ontology closures (Fig 3): We ran ClinPhen on the passage and
got phenotypes. Then, we found the phenotype closure, which consists of the HPO
phenotypes, plus all ancestors of each phenotype (For example, if a patient has
Generalized tonic-clonic seizures, the closure will include that phenotype, plus its parent,
Generalized seizures, and so on, all the way up to the root node, HP:0000001, All). We
gave these phenotype closures to the classifier to train/test on.
D. Evaluation
Because we are designing a program that predicts the category of an ABIM case, the
efficacy depends directly on how often the program gets the category right.
We have 3,421 patient cases. We split them into a Training set (3,081) and Testing set (340).
We measured accuracy as the percentage of Test cases for which the classifier predicted the
correct category.
This is an objectivistic summative evaluation, as we are comparing different methods for
predicting categories. We evaluated our model using accuracy, precision, recall, and an ROC
Precision (P) is a measure of exactness or quality while recall (R) is a measure of
completeness or quantity, they are defined below, :
Macro-averaged P and R, defined below, are an averaging per class:
F1, defined below, it is the harmonic mean of precision and recall:
Finally, Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) measures the performance of our model's
classification abilities at various thresholds. Sensitivity is plotted against 1-Specificity for the
macro averaged values. This allows one to see the tradeoff between the two in a graph. We
include the area under ROC (AUROC) as a part of our evaluation metrics as well. We use
macro averaging due to the relatively even distribution of questions.
Error analysis on the accuracy of our algorithm is based on a subjectivistic summative
evaluation method. We identified the passages that were inaccurately categorized and scanned
for any words or phrases that could have confounded the algorithm.
We have parsed Board questions into a machine-readable format, and we have the distribution
of question types recorded as well (see Appendix A, figures S1, S2).
Our all-words model outperforms on all test set evaluation metrics (Table 1). Our ROC curve
shows a similar outperformance in the tradeoff between sensitivity and specificity (Fig 4).
All Words
Phenotype Terms
Phenotype Closures
Table 1: Performance Metrics
Figure 4: ROC-Curve of Model Results
Question type classification
When using ClinPhen, ClinPhen + Closures, and words to feed into the question-type classifier,
we found that using words resulted in the best performance. Using ClinPhen phenotypes as
features, the classifier correctly predicted the category 56.5% of the time. Using the closures of
phenotypes extracted by ClinPhen resulted in 55.6% accuracy. Using just the words in the
question resulted in 80.5% accuracy.
Qualitative Error Analysis
We also performed a qualitative error analysis by manual inspection. The errors seem to
be attributed to 1) the high frequency of generic terms competing with the low frequency of
specific terms and 2) the non-specific nature of most patient conditions.
To explain the first, as our algorithm doesn’t allocate a heavier weight on specific terms
that have a one-to-one relationship with the accurate category, it becomes difficult to categorize
when many generic terms that have a slight preference for an inaccurate category are
introduced. For example, a cardiovascular question containing heart failure as the classifying
term gets inaccurately categorized as pulmonary critical care due to simultaneous appearance
of more general terms like CPR and ventricular fibrillation that slightly tip the scale (Appendix B).
Secondly, most patient conditions could seldom be classified under one category. To look at
one example, a cardiovascular question with mentions of hypertension and respiration was
“wrongly” categorized as an endocrinology/metabolism question due to simultaneous mentions
of diabetes, metformin, and hemoglobin A1c (Appendix B). However, this categorization is not
necessarily wrong, because all of these factors do point to more than one medical problem.
Discussion and Future Work
Our goal for this project was to take an initial step toward automating the decision of
which department to send a patient to. We aimed to do this by building a tool that accurately
predicts the category of patient cases given in the ABIM exam.
One advantage of our approach is that the algorithm uses real descriptions from the
medical board exams that reflect accurate hypothetical patient descriptions. One drawback is
that our model assumes all phenotypes are independent of one another, when in reality they are
not. This becomes especially prevalent when using closures over specific phenotype terms. As
shown (Table 1), the AUROC actually decreases for the closures model, likely due to the highly
correlated nature of the terms (for example, if a patient has Generalized tonic-clonic seizures,
then the patient always has Seizures).
As more and more patients come in with conditions that span multiple departments, it
becomes harder for physicians to refer them to the most appropriate departments. Our algorithm
not only identifies the best department for the relevant conditions, but also will rank the next
probable departments for the physicians to pick from, to reduce the risk of erroneous
For classification, raw words were more effective than HPO phenotypes, likely because
ClinPhen only extracts known phenotype terms from the text, while there are many other verbal
cues (besides phenotypes) that more-strongly correlate with certain question categories.
To improve our current model, we could try and use both HPO terms and all the words in the
patient cases for our classifier rather than just one of the two, and we could develop a neural
network to replace the Naïve Bayes classifier. We could also enhance HPO terms by finding
similar words in an embedding space trained on PubMed data (code for this submitted
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Division of Labor (< 1 page): Please give a short statement describing how each team
member contributed to the final project.
Jon thought of the project and got data for it, and performed quantitative analyses.
Cole wrote and ran the Naïve Bayes classifier, and used ClinPhen to parse the patient
cases for phenotypes.
James did literature review and validation/labeling of data, and subjectivistic error
Appendix A: Data
Our data is pulled from 3,600 American Board of Internal Medicine Certification Exam
questions. Each question is comprised of a question, accompanying context passage, and 4 or
5 answer choice selections. Once an answer choice is selected, the correct answer, explanation
passage, key point, and learning objective are revealed.
The exam website dynamically loads questions using Javascript, thus downloading and parsing
HTML files directly did not provide the information we desired. We use Charles Web Debugging
Proxy to identify the location the of the API that the Javascript calls to request the information.
We then use a Python script adapted from StackOverflow to scrape these examples from the
API to obtain raw text data. Ultimately, 3564 examples were scraped from 2012, 2015, and
2018 exams.
We used Regex and BeautifulSoup to parse the following fields for each question:
1. Question ID (str): UUID of a question
2. Question (str): Question corresponding to passage
3. Passage (str): Context and background information required to answer question
4. Answer Choices (dict): key is answer choice (char), value is answer choice descriptor
5. Learning Objective (str): Learning objective of the question
6. Key Point (str): Key idea needed to answer the question properly
7. Distribution of Answer Selections (list[float]): the percent distribution of answer selections
made my human test takers
8. Question Type (str): Category of question (cardiovascular, neurology, etc)
9. Year (str): Year question was pub
10. Image in Explanation (bool)
11. Table in Passage (bool)
12. Image in Passage (bool)
Below is an example of a parsed question:
Figure S1: Machine-readable format of board questions snapshot
Figure S2: Number of questions per question type
Appendix B: Example Medical Board Question Description
Correct category: Cardiovascular
Predicted Category: Pulmonary Critical Care
A 74-year-old man hospitalized for a heart failure exacerbation goes into
ventricular fibrillation and is administered cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). An
external defibrillator is attached and he receives a 200 J shock.
Correct category: Cardiovascular
Predicted category: Endocrinology
A 72-year-old woman is evaluated during a routine examination. Medical history
is significant for hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and dyslipidemia. Medications
are lisinopril, metformin, and pravastatin. She exercises daily; ingests a diet high in
fruits, nuts, and vegetables; and does not smoke. She has no allergies. Blood pressure
is 118/70 mm Hg, pulse rate is 73/min, and respiration rate is 16/min. The remainder of
the physical examination, including cardiovascular, pulmonary, and neurologic
examinations, is normal. Laboratory studies: Hemoglobin A1c
Appendix C: Code submission:
On Canvas, we have submitted our code, including the following scripts:, these scripts are used to relate phenotypes to
their parent nodes, and get phenotype closures. runs the Naïve Bayes classifier and outputs the probability
of each category, for each question. converts a json with ABIM question data to a table mapping
questions to the words that appear in them. converts a json with ABIM question data to a table mapping
questions to their concepts, and to their categories.
prob_table.txt, prob_table_clinphen.txt, prob_table_clinphen_closure.txt: The probability
that each question is in each category, according to our classifier (using words, HPO
phenotypes, and HPO phenotype closures, respectively)
web_scrape: Gathers ABIM questions from the internet, in the form of a json
analysis.ipynb: Makes ROC curves, analyzes accuracy, etc. from the output of our
classifier. Mappings between words and similar words. Can be useful for
more-advanced analysis.