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Exercise Programming for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Recommendations for Strength and Conditioning Specialists

  • Technological University of the Shannon
  • South East Technological University Carlow Campus
  • South East Technological University

Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this article is to introduce strength and conditioning specialists to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and to identify the many benefits of delivering exercise programs to children with ASD. In addition, the article aims to inform strength and conditioning specialists on how to minimize some of the inherent challenges associated with the delivery of such programs by highlighting critical issues for practitioners to consider when designing and implementing exercise programs for children with ASD.
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Exercise Programming for
Children With Autism
Spectrum Disorder:
Recommendations for
Strength and
Conditioning Specialists
Craig Coffey, BSc,
Marie Carey, BSc,
Sharon Kinsella, PhD, MISCP,
Paul J. Byrne, PhD, CSCS,
Damien Sheehan, MSc, CSCS,
and Rhodri S. Lloyd, PhD, CSCS*D
Department of Science and Health, Institute of Technology Carlow, Carlow, Ireland;
Youth Physical Development
Centre, School of Sport and Health Sciences, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Wales, United Kingdom;
Performance Research Institute, New Zealand (SPRINZ), AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand; and
Centre for
Sport Science and Human Performance, Waikato Institute of Technology, Hamilton, New Zealand
The purpose of this article is to
introduce strength and conditioning
specialists to autism spectrum disor-
der (ASD) and to identify the many
benefits of delivering exercise pro-
grams to children with ASD. In addi-
tion, the article aims to inform strength
and conditioning specialists on how
to minimize some of the inherent
challenges associated with the deliv-
ery of such programs by highlighting
critical issues for practitioners to
consider when designing and imple-
menting exercise programs for chil-
dren with ASD.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
is a complex neurological disor-
der with a globally estimated
rate of 1 in every 160 children (11).
The diagnostic criteria of ASD are
divided into 2 domains. One domain
focuses on deficits in communication
and social interaction, which persist
across multiple contexts. It consists of
impairments in social-emotional
exchange, nonverbal communication,
and developing relationships with
others. The second domain is related
to repetitive patterns of behavior, such
as motor movements (e.g., hand flap-
ping and body rocking), insistence on
sameness, and restricted interests (1).
These characteristics are evident from
a young age and impact all aspects of
life, such as at home, in school, and in
the community. The severity of ASD is
determined by the level of support
required (1). It is essential to note that
ASD has a broad spectrum of symp-
toms, and no 2 individuals may neces-
sarily exhibit the same range of ASD
Low levels of physical activity present
as a significant health concern for chil-
dren with ASD. There is research re-
porting that children with ASD are
significantly less physically active than
children without ASD (29,52). A
national survey in the United States
compared physical activity levels
between children with (n5915) and
without (n541,879) ASD and found
that children with ASD are 60% less
likely to participate in regular physical
activity for more than 3 days a week
(29). Inactivity among children with
ASD may contribute to the higher
prevalence of obesity that exists among
this population. Previous research indi-
cates that children with ASD are 72%
more likely to be obese than children
without ASD (29). Failure to accrue
Address correspondence to Craig Coffey,
special populations; neurotypical;
autistic; program design; guidelines
Copyright ÓNational Strength and Conditioning Association Strength and Conditioning Journal | 1
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
adequate amounts of physical activity,
and the heightened risk for obesity
among children with ASD, may pre-
dispose this population to many health
risks. Such health risks include asthma,
diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood
pressure, mobility issues, and mental
health conditions (43,44,57). Strength
and conditioning specialists should be
well versed in exercise prescription and
coaching strategies, which places these
specialists in a position to help limit or
reverse the harmful health risks associ-
ated with inactivity. However, there
are several factors to consider when
designing and delivering exercise pro-
grams to children with ASD. These
factors include the environment in
which the program will be completed,
how the strength and conditioning
specialist will communicate and
instruct the exercise, and the exercise
interest of the child.
Children with ASD face unique chal-
lenges that may limit their opportuni-
ties and abilities to participate in
exercise. Children with ASD, parents,
and teachers have reported on these
barriers, citing interpersonal, intraper-
sonal, and environmental factors that
impact exercise participation. Adoles-
cents with ASD have stated the chal-
lenges that they experience when
participating in exercise. These chal-
lenges are in relation to motor skills,
social interaction, sensory processing,
and environmental factors (2). Individ-
uals with deficits in social interaction
and communication have found partic-
ipation in group-based exercise chal-
lenging (51). Adolescents with ASD
have spoken of increased anxiety
toward exercise participation because
of complex social demands and inci-
dents of bullying and isolation during
the inclusive exercise program (2,20).
Motor deficits have also been identi-
fied as significant barriers to exercise
participation (20,36). Motor deficits
are in relation to motor coordination,
postural control, hypotonia, and diffi-
culties with the planning of motor
skills (15,32,41,46). These movement
impairments may hinder the partici-
pation of children with ASD in exer-
cise programs not adapted to their
needs (17).
Environmental factors such as lighting,
sound, and area size also need to be
considered because they may nega-
tively affect children with ASD partici-
pating in exercise. This is because
there is a high prevalence of sensory
processing abnormalities in children
with ASD (9). Sensory processing is
the ability to process sensory informa-
tion and respond appropriately to sen-
sory stimuli (28). Children with ASD
may be hypersensitive or hyposensitive
to certain sensory stimuli (28). Exercise
environments may be highly sensory-
stimulating, such as a sizeable crowded
area of an exercise hall, and children
with ASD have been reported to
respond negatively to increased audi-
tory, visual, and tactile stimuli of these
settings (20,30). Hyposensitiveness
may be noted as an underresponsive-
ness to an environment; these individ-
uals may see, hear, and feel the area in a
more muted way than others (12). Par-
ents of children with ASD have also
reported a lack of structured programs
outside of schools that provide the sup-
port necessary to meet the needs of
their child (37). Additional challenges
that have also been noted include
financial issues, time constraints, and
transportation (34).
Despite the previously noted barriers,
there is extensive literature to support
the benefits of exercise for children
with ASD. Improvements in stereo-
typical behavior, social interaction
and communication, academic func-
tioning, sensory processing, disruptive
behavior, and mental health have all
been reported (8,21,49). Exercise has
also shown to improve physical fitness
levels among children with ASD.
Exercise interventions have led to
improvements in body mass index,
aerobic fitness, muscular strength
and endurance, flexibility, balance,
and motor skills (16,21,27,42,61).
The benefits, as mentioned earlier,
have been derived from a variety of
exercise programs incorporating dif-
ferent training modalities including
walking/jogging (39,42), horseback
riding (7), swimming (40,61), martial
arts (3,33), cycling (56), and yoga and
dance (24,45). Previous research indi-
cates that a range of exercise modes
can have a beneficial effect on children
with ASD. However, more research is
required to establish the effects of tra-
ditional strength and conditioning
programs, which are specifically tai-
lored to suit the needs and abilities
of this population.
Because of the numerous benefits of
exercise for children with ASD, com-
bined with the high levels of inactivity
and obesity reported among these chil-
dren, it is crucial that this population is
encouraged to participate in exercise.
To effectively enable children with
ASD to enjoy and engage in exercise,
strength and conditioning specialists
should consider several behavioral
modification techniques when plan-
ning and delivering exercise programs
for this population. These modification
strategies aim to improve engagement,
motivation, desired outcomes, and
long-term adherence to an exercise
program. Not all children with ASD
will present with the same challenges
toward exercise participation. Strength
and conditioning specialists should
evaluate each child’s specific needs
before beginning an exercise program
through observation, consultation with
family members, and health care pro-
fessionals who work closely with the
child. Each of the following recom-
mendations may not be suitable for
all children, and the strength and con-
ditioning specialist must decide which
modification techniques are appropri-
ate for each child.
The environment in which exercise
programs take place is crucial for chil-
dren with ASD. It is recommended
that exercise programs are
Exercise and Children With ASD
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
implemented in consistent settings, as
some individuals with ASD may strug-
gle with change and disruption in their
routine (31). Changing to unfamiliar
environments may lead to an increase
in anxiety for some children and
reduce their participation. An adjust-
ment period is recommended before
exercise begins to allow children time
to adjust to the unfamiliar setting and
sensory stimuli (60). The equipment
layout within the setting may also have
a disruptive influence on the child with
ASD, as it may be distracting and visu-
ally overwhelming. It is recommended
to set up equipment when it is required
for a particular task and cleared away
before moving on to the subsequent
task (50). Furthermore, a wide-open
space may also be distracting for some
children. The use of room dividers is
recommended to limit the space,
which may help promote attentiveness
and engagement (31,47).
Research has reported that over 96%
of children with ASD report hypersen-
sitivity and hyposensitivity across
numerous realms, which may lead
children to be overresponsive or
underresponsive to certain stimuli
(22). It is recommended to investigate
what level of sensory sensitivity the
children may have before starting any
exercise program to minimize these
stimuli as much as possible (19). It
has been observed that the environ-
ment in which exercise is completed
may provide sensory challenges com-
monly reported by children with ASD
(20). Examples of how to alter sensory
stimuli for children that are hypersen-
sitive to certain stimuli during exercise
can be seen in Figure 1. For hyposen-
sitive children, it is recommended to
use weighted vests or sensory diets
when children become underrespon-
sive to improve their focus (48,54). A
sensory diet is a combination of activ-
ities with sensory stimulation to meet
the needs of the child, intending to
keep the child calm and alert, prevent-
ing challenging behaviors allowing the
child to feel in control, and improving
their activities of daily living (25). From
a strength and conditioning specialist
point of view, some examples that
could be included in a sensory diet of
a child could be jumping on a trampo-
line, rolls on a yoga ball, or an isometric
exercise hold, for example, the plank.
Children may display challenging
behavior when they become oversti-
mulated and should be allowed to leave
the exercise setting, accompanied by a
teacher, to use a sensory room or quiet
room to self-regulate. Once the child
has self-regulated, they are encouraged
to rejoin the exercise class.
There is debate as to whether group
or individual exercise programs pro-
duce more benefits for children with
ASD. Individual interventions may
allow the strength and conditioning
specialist to tailor the program to
the individual’s specific needs and
interests (47). Individual interven-
tions may reduce stress and anxiety
for children with ASD as they
decrease social interaction demands,
along with decreasing the unpredict-
ability associated with many group
activities. Participating in individual
interventions may result in the child
lacking the social interaction and
communication benefits that have
been associated with group exercise
programs (3,33,40,62). Nonetheless, a
meta-analysis comparing individual-
and group-based exercise programs
indicated that individual programs
produced greater effects on social
skills compared with group programs
(49). Individual programs may not be
available or practical. Group-based
physical activity sessions may be the
only programs offered. Specialized
classes, consisting of only children
more beneficial for social functioning,
improvements in muscular strength
and endurance, and motor skill devel-
opment, compared with classes that
include children with and without
ASD (21).
Individuals with ASD may communi-
cate using a variety of methods, includ-
ing verbal and nonverbal forms of
communication. In a recent study,
including 165 children with ASD
between the ages of 4–6 years, 15%
were categorized as nonverbal, and
an additional 10% were reported to
be minimally verbal (35). Some chil-
dren with ASD lack verbal communi-
cation skills but communicate
effectively through visual aids (14).
Using visual aids is a critical method
of achieving effective communication
during exercise.
Visual supports are any visual presenta-
tions that may support an individual
throughout their day (22). Visual sup-
ports may be the use of a picture or a
video demonstrating the activity to be
completed. In a strength and condition-
ing program for children with ASD,
visual supports may be useful for com-
municating a specific type of exercise
(6). Preferably, this visual support
Figure 1. Sensory stimuli recommendations.
Strength and Conditioning Journal | 3
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should portray a child of a similar age
and sex (14). Research has demon-
strated the value of incorporating visual
supports into the delivery of exercise
programs for children with ASD. Pre-
vious research successfully incorporated
visual supports into a cycling interven-
tion for children with ASD, where
visual supports were used to assess
self-efficacy and engage nonverbal par-
ticipants in goal setting, self-monitoring,
and self-reinforcement (56). The use of
visual support of exercise movements
may aid in the understanding of the
required movements.
The use of pictures and videos is an
effective means of communicating with
children with ASD (10). Pictures may be
used in the exercise class to show differ-
ent stages of an activity. Pictures of the
exercise(s) should be displayed as a ref-
erence throughout the exercise. In con-
junction with pictures, The Story
Creator application (Innovative Mobile
Apps Ltd) may be used to show critical
phases of each exercise, which the chil-
dren can imitate (10). The Story Creator
can include videos, pictures, and written
text of the exercises. Within the story-
board for each exercise, the video can be
embedded, along with audible and visual
text, describing what is required of the
child. Through this, learning is rein-
forced, and participation is increased
while underpinning self-efficacy in the
child’s ability to perform a task (56).
Instructions on how and when to use
visual aids with exercises can be seen
in Tables 2 and 3.
Activities for children with ASD should
be planned and scheduled by the
strength and conditioning specialist
before the exercise session (60). Although
there is a need for flexibility for the intro-
duction of new exercises, children with
ASD respond well to routine and struc-
ture (19). This routine can be reinforced
through the use of a visual schedule or a
visual “To Do” list. A visual schedule
involves a series of pictures to depict a
sequence of activities or events (23).
When used as part of an exercise pro-
gram, the visual schedule provides chil-
dren with a clear structure of the class.
Children may experience less anxiety if
they can anticipate what exercise is com-
ing next, therefore improving participa-
performed, a child can move the exercise
off the “To Do” list and place it on the
“Done” list. This act may foster a sense of
achievement, along with the physical
activity, increasing the child’s self-
efficacy and self-determination (56). This
may improve motivation and engage-
ment in physical activity. A written sched-
ule may be sufficient for some children;
however, using pictures with simple writ-
ten instructions may be more suitable for
others. It is vital to maintain consistency
throughout the program and to keep the
classes familiar to what the child knows.
This is completed by advancing existing
exercises gradually. Although consistency
in the classes is essential and should be
reinforced through visual schedules, prac-
titioners must make modifications to the
exercise selection to progress or regress
an exercise depending on the ability of
the children.
Physical prompts have previously been
used to aid in the completion of a task.
Successful completion of a task may be
achieved with the use of prompting,
which are instructions to initiate a task
(38). Yanardaǧet al. suggested the use of
a prompt before the instruction of the
activity is given (e.g., “you get a sticker
for good catching in this exercise”). The
sticker is given after the performance of
a successfully completed skill (60).
While strength and conditioning spe-
cialists may provide more specific feed-
back linked to a technical cue, such as
“Great looking forward and keeping
your eyes on the ball when catching.”
When working with children with
ASD, the coach should provide basic
feedback. Tokens may be used to pro-
mote good behavior. With the use of a
token system, the child gains some con-
trol with a choice opportunity such as
“if I listen to all instructions and try my
best, I will get a token for my favorite
toy” (60). This is based on techniques
used in applied behavioral analysis,
Table 1
Needs analysis
Needs analysis
Questions to parents before
Does your child have a repetitive movement, repetitive habit, or calming movement?
What are your child’s likes?
What are your child’s dislikes?
What was your child’s previous experience of exercise like?
What is your child most interested in presently?
Does your child have any aversions to visual, auditory, or tactile sensations?
Any other information you feel might be relevant for me to know about your child?
Questions before exercise Is the area suitable for the exercises being performed today and suitable for the sensory needs of
the child(ren)?
Are all videos and pictures for instruction ready for display?
Is all equipment ready? Preferably, equipment should be put out when being used and when
instructions have been provided to the children.
Exercise and Children With ASD
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
which has been used to decrease inap-
propriate behavior and improve the
teaching and maintaining of skills (53).
A similar token system used to encour-
age children with ASD to participate in
exercise was used in a recent study (62).
This consisted of stickers that could
later be traded for a gift or a favorite
toy (62). Research has shown that
prompts and tokens may increase
behavioral outcomes for individuals
with developmental disabilities (5,58).
It is recommended to use instructions
that are concise and have minimal jar-
gon (19). Verbal instructions should be
phrased positively instead of negatively.
Some children with ASD have been
known to respond to the final words
of a sentence, not taking the full meaning
into account. For example, it is preferable
to say, “Put the weight down slowly” as
children may respond to the final word
“slowly” rather than, “don’t drop the
“drop.” Finally, it is recommended that
the strength and conditioning specialist
uses language that is as simple as possible
(18). With many children with ASD, it is
best to avoid overusing metaphors when
coaching. This is recommended because
of the tendency for some children with
ASD to interpret language literally (59).
A welcoming verbal phrase or a gesture
may enhance motor skill competence
and execution with this initial connection
(18,60). Positive verbal feedback should
be used, such as “great catching” or “good
jumping” to motivate the child and main-
tain engagement with the activity (4,60).
Verbal communication should be clear
and concise. For the exercise instructions,
Story Creator application. Consistency is
vital to enhance understanding, learning,
and performance.
Although all training programs are
context-specific and will be dependent
group, in addition to the time, facilities,
and human resources available, the fol-
lowing section details a sample exercise
program that can be implemented by
practitioners. Before the beginning of
any exercise program, it is recommended
that practitioners ask the parents/guard-
ians of the children to provide informa-
tion on the likes and dislikes of their child
as well as identifying any repetitive move-
Figure 2. Jumping ladders.
Figure 3. Snatch the bacon.
Strength and Conditioning Journal | 5
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Table 2
Sample exercises at the commencement of an exercise program
Phase of the session Exercise AMSC targeted Instructions
Warm-up Traffic
Acceleration, deceleration,
and reacceleration
Green cone 5run
Yellow cone 5walk/slow motion
Red cone 5stop
Jumps and
Jumping, landing, and
rebounding mechanics
Instruct children to perform a safe “motorbike” landing. Encourage landing with feet apart, knees
bent, and arms forward like holding motorbike handles.
Main phase Reaction
Throwing, catching, and
Commands children must follow and identify, e.g., heads, shoulders, knees, and toes. As soon as the
command “ball” is called, children must grasp the ball rapidly.
Bean bag
Throwing, catching, and
On “go,” children run to the center, grasp a bean bag, return to the start position, and throw the bean
bag into their hula hoop.
Army crawl Upper-body pulling Children lie prone and move in an army crawl movement, pulling with their upper body to move
Crab walks Antirotation and core
Move in a crab walking motion. This can be performed both forward and backward. Progress to the
introduction of a ball moving with their feet.
keep up
Upper-body pushing The aim is for the children to maintain the balloon in the air using any part of their body, e.g., head,
hands, and feet.
Cool down Popcorn Upper-body pulling and
Place the bean bags on the parachute and instruct the children to lift the parachute up and down, to
make the bean bags pop like popcorn.
Stretches Flexibility stretches: butterfly stretch, alternate leg toe touch (seated), knee hug, cobra stretch, toe
touch (standing), and quad stretch.
Exercise and Children With ASD
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 3
Example of exercise at Week 8
Phase of the session Exercise Targeted Instructions
Warm-up Traffic lights Acceleration, deceleration, and reacceleration Green cone 5run
Yellow cone 5walk/slow motion
Red cone 5stop
Blue cone 5bunny hops
White cone 5bear crawl
Floor is lava Lower-body unilateral, jumping, landing, and
rebounding mechanics
With all hoops placed around in a circuit, children jump from hoop to hoop, not
making contact with outside the hoop.
Main phase Reaction
Throwing, catching, and grasping One ball placed between partners. Following and pointing out commands (e.g.,
heads, shoulders, knees, and toes). When “ball” is called, both the children
must reach to grasp the ball as fast as possible.
Throwing, catching, and grasping Children have their own ball and run around the room bouncing, throwing, and
catching the ball. Children are instructed to throw the ball at a colored target
and catch the ball.
Inch worm Upper-body pulling In pairs, one child lies prone on the ground and the other child stands about a
foot from their partner’s head with their back to their partner. The child on the
ground holds onto their partner’s ankles and pulls forward. Their partner
moves forward, and the children repeat the movement pattern.
Crab soccer Antirotation and core bracing, upper body and
lower body
Moving in a crab walking motion, forward, backward, and side to side. Two
teams of 3 play soccer while remaining in the crab walk position.
Volleyball Upper-body pushing, acceleration, deceleration,
and reacceleration, lower-body bilateral and
Two teams of 3 on either side of the room, divided by a centerline. Children
must keep the balloon in the air similar to volleyball, scoring a point when the
balloon touches the surface on the opposite side of the centerline.
Cool down Popcorn Upper-body pulling and pushing Place bean bags on the parachute and instruct the children to the lift the
parachute up and down to make the bean bags pop like popcorn.
Stretches Flexibility stretches: butterfly stretch, alternate leg toe touch (seated), knee hug,
cobra stretch, toe touch (standing), and quad stretch.
Strength and Conditioning Journal | 7
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approach should assist the strength and
conditioning specialist in developing an
exercise program that is individualized
to the unique ASD needs of the children
within the group.
The warm-up period may be used as a
time to prepare children for the exercise
class. This time is essential for acquiring
the attention of the children and main-
taining their engagement with the exer-
cise class. The warm-up may also act as
an “icebreaker,” enabling the children to
familiarize themselves with the strength
and conditioning specialist and the
exercise environment (55). The warm-
up may consist of movements such as
walking, running, and jumping
sequences such as ladder hops (Fig-
ure 2). Games can also be included, such
as tag, snatch the bacon (Figure 3), and
“mirroring.” Mirroring is where children
mimic each other in performing various
movements (Tables 2 and 3).
The main phase of the exercise class
may be used to introduce the athletic
motor skill competencies to be intro-
duced and performed. Skills and move-
ment patterns may be performed and
corrected in this main phase section.
With the introduction of new exercises
to children with ASD, structure is the
key to participation and engagement.
The familiarity of routine is accompa-
nied by self-efficacy, which breeds a
desire to complete the exercises and
overall session (18). When exercises
are completed and appropriate behav-
iors exhibited, these behaviors should
be acknowledged through positive rein-
forcement (60). Progression of the main
phase activities may occur in 3 stages:
learning the components of the activity,
compiling the components of the activ-
ity to complete a race, and being able to
play a game with others in the activity
class. An example of how exercises can
be progressed is provided in Tables 2
and 3. Bean bag scramble is a throwing
and catching activity introduced by
throwing a beach ball a short distance
back and forth to a partner. This can be
progressed by changing the weight and
size of the ball and increasing the
throwing distance. A race can then be
introduced to challenge the children to
throw the ball back and forth several
times without dropping the ball. Finally,
the task can be progressed into “bean
bag scramble,” where the intention of
the game is to throw the bean bag at
various targets for points (Figure 4).
The cool-down period is a time for
reflection (26), which may be used to
praise children for their excellent work
in class and prepare them for the next
class. The reduced tempo of the cool-
down period and quiet stretching allows
children to prepare to move from an
activity class back into the classroom
environment. The cool down may con-
sist of static stretches that are held for
20–30 seconds. Stretches may include
the butterfly stretch (seated groin
stretch), seated alternate toe touch (elon-
gation of hamstrings and reaching for
toes), cobra stretch (refer to Figure 5),
lying knee hug (hip and lower back
stretch), and quad stretch (standing
quadriceps stretch and improving bal-
ance) (13).
There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach
for implementing exercise programs
with children with ASD. Every child is
different regarding interests, competen-
cies, and understanding of exercise. It is
essential to understand each child as well
as possible before the commencement of
the program. The implementation of
exercise programs for individuals with
ASD should take into consideration
the nature of the environment, commu-
nication, and instruction style. With
these 3 factors considered, children
Figure 4. Bean bag scramble.
Figure 5. Cobra stretch.
Exercise and Children With ASD
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
may be more likely to participate in
exercise. Routine and structure may
assist a child with being at ease within
the exercise setting, resulting in familiar-
ity rather than a disruption to routine.
Positive reinforcement will empower a
child to interact more and will build self-
efficacy. Future research may need to
review the application of current recom-
mendations to coaching individuals
with ASD of an adult population. A
further study may be required to inves-
tigate and report on compliance levels
to exercise, such as pedometer or accel-
erometer data. More research may
include information on sensory diets,
which may be used in the exercise clas-
ses. The recommendations provided in
this article can aid strength and condi-
tioning specialists and physical educa-
tion teachers when implementing
exercise and physical education classes
for children with ASD. These recom-
mendations may also be incorporated
into a community setting and help inte-
grate children and adults with ASD in
sport participation.
Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
The authors report no conflicts of interest
and no source of funding.
Craig Coffey is
a postgraduate
doctoral student
in the Depart-
ment of Science
and Health,
Institute of Tech-
nology Carlow.
Marie Carey is a
postgraduate stu-
dent in the
Department of
Science and
Health, Institute
of Technology
Kinsella is the
Program Director
of BSc in Sports
and Athletic
Therapy in the
Department of
Science and
Health, Institute
of Technology Carlow. Sharon Kinsella is
also a Chartered Physiotherapist.
Paul J. Byrne is
the Program
Director of BSc.
Strength and
Conditioning in
the Department
of Science and
Health, Institute
of Technology
Sheehan is an
assistant lecturer
in the Depart-
ment of Science
and Health,
Institute of Tech-
nology Carlow.
Rhodri Lloyd is
a reader in Pedi-
atrics Strength
and Conditioning
in the Youth
Physical Devel-
opment Centre,
School of Sport
and Health Sci-
ences, Cardiff
Metropolitan University,
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Strength and Conditioning Journal | 11
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... Participants were recruited from ASD units within seven Irish elementary schools with a total of 14 ASD units included in the study. In a single school term two schools simultaneously took part in the eight-week INT exercise intervention in their activity hall following the same program (Coffey et al., 2021). Data collection began in January 2018 and ended in March 2019. ...
... Every one-hour exercise class was divided into a 10-minute warm-up, a 40-minute main phase (which included skill-based activities), and a 10-minute cool-down section. The instructor demonstrated each exercise and visual aids were provided to enhance understanding (see Coffey et al., 2021). Elementary school teachers and SNAs assisted in the coordination of the one-hour class and participated in some activities with the children. ...
... The warm-up also consisted of jumping and landing exercises, progressing gradually to multiple jumping sequences such as frog jumps. Finally, some games in the warm-up phase were used, such as "tag," and "mirror," where children imitated each other doing various movements (see Coffey et al., 2021). ...
... Additionally, it is estimated that approximately 30-40% of autistic children have an intellectual disability [7]. Autistic children are also less active than their neurotypically developing peers [8], due to interpersonal, intrapersonal, and environmental factors that impact their exercise participation [9], and therefore are at a higher risk of developing diabetes, stroke, obesity, heart disease, and depression [10]. Many studies have shown that autistic children perform more poorly across many fitness parameters including strength, flexibility, and, in particular, balance when compared to neurotypically developing children [11,12]. ...
... This may account for differences in CV%s between balance in autistic children and neurotypically developing children. In addition, due to the nature of autism, an autistic child having a negative behavioural episode during a balance session may lead to other autistic children also participating in the session to experience anxiety, stress, and upset [9], and ultimately leads to the children been distracted and performing below the best of their abilities, which may lead to high CV%s. Furthermore, environmental factors such as the equipment (force plates in particular) may have impacted hyper or hypo sensitivities experienced by the autistic children and ultimately affected the variance and the reliability of the balance tests over the fifteen sessions. ...
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Previous research has proven that the balance of autistic children is poor. However, the reliability of assessing balance in this cohort has been inadequately researched. This study therefore aimed to examine if field-based static and dynamic balance tests can be reliably assessed in autistic children, to determine the number of familiarisation sessions required and whether autistic severity impacts on the reliability of these balance tests. The balance of eighteen primary school-aged autistic children was assessed three times a week over five weeks, using the flamingo balance test, a modified version of the balance error scoring system (BESS), the low beam walking test, and the heel to toe walking test. Reliability criteria included an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) level of ≥0.75 and a coefficient of variance (CV%) of ≤46% for the low beam walking test, the heel to toe walking test, and the BESS, and a CV% of ≤82% or the flamingo balance test. Inter-session reliability was achieved and required the least number of familiarisation sessions for the flamingo balance test, compared to the low beam walking test, which required a greater number of familiarisation sessions to achieve inter-session reliability. The heel to toe walking test and the BESS achieved inter-session reliability and familiarisation in an acceptable time frame. Due to the large CV% values reported in the current study, practitioners need to be aware that balance interventions need to achieve improvements greater than the CV% in this cohort.
... While exercise appears to provide numerous benefits for children and adolescents with ASD, currently, no specific guidelines or recommendations exist regarding the characteristics of physical exercise programs for these individuals. The design and implementation of physical exercise programs for children with ASD can present several challenges (for initial strategies to create these guidelines, see [95]) taking into account motor skills, social interaction, sensory processing, and environmental factors. As a consequence, special attention to the ASD-targeted physical exercise program's environment is important in order to communicate and instruct exercise appropriate to the child's level of interest and ability [95]. ...
... The design and implementation of physical exercise programs for children with ASD can present several challenges (for initial strategies to create these guidelines, see [95]) taking into account motor skills, social interaction, sensory processing, and environmental factors. As a consequence, special attention to the ASD-targeted physical exercise program's environment is important in order to communicate and instruct exercise appropriate to the child's level of interest and ability [95]. This includes consideration of environmental factors such as lighting, sound, and the size of the area when planning the program [96,97]. ...
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It is estimated that one in 100 children worldwide has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Children with ASD frequently suffer from gut dysbiosis and gastrointestinal issues, findings which possibly play a role in the pathogenesis and/or severity of their condition. Physical activity may have a positive effect on the composition of the intestinal microbiota of healthy adults. However, the effect of exercise both on the gastrointestinal problems and intestinal microbiota (and thus possibly on ASD) itself in affected children is unknown. In terms of understanding the physiopathology and manifestations of ASD, analysis of the gut–brain axis holds some promise. Here, we discuss the physiopathology of ASD in terms of genetics and microbiota composition, and how physical activity may be a promising non-pharmaceutical approach to improve ASD-related symptoms.
... The warm-up consisted of activities which aimed to gradually increase the children's heart rate [40]. Movements incorporated into the warm-up included walking, running, jumping, and stretches to prepare the children for the main phase. ...
... Activities were adapted to suit the children's abilities and interests. The cool-down consisted of a set of static stretches, which were held for approximately 30 s each [40]. ...
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Physical activity interventions have been shown to decrease anxiety in children with ASD. There is little known regarding the effects of an exercise program on anxiety in both home and school settings and the optimal dosage to reduce anxiety. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the effects of a 16-week exercise program on the anxiety levels of children with moderate to severe symptoms of ASD in home and school settings, and to compare the effects at 8 and 16 weeks. This study was a within-subject, non-controlled design, intervention study. Twenty-four children (5–18 years) with moderate to severe ASD were included. A school-based exercise program was implemented three days a week for 16 weeks. Parents and teachers completed the Anxiety Scale for Children for ASD (ASC-ASD) at baseline, week 8, and week 16. A one-way repeated-measure ANOVA with post hoc analysis using Bonferroni adjustment was used to test for a significant effect for time (p < 0.05), with Cohen’s d used to calculate the effect size. For teacher-reported anxiety, there were significant decreases from baseline to week 16 for total ASC-ASD (p < 0.001), performance anxiety (p < 0.001), anxious arousal (p < 0.001), and uncertainty (p < 0.001). There was no significant decrease in parent-reported anxiety. The findings demonstrate that a 16-week exercise program can reduce anxiety in children with ASD in school settings. Results demonstrate that 16 weeks, as opposed to 8, may be necessary to have a significant effect on in-school anxiety.
... Exercise training (ET) inhibits apoptosis in the cerebellum and improves motor dysfunction in young autistic rats (Vernazza-Martin et al., 2005). In humans, the useful impact of exercise on cognitive function, learning and memory, social behavior, and hyperactivity has been proven (Coffey et al., 2021;Neophytou, 2019). A few studies have identified arrhythmias in autistic patients (Bujnakova et al., 2016;Harder et al., 2016). ...
Background: Cardiovascular diseases are prevalent in autistic patients. As exercise is useful in the treatment of medical conditions, this study aimed to identify the effect of low-intensity endurance exercise (LIEE) and moderate-intensity endurance exercise (MIEE) on cardiovascular events in autistic rats. Methods: Valproic acid (VPA) was administrated once on gestational day 12.5 to pregnant rats to produce autism-like symptoms in offspring. Thirty-day-old offspring were divided into 12 groups: Male-CTL, Male-VPA, Male-CTL + LIEE, Male-CTL + MIEE, Male-VPA + LIEE, Male-VPA + MIEE, Female-CTL, Female-VPA, Female-CTL + LIEE, Female-CTL + MIEE, Female-VPA + LIEE, and Female-VPA + MIEE. LIEE and MIEE were performed 5 days a week for 30 days. Twenty-four hours after the last exercise session, electrocardiogram and hemodynamic and cardiac function indices were recorded. Results: The results indicated that +dp/dt max and contractility index (CI) decreased in the Female-VPA group compared to the Female-CTL group. LIEE increased these parameters in the Female-VPA + LIEE group. However, MIEE normalized CI in the Male-VPA + MIEE compared to the Male-VPA group. Tau increased in the Female-VPA group compared to the Female-CTL group and it decreased in the Female-VPA + MIEE group compared to the Female-VPA group. LIEE and MIEE recovered the reduction of heart rate and the increase in P, R, and T amplitudes in Male-VPA group. LIEE and MIEE increased heart rate variability in the Male-VPA and Female-VPA groups. Conclusions: The findings showed that LIEE and MIEE alleviated cardiac dysfunction and disturbances in heart rhythm in the autistic offspring. Exercise may be recommended as a routine program for autistic patients to prevent and treat the harmful cardiovascular consequences of autism.
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This book contains collected works from kinesiology, sport pedagogy, coaching, and physical education professionals at the graduate level, as well as observations and ideas from the editor, a professor of kinesiology and sport pedagogy and former personal trainer and grade-school coach and educator. While enrolled in respective undergraduate and graduate courses aimed at enhancing movement, exercise, physical activity, physical education, and sporting experiences for individuals with disabilities, the authors thoroughly researched autism spectrum disorder, explored ideas to enhance movement opportunities for students with autism spectrum disorder, and wrote chapters for this book aimed at providing suggestions and improvement strategies for teachers, coaches, and other health and movement professionals. Each chapter explains the fundamental characteristics of autism spectrum disorder and describes how educators, coaches, and facilitators of exercise and physical activity can accommodate individuals with autism spectrum disorder and adapt and/or modify physical education, physical activity, and movement experiences for individuals with autism spectrum disorder under their care. Each chapter also takes steps in educating you, the reader, on how to accommodate, modify, and support physical education and physical activity experiences for individuals with autism.
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This is the book of abstracts for the European Conference of Adapted Physical Activity (EUCAPA) 2022. The event is held between the 9th - 11th June 2022 and hosted by the University of Coimbra, Portugal.
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Among the many lines of research related to autism, investigations of sensory dysfunction have recently gained attention. The objective of this article is to briefly review the main findings of sensory deficits in autism, raise possibilities of early identification research in the area, and discuss the significance of these sensory problems for the understanding of autism. A review of the scientific literature with regard to sensory problems in autism was performed. A review of autobiographical reports of high-functioning autistic individuals was also performed. This review showed that sensory problems have always been mentioned in the autism literature, but their relevance has been underestimated. Scientific research and autobiographical reports suggest a high prevalence of sensory problems in autism. Although not yet considered in the official diagnosis of autism, sensory problems appear to not only exert a considerable impact on the configuration of the disorder but also directly influence autistic persons in their daily lives. Such impairments may begin to be thought of as fundamental in autism. However, these characteristics deserve to be further investigated by researchers who are dedicated to the study of autism.
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of structured physical activity program on social interaction and communication of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Fifty children with ASD from a special school were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. 25 children with ASD were placed in the experimental group, and the other 25 children as the control group participated in regular physical activity. A total of forty-one participants completed the study. A 12-week structured physical activity program was implemented with a total of 24 exercise sessions targeting social interaction and communication of children with ASD, and a quasi-experimental design was used for this study. Data were collected using quantitative and qualitative instruments. SSIS and ABLLS-R results showed that an overall improvement in social skills and social interaction for the experimental group across interim and posttests, F=8.425 , p=0.001 ( p<0.005 ), and significant improvements appeared in communication, cooperation, social interaction, and self-control subdomains ( p<0.005 ). Conversely, no statistically significant differences were found in the control group ( p>0.005 ). The study concluded that the special structured physical activity program positively influenced social interaction and communication skills of children with ASD, especially in social skills, communication, prompt response, and frequency of expression.
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Adolescents with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are less physically active compared to typically developing peers. The reasons for not being physically active are complex and depend on several factors, which have not been comprehensively described from the adolescent’s perspective. Therefore, the aim was to describe how adolescents with an ASD perceive, experience and reflect on their participation in physical activity. Interviews with 24 adolescents diagnosed with high-functioning ASD, aged 12–16 years, were analysed with qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach. They expressed a variety of reasons determining their willingness to participate, which were conceptualized as: Conditional participation in physical activities. The present study presents an alternative perspective on participation in physical activity, with impact on intervention design.
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We compared time spent in moderate and vigorous physical activity (MVPA), type, and frequency of participation in physical activities between adolescents with ASD (n = 35) and typically developing (TD) adolescents (n = 60). Accelerometers measured MVPA and participants were interviewed about engagement in physical activities. Adolescents with ASD spent less time in MVPA compared to TD adolescents (29 min/day vs. 50 min/day, p < 0.001) and fewer met the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans (14 vs. 29%, p > 0.05). Among adolescents <16 years old, those with ASD participated in fewer activities than TD adolescents (5.3 vs. 7.1 activities, p < 0.03). Walking/hiking and active video gaming were among the top activities for both groups. Findings support the need for interventions that meet the needs of youth with ASD.
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W e evaluated the effects o f using prom pts and reinforcement procedures to increase the social interaction o f two children with autism (A S D). This study took place during the context o f a hockey practice. Two adolescent participants w en evaluated using an A B A B single subject reversal design. Baseline data were collected prior to and after the implementation o f a treatment phase. During baseline, the social interactive behavior o f participants was measured. The participants engaged in vey low levels o f social interaction. D uring treatment, the instructor applied prompting and reinforcement with the participants and social interaction was measured. The results indicate that social interaction o f our participants can be increased during the hockey practice through the use o f prompting and reinforcement.
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Body mass index classification, physical activity (PA), and sedentary behaviors were compared in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to typically developing adolescents. Participants included 42,747 adolescents (ASD, n = 915) from the 2011–2012 National Survey of Children’s Health. After controlling for covariates, adolescents were more likely to be overweight and obese, and less likely to engage in regular PA versus typically developing adolescents (p’s < 0.05). Increased odds for overweight and obesity were attenuated after adjustment for PA. Higher autism severity was associated with increased odds of overweight and obesity and decreased odds of PA, sport, and club participation. These findings suggest adolescents with ASD are in need of targeted programs to decrease obesity and increase physical activity.
Deficits in social behavior and communication skills are correlated with reduced gross motor skills in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The ExerciseBuddy application (EB app) was designed to communicate these motor skills to those with ASD and integrates evidence-based practices such as visual support and video modeling supported by The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the EB app in facilitating increased physiologic responses to physical activity via a continuous measurement of energy expenditure and heart rate versus practice-style teaching methods in children with ASD. Six children, ages 5 to 10 years, diagnosed with ASD were recruited. Each participant performed a variety of locomotor or object control skills as defined by the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 once per week for 4 weeks. Motor skills were communicated and demonstrated using either practice-style teaching methods or the instructional section of the EB app. Energy expenditure and heart rate were measured continuously during each 12-minute session. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test was performed to assess any differences between the use of the app and practice-style teaching methods. The use of the EB app elicited greater values for peak energy expenditure (p = 0.043) and peak heart rate response (p = 0.028) while performing locomotor skills but no differences were observed while performing object control skills. Similarities were observed with average physiologic responses between the use of the EB app and practice-style teaching methods. The use of the EB app may allow for a greater peak physiologic response during more dynamic movements and a similar average cardiovascular and metabolic response when compared to practice-style teaching methods in children with ASD.