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ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT B ackground: Liqu efied petroleu m gas (LPG) has been used extensiv ely for heating , cooking and as a fuel in vehi cles and generators. This study was design ed to evaluate renal and liver pro fil e of LPG pl ant workers in Benin City, Edo State. Methods: A tot al of on e hundred (100) subjects between 20-60 years were recruited for this study whi ch consist 50 liquefied gas plant work ers and 50 subj ects who do not wo rk in LPG pl ant stations (controls). Blood sampl es (10ml) were coll ected from th e cubit al vein of each subject with th e aid of syring e and needle into plain plasti c cont ain ers. The renal and biochemical parameter were analyzed using st and ard laboratory procedures. Res ults : The results ob tained in this study show that sodium and creatinine lev els of liquefied petroleu m gas plant workers were signi ficantly higher (p<0 .05) when compared with th e respectiv e controls. There was no si gni ficant difference when the seru m levels of potassiu m and urea were compared with th e respective controls. There was signi ficant di fference (p<0.05) wh en AST, AL T, A LP , and GGT valu es were compared with thei r control. The creatinine levels were significan tly higher (p<0 .05) within the age group 41-50 years and 51-60 years. There was no signi ficant difference (p<0 .05) in th e sodium, po tassiu m and urea levels in the various age groups. There was no significan t difference wh en AST, AL T, ALP and GGT were compared within the various age groups. Co nclusio n: The results of this st udy howev er show ed that exposure to LPG result ed in significan t renal and liv er profil e alterations. Copyright © 2020, Obodo et a l. This is an open acc ess article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Lice nse, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Obodo, B.N.,
Iroro, A.P.,
Iyevhobu, K.O.,
Ebaluegbeifoh, L.O.,
Okobi, T.J.,
Alleh, O.A.,
Omolumen, L.E. and
Uhomoibhi, O.T.
Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State
Department of Medical Laboratory Science, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin, Edo State
Luli Medical Diagnostic and Research Laboratories
Georgetown University Washington D.C
University of the District of Columbia
Background: Liqu efied petroleum gas (LPG) h as been used extensively for h eating , cooking and as a
fuel in vehicles and generators. This study was design ed to evaluate renal and liver pro fil e of LPG
plant wo rkers in Benin City, Edo State. Methods: A tot al of on e hundred (100) subjects between 2 0-
60 years wer e recruited for this study which consist 50 liqu efied gas plant workers and 50 subj ects
who do not work in LPG pl ant stations (controls). Blood samples (10ml) were coll ected from the
cubital vein of each subject with th e aid of syringe and needle into plain plastic containers. The renal
and biochemical parameter were analyzed using st andard laboratory procedures. Res ults: The results
obtained in this study show that sodium and creatinine lev els of liquefied petroleum gas plant workers
were significantly higher (p<0.05) when compared with the respectiv e controls. There was no
significant difference when the serum levels of po tassium and urea were compared with th e respective
controls. There was significant di fference (p<0.05) wh en AST, ALT, A LP, and GGT valu es were
compared with their control. The creatinine levels wer e significantly higher (p<0.05) within the age
group 41-50 years and 51-60 years. There was no signi ficant difference (p<0.05 ) in th e sodium,
potassium and urea levels in the v arious age groups . There was no significant d ifference wh en AST,
ALT, ALP and GGT were compared within the various age groups . Co nclusion: The results of this
study however show ed that exposure to LPG resulted in significan t renal and liver profile alterations.
Copyright © 2020, Obodo et a l. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Over the y ears, it has been reported that about 3.2 billion
people constantly m ake us e o f coal and biomass fuels such as
wood, dung and crop residues in order to meet their basic
energy needs (Eva et al., 2017). Liquefied petroleum gas
(LPG) has been used extensively for heating, cooking and as a
fu el in vehicles and gen erators. LPG could be re ferred to as
auto-gas, propane and but ane depending on where it is been
used (Eva et al., 2017). It emits less greenhouse gas emissions
and as such is referred to as a green fuel. It does not contain
lead and sulphur, it is odorless and a non-renewable source o f
energy (Fukunag a, 2015). Also, it is extracted from crud e oil
and natural gas and it is constituted by hydrocarbons
containing three or fou r carbon atoms.
*Correspo nding author: Obodo, B .N.,
Department of Medical L aboratory Science, Ambro se Alli Univ ersity,
Ekpoma, Edo St ate.
The normal components of LPG are propane (C3H8) and
butane (C4H10), although concentrations of oth er
hydrocarbons may be present. LPGs can be liquefied wh en
pressure is applied at norm al temperatures and at atmospheric
pressure; it is a g as (World H ealth Organization, 2017). There
have been reports on the health challenges accrued to the use
of wood and kerosene, which th erefore resulted i n an increase
in the use and sales of LPGs with little information on the
effects o f its exposure to humans (International Energy
Agency, 2016). Solid fuels sti ll remain significant in
residential energy use in less developed count ries despite the
tremendous efforts fuels mad e in impacting economic
development (International Energy Agency, 2016). Shifting
from the use o f solid fuels to m odern forms o f en ergy resulted
in the use o f kerosene and LPG, natural gas, electri city and
biogas and has considerably improved access to modern
commercial energy in the developing n ations (International
Energy Agency, 2016; World Liquefied Petrol eum Gas
Association, 2017).
ISSN: 0975-833X
International Journal of Current Research
Vol. 12, Issue, 07, pp.12929-12932, July, 2020
Article History:
Receive d xxxxx, 2020
Receive d in revised form
xxxxxx, 2020
Accepted xxxxx, 2020
Published online xxxxx, 2020
Citation: Obodo, B.N., Iroro, A.P., Iyevhobu, K.O., Ebaluegbeifoh, L.O., Okobi, T.J., Alleh, O.A., Idaghe F.A., Omolumen, L.E., Uhomoibhi, O.T. 2020.
“Assessment of renal and liver profile am ong liquef ied petroleum gas plant workers”, International Journal of Current Research, 12, (07), 12929-12932.
Available online at
Article History:
Receive d 07
April, 2020
Receive d in revised form
May , 2020
Accepted 21
June, 2020
Published online 30
July, 2020
Key Words:
Liquefied pe troleum gas, Rena l,
Liver, Health,
The use of LPGs rep resents th e transition into the use o f
modern fu els which automatically replaces th e use of
traditional fu els (Kojima, 2011). LPG is regarded as the m ajor
fu el for r esidential cooking in areas not accessible to natural
gas and however could be the fuel o f choice for many
household even when natural gas is available (Fukunaga, 2015;
World Liquefied Petrol eum Gas Association, 2017). T he
availability and use o f LPG is dependent on t h e income, price
availability, reliability of supply, prices o f other fuels,
acquisition costs o f LPG cylinders and stoves, fears about
safety, unfamiliarity with cooking with LP Gas, lack of
knowledge about the harm caused by smoke from solid fuels
burned in traditional stoves and cultural preferences (Kojima,
2011). LP G as m any would suggest has played a positive role
in providing sustainable environmental challenges to the
problem related to the scarcity of wood as fuel in households
(Fukunaga, 2015). However, there is growing concern ov er the
use of LPG among indivi duals who constantly inhale this
substance with a reported signi ficant higher dise ase burden
(Sugie, 2014). T his concern there fore sets this research in
motion to investigate the effects of LPG on renal and liver
profile of LP G plant workers.
Research Protocol: A comparative cross-sectional study was
conducted on LPG plant workers in Benin City, Edo State,
Nigeria, from August 1, to December 31, 2019 in which
workers exposed to LPG w ere compared with those that are
not exposed to LPG (controls). T he LPG g as plant workers
were all males who work b etween 8am to 2pm and from 2pm-
8pm daily. T he LPG plant workers were interviewed and blood
samples were collected twice d aily in the Manag er’s offi ce at
12pm and 4pm daily when there were high chances of m inimal
work load. The control groups were inte rviewed, examined
with no underlying and visible symptoms of any ailment
before collection o f blood samples. Also questionnaires were
used to collect the in form ation on age and general health
Study Popu lation: A total of one hundred (100) subjects
between 20-60 years were recruited for this study which
consist of fi fty (50) g as plant workers and fi fty (50) non LPG
plant workers which served as the control.
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria: Apparently h ealthy LPG
plant workers and controls with no underlying illness or
symptoms were recruited for this study. S ubjects who are not
within 20-60 years, and have underlying ill ness or symptoms
were ex cluded from this study.
Ethical Approval: Ethical approval was obtained from the
University Research and Ethics Committee. Also, informed
consent was also obtained from the subjects after explaining
the purpose of t he study to them.
Sample Collection: Blood samples (10ml) were collected
from the cubital vein o f each subje ct with the aid o f syringe
and needle into plain plastic containers. T he blood sample in
the plain containers was centrifug ed at 3000rpm for 10 minut es
and serum immediately separated from the cells into plain
containers with labels corresponding to initial blood sample
bottle. The s erum samples were stored frozen at -70
C until the
time for analysis.
Sample Analysis: T he samples obtained from the LPG plant
workers and cont rols was analyzed fo r activities of liver
enzymes (aspartate aminotransferas e (AST ), alanine
aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and
gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) and r enal function
(creatinine, urea, potassium and sodium) (Reitman, 1957;
Fabiny, 1971; Rec, 1972).The sera obtained were used to
estimate AST , ALT, ALP, GGT, creatinine, urea, sodium and
potassium using commercially available r eagent kits, standard
protocols and equipments.
Statistical Analysis: T he results obtained in this study were
analyzed statist ically and the mean and standard deviation
values cal culated in each case. The Student t-test and Analysis
of Variance (ANOVA) statist ical methods wer e employed for
comparison using a computer programme (SPSS) for window
release 21.0. A p- value equal or l ess than 0.05 (P0.05) were
considered s tatistically significant at 95% con fidence level.
The results obtained in this study show that sodium (144.66 ±
5.60 mmol /l) and creatinine (0.71± 0.17 mg/dl) levels o f
liquefi ed petroleum gas plant workers were signi ficantly
higher (p<0.05) when compared with the respe ctive control
(141.76 ± 5. 60 mmol/l) and (0.64 ± 0. 20mg/dl ). There was no
significant di fference wh en the s erum l evels o f potassium and
urea were compared with the respective controls (Table 1). The
results obtained showed that there was significant di fference
(p<0.05) when AST (12.76 ± 4.22 U/L), A LT (6.48 ± 3.34
U/L), ALP, (30.40 ± 7.71 U/L) and GGT (96.03 ± 73.74 U/L)
values were compared with the respective control, (7.00 ± 3.18
U/L), (4.72 ± 2.46 U/L), (23.58 ± 7.61 U/L) and (49.89 ±
38.51 U/L) (Table 2).
The result s showed that serum sodium, potassium and urea
were not statistically signi fi cant ((p>0.05) within the age
groups while the serum lev els of creatinine were statistically
significant (p<0.05) within the age groups o f 41-50 ye ars and
51-60 years (Table 3). The results also showed t hat there was
no significant difference when AST, ALT, ALP and GGT were
compared within the various age groups. Howev er, AST and
GGT levels were higher in the age group 20 -30 ye ars. ALT
values were higher in the age group 31-40 years while ALP
values were found t o be higher with the age group 51-60 years
(Table 4).
LPG having being regarded as a mixture o f hydrocarbon gases
used as fuel in vehicles and cooking appliances in homes
(Prasad et al., 2017). T here has not been much serious health
issues reported with the use and abuse o f LPG, however, there
is high risk involved in workers who majorly d eal with
packaging and fill ing large quantities o f LPGs. Hence this
study was carried out to determine the effects o f LPG on LPG
plant workers by considering basic biochemical param eters.
This study showed that sodium and creatinine levels were
significantly higher in LPG plant workers, while the level of
potassium and urea were not significantly different, though the
values tend to vary in LPG plant workers when compared with
the controls. This observation is in line with the work of Sirdah
et al., (2013) where a similar trend of result was reported.
12930 Obodo et al. Assessment of renal and liver profile among liquefied pe troleum gas plant workers
On the contrary, this obse rvation is not in agreement with the
study of Viau (2012), who did not find significant effects on
kidney function m arkers o f r efine ry wo rkers who were
occupationally expos ed to hydrocarbons, the major component
of natu ral or LPG gas. When the population was separated into
age groups, the findings showed that in all age groups, the
mean values o f Sodium, potassium, urea and creatinine varied
across the age group. But however, there was signi fi cant
increas e in serum creatinine levels within the age group 41-50
years and 51-60 y ears. T hese obse rvations in serum sodium,
creatinine, urea and creatinine as r egards t he v ariations in the
age groups and years of exposure were consistent with the
findings o f Ezejio for et al., (2014).
The liver is involved in maintaining and regulating
homeostasis and further pl ays a vital role in biochemical
pathways ne cessary for growth and development (Ward,
1999). Hence, the maintenance of a h ealthy and functional
liver is vital for the overall wellbeing of an individual. This
study showed that the levels of AST , ALT, ALP and GGT
were signi ficantly highe r in LPG pl ant workers when
compared wit h the controls. T his observation is in line with the
work of Ezejio for et al., (2014) where a similar trend o f result
was obtained. Other reports showed that long-term exposure to
coke oven emissions increased the risk of liver dysfunction
(Hu, 2010), while Wu (2012) and Chen (2006) explored the
dose–response relationship between exposure to natural gas
emissions in coke oven workers and reported a signifi cant
elevation of some liver enzymes in these workers that may
have been related to their exposure to natural gas.
Abnormal liver functions with neurological symptoms were
reported in individuals who had accidental inhalation of natural
gas containing propane and butane (Pyatt, 1998). In addition,
there are reports on the hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effect of
kerosene and p etrol contaminated diets in Wistar albino rats
(Patrick-Iwuanynwu, 2014) and this collaborates with the
findings in this study. When the population was separated into
age groups the findings showed that in all age groups, the
mean values of AST, ALT, ALP and GGT varied across the
age group. However, there was an increase in AST and GGT
levels within the age group 20-30 years, ALT within 31-40
years and ALP within 51-60 years. This corroborates the
reports o f M ayne (1998) and Balisteri and Sha w (1999).
Furthermore, the fact that there was consistently significant
increase in values o f liver enzymes cl early points to the
existence o f certain conditions among the LPG plant workers
that does not obtain among the non LPG plant wo rkers.
Marked inc rease o f the enzymes (10 to 100 times the upp er
limit of adult reference range) may be caused by circulatory
failure with shock’ and hypoxia, myocardial infarction
(particularly for AST) and acute vir al or t oxic hep atitis, while
moderate i ncrease may be caused by Cirrhosis and– Malignant
infiltration o f the liver. GGT is an enzyme that trans fers
gamma-glutamyl functional groups. It is found in many tis sues,
the most notable one being the liver, and has signi ficance in
medicine as a diagnostic marker (Tate and Meister, 2005).
Hence the signific ant increase in GGT level clearly points to
the existence of liver dysfunction among LPG plant workers.
Control (n=50)
Subjects (n=50)
Sodium (mm ol/l)
Potassium (mmol/l)
Urea (mg/dl)
Creatinine (mg/dl)
Key: n=Sample Size, S: Significant, NS: Not significa nt.
Table 2: Liver Function of Liquefied Petroleum G as Plant Workers with the Controls
Parameters (U /L)
Control (n=50)
Subjects (n=50)
Key: n=Sample Size, S: Significant, NS: Not significant, AST: Aspartate amino transferase, ALT: Alanine amino transf erase, ALP: Alkaline
phosphatase, G GT: Gamma glutamy l transfera se.
Table 3: Age comparison of renal f unction of Liquefied Petrol eum Gas Plant Workers
20-30yrs (n= 25)
31-40yrs (n= 17)
41-50yrs (n= 05)
51-60yrs (n= 03)
Sodium (mm ol/l)
Potassium (mmol/l)
Urea (mg/dl)
Creatinine (mg/dl)
Key: Value s in a row with a different superscr ipt are significantly different at p<0.05; n=Sample Size, P<0.05: Signific ant, P >0.05: Not significa nt.
Table 4: Age comparison of liver functio n of Liquef ied Petroleum Gas Plant Workers
Parameters (U /L)
20-30yrs (n= 25)
31-40yrs (n= 17)
41-50yrs (n= 05)
51-60yrs (n= 03)
Key: Values in a row with a diffe rent super script ar e significantly diffe rent at p<0.05; n=Sample Size, P<0.05: Significant, P>0.05: Not significant, AST:
Asparta te amino transferase, ALT: Alanine amino transferase, ALP: Alkaline phosphatase , GGT: Gamma glutamyl transferase.
12931 Internatio nal Jou rnal of C urrent Research, Vol. 12, Issue, 07, pp.12929-12932, July, 2020
Acknowledge ments
Our special thanks to all the authors, who contributed to the
success o f this research and the pres entation of this manuscript
and to St Kenny C onsult for creating the enabling environment
and proof reading this manuscript.
Financial support and spon sorship: Nil.
Conflicts of Interest: T here are no con flicts of i nterest.
Key Points
This study revealed that there were significant increase in
the values o f sodium, creatinine, AST, ALT, ALP and
GGT among the LPG plant workers as compared to the
Age comparison of renal function of LPG plant workers
revealed signi ficant increase in the level o f serum
creatinine within the age 41-50 years and 51-60 years
while sodium, potassium, urea, AST, ALT, ALP and
GGT levels were not s ignificantly altered.
The results of this study however showed that exposure to
LPG resulted in significant alterations in renal and liver
fun ctions.
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12932 Obodo et al. Assessment of renal and liver profile among liquefied pe troleum gas plant workers
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Background: Literature abounds linking one's job to certain unpalatable health outcomes. Since exposures to hazardous conditions in industrial environments often results in sundry health effects among workers, we embarked on this study to investigate the hepatic health effects of occupational activities in the petroleum refining and distribution industry. Method: Biochemical markers of liver functions were assayed in plasma, using Reflotron dry chemistry spectrophotometric system. The study was conducted on randomly selected workers of Port Harcourt Refining Company (PHRC) and Pipelines and Petroleum Product Marketing Company (PPMC) both in Alesa-Eleme near Port Harcourt, Nigeria, as well as non-oil work civil servants serving as control subjects. Result and conclusion: Results showed that, bilirubin ranged 0.3-1.6 mg/dl with a mean of 0.66±0.20mg/dl among the oil workers as against 0.5-1.00mg/dl with a mean of 0.58±0.13mg/dl in non-oil workers, Alkaline phosphatase ranged 50.00-296.00u/l (mean: 126.21±39.49u/l) in oil workers as against 40.20-111u/l (mean: 66.83±18.54u/l) for non-oil workers, Aspartic transaminases (AST) ranged 5.80-140.20u/l (mean: 21.81±11.49u/l) in oil workers against 18.00-44.00u/l (mean: 26.89±6.99u/l) for non-oil workers, while Alanine transaminases (ALT) ranged 4.90-86.00u/l (mean: 22.14±11.28u/l) in oil workers as against 10.00-86.60u/l (mean: 22.30±10.22u/l) for the non-oil workers. A close study of the results revealed that although the mean values for all the studied parameters were still within the parametric reference ranges, however, relative to the referents, there were significant increases (P<0.05) in plasma bilirubin (though anicteric) and alkaline phosphatase that was not matched with a corresponding increase in the plasma transaminases, suggesting a possibility that toxic anicteric hepatoxicity is part of the potential health effects of sundry exposures in the Nigeria petroleum oil refining and distribution industry. Gender differentiation data showed that though the mean values for the parameters were higher in males than females, the increases were not significant in most cases (P>0.05), whereas data for age and exposure period classifications revealed that irrespective of the age of the worker, the effects are likely to start after the first five years, manifesting fully after the first decade of occupational exposures. Thus, an update of industrial/occupational health measures is necessary for a safer and healthier work environment.
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One half of the world's population relies on biomass fuel as the primary source of domestic energy. Biomass fuel exposure causes a high degree of morbidity and mortality in humans. This is especially true in the context of developing countries, which account for 99% of the world's biomass fuel use. Biomass fuel consists of fire wood, dung cakes, agricultural crop residues such as straw, grass, and shrubs, coal fuels and kerosene. Together, they supply 75% of the domestic energy in India. An estimated three-quarters of Indian households use biomass fuel as the primary means for domestic cooking. Ninety percent of rural households and 32% of urban households cook their meals on a biomass stove. There are wide variations between the rural and urban households regarding the specific type of biomass fuel used. Globally, almost 2 million deaths per year are attributable to solid fuel use, with more than 99% of these occurring in developing countries. Biomass fuel accounts for 5-6% of the national burden of disease. Burning biomass fuels emits toxic fumes into the air that consist of small solid particles, carbon monoxide, polyorganic and polyaromatic hydrocarbons, and formaldehyde. Exposure to biomass fuels has been found to be associated with many respiratory diseases such as acute lower respiratory infections, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis, and asthma. Biomass fuel exposure is closely related to the burden of disease in India. Hopes are that future studies will examine the morbidity associated with biomass exposure and seek to prevent it. Concerted efforts to improve stove design and transition to high-efficiency low-emission fuels may reduce respiratory disease associated with biomass fuel exposure.
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Household surveys in Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka were analyzed using a two-stage Heckman model to examine the factors influencing the decision to use liquefied petroleum gas (stage 1) and, among users, the quantity consumed per person (stage 2). In the first stage, liquefied petroleum gas selection in all six countries increased with household expenditure and the highest level of education attained by female and male household members. Electricity connection increased, and engagement in agriculture and increasing household size decreased, liquefied petroleum gas selection in five countries; urban residence increased selection in four countries; and rising firewood and kerosene prices increased selection in three countries each. In the second stage, the quantity of liquefied petroleum gas consumed increased with rising household expenditure and decreasing price of liquefied petroleum gas in every country. Urban residence increased and engagement in agriculture decreased liquefied petroleum gas consumption. Surveys in Albania, Brazil, Mexico, and Peru, which did not report quantities, were also examined by calculating quantities using national average prices. Although fuel prices faced by individual households could not be tested, the findings largely supported those from the first six countries. Once the education levels of men and women were separately accounted for, the gender of the head of household was not statistically significant in most cases across the ten countries. Where it was significant (five equations), the sign of the coefficient was positive for men, possibly suggesting that female-headed households are burdened with unmeasured economic disadvantages, making less cash available for purchasing liquefied petroleum gas.
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Occupational coke oven emissions (COEs) have been considered an important health issue. However, there are no conclusive data on human hepatic injury due to COE exposure. The association of COE exposure with liver function was explored and the effects of modification of potential non-occupational factors were assessed. 705 coke oven workers and 247 referents were investigated. Individual cumulative COE exposure was quantitatively estimated. Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma-glutamyl transferase, alkaline phosphatase, hepatitis B surface antigen and anti-hepatitis C antibody were measured. Among those with high COE exposure, the adjusted ORs of abnormal ALT and AST were 5.23 (95% CI 2.66 to 10.27) and 1.95 (95% CI 1.18 to 3.52), respectively. Overweight individuals (body mass index (BMI) > or =25 kg/m(2)) with high COE exposure had elevated risks of abnormal ALT (adjusted OR 23.93, 95% CI 8.73 to 65.62) and AST (adjusted OR 5.18, 95% CI 2.32 to 11.58). Risk of liver damage in hepatitis B virus- or hepatitis C virus-positive individuals with COE exposure was also elevated. Long-term exposure to COE increases the risk of liver dysfunction, which is more prominent among those with higher BMI and hepatitis virus infection. The risk assessment of liver damage associated with COE exposure should take BMI and hepatitis virus infection into consideration.
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is widely used in the Gaza Strip for domestic purposes, in agriculture and industry and, illegally, in cars. This study aimed to identify possible health effects on workers exposed to LPG in Gaza governorates. Data were collected by a questionnaire interview, and haematological and biochemical analyses of venous blood samples were made from 30 workers at filling and distribution stations and 30 apparently healthy controls. Statistically significant differences were found in all self-reported health-related complaints among LPG workers versus controls. LPG workers had significantly higher values of red blood cell counts, haemoglobin, haematocrit mean corpuscular haemoglobin and platelet counts. They also had significantly higher values of kidney function tests (urea, creatinine and uric acid) and liver function enzyme activities (aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase). LPG workers at Gaza Strip petroleum stations are at higher risk for health-related symptoms and clinical abnormalities.
An automated kinetic method to determine creatinine in serum with the Jaffé reaction is described. The method does not require deproteinization or adsorption of creatinine on Fuller's earth or ion-exchange resin. A maximum of 29 serum samples, standards, and control sera can be assayed in less than 1.5 min. Interferences by most of the known Jaffé-positive serum constituents were studied and minimized by optimal selection of the time interval during which the reaction rate was measured. Results of precision studies and correlation with a manual method requiring adsorption of creatinine on ion-exchange resin are reported. Spectroscopic data suggest that the product of reaction between picrate and creatinine is a 1:1 adduct of the two starting molecules.
Two autopsy cases of men who died while connecting a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) pipe are reported. Their blood concentrations of propane (the main content of LPG) were 0.12 and 3.40 mg/100 g, respectively. The cause of death after exposure of LPG has generally been considered to be asphyxia from hypoxia. The large differences in the blood propane levels found here and reported in the literature, however, suggest that direct toxic effects of propane poisoning may be the cause of death in some cases. Propane concentrations and the cause of death are reviewed and discussed.
To explore the dose-response relationship between exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and the elevation of some serum liver enzymes in coke oven workers. Cumulative exposure level of total 16 PAHs (CEL-PAHs) and urinary 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) concentrations were assessed, liver enzymes including alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were determined between coke oven workers and non-occupational PAHs exposed workers with negative hepatitis B surface antigens (HBsAg). The exposure levels of PAHs in coke oven workers were significantly higher than in control group (P < 0.05). Compared with referents, significant elevation of serum ALT can be found in the group of CEL-PAHs minor than 50 microg/(m3 x a) or in the group of urinary 1-OHP concentrations minor than 2.3 micromol/mol creatinine, as well as significant elevation of serum AST in the group of CEL-PAHs minor than 50 microg/(m3 x a) (P < 0.05). Compared with control group, the elevation of enzyme level in all four serum liver and the higher prevalence of abnormal serum ALT, AST and GGT level can be found both in the group of CEL-PAHs higher than 200 microg/(m3 x a) and in the group of urinary 1-OHP concentrations higher than 10.0 micromol/mol creatinine (P < 0.05), especially for the elevation of enzyme level in serum GGT (10-fold increase in CEL-PAHs resulted in 1.24-fold increase in serum GGT, as well as 10-fold increase in urinary 1-OHP resulted in 1.19-fold increase) and higher prevalence in serum GGT (logistic analysis: adjusted Odds Ratio: 6.2 - 7.2, P < 0.05). The elevation of some liver enzymes in coke oven workers may be related to their high exposure level of PAHs.
London: International Book Development Ltd
  • P D Mayne
Mayne, P.D. 1998. The Liver and Gall Stones, Plasma Enzymes in Diagnosis. Clinical chemistry in diagnosis and treatment ELST. 6th edition. London: International Book Development Ltd;:279-290. 299-312.