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Seaweed -An Eco-friendly Alternative of Agrochemicals in Sustainable Agriculture

  • Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University Pusa

Abstract and Figures

Sustainable agriculture demands the use of our natural resources to enhance production and productivity without depleting the natural base along with a vision to preserve them for our future generation. The effect of modern agriculture driven by agrochemicals has raised serious concern about the health and wellbeing of our environment and humans as well. The growth of the population and shrinking resources has created the need for searching new technology and resources to balance between feeding and preserving the environment. Researchers are nowadays more focussed towards trying and testing new products to reduce our dependency on agrochemicals. Among the various alternatives, Seaweed has drawn the attention of many researchers due to its unique properties and abundant availability. They are nowadays used to increase the yield by enhancing the nutrient uptake by the plant. This can reduce excessive fertilizer application for yield enhancement. Seaweed extracts are also showing effective response against various pest and diseases. This property can also play a very important role in reducing our dependency on harmful chemicals for pest control. Review Article Mishra et al.; CJAST, 39(27): 71-78, 2020; Article no.CJAST.60131 72
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Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology
39(27): 71-78, 2020; Article no.CJAST.60131
ISSN: 2457-1024
(Past name:
British Journal of Applied Science & Technology,
ISSN: 2231-0843,
NLM ID: 101664541)
Seaweed - An Eco-friendly Alternative of
Agrochemicals in Sustainable Agriculture
Abhay Mishra
, Sangita Sahni
, Sanjeev Kumar
and Bishun Deo Prasad
Department of Plant Pathology, Tirhut College of Agriculture, Dholi, Muzaffarpur - 843 121,
RPCAU, Pusa, Bihar, India.
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, BAU, Sabour,
Bhagalpur - 813210, Bihar, India.
Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Authors AM and SS designed the study,
wrote the protocol and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. All Authors managed the literature
searches. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/CJAST/2020/v39i2730921
(1) Dr. Alessandro Buccolieri, Università del Salento, Italy.
(1) Ida Nur Istina, Indonesia.
Artemio Cruz León, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, México.
Complete Peer review History:
Received 20 June 2020
Accepted 25 August 2020
Published 09 September 2020
Sustainable agriculture demands the use of our natural resources to enhance production and
productivity without depleting the natural base along with a vision to preserve them for our future
generation. The effect of modern agriculture driven by agrochemicals has raised serious concern
about the health and wellbeing of our environment and humans as well. The growth of the
population and shrinking resources has created the need for searching new technology and
resources to balance between feeding and preserving the environment. Researchers are nowadays
more focussed towards trying and testing new products to reduce our dependency on
agrochemicals. Among the various alternatives, Seaweed has drawn the attention of many
researchers due to its unique properties and abundant availability. They are nowadays used to
increase the yield by enhancing the nutrient uptake by the plant. This can reduce excessive fertilizer
application for yield enhancement. Seaweed extracts are also showing effective response against
various pest and diseases. This property can also play a very important role in reducing our
dependency on harmful chemicals for pest control.
Review Article
Mishra et al.; CJAST, 39(27): 71-78, 2020; Article no.CJAST.60131
Keywords: Sustainable agriculture; seaweed; polysaccharides.
The use of seaweed extract is increasing due to
its potential use in sustainable agriculture [1],
especially in rainfed crops to avoid excessive
fertilizer. Seaweed extract is currently used in
organic farming to reduce excessive application
of fertilizers and improve nutrient uptake through
roots or leaves of the plant [2]. Use of seaweed
extract in many crops has increased various
parameters such as yield and tolerance to
environmental stress [3], nutrient uptake [4] and
antioxidant properties [5]. Seaweed extract
increases stomata uptake efficiency in plants [6].
Ethanol extract of Chaetomorpha aerea exhibited
good antibacterial property against various gram
positive and gram negative bacteria in laboratory
condition [7]. Foliar spray of seaweed extract has
shown its ability against phytopathogenic fungi
[8] [9]. Polysaccharides obtained from seaweeds
are known for their excellent water holding
capacity and hence find extensive application in
food industries as gelling and thickening agents.
Carrageenan, a hydrocolloid extracted mainly
from Eucheuma spp. and Kappaphycus spp. is
widely used in dairy and chocolate industries due
to its ability to bind proteins efficiently in the
suspension and prevent fractionation of milk
protein. Bromophenol extracted from marine
algae Symphyocladia latiuscula have been
reported to exhibit antioxidant property [10].
Agar-agar extracted from red algae is widely
used in laboratories for culturing microorganism.
There are lots of uses of seaweed, however, in
this review we present an overview related to
role of seaweed in increasing yield and other
parameters of crops so that it can be utilised
efficiently in sustainable agriculture.
Seaweeds or marine macro-algae represent a
diverse group of plant-like organism which lack
real root system and vascular system as found in
flowering plants but are capable of performing
photosynthesis due to variety of pigments
present in them. Generally they have specialised
structures (holdfast) that help them to attach on
the rocks or other hard substances in the coastal
areas. Most of the seaweeds come from three
importance division based on the dominant
pigment present in them and their ability to
absorb a particular wavelength of light. The
Rhodophyta (red algae), the Chlorophyta (green
algae) and the Phaeophyta (brown algae) are the
three groups of algae classified under the
kingdom Protista. Among these, the members of
red algae and brown algae are generally found in
marine environment while only 10% of the total
reported green algae in marine environment. The
study of algae is called Phycology.
Seaweeds are known to synthesize a large
number of polysaccharides which either form an
integral component of their cell wall or a reserve
food material in them. These polysaccharides
have been reported to containing anti-cancer
[14], anticoagulant [15], antidiabetic [16], anti-
inflammatory [17] and antimicrobial [18] property.
Due to its increasing demand in food industry,
cosmetic industry and pharmaceutical industry,
they are often regarded as wonder plants of the
sea. Till now the major use of seaweed has been
in food industry. Of the total reported seaweeds;
221 are economically important seaweed out of
which, 145 species are used for food and 110
species for phycocolloid production.
Table 1. Algae classification and characteristics
Classes Major pigment Reserve food
Cell wall
(Red algae)
Chlorophyll a, d,
Cellulose, Pectin and
Polysulphate easters
such as agar and
Porphyra, Gracilaria
and Gelidium
(Brown algae)
Chlorophyll a, c
and fucoxanthin
Cellulose and algin Dictyota, Laminaria
and Sargassum
(Green algae)
Chlorophyll a and
Starch Cellulose Chlamydomonas,
Spirogyra and Chara
- [11] [12] [13]
Mishra et al.; CJAST, 39(27): 71-78, 2020; Article no.CJAST.60131
The use of seaweeds in agriculture as soil
amendment to increase crop productivity dates
back to antiquity [19]. However, the first mention
of its recommendation on transplanting cabbage
dates back to 1
half of 1
century [20]. The liquid
formulation of seaweed extract was introduced in
1950 but it took almost ten years to become a
practice in agriculture due to the conventional
belief that plants take nutrients only through roots
and not through leaves. With the advancement
in our understanding of plant physiology, the use
of seaweed extract is increasing day by day on
plants to improve the production and productivity
without harming the environment. In recent time,
biostimulants are gaining wordwide popularity in
sustainable agriculture [21]. Different
commercial products are available in the market
containing seaweeds extracts in a particular
proportion. Brown algae, especially Ascophyllum
nodosum, are most commonly used in agriculture
According to ‘European Biostimulant Industry
Council’ (EBIC) [23], “Plant biostimulants contain
substance(s) and microorganism whose function
when applied to plants or the rhizosphere is to
stimulate natural processes to enhance nutrient
uptake, nutrient efficiency, tolerance to abiotic
stress, and crop quality”. These include - Humic
acid, Fulvic acid, Chitosan, Protein hydrolysates,
beneficial microorganisms and seaweed extracts.
Seaweed extract have been reported to
increased yield and quality in different crops such
as Rice [24], Phaseolus aureus [25], Capsicum
annuum [26], Black gram [27], Brassica napus
[28], Grapes [29], Cucumber [30], Strawberry
[31] and Tomato [32]. Application of seaweed gel
on tomato plants promote vegetative growth
along with flowers and fruits growth [33]. Extract
of A. nodosum caused 10% increase in
vegetative growth of Strawberry [34]. Foliar spray
and drenching of seaweed extract on tomatos
caused increase in root and shoot length [35].
Drenching of seaweed extract caused increase in
leaf area, stem diameter, root biomass and shoot
biomass of broccoli [36]. Concentrate application
of seaweed on lettuce caused increased uptake
of K, Ca and Mg from the soil [37].
, a commercial product obtained from
Ascophyllum nodosum, when sprayed to
ornamental pepper (Capsicum annum L.) in low
concentration of 0.75 ml/L, enhanced plant
growth parameters [38]. Application of ROOT
PLUS, a patented product obtained from
seaweed, produced more flowers and fruits as
compared to fertilizer treatment [39]. Application
of KELPAK 60, a seaweed extract concentration
caused increase in dry mass of cucumber [40].
Seaweed extract obtained from Ascophyllum
nodosum when applied on tomato leaves
showed increase in chlorophyll content [41]. Low
concentration of Ascophyllum nodosum (0.1 g L
) was found to determine root growth in
Arabidopsis plant [42]. Application of seaweed
(15%) along with recommended dose of fertilizer
in green gram significantly increases N, P and K
uptake by grains [43]. Seaweed extracts have
shown ability to protect the plants against various
pest and diseases [44] [45].
The use of inorganic fertilizers is increasing day
by day. Total consumption of N+P
+ K
O in
India had reached to 27.29 million MT during
2018-19 which was 16.79 million MT during
1998-1999 (increase of 62 %). There was wide
NPK use ratio of 7.1:2.7:1 during 2018-2019 [46].
It is another tremendous challenge for
maintaining the health of the soil. Use of excess
inorganic fertilizer is associated with
accumulation of heavy metals such as Cd, Hg,
Pb. in the ground. Nitrogenous fertilizers pollute
the underground water system through leaching.
Such type of pollution is responsible for serious
health problems when contaminated water
reaches our body. The Blue baby syndrome is a
classical example of nitrate contamination in
groundwater system. Excessive and imbalance
dose of fertilizers cause loss in fertility of soil by
disturbing various physical, chemical and
biological properties of soil such as pH, electrical
conductivity, soil structure and beneficial
microorganism population.
The products obtained from seaweed are natural,
biodegradable, organic, non-toxic and non-
hazardous in nature [47]. They can be a probable
solution for fertility management in organic
agriculture which is at present one of the biggest
challenge in our endeavour towards organic
agriculture. About 59 species of marine algae
have reported to exhibiting stimulating effect on
various agriculturally important plants.
The supply of seaweed for industrial purpose is
associated with its commercial cultivation. This in
turn will create livelihood opportunity for many
communities living along the coastal areas. Since
the planting of seaweed requires very less input
and locally available materials, it may become a
boon for poor farmers as well.
Mishra et al.; CJAST, 39(27): 71-78, 2020; Article no.CJAST.60131
Table 2. Commercial Seaweed products used in agriculture [22]
Product name
Seaweed species
Acadian Ascophllum nodosum Plant growth stimulant
Agri-Grow Ultra Nodosum macrocystis Plant growth stimulant
AgroKelp Ascophllum nodosum Plant growth stimulant
Kelpak Durvillea antarctica Plant growth stimulant
Profert Unspecified Plant biostimulant
Fartum Eclonia nodosum Biofertilizer
Based on the current trend, the use of seaweed
is expecting to increase in agriculture as
biostimulant and biofertilizer. However, one
should also be careful regarding its
excessive use. They contain high salt (Na
, Cl
and K
.) which may cause soil salinization finally,
hence it is advised to use it with intermittent
Seaweed extracts have shown promising results
in stimulating seed germination, root
development, increased nutrient uptake,
optimum performance under stressed
environment and enhancement of frost
resistance. Few researchers have also reported
antifungal [48] and antibacterial [49] effects.
However, the exact mechanism of such action is
still not very clear [50] [51]. Increased
photosynthetic efficiency, higher carbon
assimilation, enhanced stomata conductance,
efficient water and nutrient uptake delayed
senescence, antimicrobial, anti-feedent and
insect repellent properties may be the possible
mechanism of action by the seaweed extract
[22]. It has been observed that the seaweed
extract contain a large number of micronutrients
(Zn, Ni, Cu, Cd, F, Na and Fe) which is supposed
to be playing some supplementary role in the
plant growing in micronutrient deficient condition.
The thallus of seaweed contains high amount of
organic matter in them. The organic matter
content present in the seaweed extract was
found to be responsible for stimulating growth of
the plant [52]. Brown seaweeds containing high
amount of alginate is shown to increase the
organic matter content of soil due to microbial
decomposition which in turn improves the water
holding capacity of soil, soil structure and soil
aeration. These parameters are essential for
better root growth and development. This believe
led to wide use of seaweed as bio fertilizer in late
1960s. It has also been found that the
application of seaweed extract have improved
the level of N, P, K and other minerals in the soil
which in turn play an important role in plant
growth and development. Apart from the above
mentioned elements, seaweed also contains a
large number of organic compounds such as
protein, fibre, cellulose, hemicelluloses, fat, lignin
and vitamins which have capacity to affect the
physiology of plants. Seaweed also contains
important plant hormones such as auxin,
cytokinin and gibberellins. It is believed that the
presence of these phytohormones may modulate
innate pathways for phytochrome biosynthesis in
plants [53]. The growth promoting effect of
seaweed extract on fruits and vegetable is
thought to be due to high auxin, cytokinin and
gibberellins content in them. Auxin is a well-
known plant growth regulator playing important
role in stem elongation and fruit development in
plants. Gibberellins are known for its active role
in seed germination while cytokinin play
important role in cell division and root
development. Hence many researcher claimed
that the stimulating property is due to presence
of plant growth regulators specially gibberelin
[54] and cytokinin [55]. Presence of betaines in
seaweed extract might be responsible for
increase in chlorophyll content of many plants
[56]. Betaines are found in seaweed extracts,
though they are traditionally not considered as
plant hormones [57]. Plants treated with
seaweed extract showed greater transcription of
betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase as compared
to control [58].
Plant pathogenic microorganism such as fungi,
bacteria and nematodes play a major role in yield
reduction of crops. Many researchers have
tested seaweed extract against these plant
pathogenic microorganisms. Seaweed extract
have been found to be effective against these
harmful microorganism. The antimicrobial activity
of seaweed is thought to be due to presence of
terpenes in them [59]. Seaweed extracts are
effective against phyto-pathogenic fungi [60] [61]
[62]. Green seaweed, Ulva lactuca and Ulva
fasciata were effective against Dysdercus
cingulatus [63]. Extract of Sargassum
tenerrimum and Padina tetrastromatica were
Mishra et al.; CJAST, 39(27): 71-78, 2020; Article no.CJAST.60131
found to be effective against Meloidogyne
javanica [64].
With the shrinking fertile land and increasing
population, humanity is looking for various
alternatives to cope up with these problems.
Ocean and sea could be an answer to such
upcoming challenges. Growing seaweeds does
not require weighted investment. The vast
extension of coastal areas create ideal
environment for its cultivation. Till now the algae
cultivation is limiting at China, Japan and South
Korea where they are mainly consumed as food
but with the discovery of its industrial uses, its
farming is extending up to European countries. In
India too, seaweed cultivation is gaining
momentum. However it is still in nascent stage
as compared to other countries besides having a
vast coastline of 7516.6 km. Lack of information,
lack of advance technology for product
extraction, poor training facilities and
underdeveloped marketing facilities have
hindered the growth of this sector in India. It was
mainly concerned with harvesting of natural
seaweeds for supply to the agar and alginate
industry. This created ecological imbalance
within a very short period of time and hence the
need of its proper cultivation was felt. With a
motive to explore seaweed cultivation in India,
the first experiment was conducted with
Sargassum cinctum at Porbandar, Gujrat in
1963. The result motivated to explore the
possibilities of growing Gracilaria edulis at
Krusadai Island. The modern era of seaweed
farming in India started in 2000 when PepsiCo
signed an agreement with CSIR- Cental Salt and
Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI)
for production of plant growth nutrients from it.
CSMCRI has played major role in development
of seaweed farming in India specially in
developing cultivation technologies for
Kappaphycus alvarezii. With its efforts only, the
cultivation of Kappaphycus alvarezii has reached
to 1490 dry metric tons in 2013 from mere 21 dry
metric tons in 2001. In 2015, commercial
production of seaweed reached to 140 million
farm gate values.
Till now approx 844 species of seaweed have
been reported from India. Nearly 60 species are
commercially important. Large scale cultivation of
seaweed is practiced in Tamil Nadu coast and
efforts are going on to establish it in Gujrat,
Maharastra, Andhra Pradesh, Kerela, Karnataka
and Odisha. CSMCRI have developed new
technologies for cultivation of seaweeds specially
Kappaphycus alvarezzi. Some of the methods
employed to cultivate seaweeds are - Long line
method, Net culture, Single Rope Floating raft
method, Fixed Bottom Long Line method,
Integrated Multi Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA)
method. Cultivation of Kappaphycus alvarezii is
mainly done by bamboo raft method which is
economical as well as feasible. A square shaped
raft (3x3) m is made using bamboo. To give
strength to this structure, bamboo braces are
used diagonally at four corners of the raft. The
lower portion is covered with fishing net to avoid
drifting of biomass. The two ends of bamboo raft
are connected using 3 mm thick Polypropylene
ropes at regular interval of 15 cm. These raft
ropes are used to attach planting material at
regular interval. Finally the raft is anchored in the
sea for biomass production. The seaweed
cuttings begin to grow under favorable condition
and are harvested at an interval of 45 days.
Approx 200 kg of wet seaweed can be harvested
from each raft per cycle. This has created
livelihood opportunity to more than 1500 coastal
households of Tamil Nadu earning approximately
US $300 per month per households. Various
SHGs are playing important role in promoting
seaweed farming in coastal areas for livelihood
generation. Several Industries have been
established such as –
M/S Marine chemical, Cochin.
M/S SNAP natural and alginate products
Ltd. Ranipet.
M/S Aqua agri processing Pvt. Ltd.
M/S Agri life Pvt. Ltd. Hydrabad.
M/S AK Seaweeds company, Tamil
It will further boost seaweed farming in India.
These industries utilize seaweed to produce
commercial products such as alginate and agar.
The demand of chemical fertilizers, especially
urea has increased tremendously in the past few
decades. Farmers are using excessive chemicals
to increase their yield. Excessive use of chemical
fertilizer is not only increasing the cost of
cultivation but also causing harm to environment,
human health and soil health. A large portion of
applied fertilizer is either lost or remain unutilized
in the soil. Use of seaweed extract tends to
increase the absorption of nutrients by the plants,
which may in turn reduce the excess application
of inorganic fertilizers. Previous studies have
Mishra et al.; CJAST, 39(27): 71-78, 2020; Article no.CJAST.60131
shown the ability of seaweed extracts to enhance
the yield in many crops. The demand of seaweed
as bio-stimulant and bio-fertilizer is increasing
day by day. Many commercial products are
available in the market nowadays. The
increasing demand of seaweed is responsible for
its commercial cultivation which is creating job
opportunities for coastal inhabitants.
Authors have declared that no competing
interests exist.
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... When compared to commercial fertilizers, seaweed-based extracts have drawn a lot of interest in agriculture by stimulating the quality and production of different plant crops [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. Currently, there are a few seaweed-based fertilizers available in the market [9]. These extracts are considered biostimulants (seaweed extracts with biostimulant properties) containing bioactive components that regulate phytohormone imbalance, promote soil water retention, reduce nutrient deficiencies both in the soil and the plant, and increase soil microbiota [10]. ...
... Where, mA is the weight of the substrate compacted and the graduated cylinder (g); mB is the weight of the graduated cylinder (g); V is the final volume of the substrate in the graduated cylinder (L). 9 The weight of substrate sample (ms, g) at 60 mL, used in Section 2.7.2 was calculated according to the formula [44]: ...
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Seaweed polysaccharides can substitute synthetic compounds present in commercial stimulants and fertilizers, used in agriculture to improve crops yield and vigor. In this study, three different poly-saccharides (alginate, agar and carrageenan) were extracted from one brown seaweed, Saccorhiza polyschides, and two red seaweeds, Gracilaria gracilis and Chondrus crispus, respectively, and applied on potted turnip greens (Brassica napus L.), with intention to analyze their impact on plant growth, development and metabolism. Turnip plants treated with polysaccharides, specially, carrageenan of Chondrus crispus showed the best results in improving the crop’s productivity, such as plant length and weight, number of leaves, nutrient and pigment content, and soil fertility, compared with turnip plants from the negative control or treated with a commercial leaf fertilizer. λ-carrageenan extracted from the tetrasporophyte generation of Chondrus crispus had the highest bioactivity and positive effect in turnip plants among all treatments. λ-carrageenan has shown that can improve plant growth, increase plant’s biomass, and root system, enhance photosynthetic activity, increase the uptake of soil nutrients, and protect plants against abiotic and biotic stresses, stimulating the production of secondary metabolites and manage its defense pathways. Seaweed extracted polysaccharides have the potential to be used in sustainable agriculture.
... The practice of using algae in this capacity dates back to ancient times (Metting et al., 1990;Craigie, 2011;Zafar et al., 2022). Algal fertilizers are now considered a potential alternative to conventional synthetic fertilizers (Craigie, 2011;Chatterjee et al., 2017;Michalak et al., 2017aMichalak et al., , 2017bMichalak et al., , 2017cBaweja et al., 2019;Mishra et al., 2020;Zafar et al., 2022). Red, brown, and green algae are used to varying degrees as fertilizers and as soil conditioners (Metting et al., 1990;Craigie, 2011;Haq et al., 2011;Lopez-Mosquera et al., 2011;Kumar and Sahoo, 2011;Abdel-Raouf et al., 2012;Illera-Vives et al., 2013, 2015Iqbal et al., 2021;Michalak and Messyasz, 2021;Ammar et al., 2022;Ghosh et al., 2022). ...
... Liquid fertilizers from algae (extracts and suspensions), as well as solid fertilizers from them, can be an alternative to synthetic plant stimulants, the use of which very often causes environmental pollution (Sunarpi et al., 2011;Panda et al., 2012;Tuhy et al., 2013). Marine and freshwater algae are widely used as raw materials for the extraction of various biologically active compounds (Craigie, 2011;Panda et al., 2012;Chatzissavvidis and Therios, 2014;Abbas et al., 2020;Michalak, 2020;Mishra et al., 2020;Yao et al., 2020;Michalak and Messyasz, 2021;Noli and Aliyyanti, 2021;Fleurence, 2022). Those compounds, when used in combination with inorganic fertilizers, can increase fertilizer efficiency (Sunarpi et al., 2011;Chatzissavvidis and Therios, 2014;Han et al., 2022). ...
Abstract The cosmopolitan filamentous green algae Cladophora spp. inhabits tropical to polar water bodies in a wide salinity range, from freshwaters to hypersaline. In different water bodies, they have significantly higher productivity than land plants occupying vast areas and creating a high concentration of its biomass. They also have high aquaculture potential. Summarizing the data from 349 published articles, the review analyzes the production capabilities of Сladophora spp., the biochemical composition of their biomass, and considers the possibilities of using their biomass in agriculture and aquaculture. Cladophora biomass can be used in different ways as fertilizers (biochar, compost, dry algae powder, extracts) and plant stimulants due to its chemical composition. An important feature of the chemical composition of Cladophora biomass is a large number of carbohydrates and proteins with a low lipid content reaching minerals and vitamins. Cladophora can be a valuable source of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and other specific nutrients in the diet of humans and animals. Cladophora biomass can be effectively used in the diet of chickens and livestock. As an important component in the diet of different fish species, it can be applied in their commercial cultivation. The biomass of Cladophora spp. can partly replace artificial shrimp food by replacing up to 30% of the fishmeal in it. Co-farming of shrimp and Cladophora also can provide a sustainable alternative to reduce the need for artificial feed.
... According to Zorya et al., [55] maize grains are stored between one harvesting season and another, ranging between 3 and 12 months, a period in which high post-harvest losses (30-50%) arise, especially those caused by insects. In developing countries like Tanzania, a significant amount of produce is lost in postharvest operations due to a lack of knowledge, inadequate technology, and/or poor storage facilities [28,32,33,48]. ...
Storage insect pests destroy food grains in storage. In the present study, the insecticidal activity of red seaweed extract (Eucheuma denticulatum) and neem (Azadirachta indica) was examined against maize weevils (Sitophilus zeamais) and the quality of the stored maize was assessed for a three months storage period. Three rates (0.0, 1.6 and 4.8% w/w) of neem powder and seaweed extract were used as treatments. The collected data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using General Linear Model in SPSS computer software packages (version 25) and mean comparisons were conducted using Turkey’s (HSD) test at the 5% level of significance. Sitophilus zeamais, mortality, grain weight loss, and rate of germination were recorded for each treatment. The 4.8%w/w mixture of seaweed extract and neem seed powder was more toxic, followed by the mixture of the extract and neem leaf powder (84.5% and 73.3% mortality rates, respectively), while in the control, mortality was 20%. In all treatments, Sitophilus zeamais mortality increased with increasing doses. Grain weight loss was high in the control (5.6%), followed by grains treated with 1.6% extracts of Eucheuma denticulatum alone (2.8%). The percentage of damaged maize grains was high in the control (14%) and low in grains treated with 4.8% seaweed extract and neem leaf powder (3.3%). Percentage germination was high in grains treated with 4.8% and 1.6% seaweed extracts alone (96% and 87% respectively) and in control (91%). Additionally, sensory evaluation results in terms of color, odor and overall acceptability showed that maize grains treated with both botanicals could be accepted by the general public for consumption. The results indicate promising potential for seaweed extract and neem powder in controlling maize weevils, offering sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions for stored grain protection.
... When compared to commercial fertilizers, seaweed-based extracts have drawn significant interest in agriculture by stimulating the quality and production of different plant crops [1,2]. Currently, there are a few seaweed-based fertilizers available on the market [3]. These biostimulants (seaweed extracts with biostimulant properties) contain bioactive components that regulate phytohormone imbalance, promote soil water retention, reduce nutrient deficiencies (both in the soil and the plant), and increase soil microbiota [2]. ...
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Seaweed polysaccharides can act as substitutes for synthetic compounds present in commercial stimulants and fertilizers used in agriculture to improve crop yields and vigor. In this study, three different polysaccharides (alginate, agar, and carrageenan) were extracted from one brown seaweed, Saccorhiza polyschides, and two red seaweeds, Gracilaria gracilis and Chondrus crispus, respectively, and applied to potted turnip greens (Brassica napus L.), with the intention to analyze their impact on plant growth, development, and metabolism. Turnip greens treated with polysaccharides, especially carrageenan of C. crispus, showed the best results in improving the crop productivity in terms of plant length and weight, number of leaves, nutrient and pigment content, and soil fertility compared with turnip greens from the negative control or those treated with a commercial leaf fertilizer. λ-carrageenan extracted from the tetrasporophyte generation of C. crispus had the highest bioactivity and positive effect on turnip greens among all treatments. λ-carrageenan has been shown to improve plant growth; increase the plant’s biomass (plant leaves: CC(T) (40.80 ± 5.11 g) compared to the positive control (15.91 ± 15.15 g)) and root system; enhance photosynthetic activity; increase the uptake of soil nutrients; and protect plants against abiotic and biotic stresses, stimulating the production of secondary metabolites and managing its defense pathways. Seaweed-extracted polysaccharides have the potential to be used in sustainable agriculture.
... Copper plays a major role in maintaining cell wall elasticity, chlorophyll formation [32]. Soil nutrient content of N, P, K, S, Fe, Zn and Mo has been found to increase after the application of seaweed [33]. Chemical fertilizers do not usually provide trace elements. ...
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As a remedy to meet the current alarming situation caused by chemical fertilizers, agricultural sectors are now refocusing on organic manure production from food waste. Banana wastes have potential biomass and nutrients which could be reutilized. This study aimed to assess the potential of fermented banana waste as a biofertilizer. Banana fruit waste was fermented using cow dung and cow urine. The Physico-chemical components, total bacterial load, phosphate solubilizers count, fecal coliforms count, and germination index of the prepared fermented banana waste biofertilizer (FBW-B) was studied. pH of 6.72 and EC value of 19.41 ± 0.09 ms/cm were observed in fermented banana waste biofertilizer (FBW-B). The mineral content of FBW-B was: total nitrogen (0.26 ± 0.001 %), phosphorus (0.35 ± 0.02 %) potassium (0.04 ± 0.00 %), calcium (2096 ± 12.08, mg/kg), magnesium (595 ± 4.23 mg/kg), sulphur (169 ± 10.7 mg/kg), iron (122.6 ± 0.92 mg/kg), zinc (8.38 ± 0.9 mg/kg), copper (2.41 ± 0.1 mg/kg), lead (4.34 ± 0.02 mg/kg) and manganese (9.83 ± 0.7 mg/kg). In the bacterial population, phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) in a considerable count were noted in FBW-B with the absence of fecal coliforms. Germination test shows that FBW-B has growth promotion potential after 50-fold dilution. The outcome of the study contributes to the development of organic liquid fertilizer from fruit waste and alleviates the effect of disposed of fruit waste and harmful effects of chemical fertilizers on the environment and humans.
... The use of chemical fertilizers, mainly in high concentrations, is not preferred due to the adverse effects and environmental pollution. Therefore, a trend began to use alternative fertilizers to grow and improve cropping systems efficiently and to preserve human and animal health (Mishra and Bishun, 2020). It has become necessary to search for modern agricultural methods to strengthen the root system and increase the fruit set of the plant to increase production and yield quality. ...
Aim: To investigate the influence of nutrients and bioregulators on the vegetative growth, flowering and productivity of Litchi. Methodology: The vegetative growth, flowering and productivity of litchi cv. Bombai was assessed through application of nutrients and bioregulators. Results: The plants receiving treatment with @ 0.5% Borax (T1) showed the highest percentage increase in canopy volume (7.56 %) and plant height (2.46 %) in litchi, outperforming all other treatments. The maximum productivity (38.69 kg per plant) was registered in plants under treatment T2 (0.3% Borax), which was found to be statistically at par (36.68 kg per plant) with plants treated with 0.1% Seaweed extract (T10) . The percentage increase in the plant height, plant spread in East-West and North-South direction, canopy volume, , fruit weight and fruit set capture positive correlation in both PC-1 and PC-2. The total contribution of PC-1 and PC-2 was 60.857 %. Interpretation: Among all the treatments, T2 (0.3% borax) and T4 (ZnSO4 @ 0.4%) treatments proved superior over other treatements with respect to vegetative growth, flowering and productivity parameters in litchi. However, further investigation need to be carried out with combination of these applied nutrients and bioregulators for getting acceptable results. Key words: Bioregulators, Flowering, Growth, Litchi, Nutrients
A study was conducted in a field belonging to the Najaf Agriculture Directorate/Najaf/Iraq during the spring growing season of 2021. The study aimed to analyze the response of okra variety Hussainiya for two factors. The first studied factor was three levels of DPW (decomposed palm waste), including 0, 16, and 32 tonha-1, while the second factor was three levels of a foliar application of Jasmonic acid, including 0, 15, and 30 mgL-1. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used to model the factorial experiment with three replications, and the Least Significant Differences (LSD) were selected to compare the means at the probability level of 0.05. The results showed the significant superiority of organic fertilization treatment of DPW at the level of 32-ton ha-1 compared with control treatments in the studied parameters, recording the highest value of the plant height, total number of leaves, total leaf area, dry weight of the vegetative system, number of fruits per plant, the yield of one plant, total yield, the percentage of nitrogen in leaves, the total chlorophyll percentage, and the total soluble carbohydrates in fruits. The foliar application of 30 mg. L-1 Jasmonic acid gave significantly higher values for the above indicators than control treatments. The interaction between the application of 32 tons. ha-1 DPW and 30 mg L-1 Jasmonic acids showed significant superiority over other treatments in all studied indicators. These indicators were plant height 131.66 cm, total number of leaves 42.55 leaves plant-1, total leaf area 1.66 m2plant-1, dry weight of the vegetative system 95.48 g plant-1, fruits number 77.15 fruit plant-1, yield of one plant 884.75 g plant-1, total yield 56.17 tons. ha-1, nitrogen in leaves 2.262%, total chlorophyll in leaves 80.91 mg.100 g-1FW, and carbohydrates in fruits 20.33%. While the interaction between non-fertilized plants sprayed with water only recorded significantly the lowest value of these indicators, which scored 77.10 cm, 20.36 leaf plant-1, 0.59 m2plant-1, 54.11 g plant-1, 47.23 fruit plant-1, 237.42 g plant-1, 15.07-ton ha-1, 1.351%, 47.45 mg.100 g-1 fresh weight, and 6.77% respectively. Keywords: Abelmoschus plant; decomposed palm waste; Jasmonic acid; okra, Organic fertilizer; yield indicators.
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Green algae Cladophora spp. inhabit waters with wide ranges of salinity and temperature, and their productivity is much higher than terrestrial plants. In natural waters, including hypersaline, they occupy large areas producing large biomass. Summing up and analyzing data from about 273 published articles, the review demonstrates the high production potential of Cladophora spp. and the diverse rich biochemical content of their biomass giving the prosperous possibility of their wide applications in agri–/aquaculture. As a fertilizer, they can be utilized by different methods (biochar, dry algae powder, etc.). Their extracts are effective growth stimulants for different cultivated plant species. Biomass is a promising fount of carbohydrates, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, proteins, essential microelements, and other biologically active compounds for the nutrition of animals and humans. Now their biomass is used in the feeding of livestock and chickens. It is also a valuable feed supplement for a variety of fish species, which may substitute up to 28% artificial feed in fish/shrimp cultivation. Cladophora co–farming with fish/shrimp reduces the use of artificial feed increasing commercial profitability. A wide use of Cladophora in agri–/aquaculture is economical and also mitigates environmental problems by reducing needs in agrarian land, and freshwater use, and likewise diminishing the emission of greenhouse gas methane by livestock.
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Seaweeds contain biologically active compounds with different therapeutic potentials. They have also found application in the food and pharmaceutical industries as sources of functional food ingredients, nutraceuticals, food supplements, food hydrocolloids and biotechnological products. Some algae are traditionally consumed as soups and vegetables, while others are used as a condiment and used in sauces. Much research has shown their antidiabetic, antihypertensive, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and immunomodulating action and they have been used as functional ingredients for the development of therapeutic agents to combat degenerative diseases. Algae are considered foods suitable for everyone for their low calorie content and the diversity of important nutrients such as proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, both soluble and insoluble dietary fibers and bioactive compounds. This review presents an overview of the properties and potentials algae applications highlighting that they are excellent candidates to be used as ingredients for health by the food industry.
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The ocean is the major essential source of structurally unique natural products that are mainly present in living organisms. The essential products extracted from marine microbes and marine algae are highly analyzed areas in instinctive product research. Marine algae are the novel food with potential nutritional values used for multiple purposes in industry and medicine. They show pharmacological activities which are helpful for the invention of bioactive compounds. Furthermore, marine algae have shown to provide an abundant source of natural bioactive compounds with antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal, hypolipidemic, antioxidant, anti-hypercholesterolemia, antibacterial, and antineoplastic properties. They produce new secondary metabolites that possess biological activities and have the potential to be developed as therapeutic agents. Macroalgal lectins, fucoidans, kainoids, and other substances have been routinely used in the research of biomedical and also have biological activities. The potential pharmaceutical, medicinal, and research applications of these compounds are discussed.
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Marine macroalgae, or seaweeds, are plant – like organisms that generally live attached to rock or other hard substrata in coastal areas. They belong to three different groups, empirically distinguished since the mid – nineteenth century on the basis of th Seaweeds are far more complex organisms than generally realized. Many have specialized tissues and growth forms. They may have very complicated sex, with many of them producing sex pheromones and with many different types of sex organs. Seawee unique ability to absorb concentrated amounts of iodine from the ocean. Seaweed also contains an amino acid called tyrosine, which is used alongside iodine to make two key hormones that help the thyroid gland do its job properly. The protein presen seaweed, such as Spirulina and Chlorella, contain all essential amino acids. This means seaweed can help ensure us to get full range of aminoacids. Seaweed are also a good source of omega 3 fats and vitamin B12.In addition to containing the antio E, seaweed boasts a wide variety of beneficial plant compounds, including flavonoids and carotenoids. These have been shown to protect our body ’s cells from free radical damage. Seaweed contains a lot of fibre , which does not contain any calories. The fibre in seaweed may slow stomach emptying too. This helps us feel fuller for longer and can delay hunger pangs. The present study forma a foundational study in exploring the Antibacterial property of the seaweed Chaetomorpha aerea paves way for its potential contribution to the field of Pharmacogenomics.
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Seaweed extracts have been used as biostimulant or biofertilizers in agriculture to improve growth and development in plants, and enhance yield. There are a wide variety of commercial seaweed products for use on plant growth promotion. In this study, a greenhouse experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of Stimplex ® , a commercial liquid seaweed extract derived from Ascophyllum nodosum, on growth of ornamental pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plants. Containing a complex array of bioactive compounds, Stimplex ® is a premium organic biostimulant that promotes the growth, development, and yield in a wide range of conventional and organic grown horticultural and ornamental crops. Ornamental pepper plants were treated with Stimplex ® as either a soil drench or foliar spray at 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.0 ml. L-1 concentrations. The treatments were repeated at 10-day intervals until the end of the experiment. Application of Stimplex ® to ornamental pepper plants improved stem diameter, plant height, number of leaves and leaf area, leaf chlorophyll content, shoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight, root fresh weight and dry weight compared to the control plants. The results of this study indicate that Stimplex ® may be a viable tool for improving growth of ornamental pepper plants.
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Objective(s) Diabetes is a metabolic syndrome which is associated with the worldwide major public health problems. There are many natural compounds from the sea-market, as a valuable aquatic source, along with the variety of health and therapeutic benefits. In the present research, with respect to the traditional and ethnic uses of Sargassum oligocystum algae for healing of some diseases which have similar metabolic mechanism to the diabetes, its anti-diabetic effects in animal model was proposed. Materials and Methods The animals (rat) were divided into the normal control, diabetic control, positive control and, the test groups. The test groups were gavaged with oral doses of 150 and 300 mg/kg of algae hydroalcoholic extracts. After 30 days of intervention the serum glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, HDLC, LDLC, insulin, insulin resistance, β-cells function and, the histopathology of pancreatic tissue were evaluated. Results In animals that were fed with algae extracts a significant decrease in the fasting blood glucose, triglyceride and HOMA-IR and an increase in the HOMA-B with no significant impacts on the insulin, cholesterol and HDL were observed. Also, the histopathology evaluations in the groups which were treated with algae extract revealed the regeneration and reconstitution of damaged pancreatic β-cells. Conclusion The results give evidence that, the S. oligocystum algae extract has a healing effect on diabetes which can be considered as a new research prospect for the natural therapy of diabetes.
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A field experiment was conducted during the pre-kharif season at Uttar Chandamari village in 2012 to study the effects of seaweed saps on growth, yield and quality improvement of green gram in new alluvial soil of West Bengal. The foliar spray was applied twice at different concentrations (0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 and 15.0% v/v) of seaweed extracts (namely Kappaphycus and Gracilaria). Foliar applications of seaweed extract significantly enhanced the growth, yield and quality parameters. The highest grain yield was recorded with applications of 15% Kappaphykus sap + recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF), followed by 15% Gracilaria - sap + RDF extract resulting in an increase by 38.97 and 33.58% grain yield, respectively compared to the control. The maximum straw yield was also achieved with the application of 15% seaweed extract. Improved crop quality and nutrient uptake [nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K)] was also observed with seaweed extract applications.
Environmentally-conscious organic strawberry fruit producers are mostly cultivating plants in non-heated greenhouses and striving to produce fruit early in season. Several strategies have been proposed to advance strawberry fruit formation, among them the use of seaweed extract in combination with silicon. The aim of the present research was to evaluate the potential of Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed extract and silicon for early-cropping of organic strawberry cv. 'Clery' grown in a non-heated greenhouse. Strawberry reproductive performance (the number of fruits per plant, individual fruit mass and fruit yield per plant) was monitored on six harvest dates. Additionally, internal fruit quality (primary and secondary metabolites) was assessed with the aid of high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS) on the first four samplings. Foliar application of biostimulants resulted in a significant increase of early fruit yield, total fruit yield and total number of fruit in season with ca. 20% less sugar and a lesser content of phenolics BA and HA at the first harvest date. Differences in sugars, organic acids and most phenolic compounds were less uniform during the season but early-fruit was characterized by higher levels of anthocyanins. The use of biostimulants in strawberry production is justified as the products stimulate generative development of strawberries, which produce 10% more marketable yields earlier in season.
Seaweeds are the important marine living resources with tremendous commercial application. In the recent times, seaweed extracts have been used as fertilizers. These extracts are commonly known as seaweed liquid fertilizer (SLF). The effect of Sargassum wightii extract was studied on the growth parameters of Phaseolus aureus L. The effect of seaweed extract was studied on the growth characteristics upto 45 days of growth with an interval of 15 days. Phaselous aureus L. showed positive response. The application of Sargassum wightii extract was found to promote overall growth. The use of Sargassum wightii proved to be an efficient alternative to the conventional chemical fertilizers.