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Abstract and Figures

The ever increasing challenges posed by the science projects in astronomy have skyrocketed the complexity of the new generation telescopes. Due to the climate and sky requirements, these high-precision instruments are generally located in remote areas, suffering from the harsh environments around it. These modern telescopes not only produce massive amounts of scientific data, but they also generate an enormous amount of operational information. The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is one of these unique instruments, generating more than 50 Gb of operational data every day while functioning in conditions of extreme dryness and altitude. To maintain the array working under extreme conditions, the engineering teams must check over 130,000 monitoring points, combing through the massive datasets produced every day. To make this possible, predictive tools are needed to identify, hopefully beforehand, the occurrence of failures in all the different subsystems. This work presents a novel fault detection scheme for one of these subsystems, the Intermediate Frequency Processors (IFP). This subsystem is critical to process the information gathered by each antenna and communicate it, reliably, to the correlator for processing. Our approach is based on echo state networks, a configuration of artificial neural networks, used to learn and predict the signal patterns. These patterns are later compared to the actual signal, to identify failure modes. Additional preprocessing techniques were also added since the signal-to-noise ratio of the data used was very low. The proposed scheme was tested in over seven years of data from 132 IFPs at ALMA, showing an accuracy of over 70%. Furthermore, the detection was done several months earlier, on average, when compared to what human operators did. These results help the maintenance procedures, increasing reliability while reducing humans' exposure to the harsh environment where the antennas are. Although applied to a specific fault, this technique is broad enough to be applied to other types of faults and settings.
Content may be subject to copyright.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3026348, IEEE Access
Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.DOI
Slow Degradation Fault Detection in a
Harsh Environment
1Faculty of Engineering and Sciences, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Av. Diagonal Las Torres 2640, Santiago, Chile
2Data Observatory Foundation, Santiago, Chile
3Center of Applied Ecology and Sustainability (CAPES), Santiago, Chile
4Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), San Pedro de Atacama, Chile (e-mail:
Corresponding author: Rodrigo A. Carrasco (e-mail:
This research was partially funded by ANID FONDECYT Project 1180706.
ABSTRACT The ever increasing challenges posed by the science projects in astronomy have skyrocketed
the complexity of the new generation telescopes. Due to the climate and sky requirements, these high-
precision instruments are generally located in remote areas, suffering from the harsh environments around
it. These modern telescopes not only produce massive amounts of scientific data, but they also generate an
enormous amount of operational information. The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)
is one of these unique instruments, generating more than 50 Gb of operational data every day while
functioning in conditions of extreme dryness and altitude. To maintain the array working under extreme
conditions, the engineering teams must check over 130,000 monitoring points, combing through the massive
datasets produced every day. To make this possible, predictive tools are needed to identify, hopefully
beforehand, the occurrence of failures in all the different subsystems.
This work presents a novel fault detection scheme for one of these subsystems, the Intermediate Frequency
Processors (IFP). This subsystem is critical to process the information gathered by each antenna and
communicate it, reliably, to the correlator for processing. Our approach is based on echo state networks,
a configuration of artificial neural networks, used to learn and predict the signal patterns. These patterns are
later compared to the actual signal, to identify failure modes. Additional preprocessing techniques were also
added since the signal-to-noise ratio of the data used was very low.
The proposed scheme was tested in over seven years of data from 132 IFPs at ALMA, showing an accuracy
of over 70%. Furthermore, the detection was done several months earlier, on average, when compared
to what human operators did. These results help the maintenance procedures, increasing reliability while
reducing humans’ exposure to the harsh environment where the antennas are. Although applied to a specific
fault, this technique is broad enough to be applied to other types of faults and settings.
INDEX TERMS Echo state networks, Predictive maintenance, Condition monitoring, Fault detection,
Harsh environments, Observatories
In the last couple of decades, the complexity of ground
telescopes has increased exponentially. A new generation
of industrial-scale telescopes are being constructed, all of
which share similar operational difficulties: multiplicity of
instrumentation, high-levels of automation, multiple sensors
for metrology, and remote management. All of these parts
are continually generating massive amounts of operational
data, which, although dwarfed in comparison to the scientific
data produced, can still be in the order of hundreds of giga-
bytes every day. Due to the weather and sky requirements,
most of these telescopes are located in remote locations
and suffering harsh environmental conditions, making their
complexity even more challenging. Severe dryness, extreme
temperatures, and high-altitudes (and thus low oxygen levels)
are just some of the conditions in which these instruments
In order to ensure the high level of performance expected
from these telescopes, constant monitoring of the different
subsystems is required. Maintenance engineers generally
VOLUME 4, 2016 1
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3026348, IEEE Access
A. D. Cho et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
made this task in the older telescopes since the number of
monitoring points was minimal. In contrast, the new gener-
ation of industrial-scale telescopes have hundreds of thou-
sands of monitoring points. Hence, they generate operational
data as never before, making previous monitoring efforts
obsolete or utterly impractical due to how time-consuming
it would be. To achieve the needed level of performance,
automated data processing techniques are required in modern
instruments, to comb through the gigabytes of data generated
daily, and detect possible failure patterns, implementing pre-
dictive maintenance methodologies. These automated fault
detection systems help maintain the expensive infrastructure
and protect the engineers from exposure to the harsh environ-
ment, reducing the requirements of in-site revisions. Hence,
sound predictive maintenance systems are essential to make
the new scientific discoveries of these telescopes, feasible.
Fault detection systems have been developed since the early
1970s [1], [2], as an essential part of automatic control
systems. In this work, we refer to fault detection as the
process of determining if a system or subsystem has entered
a faulty operation mode, i.e., a mode different from the
normal operating conditions. This procedure is critical to
ensure that things are running correctly. Fault detection tools
are particularly useful in predictive maintenance systems to
improve the use of expensive equipment.
Fault detection procedures can be divided into three main
categories: signal processing techniques [3]–[6], model-
based techniques [7]–[9], and data-driven ones [10]–[16]. In
this work we will focus in the latter, where data will drive the
identification of normal and faulty modes of operation. See
[1] for a general description of fault detection and diagnosis
Autonomous fault detection systems have been developed
in many different areas. In the case of model-based tech-
niques, authors have applied these techniques to physical
systems that are relatively easy to model. For example,
Korasgani et al. [7] develop a model-based fault detection
scheme for a system of two tanks with two valves, with
the capacities and resistances of tanks and valves as model
parameters. Using their method, they can detect faults that
appear in the valves. They also define a detectability ratio,
a measure of residual detectability performance, providing a
means to find the most sensitive and robust residual for the
uncertainties at different regions of the system. They also
test the effectiveness of this approach and show that it is
possible to achieve better detection by using more than one
residual. In an application to modern telescopes, Ortiz and
Carrasco [8], [9] developed a framework of fault detection
and diagnosis, using a bank of Kalman filters to detect a
specific type of slow degradation faults. They tested their
scheme with real fault data from ALMA, showing excellent
accuracy. Their main drawback is that a model of the faulty
and non-faulty systems is required, something that is time-
consuming and hard to generalize. In this work, we tackle
the same type of fault but using a data-driven approach that
scales and generalizes much better.
One of the main techniques used in data-driven fault de-
tection is to apply different architectures of Artificial Neural
Networks (ANN). For example, Wootton et al. [13] devel-
oped a fault detection system for bridge structures. In their
work, they study the structural health of a footbridge using
data time series collected from temperature and tilt sensors
located in strategic places. They show that, by using echo
state networks to replicate the bridge’s behavior, they can
detect faults in the bridge’s structure. To do so, they compare
the tilt sensor measurements with their predictions from the
temperature data. In another application using echo state
networks, Morando et al. [14] introduced an approximation
to fault diagnosis of fuel cells stacks, using a variation of echo
state networks known as Non-Linear Node with Delayed
Feedback (NLDF) [17], [18]. In their work, they mention sev-
eral types of faults produced by fuel cell stacks and only treat
the cathode stoichiometric defects. Their work is based on
supervised classification of labeled data, where the network’s
prediction is if a fault is occurring or not. Their scheme
shows excellent classification rates in experimental studies,
with 84% to 95% of accuracy. In a different application,
Fan et al. [15] developed a fault detection scheme for the
air compressors in city buses. They consider methods like
echo state networks and a variation called Cycle Reservoir
with Jumps (CRJ) [19]. In this case, the idea is to train two
models with the same architecture, one with normal status
and another with a failure present. Fault detection is achieved
by a Consensus Self-Organized Models (COSMO) method to
measure the different models’ divergence. It was tested with
two datasets: one synthetic and a real one. One key insight
of their work is that Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs),
although effective in the synthetic data, does not provide a
proper classification in the real one. A potential explanation
for this is that their real data is noisy, making the echo state
networks unable to learn the dynamics of the signal properly.
Also using an ANN architecture, Czajkowski and Patan
[20] developed a fault detection strategy and applied it in
a Twin Rotor Aero-Dynamical System (TRAS). Their ap-
proach is to use a combination of Leaky Echo State Networks
and Model Error Modelling (MEM), providing a confidence
region based on the residuals produced between real and
estimated values. They show that this RNNs framework can
successfully be used in diagnostic applications. Similarly,
Westholm [16] uses echo state networks as a component of
a process to detect a specific event on time-series obtained
from electrical and mechanical systems. The focus is mainly
on the Feature Generation component, using a Delay Line
Reservoir architecture (DLR) [21]. Later, the approach is
tested in three datasets named: Eyes, Occupancy, and Hard
Drive. For each dataset, a specific architecture of the echo
state network component is used. As a result, Eyes and
Occupancy provide an F-measure of over 97%, whereas Hard
Drive has under 16%. The explanation of this low rate comes
from the fault detection policy and the short-term memory of
2VOLUME 4, 2016
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3026348, IEEE Access
A. D. Cho et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
FIGURE 1. The basic echo state network architecture.
the RNN component defined in its architecture, which leads
to early warnings.
As shown in the previous section, a specific ANN family,
named echo state networks has been particularly useful in
fault detection schemes. This usefulness is because, in many
of the aforementioned applications, the studied system’s
behavior is usually nonlinear. Echo state networks (ESNs)
are a type of recurrent neural network that has a dynamical
memory to preserve in its internal state a nonlinear trans-
formation of the input’s history. Hence, they have shown to
be exceedingly good at modeling nonlinear systems. Another
advantage of ESNs is that they are easy to train because they
do not need to backpropagate gradients as classical ANNs do.
An ESN can be defined as follows: consider a discrete-
time neural networks like in [22]–[25], with Nuinput units,
Nxinternal units (also called reservoir units), and Nyout-
put units. Activations of input units at time step nare
u(n)∈ RNu, of internal units are x(n)∈ RNx, and of
output units y(n)∈ RNy. The connection weight matrix
Win ∈ RNx×(1+Nu)for the input weights, W∈ RNx×Nx
for reservoir connections, Wout ∈ RNy×(1+Nu+Nx)for
connections to the output units, and Wfb ∈ RNx×Nyfor
the connections that are projected back (also called feedback)
from the output to the internal units. The connections go
directly from input to output units and connections between
output units are allowed. Fig. 1 shows the basic network
The activation of reservoir units are represented by
˜x(t+ 1)=tanh Win [1; u(t+ 1)]
+Wx(t) + Wfby(t),(1)
and are updated according to
x(t+ 1) = (1 δ)x(t) + δ˜x(t+ 1),(2)
where δ(0,1] is the leaky integrator rate. The output is
calculated by
y(t+ 1) = Wout [1; u(t+ 1); x(t+ 1)] ,(3)
where [·;·]denotes the vertical vector concatenation. The
coefficients in Wout are computed by using ridge regression,
solving the following equation,
Ytarget =Wout X,(4)
where X∈ R(1+Nu+Nx)×Twith columns [1; u(t); x(t)] for
n= 1, . . . , T ; and all x(t)are produced by presenting the
reservoir with u(t)and Ytarget ∈ RNy×T.
Finally, the solution can be represented by
Wout =Ytarget XTXXT+λI,(5)
where I∈ R(1+Nu+Nx)×(1+Nu+Nx)is the identity matrix
and λis a regularization factor (ridge constant). The ridge
constant is estimated using grid search and time series cross-
validation methods.
Our work has the following novel contributions:
1) We develop a novel automatic fault detection scheme
using an Echo State Networks as a component for
dynamic learning.
2) We develop noise reduction techniques for highly noisy
signals using evolutionary algorithms such as genetic
algorithms and particle swarm optimization, improving
the signal-to-noise ratio while maintaining its relevant
characteristics such as trends and stationarity.
3) We develop a time-shift prediction process for compar-
ison with the lower bound of a fault-free behavior.
4) We show that our approach has a good performance
in noise real-life operational data from ALMA anten-
nas, comparing the result to the real fault occurrences
logged in the maintenance system.
As mentioned before, the main advantage of the proposed
scheme over model-based techniques is that it does not
require human intervention to develop or identify the relevant
models. This fact reduces the time required for tuning the
model, making it more scalable and applicable to other
Our approach was tested on a specific type of slow degra-
dation fault in the Intermediate Frequency Processors (IFPs)
of the antennas of the ALMA observatory. This subsystem is
critical to process the information gathered by each antenna
and communicate it, reliably, to the correlator for processing.
Due to the harsh environment in which the antennas operate,
the operational data of the IFPs have a meager signal-to-noise
ratio, making it very difficult for conventional fault detection
methods to have an acceptable performance. Furthermore,
the use of evolutionary algorithms and reservoir computing
gives our approach a dynamic adaptation for a broader family
of systems.
The rest of this article is organized as follows. First, in
Section II, we detail the application problem, showing the
main characteristics of the data used and the problem at
hand. In Section III, we present the proposed fault detection
scheme and explain how we train the system with real noisy
VOLUME 4, 2016 3
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3026348, IEEE Access
A. D. Cho et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
FIGURE 2. The antennas of the ALMA observatory.
data. Finally, in Section IV, we study the performance of our
approach compared to the maintenance data from the IFPs,
which is used as ground truth. We also include an Appendix
A, with the complete results of applying our scheme to more
than 5 years of data from ALMA.
The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array
(ALMA) is a revolutionary instrument operating in the very
thin and dry air of northern Chile’s Atacama desert, at an
altitude of 5,200 meters above sea level. ALMA is one of the
first industrial-scale new generation telescopes, composed of
an array of 66 high-precision antennas working together at
the millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths, corresponding
to frequencies from about 30 to 950 GHz. Adding to the
observatory’s complexity, these 7 and 12-meter parabolic an-
tennas, with extremely precise surfaces, can be moved around
on the high altitude of the Chajnantor plateau to provide
different array configurations, ranging in size from about 150
meters to up to 20 kilometers. The ALMA Observatory is
an international partnership between Europe, North America,
and Japan, in cooperation with the Republic of Chile [26].
ALMA is a very complex instrument. Each telescope is
composed of hundreds of individual electronic and mechan-
ical parts, each carefully calibrated, set up, and intercon-
nected. This complexity is multiplied by 66, the number of
single antennas, and the additional particularities contributed
by the four distinct antenna designs developed. For some
subsystems, the number of parts is duplicated, since two
polarizations are being observed. Adding to this mix are
the central equipment, the correlators, and the central local
oscillator, which allow the whole array to perform as a single
instrument through interferometry. Although not part of the
telescope per se, ancillary or infrastructural systems, such as
weather stations and power plants, are critical to attaining all
the scientific objectives.
On top of the aforementioned technical intricacy, is the
observatory’s setting. The Chajnantor Plateau, with its per-
fect skies for astronomical observation, is also known for
its extreme weather and oxygen-deprived air conditions that
severely diminish troubleshooting and decision-making skills
of human operators. Remote and automated tasks execution
and investigation of arisen problems is a must, to the maxi-
mum possible extent [9]. Hence, developing automated sys-
tems that can reduce human intervention and detect possible
failures ahead of time is extremely important.
The Intermediate Frequency Processor (IFP) of the antennas
of the ALMA telescope, as described in [8], is a critical com-
ponent responsible for the second down-conversion, signal
filtering, and amplification of the total power measurement of
sidebands and basebands. This subsystem allows for effective
communication of the captured data to the central correlator
for processing, thus making it a central and critical compo-
nent of each antenna. Figure 3 shows the IFP module. There
are 2 IFPs per antenna, one for each polarization, and each
IFP has sensors measuring currents of three different voltage
levels: 6.5, 8, and 10 volts. For 6.5 and 8 volts, currents have
four different basebands: A, B, C, and D, whereas, for 10
volts, sidebands USB and LSB, and switch matrices SW1 and
SW2 currents are read. Each current is sampled every 10 min-
utes. Figure 4 shows the IFP’s currents for 6.5V, 8V, and 10V.
This example shows some typical characteristics of the raw
FIGURE 3. IFP module.
4VOLUME 4, 2016
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3026348, IEEE Access
A. D. Cho et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
FIGURE 4. Currents from the IFP of one polarization of one antenna.
data, with sections without samples, some currents present a
high level of noise, there is redundant data, many different
scales and large jumps in a single sample, records between
channels have little time displacement and different numbers
of samples, and sometimes outliers show up. Therefore, it
is necessary to preprocess the data eliminating missing and
duplicated records, as well as cleaning outliers.
One important thing to highlight from Figure 4 is that the
signals are highly noisy, with high variance, and the ratio
FIGURE 5. ALMA’s HDF compressed file structure.
of mean to the standard deviation for each signal is very
low, i.e., they have a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Hence,
identifying their trend is quite complicated. Because of this,
as shown in Section III, we apply a preprocessing procedure.
Given that the noise scale is different in every signal and
IFP, we estimate the parameters of our procedure using an
evolutionary algorithm [27]–[31], obtaining more effective
parameter values for every IFP, and thus reducing as much
as possible the noise present. The outcome of this prepro-
cessing is a more suitable signal that maintains the relevant
characteristics used later by our fault detection scheme.
The data exported from the ALMA operational database is
stored in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) files (.hdf or h5),
used to store and organize large amounts of data. These files
can be loaded in several programming languages like Python
3 (with Pandas Library) and R (with h5 Library). Each HDF
file stores current data per antenna, polarization, and voltage
levels, making a total of 528 HDF files. To make it more
suitable, these files were compressed into 66 HDF files, one
per antenna, such that each related dataset to an antenna was
allocated in the file with a unique key, with a total of 8 keys
per files (3 for volts per polarization and 2 for module serial
number records). The structure and access to each dataset of
VOLUME 4, 2016 5
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3026348, IEEE Access
A. D. Cho et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
FIGURE 6. Fault detection scheme.
the file are shown in Figure 5.
Our fault detection scheme was inspired by some of the ideas
applied in [11], [20]. The complete fault detection process is
summarized in Algorithm 3, and the whole process is showed
in Figure 6. The following steps are the main ones of our fault
detection scheme.
1) Data pre-processing and cleaning: the raw data is
first reformatted to specific HDF dataframes as ex-
plained in II-B. Then, given that raw signals {yt}T
are highly noisy, have irregular time stamps, and pos-
sible outliers could be present, it is necessary to pre-
process the signal to clean outliers, homogenize time
between records, and finally, apply noise reduction. We
use a double-exponential smoothing (DES) filter, tuned
with evolutionary algorithms to generate a smoothed
signal {ut}T
2) Fault-free characterization: with the denoised signal,
we compute a sequence of values that represent a lower
bound of the fault-free prediction signal and will be
used as a reference in the fault detection step. Such a
lower bound is less sensitive to small variations in the
3) Time-shift forecast: this step consists of making fore-
casts of the dynamics of the series using a time-shift
strategy that allows us to use the information of a time
block and obtain a more accurate prediction. This time-
shift forecast is then used in the next step with lower
bound jointly for the verification if a fault is present.
4) Fault detection: it is responsible for checking if there
is a divergence between the time-shift forecast and
the lower bound that will serve as an indicator that
there is a failure. This fault detection process depends
on a detection criterion that will allow us to reduce
sensitivity in detecting premature cases and, therefore,
possible false-positives cases.
The details of the previous steps are provided below.
The double exponential smoothing filter [9], [27]–[31] is a
methodology used for forecasting in time series, but it can
also be used for noise reduction. This method is particularly
useful in time-series that have a trend, such as the current
case-study, where the IFPs in faulty conditions present a slow
degradation trend. This method depends on two parameters α
and β, which need to be fixed appropriately. In order to learn
the best values for these parameters, evolutionary algorithms
are used. In particular, we apply a Genetic Algorithm and
Particle Swarm Optimization as metaheuristics to determine
the best values for αand βfor each IFP. This fine-tuning is
important since the different IFPs present different signal-to-
noise ratios, and thus the preprocessing needs to be adjusted
to each subsystem.
6VOLUME 4, 2016
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3026348, IEEE Access
A. D. Cho et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
Algorithm 1 DES - Genetic Algorithm
Require: Set a maximum evolution n, population size N,
probability of mutation p, tournament size kand toler-
ance tol.
Ensure: Best denoise DES parameters value.
1: Randomly generates an initial population Pof pairs
(α, β)(0,1)2, of size N.
2: for each individual in population Pdo
3: Compute individual’s fitness values by using (10).
4: end for
5: t= 0,
6: while (t<n)and (@fitness less than tol)do
7: Select kindividuals with low fitness by tournament of
size kfor mating.
8: Produce a new set of individuals P0by uniform
crossover and mutation with probability p.
9: for each individual in population P0do
10: Compute individual’s fitness values by using (10).
11: end for
12: Add new population P0to P
13: Select top Nindividuals with lower fitness values.
14: t=t+ 1.
15: end while
16: return {1α, β}, such that {α, β}has the lowest
1) Double Exponential Smoothing (DES)
Double Exponential Smoothing [9], [27], [28] is a technique
used for forecasting in time series, also it can be used to
smooth time-series and perform noise reduction. It can be
defined as follow:
Let {yt}be a sequence of observations beginning at time
t= 0, suppose that {lt}represents the smoothed value, {bt}
the best estimate of trend and {Ft}the forecast at time t, then
the formulae are given by:
lt=αyt+ (1 α)(lt1+bt1)(6)
bt=β(ltlt1) + (1 β)bt1(7)
where α, β (0,1),b0=1
k=1(yk+1 yk)and l0=
y0. In this method, αis the data smoothing factor, βis the
trend smoothing factor; and for values close to zero higher
the smoothing level.
2) Genetic Algorithm (GA)
Genetic algorithms are a type of evolutionary algorithm in-
troduced by John Holland in 1960, inspired by the process of
natural selection [32]. This metaheuristic relies on operators
such as mutation, crossover, and selection to find the best
solutions of an estimation or optimization problem. The
approach of using a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to estimate DES
FIGURE 7. Histogram of DES parameters.
parameters has achieved a good approximation by minimiz-
ing Mean Absolute Error (MAE) as fitness function [27]–
[29]. This function can be defined as:
MAE =1
where {yt}is a sequence of observations, {Ft}is a sequence
of fitted forecast by DES, and Tis the last observation time
of the series.
We propose a variant of the approach for denoising each
signal; it can be defined as follows.
Let {Fα
t}and {F1α
t}be the forecast sequences ad-
justed by DES using as parameters (α, β)and (1 α, β ),
respectively; given a constant τ[0,1], we define the total
weighted absolute error (TAE) as fitness function with the
following expression:
T AE =
tyt|+ (1 τ)
The GA approach is summarized in Algorithm 1. The
(α, β)values obtained by GA are used for forecasting; for
smoothing (1 α, β)are used.
3) Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
Particle swarm optimization is another metaheuristic used for
estimation and optimization. It is an evolutionary algorithm
developed in 1995 by James Kennedy and Russell Eberhart
[33], inspired by simulating social behavior and the observed
movements of organisms such as insects, birds, and fish. This
method has been applied in several optimization problems
and gives high-quality results in a few iterations. PSO has
also been used to estimate DES parameters in forecast appli-
cations [30], [31], by minimizing (9) as the fitness function.
Given this insight, we apply our variant approach for denois-
ing signals using (10) as a fitness function. The PSO process
for denoising each signal is summarized in Algorithm 2.
Once the signal-to-noise ratio is improved in the previous
step, the fault detection scheme characterizes the fault-free
data. To do so, the process assumes that the subsystem starts
VOLUME 4, 2016 7
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3026348, IEEE Access
A. D. Cho et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
Algorithm 2 DES - PSO
Require: Set a maximum iteration n, number of particles N
and tolerance tol.
Ensure: Best denoise DES parameters value.
1: Set the best global fitness value s= 106and the best
global position grandomly on the grid (0,1)2.
2: Initialize a set Pof Nparticles.
3: for each particle in Pdo
4: Initialize a random position {α, β}on the grid (0,1)2,
random velocity in [1,1]2and set the best fitness
value equal to 106of the particle.
5: Compute particle’s fitness value by using (10)
6: if fitness value is less than best fitness value then
7: Update the best fitness value and best position of the
8: end if
9: if best fitness value is less than sthen
10: Update global fitness value swith the particle’s best
fitness value.
11: Update global best position gwith the particle’s
best position.
12: end if
13: end for
14: t= 0,
15: while (t<n)and (s > tol)do
16: for each particle in Pdo
17: Update the particle’s velocity given the global best
position g.
18: Update the particle’s position.
19: Compute particle’s fitness value by using (10).
20: if fitness value is less than best fitness value then
21: Update the best fitness value and best position of
the particle.
22: end if
23: if best fitness value is less than sthen
24: Update global fitness value swith the particle’s
best fitness value.
25: Update global best position gwith the particle’s
best position.
26: end if
27: end for
28: t=t+ 1.
29: end while
30: return {1α, β}, such that {α, β}has the lowest
in a fault-free mode, and uses that initial time-period, of
length s, to learn the signal’s characteristics in this setting,
using an ESN. The ESN is trained using this initial data
to predict later how the system behaves, and use it as a
reference. We compare this reference with the real signal
values to achieve fault detection, as we will explain later.
Although the signal should remain stable, the real data
shows that it still has some variability level, which could
generate false positives in the fault detection step. To reduce
Algorithm 3 Fault detection process
Require: signal: {yt}t=1:T, shift step: h, consecutive obser-
vations: N.
Ensure: Date of Fault detected
1: flag F alse
2: Apply denoising process to obtain {ut}t=1:T
3: Using {ut}s
t=1(s < T ), train an ESN with {ut}s0
t=1 (s0<
s), predict in generative mode to obtain {pt}T
4: Compute residuals {rt}s
t=s0+1, train an ESN and predict
5: Compute lower bound {LBt}T
t=s+1 using (11).
6: i0
7: while ¬flag do
8: ii+h
9: Train a ESN using {ut}s+h
t=iand predict {pt}T
10: if tsuch that pt< LBtfor Nconsecutive observa-
tions then
11: flag T r ue
12: end if
13: end while
14: return date belonging to position i.
this non-desired effect, we define a variation threshold by an-
alyzing the residuals of the prediction, and use this threshold
as a lower bound as follows.
Consider the first svalues {ut}s
t=1 (s < T ), lets train an
ESN with {ut}s0
t=1 (s0< s), and predict in a generative mode
to obtain a signal {pt}T
t=s0+1. We then compute the residual
as {rt=utpt}s
t=s0+1 that will be fed to another ESN to
fit and predict {rt}T
t=s+1. Finally, we define the lower bound
as a combination of the free-fault and residual predictions
expressed as the following,
LB ={LBt}T
t=s+1 ={ptk·rt}T
where LB is another series that behaves as a forecast of fault-
free tolerance through time, and k > 0a gap constant. The
sequence of steps to these calculations are summarized in a
diagram shown in the Figure 8.
It is relevant to highlight that the exact moment where the
fault occurs and the subsystem begins to degrade is unknown.
FIGURE 8. Fault-free lower bound diagram.
8VOLUME 4, 2016
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3026348, IEEE Access
A. D. Cho et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
FIGURE 9. Time-shift forecast diagram.
Unlike most of the fault detection literature, where the system
transitions from an unfaulty state to a faulty one relatively
fast, this transition can be extremely lengthy in the case
of degradation faults. This slow transition is specifically
challenging for conventional pattern recognition techniques.
Furthermore, since there is no labeled data identifying when
the system is faulty, a supervised learning technique cannot
be used to learn the system’s dynamics under a faulty condi-
To overcome the previously mentioned limitations, we
developed a learning and prediction scheme based on an
ESN, which is time-shifted to compare the changes in the
system’s dynamics. This technique also reduces the need for
doing feature engineering manually by analyzing the data
Figure 9 gives a general idea on our approach. The predic-
tion of the ESN is shifted in time by hunits, and its prediction
is compared to the fault-free lower bound to identify the
current operation mode. Hence, given a fixed h > 0, we
take a sequence {ut}s+h
t=hto train a new ESN and compute an
element-wise average prediction for nrepetitions, obtaining
t=s+h+1. This signal will be used to verify if fault is
present in the fault detection stage.
The fault detection stage is responsible for verifying whether
there is a point in which the time-shift prediction diverges
from the computed lower bound. Defining the procedure to
signal a detected fault when there is a divergence between the
two signals is key to managing our scheme’s performance.
A criterion that is not sensitive enough can cause late
detections or false negatives. This behavior is especially
troublesome in our application: the occurrence of a fault leads
to disabling one of the antennas of the array, which in some
cases implies the whole array cannot function as needed.
Furthermore, to fix it, technicians need to work in a harsh
environment given the location of the antennas.
On the other hand, indicating a fault at the first sign of
divergence can lead to many false-positives. The cost of this
error is lower than the false negatives since it will only trigger
an engineer to check the data and confirm the fault. Still, a
FIGURE 10. Fault detection stage diagram.
high number of false-positives will lead to the maintenance
losing valuable time reviewing data.
In our scheme, we balance these two errors by using a
simple criterion based on the count of consecutive cases in
which the prediction is lower than the lower bound. If, in a
time segment, the comparison reaches Nconsecutive cases,
then it will be indicated that it found a fault and report the
time when it happened, i.e., a fault is detected at time t.
pk< LBk, k =tN, . . . , t. (12)
Otherwise, it will return to the previous step (time-shift
forecast) and compute the next time-shift ESN (increasing
the displacement by h) and compare its forecast with the
lower bound. This procedure is repeated until reaching the
end of the data stream. Figure 10 shows a diagram on how
the fault detection and the time-shift procedures interact to
determine when a fault is detected.
To evaluate its performance, we tested our fault detection
scheme with real historical data. As explained before, we
used seven years of operational data, from 2012 to 2019, from
all 132 IFPs at the ALMA radio telescope. The data was first
cleaned and organized, as detailed in Section II-B.
For the implementation, the ESN parameters were as fol-
lows. We used three input units (two delays included), one
output unit, 500 reservoir units, 40% sparsity rates, a spectral
radius of 0.995, and 0.1 as the leaky rate. We used 4,500
TABLE 1. Example of DES parameters for smoothing each baseband
(Polarization 1, 6.5V channels) and runtime [sec] for antenna 23.
Method Channel α β Irate runtime
BB-A 0.0812 0.1145 2.39 84.30
BB-B 0.0825 0.1296 2.39 84.32
BB-C 0.0704 0.0678 2.32 84.52
BB-D 0.0207 0.0367 3.60 84.49
BB-A 0.0485 0 3.29 17.49
BB-B 0.1795 0 2.51 17.69
BB-C 0.0377 0.0356 2.56 17.48
BB-D 0.0190 0.0248 3.81 17.41
VOLUME 4, 2016 9
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3026348, IEEE Access
A. D. Cho et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
TABLE 2. Fault detection and runtime [sec] for antenna 23.
Polarization Volts Channel Fault date runtime
0 6.5 BB-B 2014-03-10 208.99
0 6.5 BB-D 2014-08-02 176.37
0 10 SW1 2013-12-08 198.24
1 10 LSB 2013-12-05 145.88
observations for training and 4,500 observation for the time-
For the GA, we used a maximum of 20 iterations, with a
1.2 tolerance value. The mating group size was fixed to 10,
with ten tournaments. The population size was set to 100,
with a 50% probability for mutations.
For the PSO, we set to 5 the maximum number of iter-
ations, with eight particles, and 0.5 as the inertia constant.
Both the social and cognitive constants were set to 1. We also
set τ= 0.6in the T AE function.
Finally, for our fault detection process, we set kto 4, with
a shifting of 4,500 (which represents about one month of
observations). At least 10,000 observations belonging to a
single IFP serial number were needed (about two months
of data) in case different serial numbers had different noise
profiles. Considering that the fault can be present for more
than a year before problems happen in the system, this initial
requirement does not limit the application significantly.
All algorithms were implemented in Python 3.7 and ran on
a computer with an Intel(R) Core(TM) Processor i7-3770S of
3.10 GHz, with 8 GB RAM, and using Windows 7 SP1 (64
bits) as OS.
Table 1 shows the parameters estimated by the GA and
PSO methods used in the DES filter for denoising signals.
The table shows the particular case of the data for Antenna
23 and Polarization 1, but the results were similar across all
antennas. Figure 13 shows the noise reduction achieved using
From Table 1, we can see that a different set of smooth-
ing parameters (α, β)for the DES filter are determined for
every different baseband. They also differ depending on the
methodology used to compute them, GA or PSO. Although
the performance in denoising the signals was similar for both
methodologies, as Table 1 shows, the time required by PSO
was vastly superior. Therefore, combining PSO with DES
was deemed useful for signals with different noise scale.
It is also important to highlight that the estimated parame-
ters are close to zero in most cases, as illustrated in Figure 7,
which shows a histogram of all the 1,584 estimations made.
As expected, these values imply that signals with a high
level of noise need a higher smoothing level (i.e., parameter
values close to zero). This parameter, in turn, reduces the
variability in the signal while smoothing the slope between
observations. Our approach is successful in increasing the
signal-to-noise ratio, as shown in Table 1. We computed how
much this ratio increases between the original signal and the
filtered one, shown as Irate in Table 1.
As shown in Figure 7, in most cases the value of parameter
βis close to zero. Since it is fairly similar in most cases, we
studied the performance of our filtering stage when neither
PSO nor GA is used for tuning. In this case, we set β= 0,
and test for a few values of α[0.05,0.1]. Our results show
that the filtering keeps on delivering good quality output of
the denoised signal. The best performance was achieved for
α= 0.1, which was the value later used in our fault detection
scheme when testing over all our data.
The results of running our fault detection scheme for one
antenna are shown in Table 2 and illustrated in Figure 14.
Table 2 shows the results for the two IFPs in the antenna
(one for each polarization), showing that a fault can occur on
each of them at different times. This example is also useful
since it depicts that a fault can manifest by affecting only a
single channel (like in the Polarization 1 IFP, where only the
LSB channel was affected), or many (like the Polarization 0
IFP, where three different channels were affected). Moreover,
when many channels are affected, the dates at which each
channel can present the effects can vary significantly.
Figure 14 shows that each fo the different channels of each
voltage can have vastly different dynamics during the faulty-
operation phase. In the Polarization 0 IFP, the 10-volt SW1
channel has a higher degradation level and is thus detected
first. The rest, having a slower degradation, are detected
much later. In Figure 14, we can also appreciate the effect
of the noise reduction stage, which significantly improves
the information in the signal. In these cases, where a fault is
detected through multiple channels, we consider the earliest
detection to be the fault detection date for that IFP. In the
example of Table 2, the IFP of Polarization 0 in Antenna 23
would have assigned as fault date 2013-12-08.
To measure our scheme’s effectiveness, we compared the
results of our system with a Ground Truth. This ground
truth was constructed from the original analysis in [8], later
validated by the engineering team at ALMA by manually
revising the maintenance logs, to determine the actual date
when the IFP was detected to be faulty by a human operator.
A summary of all the analyzed cases is shown in Appendix A.
In Tables 5 and 6 we give a general overview of all the faults
detected in the data from 2012 to 2019, and compare them to
the ground truth identified by the engineering personnel.
In total, there were 173 faults detected by our scheme.
In some cases, the same IFP could fail several times within
the large time-window analyzed. Hence, an antenna and
polarization could appear more than once in the table. In the
Gap column of these tables, we show the time difference (in
days) between the detection time of our system and when
the engineering team validated that the subsystem was in
TABLE 3. Detection improvement.
Number of months 612 24 36 Total
Number of cases 33 69 113 121 136
10 VOLUME 4, 2016
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3026348, IEEE Access
A. D. Cho et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
FIGURE 11. Histogram of the number of days that our FDD Scheme detects a
fault before the human operator.
faulty mode. That detection took place, in most cases, when
the IFP stopped working entirely and was replaced. Table
3 summarizes this gap information, showing the number
of detections made prior to what was set in our ground
truth data. Figure 11 details our results further, showing a
histogram with the number of days gained by our scheme,
compared to when the human operators detected the fault. In
average, our scheme could detect a fault 477.8 days earlier,
and in some cases detection was even a couple of years ear-
lier. These cases were confirmed by the ALMA engineering
team. The reason behind these few cases, was because the
maintenance team, without realizing the IFP was starting to
fail, improved communication gain in another subsystem,
effectively retarding the total failure of the antenna.
Table 4 shows the confusion matrix summarizing the
performance of our scheme. The two main performance
metrics we can compute from this matrix are the accuracy
(indicating how many of the cases were correctly identified),
which is at 70%, and the F-1 Score (which is the harmonic
mean of precision and sensitivity), which is at 78%. Both of
these metrics are an important improvement compared to the
currently implemented scheme. Additionally, from Table 4
we obtain has a recall rate of 94% and a precision of 66%.
These results are promising as they show a meager number of
false negatives (only 3%), which is crucial in our application.
False-negatives imply that the array stops working as needed,
and the maintenance teams need to go to the site to make
repairs. Although the percentage of false-positives is not as
low (at 27%), the effect is not as negative since it only implies
some additional time by the engineering team to review the
data and realize it is a false-positive. There is no need to go
to the site to do maintenance procedures or measurements to
validate the fault.
We also compared our scheme with the one currently
in use by ALMA, and detailed in [8]. Figure 12 shows a
histogram with the days gained by the ESN-based scheme.
Although the reaction time is almost the same (in average
0.7 days slower), the scheme presented in [8] required that
the maintenance team to determine the system’s dynamics
FIGURE 12. Histogram of the number of days the ESN detects a fault before
the FDD Scheme in [8].
both in faulty and fault-free conditions. In our case, the
ESN takes care of identifying the system’s dynamics, making
the process simpler, and easy to scale and apply in other
settings. Additionally, Tables 7 and 8 give exhaustive details
on how the current system performs on the same data used to
test our scheme, showing that ALMA gains significantly in
performance with this new method.
Harsh environments add significant stress to the operations of
instruments and machinery. This effect is particularly true for
the next-generation telescopes. They are generally located in
places with extreme conditions that increase the personnel’s
risks, making operation and maintenance, particularly chal-
lenging. To reduce these risks and improve the operation’s
performance, developing fault detection schemes is crucial.
These systems can help the personnel focus on high value-
added tasks, reducing the possibility of malfunctions.
In this work, we developed a novel fault detection scheme
for a slow degradation fault in the antenna array’s commu-
nication pipeline at the ALMA radio telescope. To reduce
false-positives due to the low signal-to-noise ratio, a noise
reduction stage was developed and tested. We tuned the pa-
rameters of our filtering stage through GA and PSO training,
improving the signal-to-noise ratio by more than twice.
In the fault detection stage, we took advantage of ESN’s
benefits to develop a detection scheme through prediction,
time-shifting, and comparison to a fault-free lower bound.
Our approach reduces the need to manually identify rele-
vant features and signal dynamics to achieve fault detection.
Moreover, the proposed approach does not require human in-
tervention to identify relevant features or the signal dynamics
TABLE 4. Confusion matrix of the fault detection scheme.
Ground truth
Fault No fault
ESN Fault 90 (52%) 46 (27%)
No fault 6 (3%) 31 (18%)
VOLUME 4, 2016 11
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3026348, IEEE Access
A. D. Cho et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
(a) Raw and denoised signal (BB-A) (b) Raw and denoised signal (BB-B)
(c) Raw and denoised signal (BB-C) (d) Raw and denoised signal (BB-D)
FIGURE 13. Application of DES using PSO. Parameters in Table 1
(a) Polarization 0 - 6.5 Volts - Channel BB-A (b) Polarization 0 - 6.5 Volts - Channel BB-D
(c) Polarization 0 - 10 Volts - Channel SW1 (d) Polarization 1 - 10 Volts - Channel LSB
FIGURE 14. Raw and DES signal with fault date - Antenna 23.
in faulty and non-faulty modes to able to detect the fault later.
This benefit reduces the requirements to the maintenance
teams and could make the approach much more flexible in
its application.
We tested our design with real offline monitoring data
from the 132 IFPs available at the ALMA radio telescope.
Although the signals’ characteristics slightly varied among
IFPs, our scheme was able to correctly detect the histori-
cal faults, with an accuracy of 70%. More importantly, the
methodology only presented 3% of false negatives, which is
extremely useful in this setting. Furthermore, the system was
able to detect that the IFP was in a faulty mode more than a
year earlier than the human operators were able to realize it.
Although not critical in this application, our scheme still
has a high number of false-positives. Future work needs to be
done to reduce this, mainly caused by the high level of noise
in the raw data. Additionally, this scheme should be tested
against data from other components to see if it can detect
faults in different settings.
This research was partially funded by ANID FONDECYT
Project 1180706.
The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array
(ALMA), an international astronomy facility, is a partnership
of the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in
the Southern Hemisphere (ESO), the U.S. National Science
Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Natural
12 VOLUME 4, 2016
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3026348, IEEE Access
A. D. Cho et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
Sciences (NINS) of Japan in cooperation with the Republic
of Chile. ALMA is funded by ESO on behalf of its Member
States, by NSF in cooperation with the National Research
Council of Canada (NRC) and the National Science Council
of Taiwan (NSC) and by NINS in cooperation with the
Academia Sinica (AS) in Taiwan and the Korea Astronomy
and Space Science Institute (KASI).
ALMA construction and operations are led by ESO on be-
half of its Member States; by the National Radio Astronomy
Observatory (NRAO), managed by Associated Universities,
Inc. (AUI), on behalf of North America; and by the National
Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) on behalf of
East Asia. The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) provides
the unified leadership and management of the construction,
commissioning and operation of ALMA.
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VOLUME 4, 2016 13
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A. D. Cho et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
In this appendix, we present all the results from applying our
fault detection scheme to the historical data of the IFPs. We
used the data of all 66 antennas, each with two IFPs, with
time-series ranging from 2012 to 2019.
The results of our approach are summarized in Tables 5
and 6. Both tables show, for each antenna and polarization
under the ESN column, when the IFP’s fault was detected
by our scheme. In some cases, an IFP presented a fault more
than once; hence it can appear multiple times.
Under the Ground Truth column, we present the date when
the fault was identified by human operators, date that was
validated by an engineering specialist at ALMA. Finally, the
column shows the difference, in days, between both dates.
Finally, Tables 7 and 8 give thorough details on how the
current system, based on Kalman filters and expert knowl-
edge, performs.
ANTHONY D. CHO received the B.S. degree in
mathematics from the Universidad de Carabobo,
Valencia, Venezuela, in 2008. He is currently pur-
suing the Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineer-
ing and Operations Research at the Universidad
Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago, Chile.
His research interests include machine learning,
evolutionary algorithms, operation research, pre-
scriptive analytics, and image processing.
RODRIGO A. CARRASCO (M’2002) is a pro-
fessor at the School of Engineering and Sciences
at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, and Academic Di-
rector of the Master in Industrial Engineering pro-
gram. He also founded and was the initial director
of the UAI Systems Center, a center dedicated
to technology transfer and solving complex real-
life problems using operations research tools. His
research is focused on the design and development
of decision support tools and algorithms.
Before joining UAI, he was a researcher at Siemens Corporate Research
in Princeton, NJ, developing decision support algorithms for smart grids
and energy management. Prior to this, he worked at Booz Allen Hamilton,
leading operations research projects in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, and
Rodrigo holds an electrical engineering degree and a master of science
in engineering, focused in control systems, from Universidad Católica de
Chile, and an M.Phil. and a Ph.D. from Columbia University in industrial
engineering and operations research.
GONZALO A. RUZ received his B.Sc. (2002),
P.E. and M.Sc. (2003) degrees in Electrical En-
gineering from Universidad de Chile, Santiago,
Chile. He then completed his Ph.D. degree (2008)
at Cardiff University, UK. Currently, he is a Pro-
fessor and Research Director at the Faculty of
Engineering and Sciences, Universidad Adolfo
Ibáñez, Santiago, Chile. His research interests
include machine learning, evolutionary computa-
tion, data mining, gene regulatory network model-
ing, and complex systems.
JOSÉ LUIS ORTIZ received his B.Sc. (2003) and
M.Sc. (2005) degrees in Electrical Engineering
from Universidad Católica de Chile. For the last
10 years he has worked for the ALMA radio-
astronomical observatory. Currently a Senior Elec-
tronics Engineer in the Array Maintenance Group,
he participated in the early stages of the telescopes
assembly, integration and verification effort and
now specializes in the design and implementation
of techniques for array monitoring, remote trou-
bleshooting and advanced fault detection and diagnosis.
14 VOLUME 4, 2016
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3026348, IEEE Access
A. D. Cho et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
TABLE 5. Fault detection performance for antennas 01 to 41
Antenna Polarization Ground Truth1ESN 2Antenna Polarization Ground Truth1ESN 2
01 0 2013-Aug-04 2012-Oct-08 300 22 0 2017-May-03 2013-Oct-17 1294
01 0 2015-Feb-19 2014-Dec-04 77 22 1 2019-Mar-04 2014-Dec-06 1549
01 0 2017-Mar-31 2016-Dec-20 101 23 0 2014-Dec-04 2013-Dec-20 349
01 1 No fault No fault . 23 0 2019-Mar-18 2018-May-23 299
02 0 2013-Jul-10 2013-Mar-14 118 23 1 2014-Jul-20 2013-Dec-05 227
02 1 2014-Sep-23 2013-Mar-20 552 24 0 2014-May-11 2014-Feb-13 87
03 0 2019-Mar-18 2013-Sep-17 2008 24 0 2019-Mar-18 2017-Oct-07 527
03 1 2019-Mar-18 2015-Oct-10 1255 24 1 2014-May-11 2014-Mar-17 55
04 0 2014-Nov-02 2013-Apr-19 562 25 0 2013-Oct-27 2013-Sep-29 28
04 1 2014-Nov-02 2014-Feb-02 273 25 1 2015-Sep-10 2015-May-02 131
05 0 2014-Mar-21 2013-Mar-30 356 26 0 2016-Oct-10 2015-Mar-25 565
05 0 2018-Apr-13 2018-Mar-15 29 26 1 2015-Jul-03 2014-Feb-12 506
05 1 2014-Mar-21 2013-Mar-30 356 27 0 2014-Aug-31 2013-Oct-10 325
06 0 2014-Oct-25 2013-Aug-13 438 27 1 2014-Jul-20 2013-Mar-30 477
06 0 2018-Apr-13 2018-Mar-10 34 27 1 2015-Jun-08 2014-Nov-14 206
06 1 2019-Mar-18 2018-May-05 317 27 1 2019-Mar-18 2017-Oct-27 507
07 0 2015-Jan-17 2013-Nov-19 424 28 0 2015-Jan-01 No fault .
07 1 2015-Jan-17 2014-Apr-02 290 28 1 2015-Jan-01 2014-Apr-02 274
08 0 2014-Jun-05 2013-Dec-29 158 28 1 2019-Mar-04 No fault .
08 1 2014-Jun-06 2013-Dec-28 160 29 0 2015-Apr-27 2015-Apr-22 5
09 0 2017-May-21 2017-May-07 14 29 0 2018-Apr-20 2016-May-18 702
09 1 2014-Sep-30 2013-Dec-13 291 29 1 2014-Jan-19 No fault .
09 1 2017-Jan-03 2016-Jul-13 174 30 0 2019-Mar-18 2018-Jul-31 230
10 0 2013-Dec-27 2013-Sep-20 98 30 1 2014-Mar-19 No fault .
10 1 2013-Dec-27 2013-Mar-23 279 30 1 2015-Jun-04 2015-Feb-10 114
11 0 2017-Mar-24 2014-May-20 1039 31 0 No fault No fault .
11 1 2019-Mar-08 2018-Feb-21 380 31 1 2017-Nov-16 2017-Jan-22 298
11 1 2017-Mar-24 2014-Sep-16 920 32 0 2016-Oct-21 2016-Mar-11 224
12 0 2019-Jan-11 2018-Nov-27 45 32 1 2015-Aug-29 2014-Aug-08 386
12 1 No fault No fault . 33 0 No fault No fault .
13 0 2014-Sep-09 2013-Oct-07 337 33 1 No fault No fault .
13 1 2014-Sep-09 2012-Oct-25 684 34 0 No fault No fault .
13 1 2017-Sep-11 2017-Mar-30 165 34 1 No fault No fault .
14 0 2019-Mar-18 2016-Oct-16 883 35 0 2015-May-06 2014-May-20 351
14 1 2014-Jun-04 2013-Aug-22 286 35 0 2019-Mar-04 2016-May-31 1007
14 1 2019-Mar-18 2017-Dec-18 455 35 1 2015-Dec-11 2014-Dec-28 348
15 0 No fault No fault . 36 0 2019-Mar-18 No fault .
15 1 2013-Apr-25 2012-Nov-03 173 36 1 2018-Aug-07 2018-Jun-11 57
16 0 No fault No fault . 37 0 No fault No fault .
16 1 2015-Apr-01 2013-Jun-30 640 37 1 No fault No fault .
16 1 2019-Mar-18 2015-Sep-06 1289 38 0 2015-Oct-22 2014-Nov-10 346
17 0 2014-Nov-02 No fault . 38 1 No fault No fault .
17 1 2016-Nov-08 2013-Oct-27 1108 39 0 2014-Nov-26 2013-Feb-05 659
18 0 No fault No fault . 39 0 2017-Mar-15 2015-Dec-17 454
18 1 2015-Apr-14 2013-Nov-08 522 39 1 2016-Apr-22 2014-Aug-10 621
18 1 2016-Jul-14 2016-Jun-15 29 40 0 No fault No fault .
19 1 2016-Jul-14 2016-May-21 54 40 1 2014-Dec-06 2014-Jan-23 317
20 0 2015-Apr-22 2012-Nov-09 894 40 1 2017-Mar-09 2016-Sep-17 173
20 0 2019-Mar-18 2017-May-25 662 41 0 2014-Jun-24 2013-Feb-21 488
20 1 2015-Apr-22 2014-Feb-07 439 41 0 2015-Aug-14 2014-Oct-10 308
21 0 2019-Mar-04 2017-Oct-03 517 41 1 2015-Jun-19 2013-Jun-16 733
21 1 2013-Jun-18 2012-Nov-20 210 41 1 2018-Nov-26 2017-May-13 562
21 1 2019-Mar-04 2015-Oct-22 1229
1The date of change of the IFP module.
2Number of days the detection is made before the Ground Truth date.
VOLUME 4, 2016 15
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3026348, IEEE Access
A. D. Cho et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
TABLE 6. Fault detection performance for antennas 42 to 66
Antenna Polarization Ground Truth1ESN 2Antenna Polarization Ground Truth1ESN 2
42 0 2014-Dec-13 2013-Mar-02 651 55 0 2014-Mar-04 2013-Feb-20 377
42 1 2016-Oct-10 2015-Feb-15 603 55 1 2014-Oct-25 2013-Aug-18 433
43 1 2015-Feb-19 2014-Jul-25 209 55 1 2017-Aug-18 2015-Nov-18 639
44 0 No fault No fault . 55 1 2019-Mar-18 2018-Apr-25 327
44 1 No fault No fault . 56 0 2019-Mar-18 2019-Mar-15 3
45 0 2019-Mar-18 2014-Jul-13 1709 56 1 2019-Mar-18 2013-Aug-31 2025
45 1 2014-Mar-02 2013-Mar-08 359 57 0 2014-Aug-14 2012-Nov-13 639
45 1 2019-Mar-18 2018-Jun-12 279 57 0 2019-Mar-18 2018-May-24 298
46 0 2015-Apr-01 2014-Aug-11 233 57 1 No fault No fault .
46 0 2017-Dec-01 2016-Apr-23 587 58 0 2016-Dec-03 2013-Nov-02 1127
46 1 2013-Dec-24 2013-Nov-30 24 58 1 2014-Dec-27 2013-Apr-13 623
46 1 2017-Dec-01 No fault . 58 1 2016-Aug-13 2015-Dec-04 253
47 0 2019-Mar-04 No fault . 59 0 2018-Nov-05 2018-Nov-03 2
47 1 2017-Oct-22 2016-Feb-16 614 59 1 No fault No fault .
48 0 2017-Jan-18 2014-Oct-29 812 60 0 No fault No fault .
48 1 2015-Jun-19 2014-Jun-08 376 60 1 2014-Nov-19 2014-May-23 180
48 1 2019-Mar-18 No fault . 60 1 2019-Mar-18 2015-Oct-08 1257
49 0 2017-Feb-10 2016-Jan-05 402 61 0 2014-Sep-09 2013-Apr-18 509
49 0 2019-Mar-18 2018-Jan-20 422 61 0 2015-Sep-25 2015-Jul-16 71
49 1 No fault No fault . 61 1 2014-Sep-09 2014-Apr-18 144
50 0 2019-Mar-18 2015-Jun-25 1362 62 0 2017-Jun-24 2014-Mar-15 1197
50 1 No fault No fault . 62 0 2019-Mar-18 2018-Feb-27 384
51 0 2014-Dec-13 No fault . 62 1 2014-Jun-06 2013-Sep-04 275
51 0 2019-Mar-18 2018-May-05 317 62 1 2016-Sep-29 2015-Aug-28 398
51 1 2015-Mar-08 2013-Aug-20 565 63 0 2017-Nov-20 2017-Jul-17 126
52 0 2015-May-28 2013-Jun-20 707 63 1 No fault No fault .
52 0 2017-Jul-14 2016-Nov-26 230 64 0 2014-Sep-14 No fault .
52 1 2013-Apr-13 2012-Dec-23 111 64 1 2013-Apr-27 2012-Dec-26 122
52 1 2013-Nov-04 2013-Sep-04 61 64 1 2014-Sep-14 No fault .
52 1 2017-Mar-08 2016-Jan-05 428 65 0 No fault No fault .
53 0 No fault No fault . 65 1 2019-Mar-18 2018-Mar-25 358
53 1 2015-Sep-11 2014-May-16 483 66 0 2015-Sep-25 2014-Jan-10 623
54 0 2017-Jan-04 2013-Jun-28 1286 66 1 2017-Jun-03 2013-Mar-29 1527
54 1 2015-Sep-25 2013-Jun-22 825
1The date of change of the IFP module.
2Number of days the detection is made before the Ground Truth date.
16 VOLUME 4, 2016
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3026348, IEEE Access
A. D. Cho et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
TABLE 7. Fault detection comparison for antennas 01 to 41
Antenna Polarization Ground Truth1Kalman32Antenna Polarization Ground Truth1Kalman32
01 0 2013-Aug-04 2012-Sep-08 330 22 0 2017-May-03 No fault .
01 0 2015-Feb-19 2014-Oct-29 113 22 1 2019-Mar-04 2012-Nov-08 2307
01 0 2017-Mar-31 No fault . 23 0 2014-Dec-04 No fault .
01 1 No fault No fault . 23 0 2019-Mar-18 2017-Aug-24 571
02 0 2013-Jul-10 No fault . 23 1 2014-Jul-20 2013-Jul-25 360
02 1 2014-Sep-23 No fault . 24 0 2014-May-11 No fault .
03 0 2019-Mar-18 2018-Jul-21 240 24 0 2019-Mar-18 No fault .
03 1 2019-Mar-18 No fault . 24 1 2014-May-11 2014-Apr-08 33
04 0 2014-Nov-02 No fault . 25 0 2013-Oct-27 No fault .
04 1 2014-Nov-02 2013-Aug-11 448 25 1 2015-Sep-10 No fault .
05 0 2014-Mar-21 2012-Dec-14 462 26 0 2016-Oct-10 No fault .
05 0 2018-Apr-13 No fault . 26 1 2015-Jul-03 2014-May-29 400
05 1 2014-Mar-21 2012-Aug-18 580 27 0 2014-Aug-31 No fault .
06 0 2014-Oct-25 2013-Oct-10 380 27 1 2014-Jul-20 2013-Mar-22 485
06 0 2018-Apr-13 No fault . 27 1 2015-Jun-08 2014-Oct-16 235
06 1 2019-Mar-18 No fault . 27 1 2019-Mar-18 No fault .
07 0 2015-Jan-17 No fault . 28 0 2015-Jan-01 2013-Nov-15 412
07 1 2015-Jan-17 No fault . 28 1 2015-Jan-01 2013-Nov-02 425
08 0 2014-Jun-05 No fault . 28 1 2019-Mar-04 2017-Aug-20 561
08 1 2014-Jun-06 No fault . 29 0 2015-Apr-27 No fault .
09 0 2017-May-21 2017-Mar-21 61 29 0 2018-Apr-20 2017-Aug-22 241
09 1 2014-Sep-30 No fault . 29 1 2014-Jan-19 2013-Jun-28 205
09 1 2017-Jan-03 2016-Sep-14 111 30 0 2019-Mar-18 2018-Jun-23 268
10 0 2013-Dec-27 No fault . 30 1 2014-Mar-19 2013-Nov-16 123
10 1 2013-Dec-27 No fault . 30 1 2015-Jun-04 No fault .
11 0 2017-Mar-24 No fault . 31 0 No fault No fault .
11 1 2019-Mar-08 No fault . 31 1 2017-Nov-16 No fault .
11 1 2017-Mar-24 No fault . 32 0 2016-Oct-21 2015-Jul-08 471
12 0 2019-Jan-11 No fault . 32 1 2015-Aug-29 2014-Aug-01 393
12 1 No fault No fault . 33 0 No fault No fault .
13 0 2014-Sep-09 2013-Oct-23 321 33 1 No fault No fault .
13 1 2014-Sep-09 2012-May-02 860 34 0 No fault No fault .
13 1 2017-Sep-11 No fault . 34 1 No fault No fault .
14 0 2019-Mar-18 No fault . 35 0 2015-May-06 2014-May-31 340
14 1 2014-Jun-04 No fault . 35 0 2019-Mar-04 No fault .
14 1 2019-Mar-18 2018-Oct-26 143 35 1 2015-Dec-11 2014-Oct-18 419
15 0 No fault No fault . 36 0 2019-Mar-18 2017-May-21 666
15 1 2013-Apr-25 No fault . 36 1 2018-Aug-07 2018-Apr-16 113
16 0 No fault No fault . 37 0 No fault No fault .
16 1 2015-Apr-01 No fault . 37 1 No fault No fault .
16 1 2019-Mar-18 No fault . 38 0 2015-Oct-22 No fault .
17 0 2014-Nov-02 2014-Jun-03 152 38 1 No fault No fault .
17 1 2016-Nov-08 No fault . 39 0 2014-Nov-26 2012-Nov-01 755
18 0 No fault No fault . 39 0 2017-Mar-15 No fault .
18 1 2015-Apr-14 2013-Oct-01 560 39 1 2016-Apr-22 2012-Nov-01 1268
18 1 2016-Jul-14 No fault . 40 0 No fault No fault .
19 1 2016-Jul-14 2016-Apr-04 101 40 1 2014-Dec-06 No fault .
20 0 2015-Apr-22 2012-Nov-02 901 40 1 2017-Mar-09 2015-May-11 668
20 0 2019-Mar-18 No fault . 41 0 2014-Jun-24 2012-Jun-24 730
20 1 2015-Apr-22 2014-Jan-25 452 41 0 2015-Aug-14 2014-Oct-13 305
21 0 2019-Mar-04 No fault . 41 1 2015-Jun-19 2014-May-05 410
21 1 2013-Jun-18 No fault . 41 1 2018-Nov-26 2016-Nov-21 735
21 1 2019-Mar-04 No fault .
1The date of change of the IFP module.
2Number of days the detection is made before the Ground Truth date.
3FDD Scheme in [8]
VOLUME 4, 2016 17
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3026348, IEEE Access
A. D. Cho et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
TABLE 8. Fault detection comparison for antennas 42 to 66
Antenna Polarization Ground Truth1Kalman32Antenna Polarization Ground Truth1Kalman32
42 0 2014-Dec-13 2012-Oct-24 780 55 0 2014-Mar-04 2013-Jul-25 222
42 1 2016-Oct-10 No fault . 55 1 2014-Oct-25 No fault .
43 1 2015-Feb-19 2014-Nov-15 96 55 1 2017-Aug-18 No fault .
44 0 No fault No fault . 55 1 2019-Mar-18 No fault .
44 1 No fault No fault . 56 0 2019-Mar-18 No fault .
45 0 2019-Mar-18 No fault . 56 1 2019-Mar-18 2012-Nov-03 2326
45 1 2014-Mar-02 2013-Mar-06 361 57 0 2014-Aug-14 2012-Oct-26 657
45 1 2019-Mar-18 No fault . 57 0 2019-Mar-18 2018-Apr-29 323
46 0 2015-Apr-01 2014-Jun-27 278 57 1 No fault No fault .
46 0 2017-Dec-01 No fault . 58 0 2016-Dec-03 No fault .
46 1 2013-Dec-24 2013-Mar-19 280 58 1 2014-Dec-27 No fault .
46 1 2017-Dec-01 2014-Dec-07 1090 58 1 2016-Aug-13 2015-Oct-05 313
47 0 2019-Mar-04 2013-Nov-16 1934 59 0 2018-Nov-05 No fault .
47 1 2017-Oct-22 No fault . 59 1 No fault No fault .
48 0 2017-Jan-18 No fault . 60 0 No fault No fault .
48 1 2015-Jun-19 2014-Apr-28 417 60 1 2014-Nov-19 No fault .
48 1 2019-Mar-18 2017-Feb-25 751 60 1 2019-Mar-18 2016-May-31 1021
49 0 2017-Feb-10 No fault . 61 0 2014-Sep-09 2013-Aug-02 403
49 0 2019-Mar-18 No fault . 61 0 2015-Sep-25 2015-Jun-06 111
49 1 No fault No fault . 61 1 2014-Sep-09 No fault .
50 0 2019-Mar-18 No fault . 62 0 2017-Jun-24 2013-Nov-04 1328
50 1 No fault No fault . 62 0 2019-Mar-18 No fault .
51 0 2014-Dec-13 2013-Sep-22 447 62 1 2014-Jun-06 2013-Dec-02 186
51 0 2019-Mar-18 No fault . 62 1 2016-Sep-29 2016-Feb-22 220
51 1 2015-Mar-08 2013-Jul-10 606 63 0 2017-Nov-20 No fault .
52 0 2015-May-28 2013-Sep-24 611 63 1 No fault No fault .
52 0 2017-Jul-14 No fault . 64 0 2014-Sep-14 2014-Jun-21 85
52 1 2013-Apr-13 No fault . 64 1 2013-Apr-27 2012-Dec-03 145
52 1 2013-Nov-04 No fault . 64 1 2014-Sep-14 2014-Jun-18 88
52 1 2017-Mar-08 No fault . 65 0 No fault No fault .
53 0 No fault No fault . 65 1 2019-Mar-18 No fault .
53 1 2015-Sep-11 No fault . 66 0 2015-Sep-25 2015-Apr-02 176
54 0 2017-Jan-04 No fault . 66 1 2017-Jun-03 2015-Jul-05 699
54 1 2015-Sep-25 No fault .
1The date of change of the IFP module.
2Number of days the detection is made before the Ground Truth date.
3FDD Scheme in [8]
18 VOLUME 4, 2016
... This work focuses on prognostics by developing recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and a forecasting method called Prophet to measure the performance quality in RUL estimation. First, we apply this approach to degradation signals, which do not need to be monotonical, using the fault detection framework proposed in [15] with some improvements in the pre-processing and the cleaning data step. Later, we applied our approach to similar degradation problems but with different statistical characteristics. ...
... We made improvements in cleaning spikes or possible outlines and smoothing timeseries in the pre-processing data step in the fault detection framework developed in [15] to reduce the remaining noise level while maintaining its relevant characteristics such as trends and stationarity. ...
... We show that the fault detection framework in [15], together with our pre-processing method, improves the robustness of the framework and can be transferable to another problem with similar degradation, although with different statistical characteristics. 3. ...
Full-text available
The prognostics and health management disciplines provide an efficient solution to improve a system’s durability, taking advantage of its lifespan in functionality before a failure appears. Prognostics are performed to estimate the system or subsystem’s remaining useful life (RUL). This estimation can be used as a supply in decision-making within maintenance plans and procedures. This work focuses on prognostics by developing a recurrent neural network and a forecasting method called Prophet to measure the performance quality in RUL estimation. We apply this approach to degradation signals, which do not need to be monotonical. Finally, we test our system using data from new generation telescopes in real-world applications.
... Here, predictive analytics tools have helped convert data into information, transforming the constant flow from sensors and actuators to detect and even predict changes in the state of the system [1], [2]. The development of frameworks like the Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) one [3], [4], have further increased the need for fault prediction [5]- [8] as well as estimating the remaining useful life (RUL) of a component after a fault appears [9]- [12]. However, this is only a partial solution. ...
... In this setting, prescriptive analytics tools might hold the key to improving the efficiency and efficacy of these complex systems, taking advantage of the plethora of operational data sources that are now available, if these systems can handle the uncertainties inherent with prognostic Researchers have recently been dealing with uncertainty and component connections in maintenance planning from the decision-making perspective [14]- [16]. Covering both aspects will be essential for large and complex production facilities like wind farms [17], solar generators, and even scientific instruments such as the ALMA radio telescope [5]. In this work, we will focus on the last step of PHM for decision-making in maintenance, which covers the two aspects mentioned before. ...
... Let N be the set of components distributed over K machines, which might be in different sites, as shown in Figure 1. Additionally, each machine has a list of components on which a predictive system, like the one described in [5], has detected a degradation fault. Furthermore, each component has a predicted RUL distribution provided by this predictive system. ...
Full-text available
Maintenance is one of the critical areas in operations in which a careful balance between preventive costs and the effect of failures is required. Thanks to the increasing data availability, decision-makers can now use models to better estimate, evaluate, and achieve this balance. This work presents a maintenance scheduling model which considers prognostic information provided by a predictive system. In particular, we developed a prescriptive maintenance system based on run-to-failure signal segmentation and a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) neural network. The LSTM network returns the prediction of the remaining useful life when a fault is present in a component. We incorporate such predictions and their inherent errors in a decision support system based on a stochastic optimization model, incorporating them via chance constraints. These constraints control the number of failed components and consider the physical distance between them to reduce sparsity and minimize the total maintenance cost. We show that this approach can compute solutions for relatively large instances in reasonable computational time through experimental results. Furthermore, the decision-maker can identify the correct operating point depending on the balance between costs and failure probability.
... All these aspects make sensors widely used devices that allow connectivity by minimally altering an existing industrial environment, thus obtaining the monitoring required to apply PdM. Different kind of sensors are reported in last years in PdM for measuring vibration frequency (Bouabdallaoui et al., 2021;Chen et al., 2019;Cho et al., 2020;Liang et al., 2020;Oluwasegun & Jung, 2020;Orrù et al., 2020;Wang, Liu, et al., 2020;Zhou et al., 2019) or vibration acceleration alone (Aqueveque et al., 2021;Casoli et al., 2019;Malawade et al., 2021;Shamayleh et al., 2020;Yang et al., 2021) or in conjunction with relative position (Mishra & Huhtala, 2019). Other works use sensors that capture atmosphere-based features like temperature (Axenie et al., 2020). ...
... However, due to their suitability for processing sequential data, they have been used for time-series forecasting in a context of novelty detection. Specifically, in Cho et al. (2020), a type of RNN called Echo State Network that has a dynamical memory to preserve in its internal state a nonlinear transformation of the input's history. Thus, this model starts with a fault-free signal that has been preprocessed with double-exponential smoothing filter, tuned with evolutionary algorithms, to generate a smoothed signal. ...
Full-text available
Predictive maintenance is a field of study whose main objective is to optimize the timing and type of maintenance to perform on various industrial systems. This aim involves maximizing the availability time of the monitored system and minimizing the number of resources used in maintenance. Predictive maintenance is currently undergoing a revolution thanks to advances in industrial systems monitoring within the Industry 4.0 paradigm. Likewise, advances in artificial intelligence and data mining allow the processing of a great amount of data to provide more accurate and advanced predictive models. In this context, many actors have become interested in predictive maintenance research, becoming one of the most active areas of research in computing, where academia and industry converge. The objective of this paper is to conduct a systematic literature review that provides an overview of the current state of research concerning predictive maintenance from a data mining perspective. The review presents a first taxonomy that implies different phases considered in any data mining process to solve a predictive maintenance problem, relating the predictive maintenance tasks with the main data mining tasks to solve them. Finally, the paper presents significant challenges and future research directions in terms of the potential of data mining applied to predictive maintenance. This article is categorized under: Application Areas > Industry Specific Applications Technologies > Internet of Things
... Previous work in operational data at ALMA has shown that predictive tools can improve information on how the telescope operates. 3,4 Unlike the previous work, we are now interested in not only predicting job durations but also estimating the error bounds around that estimation. In this work, we employ a suite of 14 independent variables that are fundamental to the calibration of the observation to predict the quartiles and mean of the job processing times (MOUS). ...
... There are few works related to natural disasters applied to industrial-scale telescopes, mostly focused on astronomical studies to analyze the phenomena and celestial bodies (Ray et al., 2022;Yushchenko et al., 2022), construction or partial or total improvement of the system (Marchiori et al., 2018;Morzinski et al., 2014;Allekotte et al., 2013), fault detection (Ortiz and Carrasco, 2018;Cho et al., 2020;Wu et al., 2020;Roelf, 2022), prognosis Roelf, 2022), and decision-making in maintenance (Costa et al., 2021;, among others. ...
Natural disasters have the potential to pose a significant threat to property, critical infrastructure, human health and safety, and some others. One of the most relevant natural disasters is earthquakes, which are high on the list of natural phenomena that most affect infrastructures and, at the same time, are the most unpredictable. This study uses the probabilistic seismic risk analysis method to estimate the condition of an industrial-scale telescope after the effect of an earthquake. The approach considers a seismic source model and ground motion prediction equations to evaluate the intensity measure of each telescope as a function of its location. Our simulation uses reliability via Monte Carlo to discover the probability of failure of each telescope taking into consideration the fragility curves described by its nature structure. Our method incorporates terrain characteristics and component robustness into the analysis of telescope performance at an affordable computational cost. We applied our method to the observatories that use industrial-scale telescopes established in Chile, and we showed that reliability is highly dependent on the robustness/fragility of the infrastructure. MSC Classification: 62P12 , 62P30 , 90B25
... Scientific researchers have been exploring various Deep Learning techniques for predictive maintenance. Wang et al. [17], Malawade et al. [18], Basora et al. [19], Ning et al. [20], Cho et al. [21], and others have focused their efforts on exploring the applicability of DL algorithms in diverse fields, such as industrial maintenance. Overall, their findings suggest that this approach is particularly suitable for predicting failures and Remaining Useful Life. ...
Full-text available
In the course of manufacturing excellence, decision makers are consistently confronted with the task of making choices that will enhance and meet industrial plant’s requirements. To this end, it is essential to maintain machines and equipment in a timely manner, which can prove to be one of the primary challenges. Predictive maintenance (PdM) strategy can enable real-time maintenance, providing numerous benefits such as reduced downtime, lower costs, and improved production quality. This article tries to demonstrate efficient physical parameters used in PdM field. The paper presents a case study operated in industrial production process to compare between the most used algorithm in predicting equipment failures. Future research can improve prediction accuracy with other artificial intelligence tools.
Conference Paper
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Forest monitoring is crucial for understanding ecosystem dynamics, detecting changes, and implementing effective conservation strategies. In this work, we propose a novel approach for automated detection of human-induced changes in woodlands using Echo State Networks (ESNs) and satellite imagery. Using ESNs offers a promising solution for analyzing time-series data and identifying deviations indicative of forest alterations, particularly those caused by human activities such as deforestation and logging. The proposed experimental setup leverages satellite imagery to capture temporal variations in the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and involves the training and evaluation of ESN models using extensive datasets from Chile's central region, encompassing diverse woodland environments and human-induced disturbances. Our initial experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of ESNs in predicting NDVI values and detecting deviations indicative of human-related changes in woodlands, even in the presence of climate-induced changes like drought and browning. Our work contributes to forest monitoring by offering a scalable and efficient solution for automated change detection in woodland environments. Integrating ESNs with satellite imagery analysis provides valuable insights into human impacts on forest ecosystems, facilitating informed decision-making for sustainable land management and biodiversity conservation.
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Natural disasters have the potential to pose a significant threat to property, critical infrastructure, human health and safety, and some others. One of the most relevant natural disasters is earthquakes, which are high on the list of natural phenomena that most affect infrastructures and, at the same time, are the most unpredictable. This study uses the probabilistic seismic risk analysis method to estimate the condition of an industrial-scale telescope after the effect of an earthquake. The approach considers a seismic source model and ground motion prediction equations to evaluate the intensity measure of each telescope as a function of its location. The implemented simulation uses reliability via Monte Carlo method to discover the probability of failure of each telescope taking into consideration the fragility curves described by its natural structure. Their method incorporates terrain characteristics and component robustness into the analysis of telescope performance at an affordable computational cost. The proposed method was applied to the observatories using industrial-scale telescopes established in Chile, and it was confirmed that reliability is highly dependent on the robustness or fragility of the infrastructure.
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Las áreas operativas en las organizaciones están bajo una presión cada vez mayor para mejorar su desempeño, impulsando a las empresas a ser cada vez más eficientes y efectivas con los recursos y activos que tienen. Esto ha agregado una enorme carga al área de mantenimiento, la cual debe mantener un delicado equilibrio entre los efectos de las fallas imprevistas y el costo de las medidas preventivas. En este mundo de creciente incertidumbre y con el aumento de la complejidad de los sistemas de producción actuales, este equilibrio es aún más desafiante, lo que hace que las políticas de mantenimiento basadas en condiciones sean difíciles de definir e implementar. Para hacer frente a estas dificultades, las áreas de mantenimiento han recurrido a los datos operativos para obtener una respuesta, aprovechando de muchos sensores y sistemas de telemetría que ahora están disponibles. Aquí, las herramientas de análisis predictivo han ayudado a convertir estos datos en información, transformando el flujo constante de los sensores y actuadores para detectar e incluso predecir cambios en el estado del sistema. La presente tesis desarrolla un framework en mantenimiento prescriptivo presentando las conexiones del proceso e identificando los módulos críticos que conforma el sistema. Estos módulos son: predicción de falla, pronóstico, y planificación de mantenimiento. Esta tésis presenta tres contribuciones. La primera, define un diseño para predicción de fallas usando Echo State Network como un componente para estimar la evolución del sistema en estado libre de falla y en tiempo desplazado. La segunda, desarrolla un método para la predicción de la distribución del Remaining-Useful-Life (RUL) de los componentes, usando un tipo de red neuronal recurrente conocido como Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM), que fueron ajustados a partir de un conjunto de señales run-to-failure. Finalmente, se construye un modelo de optimización estocástica para incluir información del RUL con incertidumbre vía chance constraints que permite balancear el costo entre correctivo y preventivo con el fin de proveer un programa (schedule) en mantenimiento.
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Exponential Smoothing methods are proposed in this research to predict the number of loss reports in the EReport contained on "One-Click Service Police Resort" for Banyuwangi society. The best prediction is obtained based on smallest value of the Mean Absolut Deviation (MAD), the Mean Square Error (MSE), and the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) to select an appropriate forecasting model using Single ES (Exponential Smoothing), Double ES, and Triple ES. However, the determination of parameter is still manual. Genetic Algorithm method is used to set the values optimally to overcome these problems. The result from this experience show that the Single ES is determined as the best prediction method as a result of the prediction of loss report on E-Report Police Resort based on the alpha value obtained from the genetic algorithm method.
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The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) Observatory, with its 66 individual radiotelescopes and other central equipment, generates a massive set of monitoring data everyday, collecting information on the performance of a variety of critical and complex electrical, electronic, and mechanical components. By using this crucial data, engineering teams have developed and implemented both model and machine learning-based fault detection methodologies that have greatly enhanced early detection or prediction of hardware malfunctions. This paper presents the results of the development of a fault detection and diagnosis framework and the impact it has had on corrective and predictive maintenance schemes.
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Bearing fault features are presented as repetitive transient impulses in vibration signals. Narrowband demodulation methods have been widely used to extract the repetitive transients in bearing fault diagnosis, for which the key factor is to accurately locate the optimal band. A multitude of criteria have been constructed to determine the optimal frequency band for demodulation. However, these criteria can only describe the strength of transient impulses, and cannot differentiate fault-related impulses and interference impulses that are cyclically generated in the signals. Additionally, these criteria are easily affected by the independent transitions and background noise in industrial locales. Therefore, the large values of the criteria may not appear in the optimal frequency band. To overcome these problems, a new method, referred to as multiband envelope spectra extraction (MESE), is proposed in this paper, which can extract all repetitive transient features in the signals. The novelty of MESE lies in the following aspects: (1) it can fuse envelope spectra at multiple narrow bands. The potential bands are selected based on Jarque-Bera statistics of narrowband envelope spectra; and (2) fast independent component analysis (fastICA) is introduced to extract the independent source spectra, which are fault- or interference-related. The multi-band strategy will preserve all impulse features and make the method more robust. Meanwhile, as a blind source separation technique, the fastICA can suppress some in-band noise and make the diagnosis more accurate. Several simulated and experimental signals are used to validate the efficiency of the proposed method. The results show that MESE is effective for enhanced fault diagnosis of rolling element bearings. Bearing faults can be detected even in a harsh environment.
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Forecasting power generation hydro production system is essential for optimum planning of electricity. Many researchers over the years have experimented with different techniques for optimal planning between the constituent institutions of a country Electric Power Corporation. Among these we can mention the time series models and optimization techniques PSO. Time series models used mostly for predicting the factors affecting the production of electricity are: SARIMA, ETS, exponential smoothing (Holt-Winters) etc. In our country the most important factor in the production of energy are natural water inflow, characteristics of which are seasonality and periodicity. One of the models suitable to handle with these qualities is exponential smoothing PSO algorithm is among algorithms with efficiency in solving the optimization problem with non-linear nature which are used in modeling the problem of electricity generation. PSO algorithm variables in this case are volume and natural water inflow. The values of these variables, to the problem of optimizing the electrical power, are obtained from time-series forecasting techniques. Using PSO for the above problem we derive predictions for the short term electricity production in Albania.
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Modern vehicles have increasing amounts of data streaming continuously on-board their controller area networks. These data are primarily used for controlling the vehicle and for feedback to the driver, but they can also be exploited to detect faults and predict failures. The traditional diagnostics paradigm, which relies heavily on human expert knowledge, scales poorly with the increasing amounts of data generated by highly digitised systems. The next generation of equipment monitoring and maintenance prediction solutions will therefore require a different approach, where systems can build up knowledge (semi-)autonomously and learn over the lifetime of the equipment. A key feature in such systems is the ability to capture and encode characteristics of signals, or groups of signals, on-board vehicles using different models. Methods that do this robustly and reliably can be used to describe and compare the operation of the vehicle to previous time periods or to other similar vehicles. In this paper two models for doing this, for a single signal, are presented and compared on a case of on-road failures caused by air compressor faults in city buses. One approach is based on histograms and the other is based on echo state networks. It is shown that both methods are sensitive to the expected changes in the signal's characteristics and work well on simulated data. However, the histogram model, despite being simpler, handles the deviations in real data better than the echo state network.
The paper gives a short introduction to the problem of fault detection in manufacturing systems using digital signal processing methods. Usually, in manufacturing systems faults can occur in electrical drives, transmission lines, power management systems and can be detected through sensor data acquisition. Important task of the diagnosis is to differentiate normal operating condition from faulty condition. Detection of occurred faults in manufacturing systems depends on how efficiently erroneous features are extracted from acquired signals. This work focuses on signal processing based methods using Discrete Wavelet and Wavelet Packet Transforms for detection and classification the occurred faults. The faults are simulated using test signals with different time and frequency properties and the results obtained from different approaches are evaluated and compared. The simulation results prove that the proposed techniques handle the problem of fault detection and may even predict abnormalities exploring long term tendencies of the detected signals.