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Factors Affect Customer Retention: A Systematic Review

  • University of Sharjah and The University of Jordan

Abstract and Figures

Many review studies were handled to provide valuable insights into customer retention issues and factors that could influence it positively and effectively. This study systematically reviews and analyzes customer retention and its related factors of 30 research studies from 2005 to 2019. The main findings contain that the most common factors that affect customer retention are service quality, satisfaction, trust, and commitment. Moreover, most of the customer retention studies were focused on the banking sector, followed by the studies that concerned about retail industry issues. Additionally, most of the conducted studies were undertaken in Indonesia, followed by Nigeria and India. The findings of this review study provide an overview of the current studies and analyses of customer retention and factors that affect it.
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Factors Affect Customer Retention:
A Systematic Review
Salama S. Alkitbi
, Muhammad Alshurideh
Barween Al Kurdi
, and Said A. Salloum
University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE
Faculty of Business, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Amman Arab University, Amman, Jordan
Research Institute of Sciences and Engineering,
University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE
Abstract. Many review studies were handled to provide valuable insights into
customer retention issues and factors that could inuence it positively and
effectively. This study systematically reviews and analyzes customer retention
and its related factors of 30 research studies from 2005 to 2019. The main
ndings contain that the most common factors that affect customer retention are
service quality, satisfaction, trust, and commitment. Moreover, most of the
customer retention studies were focused on the banking sector, followed by the
studies that concerned about retail industry issues. Additionally, most of the
conducted studies were undertaken in Indonesia, followed by Nigeria and India.
The ndings of this review study provide an overview of the current studies and
analyses of customer retention and factors that affect it.
Keywords: Customer retention Satisfaction Trust Commitment
1 Introduction
Generally, it is recognized that there is a positive relationship between customer
retention and protability. Customer retention enables the company to increase prof-
itability and revenue [13]. Thus, the small increase in customer retention could have a
positive impact on protability [46]. [7,8] indicated that customer retention indicates
customers intention to repurchase a service or a product from the service provider. In
[9], authors dened customer retention as the future propensity of a customer to stay
with the service provider. It should be a continuous process to nd a customer and
retain them in a long-term relationship [1012].
The purpose of the study is to review previous studies and to nd out the main
inuencing factors affecting the existing customer. In addition, the study aims to
investigate the impact of customer satisfaction, trust, and commitment on customer
retention in different sectors and contexts. The review study stands the following six
research questions:
©The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license
to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
A. E. Hassanien et al. (Eds.): AISI 2020, AISC 1261, pp. 656667, 2021.
RQ1: What are the main disciplines/contexts of the selected studies?
RQ2: What are the participating countries in the context of the selected studies?
RQ3: How reviews are distributed across their year of publication?
RQ4: What are the research methods of the selected studies?
RQ5: What are the active databases in the context of customer retention?
RQ6: What are the most factors that inuence customer retention?
Thus, the importance of this study is in its attempt to contribute and add value to the
extant literature by covering up-to-date research studies on customer retention and its
attempt to explore some main factors that inuence it over different countries such as
customer satisfaction, customer trust, and customer commitment. In addition, nding
out some contexts and disciplines in which customer retention and its inuencing
factors were not explicitly searched and in detail.
The structure of this review study is as follows. Section 2reviews the literature
related to customer satisfaction, customer retention, trust, and commitment to exploring
the relationships between these concepts. Section 3shows the study methodology by
covering the inclusion/exclusion criteria, data sources and search strategies, quality
assessment, as well as data coding and analysis. The fourth section discusses the
results, followed by the proposed model and hypotheses. Finally, the fth section
presents the conclusion with limitations and some recommendations.
2 Literature Review
Customer retention survives when the companies can fulll customer expectations and
additionally maintain it in long-term relationships to ensure long-term buying decisions
[1315]. The topic of customer retention is argued in business economics commonly
within the perspective of relationship marketing, which considers customer relation-
ships as one of the primary concerns with the long-term objective of developing and
maintaining them [1618]. Many previous studies indicated that companies should
always manage customer satisfaction to achieve the retention stage. According to [19]
satisfaction is an overall customer attitude towards a service provider.In[20],
authors added that satisfaction is an emotional reaction regarding what customers
expect and what they receive, including the fulllment of needs and goals. Customer
retention states a desired outcome in the future to satisfaction, so long-term of rela-
tionship is demonstrated by satisfaction. Although customer satisfaction does not
guarantee repurchase, it still plays a vital role in ensuring customer retention. While
many studies on customer retention had long focused on customer satisfaction, addi-
tional factors are stated as an inuence in customer retention, such as trust and com-
mitment. [21], in The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing,which
is the most inuential Relationship Marketing, suggests that the center of successful
relationship marketing is the relationship of commitment and trust. They urged the
importance of commitment and trust that leads to build a positive correlation between
company and customers and encourage efciency, productivity, and effectiveness. The
degree of trust between service provider and customer is signicantly inuenced by the
quality of the service, which results in an effective commitment to the provider, and
Factors Affect Customer Retention: A Systematic Review 657
enhancing commitment is important since it leads to an intention to invest further and
reinforce the relationship with the provider.
As mentioned in the previous section, this review study will attempt to highlight the
recent ndings of scholars about customer retention and explore some new or limited
contexts and countries in which literature did not covered enough and did not inves-
tigate and examine the relationship of customer retention with mainly satisfaction, trust,
and commitment.
3 Methods
The process of this review study for conducting a systematic review was guided by
Kitchenham and Charterss guidelines [22]. This method is used by many scholars such
as [2326]. Given that, the review was directed in four stages: the identication of
inclusion and exclusion criteria, data sources and search strategies, quality assessment,
and data coding and analysis. The details of these phases are shown in the following
3.1 Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
The studies that were critically analyzed in this review study meet the inclusion and
exclusion criteria described in Table 1.
3.2 Data Sources and Research Strategies
The studies were identied using different keywords that are related mainly to customer
retention and adding other factors such as satisfaction, trust, and commitment in several
searching processes until reaching a suitable number of related and targeted articles and
studies to select and analyze. Table 2shows the keywords search. The search process
Table 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
- Should involve Customer retention and should be in
- Should involve one or all terms of satisfaction, trust, &
commitment, and could be in Tittle, abstract or
anywhere in the document
- Should be written in English
- Should be published between 2005 and 2019
- Could include articles, reports, or theses
- Any study that does not discuss
mainly customer retention
658 S. S. Alkitbi et al.
was conducted through ve various journal databases which are ProQuest, Science-
Direct, Taylor, and Emerald, and Google Scholar as a search engine. The search was
done on a different day for several times started on Sunday, 26
Jan. 2020, and the last
search was on Saturday, 1
Feb. 2020. Initial search results which focus on searching
for customer retention as a title and other keywords in the title or abstract or anywhere
in a document across ve online databases and google scholar are 137 studies. The
studies were downloaded and then ltered to remove the duplicate, which was 20
studies, so the studies became 117 studies, and the distribution of studies across the
database is presented in Table 3. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria to
select targeted studies, the studies became 105 studies. After screening studies and to
focus mainly on that studies involve good discussion and analysis for customer
retention and targeted factors that inuence it, the selected studies to analyze for this
review systematic study are 30 studies. These 30 studies were applied to various
sectors, countries and published in the last 15 years ago. All processes are described in
Fig. 1.
Table 2. Data sources and databases
Keyword search
SatisfactionAND Customer retention
SatisfactionAND TrustAND Customer
SatisfactionAND TrustAND
commitmentAND customer retention
Table 3. The total number of articles.
Journal databases Frequency
ProQuest 51
ScienceDirect 22
Taylor 23
Emerald 15
Google Scholar 26
Total 137
Factors Affect Customer Retention: A Systematic Review 659
3.3 Quality Assessment
Quality assessment is another factor that could be applied to examine the studies
quality, along with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The quality assessment checklist
with 9 criteria was formulated to evaluate the quality of the research studies that were
selected for further analysis (N = 30). The quality assessment checklist is claried in
Table 4. The checklist was adapted from those suggested by [22]. Each question was
scored according to the three-point scale, with a Yesbeing worth 1 point, Nobeing
worth 0 point, and Partiallybeing worth 0.5 point. Thus, each study could score
between 0 and 9, with the higher the total score a study gets, the higher the degree to
which this study addresses the research questions. Tables 5claries the quality
assessment results for all the 30 studies. All the studies have passed the quality
assessment, which means that all the studies are qualied to be used for analysis.
Fig. 1. PRISMA owchart for the selected studies.
Table 4. Quality assessment criteria.
# Question
1 Are the research aims clearly specied?
2 Was the study designed to achieve these aims?
3 Are the variables considered by the study clearly specied?
4 Is the study context/discipline clearly specied?
5 Are the data collection methods adequately detailed?
6 Does the study explain the reliability/validity of the measures?
7 Are the statistical techniques used to analyze the data adequately described?
8 Do the results add to the literature?
9 Does the study add to your knowledge or understanding?
660 S. S. Alkitbi et al.
3.4 Data Coding and Analysis
The characteristics correlated to the research methodology quality were coded,
including database, authors, year of publication, the context of the studies, independent
& dependent factors, research method (quantitative, qualitative), sample size, and
mediators\moderators. During the analysis process and through extracting data from
selected studies, any study that didnt clearly describe customer retention and its
relation with at least one of the targeted factors was excluded from the synthesis.
Table 5. Quality assessment results
Study Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Total Percentage
1. 0.51111110.50.57.583%
2. 11111110.50.58 88%
3. 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 7.5 83%
4. 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 7.5 83%
5. 11111110.518.594%
6. 1110.5111118.594%
7. 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 6 66%
8. 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 7.5 83%
9. 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 6.5 72%
10. 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 1 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 5 55%
11. 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 7 77%
12. 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 7.5 83%
13. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 6 66%
14. 1110.510.51118 88%
15. 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 7.5 83%
16. 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 7 77%
17. 1 0.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 6.5 72%
18. 1 1 0.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 6.5 72%
19. 1 1 0.5 1 0.5 0 1 0.5 0.5 6 66%
20. 1 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 6.5 72%
21. 11111110.50.58 88%
22. 111110.510.50.57.583%
23. 11110.50.510.50.57 77%
24. 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 7.5 83%
25. 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 7.5 83%
26. 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 7.5 83%
27. 1 1 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 7 77%
28. 11110.
29. 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 6.5 72%
30. 111110.510.50.57.583%
Factors Affect Customer Retention: A Systematic Review 661
4 Result
Based on the 30 studies published on Customer retention from 2005 to 2020, the results
of this systematic review are reported according to the six research questions.
4.1 Distribution of the Studies in Terms of Disciplines/Contexts
Context/discipline is a study eld, sector, or industry that is researched in customer
retention. In this research, the collected articles were distributed across the
disciplines/contexts. The banking sector is the most context that attracts most studies to
investigate customer retention and factors that inuence it. According to 30 studies that
were conducted in this research, about seven studies were focusing on the banking
sector. The second most attractive context is the mobile phone market that about ve
studies form conducted studies examined customer retention with other factors in this
eld. While the less investigated led is the hotel or hospitality industry, which is
recommended for more exploration. Figure 2represents the distribution of the entire
collected articles across the context/discipline that these studies were conducted.
4.2 Distribution of the Studies in Terms of Countries in the Context
The majority of these studies were carried out in Indonesia with four studies. Then,
three studies were carried out in Nigeria and India. This is followed by Jordan, Pak-
istan, Malaysia, and Korea, with two studies for each. Form different other countries,
Fig. 2. Distribution of studies in terms of context/discipline.
662 S. S. Alkitbi et al.
one study at least was analyzed in this study. Figure 3describes the distribution of all
conducted articles across the countries in which these research studies were
4.3 Distribution of the Studies in Terms of Publication Year
In terms of publication year, Fig. 4shows the distribution of the analyzed studies
across the years in which these studies were published. The studies are conducted from
2005 to 2019. It is obvious that the number of published studies was increased from
one study in 2005 to about 4 to 6 in recent years. Furthermore, there is a remarkable
increase of published articles in 2013 and 2019.
Fig. 3. Distribution of studies in terms of country.
Fig. 4. Distribution of studies in terms of publication year.
Factors Affect Customer Retention: A Systematic Review 663
4.4 Distribution of the Studies in Terms of Research Method
Based on research method distribution, it is clear that the majority of conducted studies
were depended on quantitative method for about 80% of 30 selected studies and that
was mainly relied on questionnaire surveys for collecting data. Three studies were
applied qualitative method with main interviews. Respectively. Moreover, both
methods were applied in 2 studies from 30 conducted studies. Figure 5shows the
distribution of the studies in terms of research methods.
4.5 Distribution of the Studies in Terms of Database
This study was searching for customer retention and another variable in four main
databases, which were Taylor, ProQuest, Emerald, & ScienceDirect, in addition to
search on google scholar engines. The majority of the conducted studies were selected
form google scholar, as shown in Fig. 6with about 20 studies, as it is the most
productive among others, followed by the emerald database with four studies and two
studies from ProQuest, ScienceDirect, and Taylor databases.
Fig. 5. Distribution of studies in terms of research method.
Fig. 6. Distribution of studies in terms of database.
664 S. S. Alkitbi et al.
5 Conclusion
This review study aims to review previous studies to nd out the main inuencing
factors that affect customer retention and mainly, investigate the impact of the customer
satisfaction, trust, and commitment on customer retention in different sectors and
contexts through the various database and search engine across various years of pub-
lications [2730]. Previous customer retention literature studies provided valuable
results on the relationship of customer retention with other factors that the companies
could take in their consideration to empower their development and gain a competitive
advantage over competitors [3134]. But still, there are many variables that could be
examined in different sectors, and that what this review study tries to highlight through
analyzing around 30 studies. The selected studies were conducted through certain
processes and specic criteria. The quality of the conducted studies was assessed before
analyzing applying inclusion\exclusion criteria as well as the quality assessment
checklist with nine criteria. The main terms of analysis are independent and dependent
variables, year of publication, context, country, database, and method. The main
nding of this review is that the main factors that affect customer retention positively
are customer satisfaction, service quality, trust, commitment, and loyalty [3538]. As
mentioned in previous sections, some variables like trust and loyalty and their relations
with other external factors need further explanation, especially in the hospitality
industry like hotels. Moreover, most of the analyzed studies had limited sample size or
group and that makes it difcult for generalization since it didnt represent all popu-
lation for example, a study [39] in which its samples were students, so the studys
results may not be generalized to non-student populations. In addition, this review has
focused in some databases to collect previous studies, so it is recommended to expand
research in another database to nd other valuable studies such as Scopus and IEEE
and also in different industries.
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Factors Affect Customer Retention: A Systematic Review 667
... Many characteristics of organisational culture, such as performance, effectiveness, and staff turnover, have been modelled (Al-bawaia et al., 2022). An effective organisation can handle many aspects, including value orientation, production, ambiguity, adaptability, customer orientation, and structured learning (Alkitbi et al., 2020). It is the duty of managers to create a common vision, create a strategic plan, and exhibit qualities of leadership that inspire staff members to embrace the organization's goals. ...
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This study explored organisational culture and strategy implementation within the framework of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR). Using semi-structured interviews and thematic data analysis, the study explored the primary determinants of organisational culture and how these drivers affect the implementation of strategies in the 4IR. A total of twenty-five bank workers from South Africa participated in the study to collect qualitative data. Version 23 of the Atlas-ti software was utilised to analyse the participant data. Content analysis was employed in the study to analyse the data. The study's findings suggest that a variety of organisational culture challenges have an impact on the banking industry's capacity to put strategies into implementation. This includes elements related to organisational skills, mentality and attitude, collaboration and partnership, innovation and technology investment, as well as aspects of organisational leadership and strategy, structure, learning, incentives, processes, and procedures. The study reveals a wider perspective and significant recommendations to help managers adopt a comprehensive and multidimensional approach when tackling organisational culture difficulties within the framework of implementing strategies in the banking sector. In addition to making significant recommendations, the study's conclusion emphasises how crucial it is for the bank to maintain a similar culture across all of its business units because this will affect employee morale and behaviour when the strategy is being implemented.
... Customer loyalty refers to a commitment to continue purchasing a specific product or service regardless of situational conditions or marketing efforts, thus reducing the likelihood of switching behavior (Khan et al., 2022). Alkitbi et al. (2020) defined loyalty as a customer's commitment to conduct business with a particular firm, repurchase its products or services, and promote them to others. This connection is believed to endure as long as customers perceive greater value compared to competing suppliers. ...
Purpose This research addresses the critical challenge of fostering customer loyalty within the highly competitive landscape of the insurance industry. The study investigates the interplay between customer satisfaction, loyalty, and the influence of technology and service quality in the context of insurance services and in periods of crisis. Design/methodology/approach A quantitative research approach was employed, utilizing a structured questionnaire distributed among diverse insurance customers in Lebanon during crisis conditions. The data were analyzed using SPSS-Amos, incorporating descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM). Findings This research emphasizes the crucial role of customer satisfaction in fostering loyalty in the insurance sector, especially during crises. High satisfaction levels, influenced by user-friendly online platforms, positively correlate with increased customer loyalty. Technology plays a vital role in maintaining and improving satisfaction, making it a key driver during challenging times. Positive interactions between service quality and satisfaction further highlight the multifaceted impact of technology on shaping customer loyalty. Practical implications The research findings provide valuable insights with practical implications for insurers aiming to boost customer loyalty. The study recommends strategic investments in critical areas like claims processing, customer service, communication strategies, digitalization initiatives, and employee training. The study provides insights applicable particularly to insurance companies navigating crisis conditions. Originality/value This research contributes both to academic understanding and practical applications by shedding light on the distinctive challenges and opportunities faced by insurers in cultivating customer loyalty within the insurance industry during crisis. The elucidations provided serve as a foundation for developing targeted strategies to address these challenges and to leverage opportunities for enhanced customer loyalty.
... platform will end immediately when the donor has confirmed the donation, and there is no flow of efforts to maintain the relationship between the donor and the infak. id platform, based on the findings from the previous data analysis, indicating that the interactions that occur tend to be only transactional interactions (Alkitbi, Alshurideh, Al Kurdi, & Salloum, 2020). ...
Purpose: This research aims to explore the factors that cause the number of users who donate again on the platform to be quite low, experience stagnant growth, and help map business improvisations to overcome these business issues. Method: By using a quantitative approach and Canva persona tools, customer journey, and service marketing design, Results: The results show that donors have less interesting experiences when entering the final phase in the process of interacting with the platform. Therefore, it is necessary to develop business process flows and new features to increase user interest in the platform and ultimately improve the's financial performance, especially those from old donors who donate again.
... In today's highly competitive marketplace, brands are continually seeking innovative strategies to connect with consumers on a deeper level [1]. One emerging approach is the integration of emotional intelligence (EI) within marketing practices [2]. Emotional intelligence, the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions as well as those of others, has proven to be a pivotal factor in enhancing consumer engagement and loyalty [3]. ...
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This study investigates the relationship between emotional intelligence, brand communication strategies, consumer brand perception, and customer loyalty within the context of PT. Lautan Luas Tbk. Through quantitative analysis utilizing Smart PLS, data was collected from a sample of 80 individuals using random sampling techniques. The results reveal significant direct effects of emotional intelligence and brand communication strategies on consumer brand perception and customer loyalty, as well as significant indirect effects of both emotional intelligence and brand communication strategies on customer loyalty through consumer brand perception. Specifically, higher levels of emotional intelligence among marketing staff and effective brand communication strategies positively influence consumer brand perception, subsequently leading to increased customer loyalty. These findings emphasize the importance of emotional intelligence and strategic brand communication in cultivating strong brand-consumer relationships and driving sustainable business growth.
... Empowered employees tend to be more engaged and committed to their work, which, in turn, positively affects customer interactions and service quality (Al Halbusi et al., 2023). This, in the long run, can lead to higher customer retention and the attraction of new customers through positive word-of-mouth and repeat business (Alkitbi et al., 2020). Additionally, the positive relationship between employee empowerment and customer patronage may also contribute to the financial performance of hotels. ...
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This study investigated the influence of human resource management practices on customer repeat patronage within the hotel industry of Port Harcourt Local Government, Rivers State. The descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The population for the study comprised hotel staff and guests of hotels. A sample size of 110 hotel staff and 110 guests were selected for the study with a commendable response rate of 91% achieved. The instrument used for data collection was a self-structured questionnaire which was validated by three validates. The Cronbach Alpha was used in determining the reliability of the instrument and a reliability coefficient of 0.72 was obtained. The data generated were analyzed using mean, percentage, and standard deviation. The 20.0 version of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to code the data obtained. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance using t-test. The test of hypotheses revealed that the three hypotheses were accepted. The findings reveal a positive perception among hotel employees regarding training and development practices, with room for improvement in interpersonal skills training. Employee empowerment practices, including autonomy and decision-making, were perceived positively, emphasizing the need to encourage employees to take initiatives independently. Employee engagement and morale-building practices were also well-received, highlighting the importance of fostering a positive work environment. Importantly, this study establishes a significant and positive relationship between human resource practices and customer patronage. The practical implications suggest that tailoring training programs, empowering employees with clear guidelines, involving employees in decision-making, and continuing to organize team-building activities are vital strategies for enhancing customer satisfaction, loyalty, and profitability in the competitive hotel industry.
... Specifically, customer retention has a positive impact on both brand image and service quality. Customer retention is the strategic approach used by businesses or service providers to effectively maintain and sustain their existing client base, ensuring continued purchases of products or services (Alkitbi et al., 2020). A strong correlation exists between brand image, service quality, and customer retention in higher education institutions. ...
... The report on "Digital Advertising Revenue by Segment Worldwide" provides a comprehensive overview of the global digital advertising landscape, offering insights into revenue trends across various segments. Drawing on extensive data analysis, the report highlights the significant growth and diversification within the digital advertising industry [1]. Key findings reveal the dominance of major segments such as display advertising, search advertising, and video advertising, which collectively contribute to the bulk of digital advertising revenue. ...
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In the current era of technology, organizations encounter the crucial obstacle of efficiently utilizing digital marketing tactics to stimulate expansion, guarantee achievement, and improve client satisfaction. In today's digital era, companies face intense competitions in the online realm, where being visible, engaging, and converting customers are of utmost importance. Nevertheless, several firms have challenges in creating and implementing digital marketing strategies that are in line with their goals, appeal to their intended audience, and provide measurable outcomes. An important concern is the fast advancement of digital marketing platforms and technology, which may inundate firms. In order to be competitive and achieve sustainable development, companies must constantly adapt and modify their tactics due to the intricate and ever-changing nature of digital marketing. To tackle these difficulties, it is essential to adopt a complete strategy that combines data-driven analysis, innovative content creation, and a customer-focused attitude. This will enable the delivery of engaging experiences that connect with customers in the digital realm.
... Additionally, if internet services provided are perceived as efficient, mobile subscribers are likely to be loyal to their mobile companies. Studies (Alkitbi et al., 2021;Climis, 2016;Mardika et al., 2022;Sugiato et al., 2023) reiterated that telecommunications companies should focus on improving the quality of employee services to retain customers. Studies conducted by Khan & Afsheen (2012) in the telecommunications industry of Pakistan and Zimbabwe showed that network coverage and customer services are the main determinants of customer satisfaction and consequently retention (Khan & Afsheen, 2012). ...
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Objective: The purpose of this research is to validate the customer experience model of Iran Telecommunication Company in commercial sales towards their retention. Methodology: This study was applied in objective and quantitative in execution with a structural modeling approach. The population in this part of the research included all commercial sales customers of the Telecommunications of Qom province, numbering 1700 individuals. The sample size was determined to be 315 individuals using Morgan's table and was selected through convenience sampling. The research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire. The questionnaire's questions and statements were developed using the research literature, theoretical foundations, and the results of the qualitative study, whose face and content validity was confirmed by experts, and its reliability was obtained with a Cronbach's alpha method of 0.961. The data were analyzed using the structural equation modeling method in SMART PLS software. Findings: The findings of this research showed that the evolutionary organizational structural model has 19 sub-components within seven prerequisite components of customer experience management, measurement and analysis of customer experiences, service experience, value creation, marketing mix, brand image, and support activities, all of which fit well and all variables obtained can be considered in designing the final model. The effectiveness of each variable was discussed and analyzed in terms of their existence. The results indicated that the prerequisites of customer experience management, measurement and analysis of customer experiences, service experience, value creation, marketing mix, brand image, and support activities were significant in the research model. Conclusion: The results showed that the customer experience model of Iran Telecommunication Company in commercial sales towards their retention is valid.
... Another study conducted empirical research and proposed a successful CRM framework comprising key success factors: process alignment, standardized client data, organizational support, efficiency, client satisfaction, and profitability [41]. These success factors were explored from the developer's perspective, and a framework was developed based on their findings [42]. Considering the developer's viewpoint, these eight critical success elements identified in the research fall within the technical and organizational aspects. ...
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Due to its significant relevance in outsourcing, the global software industry, such as enterprise software development organizations, accepted the implementation of global software development (GSD). Customers play a pivotal role in any industry, and effective customer relationship management (CRM) is instrumental in ensuring client satisfaction while developing software projects. However, software organizations operating globally often need more insight into their customers' perspectives. These challenges give rise to a major combination for the success of the GSD projects. Organizations working globally face the key challenge of the implementation of CRM. The main objective of this paper is to investigate and understand the challenges faced by global software development organizations when implementing customer relationship management (CRM) in their enterprise software projects. This paper aims to assess how these CRM implementation challenges impact the value of enterprise software products in the context of global software development (GSD). To achieve this objective, the study employs the partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) approach and conducts a systematic literature review (SLR) to identify relevant challenges. Additionally, this paper presents a conceptual framework based on the identified challenges and validates it through surveys and qualitative research with software outsourcing companies in Pakistan. The research provides valuable insights from the perspective of software developers and aims to offer practical guidance for the successful application of CRM in outsourcing.
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Retensi pelanggan (customer retention) merujuk pada kemampuan perusahaan untuk mempertahankan pelanggan yang sudah ada, mencegah mereka beralih ke pesaing atau menghentikan hubungan bisnis mereka. Hal ini dianggap sebagai tujuan utama dari pemasaran hubungan, karena dapat menghasilkan manfaat ekonomi hubungan yang unggul, dengan biaya mempertahankan pelanggan umumnya lebih rendah dibandingkan biaya untuk memperoleh pelanggan baru. Retensi pelanggan adalah komponen penting untuk kesuksesan bisnis, menawarkan berbagai keuntungan seperti peningkatan profitabilitas, stabilitas pendapatan, dan peningkatan reputasi. Dengan menerapkan strategi yang efektif yang berfokus pada memberikan pengalaman pelanggan yang luar biasa, menjaga produk dan layanan berkualitas tinggi, serta menyeimbangkan akuisisi dan retensi pelanggan, organisasi dapat membangun basis pelanggan yang loyal dan berkelanjutan. (Wardhana, 2023; Chowdhury, 2022; Trenggana et al., 2022; Pearce, 2021; Harrington, 2021; Sheth, 2017; Galka, & Baran, 2017; Christy et al., 2015; Jakada & Kuka, 2014; Bowden, 2011; Agariya & Singh, 2011; Ndubisi, 2007; Ahmad Pressey & Tzokas, 2006; Peng & Wang, 2006; Harwood & Garry, 2006; Pisharodi et al., 2003; Malhotra & Agarwal, 2002; & Buttle, 2002; Kandampully & Duddy, 1999; Morris et al., 1998; Evans & Laskin, 1994).
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aeVarious literature review were carry out in order to assess the relation between Financial Reporting Quality and Investment. Nevertheless the relation between them requires more investigation from different perspective in order to extend our knowledge theoretically on what’s been done and where the researches reached . this study present a systematic review on the relation between financial reporting quality and investment aiming to provide a comprehensive review of all articles addressed this topic till 2019. the main finding resulted of 28 articles and a model was built from the relation of different types of variables followed from the studies in order to extend our models . the main problem was with the frequency resulted from analyzing targeted relation . Moreover. Most of the studies was collected based on secondary data from the stock market and analyzed mainly by using the regression models,inadditional to few surveys and qusi-experiments questionnaire and one interview . further , most of the articles were undertaken in Indonesia and Iran , followed by China then USA respectively among different countries. alongside by most of the studies which was analyzed were conducted in the context of corporation which is publicity listed in the stock market. Followed by private firms .our finding of this systematic review will enlighten the research targeting the relation between financial reporting quality and investment and would be helpful to spotlight future research guide and open opportunities for cross-disciplinary research .
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One of the developing fields of the present times is educational data mining that pertains to developing methods that help in examining various kinds of data obtained from the educational field. A vital part is played by data mining in the education field, particularly when behavior is being assessed in an online learning setting. This is because data mining is capable of analyzing and identifying the hidden information regarding the data itself, which is very difficult and takes up a lot of time if performed manually. This review has the objective of examining the way data mining was handled by researchers in the past and the most recent trends on data mining in educational research, as well as to evaluate the likelihood of employing machine learning in the field of education. The various limitations inherent in the current research are examined and recommendations are made for future research.
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In this review, significant literature surveys on machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques for network analysis of intrusion detection are explained. In addition, it presents a short tutorial explanation on every ML/DL method. Data holds a significant position in ML/DL methods; hence this paper highlights the datasets used in machine learning techniques, which are the primary tools for analyzing network traffic and detecting abnormalities. In addition, we elaborate on the issues faced in using ML/DL for cybersecurity and offer recommendations for future studies.
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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a vital construct in the banking industry due to its influence on brand credibility, positive word of mouth, and repeat purchases. The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of the three main dimensions of corporate social responsibility on patronage intentions through the mediating role of brand credibility. Based on a sample of (N = 315) customers in Jordan’s banking sector, structural equation modelling revealed that all of the proposed hypotheses were supported, proving that CSR dimensions have a significant influence on brand credibility and patronage intentions. Additionally, a mediating influence was found for brand credibility on the path between CSR and patronage intentions. Implications for managers are also provided.
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If service quality relates to retention of customers at the aggregate level, as other research has indicated, then evidence of its impact on customers’ behavioral responses should be detectable. The authors offer a conceptual model of the impact of service quality on particular behaviors that signal whether customers remain with or defect from a company. Results from a multicompany empirical study examining relationships from the model concerning customers’ behavioral intentions show strong evidence of their being influenced by service quality. The findings also reveal differences in the nature of the quality-intentions link across different dimensions of behavioral intentions. The authors’ discussion centers on ways the results and research approach of their study can be helpful to researchers and managers.
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The study aims to investigate the effect of pharmaceutical promotion tools on physician's adoption of medicine prescribing in Jordan. Medical representative detailing visit, promotional medicine price, external medical conference sponsorship, and free sampling were the main promotional tools investigated in this study. Researcher collected primary data using a questionnaire from a judgment sample of 150 practicing physicians in the private sector (non-probability sampling), who responded to the study questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the data. The results indicated that there were a high level of acceptance and effect for the previously mentioned promotional tools on physicians’ adoption; the most influential independent variable was promotional medicine price followed by free sampling, while external medical conference sponsors and medical representative detailing visit were the lowest influential medical promotional tools. Managers and decision makers who are working in pharmaceutical companies in Jordan were recommended to focus on scientific detailing and free sampling and to decrease budget allocated for External medical conferences sponsorship.
A systematic review for twenty-three research studies published between (2015–2018) was reviewed and analyzed deeply in order to answer the research question for the critical success factors for implementing artificial intelligence (AI) projects within the health sector. Afterwards, different constructs were elicited from the previous targeted studies to end up with a list of the most widely used external factors that are relied upon frequently during the process of adopting the technology. The study provide a critical discussion about what does (AI) means and how it can be linked to use the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to discuss the willingness to use (AI) systems by individuals.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a vital construct in the banking industry due to its influence on brand credibility, positive word of mouth, and repeat purchases. The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of the three main dimensions of corporate social responsibility on patronage intentions through the mediating role of brand credibility. Based on a sample of (N = 315) customers in Jordan’s banking sector, structural equation modelling revealed that all of the proposed hypotheses were supported, proving that CSR dimensions have a significant influence on brand credibility and patronage intentions. Additionally, a mediating influence was found for brand credibility on the path between CSR and patronage intentions. Implications for managers are also provided.
Retaining loyal customers and changing inactive ones to be active are major challenges that service organisations currently face. One serious question to which mobile phone service providers need to find a suitable answer is how to drive loyal customers' behaviours to become involved in different electronic loyalty schemes to promote repeat buying and extend customer-supplier relationships. To answer such questions, four electronic loyalty programs have been tested, namely electronic points, prepaid card discounts, free additional credit and free additional minutes and/or messages within the mobile phone service purchase setting. A quantitative approach employing a self-administered questionnaire has been used to collect the study data. Data was collected from 478 customers who participated in one of the mobile phone loyalty programs mentioned earlier. Structural equation modelling (SEM) statistical modelling was employed to test both the study model and the developed hypotheses. Generally, the study found that e-loyalty programs drive loyal customers' choices and repeat buying. Substantial information about testing the sub-hypotheses is explained in more detail in this article. Keywords: loyalty programs; e-loyalty programs; customer retention; mobile phone; electronic points; mobile prepaid card; phone credits; mobile minutes; mobile messages.
Relationship marketing—establishing, developing, and maintaining successful relational exchanges—constitutes a major shift in marketing theory and practice. After conceptualizing relationship marketing and discussing its ten forms, the authors (1) theorize that successful relationship marketing requires relationship commitment and trust, (2) model relationship commitment and trust as key mediating variables, (3) test this key mediating variable model using data from automobile tire retailers, and (4) compare their model with a rival that does not allow relationship commitment and trust to function as mediating variables. Given the favorable test results for the key mediating variable model, suggestions for further explicating and testing it are offered.