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Toxic Effects of Tinplate Corrosion and Mitigation Measures in Canned Foods



Tin metal is widely used in packed canned foods and beverages packaging, largely due to less toxicity, corrosion resistivity, lubricity, lacquer ability, formability, solderability, and weldability. The integrity of tinplate (tin-iron alloy) comprises a coating of tin over both faces of carbon steel using various electrolytic processes. Moreover, for solid foods and beverages, 250 mg/kg for tin and 150 mg/kg for iron are recommended as maximum limits. Both the elements are toxic above these permissible concentrations. The excess doses of tin can induce serious digestive disturbances, gastrointestinal upsets, cancer in bones and tissues. The factors affecting corrosion failure and mitigation techniques for the prevention of corrosion in tin plate cans are discussed in this chapter.
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Tin metal is widely used in packed canned foods and beverages packaging,
largely due to less toxicity, corrosion resistivity, lubricity, lacquer ability,
formability, solderability, and weldability. The integrity of tinplate (tin-iron
alloy) comprises a coating of tin over both faces of carbon steel using various
electrolytic processes. Moreover, for solid foods and beverages, 250 mg/kg
for tin and 150 mg/kg for iron are recommended as maximum limits. Both
the elements are toxic above these permissible concentrations. The excess
doses of tin can induce serious digestive disturbances, gastrointestinal
upsets, cancer in bones and tissues. The factors affecting corrosion failure
and mitigation techniques for the prevention of corrosion in tin plate cans
are discussed in this chapter.
Transportation of processed food is an important consideration the shelf-
life of foods. Moreover, excessive demand for agriculture production, food
commodities has fueled the establishment of packaging industry throughout
the globe. Tin (Sn) is a very ductile metal with a white color. It cannot be
dissolved in water due to its low solubility [6]. Along with its use for food
safety, tin also finds its application in bronze, brass, and pewter and shows
anti-corrosive properties [20, 24, 41].
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Tin cans can form signicant compounds with a combination of other
elements. The chemical reaction of Sn with oxygen, sulfur, or chlorine results
in inorganic-tin compounds. In addition, it forms organic-tin with carbon
or carbon derivatives. The inorganic tin (Sn) compounds have their distinct
applications as food additives, toothpaste, aromatic perfumes, coloring
agents, soaps, and dyes [39, 47].
Organic compounds are mainly used in plastic, paints, food packages,
pesticides, rodent repellants (mice and rats), and wood-preservative industries.
The organic, inorganic, and metallic forms of tin are found in water, air, and
soil, whereas the organic form of tin is purely from anthropogenic sources
[52, 57]. A large amount of tin is used to produce cans and container. Since tin
is naturally present in soil, therefore, small concentrations of tin (<2 ppm) are
commonly reported in fruits, vegetables, dairy products, nuts, sh, poultry,
meat, eggs, and beverages [41].
Humans can be exposed to this metal, if they directly ingest solid foods,
liquid juices or drink from canned food packages contaminated with high
concentrations of Tin. The concentration of tin metal in fast foods (such as
bread and pastas) is in the range of 0.003 to 0.03 ppm. Therefore, to avoid
human exposure to tin through canned foods, lacquered-tin cans are used
in its place. The use of lacquer in tin cans can protect the preserved food
from direct exposure of tin. As reported in literature, lacquered cans are
predominantly used for beverages, alcohols, water, soft drinks, nectars,
fruit juices, tomato puree, and tomato products, etc. In lacquer tin cans, the
concentration of tin is generally <25 ppm [49].
Another type of Tin can is one that is lined and un-lacquered. If the food
is kept in an un-lacquered tin lined can, then there is direct contact of tin
with the food. In this case, the canned food is reported to contain >100 ppm
concentration of Tin due to the reaction of preserved foods with tin metal
that directly or indirectly induces the dissolution of tin into the canned food.
Nowadays, more than 90% of tin plate cans for application of food or food
preservation are lacquered. Some light-colored fruit juices do not require the
use of lacquered tin lined cans. Since tin is helpful in maintaining the actual
color of the fruit juices. However, the corrosion in tin may occur due to the
prolonged contact of packaged food with the tin can [2, 40].
The main purpose of the food industry is to provide a product to the
consumers, which are safe and enriched with nutritional quality. The industry
is taking into consideration all parameters to maintain the quality of foods
and beverages because of the adverse effect of the corrosion caused by the
interaction between the food-products and food wrapping materials. Manu-
factures primarily ensure the integrity of the food product and manufacturing
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Toxic Effects of Tinplate Corrosion and Mitigation 259
of tin plate substrate to boost the shelf-life of the food. However, the tin
plate is formed by a thin layer of electrodeposited tin over low carbon steel
[14, 18, 32]. The goal of these tin plates is to save food against unfavorable
chemical and physical reactions.
The corrosion resistance nature of tin plate cans offers a crucial role in
the shelf-life of preserved-foods, taste, and appearance, etc. In the United
Kingdom, the use of tin cans is around 2.5 million per year. In addition, steel
(25% of worldwide steel) is also utilized in the manufacturing of tin cans [56].
Kamm [23] stated that the corrosion in tinplates depends on the integrity of the
free tin and inter-metallic tin (alloyed tin) and exposed area of steel in tin plate.
The risk of high corrosion in the tin plate is due to a high number of
porosities in the tin coating, which is the reason behind low shelf-life of food
products [28]. Sometimes the uneven or discontinuous tin coating is also
the main cause for galvanic corrosion, which appears due to the presence of
anodic areas or exposed iron (Fe), leading corrosive reaction in tin plate. The
nature of food and its contact time with food-container plays an important
role in corroding tin cans.
The wide pH range of foods, organic acid, nitrates, salt (NaCl), the
concentration of the stored food, storage temperature are also responsible for
the tin corrosion. However, for the improvement of the food quality and the
prevention of the food from the unhygienic issues, bacterial growth, fouling,
and mineral deposition, food packaging industries employed some additives
(such as sanitation, cleaning agents, acids, alkaline, weak or strong reducing
and oxidizing chemicals). These varieties of food additives (vigorous chemi-
cals) in the stored-food act as corrosion accelerating agents (such as nitrates,
sultes, oxygen, and sulfur dioxide) into the canned products [20].
Few literature has reported the degradation of the tin-coating and the
steel-base with the release of hydrogen gas [5]. Hence, it is the necessity of
the food packaging industries to take an initiative to diagnose the problem
and produce some better corrosion retardant metal cans.
This chapter focuses on the toxic effects of corrosion of tin plates on
canned foods and food products. The integrity of the tin plate, tin estimation
techniques, and corrosion mechanism and mitigation methods has also been
Figure 9.1 displays the multilayered metal structure on both sides of the steel
base. The description of different layers work as a safety-guard in tin cans.
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FIGURE 9.1 Structure of multi-layered tin plate (cross-section).
These steel plates work as highly corrosion-resistant materials and mostly it
is suitable for those products (such as acidic products), which require longer
shelf-life. The size of the can is considered for the thickness of the steel
sheet. Usually, the thickness is kept between 0.20 to 0.29 mm [24, 34].
Tin iron alloy is present outside of the steel plate and it is produced during
the flow brightening process on electrolytic tinplate. In this process,
diffusion of tin and metal takes place into the steel sheet. The tin alloy layer
has the thickness of around 10 to 30%. This layer works as a preventive
layer against the corrosion mechanism. The more continuous and compact
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Toxic Effects of Tinplate Corrosion and Mitigation 261
is the layer, the more will be the protection. Sometimes, the corrosion is
generated in steel plate due to the creation of pores in uneven alloy layer.
Electrochemically, the alloy layer is considered as cathodic layer compared
to iron and tin [23, 34].
The most common use of electrolytic tin coating inside the can is to provide
an appropriate coating on the specific side of the tin, which is more aggres-
sive. This enables the low consumption of tin and the significant decrease in
packaging cost. The weight of the tin coating is ranges from 2.8 to 11 g/m2
in food cans [25, 55].
There are various alternative materials, such as chromium oxide and chromium.
These materials are replacing tin due to their low-price range and easy
availability. Chromium oxide and chromium (Cr) are known to be appropriate
coatings. Notwithstanding, tin-free steel is sometimes not suitable for the acid
products due to the acceleration of filiform corrosion in the enamel films [36,
38]. Additionally, the use of Cr in place of tin causes a deleterious impact on
cellular metabolic pathways in the human body because of its carcinogenic
nature, when it is present in hexavalent oxidation state (Cr (VI)). Thus, there is
a need to find alternatives for promising materials in place of TFS.
During the manufacturing process of tin plate, the tin oxide film can be formed
on the tin plate. The tin plate containing tin oxide causes failures in adhesion
of the coating material, discoloration of yellow surface and difficulty in
soldering. For the protection of tin plate from uncontrolled oxidation, the
grouping of unwanted sulfide stains is generated by some acidic foods; and
to withstand from future-corrosion problems during storage process and for
the improvement of lacquer adhesion, the passivation treatment (coating of
lacquer) process is carried out on the tin plate [11, 12].
Passivation is the action of treating the metal with a protective layer to
protect the metal against the chemical reactivity of the surface with the stored
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262 Handbook of Research on Food Processing and Preservation Technologies, Volume 4
food. Three different kinds of important passivation layers are used for the
safety of tin plate against tin oxide: (1) cathodic layer of sodium dichromate
(CLSD), which works as an effective protective lm for tin oxides; (2) lm of
sodium dichromate dip (FSDCD), provides ordinary protection is contrary to
the oxide lm having limited stability of the storage; and (3) cathodic lm of
sodium carbonate (CFSC), works as a least effective protective layer among
three layers. The passivation layer provides a barrier between the tin plate
and stored food, ceases staining from Sulfur-containing foods, improves
lacquer adhesion, and inhibits the degradation of the tin oxide [13, 29, 30].
9.2.6 OIL FILM
A lubricating oil film on tin plate surface minimizes friction due to the
abrasion, which helps in handling of tin plates during its processing and
production. Oil film undergoes polymerization, evaporation, and soap
formation, when food is preserved for a long time, leading to complications
in the application of lacquer processing due to uneven wetting on the metal
surface [35, 50].
Soldering of the metal follows steps, such as designing of metal parts, fitting
of metals (so that they can combine), polishing of joining parts of metal,
de-greasing of joining-parts of the metal, use of soldering flux to help wet the
surface, use of the solder itself and elimination of spare solder, and cooling
of the metal joints. The soldering a tin can use 2/98 and 40/60 (tin and lead
%) of tin-lead alloys. Tin in alloys is used in very low concentrations due
to its high price range and high melting point during the soldering process.
There are two best techniques for welding: rolling and welding. Both are
cost-effective and speedy techniques. The best use of welded cans is for
storing aerosols and beverages [34].
The best property of the organic tin coatings inside the can is to protect the
contents of the can and stop the interaction between the can and product. The
interior coating exhibits good efficiency and it should possess characteristics,
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Toxic Effects of Tinplate Corrosion and Mitigation 263
such as The solutions for the coatings materials should be pigment-free
for the best results. It is a dispersive resinous matter of organic materials.
Following considerations are necessary for best results [33, 34, 50]:
Interior organic can coatings should have the tendency to work as a
preventive layer between can and its stored food.
The most significant feature of the interior organic tin coatings is not
to participate in any taste or color of the stored food.
It should withstand the physical-deformation and possess good chemical
The lacquer should be flexible, evenly spread and entirely cover the
The lacquer must adhere uniformly on the surface of the metal.
Failures in adhesion may occur due to the mechanical distortion at the
time of heat treatment or corrosion.
It is very important to determine the concentration of tin to validate the
contamination process. Determination of tin also helps in maintaining the
quality, taste, and safety of the stored food. This section explores various
methods for evaluation of the concentration of tin in canned food [29, 46].
The UV-Vis-spectrum is used to evaluate the tin concentration in food by
using a pair of quartz cuvettes in UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The fresh stock
solution of tin is prepared by dissolving the tin metal in concentrated H2SO4.
Further, the solution is diluted in the ratio of 1:1 with water. Thereafter, the
sample solution (named as the working solution) is considered for the test.
The UV-Vis absorption spectrum of the working solution is recorded with its
corresponding reference solution [26].
In this technique, the XRF spectrometer contains an X-Ray tube of rhodium
anode. The XRF measurement is carried out on a pellet sample, prepared by
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using a drop of tin-contaminated food. Furthermore, the pellet is treated with
wavelength-dispersive method [37].
In these techniques, the contaminated sample is nebulized under the flame of
acetylene and nitrous oxide with a highly sensitized nebulizer [35, 38, 39].
Specifically, FAAS method is used predominantly because of its ease of use in
the estimation of tin. Nevertheless, in FAS technique, the level of the sample
used contains a very low concentration. In spite, in ICPAES technique, the
level of the sample used contains a relatively high concentration [30, 43].
The GC provides a very selective separation of organotin compounds because
of its high detector quality and resolution. HPLC is also commonly used as
an analysis technique for the isolation of organo-tin compounds. However,
the HPLC technique is superior to GS, because it does not require any step
of derivatization after the process of extraction [30].
Estimation of tin is also carried out by polarography technique or voltam-
metry technique. It analyzes tin from the solution of oxidizable or reducible
substance [30].
Many food materials are stored in tin cans for maintaining their taste, color,
odor, and composition for a prolonged time. These food materials may be:
vegetables, pickles, fruits, soft drinks, beer, beverages, cereals, milk-dairy
products, fish-crustaceans, meet-poultry-eggs, condiments-sugar-oil [1, 7].
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Toxic effects of canned food have been reported by many investigators
[8, 16, 21, 22, 42]. Systematic attempts have been implemented to collect
significant information on the intake of different contaminants by WHO,
UNEP (United Nations Environment Program), and FAO in the program
of monitoring of contaminated food. The toxic effects of some organic tin
compounds are observed to be as poisonous as cyanide, but specific toxicity
for inorganic tin is almost unidentified [22].
In canned foods and canned beverages involving vegetables and fruit
juices, the highest level of the tin is found to be 200 mg/kg and 100 mg/
kg, respectively [16]. The permitted permissible limit is about 250 and
150 mg/kg for solid food and beverages, respectively. The unfavorable
gastrointestinal health issues have been observed in some clinical trials at
very high concentration of 700 ppm of tin [42].
If an adult consumes tin-contaminated food on a daily basis and
accumulates tin in the range of 8 to 16 mg, then this concentration would
affect the gastrointestinal (GI) functions adversely. Additionally, it causes
incurable health issues [16]. The chronic effect of inorganic tin causes
nausea, gastric irritation, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort, if
the concentration of tin is >200 mg/kg in ingested food [29]. According to
the European Union Legislation (EUL), the chronic level of tin may vary
from 50 to 200 mg/kg for baby canned-foods and infant canned-foods [10].
The quality of the tin cans and dissolution of tin inside the stored food is
severely affected by chemical, environmental, and other factors. The chem-
ical factors are responsible for the dissolution and internal tin mobilization to
packaged food containing nitrates and oxidizing agents. The environmental
factors, such as, temperature leads to the disintegration of external tin. Other
factors are composition, integrity (quality of steel) and volume of the tin can.
Tin dissolution can be understood by the corrosion mechanism [42]. The
corrosion is a deterioration of a metal or degradation of the metal quality via
electrochemical or chemical reaction (Eqn. (1)). In this procedure, metal,
and alloys tend to convert itself into their most stable (thermodynamically
stable) state [48, 49]. In food cans, corrosion takes place due to the anodic
disintegration process of the tin can with the formation of ions [19].
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266 Handbook of Research on Food Processing and Preservation Technologies, Volume 4
[][]Metal Metal ne
 → + (1)
The corrosion-mechanism in tin cans is the result of electrochemical
reactions, which occur in an aqueous medium by the formation of galvanic
cells, which are formed during the coupling of two metals having different
dissolution pressures. Dissolution takes place at the anode (more active
metal), which further protects the cathodic metal (passive metal). When
metal possesses a small size at the anodic surface and more current densities,
then metal gets deeply corroded by pitting corrosion [19, 34].
The study of corrosion mechanism in lacquered food cans (Figure 9.2) has
been extensively reviewed.
FIGURE 9.2 Corrosion mechanism of tin can in the presence of liquid juice: (A) Non-defected
coating of lacquer; (B) formation of pores in lacquer-coating; and (C) dissolution of iron and
tin into the cannedfood.
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The layer of lacquer protects the food from direct exposure of tin
(Figure 9.2(A)). Through these pores, tin directly encounters food material
resulting anodic dissolution of tin as shown in Eqn. (2) (Figure 9.2(B)). The
corrosion-mechanism in tin cans may trigger due to the formation of pin
pores under the layer of lacquer. The exposure of tin with food increases with
time due to detachment of lacquer, and leads to the formation of large-sized
pores and cracks, which ultimately result in the dissolution of iron (Eqn.
(4)) from tin-alloy layer (FeSn2) into the food (Figure 9.2(C)). Moreover,
the occurrence of corrosion is aggressively increased by the vigorous attack
of corrosion accelerating agents (nitrates). In terms of electrochemistry, the
cathodic reaction takes place at lacquer surface, as shown in Eqn. (4), where
protons present in organic food, take up electrons released during the dissolu-
tion of tin (anodic reaction) at the tin surface. After the complete dissolution
of tin into the food, the anodic reaction again starts at tin-iron alloy surface
and further the iron dissolution occurs into the food (Figure 9.2(C)).
1. Mechanism of Tin Dissolution (Anodic Reaction‑I):
2. The Reaction At Lacquer Surface (Cathodic Reaction):
He H
+  → (3)
3. Mechanism of Iron Dissolution (Anodic Reaction‑II)
3Fe Fe e
 → +
For the safety of corners of the tin cans, seam stripes must be used, and the
metal should possess zero dissolution. If the example is taken of the carbonated
beverages or beer, the whole area inside the can should be re-lacquered after
the manufacturing procedure [33, 39, 51].
Internal corrosion occurs due to the electrochemical reaction that takes place
inside the can surface after the interaction with the food-content. It generally
happens due to the acidic nature of the food, oxidants, storage temperature,
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268 Handbook of Research on Food Processing and Preservation Technologies, Volume 4
and storage duration and presence of oxygen in the can. Internal corrosion
may cause a change in the food quality (taste, odor, and color). Sometimes
leaking, swelling, and vacuum loss also occurs. These factors cause the
toxicological issues in the food.
External corrosion occurs due to the metal itself, due to: surface-homogeneity
and H2-overvoltage, improper structure during manufacturing, contact with
another metal, environment, corrosive labels, and poor handling [34, 52].
Filiform corrosion takes place under the protected coating of the tin plate
cans. It forms a thread-like structure or filament. This kind of corrosion
usually forms a bulge structure or breaks the coating [17].
Pitting corrosion occurs at the surface of the tin plate. It takes place, when
some dirt particles meet tin plate and stick to it. There are several examples of
this corrosion: crevice corrosion, water line attack corrosion. When corrosion
begins with the formation of the tiny bubble of air erosion-corrosion [1].
Tin is found naturally in low to high concentration. Sometimes, it is impossible
to ignore the exposure of tin compounds due to daily habits of drinking
juice from tin cans (usually highly acidic food). The health effects from the
exposure with tin compounds in humans (conception to maturity) are reported
to be negative.
Children and infants may come in contact with the tin compounds due to
the intake of contaminated soil, tin-canned food, and vegetables. In addition,
the pica behavior is observed in children, in which children eat contaminated
or hazardous dirt. Sometimes in adults, the exposure of tin happens if one of
the family members works in tin manufacturing company so that person may
bring home some tin substances in their outts and tools.
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Inorganic tin may cause acute effects in human health through food products
in tin plate cans. These canned foods generally cause the disturbance in the
digestive system, such as gastrointestinal irritation, abdominal cramp, nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, and fever. These acute symptoms may last from
few minutes to weeks. Generally, the concentration of tin in canned foods is
between 200 to 2000 mg/L attributing acute to chronic diseases in humans. The
tin canned products, which are more accountable for human health hazards,
are acidic products, such as vegetables, and fruit juices. This is the main reason
behind the chronic effect of tin compounds on human health [8, 19, 24].
Few possible methods can be employed to avoid direct contact with tin, such
as; the unused part of the tin canned food can be placed in a container instead
of throwing it in an open atmosphere. People can be directly exposed to
organic tin compounds: (1) when they eat seafood from tin contaminated
coastal areas; (2) directly get exposed with the household things, such as
baking papers coated with silicon, plastic polymers, and polyurethane (PU).
However, decreasing the availability of contaminated seafood from coastal
areas and avoiding contact with tin-containing household things can lessen
the effect of tin compounds on human health.
If a person accidentally gets exposed to a large quantity of tin compounds,
then this person should promptly consult a doctor. Few medical tests can
determine the amount of tin in the human body but cannot depict the total
amount of tin in the body. The tin-test cannot be performed regularly at the
hospital or clinic, but the physician or doctor may take the samples and send
it to the particular testing laboratory [8, 24].
In order to prevent the corrosion from tin food cans, lacquered tin plats are
extensively used, but the efficiency of lacquered tin prominently depends
upon the anticorrosive property of the lacquer and the nature of food inside
the can. When beverages and food are packed in tinplated cans, tin dissolution
may occur due to the exposure of food with tin. There are many mitigation
procedures used for the protection of tin cans from corrosion, such as, the
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use of zinc-plated steel (electro-galvanized cold-rolled steel), stainless steel
(SS), coating of powders, and painting on the tin surface.
The addition of some essential oils (EOs), such as onion essential oil
(OEO) is extensively recommended in coating material of the tin plate
due to its low-cost. The protecting layer of OEO does not participate in
any organoleptic properties of the food. However, the temperature for the
storage should be less than 36°C. The acidic contents, which are attributing
more to the corrosion of tin, such as tomato puree, could be minimized using
the mixture of potassium nitrate (KNO3) in the food content. Mainly, the
corrosion of the tin takes place after 30 days and 20 days at 36°C and 20°C,
respectively due to the action of nitrates. Sometimes, the presence of organic
acid in canned food causes the effect of corrosion. In addition, the presence
of little amount of nitrates (~10 mg) leads to the generation of corrosion in
foodstuff containing less than 7 pH [1, 3, 54].
The US Federal Government is taking steps ahead for the development of
some regulations and particular recommendations to protect human health.
There are some government agencies (Food and Drug Administration
(FDA); Health and Occupational Safety Administration (HOSA)), which are
helping in the development of regulations regarding toxic products. These
recommendations are providing meaningful guidelines to resolve public
health issues. However, these are hard to implement by the law. The agencies
for disease registry and toxic substances (DRTS) and the National Institute
of Occupational Safety and Health (NI-OSH) are the most esteemed federal
agencies, which help in the development of recommendations for poisonous
substances. Recommendations and regulations could be signified as “not to
exceed” level. That means that the maximum level of toxicity in the water,
food, air, or soil has a fixed level of toxic parameters. If the toxicity level
exceeds this fixed level, then the public health is affected. There is an update
in the recommendations and regulation, when more significant information
is collected. Some rules and regulations related to tin compounds involve the
following considerations [24, 46]:
The US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has restricted the
usage of some organotin compounds in specific paints. The HOSA has
fixed some limit for tin compounds at working places, i.e., 0.1 mg/m3
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Toxic Effects of Tinplate Corrosion and Mitigation 271
and 2 mg/m3 for organo-tin and inorgano-tin compounds, respectively
instead of oxides.
The FDA government manages the usage of organo-tin compounds in
coating materials and packaging.
The FDA has also established some limits on the use of tin (SnCl2) [24].
The NIOSH establishes working place limit of exposure from the
inorganic tin of 2 mg/m3 apart from oxides of tin and for organo-tin
compounds of 0.1 mg/m3 instead of tricyclohexyl-tin hydroxide.
The NIOSH governs that the 25 mg/m3 concentration of tricyclohexyl-
tin hydroxide must be reported as a dangerous concentration to public
Changing food habits and increasing packaging of food items, including
beverages, have led to more risks to human health due to corrosion and
contamination of canned foods. A thorough study of the tin plate corrosion
indicates that the bare tin plate is more prone to corrosion than the lacquered
tin plate. Any tiny pores and variation in thickness in the coating material
can attribute more corrosion issues in the base metal. Lacquer restrains the
corrosion mechanism and establishes the composition of the tin plate for a
long-time when tin plate cans are exposed to corrosive media. The literature
cited in this book chapter depicts the permissible limit of the tin in human
being not to be more than 250 and 150 mg/kg for solid food and beverages,
respectively. However, the governmental organization is taking steps to
establish more appropriate regulations to protect human health and safety.
food packaging industry
gas chromatography
lacquered tin plate
tin canned food
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272 Handbook of Research on Food Processing and Preservation Technologies, Volume 4
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The aim of this work was optimization of the methods of trace- and ultratrace analysis, such as ICP-OES, ETA-AAS for charting the resources of individual forms of tin in foodstuffs. Increase of the sensitivity of the method of ICP-OES was achieved using the techniques of generation of hydrides, which was also optimized. Based on the information available on the occurrence of the different forms of tin, it appears that many of these organometallic compounds are contained in marine animals; attention has mainly focused on organisms such as marine fish, crustaceans, molluscs and algae. Tin compounds of predominantly inorganic origin can be found in foods and beverages which are packed in cans with a protective tin coating, too. The above mentioned methods have been applied to the analysis of selected beverages with low content of tin such as Coca Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Gambrinus 10°, PowerKing, and milk in the cans. Furthermore samples of animal origin as Sardines in oil, and Hunter's salami were examined, too. Prior to the determination of tin, samples need to be appropriately modified or analysed. Decomposition of the samples was done in the microwave system. Low pressure ion exchange chromatography with on-line detection of ICP-OES was used for separation of inorganic tin compounds. Separation of organically bound tin compounds was performed by HPLC on a column of ACE C-18, 3 µm, 15 cm × 1.0 mm with off-line detection by ETA-AAS. All of the above forms of tin compounds can be separated with this column. Due to the improvement in the detection of organically bounded tin, HPLC with identical ACE C-18 column coupled online for example with ICP-MS or spectrofluorimetry could be recommended.
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Investigation of tinplate corrosion occurs in the interior of Cans containing food products due to electrochemical reactions. This changing the organoleptic properties of food stuff and produced toxicological problems. To investigate corrosion effect, lacquer adhes ion failure of tinplate containers was evaluated with Scan Electron Microscope (SEM) along with Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) technique. This technique plays a vital role to investigate the reason of corrosion occurs in cans (container) like stress corrosion in the pack of fish and potatoes, pitting corrosion in the pack of light colored fruits and failure due to lacquer defects. Support of analy tical methods may be also required to establish the failure.
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Atomic absorption spectrometry is a powerful technique for determination of tin in canned foods. Homogenous samples of syrup and solid parts were digested by means of microwave digestion system MLS 1200 MEGA where hydrochloric and nitric acid were used as reagents. The measurements were carried out using a Perkin-Elmer AAnalyst 700 atomic absorption spectrometer. Detection limit was 4 mg/kg in nitrous oxide and acetylene flame. There were analysed 222 samples of 26 various kinds of canned fruit (e.g. pineapple, peach, mandarin), vegetables (e.g. bean, mushroom, tomato) and meat (sea products) in this work. The analytical results indicated tin total concentrations from under 4 mg/kg to 353 mg/kg. Different concentrations of tin between syrup and fruit were observed. The concentration of tin was higher in solid parts than in syrup. Relationship between the concentration and time period after opening was studied. The corrosion of the tinplate surface was accelerated by air and the amount of dissolved tin was significantly increasing in syrup as well as fruit when cans were opened and stored for two days at 6°C.
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For a hundred years ago, man by test, experience and error screened steel for produce food containers, tin is a kind of steel use to make tinplate cans. However, tin have great problem, corrosion. Corrosion abounds in nature, it is a phenomenon appeared in tin cans, and that mean happened to large amounts of food cans. More attention will be give to corrosion happens in large quantities of canned foods packs under various headings. The tin-plate corrosion occur in two sides, either in the interior of cans containing food products; due to electro-chemical reaction; or exterior of cans; due to metal itself and environment conditions. In human health, internal reaction corrosion may be changing the organoleptic properties of food stuff and could be giving some toxicological problems. To protection of tinplates against corrosion there are many methods are frequently used in the food canning industry.
Metal based packaging materials provide excellent barrier properties and hence, being used widely in food packaging applications. They are used in different package forms and also as closures such as for glass bottles and composite cans. Major health and product safety concerns of metal packaging comprise migration of bisphenol A, lead, cadmium, mercury, aluminium, iron, nickel, bulging of cans, tin dissolution, blackening and corrosion. Metals are not inert to food products, hence coated with protective lacquers to prevent metal–food interaction and migration of metal components. Metal packaging materials have lower global warming potential and higher recyclability due to their magnetic properties which helps in easier segregation. An attempt has been made in this article to review the metal packaging materials used in food industry and Indian Standard specifications, their safety and recyclability aspects.
Over the past few decades, many countries have issued legislation for risk based management of contaminated soils, sediments and water. Establishing appropriate guidelines for risk based management of antimony contaminated environments is of great importance due to its toxicological properties. Antimony (Sb) is a toxic metalloid with a wide range of industrial applications that can cause adverse effects on natural ecosystems and human health. There are numerous soil and water national and international toxicity guidelines, legislation and clean up target values for evaluating the risks and health hazards associated with Sb contaminated soils and water. Although they are not accurate definitive indices of environmental hazards, they can be used as a surrogate tool for estimating harmful effects of contaminants. In this summary report, five common soil and sediment toxicity guidelines set by the USA, Canada, Australia, the Netherlands and Finland as well as some of water toxicity guidelines and their derivation methods are compared. There are, however, substantial variations between toxicity threshold values due to the different scientific bases, software models and ecotoxicological criteria used for developing these guidelines. It is evident from the literature that site specific factors e.g. redox potential, pH and ageing may greatly affect the environmental availability of Sb. Hence, establishing universally acceptable regulatory guidelines and toxicity essays with an array of bioavailability based approach and site specific considerations would greatly improve the reliability and robustness of the current techniques used for environmental management and remediation of contaminated soils.
This study reports a simple, rapid and greener method based on ultrasound assisted-cloud point extraction coupled with inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) for preconcentration and determination of antimony (Sb), tin (Sn) and thallium (Tl) in food and water samples. Factors affecting the preconcentration procedure were optimized using fractional factorial design and response surface methodology based on Box-Behnken design. Under optimum conditions, the calibration graphs were linear over the concentration range of 0.023–700 μg L⁻¹ with correlation coefficients up to 0.9994, the limits of detection ranged from 0.007–0.010 μg L⁻¹, the limits of quantification were from 0.023 to 0.033 μg L⁻¹ and the relative standard deviations (n = 15) were between 1.3% and 4.1%. In addition, the preconcentration factors were found to be 150, 145 and 160 for Sb, Sn and Tl, respectively. Finally, the developed method was successfully applied in various food and water samples as well as certified reference materials for rapid determination of Sb, Sn and Tl.
The effect of tin chloride on bath stabilization and properties of electroless Nickel-Boron (NiB) coatings was investigated. NiB coatings were synthesized by electroless deposition using SnCl2 stabilizer. Sn was codeposited in the coating generating a novel NiB-Sn alloy. The deposition of NiB-Sn occurred in an aqueous bath containing a reducible metal salt (NiCl2), reducing agent (NaBH4) and complexing agent (C2H4(NH2)2). The pH was controlled at pH 12 ± 1 in order to avoid bath destabilization. The stabilizer properties of SnCl2 were proved by the fact that the plating completely stops at high concentrations. It has been found in the present work that the SnCl2 not only stabilizes electroless nickel baths but also enhances the plating rate. The deposition was performed with three different concentrations of SnCl2 (0.05 g/L, 0.1 g/L and 0.2 g/L). The morphological features are modified as a function of concentration. Coatings with finer cauliflower structure and more homogeneous thickness are reached with the increase of stabilizer concentration. The corrosion behavior was increased with the Sn presence in the surface. Results for samples with 0.1 g/L of SnCl2 show hardness (842 hk50) wear behavior (Ws 0.11 μm²/N) and first damage by scratch test (Lc 30 N) results comparable to those presented by traditional NiB coatings.