Even though Agricultural sector is the largest contributor for Ethiopia's economic development, yet food insecurity and malnutrition continues to worsen especially in rural areas. In order to overcome such problems there is a need for a paradigm shift in the food production and consumption patterns. Bioorganic liquid fertilizer not only increases bioorganic fertility of crops (in comparison to the control and prototype fertilizer), but also accelerates their maturation and nutrient quality. Thus, the present study was aimed to produce bioorganic liquid fertilizer from oil cake and banana peels through aerobic fermentation in open containers. The result indicated that Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca) and sodium (Na) were found to be significant between bioorganic liquid fertilizer and compost tea (used as a control) solutions. However, there were no significance differences with respect to Carbon(C), Nitrogen (N), and Magnesium (Mg) contents of the solutions. It was also indicated that percentage macronutrient compositions of bioorganic fertilizer solution was found to be greater than those of compost tea solution in all studied macronutrients. The performance of Ethiopian mustard irrigated with bioorganic fertilizer solution indicated that above ground biomass per plant was found to be significant with the highest mean weight being 126.28gm for pot irrigated with bioorganic liquid fertilizer.