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A comprehensive description of oocyte developmental stages in Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis

Journal of Fish Biology
  • Alaska Deparment of Fish and Game

Abstract and Figures

Accurate characterization of oocyte development is essential to understanding foundational aspects of reproductive biology and successful management of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis). Here this study provides complete histological descriptions for eight oocyte developmental stages in addition to postovulatory follicles and demonstrates the potential for oocyte size frequency distribution to act as a proxy for ovarian developmental stage and future maturity assessments. Importantly, it provides the first histological evidence that Pacific halibut have a group‐synchronous ovarian developmental pattern with determinate fecundity and support for their batch‐spawning strategy.
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A comprehensive description of oocyte developmental stages
in Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis
Teresa Fish
| Nathan Wolf
| Bradley P. Harris
| Josep V. Planas
Fisheries, Aquatic Science and Technology
Laboratory, Alaska Pacific University,
Anchorage, Alaska, 99508
International Pacific Halibut Commission,
Seattle, Washington
Teresa Fish, Fisheries, Aquatic Science and
Technology Laboratory, Alaska Pacific
University, 4101 University Drive, Anchorage,
AK, 99508, USA.
Funding information
Funds to support T.F. and for sample collection
and processing were provided by International
Pacific Halibut Commission. Additional support
for T.F. was provided by Alaska Education Tax
Credit funds contributed by the At-Sea
Processors Association and the Groundfish
Accurate characterization of oocyte development is essential to understanding foun-
dational aspects of reproductive biology and successful management of Pacific hali-
but (Hippoglossus stenolepis). Here this study provides complete histological
descriptions for eight oocyte developmental stages in addition to postovulatory folli-
cles and demonstrates the potential for oocyte size frequency distribution to act as a
proxy for ovarian developmental stage and future maturity assessments. Importantly,
it provides the first histological evidence that Pacific halibut have a group-
synchronous ovarian developmental pattern with determinate fecundity and support
for their batch-spawning strategy.
developmental stage, histology, maturity, oocyte, Pacific halibut, reproduction
Understanding the species-specific components of fish reproductive
biology (e.g., age at maturity, fecundity, spawning strategy) is founda-
tional for effective stock management. These indices vary by species
(Kennedy et al., 2014; Núñez et al., 2015; TenBrink &
Wilderbuer, 2015) and can dramatically alter our perception of stock
status (Morgan, 2008). This is especially true for long-lived fish spe-
cies, such as Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis), as lifetime contri-
butions to stock recruitment continue for many seasons after
reproductive maturity is reached. For example, changes in reproduc-
tive performance, as deduced from female maturity estimates, exert a
strong influence on spawning biomass estimates and, consequently,
on the stock assessments of the Pacific halibut (Stewart &
Hicks, 2020).
Currently, assessments of female Pacific halibut reproductive matu-
rity involve visual macroscopic inspection of ovaries in the field
(Stewart & Hicks, 2020). While convenient, this approach has yet to be
corroborated by more definitive analysis methods and lacks the speci-
ficity required to provide information on many species-specific
components of reproductive biology. As accurate characterizations of
reproductive development are essential to fisheries management, an
evaluation of the reliability of the current macroscopic staging methods
using more precise assessment techniques is of utmost importance.
Histological analysis of oocyte developmental stages repre-
sents an important initial step to evaluating current maturity
assessment methods (West, 1990). Moreover, when providing
oocyte size-frequency distributions, histological analyses may also
offer alternative methods for characterizing fish reproductive
phases and offer additional information on reproductive parame-
ters, such as fecundity type and spawning pattern. Histological
examinations have successfully characterized ovarian development
in many flatfishes, including California halibut Paralichthys
californicus (Lesyna & Barnes, 2016) and Atlantic halibut
Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Neilson et al., 1993). Furthermore, fram-
ing this characterization using universally descriptive terminology
for teleost oogenesis (Grier et al., 2009) will facilitate future com-
parative examinations (Brown-Peterson et al., 2011).
Received: 19 June 2020 Accepted: 18 September 2020
DOI: 10.1111/jfb.14551
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2020 The Authors. Journal of Fish Biology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
1880 J Fish Biol. 2020;
Pacific halibut represent an important economic and cultural
resource in the Gulf of Alaska and the rest of the northeastern Pacific
Ocean. In this region, spawning occurs between November and March
along the continental slope and in depressions on the continental
shelf (St-Pierre, 1984). Spawning is generally thought to occur annu-
ally after fish reach reproductive maturity (Stewart & Hicks, 2020;
St-Pierre, 1984; Thompson, 1914), but this assumption has received
mixed support in the literature (Bell, 1981; Novikov, 1964; Seitz
et al., 2005; Vernidub, 1936). Early investigations of Pacific halibut
oocyte size (Kolloen, 1934; Thompson, 1914, 1916) documented a
developing cohort of oocytes within the ovary immediately after
spawning, thus supporting the premise of annual spawning. Nonethe-
less, a detailed histological characterization of ovarian development in
female Pacific halibut to be used in histology-based reproductive
phase maturity classification has not been conducted to date.
Here, this study presents comprehensive histological descriptions
of oocyte developmental stages and documents postovulatory follicles
(POFs) in Pacific halibut. In addition, it details the range of oocyte
diameters among developmental stages and explores differences in
the size-frequency distributions of oocytes in ovarian tissue at differ-
ent developmental stages to investigate the relation between oocyte
size and oocyte developmental stages. This work provides the most
precise assessment of developmental stage for the species to date,
documents the spawning strategy and offers a foundation for more
specific assessments of Pacific halibut reproductive biology in the
TABLE 1 Description of oocyte developmental stages of Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis, associated growth phases (modified from
Brown-Peterson et al., 2011 and Grier et al., 2009), and postovulatory follicles (POFs)
Pacific halibut oocyte histology Oocyte diameters (μm)
Growth phase
Developmental stage
(acronym) Description Photo
± S.D.
Primary growth
One nucleolus (PGon) Oocytes are small, angular and compact with
a single large nucleolus. Cytoplasm
granules stain dark purple.
51 116
Perinucleolar (PGpn) Oocytes are larger and rounder than PGon.
Nuclei develop and flatten around the
nucleus. Cytoplasm granules stain light
55 235
Cortical alveolar (CA) First cortical alveoli appear as white stain in
the periphery of the oocyte.
237 445
growth (SG)
Primary vitellogenesis
Yolk globules first appear at the periphery,
stain pink and fill inwards occupying up to
one-third of the cytoplasm.
663 544
vitellogenesis (Vtg2)
Yolk globules transition from only the
periphery of the ooplasm and fill inwards
to the nucleus.
341 686
Tertiary vitellogenesis
Yolk globules completely fill the ooplasm to
the central nucleus and coalesce into
larger yolk globules.
500 1171
± 216
Germinal vesicle
migration (GVM)
The nucleus begins to migrate through a
cytoplasm fully filled with large yolk
302 1271
± 257
Periovulatory (PO) Nucleus no longer visible and the yolk
globules coalesce into a central yolk mass.
Oocyte is still within the follicle wall.
54 2037
± 270
Postovulatory follicle
Collapsed empty follicle wall remaining after
a periovulatory oocyte is expelled.
To conduct this study, the authors collected approximately
30 female Pacific halibut each month from September 2017 through
August 2018 (n= 356) from the Portlock region in the Gulf of Alaska
using longline fishing vessels specifically chartered for sampling. Indi-
vidual sampling trips occurred over 14 day periods. The authors
focused collection efforts on larger (90 cm) individuals to increase
the probability of sampling postpubescent fish (Clark et al., 1999;
Loher & Seitz, 2008). Once fish were on-board the fishing vessel,
approximately 1 cm
tissue was excised from the central area of the
ovary and fixed in 10 ml of 10% buffered formalin from each fish.
Ovarian tissue samples were sent to an independent laboratory to be
processed for histology where two series of 4 μm thick Paraffin sec-
tions, separated by approximately 500 μm, were mounted on two
slides and stained with haematoxylin and eosin.
Ovarian follicles in mounted and stained ovarian tissue sections
were examined visually under 1×10×magnification (Leica DM LB2
and Leica M80 microscopes, Leica Camera Inc., Allendale, NJ, USA).
Oocyte developmental stages were categorized following the univer-
sal oocyte stages described by Brown-Peterson et al. (2011) with the
exception that the germinal vesicle breakdown and hydration stages
were combined into a single periovulatory stage (PO; Table 1). In addi-
tion, the early growth phases detailed by Grier et al. (2009) are used
to describe primary growth (PG) oocytes. Individual female develop-
mental stages were assigned based on the most advanced oocyte
developmental stage present in the ovarian tissue (Table 1).
To assess potential differences in oocyte diameter among oocyte
developmental stages, 35 of the most advanced stage oocytes (i.e.,
largest) from each fish were photographed at 1×10×magnification
using a microscope-mounted camera (Zeiss Axiocam ERc 5s or Leica
IC80 HD; Carl Zeiss Microscopy LLC, White Plains, NY, USA and Leica
Camera Inc., Allendale, NJ, USA, respectively) and a minimum of
50 oocytes sectioned through the middle of the nucleus from each
developmental stage were measured (Table 1). Area measurements
) of photographed ovarian follicles were conducted using
ImagePro Premier 9.1 (Media Cybernetics Inc., Rockville, MD, USA) by
tracing the perimeter of the oocyte and extracting the oocyte area. All
measured areas were converted to mean diameters for further analy-
sis in ImagePro Premier 9.1 by calculating the mean length of diame-
ters measured at 2 degree intervals passing through the traced oocyte
centroid. Differences in the mean rank oocyte diameter among devel-
opmental stages were analysed using the KruskalWallis rank sum
test, followed by Dunn's post hoc test. All statistical analyses were
conducted in R version 3.5.2.
Potential differences in the size distribution of oocytes present in
fish from different developmental stages were examined following
methods detailed in Guzmán et al. (2017). Briefly, a 161 mm
image of
mounted ovarian tissue was scanned at 9600 dpi (Epson Perfection
V800 photo scanner; Epson US, Hillsboro, OR, USA) from a sub-
sample of five fish of each observed female developmental stage,
from cortical alveolar (CA) to PO, and from the three fish classified in
the PG perinucleolar (PGpn) stage (Table 1). Using these scanned
images, the areas of all oocytes sectioned through the nucleus within
region of interest were measured. In all cases, the
smallest region in which at least 18 oocytes could be measured was
used. Area measurements and diameter conversions were performed
using the methods described earlier. To facilitate the visualization of
the results, oocyte areas of each developmental stage were natural
log (ln) adjusted, then summed across 50 μm diameter bins. Results
are presented as proportional occupancy of each ln-adjusted oocyte
developmental stage.
The present study provides histological descriptions of eight
oocyte developmental stages [PG one nucleolus (PGon), PGpn, CA,
primary, secondary and tertiary vitellogenesis (Vtg1-3, respectively),
germinal vesicle migration (GVM) and PO] as well as POFs in Pacific
halibut (Table 1). The results represent the first description of oocyte
development stages in Pacific halibut. Oocyte diameters were mea-
sured from each of the eight oocyte developmental stages and ranged
from 36 μm for the smallest oocyte in the PGon stage to 2811 μm for
the largest oocyte in the PO stage (Table 1). In all cases, mean oocyte
diameters increased with progression through developmental stages
and significant differences in mean rank diameters were observed
among all developmental stages (KruskalWallis rank sum test:
= 1906.3, df =7,P< 0.001; Dunn's post hoc test, P< 0.025) except
between PGon and PGpn and between Vtg3 and GVM (Figure 1a). No
atretic oocytes were identified in the present study. The presence of
POFs and atretic oocytes will be further investigated in a future study
evaluating seasonal or temporal changes in maturity in female Pacific
Explorations of oocyte size distributions in fish at different female
developmental stages showed that Pacific halibut follow a pattern
typical of fish species with group-synchronous ovarian development
with determinate fecundity (Ganias, 2013; Lubzens et al., 2010). Fish
in early developmental stages displayed unimodal distributions of
oocyte diameters, which became increasingly right-skewed from
PGpn to CA (Figure 1b). This mode generally up to 500 μm in diame-
ter shares similar morphological characteristics to corresponding PG
oocytes described in other fish species (Grier et al., 2009; Selman
et al., 1993) and was present in all female developmental stages
(Figure 1b). Fish in more advanced developmental stages displayed
bimodal oocyte size distributions, with increasing separation between
the two modes with progressing developmental stage (Figure 1b). This
second mode developed as Vtg1 oocytes further separated in size
from the previtellogenic cohort at the Vtg2 developmental stage
(Figure 1b). At the Vtg3 developmental stage, a hiatus was present
between the two modes, effectively separating the previtellogenic
mode (oocytes <350 μm in diameter) and the larger or leading cohort
of vitellogenic oocytes (> 500 μm in diameter). At the GVM and PO
developmental stages, oocytes in the leading cohort continued to
increase in size (> 1200 μm in diameter) up until hydration
(c. 2000 μm in average). The selective recruitment of oocytes from
early into later (i.e., GVM and PO) female developmental stages, as
shown by the gradual transition from unimodal to bimodal size distri-
butions leading to two different populations of oocytes in the more
advanced stages of ovarian development, is evidence for a group-
synchronous ovarian developmental pattern with determinate fecun-
dity in this species (Ganias, 2013; Lubzens et al., 2010). Furthermore,
1882 FISH ET AL.
although the most advanced oocytes in the GVM developmental stage
represented a unique, leading mode, the leading oocytes in the PO
developmental stage showed a larger range of sizes that included
GVM and PO oocytes at different steps of hydration (Figure 1b).
These observations suggest that, despite the lack of information of
the temporal progression of these events and the relatively small sam-
ple size in the PO developmental stage, GVM oocytes may be
recruited for final maturation, hydration and subsequent ovulation in
batches, supporting the notion that Pacific halibut, like its Atlantic
congener (Haug & Gulliksen, 1988), is a batch spawner, as suggested
by a previous report of the spawning behaviour of one tagged Pacific
halibut female (Seitz et al., 2005).
The histological description of oocyte developmental stages
produced by this work provides an important and necessary
(a) Primary
Growth (PG)
Oocyte stage
Growth (SG)
Maturation (OM)
n = 271 (3)
n = 196 (5)
n = 228 (5)
n = 318 (5)
n = 258 (5)
n = 170 (5)
n = 129 (5)
In oocyte area (% of total)
0 500 1000 1500 2000
0 500 1000
Diameter (μm)
1500 2000
FIGURE 1 Description of changes in
Pacific halibut mean oocyte diameters with
(a) developmental stage and (b) oocyte size
distribution with individual fish
developmental stage. Vertical broken lines
separate the growth stages at the midpoint
between mean oocyte developmental stage
diameters. In (a), mean oocyte diameters are
indicated by black circles, one- and two
standard deviations are indicated by wide
black and grey bars, respectively; and
minimum and maximum values are indicated
by narrow grey bars, with different letters
(af) indicating statistical significance
(P< 0.025) among groups. In (b) the
distribution of oocyte diameters is
represented as the proportional occupancy of
ln(oocyte area) for each of the observed
female developmental stages (defined as the
most advanced stage of oocyte present in the
sample population; PGpn, PGca, etc.), with
nindicating the total number of oocytes
measured from a sub-set of females (number
of individual fish shown in parentheses)
framework for characterizing reproductive phase and allows for
future explorations of reproductive development in Pacific halibut.
The authors propose future research to evaluate seasonal changes
in ovarian developmental stages, as defined here, as well as repro-
ductive phases by investigating POFs and atresia observed in con-
junction with the developmental stages. After a thorough
investigation of reproductive phases in Pacific halibut, the authors
further recommend future research in the area of assessing the
accuracy of current macroscopic reproductive maturity staging
methods, with special attention to the potential identification of
skip-spawning females and their assignment to particular macro-
scopic maturity stages. The authors believe that their results on
oocyte menstruation and size-frequency distributions presented
here will be important to explore potentially time- and cost-
efficient alternatives to histological oocyte evaluations for repro-
ductive assessments in this commercially important species.
Oocyte measurement methods have previously been demon-
strated as effective reproductive phase indicators in Atlantic hali-
but (Neilson et al., 1993), and newer methods (Friedland
et al., 2005; Thorsen & Kjesbu, 2001; Witthames et al., 2009) with
improved detection, cost and efficiency could potentially be
applied to Pacific halibut. Although fecundity at size or age of
Pacific halibut is a knowledge gap, it should be noted that although
mean oocyte diameter has been linked to oocyte density for use in
calculating fecundity (Thorsen & Kjesbu, 2001), the analysis would
require additional oocyte diameter explorations to calibrate whole
mount oocytes with the histology-derived oocyte diameters
presented here.
This study and T.F. were supported by funding from the International
Pacific Halibut Commission. The authors thank setline survey special-
ists and Joan Forsberg from the International Pacific Halibut Commis-
sion for their help with biological sample collection and microscope
set-up and image collection, respectively, Corina Cabrera and Elena
Eberhardt from Alaska Pacific University for assistance collecting and
assuring data quality, and Dr. Jose Guzmán from the School of Aquatic
and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington for assistance and
clarification on oocyte reproductive stage assessments.
All authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
T.F. contributed to the study design, collected the samples, analysed
and interpreted the results, and was the primary manuscript author.
N.W. assisted with analysis, interpretation and presentation of the
results and assisted T.F. in writing the manuscript. B.P.H. assisted with
the presentation of the results and edited the manuscript.
J.V.P. conceived the study, supervised data collection, analysis and
interpretation, and edited the manuscript. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript.
Pacific halibut collections were conducted under a letter of acknowl-
edgement from National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administra-
tion (NOAA) Fisheries and biological samples were obtained following
guidelines for the euthanasia of finfish from the American Veterinary
Medical Association (AVMA, 2020).
Teresa Fish
AVMA (2020). AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2020 Edi-
tion. Retrieved from
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How to cite this article: Fish T, Wolf N, Harris BP, Planas JV.
A comprehensive description of oocyte developmental stages
in Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis.J Fish Biol. 2020;97:
... In the Gulf of Alaska, spawning occurs from November to March, peaks in late January (St-Pierre, 1984), and is likely accompanied by a spawning-rise behavior in which females ascend in the water column and eggs are released for fertilization at the peak of the rise (Loher and Seitz, 2008). In a recent study, we histologically described oocyte developmental stages in Pacific halibut that were used to assign female developmental stages, from early primary growth until the periovulatory stage (Fish et al., 2020). Importantly, we also provided evidence for a group synchronous ovarian developmental pattern with determinate fecundity in Pacific halibut (Fish et al., 2020). ...
... In a recent study, we histologically described oocyte developmental stages in Pacific halibut that were used to assign female developmental stages, from early primary growth until the periovulatory stage (Fish et al., 2020). Importantly, we also provided evidence for a group synchronous ovarian developmental pattern with determinate fecundity in Pacific halibut (Fish et al., 2020). However, no work has yet been conducted to characterize the temporal progression of reproductive development in female Pacific halibut that would allow for a better understanding of the reproductive cycle of the species and, importantly, the identification of physiological traits and biological indicators (e.g. ...
... Ovarian tissue samples were processed for histology as described in Fish et al. (2020). Slides were examined visually with a compound microscope (1x -100x magnification), and oocyte developmental stages were identified according to Brown-Peterson et al. (2011) and Grier et al. (2009) and used to assign the female developmental stage as described in Fish et al. (2020). ...
Full-text available
Developing a robust understanding of Pacific halibut reproductive biology is essential to understanding the different components (e.g. maturity) that determine the reproductive output of the species and, therefore, for estimating the relative female spawning biomass. With these, effective and proactive management strategies can be designed and implemented to face the large-scale environmental changes to which high-latitude spawning fish are particularly vulnerable. To date, reproductive studies of Pacific halibut have mainly focused on population or regional scales, leaving the specific details of organism-level reproductive development unexamined. The work described here aimed to address information gaps in Pacific halibut reproductive biology by conducting a detailed histological examination of temporal changes in ovarian development over an annual reproductive cycle with special attention to the use of biological indicators (e.g. oocyte diameter, gonadosomatic index, hepatosomatic index, Fulton’s condition factor, somatic fat) in characterizing female developmental stages and reproductive phases. Our results provide a foundation for future studies directed at improving current maturity estimations by histological assessment and explore models that test the utility of biological indicators to predict maturity in this important fish species.
... Teleost fish have different reproductive tactics, for example, migration [1][2][3], different types of spawning [4][5][6], parental care that occurs in different ways such as the storage of fertilized eggs in the mouth [7][8][9], the construction of nests and the maintenance of continuous aeration of the eggs [10][11][12]. In females, mature oocytes indicate some reproductive tactics such as the reproductive period [13,14] and type of spawning [15,16], and the animal's fecundity can be estimated [5,17,18]. ...
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In this study, we evaluated the morphology and morphometry of the layers that make up the follicular complex surrounding mature oocytes in the six fish species Auchenipterichthys longimanus, Ageneiosus ucayalensis, Hypophthalmus marginatus, Baryancistrus xanthellus, Panaqolus tankei and Peckoltia oligospila, belonging to the order Siluriformes, which inhabit the Amazon basin. On the basis of the morphology and thickness of the layers of the follicular complex, the species were divided into two groups: 1- A. longimanus, A. Ucayalensis and H. marginatus and 2 – B. xanthellus, P. tankei and P. oligospila. The total thickness of the layers that make up the follicular complex showed a difference between type III and IV oocytes for all species of each group. Differences in the theca layer, follicular cells and zona radiata between species and between groups were submitted to statistical analysis. Morphologically, group 1 showed columnar follicular cells and thin zona radiata. Meanwhile, group 2 displayed a layer of cuboidal-shaped follicular cells layer and thicker zona radiata. These differences may be related to the environment and reproductive behaviors, as group 1 migrates without parental care and has eggs that are generally smaller and abundant. While group 2, represented by loricariidae, inhabit lotic environments, have reproductive tactics of parental care and eggs that are generally large and in small numbers. Therefore, we can infer that the follicular complex in mature oocytes can predict the reproductive tactics of the species.
... The information generated underlines the importance of using histology to understand both the reproductive cell biology and the reproductive strategy a species employs for maximum survival of the offspring. It also highlights the importance of histological analysis of oocyte developmental stages as an important step to evaluating current macroscopic maturity assessment methods (West, 1990;Fish et al., 2020). ...
... On the other American coast, Pacific halibut have been collected on their spawning grounds, with multiple lines of evidence of winter spawning seasonality (January-February). Evidence of spawning includes the appearance of POFs, and a more complete characterization of oogenesis and gonad maturation (e.g., maximum oocyte size = 2.0 -2.5 mm, a maximum reported GSI of 15% for females; Fish et al., 2020Fish et al., , 2022. ...
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The data-limited nature of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) in U.S. waters hampers evaluation of what may be a slow but steady rebuilding pattern. Here, we collaborate with the commercial fishery to design and implement a multi-gear sampling program that collected 100s of biological samples from throughout the Gulf of Maine in a five-year period, 2014-2018. Examination of sectioned otoliths revealed a maximum age of 12 years (females) and 13 years (males); in comparison, Atlantic halibut as old as 40-50 years have been collected elsewhere in the western North Atlantic. Growth modeling confirmed sexual dimorphism, with a larger asymptotic length (L ∞) for females (214 cm fork length [FL]) than males (195 cm FL). Estimates of median female length at maturity, L 50 , of 128 cm FL (124-132 cm, 95% confidence limits), and median female age at maturity, A 50 , of 9.6 years old (9.0-10.8 years), were longer and older than previous reports for the Gulf of Maine, likely resulting from our use of histological instead of macroscopic methods to classify maturity. Histology demonstrated that vitellogenesis initiated in individuals in spring, nearly a year prior to spawning, which allowed us to identify first-time (primiparous) spawners and provided the first potential evidence of skip spawning for this species. Finally, an index was developed to track the proportion of potentially mature females in the fishery, which showed an increasing trend; this qualitative tool may prove useful in a data-limited environment for evaluating the relative stock status of Atlantic halibut.
... Ovarian and testicular samples were collected from the same fish, preserved in RNAlater (Invitrogen) and stored at −80°C until processed for RNA extraction. Ovarian and testicular samples were also collected, fixed in 10% buffered formalin and processed for histological analyses to determine the reproductive stage, as described previously (Fish et al., 2020). Collected females and males for Pool-sequencing were at the early vitellogenic and early spermatogenic stages, respectively (data not shown). ...
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The Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) is a key species in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea ecosystems, where it also supports important fisheries. However, the lack of genomic resources limits our understanding of evolutionary, environmental and anthropogenic forces affecting key life history characteristics of Pacific halibut and prevents the application of genomic tools in fisheries management and conservation efforts. In the present study, we report on the first generation of a high‐quality chromosome‐level assembly of the Pacific halibut genome, with an estimated size of 602 Mb, 24 chromosome‐length scaffolds that contain 99.8% of the assembly and a N50 scaffold length of 27.3 Mb. In the first application of this important resource, we conducted genome‐wide analyses of sex‐specific genetic variation by pool sequencing and characterized a potential sex‐determining region in chromosome 9 with a high density of female‐specific SNPs. Within this region, we identified the bmpr1ba gene as a potential candidate for master sex‐determining (MSD) gene. bmpr1ba is a member of the TGF‐β family that in teleosts has provided the largest number of MSD genes, including a paralog of this gene in Atlantic herring. The genome assembly constitutes an essential resource for future studies on Pacific halibut population structure and dynamics, evolutionary history and responses to environmental and anthropogenic influences. Furthermore, the genomic location of the sex‐determining region in Pacific halibut has been identified and a putative candidate MSD gene has been proposed, providing further support for the rapid evolution of sex‐determining mechanisms in teleost fish.
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Sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) is a marine groundfish that supports valuable fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean and holds promise for marine aquaculture. Limited information is available, however, about its reproductive biology. This study aimed to characterize the complete reproductive cycle, including seasonal changes in gonadal development (macroscopic and histological), plasma sex steroid levels (17β-estradiol -E2-, and 11-ketotestosterone -11KT-), gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indices (GSI, and HSI), and condition factor (K) of female and male sablefish captured off the Washington coast. Adult fish (209 females, 159 males) were caught by longline monthly from August 2012 to August 2013. Early signs of recruitment of ovarian follicles into secondary growth, indicated by oocytes containing small yolk granules and cortical alveoli, were first observed in March. Oogenesis progressed during spring and summer, and fully vitellogenic follicles were first observed in July. Vitellogenic growth was correlated with increases in plasma E2, GSI, HSI and K. Periovulatory females, indicated by fully-grown oocytes with migrating germinal vesicles and hydrated oocytes, were found from November to February. At this stage, plasma E2 and GSI reached maximal levels. In males, proliferating cysts containing spermatocytes were first observed in April. Testicular development proceeded during spring and summer, a period during which all types of male germ cells were found. The first clusters of spermatozoa appeared in July, concomitant with a 5.2-fold increase in GSI. Spermiating males were observed from November to April; at this time, spermatids were absent or greatly reduced, and testis lobules were filled with spermatozoa. The highest levels of plasma 11KT were found in males at this stage. Postspawning ovaries and testes, and basal steroids levels were found in fish captured from February to April. These results suggest that sablefish in coastal Washington initiate their reproductive cycle in March/April and spawn primarily in January/February.
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Estimates of length-and age-at-maturity for California Halibut (Paralichthys californicus) have been reported for southern California, but not central California. To provide new estimates of length-and age-at-maturity for central California Halibut, we macroscopically examined gonads from 635 fish caught between 2012 and 2014 and additionally examined ovaries histologically. We developed a detailed description of the reproductive phases and spawning states for California Halibut, and assigned sex-specific length- and age-at-maturity to each individual. Males (n=333) ranged from 19.1 to 95.9 cm fork length (FL) and 1 to 16 yr of age and females (n=302) ranged from 18.6 to 111.0 cm FL and 1 to 19 yr of age. Males matured at younger ages and shorter lengths than females. The smallest mature male was measured at 25.7 cm (1 yr), 50% of males were mature by 27.0 cm (1.1 yr), and 100% were mature by 29.0 cm (3 yr). The smallest mature female was measured at 46.6 cm (2 yr), 50% of females were mature by 47.3 cm (2.6 yr), and 100% were mature by 51.3 cm (4 yr), according to histological criteria. Therefore, all California Halibut examined were mature before reaching the commercial and recreational minimum legal size limit of 55.9 cm (22 in). When comparing central California maturity data with information from southern California, we found that central California Halibut matured at larger sizes (both sexes) and older ages (females only) than southern California Halibut, according to macroscopic criteria.
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Female Yellowfin Sole Limanda aspera, Alaska Plaice Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus, and Flathead Sole Hippoglossoides elassodon were collected from the eastern Bering Sea during known prespawning, spawning, and postspawning periods in 2012 and 2013, and their ovaries and otoliths were sampled for use in histological analysis to update historical maturity estimates. For fisheries management, new information on maturity at age can lead to possible changes in estimated reproduction potential (measured as female spawning stock biomass [SSB]) and values of fishing mortality reference points. Our analysis indicated that Yellowfin Sole currently mature at an age similar to that estimated in a study conducted 20 years ago. An evaluation of impacts on the stock assessment indicated that updated estimates of Yellowfin Sole SSB were over 7% higher, but the reference points only changed slightly. The first histologically derived maturity estimates for Alaska Plaice were close to the anatomically derived estimates (visual assessments from 1987), resulting in a marginal decrease (5%) in SSB, but changes in reference points were near 10%. Based on the new maturity estimates for Flathead Sole, SSB estimates increased by 7% compared with estimates currently used in the stock assessment, which relied on maturity data collected in 1999 and 2000. The change in Flathead Sole SSB was concomitant with changes of 16–18% in fishing mortality reference points. Our results indicated minimal differences from historical maturity estimates after re-examination, but in some cases those differences led to relatively large changes in the respective reference points, underscoring the reference points' sensitivity to changes in maturity. Incorporation of these new maturity estimates into the stock assessment process provides valuable updated information for fisheries managers. However, a more comprehensive sampling program is needed to investigate the spatial and temporal aspects of reproduction for each species.Received November 13, 2014; accepted September 3, 2015
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Since the climate regime shift of 1976-1977 in the North Pacific, the individual growth of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) has decreased dramatically in Alaska but not in British Columbia. Recruitment has increased dramatically in both areas. The decrease in age-specific vulnerability to commercial longline gear resulted in a persistent underestimation of incoming recruitment by the age-structured assessment method (CAGEAN) that was used to assess the stock. This problem has been corrected by adding temporal trends in growth and fishery selectivity to the assessment model. The recent sustained high level of recruitment at high levels of spawning biomass has erased the previous appearance of strong density dependence in the stock-recruitment relationship and prompted a reduction in the target full-recruitment harvest rate from 30-35 to 20-25%. The climate regime shift affected a number of other stocks of vertebrates and invertebrates in the North Pacific. While the general oceanographic changes have now been identified, the specific biological mechanisms responsible for the observed changes have not.
Based on 138 samples from female Northeast Arctic Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) taken in November–December 2011 at spawning grounds on the continental slope of the Barents Sea, the relationships between fecundity and fish size were established and found to be in the same range as those of estimates from 1996, 1997 and 1998. Ovarian maturity stages were determined by using a scale proposed by Kennedy et al. in 2011 based on microscopic oocyte diameter measurements. These data were compared to the maturity stages determined at sea in a routine manner, based on a standard macroscopic scale and a macroscopic scale previously developed for Greenland halibut. Maturity ogives were derived based on the three different maturity scales and an overestimation of both spawning stock size and total egg production (TEP) of approximately 20% was found when the macroscopic scales were used in the conventional way to determine maturity ogives. Most accurate ogives are assumed to be derived based on the microscopic scale, but this method can be impractical at sea on routine surveys. Thus, it is proposed to use the special macroscopic scale for Greenland halibut females, but consider both truly immature (stage 1) and early maturing (stage 2) females as non-spawning. This adjustment gives maturity ogives that do not deviate significantly from those based on the microscopic scale, and results in estimates of spawning stock size and TEP that we consider appropriate for stock assessment purposes.
An important component of many studies of fish reproductive biology is the assessment of the stage of gonad development of individual fish. The methods in use vary from highly detailed to cursory, but there are few reviews of their reliability or usefulness. This review examines histology, measurements of oocyte size, staging based on the appearance of whole oocytes, staging based on the external appearance of the ovary, and gonad indices. Histology is the most accurate technique, but it is time- consuming and expensive. Staging based on the appearance of whole oocytes can be a useful alternative but may be inaccurate with oocytes in transitional stages of development. Staging based on the external appearance of the ovary is the simplest and most rapid method, but it may be subjective and its accuracy is uncertain. Oocyte size may be used as a predictor of developmental stage if the size ranges of the various stages are known, but the sizes of different oocyte stages may overlap, which complicates this approach. Oocyte size may be used on its own to measure development but gives little information on the physiological status of the ovaries. Gonad indices (gonad size relative to body size) provide a useful insight into changes in ovary size and complement results obtained using staging methods. However, gonad indices, like oocyte size, may be biased when samples of fish of different body sizes are compared.