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Automated vehicles (AVs) that intelligently interact with drivers must build a trustworthy relationship with them. A calibrated level of trust is fundamental for the AV and the driver to collaborate as a team. Techniques that allow AVs to perceive drivers' trust from drivers' behaviors and react accordingly are, therefore, needed for context-aware systems designed to avoid trust miscalibrations. This letter proposes a framework for the management of drivers' trust in AVs. The framework is based on the identification of trust miscalibrations (when drivers' undertrust or overtrust the AV) and on the activation of different communication styles to encourage or warn the driver when deemed necessary. Our results show that the management framework is effective, increasing (decreasing) trust of undertrusting (overtrusting) drivers, and reducing the average trust miscalibration time periods by approximately 40%. The framework is applicable for the design of SAE Level 3 automated driving systems and has the potential to improve the performance and safety of driver-AV teams.
Context-Adaptive Management of Drivers’ Trust in
Automated Vehicles
Hebert Azevedo-Sa1, Suresh Kumaar Jayaraman2, X. Jessie Yang1, Lionel P. Robert Jr.1and Dawn M. Tilbury2
Abstract—Automated vehicles (AVs) that intelligently interact
with drivers must build a trustworthy relationship with them.
A calibrated level of trust is fundamental for the AV and the
driver to collaborate as a team. Techniques that allow AVs
to perceive drivers’ trust from drivers’ behaviors and react
accordingly are, therefore, needed for context-aware systems
designed to avoid trust miscalibrations. This letter proposes a
framework for the management of drivers’ trust in AVs. The
framework is based on the identification of trust miscalibrations
(when drivers’ undertrust or overtrust the AV) and on the
activation of different communication styles to encourage or warn
the driver when deemed necessary. Our results show that the
management framework is effective, increasing (decreasing) trust
of undertrusting (overtrusting) drivers, and reducing the average
trust miscalibration time periods by approximately 40%. The
framework is applicable for the design of SAE Level 3 automated
driving systems and has the potential to improve the performance
and safety of driver–AV teams.
Index Terms—Intelligent Transportation Systems; Social
Human-Robot Interaction; Human Factors and Human-in-the-
TRUST influences the interactions between people and au-
tomated systems [1]. In this letter, trust is defined as the
attitude that an agent will help achieve an individual’s goals in
a situation characterized by uncertainty and vulnerability [2].
In the future, automated systems will be expected to become
aware of humans’ trusting behaviors and to adapt their own
behaviors, seeking to improve their interaction with humans
[3]. One way to implement those adaptive capabilities is to
develop methods for trust management, which we consider to
be a robot’s ability to estimate and, if needed, to recalibrate a
human’s trust in that robot.
Trust miscalibration is defined as a mismatch between a
human’s trust in an automated system and the capabilities
Manuscript received: May 6, 2020; Revised August 5, 2020; Accepted
September 1, 2020.
This paper was recommended for publication by Editor Youngjin Choi upon
evaluation of the Associate Editor and Reviewers’ comments. This research
project is partially supported by the National Science Foundation, the Brazilian
Army’s Department of Science and Technology, and the Automotive Research
Center (ARC) at the University of Michigan, with funding from government
contract DoD-DoA W56HZV14-2-0001, through the U.S. Army Combat
Capabilities Development Command (CCDC)/Ground Vehicle Systems Center
1H. Azevedo-Sa, X. J. Yang, and L. P. Robert are with the Robotics
Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109 USA. e-mails:
{azevedo, xijyang, lprobert}
2S.K. Jayaraman and D. M. Tilbury are with the Mechanical Engineering
Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109 USA. e-mail:
{jskumaar, tilbury}
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1109/LRA.2020.3025736.
Don't worry about driving,
you can trust me!
Focus on your other task!
Fig. 1. An undertrusting driver is encouraged by the AV system simulator
to focus on his non-driving-related task (NDRT), to increase his trust level.
An analogous situation would take place if the driver overtrusted the AV’s
capabilities, with the system then demanding his attention to the driving task.
of that system [4], [5]. Trust miscalibration is characterized
by overtrusting or undertrusting an automated system, and it
can harm the performances associated with the use of that
system. Overtrusting an automated system can lead to misuse,
where the human user relies on the system to handle tasks that
exceed its capabilities. Undertrusting an automated system can
lead to disuse, where the human fails to fully leverage the
system’s capabilities. Proper trust management can avoid both
misuse and disuse of the automated system by estimating and,
if needed, influencing the human’s trust in the system to avoid
trust miscalibration.
The ability to manage trust and avoid miscalibration is
especially crucial for automated systems that can put people’s
lives at risk, such as automated vehicles (AVs). Either misuse
or disuse of an AV is a risk to the performance and safety
of the team formed by the driver and the AV. Considering
the current technology race in the automotive industry for
AV development [6], AVs that can manage drivers’ trust
are a significant—if not urgent—demand. In the driver–AV
interaction context, the trust management problem consists of
two main challenges: 1) the accurate estimation of trust in
the AV and 2) the recalibration or realigning of the driver’s
trust with the AV’s capabilities. The goal of trust estimation
is to provide accurate real-time estimates of the drivers’
trust in the AV based on behavioral cues. The goal of trust
calibration is to set the driver’s trust to appropriate levels
through a trust influence mechanism, for instance, by adapting
the communication between the AV and the driver.
Previous research has obtained promising results regarding
trust estimation in AVs using drivers’ behaviors and actions
[7]–[9]. The second challenge, however, has not received as
much attention. In fact, we know of no prior research that
has addressed the problem of trust calibration, with the goal
of manipulating trust in AVs to avoid undertrust or overtrust
in real time. This letter presents a framework for managing
trust in AVs, focusing on how to recalibrate drivers’ trust
after a trust miscalibration has been identified. Our framework
integrates a Kalman filter-based trust estimator developed
in previous work [9] and an unprecedented real-time trust
calibrator. We draw inspiration from recent approaches that
have provided valuable insights for the development of trust
estimators [7], [8]. These approaches, however, fall short on
presenting strategies for adapting the behavior of the AV
and manipulating the driver’s trust to, ultimately, improve the
driver–AV team performance through trust calibration.
Our contribution is a rule-based trust calibrator that can be
integrated with previously proposed trust estimators. With this
integration, we introduce the novelty of a trust management
framework. The trust calibrator compares the AV’s capabilities
with the driver’s trust estimates to identify trust miscali-
brations, and modifies the interactive behavior of the AV
accordingly. The AV is the element that directly interacts with
the drivers, providing verbal messages intended to influence
drivers’ trust in the AV. We validated our trust management
framework on a user study with 40 participants, where the
participants operated an AV simulator while simultaneously
performing a non-driving-related task (NDRT) and having
their behavior observed (from which their trust levels were
estimated). Our results show that the proposed framework
was successful in its intent, being able to increase trust levels
when drivers undertrusted the system and to decrease trust
levels when drivers overtrusted the system. With the proposed
trust calibrator, our management framework reduced the time
periods for which trust was miscalibrated by approximately
40%. Consequently, the method introduced in this paper miti-
gates the occurrence of unsafe driving scenarios and generally
improves the driver–AV team performance and safety. Fig. 1
illustrates our study situation, where an undertrusting driver is
exhorted by the AV system to focus on his NDRT (with the
objective to increase his trust level). An analogous situation
would take place if the driver overtrusted the AV’s capabilities,
with the system demanding his attention to the driving task.
This letter’s remaining content is as follows. Section II pro-
vides the theoretical bases for trust management in the driver–
AV interaction context. Section III presents our experimental
methodology. In Section IV, we discuss the results of the
study. Finally, Section V concludes the letter and presents our
suggestions for future work.
A. Related Work: Trust in Automated Systems, Trust Estima-
tion and Trust Calibration
Trust has been long discussed as a factor that mediates the
interaction between humans and automated systems in the field
of supervisory control [4], [5], [10]–[13]. Researchers have es-
tablished formal definitions that evolved from social science’s
original descriptions of trust in interpersonal relationships [14],
[15]. Measuring trust in automated systems is a challenging
task because trust is an abstract concept that depends both on
the context and on the individual trustor. That challenge led to
the establishment of standard scales for measuring trust [13],
[16]. When using these scales, the measurement procedure
relies on users’ self-reports, which have clear practical limi-
tations when researchers are interested in tracking trust levels
for real-time applications. Given these limitations, techniques
for trust estimation that can take advantage of models for trust
dynamics have been investigated [7], [17]–[21].
Trust estimation is the first challenge to be overcome in
a trust management framework. To avoid collecting self-
reports from users, systems have to use advanced percep-
tion techniques to process users’ behaviors and actions. For
instance, eye–tracking has been used for estimating trust
in unmanned aerial vehicle controllers [22]. Specifically for
AVs, researchers have worked with physiological signals (i.e.,
electroencephalography and galvanic skin response) to develop
a classifier-based empirical trust sensor [7]. The privileged
sensing framework (PSF) was applied with that same type
of physiological signals to anticipate and influence humans’
behaviors, with the goal of optimizing changes in control
authority between the human and the automated system [8],
[23]. Classic methods, such as Kalman filtering, have also been
used for trust estimation [9].
Trust calibration is as important as trust estimation and plays
a fundamental role in trust management. In this study, the
objective of trust calibration was to manipulate drivers’ trust
in the AV for aligning trust with the AV’s capabilities (i.e.,
avoiding trust miscalibration). Several studies have identified
factors that significantly impact trust in AVs, and, therefore,
could be used for trust manipulation purposes. The most
important of these factors are situation awareness and risk
perception, which are influenced by the ability of the AV
to interact with the driver. For instance, enhancing drivers’
situation awareness facilitates increased trust in AVs [24],
[25]. On the other hand, increasing drivers’ perception of risk
reduces their trust in AVs [26]–[28]. Our framework takes
advantage of these studies’ results and seeks to influence trust
by varying situation awareness and risk perception through
verbal communications from the AV to the driver.
B. Problem Statement
Considering the context of a driver interacting with an AV
featuring an SAE Level 3 automated driving system (ADS),
we addressed two main problems. First, we aimed to identify
instances for which drivers’ trust in the AV is miscalibrated,
i.e., when the driver is undertrusting or overtrusting the AV.
Second, we focused on manipulating drivers’ trust in the AV
to achieve calibrated levels, i.e., trust levels that match the
AV’s capabilities [2]. In other words, our goal was to increase
or decrease drivers’ trust in the AV whenever drivers were
undertrusting or overtrusting the AV, respectively.
In SAE Level 3 ADSs, drivers are required to take back
control when the system requests intervention or when it fails
[29]. We assume that the AV features automated lane keeping,
Straight portion - High Capability
Curvy portion - Medium Capability
Dirt portion - Low Capability
Obstacles in the Regular direction
Regular direction trials start point
Regular direction trials end point
Reverse direction trials start point
Reverse direction trials end point
Obstacles in the Reverse direction
Fig. 2. Circuit track used in this study. The portions of the road correspond
to the capability of the AV. In the regular direction, drivers start at point A,
follow the “straight” path in the clockwise direction, cover the curvy path and
finish the trial at point B, right after passing through the dirt road portion.
In the reverse direction, drivers start at point C, follow the curvy path in
counterclockwise direction, cover the straight path, continue to the curvy path
(until the dirt portion), pass through the dirt portion, and finish the trial at
point D. Both directions have 12 events (encounters with obstacles), and it
took drivers approximately 10 to 12 minutes to complete a trial.
cruise control and forward collision alarm functions that can
be activated (all at once) and deactivated at any time by the
driver. The AV can also identify different road difficulty levels
and process drivers’ behavioral signals to estimate their trust
in the AV.
C. Solution Approach
We implemented a scenario to represent the problem context
described in Subsection II-B with an AV simulator. We estab-
lished simulations where drivers took trials in a predefined
circuit track. The circuit track was divided into distinct parts,
having three predefined risk levels, corresponding to the diffi-
culty associated with each part of the circuit track. The easy
parts of the circuit track consisted of predominantly straight
roads; the intermediate difficulty parts were curvy paved roads;
and the difficult parts were curvy dirt roads. Within these trials,
drivers encountered abandoned vehicles on the road, which
represented obstacles that the AV was not able to maneuver
around by itself (using its automated driving functions). At
that point, drivers had to take over control, pass the obstacle
and then engage the autonomous driving mode again. Fig. 2
shows the circuit implemented in the simulation environment.
We needed to compare drivers’ trust levels and the AV’s
capability levels to identify trust miscalibrations. Therefore,
we defined three capability levels for the AV, corresponding
to the difficulty of the circuit track parts. The AV’s forward
collision alarm was able to identify the obstacles and also to
trigger an emergency brake if the driver did not take control in
time to maneuver around the obstacles. These two actions were
activated at different distances to the obstacles, represented
by the two circular regions represented in Fig. 3. On straight
paved roads these distances were larger, representing the
longer perception ranges of the AV sensors. On more difficult
parts of the circuit (i.e., curvy or dirt), however, the curves and
Emergency Brake
Fig. 3. Concentric circles represent the distances for which the warning mes-
sage “Stopped vehicle ahead!” was provided to the driver, and the emergency
brake was triggered. The distances varied according to the difficulty of the
road. If the emergency brake was triggered, the drivers were penalized on
their NDRT score.
the irregular terrain reduced that perception range, implying
shorter distances. The AV was able to identify the obstacle,
warn the driver and eventually brake at a fair distance from
the obstacle when it was operated on straight roads. This
condition corresponded to the AV’s high capability. On curvy
and dirt roads, the AV was not able to anticipate the obstacles
at a reasonable distance, giving drivers less time to react
and avoid triggering the emergency brake. These conditions
corresponded to the AV’s medium and low capabilities.
In the scenario, drivers also had to simultaneously perform
a visually demanding NDRT, consisting of a visual search
on a separate touchscreen device that exchanged information
with the AV. They performed the NDRT only when the self-
driving capabilities were engaged. The behavioral measures
taken from the drivers were their focus on the NDRT (from
an eye tracker); their ADS usage rate; and their NDRT perfor-
mance, measured by the number of correctly performed visual
searches per second. Drivers were penalized if the emergency
brake was triggered, which gave them a sense of costs and
risks of neglecting the AV operation. Specific details about
the tasks are given in Section III-C.
The block diagram in Fig. 4 presents our proposed trust
management framework, composed of two main blocks: the
trust estimator and the trust calibrator. The AV block represents
elements of the vehicle, such as the sensors to monitor the
environment and the ability to output verbal messages to
interact with the driver. We present the definitions and the
notation used in this letter in Table I.
D. Trust Estimator
Fig. 4 illustrates the trust estimator block, with the AV’s
alarms and the observation variables ϕk,υkand πkas inputs,
and a numerical estimate of drivers’ trust in the AV as the
output Tk. The observation variables capture the drivers’
behavior, which is affected by drivers’ trust in the AV. This
trust estimator is a simplified version of what is presented
in [9], and was chosen because of its simple implementation
and proven ability to track drivers’ trust. Alternative trust esti-
mators could be integrated to the proposed trust management
AV's Capability
Fig. 4. Block diagram that represents the trust management framework. The trust estimator block provides a trust estimate Tkto the trust calibrator, which
compares it to the capabilities of the AV during operation. The calibrator then defines the communication style that the AV should adopt, and the AV provides
the corresponding verbal messages to the driver. Lkrepresents an alarm provided by the ADS when an obstacle on the road is identified. The observation
variables ϕk,υkand πkrepresent drivers’ behaviors, from which drivers’ “real” trust (considered a latent variable) is estimated. A delay of one event is
represented by the z1block.
notation Characterization
[t0, tf]R+
Trials occur when drivers operate the
vehicle on a predefined route, and are
characterized by their corresponding time intervals.
kN\ {0}
Events occur each time the ADS warns the
driver about an obstacle on the road at tk,
t0< tk< tf.
Lk {0,1}
Boolean variable that is set when the AV
correctly identifies an obstacle and warns
the driver at the event k. It is reset after
the driver passes the obstacle
Drivers’ focus on the NDRT, the ratio
of time the driver spends looking at
the NDRT screen during [tk, tk+1).
Drivers’ ADS usage, the ratio of time
the driver spends using the AV’s
self-driving capabilities during [tk, tk+1).
Drivers’ NDRT performance, the number of points
obtained on the NDRT during [tk, tk+1),
divided by tk=tk+1 tk.
Trust in the AV,
Drivers’ estimated trust in the AV. It is assigned
to the interval [tk, tk+1), computed from ϕk,
υk,πkand is associated with the covariance ΣT.
framework if the inputs they require can be captured in real-
time. Differently from [9], we considered that the alarms Lk
were always reliable (true alarms), and could not be false
alarms or misses. For the sake of completeness, we briefly
describe the trust dynamics model used in this study.
The discrete LTI state-space model for trust dynamics has
the form (1),
Tk+1 =ATk+BLk+uk,(1a)
Tk+1, the trust estimate at the event k+ 1, depends on
Tk, the alarm Lk, and the process noise uk. The observation
variables depend on the estimated trust and output noise wk.
A=1.0;B=0.40;C= 103×7.0 4.2 9.2>;uk
N(0,0.252); and wk N (0,diag(σ2
ϕ, σ2
υ, σ2
π)), with σϕ=
1.8×104,συ= 7.0×105and σπ= 5.7×102. (Please see
Table I for variables’ definitions.) The parameters for (1) are
found by fitting linear models [30] using a previously obtained
data set. The state-space structure permits the application of
Kalman filter-based techniques for the estimator design. The
trust estimator is initialized with
where ϕ0,υ0and π0measured over the interval [t0, t1)and
c1,c2,c3are the entries of C.
E. Trust Calibration
The trust calibrator block represented in Fig. 4 was intended
to affect drivers’ situation awareness (or risk perception) by
changing the communication style of the AV, with the goal
of influencing drivers’ trust in the AV [31]. At every event
k, the AV interacted with the driver through verbal messages
corresponding to the communication style defined in the trust
calibrator block. The AV can encourage the driver to focus on
the NDRT, moderately warn the driver about the difficulties of
the road ahead, or harshly warn the driver, literally demanding
driver’s attention. Table II presents the messages the AV
provided to the driver in four different communication styles.
To identify trust miscalibrations, the trust calibrator com-
pares the trust estimates with the capability of the AV. Lee
and See [2] considered both trust in the automated system and
the capabilities of the system as continua that must be compa-
rable within each other. We assumed that the AV’s capability
corresponds to the three difficulty levels of the road where the
AV is operated. We divided the interval [0,100], for which
drivers’ trust in the AV was defined, into three sub-intervals:
[0,25) corresponding to low trust, [25,75) corresponding to
medium trust and [75,100] corresponding to high trust. The
uneven distribution of the sub-interval lengths was chosen to
mitigate the uncertainty involved in trust estimation. We fit a
wider range of values in the medium level, and considered as
“low trust” or “high trust” only the estimates that were closer
to 0or 100, respectively. The quantization of both the driver’s
AV Communication Message
Encouraging “Hey, this is an easy road.
You don’t need to worry about driving.
I will take care of it while you focus
on finding the Qs.”
Silent [No message]
Warning “Hey, this part of the road is not
(moderate) very easy. You can still find the Qs, but
please pay more attention to the road.”
Warning “Look, I told you! I do need your
(harsh) attention. I can feel the road is terrible.
I don’t know if I can keep us totally safe!”
trust in the AV and the AV’s capability in three levels facilitates
the real-time comparison of these metrics. Moreover, it permits
the definition of a finite set of rules for the trust miscalibration
issues. Depending on the application context, alternative quan-
tizations or AV capabilities distributions can be implemented
without significant changes to the trust calibrator’s framework.
A trust miscalibration is identified whenever there is a
mismatch between the AV’s capabilities and the driver’s level
of trust in the AV. The communication style of the AV is then
selected after the trust miscalibration is identified. At every
event, this comparison results in the identification of one of
four distinct driver trust states: undertrusting the AV (Under);
having an appropriate level of trust in the AV (Calibrated);
overtrusting the AV (Over); or extremely overtrusting the AV
(X-over). Fig. 5 shows the rule set and the correspondence
with the resultant communication styles of the AV. Note that
the establishment of three levels for trust and AV capability is
able to cover the occurrence of both undertrust and overtrust,
and also allows the identification of extreme overtrust. Extreme
overtrust occurs when a driver has a high level of trust in
the AV while the AV’s capability is low, which is likely to
be crucial for driver safety. Therefore, we consider extreme
overtrust a trust miscalibration issue that should be seriously
A total of 40 participants (µAGE = 31;σAGE = 14
years) were recruited to take part in the study. From these, 18
were female, 21 male and 1preferred not to specify gender.
We used emails and specialized advertising on a web portal
for behavioral and health studies recruitment. All regulatory
ethical concerns were taken, and the study was approved by
the University of Michigan’s Institutional Review Board.
A. Procedure
Participants signed a consent form and filled out a pre-
experiment survey as soon as they arrived at the experiment
location. Next, the functions of the AV and the experiment
dynamics were explained, and a training drive allowed partic-
ipants to get familiar with both the AV simulator controls and
Medium HighLow
MediumHigh Low
Under - Undertrusting
Over - Overtrusting
X-over - Extremely
Fig. 5. Rule set for the trust calibrator. The driver’s trust state and the
communication style are defined when the AV compares its capability and
the driver’s trust level. E.g.: when trust is lower than the AV’s capabilities
(light blue cells), the driver is undertrusting the AV, and the encouraging
communication style is selected.
the NDRT. Participants put the eye-tracker device on and, after
it was calibrated, started their first trial on the AV simulator.
After the trial, they filled out a post-trial survey. Next, they
had their second trial and filled out the post trial survey for
the second time. Each experiment took approximately 1 h,
and the participants were compensated for taking part in the
study. The compensation varied accordingly to their highest
total number of points obtained in the NDRT, considering both
of their trials. Minimum compensation was of $15, and the
participants were able to achieve $20, $30 or $50 in total with
a performance cash bonus.
B. Conditions Randomization
All participants experienced one trial with the trust cali-
brator and one trial without the trust calibrator. To avoid the
participants driving in exactly the same conditions in both
of their trials, we varied the direction of the driving on the
circuit track. Participants drove in clockwise direction (i.e.,
regular direction) and counterclockwise direction (i.e., reverse
direction), as mentioned in Fig. 2. The “trust calibrator use”
דdrive direction” conditions were randomly assigned, de-
pending on the participant’s sequential identification number.
C. Tasks and Apparatus
The driving task was implemented with AirSim over Unreal
Engine [32]. The visual search NDRT consisted of finding “Q”
characters among a field of “O” characters. Participants’ score
increased by 1point every time they correctly selected the
targets on the screen, and they lost 20 points each time the
emergency brake was activated. The NDRT was implemented
with PEBL [33]. Source codes for both tasks are available at
The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. The simulator
was composed of three screens integrated with a Logitech G-
27 driving console, another touch screen for the NDRT and a
Pupil Lab’s Mobile eye-tracker headset.
Trust State / Communication Style Parameter Estimate Standard Error (S.E.) Student’s t p-value Lower Bound Upper Bound
Calibrated / Silentβ01.7 1.8 0.92 0.36 -1.9 5.3
Under / Encouraging β1+15.4 3.3 4.7 3.3×1069.0 21.8
Over / Warning (moderate) β2-9.0 2.8 -3.2 1.7×103-14.6 -3.4
X-over / Warning (harsh) β3-22.9 5.1 -4.5 9.9×106-33.0 -12.8
Obs.: Model intercept reference; Significant parameter estimates (p < 0.01) in bold font. A random intercept is assigned to each
participant in the data set.
We analyzed the impacts of using the trust calibrator’s
adaptive communication with different communication styles
on drivers’ trust in the AV (i.e., real-time estimated trust
Tk). For this, we analyzed the differences in drivers’ trust
estimates between consecutive events, after they had heard the
messages from the AV. Drivers’ trust differences are given by
T=TkTk1, i.e., the difference between trust estimates
after and before the event k.Twas specifically computed
for the analysis, and indicates how participants’ trust estimates
changed after they were encouraged or warned by the AV at the
event k(i.e., after the AV interacted with the drivers adopting
the communication style corresponding to drivers’ trust states
at the event k).
Drivers showed significant positive or negative differences
in their trust estimates after the AV encouraged or warned
them. Table III and Fig. 6 present the results obtained with a
linear mixed-effects model for T. Linear mixed-effects mod-
els are regression models that include both fixed and random
effects of independent variables on a dependent variable. Fixed
effects represent the influence of the independent variables or
treatments of primary interest (in this case, the communication
styles) on the dependent variable (i.e., trust difference T).
Random effects represent differences that are not explained
by the factors of primary interest but are rather related to
hierarchical organizations present in the sample population
(e.g., groups of data collected from the same participant) [30].
For instance, in this analysis, a random intercept for each
participant in the experiment was added to the Tlinear
mixed-effects model. In summary, we sought the βparameters
that best fit the model
where x1= 1 when the communication style was “Encourag-
ing” and x1= 0 otherwise; x2= 1 when the communication
style was “Warning (moderate)” and x2= 0 otherwise; and
x3= 1 when the communication style was “Warning (harsh)”
and x3= 0 otherwise. The random effect phad mean
µ= 0 and standard deviation σ= 25.3, and represented each
participant’s characteristic intercept and the irreducible error
of the model. Table III shows that all βparameter estimates
corresponding to the non-silent communication styles were
significant (p < 0.01).
In general, the reaction of the drivers to the AV messages
followed an expected trend. The lack of messages did not
significantly change driver’s behaviors when their trust in
Under Calibrated Over X- over
Fig. 6. Distributions of drivers’ trust in the AV differences (T), for
the different driver trust states. Overtrusting drivers received the warning
communication styles and responded with negative differences. Undertrusting
drivers received the encouraging communication styles and responded with
positive differences. Drivers with calibrated trust had relatively small positive
differences on average. The average values were obtained from the parameter
estimates in Table III.
the AV was calibrated: the average difference—considered
the reference intercept for the linear mixed-effects model—
was 1.7units, but the p-value of 0.36 indicates that it was
not significantly different from 0. The encouraging messages
helped drivers to increase their trust in the AV: as shown
in Table III, the average increase was 1.7 + 15.4 = 17.1
units for undertrusting drivers. The warning messages had the
effect of decreasing their trust in the AV: trust estimates of
overtrusting drivers varied by 1.79.0 = 7.3units, and
for extremely overtrusting drivers, trust estimates varied by
1.722.9 = 21.2units. Fig. 7 exemplifies the time trace
for a participant’s trust estimates during a trial, indicating the
messages provided by the AV and the regions for which trust
would be considered calibrated.
The use of the calibrator reduced trust miscalibrations for
29 (out of 40) participants. We computed trust miscalibration
time ratios, representing the amount of time drivers’ trust
state was different from “Calibrated”, relative to the total
time of each trial. For the computation, we removed the
intervals right after a change in AV’s capabilities, where
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Trust Estimate
Trust Estimator
AV Capability
AV Communication style /
Warning (harsh)
Warning (moderate)
Fig. 7. Time trace for a driver’s trust estimates Tk, which is assigned to
the interval [tk, tk+1)after being computed from ϕk,υkand πk. After two
encouraging messages when the driver undertrusted the AV, Tkincreased.
After a warning message when the driver overtrusted the AV, Tkdecreased.
While driver’s trust was calibrated, the calibrator refrained from providing
messages to the driver.
miscalibrations were intentionally caused. For all participants,
the average trust miscalibration time ratio was 70% in trials
for which the calibrator was not used. This ratio was reduced
to 43.7% when the calibrator was used. Considering only
the 29 participants that had their miscalibration time ratios
reduced (when using the trust calibrator), these ratios were
82% and 42%, respectively. For the remaining 11 participants,
the reasons for their lack of decreased trust miscalibration
are unknown, although we believe these reasons could be
related to the limitations imposed by the short duration of
the experiment.
These results support the effectiveness of our trust man-
agement framework or, more specifically, our trust calibrator,
which is the main intended contribution of this letter. When
undertrusting drivers increase their trust in the AV, their trust
state is likely to approach the condition of trust calibration.
Equivalently, when overtrusting drivers decrease their trust in
the AV, they are more likely to reach trust calibration. The
increase of trust for undertrusting drivers means that after the
communication from the AV, drivers were able to use the self-
driving capabilities more confidently, which was reflected by
the increases of their related observation variables. Likewise,
the framework was able to reduce drivers’ trust levels if they
presented overtrusting behaviors, when the driving context
was not favorable to the AV’s autonomous operation. The AV
communication demanding drivers’ attention to the driving
task was effective, tending to adjust (i.e., decrease) drivers’
behaviors when they overtrusted the AV.
The proposed real-time trust calibration method was in-
spired by the relationships among situation awareness, risk
perception and trust. Previous works reported on the effec-
tiveness of situation awareness and perceived risk to impact
drivers’ trust in AVs [25]–[28]. We applied different commu-
nications styles and messages in an attempt to vary drivers’
situation awareness and risk perception in real time. In conse-
quence, we deliberately induced equivalent real-time changes
in trust, supporting the drivers to avoid trust miscalibrations
by reducing the difference between their trust estimates and
the AV’s capability references. The main applicability of the
proposed trust management framework is to enable AVs to per-
ceive drivers’ trusting behaviors and react to them accordingly.
Smart ADSs featuring this capability would likely enhance
the collaboration between the driver and the AV because it
permits the adaptation of attentional resources according to
the operational environment and situation.
Our method can be considered a complement to [7] and
[22]. The work in [22] supported our insights for the use of
eye-tracking-based techniques for real-time trust estimation. In
comparison to [7], we used different methods and behavioral
variables for trust estimation and extended their ideas to
include the trust calibrator and propose our trust management
The limitations of the framework are mostly related to
the uncertainty involved in influencing drivers’ trust with
different messages, which might not be very effective for some
drivers. These drivers might need several interactions to be
persuaded by the AV. An example is illustrated in Fig. 7,
where the driver was encouraged to trust the AV twice before
the increase in T=T3T2was registered. The spreads
of the box plots represented in Fig. 6 suggest that, in less
frequent cases, drivers could present an unexpected behavior,
not complying with AV’s encouraging or warning messages.
The lack of a process for customizing the parameters of our
framework contributes to this uncertainty. Relying on average
model parameters in the trust estimation block can reduce
the accuracy of the estimates because the parameters of each
driver can be very different from the averages. Therefore, the
trust estimation algorithm (and consequently, the management
framework) might work more efficiently if adapted to each
individual driver. Another limitation is that the capability of
the AV was defined by the circuit track difficulty levels only.
Other factors can affect AV capability and could be considered,
such as those related to vehicular subsystems or to the weather.
This letter proposed a framework for managing drivers’
trust in AVs in order to avoid trust miscalibration issues. This
framework relies on observing drivers’ behaviors to estimate
their trust levels, comparing it to capabilities of the AVs, and
activating different communication styles to encourage under-
trusting drivers and warn overtrusting drivers. Our proposed
framework has shown to be effective in inducing positive or
negative changes on drivers’ trust in the AV and, consequently,
mitigating trust miscalibration.
Future works could focus on addressing the limitations
of our framework. An individualized system identification
scheme, able to capture drivers’ behavioral parameters for
the dynamic model used in the trust estimator, could be
included in the trust estimator algorithm. The individualization
of model parameters might increase the effectiveness of the
method, enabling more accurate trust estimates and faster trust
calibrations. Additionally, as we have assumed that the AV can
sense the environment and recognize its own capabilities ac-
cordingly, future efforts to develop this capabilities assessment
could complete our framework.
The proposed trust management framework is applicable
to intelligent driving automation systems, providing them the
ability to perceive and react to drivers’ trusting behaviors,
improving their interaction with the AVs, and maximizing their
safety and their performance in tasks other than driving.
We greatly appreciate the guidance of Victor Paul (U.S.
Army CCDC/GVSC) on the study design, and thank Kevin
Mallires for programming the AV simulation scripts.
release; distribution unlimited.
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... Despite the foundational importance, studies of trust-aware sequential decision-making remain largely unexplored. Only recently have researchers begun to empirically incorporate trust into algorithm design (Moyano et al., 2014;Azevedo-Sa et al., 2020;Xu and Dudek, 2016;Chen et al., 2018;Akash et al., 2019). However, the theoretical understanding of trust-aware sequential decision-making still remains an open area of research. ...
... Trust-aware decision-making. Trust-aware decision-making is largely driven by human-robot interaction, where trust between humans and autonomous systems presents as a fundamental factor in realizing their full potential (Azevedo-Sa et al., 2020;Xu and Dudek, 2016;Chen et al., 2018;Akash et al., 2019;Bhat et al., 2022). Research on trust-aware decision-making can be broadly divided into reactive and proactive approaches. ...
... Research on trust-aware decision-making can be broadly divided into reactive and proactive approaches. The reactive approach employs a predetermined scheme that specifies the policy-maker's behaviors when the human's trust falls outside an optimal range (Azevedo-Sa et al., 2020;Xu and Dudek, 2016). The formulation considered in the current paper belongs to the proactive approach, which integrates human trust into the design of decision-making algorithms. ...
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Multi-armed bandit (MAB) algorithms have achieved significant success in sequential decision-making applications, under the premise that humans perfectly implement the recommended policy. However, existing methods often overlook the crucial factor of human trust in learning algorithms. When trust is lacking, humans may deviate from the recommended policy, leading to undesired learning performance. Motivated by this gap, we study the trust-aware MAB problem by integrating a dynamic trust model into the standard MAB framework. Specifically, it assumes that the recommended and actually implemented policy differs depending on human trust, which in turn evolves with the quality of the recommended policy. We establish the minimax regret in the presence of the trust issue and demonstrate the suboptimality of vanilla MAB algorithms such as the upper confidence bound (UCB) algorithm. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a novel two-stage trust-aware procedure that provably attains near-optimal statistical guarantees. A simulation study is conducted to illustrate the benefits of our proposed algorithm when dealing with the trust issue.
... Yet, there are at least three reasons to suggest that such alignment could be beneficial. First, prior research has illustrated that agent adaptation to humans can enhance performance [4,26]. Second, agent adaptation could be viewed as the agent being responsive to the human and may, in turn, increase human trust in the agent and enhance team performance [25]. ...
... With semi-autonomous vehicles (AVs), secondary or non-driving related tasks (NDRTs) can be sufficiently engaging to distract or require dedicated attention away from the primary task of driving. Several NDRTs have been used in human-AV experiments, including watching a video [9,15,17], playing a tablet game [6,16], playing a mobile phone game [13,17], entering meaningless digits on a navigator screen [9], transcription [22,24,25], calendar entry [22], reading [18], verbally speaking [17,24,25], searching for the letter 'Q' in a field of 'O's [3][4][5], the standardized visual Surrogate Reference Task (SuRT) [7,8,19], the standardized cognitive n-back Task [19], and a twenty questions task [14] among others. In the military, incorporating semi-AVs into human teams has the potential to decrease risks to human soldiers and enhance overall team capabilities [26]. ...
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The human-robot interaction (HRI) community is interested in a range of research questions, many of which are investigated through user experiments. Robots that occasionally require human input allow for humans to engage in secondary tasks. However, few secondary tasks transmit data in real-time and are openly available, which hinders interaction with the primary task and limits the ability of the community to build upon others' research. Also, the need for a secondary task relevant to the military was identified by subject matter experts. To address these concerns, this paper presents the spot report task as an open-source secondary task with real-time communication for use in HRI experiments. The spot report task requires counting target objects in static images. This paper includes details of the spot report task and real-time communication with a primary task. We developed the spot report task considering the military domain, but the software architecture is domain-independent. We hope others can leverage the spot report task in their own user experiments. The software files are available at
... Yet there are two reasons to suggest that such adaptation could be beneficial for trust. First, research has shown that agent adaptation to humans can enhance performance in a HAT context (Chiou and Lee 2023;Azevedo-Sa et al. 2020). Second, agent adaptation could be viewed as the agent being responsive to the human and may, in turn, increase human trust of the agent (Li et al. 2021). ...
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We present the effect of adapting to human preferences on trust in a human-robot teaming task. The team performs a task in which the robot acts as an action recommender to the human. It is assumed that the behavior of the human and the robot is based on some reward function they try to optimize. We use a new human trust-behavior model that enables the robot to learn and adapt to the human's preferences in real-time during their interaction using Bayesian Inverse Reinforcement Learning. We present three strategies for the robot to interact with a human: a non-learner strategy, in which the robot assumes that the human's reward function is the same as the robot's, a non-adaptive learner strategy that learns the human's reward function for performance estimation, but still optimizes its own reward function, and an adaptive-learner strategy that learns the human's reward function for performance estimation and also optimizes this learned reward function. Results show that adapting to the human's reward function results in the highest trust in the robot.
With the advent of AI technologies, humans and robots are increasingly teaming up to perform collaborative tasks. To enable smooth and effective collaboration, the topic of value alignment (operationalized herein as the degree of dynamic goal alignment within a task) between the robot and the human is gaining increasing research attention. Prior literature on value alignment makes an inherent assumption that aligning the values of the robot with that of the human benefits the team. This assumption, however, has not been empirically verified. Moreover, prior literature does not account for human’s trust in the robot when analyzing human-robot value alignment. Thus, a research gap needs to be bridged by answering two questions: How does alignment of values affect trust? Is it always beneficial to align the robot’s values with that of the human? We present a simulation study and a human-subject study to answer these questions. Results from the simulation study show that alignment of values is important for trust when the overall risk level of the task is high. We also present an adaptive strategy for the robot that uses Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) to match the values of the robot with those of the human during interaction. Our simulations suggest that such an adaptive strategy is able to maintain trust across the full spectrum of human values. We also present results from an empirical study that validate these findings from simulation. Results indicate that real-time personalized value alignment is beneficial to trust and perceived performance by the human when the robot does not have a good prior on the human’s values.
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Trust is essential in human-robot collaboration. Even more so in multi-human multi-robot teams where trust is vital to ensure teaming cohesion in complex operational environments. Yet, at the moment, trust is rarely considered a factor during task allocation and reallocation in algorithms used in multi-human, multi-robot collaboration contexts. Prior work on trust in single-human-robot interaction has identified that including trust as a parameter in human-robot interaction significantly improves both performance outcomes and human experience with robotic systems. However, very little research has explored the impact of trust in multi-human multi-robot collaboration, specifically in the context of task allocation. In this paper, we introduce a new trust model, the Expectation Comparison Trust (ECT) model, and employ it with three trust models from prior work and a baseline no-trust model to investigate the impact of trust on task allocation outcomes in multi-human multi-robot collaboration. Our experiment involved different team configurations, including 2 humans, 2 robots, 5 humans, 5 robots, and 10 humans, 10 robots. Results showed that using trust-based models generally led to better task allocation outcomes in larger teams (10 humans and 10 robots) than in smaller teams. We discuss the implications of our findings and provide recommendations for future work on integrating trust as a variable for task allocation in multi-human, multi-robot collaboration.
Appropriate Trust in Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems has rapidly become an important area of focus for both researchers and practitioners. Various approaches have been used to achieve it, such as confidence scores, explanations, trustworthiness cues, or uncertainty communication. However, a comprehensive understanding of the field is lacking due to the diversity of perspectives arising from various backgrounds that influence it and the lack of a single definition for appropriate trust. To investigate this topic, this paper presents a systematic review to identify current practices in building appropriate trust, different ways to measure it, types of tasks used, and potential challenges associated with it. We also propose a Belief, Intentions, and Actions (BIA) mapping to study commonalities and differences in the concepts related to appropriate trust by (a) describing the existing disagreements on defining appropriate trust, and (b) providing an overview of the concepts and definitions related to appropriate trust in AI from the existing literature. Finally, the challenges identified in studying appropriate trust are discussed, and observations are summarized as current trends, potential gaps, and research opportunities for future work. Overall, the paper provides insights into the complex concept of appropriate trust in human-AI interaction and presents research opportunities to advance our understanding on this topic.
In the realm of semi-autonomous mobile robots designed for remote operation with humans, current variable autonomy approaches struggle to reconcile conflicting intents while ensuring compliance, autonomy, and safety. To address this challenge, we propose a bidirectional trust-based variable autonomy (BTVA) control approach. By incorporating diverse trust factors and leveraging Kalman filtering techniques, we establish a core abstraction layer to construct the state-space model of bidirectional computational trust. This bidirectional trust is integrated into the variable autonomy control loop. Real-time modulation of the degree of automation is achieved through variable weight receding horizon optimization. Through a within-group experimental study with twenty participants in a semi-autonomous navigation task, we validate the effectiveness of our method in goal transfer and assisted teleoperation. Statistical analysis reveals that our method achieves a balance between rapid response and trajectory smoothness. Compared with binary control switching, this method reduces operator workload by 14.3% and enhances system usability by 9.9%.
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Although autonomy has the potential to help military drivers travel safely while performing other tasks, many drivers refuse to rely on the technology. Military drivers sometimes fail to leverage a vehicle’s autonomy because of a lack of trust. To address this issue, the current study examines whether augmenting the driver’s situational awareness will promote their trust in the autonomy. Results of this study are expected to provide new insights into promoting trust and acceptance of autonomy in military settings.
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Trust miscalibration issues, represented by undertrust and overtrust, hinder the interaction between drivers and self-driving vehicles. A modern challenge for automotive engineers is to avoid these trust miscalibration issues through the development of techniques for measuring drivers' trust in the automated driving system during real-time applications execution. One possible approach for measuring trust is through modeling its dynamics and subsequently applying classical state estimation methods. This paper proposes a in automated driving systems and also for estimating these varying trust levels. The estimation method integrates sensed behaviors (from the driver) through a Kalman filter-based approach. The sensed behaviors include eye-tracking signals, the usage time of the system, and drivers' performance on a non-driving-related task (NDRT). We conducted a study (n = 80) with a simulated SAE level 3 automated driving system, and analyzed the factors that impacted drivers' trust in the system. Data from the user study were also used for the identification of the trust model parameters. Results show that the proposed approach was successful in computing trust estimates over successive interactions between the driver and the automated driving system. These results encourage the use of strategies for modeling and estimating trust in automated driving systems. Such trust measurement technique paves a path for the design of trust-aware automated driving systems capable of changing their behaviors to control drivers' trust levels to mitigate both undertrust and overtrust.
Conference Paper
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Trust in automated driving systems is crucial for effective driver-(semi)autonomous vehicles interaction. Drivers that do not trust the system appropriately are not able to leverage its benefits. This study presents a mixed design user experiment where participants conducted a non-driving task while traveling in a simulated semi-autonomous vehicle with forward collision alarm and emergency braking functions. Occasionally, the system missed obstacles or provided false alarms. We varied these system error types as well as road shapes, and measured the effects of these variations on trust development. Results reveal that misses are more harmful to trust development than false alarms, and that these effects are strengthened by operation on risky roads. Our findings provide additional insight into the development of trust in automated driving systems, and are useful for the design of such technologies.
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Driver assistance systems, also called automated driving systems, allow drivers to immerse themselves in non-driving-related tasks. Unfortunately, drivers may not trust the automated driving system, which prevents either handing over the driving task or fully focusing on the secondary task. We assert that enhancing situational awareness can increase trust in automation. Situational awareness should increase trust and lead to better secondary task performance. This study manipulated situational awareness by providing them with different types of information: the control condition provided no information to the driver, the low condition provided a status update, while the high condition provided a status update and a suggested course of action. Data collected included measures of trust, trusting behavior, and task performance through surveys, eye-tracking, and heart rate data. Results show that situational awareness both promoted and moderated the impact of trust in the automated vehicle, leading to better secondary task performance. This result was evident in measures of self-reported trust and trusting behavior.
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Driver assistance systems, also called automated driving systems, allow drivers to immerse themselves in non-driving-related tasks. Unfortunately, drivers may not trust the automated driving system, which prevents either handing over the driving task or fully focusing on the secondary task. We assert that enhancing situational awareness can increase a driver's trust in automation. Situational awareness should increase a driver's trust and lead to better secondary task performance. This study manipulated driversʼ situational awareness by providing them with different types of information: the control condition provided no information to the driver, the low condition provided a status update, while the high condition provided a status update and a suggested course of action. Data collected included measures of trust, trusting behavior, and task performance through surveys, eye-tracking, and heart rate data. Results show that situational awareness both promoted and moderated the impact of trust in the automated vehicle, leading to better secondary task performance. This result was evident in measures of self-reported trust and trusting behavior.
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We propose a trust and self-confidence based autonomy allocation strategy to automatically choose between manual and autonomous control of (semi)autonomous mobile robots in guidance and navigation tasks. We utilize a performance-centric, computational trust and self-confidence model and automated autonomy allocation strategy, developed in our earlier work [21], based on objective and unbiased performance measures for the human and the robot. A set of robot simulations with a human-in-the-loop is conducted for a teleoperated Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) tracking task. The results demonstrate that our allocation strategy can capture human autonomy allocation pattern with an accuracy of 64.05%. We also show that the strategy can improve the overall robot performance by 11.76% and reduce operator's workload by 10.07% compared to a manual allocation. Moreover, compared to a performance maximization strategy, our strategy is 23.42% more likely to be accepted and generally preferred and trusted by the participants. Furthermore, we design a decision pattern correction algorithm based on nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) to help a human operator gradually adapt to a modified allocation pattern for improved overall performance.
Autonomous driving systems (ADS) in autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles have the potential to improve driving safety and enable drivers to perform non-driving tasks concurrently. Drivers sometimes fail to fully leverage a vehicle’s autonomy because of a lack of trust. To address this issue, the present study examined the influence of risk on drivers’ trust. Subject tests were conducted to evaluate the effects of combined internal and external risk, where participants drove a simulated semi-autonomous vehicle and completed a secondary task at the same time. Results of this study are expected to provide new insights into promoting trust and acceptance of autonomy in both military and civilian settings.
Trust miscalibration, a mismatch between a person's trust in automation and the system's actual reliability, can lead to either misuse or disuse of automation. Existing techniques to measure trust (e.g., subjective ratings) tend to be discrete and/or disruptive. To better understand and support the process of trust calibration, a nonintrusive continuous measure of trust is needed. The present study investigated whether eye tracking can serve this purpose. In the context of an unmanned aerial vehicle simulation, participants monitored six video feeds to detect predefined targets with the assistance of onboard automation. Automation reliability (95% versus 50% reliable) and priming (reliability information provided or not) were manipulated. Eye movement data, subjective trust ratings, and performance data were collected. The eye tracking data show that people visit more frequently and spend more time on low reliable automation. Priming information could also affect the participants’ trust level and trigger different types of searching behavior, as reflected in eye tracking data such as mean saccade amplitude. In summary, these findings confirm that eye tracking is a very promising tool for inferring trust and supporting future research into trust calibration.
Conference Paper
title>ABSTRACT Semi-autonomous vehicles are intended to give drivers multitasking flexibility and to improve driving safety. Yet, drivers have to trust the vehicle’s autonomy to fully leverage the vehicle’s capability. Prior research on driver’s trust in a vehicle’s autonomy has normally assumed that the autonomy was without error. Unfortunately, this may be at times an unrealistic assumption. To address this shortcoming, we seek to examine the impacts of automation errors on the relationship between drivers’ trust in automation and their performance on a non-driving secondary task. More specifically, we plan to investigate false alarms and misses in both low and high risk conditions. To accomplish this, we plan to utilize a 2 (risk conditions) × 4 (alarm conditions) mixed design. The findings of this study are intended to inform Autonomous Driving Systems (ADS) designers by permitting them to appropriately tune the sensitivity of alert systems by understanding the impacts of error type and varying risk conditions. Citation: H. Zhao, H. Azevedo-Sa, C. Esterwood, X. J. Yang, L. Robert, D. Tilbury, “Error Type, Risk, Performance, and Trust: Investigating the Different Impacts of false alarms and misses on Trust and Performance”, In Proceedings of the Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS), NDIA, Novi, MI, Aug. 13-15, 2019.</p