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Criteria of Validity and Reliability in Quantitative and Qualitative Research



Studies in the social sciences can be classified according to the nature of the data used in quantitative or qualitative ones. It could be argued that the assessment of the validity or reliability methods are specific to the original quantitative research, but that does not mean that these evaluation criteria are not used in the qualitative studies. They are used according to the qualitative nature of the data. In this article, we wish to review the different evaluation methods in both types of research, but the main objective of this work is to show that these methods also exist in its qualitative version and that they are numerous: descriptive, interpretative, communicative, theoretical, historical,by saturation or by triangulation…etc. Keywords: Qualitative Research, Quantitative Research, Evaluation Method, Validity, Reliability.
 
Les études en sciences sociales peuvent être classées selon la nature des données utilisées en études
quantitatives ou qualitatives. Et on pourrait faire valoir que les méthodes d’évaluation de la validité ou de la
fiabilité soient - à l'origine- spécifiques à la recherche quantitative, mais cela ne signifierait pas que ces critères
d’évaluation ne soient pas utilisés dans les études qualificatives. Elles les utilisent suivant la nature qualitative de
ses données.
Dans cet article, nous souhaitons passer en revue les différentes méthodes d’évaluation dans les deux types
de recherche, mais l’objectif principal de ce travail est de montrer que ces méthodes existent aussi dans une version
qualitative et qu’elles sont nombreuses : descriptive, interprétative, communicationnelle, théorique, historique
...par saturation ou triangulation, etc.
Mots clés : Étude Qualitative, Étude Quantitative, Méthodes D’évaluation, Validité, Fiabilité.
Studies in the social sciences can be classified according to the nature of the data used in quantitative or
qualitative ones. It could be argued that the assessment of the validity or reliability methods are specific to the
original quantitative research, but that does not mean that these evaluation criteria are not used in the qualitative
studies. They are used according to the qualitative nature of the data.
In this article, we wish to review the different evaluation methods in both types of research, but the main
objective of this work is to show that these methods also exist in its qualitative version and that they are
numerous: descriptive, interpretative, communicative, theoretical, historical,by saturation or by
Keywords: Qualitative Research, Quantitative Research, Evaluation Method, Validity, Reliability.
 
 
Maria josé Sosa Solórzano 2006
AtkinsonM.:2012, 165
 
 
 
Validity/ ValiditéReliability/
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
  
 
 
 
 
 
 
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  
  
 
 
    
 Cronbach
Split-Half reliability
 
 
  
 
 
 
 
 
Descriptive Validity
Interpretative Validity
Participants feedback
Theoritical Validity 
Theory triangulation
Evaluative Validity
 
Generalizability 
 
 
 
 
Validité Interprétative
Validité communicationnelle
 
 Validité d’histoire
 
 
 
 
  
 
 
 
Internal validity
Transferability & Comparability
External validity & Generalizability
Dependability 
 
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... They argued that studies with limited external validity provide little value for policymaking or practical application. (Foudil, 2020) demonstrated the significance of external validity in their metaanalysis on the effects of violent video games on aggression, showing that findings from lab studies could be generalized to real-world behaviours. Moreover, (Nyika, 2018)emphasized that external validity is essential ...
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This review examined the impact of statistical methods on research outcomes, emphasizing the critical role of validity in ensuring credible and reliable findings across various disciplines. The study highlighted that validity, which reflects how accurately a study measures the concepts it aims to investigate, was increasingly prioritized due to the potential consequences of flawed conclusions in fields such as healthcare, education, and business. The literature reviewed indicated that the appropriate application of statistical techniques, including regression analysis, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and hypothesis testing, significantly enhanced internal and external validity by controlling for confounding variables and minimizing biases. Case studies illustrated how these methods contributed to stronger research designs and more reliable outcomes. The analysis further identified challenges researchers faced in achieving validity, such as confounding factors and selection biases, and discussed solutions like randomization and meta-analysis to mitigate these issues. The review underscored the importance of robust statistical practices, asserting that the effective use of statistical methods not only improved the rigor of research but also ensured that findings were generalizable and applicable to real-world situations. Ultimately, the review concluded that a deep understanding of statistical methodologies was essential for researchers to produce trustworthy contributions to their fields, advocating for continuous improvement in research practices to uphold the integrity and applicability of empirical studies.
... The general framework document and outcomes of the Jordanian music education curriculum were examined by a researcher and another specialist and the stability of the content analysis card was confirmed by adhering to the same analysis controls and criteria within the analysis card. The Holisti equation's value of the stability coefficient, which gives the study tool a high degree of reliability in its capacity to accomplish the study's goals was (0.92) when the analysis results for the two researchers were compared, and Delliou (2014) mentions that the value of the stability coefficient for content analysis research was (0.92). It is high according to the Holsty equation if it reaches 0.85 or above. ...
The study's objectives were to compare and contrast the levels of incorporating 21st -century skills into the music curriculum for the basic educational stage in Jordan and Singapore. The study employed the analytical descriptive approach and the comparison approach as a methodology and it used a content analysis that included 13 skills and 52 indicators for data collection, the general framework and general and specific outcomes of the music education curricula for the first six basic grades in Jordan and Singapore which made up the study sample. The results demonstrated that the general structure and learning objectives of Singapore's music education curriculum were highly inclusive of twenty-first century skills except for the skill of media literacy. Communication skills were given a high degree of inclusion in the Jordanian music education curriculum whereas four other skills had medium levels of inclusion and eight had low levels. Comparisons between the two curricula were made to properly understand the results that led to Singapore's music education curriculum being extremely inclusive of abilities essential to the twenty-first century. The study recommends increasing the inclusion of media literacy skills in the music education curriculum of both countries and increasing the inclusion of critical thinking and problem-solving, innovation, creativity, communication, collaboration, leadership and responsibility, flexibility and adaptability, productivity and accountability, information literacy, information communications and technology literacy, social and cross-cultural, and initiative and self-direction skills in the Jordanian curriculum.
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Food safety has been a hot topic for centuries (Odeyemi et al, 2019), As a result, the main purpose of this article is to identify the brand crisis caused by food safety scandal with a phenomenological approach. For this purpose, interpretive paradigm, qualitative approach, and Phenomenological strategy were used. The data were obtained by comparing two communities of experts and operational managers of food industry companies. In order to reach the experts in the field of marketing-brand and operational managers, the snowball sampling method was chosen and the tactic of hidden content analysis was used to analyze in-depth interviews. MAXQDA 2020 software was used for coding. Findings and results show that the phenomenon of brand crisis is caused by three dimensions of crisis severity, anti-consumption attitude and severity negative consumer feelings, which these three dimensions are fluid and intertwined. They form different levels of brand crisis: brand avoidance, brand dislike, rejection of brand hegemony, opposition to the brand and brand hate. Keywords: Brand crisis, brand avoidance, brand dislike, rejection of brand hegemony and brand hate.
  • Gialdino Vasilachis De
Vasilachis de Gialdino, Irene: Los fundamentos ontológicos y epistemológicos de la investigación cualitativa, Forum: Qualitative Social Research, Volumen 10, No. 2, Art. 30 -Mayo 2009.
The Research Process
  • M Joppe
Joppe, M. (2000). The Research Process. Retrieved December 16, 2006, from ‫هناك‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ا‬ ‫إال‬ )*(
Research method in education
  • L Cohen
  • L Manion
  • K Morrisson
Cohen L. Manion L. & Morrisson K.: Research method in education, Routledge, UK, 2007, p. 133.
Les méthodes d'évaluation de la validité des enquêtes qualitatives en marketing, Actes du 3 ème congrès International sur les tendances du Marketing en Europe, 28-29 novembre, Venise, Italie
  • J C Andréani
  • F Conchon
Andréani J.C., Conchon F. : Les méthodes d'évaluation de la validité des enquêtes qualitatives en marketing, Actes du 3 ème congrès International sur les tendances du Marketing en Europe, 28-29 novembre, Venise, Italie. 2003. 17. Beaud, Stéphan & Weber, Florence : Guide de l'enquête de terrain, la découverte, Paris XIII e, 2003, Chap.4-6.