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Sumerianz Journal of Biotechnology, 2020, Vol. 3, No. 9, pp. 75-82
ISSN(e): 2617-3050, ISSN(p): 2617-3123
© Sumerianz Publication
CC BY: Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
Original Article Open Access
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Nutritional Bioactive Compounds and Health Benefits of Fresh and
Processed Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.)
T. G. G. Uthpala*
Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Sri
Jayewardenepura, Colombo, Sri Lanka
R. A. U. J. Marapana
Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Sri
Jayewardenepura, Colombo, Sri Lanka
K. P. C. Lakmini
Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Sri
Jayewardenepura, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Faculty of Livestock Fisheries and Nutrition, Wayamba University
of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Sri Lanka
D. C. Wettimuny
Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Sri
Jayewardenepura, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Department of Biosystems Technology, Faculty of Technology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
Article History
Received: August 16, 2020
Revised: September 8, 2020
Accepted: September 12, 2020
Published: September 16, 2020
Gherkin (Cucumis sativus L.) generally known as commercial cucumber, is native to the region of Asia, and is now
widely cultivated in many other parts of the world to be sold fresh and for pickle production. Cucumber is a rich source
of valuable nutrients and bio active compounds and is used not only as food but also in therapeutic medicine and
cosmetology. Cucumber is considered as a vegetable crop and is rich in polyphenolics and cucurbitacins, that are known
to possess multiple biological activities such as antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, anti-hyaluronidase, anti-elastase, anti-
inflammatory, anti-hyperglycemic, diuretic, amylolytic, antimicrobial, and analgesic effects. Fruits that are preserved by
dipping in a solution of salt or vinegar that undergo a fermentation process are known as pickles. Since, pickling of
gherkins enhances the flavor, texture, and nutritional aspects, it is also very popular for its nutritive and health-promoting
potential; especially against diabetes complications and cardiovascular disorders due to the presence of monounsaturated
fats and other valuable minor components such as phenolics etc. The variety, geographic location of production, harvest
time, and the processing techniques practiced are some of the factors shown to influence the composition of cucumber.
This review focuses comprehensively on the nutrients and high-value bio active compound profile as well as medicinal
and functional aspects of fresh and processed cucumber. Multiple benefits associated with the phytochemical and
nutritional composition of this food commodity are also discussed in the following sections.
Keywords: Cucumber; Gherkin; Cucurbitacins; Phytochemicals; Antioxidants; Health benefits.
1. Introduction
Cucumber belongs to family Cucurbitaceae, is comprised of 118 genera and 825 species [1-3]. Though they
have an Asian origin, members of this family are largely scattered over both in tropical and subtropical regions of the
world. One of the most demanded cucurbits due its nutritional values, health benefits and diverse production is
cucumber [3-6]. Cucumbers are widely cultivated in Europe and the annual production shows in the region of 26.7%
of the total vegetable production [2, 7, 8]. Even though Cucumber is a rich source of important nutrients and
bioactive compounds, it has been used not only as food but also in therapeutic medicine and beauty culture
applications since ancient times [5, 9, 10].
Also cucumber is rich in moisture content and very low in calories [11]. Cucumber considered as vegetable crop
is rich in polyphenolics and other phytochemicals [12] that are known to possess multiple biological activities such
as antioxidant, ant carcinogenic, anti-hyaluronidase, anti-elastase, hypolipidemic, anti-inflammatory, anti-
hyperglycemic, diuretic, amylolytic, antimicrobial, and analgesic activities [9, 11, 13-15].
These fruits are preserved by dipping it in a solution of salt or vinegar are known as pickles that undergo a
fermentation process [3, 16, 17]. Since, the gherkin pickling enhances the flavor, texture, and nutritional aspects, it
has also gained popularity for its nutritive and health-promoting potential; especially against diabetes complications,
cardiovascular disorders due to the presence of monounsaturated fats and other valuable minor components such as
phenolics etc.[9, 11, 15, 16]. Further, cucumber consumption is recommended for hypertension, treating Alzheimer's
disease, prevention of various skin problems, including swelling below the eyes, sunburn and are assumed to
increase cooling, healing, soothing, emollient and anti-itching effects to irritated skin.
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Figure-1. Fruits of different cucumber variteties: B. Green cucumber varieties, generally used for pickling C. White cucumber variety
Cucumber fruit can be pendulous, globose to tubular berry and can extend to over 30 cm in length. Usually, the
fruit is slightly rounded, sparsely tuberculate, or warty. When it gets younger, the fruit becomes a smooth and
glabrous shape, the peel is normally green, but in some cultivars (Figure 1) white, yellow or brown colors are
apparent while the flesh is pale green to white in color [18]. The cultivar, area of production, harvest time, and the
processing techniques employed are some of the factors shown to influence the composition of cucumber. This
review focuses comprehensively on the nutrients and high value bioactive compound profile as well as medicinal
and functional aspects of fresh and processed Cucumber. Multiple benefits associated with the phytochemical and
nutritional composition of this food commodity are also discussed in the following sections.
2. Nutritional Profile
Chemical composition represents an important factor with direct influence on the quality of gherkins. Gherkin
(Cucumis sativus L.) has similar nutrient values as cucumber [3]. The nutritional composition of a 100g portion of
cucumber includes most of its weight in water with proteins, fat and carbohydrates as primary metabolites and also
dietary fiber that is important for the digestive system [2, 12, 18-22]. The nutritional benefits of cucumber in terms
of micronutrient contributions are notable. Cucumber fruit generally contains water (95%) and minute amounts of
protein (0.6%), lipids (0.1%) and carbohydrates (2.2%) [2].
The Carbohydrate content of food samples is calculated as the difference between 100 and the total percent of
moisture, protein, fat, and ash [19]. According to USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) database,
carbohydrates account for 2.16g per 100g of the edible portion of raw cucumber and it’s further comprised of total
dietary fibre (0.7g), total sugars (1.38g), glucose (0.63g), fructose (0.75g) and starch (0.08g) [22]. Moreover, it is
comprised of fluorine (1.3mg), selenium (0.1mg); vitamin C (3.2mg), thiamin (0.031mg), riboflavin (0.025mg),
niacin (0.037mg), pantothenic acid (0.240mg), vitamin B-6 (0.051mg), folate (14μg), γ-tocopherol (0.02mg),
vitamin K (72mg), alpha-tocopherol (0.03mg), vitamin A (4μgRAE), vitamin A (72IU), choline (5.7mg), betaine
(0.1mg), beta-carotene (31μg), alpha-carotene (8μg), beta cryptoxanthin (18μg), lutein + zeaxanthin (16μg) and total
saturated fatty acids 0.013 g per 100g of the edible portion of raw cucumber [18, 22].
The proximate values of the cucumber fruits grown in different countries are tabulated in Table 1 with the
references. The average moisture content of cucumber studied by Abulude, et al. [19] have reported as 73.29%.
Nevertheless, all the other samples have reported moisture availability of cucumber nearly within 95% to 96%.
Moreover, in the aforementioned study, they have found that moisture content of the endocarp of cucumber fruit is
95.26% [19]. This might be due to the morphological variations such as the presence of a hard pericarp. The cultivar,
area of production and harvest time may be the reasons behind slight variations in the nutritional composition.
Accordingly, a conclusion can be drawn that composition varies depending on the place where it has grown. In
recent studies, [20, 21] have explained that even though equal processing conditions are given in the brine
fermentation of different gherkin varieties, firmness and quality of the final products have correlated with the initial
moisture and mineral composition of the fresh fruits [20, 21].
Cucumber contains some essential vitamins and antioxidants which has an effect on human health [2, 13, 15].
The fresh cucumber supplies thiamine, vitamin C, niacin, phosphorus, iron, calcium and other nutritional factors
[12]. Most vegetables contain substantial amounts of minerals, particularly calcium, iron, and potassium. But
mineral content is not an indicator of nutritive value as the presence of interfering substances (ex: oxalic or phytic
acid) can hinder bioavailability of these micronutrients. Among the minerals, cucumber fruit is rich in calcium,
potassium and sodium compared to the availability of copper, manganese and iron (Table 2).
Potassium is very mobile in the plant. This mobility and the participation of K in activating numerous important
enzyme reactions are significant properties of this element. Potassium has been given credit for several important
roles in plant nutrition linked with the quality of production. Fiber includes insoluble fiber (lignin, cellulose, and
hemicelluloses) and soluble fiber (pectins, β-glucans, galactomannan gums, and a large range of non-digestible
oligosaccharides including inulin) [23]. Dietary fiber as a class of compounds includes a mixture of plant
Sumerianz Journal of Biotechnology
carbohydrate polymers, both oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides, ex: cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectic substances,
gums, resistant starch and inulin, that may be associated with lignin and other non-carbohydrate components such as
polyphenols, waxes, saponins, phytates, and resistant protein [16].
Manganese is recognized for its significance in bone metabolism and is critical in enzyme reactions and the
continuance of normal nerve and brain functions [19]. Mn deficiency is rare but can impair the brain, glucose
sensitivity, reproduction, bone, and cartilage development [24, 25]. The mineral Zinc supports the health of the
immune system, normal synthesis of protein and the health of reproductive organs. The scarcity of Zn negatively
influences physical growth, nerve and immune functions, particularly in infants [19, 26]. Cu is required for blood,
nerves, joints, heart, skin, liver, and functions in immune systems. Copper is also critical for the absorption and
utilization of both Zn and Fe [27]. The inability to produce important antioxidant enzymes and a shortage of red
blood cells has been linked to Cu deficiency.
Table-1. Nutrition composition of Cucumis sativus fruit with references
Proximate composition
AOAC 1990
and Pearson
method 1976
Grams per100g
Mean value of
edible fruit
Abulude, et al. [19]
Grams per100g
of endo carp
AOAC 2000
method and
method 1976
As a percentage
Uzuazokaro, et al.
AOAC 2000
Vlasset variety,
100g of the fresh
Uthpala and
Marapana [21]
AOAC 2000
Ajax variety,
100g of the fresh
Uthpala and
Marapana [21]
Grams per 100g
of the fresh fruit
Sotiroudis, et al.
Raw cucumber
fruit per 100 g
edible portion
Lim [18],
Department of
Agriculture [22]
NM - Not mentioned
Table-2. Mineral composition of the cucumber fruit with references
Mean value of
edible fruit, mg per
and AAS
et al. [19]
Raw endo carp of
edible fruit,
mg per kg
Vlasset variety,
100g of the fresh
Ajax variety, 100g
of the fresh fruit
Raw cucumber
fruit, mg per 100 g
edible portion
Lim [18]
Note: Mean values of the mineral compositions of cucumber fruits. ND: Not Detected, NM- Not mentioned
3. Phytochemicals
Notwithstanding the commercial value of cucumber and its therapeutic interest, there are several studies that
have been carried out relevant to its chemical consistency and its bioactivity. Phytochemicals are secondary
metabolites produced by plants. These products are biologically active, naturally occurring substances in the plant,
furnishing health benefits for humans than macronutrients and micronutrients [17]. These studies mainly concern the
aroma constituents of fresh or fermented cucumber fruits [7, 8] or their fatty acid composition [11, 28]. Further, the
total antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of fresh cucumbers have already been determined [2, 12, 29] and
studies on polyphenolic content and antioxidant activity in various cucumber fruit tissues have been carried out.
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Table-3. Quantitative phytochemical constituents of the homogenate of Cucumis sativus fruit
Composition (mg/g)
[mean value] [12]
Spectrophotometric determination method [30]
Spectrophotometric method [31]
spectrophotometric method [31]
Alkaline picrate method [32, 33]
pH differentiation method [34]
Spectrophotometric method of by Quasheeh [35],
Trease and Evans [36]
Reducing sugars
Folin and Wu method [37]
Spectrometric determination method [38]
Harborne method [34]
Ferric chloride colorimetric method [39]
Oxidation method of Harborne [34]
Method described by Edeoga and others
UV absorption method of Harborne [34]
Chlorophyll a
Harborne [34] method
Chlorophyll b
Harborne [34] method
Nigerian scientists [16] have conducted a phytochemical screening on cucumber homogenate samples and they
have found that relatively higher amounts of steroids, terpenoids, glycosides, and resins are present in cucumber
while moderate amounts of saponins, alkaloids, and flavonoids have been reported. Quantitative amounts of the
phytochemicals available in fruit homogenate are tabulated in table 3 with the tested method conducted by
Uzuazokaro and others. The bio-active compound of reducing sugars found to be in the highest amount (574.4mg/g)
relatively compared to other phytochemicals followed by resins (50.7 mg/g), glycosides (32.2 mg/g), terpinoids
(26.3 mg/g), chlorophyll B (12 mg/g) and cyanogenic glycosides (0.21 mg/g) are the lowest available
phytochemicals. Sotiroudis, et al. [2] have revealed that there are 21 volatile chemicals available through GCMS
(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) analysis in three different cultivars grown in Greece [2]. The major
components from the above analysis were found to be: Z-6-nonenol, E-2-nonenal, E,Z2,6-nonadienal, E-2-nonenal,
Z-3-nonenol, 3-nonenal, pentadecanal, 9,12,15-octadecatrienal and 9,17-octadecadienal [2, 18].
The availability of cucurbitacins, is the characteristic feature of the family Cucurbitaceae. Cucurbitacins (Figure
2) are basically triterpenoid substances responsible for their bitterness and toxicity [11, 41]. Structurally, they are
tetracyclic terpenes with steroid and have a tetracyclic cucurbitane nucleus skeleton, namely, 9β-methyl-19-nor
lanosta-5-enea, which is arbitrarily divided into twelve categories [11]. Due to the effects of the enzyme elaterase,
cucurbitacins are hydrolyzed to its non-bitter form when cucumber fruits get matured [42]. Further, the oral
treatment of the pectin extracted from the cucumber fruits has exhibited notable hypolipidemic action in animals
Researchers have found that most of the volatile compounds available in the fresh fruit remained unchanged
during fermentation [8]. However, the potential of disrupted cucumber tissue to produce (E, Z)-2,6-nonadienal and
2-nonenal reduced during fermentation is prominent which gives fresh cucumber odor. Besides, linalool levels had
improved with the time of fermentation and it can achieve an odor threshold during the first 10 days of brine
fermentation [8]. Uronic acid (UA) is related to the cell wall component pectin. D-galacturonic acid determines the
pectin content present in the fruits [16]. UA content can be determined after acid hydrolysis of the sample and
reacting with carbozol directly measured by spectrophotometric methods. Uthpala and Marapana [21] have found
that irrespective of the variety, UA content of brine-fermented pickles have decreased as the pectin content decreases
with the time [16, 21]. Scriven and Meloan [44] have found that natural insects show repellent ability due to
presence of (E, Z)-2,6-nonadien-l-al and (E)-2-nonen-l-al compounds in crushed cucumber [44].
Figure-2. Chemical structure of cucurbitacin B
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4. Health Benefits
Cucumber is remarkably helpful for overall health; it could relieve thirst as it is rich in moisture and vital
nutrients that are necessary for the human body [45]. Cucurbitacin B (Figure 2) is a natural substance that is
discovered profusely in cucumbers, and it exerts anti-cancer potential primarily through apoptosis-induction in
diverse human cancer cells [46]. Also Gao, et al. [46] have found that cucurbitacin B encompasses potent chemo-
preventive activity against human prostate cancer [46]. Cucumber peel is a good source of dietary fiber that helps
reduce constipation and offers some assurance upon colon cancers by eliminating toxic aggregates from the
The disease of diabetes mellitus is increasing fast and symbolizes a vital lifestyle and fitness issue in society.
This disease and its associated complexities, comprising of nerve dysfunction, kidney failure, and heart failure, have
grown as significant reasons for morbidity and risk of death [47]. Cucumbers are contained with unique antioxidants
in moderate ratios such as ß-carotene and α-carotene, vitamin-C, vitamin-A, zeaxanthin and lutein. These
compounds help act as protecting collectors against oxygen-derived free radicals. Oxidative stress and carbonyl
stress play as crucial functions in the progression of diabetes and its associated difficulties over developing free
radical generation and weakening antioxidant defense systems [48, 49]. Various chemical and natural compounds
have been proposed for mitigating such complications linked to diabetes [4, 5]. Accordingly, Heidari, et al. [49]
have found that cucumber has protective impacts on diabetes developments and is recognized as a reliable food for
lowering the oxidative stress and carbonyl stress apparent in the disease of diabetes [49].
Also, cucumber juice is extremely good for hair, skin, and nails. Skin generates free radicals due to repeated sun
exposure, which leads to oxidative stresses and inflammatory responses in the dermal layer of the connective tissues
ending aging and harm to cell membranes and biological molecules [15, 50, 51]. Hyaluronic acid and elastin are
accountable for the elasticity of connective tissue and it reduces clearly during aging [52]. Researchers have found
that cucumber is a rich source of ascorbic acid and has the potential of anti-hyaluronidase and anti-elastase ability
which justifies the use of cucumber as a possible anti-wrinkle agent [15]. Utilization of cucumber for various skin
problems, including swelling below the eyes and sunburn are assumed to increase cooling, healing, soothing,
emollient, lenitive, anti-itching effect of irritated skin, and further cosmetic effects [11, 15]. Cucumber is a rich
source of Silicon which is beneficial for healthy connective tissues, ligaments, cartilages and etc. [18, 53].
Naturally fermented sour pickled cucumbers belong to the commodities preserved with salt and lactic acid.
Fermented cucumbers are microbiologically safe, nutritious, have appealing sensory attributes, and can conveniently
be stored for long periods without refrigeration [54]. Moreover, these pickles are recognized for their probiotic
potential. Hence fermented cucumber pickles are health wise beneficial due to the availability of probiotic lactic acid
bacteria (LAB) in the fermented cucumbers [55]. Lacto fermented cucumber is comprised of helpful bacteria that
hinder the growth of unhealthy microorganisms in the intestines [3].
Further, cucumbers have moderate diuretic potential, which is reasonably attributed to their free-water,
potassium and low sodium content. This helps in checking weight gain and high blood pressure. High potassium in
cucumber helps to lower blood pressure. They are rich in Vitamin-K which plays vital role in the bone mass
developing activity [19]. Moreover, it is used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease patients by limiting neuronal
damage in their brain. Moreover, cucumber consumption is recommended for hypertension, treating Alzheimer’s
disease [56, 57], prevention of various skin problems (swelling below the eyes, sunburn) and are assumed to increase
cooling, healing, soothing, emollient, lenitive and for anti-itching effect of irritated skin [11].
5. Conclusion
Cucumber is a rich source of important nutrients and bioactive compounds and is consumed as a healthy food
which is further used in pharmacological activities, beauty care, and insecticidal purposes. Cucumbers are
recognized as vegetables with multiple biological activities including, antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, anti-
hyaluronidase, anti-elastase, anti-inflammatory, anti-hyperglycemic, diuretic, amylolytic, antimicrobial, and
analgesic effects.
Health benefits of fresh cucumbers include prevention of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, treating Alzheimer's
disease, preventing cancer and anti-aging, while fermented cucumber is rich in fiber and probiotics. The nutritional,
phytochemical and health benefits detailed throughout this article will serve to maximize the utilized health interests
of this unique vegetable.
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