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Cross-sectional association between active commuting and perceived commuting stress in Austrian adults: Results from the HOTway study


Abstract and Figures

Objective Little is known about the acute psychological stress responses caused by commuting. Evidence for the benefits of active commuting (e.g., walking, cycling) is usually based on studies without measurements in free-living environments and without consideration of daily variations in stress. This study investigated the association between commuting mode (active, passive) and perceived commuting stress, assessed on multiple days immediately after commuting. Methods Adults participating in the cross-sectional ‘Healthy On The way’ (HOTway) study between 2016 and 2017 in Graz, Austria, were included. Participants completed an online survey and responded to statements about perceived stress (demands, tension) on three days before commuting (baseline stress) and after arrival (commuting stress), respectively. Active commuting was defined as cycling and/or walking (passive: car, motorbike, public transport). Results Of 188 participants (93 women, mean age: 28.0 ± 10.0 years) included, 124 were active and 64 were passive commuters. Active commuting was associated with less perceived commuting stress compared to passive commuting (bi = −2.95, 95% CI: −4.97 to −0.92, p = .005), even after controlling for subjective well-being, physical activity, commuting time and other confounding variables. Conclusion Active commuting is related to a small reduction in perceived commuting stress. The results of this study support the promotion of active commuting for population (mental) health but future studies on the causal mechanisms and the role of active commuting in the recovery from previous stressors are needed.
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Mental Health and Physical Activity 19 (2020) 100356
Available online 12 September 2020
1755-2966/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Cross-sectional association between active commuting and perceived
commuting stress in Austrian adults: Results from the HOTway study
Matteo C. Sattler
, Tanja F¨
, Katharina Traußnig
, Gottfried K¨
, Christoph Paier
Pavel Dietz
, Mireille N.M. van Poppel
Institute of Human Movement Science, Sport and Health, University of Graz, Graz, Austria
Institute of Psychology, Otto-Friedrich-University, Bamberg, Germany
Institute of Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine, University Medical Centre of the University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany
Physical activity
Objective: Little is known about the acute psychological stress responses caused by commuting. Evidence for the
benets of active commuting (e.g., walking, cycling) is usually based on studies without measurements in free-
living environments and without consideration of daily variations in stress. This study investigated the associ-
ation between commuting mode (active, passive) and perceived commuting stress, assessed on multiple days
immediately after commuting.
Methods: Adults participating in the cross-sectional ‘Healthy On The way (HOTway) study between 2016 and
2017 in Graz, Austria, were included. Participants completed an online survey and responded to statements
about perceived stress (demands, tension) on three days before commuting (baseline stress) and after arrival
(commuting stress), respectively. Active commuting was dened as cycling and/or walking (passive: car,
motorbike, public transport).
Results: Of 188 participants (93 women, mean age: 28.0 ±10.0 years) included, 124 were active and 64 were
passive commuters. Active commuting was associated with less perceived commuting stress compared to passive
commuting (b
= − 2.95, 95% CI: 4.97 to 0.92, p =.005), even after controlling for subjective well-being,
physical activity, commuting time and other confounding variables.
Conclusion: Active commuting is related to a small reduction in perceived commuting stress. The results of this
study support the promotion of active commuting for population (mental) health but future studies on the causal
mechanisms and the role of active commuting in the recovery from previous stressors are needed.
1. Introduction
Physical activity (PA) plays a key role in promoting and maintaining
health (Lee et al., 2012). Extensive research has shown that higher levels
of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity are linked to lower risks for
cardiovascular disease and dementia, and improvements in quality of
life and mental well-being (Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory
Committee, 2018; Lee et al., 2012). Current guidelines for the adult
population recommend at least 150 min of moderate-intensity, or 75
min of vigorous-intensity aerobic PA (or an equivalent combination)
together with muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days per
week (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2018). In addition,
evidence for the health benets of short-term and lower-intensity ac-
tivities is increasing, indicating that some activity is better than none
(US Department of Health and Human Services, 2018).
Walking and cycling are activities of everyday life and are among the
best investments to increase PA in the population. They are effective in
terms of providing signicant health benets and can often be integrated
into the daily routine. For instance, many daily journeys (e.g., to the
supermarket) are short and can be covered by walking and cycling
(GAPA, 2012; World Health Organization, 2002). Walking and cycling
can also be used for daily commuting (e.g., to work or university), which
was shown to be helpful in meeting recommended levels of PA
(Sahlqvist, Song, & Ogilvie, 2012). Such ‘active commuting does not
only provide various environmental benets such as reducing noise and
greenhouse gas emissions (Nazelle et al., 2011), but is also benecial for
onesphysical health. For instance, it was estimated that walking around
1.9 km in 22 min twice per day, on ve days per week, is already
* Corresponding author. Institute of Sport Science, University of Graz, Mozartgasse 14, Graz, Austria.
E-mail address: (M.C. Sattler).
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Received 25 June 2020; Received in revised form 26 July 2020; Accepted 25 August 2020
Mental Health and Physical Activity 19 (2020) 100356
associated with a reduction in all-cause mortality (Shephard, 2008).
Moreover, active commuting is related to lower risks for major
non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes
(Dinu, Pagliai, Macchi, & So, 2019). Previous research also demon-
strated a positive link to mental health. For example, perceived stress in
the past month was lower in bicycle compared to motorized commuters
(Avila-Palencia et al., 2017). Based on longitudinal data from the British
Household Panel Survey, greater well-being was observed in walking
and bicycle commuters compared to car commuters (Martin, Goryakin,
& Suhrcke, 2014).
Several studies recognized commuting itself as a potential source of
psychological stress (Antoun, Edwards, Sweeting, & Ding, 2017). Psy-
chological stress, which occurs when environmental demands are
perceived to tax or exceed the adaptive capacity of the person (Cohen,
Kessler, & Gordon, 1995), is central in the downstream development of
disease (Cohen, Janicki-Deverts, & Miller, 2007). In fact, considering
commuting as a source of psychological stress is relevant because it is
well-known that daily stressors can threaten our health (Cohen,
Edmondson, & Kronish, 2015; McEwen, 2007).
Morris & Hirsch (2016) showed that driving at peak times was
associated with fatigue and stress, potentially because of greater
unpredictability due to congestion (Wener & Evans, 2011) and the
behaviour of other drivers (Rasmussen, Knapp, & Garner, 2000). Also,
public transport may be perceived as more emotionally taxing than
commuting by car, for instance due to the demands associated with
interchanges, such as waiting times and delays when changing between
different bus routes (Wardman, Hine, & Stradling, 2001). When
perceived stress of commuting is measured immediately after arrival,
car commuters reported less commuting stress than train commuters
(Wener & Evans, 2011), whereas bicycle commuters reported less
commuting stress than car commuters (Brutus, Javadian, & Panaccio,
2017). One study (Friman, Olsson, Ståhl, Ettema, & G¨
arling, 2017) did
not report any differences between different types of commuters with
respect to the dimension ‘relaxation-stress(although differences were
observed for ‘enthusiasm-boredom). However, altogether, a recent re-
view on the relationship between commuting and well-being showed
that active commuting (walking, cycling) seems to be associated with
relatively lower levels of perceived commuting stress compared to more
physically passive commuting modes, such as using the car or public
transport (Chatterjee et al., 2019).
Despite this evidence, several limitations must be acknowledged.
First, much of the evidence is based on data from large surveys without
measurements in the free-living environment (LaJeunesse & Rodríguez,
2012; Morris & Hirsch, 2016). This rather unspecic approach reduces
the external validity of the results and does not provide insight into the
acute psychological stress responses during commuting, for instance due
to recall problems (Friman et al., 2017). Secondly, of those studies in
which perceived commuting stress was measured immediately upon
arrival at work (Brutus et al., 2017; Friman et al., 2017; Wener & Evans,
2011), only one study (Friman et al., 2017) performed baseline mea-
surements (e.g., moods before commuting). The lack of an appropriate
baseline increases the susceptibility to other inuences such as previous
work stress (Beattie & Grifn, 2014) and sleep quality (Blaxton, Ber-
geman, Whitehead, Braun, & Payne, 2017). Also, positive and negative
moods experienced early in the morning can inuence the perception of
subsequent, potentially stressful, events (Rothbard & Wilk, 2011).
Finally, the measurement of commuting stress at a single time point
(Brutus et al., 2017; Wener & Evans, 2011) disregards the strong
intra-individual variation in daily stress levels and may increase mea-
surement error (Hutcheon, Chiolero, & Hanley, 2010; Sliwinski,
Almeida, Smyth, & Stawski, 2009). Only few assessed commuting stress
over multiple days (Friman et al., 2017).
Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the cross-sectional
association between commuting mode (active, passive) and perceived
commuting stress in a sample of Austrian adults. Commuting stress was
measured on up to three days at arrival, including baseline
measurements of stress before commuting. We hypothesized that active
commuters (walking, cycling) perceive less commuting stress than
passive commuters (car, motorbike, public transport).
2. Methods
2.1. Study design and participants
This cross-sectional observational study was part of the ‘Healthy On
The way(HOTway) study which was designed to assess the association
between the commuting mode and several environmental and psycho-
logical factors in residents of Graz, Austria. Study centre was the Insti-
tute of Human Movement Science, Sport and Health of the University of
Graz. Recruitment of participants and data collection was performed
between October 2016 and July 2017. All participants received infor-
mation about the study procedures and provided informed consent. The
HOTway study received ethical approval by the local research ethics
committee (GZ. 39/1/63 ex 2016/179).
A convenience sample of adults was recruited using the following
eligibility criteria: i) aged 18 years; ii) employed and/or studying (e.g.,
at the university); iii) German-speaking; iv) having a persistent resi-
dential address and place of work for at least two months in (the sur-
rounding area of) Graz; and v) using the same commuting mode on at
least four days per week.
Study materials included a city map, paper-pencil questionnaires for
perceived baseline and commuting stress as well as a link to an once-
only online survey. Before (i.e., after waking up) and after (i.e., at
arrival) commuting on three days, participants were asked to respond to
statements about perceived stress. The three days could be chosen by
each participant, but Monday, Wednesday and Friday were recom-
mended. The route of commuting was recorded on the city map and
information regarding sociodemographic background, commuting
mode, PA and mental health were collected by the online survey. For the
reporting of this study, we followed the ‘Strengthening the Reporting of
Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE)recommendations
(Vandenbroucke et al., 2014).
2.2. Measurements
2.2.1. Commuting stress and baseline stress
Since no commuting specic stress questionnaire was available in the
German language, seven statements, adopted from the validated
Perceived Stress Questionnaire (Fliege, Rose, Arck, Levenstein, & Klapp,
2001; Levenstein et al., 1993) and the Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen,
Kamarck, & Mermelstein, 1983; Klein et al., 2016), were used to obtain
information about baseline stress and commuting stress. The statements
refer to the dimensions ‘tension(internal stress response; items 1 to 3)
and ‘demands (perception of external stressors; items 4 to 7), which
have been used in previous research (Biehl, Boecking, Brueggemann,
Grosse, & Mazurek, 2019; Groarke et al., 2017). Although different
factor structures have been suggested, the obtained dimensions are
usually highly correlated and thus, also the sum score across the ob-
tained dimensions was shown to have good measurement properties
(Montero-Marin, Piva; Demarzo, Pereira, Olea, & García-Campayo,
2014; Fliege et al., 2001; Reis, Lehr, Heber, & Ebert, 2019; R¨
et al., 2015).
Participants were asked to refer to their current perceptions (‘You
feel rested) when responding to these statements before commuting
(baseline stress) and to refer to the commute (‘On your commute, you
felt rested) when responding to them after commuting (commuting
stress). Reponses were made on a 10-point Likert scale ranging from
‘very littleto ‘very strong. For each participant, the sum of all re-
sponses, averaged across all days (i.e., up to three days), was calculated
(minimum: 0, maximum: 63). The original statements can be found in
the Supplementary File (Appendix A).
M.C. Sattler et al.
Mental Health and Physical Activity 19 (2020) 100356
2.2.2. Commuting mode
A single question within the online survey was used to assess the
commuting mode (walking, cycling, car, motorbike, public transport)
and the average time spent in different modes. Participants who re-
ported only walking and/or cycling were considered as active com-
muters whereas those reporting any combination of the remaining
modes were considered as passive commuters.
2.2.3. Confounding variables
Information on age (years), gender (female/male), education (uni-
versity degree: yes/no), employment status (student: yes/no), monthly
income (<1000, 10001800, >1800
), marital status (relationship:
yes/no) as well as height and weight [used to calculate body mass index
(BMI; kg/m
)] were obtained. Furthermore, information about
commuting time [i.e., How long (in minutes) does it take you to get to
work, on average?] was available.
Information about PA was obtained by the self-administered German
version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire short form
(IPAQ-SF) (Craig et al., 2003). This questionnaire showed acceptable
construct validity and reliability (Lee, Macfarlane, Lam, & Stewart,
2011) and is commonly used for assessing PA in European populations
(Loyen et al., 2016). The IPAQ-SF assesses moderate PA, vigorous PA
and walking performed in the past seven days across all domains (e.g.,
leisure time, work). Data processing was performed in accordance with
the analysis guide (IPAQ Research Committee, 2005) although we also
included values of <10 min due to the increasing evidence for the health
benets of shorter bouts of PA (Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory
Committee, 2018). The sum of all three items (moderate, vigorous,
walking), expressed in average minutes per day (min/day), was
The self-administered German version of the World Health Organi-
zation Well-Being Index (WHO-5) was used to measure subjective well-
being (Br¨
ahler, Mühlan, Albani, & Schmidt, 2007; World Health Orga-
nization, 1998). The WHO-5 consists of ve positively phrased questions
about the well-being during the past two weeks and was shown to be a
valid screening tool for depression (Topp, Østergaard, Søndergaard, &
Bech, 2015). Responses were made on a 6-point Likert scale (0: all time,
5: at no time). The answers were summarized for each participant
(minimum: 0, maximum: 25).
Overall, the following confounding variables were considered in our
models based on previous research (Avila-Palencia et al., 2017; Wener &
Evans, 2011): Baseline stress, age, sex, education, employment status,
marital status, BMI, well-being, PA and commuting time. As employ-
ment status and income were highly correlated (r <.50) and infor-
mation about income was missing for a substantial proportion of the
sample, only employment status was included as a confounding
2.3. Sample size
No criterion for a minimum sample size was applied in this study.
However, a sample size of approximately 150 participants was targeted
which allowed us to detect a moderate effect (f
=.15) with at least 80%
statistical power in the nal model, considering exposure, outcome and
all confounding variables (Faul, Erdfelder, Lang, & Buchner, 2007).
2.4. Statistical analysis
Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS Data Analysis version
26 (IBM Corp, Armonk, NY, USA). Descriptive statistics for all variables
were calculated, including mean and standard deviation (SD) for
continuous variables with normal distribution, median and interquartile
range for continuous variables without normal distribution, and count
and percentage for categorical variables. Normal distribution was
assessed by Shapiro-Wilk, Q-Q-Plots and Histogram. Skewed variables
were log-transformed prior to analysis. Bivariate Pearson correlation
coefcients (r) were calculated to investigate the association between
commuting stress, commuting mode and all confounding variables.
Ordinary least squares regression was used to assess the association
between commuting mode and commuting stress. We performed mini-
mally and fully adjusted models based on a complete-case analysis.
Differences between active and passive commuters as well as between
included and non-included participants were evaluated using indepen-
dent t-test, Mann-Whitney U test or Chi Square test, depending on the
distribution of the data. Signicance was considered as p <0.05.
Several sensitivity analyses were performed. First, we excluded BMI
because it may have been on the causal pathway between PA and mental
health (Kandola, Lewis, Osborn, Stubbs, & Hayes, 2020). This was done
to reduce overadjustment bias (Schisterman, Cole, & Platt, 2009). Sec-
ondly, we excluded employment status due to the moderate overlap with
education in our sample. This was done to reduce multi-collinearity.
Thirdly, the two dimensions of commuting stress (tension, demands)
may be considered separately, depending on the observed factor struc-
ture (Fliege, Rose, Arck, Levenstein, & Klapp, 2001). Therefore, we
repeated our main analysis for the outcomes ‘tensionand ‘demands.
Lastly, to evaluate the impact of missing data on the results, multiple
imputation was used based on the missing at random (MAR) assumption
(i.e., MAR depending on outcome and covariates). Using a fully condi-
tional specication method [Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)], 50
imputed datasets were created to account for the uncertainty about the
missing values. Our imputation model included outcome, exposure and
all confounding variables of the fully adjusted model. In addition, a
model was calculated in which employment status was replaced by in-
come. In order to reduce the risk of misspecication because of miss-
ingness in many variables for the same individual (Seaman & White,
2013), we imputed missing values for all participants who did not
change their mode during the measurement period and (partially)
completed the online survey. After repeating the analysis, the results
were combined using Rubins rules (Rubin, 1987).
3. Results
3.1. Participants and descriptive data
Of 253 who consented to participate in the study, data on baseline
and commuting stress were available for 247 participants (232 provided
all three days and 15 provided two days). Of those, 213 (84.2%)
answered the online survey and provided information on commuting
mode and confounding variables. However, 12 participants were
excluded because they changed their commuting mode throughout the
measurement period (based on participantsrecords on the paper-pencil
questionnaires). For further 13 participants information about
commuting mode was missing because of reporting an implausible
combination of modes (with respect to the total commuting time) in the
online survey. Therefore, the nal sample of the present analysis con-
sisted of 188 participants (74.3%; overall, missing data ranged from
2.3% for baseline and commuting stress to 39.5% for income).
Of the nal sample, two participants were removed from all analyses
including the IPAQ-SF [one had an implausible high value (daily PA >
960 min) and one did not report on minutes of PA per day]. Finally, one
participant reported 120 min for the commuting time (one-way). This
extreme value was replaced by 60 min, the maximum value observed in
the remaining sample.
The sample included 124 active and 64 passive commuters (Table 1).
Participants were between 18 and 64 years old (M =28.0 ±10.0).
Active and passive commuters showed similar levels of baseline stress
=16.9 ±8.0, M
=16.9 ±8.0, p =.988) but active com-
muters reported less commuting stress (M
=13.9 ±7.1, M
17.3 ±9.2, p =.007, Fig. 1). The results for the comparison between
included (n =186) and non-included (n =27) participants with respect
to the confounding variables of the main model are shown in Supple-
mentary Table S1. Compared to included participants, non-included
M.C. Sattler et al.
Mental Health and Physical Activity 19 (2020) 100356
participants reported greater commuting time. Bivariate inter-
correlations among all variables included in the main model are
shown in Supplementary Table S2.
3.2. Commuting mode and commuting stress
In both minimally and fully adjusted models, active commuting was
negatively associated with commuting stress (Supplementary Table S3).
Baseline stress was positively associated with commuting stress. The
fully adjusted model revealed a decrease of 3 points [b
= − 2.95, 95%
condence interval (CI): 4.97 to 0.92] in commuting stress for active
compared to passive commuters (minimally adjusted model: b
= − 3.55,
95% CI: 5.34 to 1.76). Excluding BMI or employment status had no
considerable inuence on the coefcients in the model (Supplementary
Table S4). Likewise, similar results were obtained when considering the
two dimensions of commuting stress (tension, demands) as separate
outcomes (Supplementary Table S5). The combined results from mul-
tiple imputed datasets did not change the main results concerning the
association between commuting mode and commuting stress (Supple-
mentary Table S6 and S7).
4. Discussion
The present study investigated the association between commuting
mode (active, passive) and psychological commuting stress in a sample
of Austrian adults. Commuting stress was measured on up to three days
at arrival. As hypothesized the results showed that active commuting
(walking, cycling) was associated with lower perceived commuting
stress compared to passive commuting (car, motorbike, public trans-
port). The results were also robust to several sensitivity analyses.
Overall, our results support the promotion of active commuting for
population (mental) health even though we only observed a small effect
of active commuting.
In contrast to previous research on commuting stress (Brutus et al.,
2017; LaJeunesse & Rodríguez, 2012; Morris & Hirsch, 2016; Wener &
Evans, 2011), we performed eld-based measurements of commuting
stress on multiple days and considered daily differences in stress before
commuting. Using this methodology, our results are in line with those
from previous studies. For instance, Avila-Palencia et al. (2017) showed
that bicycle commuters had lower risks of being stressed than
non-bicycle commuters. Employees in Montreal who cycled to work
reported less commuting stress than those who commuted by car (Brutus
et al., 2017). Also, Gatersleben & Uzzell (2007) observed lower levels of
commuting stress for active compared to passive commuters among
British university employees. A recent review concluded that commuters
who walk or cycle are generally more satised with their commute
compared to car and public transport commuters (Chatterjee et al.,
The observed differences in commuting stress in the current study
are consistent with research showing that PA can have acute psycho-
logical effects. For example, exercise sessions in moderate intensity of
around 20 min (e.g., cycling, yoga, resistance training) can reduce state
anxiety in healthy adults (Asmundson et al., 2013) while similar bouts of
exercise can increase mood and decrease rumination in psychiatric pa-
tients (Brand et al., 2018). Commuting can also provide an opportunity
for relaxation and detachment and thereby, may help to recover from
previous (work) stress (Gatersleben & Uzzell, 2007; van Hooff, 2015).
However, the role of active commuting in the recovery from previous
stressful experiences needs to be explored in future studies.
When commuting by car or public transport several factors, such as
unexpected delays, congestion and the behaviour of other travellers, can
be stressful for the individuum (Morris & Hirsch, 2016; Rüger, Pfaff,
Weishaar, & Wiernik, 2017). For instance, exposure to congestion
resulted in acute increases in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in a
recent study in Lebanon drivers (Bou Samra et al., 2017). While de-
mands can also occur during active commuting, for example when
cycling close to trafc (Caviedes & Figliozzi, 2018), passive commuting
may be associated with somewhat higher levels of demanding events.
Moreover, passive commuting may reduce the extent to which a person
can exercise behavioural control (e.g., due to congestion) or predict
outcomes of the commute (e.g., time of arrival) (Evans, Wener, &
Phillips, 2002; Sposato, R¨
oderer, & Cervinka, 2012; Wener & Evans,
2011). Although the potential discrepancy in demanding events,
perceived control and predictability may help in explaining the differ-
ences in commuting stress between active and passive commuters, the
causal mechanisms remain unclear from this cross-sectional investiga-
tion. For instance, also several other factors such as weather or
Table 1
Sample characteristics of the 188 Austrian commuters.
Total (N =
commuters (n
commuters (n
Age (years) 28.0 ±10.0 25.4 ±6.5 33.1 ±13.3 <.001
Sex (female) 93 (49.5) 61 (49.2) 32 (50.0) .917
78 (41.5) 51 (41.1) 27 (42.2) .889
81 (43.1) 68 (54.8) 13 (20.3) <.001
80 (42.6) 62 (50.0) 18 (28.1)
44 (23.4) 27 (21.8) 17 (26.6)
29 (15.4) 10 (8.1) 19 (29.7)
Marital status
92 (48.9) 56 (45.2) 36 (56.3) .150
BMI (kg/m
) 22.7 ±2.5 22.3 ±2.3 23.4 ±2.7 .002
(WHO-5, sum
15.1 ±4.0 15.0 ±4.0 15.3 ±4.1 .689
Commuting time
11.0 (8.318.0) 20.0
Note. BMI =body mass index, IPAQ-SF =International Physical Activity
Questionnaire short form, M =mean, min =minutes, PA =physical activity,
=quartile 1 or 3, SD =standard deviation, WHO-5 =World Health Or-
ganization (Five) Well-being Index. Values are shown as M ±SD, Median
) or n (%) depending on the distribution of the variable. Active com-
muters: walking, cycling; passive commuters: car, motorbike, public transport.
PA and commuting time were log-transformed prior to signicance testing.
A total of 35 participants selected ‘no answer(25 active and 10 passive
Values from two participants (active commuters) were removed.
Fig. 1. Perceived baseline and commuting stress for the 188 Austrian com-
muters (active commuters: n =124, passive commuters: n =64). Mean values
for perceived stress, derived from up to three days of commuting, are shown
together with 95% condence intervals (CI). Active commuters: walking,
cycling. Passive commuters: car, motorbike, public transport. Asterisks (*)
indicate signicant differences (p <.05).
M.C. Sattler et al.
Mental Health and Physical Activity 19 (2020) 100356
greenness along the commute may shape the relationship between
commuting mode and stress. In summary, this study showed a positive,
yet weak, association between active commuting and psychological
commuting stress.
4.1. Strengths and limitations
This study has several strengths: i) commuting stress was measured
on three days in the free-living environment to reduce measurement
error and increase external validity; ii) commuting stress was measured
immediately at arrival which allows a better assessment of acute psy-
chological stress responses; and iii) baseline measurements of perceived
stress, namely before commuting, were obtained to control for stressful
events before commuting.
However, a convenience sample of participants was included which
increases selection bias and limits the generalizability of the results.
Secondly, we were unable to control for the exact time when partici-
pants reported on baseline and commuting stress. For instance, it is
possible that some participants responded to the statements not imme-
diately after arrival at work but somewhat later. Furthermore, the design
of the study was cross-sectional which makes conclusions about cau-
sality impossible. One may also consider a bi-directional relationship
between commuting mode and commuting stress (i.e., the stress caused
by a specic commute potentially affects the choice of the mode). This
study compared two types of commuters, which does not allow to draw
conclusions about commuting stress for different sub-types such as
electric bike or motorbike commuters, and may lack in addressing all
relevant variables involved in the relationship between commuting
mode and commuting stress (e.g., job satisfaction, weather). For
example, it was shown that temperature, precipitation and wind can
affect the emotional state of active commuters (B¨
ocker, Dijst, & Faber,
2016). Likewise, we did not control for PA prior commuting (e.g., ex-
ercise sessions early in the morning), the (relative) intensity of PA
involved during active commuting (e.g., brisk walking in relation to
aerobic capacity or age) or whether a person was a driver or co-driver.
Finally, one may argue to consider public transport as a form of active
commuting due to the active parts of the journey (Rissel, Curac,
Greenaway, & Bauman, 2012). However, differences in physical activity
energy expenditure (PAEE) illustrate a distinction between them.
Walking [4.6 metabolic equivalents (METs)] and cycling (6.4 METs) for
commuting require more energy than car (1.3 METs) and bus use (1.7
METs) (Costa et al., 2015). Considering walking and cycling as the
primarily active modes is also in line with previous studies (Celis-Mor-
ales et al., 2017).
4.2. Future studies
Future studies should use devices (e.g., accelerometers) to measure
the level of PA involved during active commuting. This can help to
identify aspects of the dose-response relationship between active
commuting and commuting stress such as the optimum ‘dose(e.g.,
duration, intensity) (Shephard, 2008). Future studies may consider a
more sophisticated approach by measuring perceived stress also when-
commuting home after work, by including environmental aspects such
greenness and congestion as well as by implementing longitudinal and
experimental studies to better understand the causal mechanism be-
tween commuting and stress and the potential of active commuting to
facilitate coping with previous stressors. Lastly, we observed a small
difference in commuting stress between active and passive commuters.
Because we are unaware about clinically relevant differences in daily
commuting stress, future studies should also investigate the long-term
consequences of different commuting modes, including associations
with other (mental) health outcomes.
5. Conclusion
Walking and cycling are everyday activities and important for health
promotion in the population. The results of this study expand the evi-
dence for the mental health benets of active commuting and showed
that active commuters perceive less commuting stress than passive
commuters. Although the results support the promotion of active
commuting, we only observed a small effect. More longitudinal and
experimental studies are needed to identify the underlying causal
No funding was received.
Author contributions
Matteo C. Sattler: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation,
Project administration, Formal analysis, Validation, Visualization,
Writing - Original Draft. Tanja F¨
arber: Software, Data Curation, Writing
Review and Editing. Katharina Trauβnig: Software, Data Curation,
Writing Review and Editing. Gottfried K¨
oberl: Conceptualization,
Investigation, Software, Writing Review and Editing. Christoph Paier:
Software, Data Curation, Validation, Writing Review and Editing.
Pavel Dietz: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Writing
Review and Editing. Mireille N. M. van Poppel: Conceptualization,
Methodology, Resources, Investigation, Project administration, Super-
vision, Writing Review and Editing.
Data availability
The dataset used and/or analyzed during this current study is
available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Declaration of competing interest
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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... Regular participation in physical activity is known to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve mood, and enhance self-esteem. Active commuting contributes to these benefits by providing regular, unplanned physical activities that can reduce stress and increase overall life satisfaction (35). Guell et al. 's (36) research emphasized that the routine nature of active commuting can help establish a daily routine that fosters a positive psychological state. ...
... This study explored how behavioral preference, and perceived built environments act as moderators in the health-commuting relationship, confirming their general benefits but revealing complex dynamics. Regular physical activities and active commuting methods such as walking and cycling generally promote health (35). However, while regular physical activity can positively influence the dynamics between commuting and health, its direct impact on specific health metrics often becomes statistically insignificant when analyzed in isolation. ...
Full-text available
Introduction Long-duration commuting is widely recognized for its significant influence on health. However, while research has traditionally focused on direct impacts, there remains a critical need to explore the nonlinear dynamics of this relationship. This study aims to deepen our understanding of how behavioral preferences and built environments contribute to these complex interactions. Methods This study was conducted in Jinan, China’s most congested city, using data from the “Jinan Residents Commuting Survey” of 1,755 participants aged 19 to 59. We applied Generalized Propensity Score Matching (GPSM) to explore the nonlinear effects of commuting time on self-rated health, adjusting for participants’ sociodemographic characteristics. Variables related to active commuting, physical activity, and perceived built environment were also examined for their potential moderating effects. Results Commuting for less than 21 minutes enhances health, but negative effects intensify and peak at 60 minutes. Heterogeneity analysis reveals that women and older adults, especially those with higher incomes, are more susceptible to long commutes, experiencing a delayed onset of adverse effects. While active commuting offers health benefits, it may exacerbate health issues if prolonged. Conversely, regular physical activity consistently improves health outcomes related to commuting. Additionally, factors like residential greenery and walkability help alleviate commuting-related stress, improving the overall commuting-health dynamic. Discussion This study clarifies the commuting-health relationship by identifying key time thresholds and the positive effects of active commuting and physical activity on mitigating longer commute impacts. The findings inform healthier commuting behaviors and offer practical guidelines for urban planning and policy-making to enhance commuter well-being.
... For instance, it was noted that in low-income countries, people might be forced to walk or cycle as a means of transport because of their poverty conditions and associated feelings of discomfort (Pucci et al., 2012;Lira and Paez, 2021). Nevertheless, the moderating role of these factors remains unclear and only potential since the results of their influence have not been widely confirmed (Sattler et al., 2020). ...
Full-text available
Research has proven that engaging in active mobility (AM), namely walking and cycling for transportation, significantly enhances physical activity levels, leading to better physical health. It is still unclear whether AM could also offer any mental health benefits. This scoping review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current knowledge on the relationship between AM and mental health, given its crucial role in public health. The authors searched online databases to isolate primary studies written in English involving an adult sample (16 or over). AM was the exposure factor. Many mental health elements were included as outcomes (depression, anxiety, self-esteem, self-efficacy, stress, psychological and subjective well-being, resilience, loneliness and social support, quality of life, mood, life satisfaction and sleep). The results were organised in a narrative summary per each outcome selected, graphical syntheses and an overview of gaps to be further examined. The authors identified a total of 55 papers as relevant. The results show inconsistency in study designs, definition and operationalisation of the variables, approach and methodologies used. A cross-sectional design was the dominant choice, primarily examining data from national public health surveys. Nonetheless, there has been improvement in outcomes of interests, initially mainly the quality of life and affect. Lately, authors have focused on a broader range of mental health-related factors (such as travel satisfaction). The experimental studies showed promising mental health improvements in those who used active modes more than those who used motorised vehicles. It creates a rationale for further research towards implementing a unified theoretical and methodological framework to study the link between AM and mental health. The ultimate goal is to generate solid conclusions that could support building societies and cities through public health promotion and sustainable strategies, like walking and cycling as a means of transport.
... This report is confirmed by Schäfer et al. [69], who carried out a literature review on active commuting in Austrian populations and reported that actively commuting had a positive impact on cholesterol, lipid profile, waist circumference, and other weightrelated variables. Considering that active commuting is spread in Austria, we might argue that this type of leisure-time PA may have contributed to our findings [70]. In addition, dietary intake was associated with leisure-time PA in the present sample with those stating engagement in leisure-time PA reporting a significantly higher intake of fruit and vegetables, which increased even more for those exercising at least 4 days per week, i.e., matching the recommendations for healthy PA. ...
Full-text available
Lifestyle behaviors are key contributors to sustainable health and well-being over the lifespan. The analysis of health-related behaviors is crucial for understanding the state of health in different populations, especially teachers who play a critical role in establishing the lifelong health behaviors of their pupils. This multidisciplinary, nationwide study aimed to assess and compare lifestyle patterns of Austrian teachers and school principals at secondary levels I and II with a specific focus on physical activity and diet. A total number of 1350 teachers (1.5% of the eligible Austrian sample; 69.7% females; 37.7% from urban areas; mean age: 45.8 ± 11.4 years; mean BMI: 24.2 ± 4.0) completed a standardized online survey following an epidemiological approach. Across the total sample, 34.4% were overweight/obese with a greater prevalence of overweight/obesity in males than females (49.5% vs. 29.2%, p < 0.01) and rural vs. urban environments (35.9% vs. 31.3%). Most participants (89.3%) reported a mixed diet, while 7.9% and 2.9% were vegetarians and vegans, respectively. The average BMI of teachers with mixed diets (24.4 ± 4.0 kg/m2) was significantly higher than vegetarians (23.1 ± 3.2 kg/m2) and vegans (22.7 ± 4.3 kg/m2). Vegans reported a lower level of alcohol intake (p < 0.05) among dietary groups. There was no between-group difference in smoking (p > 0.05). The prevalence of engagement in regular physical activity was 88.7% for leisure-time sports/exercises and 29.2% for club sports. Compared with the previous reports on general populations, the present data suggest an acceptable overall health status among Austrian teachers.
... Die gesundheitsfördernden Effekte überwiegen mögliche Gefahren durch Verkehrsunfälle oder Exposition verschmutzter Luft dabei bei Weitem (Cepeda et al., 2017;Rojas-Rueda, de Nazelle, Tainio, & Nieuwenhuijsen, 2011;Sun et al., 2019). Auch auf Stress (Sattler et al., 2020) (Marques et al., 2020). ...
A broad combination of different methods is used in an integrated approach to evaluate interrelations between infrastructure and bicycle transport. First, the bike-friendliness of the urban environment (bikeability) is defined via a literature analysis in combination with an interactive expert survey. This definition of bikeability is then operationalized using open geodata, ensuring transferability. In addition, the effects of bikeability on mode choice are evaluated using a multinomial logit model. On the detailed level of route choice, the influencing parameters are further differentiated in a graphical online stated preferences survey. Mixed logit discrete choice models are then developed to quantify the trade-offs of interest. Furthermore, extensive data retrieved from a bike routing engine are clustered and analysed to reveal underlying route preferences, without the potential effects of an overt survey situation. Results show a consensus in understanding of bikeability, as provided by experts. This is defined by a stable interaction of the components composing bikeability. The mode choice model proves the strong positive effect of high bikeability on choosing the bike as a mode of transport. On the detailed level of route choice, the particular influence of cycling infrastructure along main streets is confirmed, and differentiated according to the specific design. Aside from specific individual and structural implications, a greater separation from motorized transport generally corresponds with a higher utility for cyclists. Regarding side streets, the results reveal the general importance of minor roads and the enormous benefit of cycle streets prioritizing cyclists. The presented findings may be used for further research and deliver recommendations for planning, which are discussed in the present study. Zur Analyse von Zusammenhängen zwischen Radverkehr und Infrastruktur kommt eine breite Kombination unterschiedlicher Methoden in einem integrierten Gesamtansatz zum Einsatz. An die Herleitung der radfahrtauglichen Umgebung (Bikeability) über eine Literaturanalyse und einen interaktiven Expertenprozess schließen sich die Operationalisierung dieser Definition mittels offener Geodaten sowie die Bewertung der Einflüsse auf die Verkehrsmittelwahl in einem multinomialen Verkehrsmittelwahlmodell an. Auf der Ebene der Routenwahl werden dann die Einflussgrößen in einem diskreten Entscheidungsexperiment differenziert. Dabei kommen logistische Regressionsmodelle zum Einsatz. Des Weiteren werden Daten aus der Fahrradnavigation in einem Clusterverfahren genutzt. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich ein konsensuales Verständnis von Bikeability unter Abbildung des Zusammenspiels der fünf wichtigsten infrastrukturellen Parameter. Durch Nutzung offener Geodaten ist der entwickelte Ansatz uneingeschränkt räumlich übertragbar und thematisch adaptierbar. Das Verkehrsmittelwahlmodell belegt den stark positiven Einfluss der Bikeability auf die Wahl des Fahrrades als Verkehrsmittel. Auf der differenzierten Ebene der Routenwahl bestätigt sich der besondere Einfluss der Radinfrastruktur an Hauptverkehrsstraßen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen dabei eine Abstufung im Nutzen für den Radverkehr, die dem Ausmaß der baulichen Trennung vom motorisierten Individualverkehr entspricht, sowie spezifische individuelle und strukturelle Implikationen. Neben Infrastrukturen an Hauptstraßen wird durch die angewandten Methoden auch die generelle Bedeutung von Nebenstraßen verdeutlicht und weiter differenziert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen dabei den enormen Nutzen von Fahrradstraßen aus Sicht der Nutzenden. Die Erkenntnisse bieten spezifische Anknüpfungspunkte, sowohl für weitere Forschung als auch für Planung und Praxis, die in der Arbeit diskutiert werden.
... Die gesundheitsfördernden Effekte überwiegen mögliche Gefahren durch Verkehrsunfälle oder Exposition verschmutzter Luft dabei bei Weitem (Cepeda et al., 2017;Rojas-Rueda, de Nazelle, Tainio, & Nieuwenhuijsen, 2011;Sun et al., 2019). Auch auf Stress (Sattler et al., 2020) (Marques et al., 2020). ...
Zur Analyse von Zusammenhängen zwischen Radverkehr und Infrastruktur kommt eine breite Kombination unterschiedlicher Methoden in einem integrierten Gesamtansatz zum Einsatz. An die Herleitung der radfahrtauglichen Umgebung (Bikeability) über eine Literaturanalyse und einen interaktiven Expertenprozess schließen sich die Operationalisierung dieser Definition mittels offener Geodaten sowie die Bewertung der Einflüsse auf die Verkehrsmittelwahl in einem multinomialen Verkehrsmittelwahlmodell an. Auf der Ebene der Routenwahl werden dann die Einflussgrößen in einem diskreten Entscheidungsexperiment differenziert. Dabei kommen logistische Regressionsmodelle zum Einsatz. Des Weiteren werden Daten aus der Fahrradnavigation in einem Clusterverfahren genutzt. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich ein konsensuales Verständnis von Bikeability unter Abbildung des Zusammenspiels der fünf wichtigsten infrastrukturellen Parameter. Durch Nutzung offener Geodaten ist der entwickelte Ansatz uneingeschränkt räumlich übertragbar und thematisch adaptierbar. Das Verkehrsmittelwahlmodell belegt den stark positiven Einfluss der Bikeability auf die Wahl des Fahrrades als Verkehrsmittel. Auf der differenzierten Ebene der Routenwahl bestätigt sich der besondere Einfluss der Radinfrastruktur an Hauptverkehrsstraßen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen dabei eine Abstufung im Nutzen für den Radverkehr, die dem Ausmaß der baulichen Trennung vom motorisierten Individualverkehr entspricht, sowie spezifische individuelle und strukturelle Implikationen. Neben Infrastrukturen an Hauptstraßen wird durch die angewandten Methoden auch die generelle Bedeutung von Nebenstraßen verdeutlicht und weiter differenziert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen dabei den enormen Nutzen von Fahrradstraßen aus Sicht der Nutzenden. Die Erkenntnisse bieten spezifische Anknüpfungspunkte, sowohl für weitere Forschung als auch für Planung und Praxis, die in der Arbeit diskutiert werden.
This study explores the multifaceted relationship between travel patterns and mental health (MH) in China, offering a novel integrative approach that synthesizes various factors such as mode of transportation, cultural distance, financial implications, and trip planning. Utilizing a descriptive research design, 622 tourists were surveyed using a pen‐and‐paper questionnaire at designated tourist destinations in China. Findings reveal that travel positively influences MH by providing new experiences, socialization, and relaxation, leading to reduced stress and improved well‐being. Duration, frequency, and active travel modes are associated with better MH outcomes. Solo travel fosters personal growth, while group travel enhances social support. Natural environments offer greater MH benefits than urban settings, and leisure travel surpasses work‐related trips in promoting MH. Greater cultural distance, poor trip planning, and financial burdens negatively impact MH. This comprehensive framework offers insights into public health and tourism policies, advancing the understanding of how travel elements collectively influence MH.
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Background Community indicators may predict and influence individuals` mental health, and support or impede mental health management. However, there is no consensus on which indicators should be included in predictions, prognostic algorithms, or management strategies for community-based mental health promotion and prevention approaches. Therefore, this scoping review provides an overview of relevant community-level indicators for mental health in the general as well as risk populations in a European context. Methods We conducted a scoping review in the following electronic databases: PubMed, Embase, and PsycInfo. Eligible studies focused on context factors such as either the physical or social environment, reporting at least one mental health outcome and referring to a European population. Publications between 2012 and March 8, 2022 are considered. Results In total, the search yielded 12,200 identified records. After the removal of duplicates, 10,059 records were screened against the eligibility criteria. In total, 169 studies were included in the final analysis. Out of these included studies, 6% focused on pan-European datasets and 94% on a specific European country. Populations were either general or high-risk populations (56 vs. 44%, respectively) with depressive disorder as the main reported outcome (49%), followed by general mental health (33%) and anxiety (23%). Study designs were cross-sectional studies (59%), longitudinal (27%), and others (14%). The final set of indicators consisted of 53 indicators, which were grouped conceptually into 13 superordinate categories of community indicators. These were divided into the domains of the physical and social environment. The most commonly measured and reported categories of community indicators associated with mental health outcomes were social networks (n = 87), attitudinal factors toward vulnerable groups (n = 76), and the characteristics of the built environment (n = 56). Conclusion This review provides an evidence base of existing and novel community-level indicators that are associated with mental health. Community factors related to the physical and social environment should be routinely recorded and considered as influencing factors or potentially underestimated confounders. The relevance should be analyzed and included in clinical outcomes, data, monitoring and surveillance as they may reveal new trends and targets for public mental health interventions.
Active commuting (e.g., walking and cycling to work) is beneficial for the population and environmental health and therefore can help to tackle current challenges of humanity, which are recognised in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. For planning public health interventions and active travel policies, it is necessary to identify correlates and determinants of active commuting. Currently, it is unknown whether specific personality traits are related to commuting behaviours. This study investigated the relationship between active commuting and several personal and environmental correlates, including broad personality traits. Therefore, cross-sectional data from the ‘Healthy On The way’ (HOTway) study were analysed. Information about correlates and commuting modes (active: walking, cycling; passive: car, motorbike, public transport) were collected via an online survey. Potential correlates were: socio-demographics (age, gender, education, student status, income, marital status), body mass index, physical activity, and psychological (extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, well-being, perceived stress, attitudes towards commuting modes), and environmental (commuting time, traffic volume, perceived built environment) variables. Logistic regression models were used to test the association between each correlate and active commuting. In the multivariable model, a positive attitude towards cycling [odds ratio (OR) = 1.04, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.02–1.06] was linked to higher odds of active commuting while older age (OR = 0.93, 95% CI: 0.88–0.98), a positive attitude towards car use (OR = 0.97, 95% CI: 0.95–0.99), greater commuting time (OR = 0.89, 95% CI: 0.84–0.94), being more affected by traffic volume (OR = 0.72, 95% CI: 0.58–0.89) and greater pleasantness of the neighbourhood environment (OR = 0.74, 95% CI: 0.57–0.97) were linked to lower odds of active commuting. Several correlates were identified but personality traits were not related to active commuting. This might indicate that major socio-demographic and environmental factors are more relevant for differences in commuting behaviours. The identified correlates can help in the design of future public health interventions and active travel policies to reduce environmental degradation and improve population health.
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Background: Identifying modifiable risk factors is essential to reduce the prevalence adolescent depression. Self-report data suggest that physical activity and sedentary behaviour might be associated with depressive symptoms in adolescents. We examined associations between depressive symptoms and objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behaviour in adolescents. Methods: From a population-based cohort of adolescents whose mothers were invited to participate in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) study, we included participants with at least one accelerometer recording and a Clinical Interview Schedule-Revised (CIS-R) depression score at age 17·8 years (reported as age 18 years hereafter). Amounts of time spent in sedentary behaviour and physical activity (light or moderate-to-vigorous) were measured with accelerometers at around 12 years, 14 years, and 16 years of age. Total physical activity was also recorded as count per minute (CPM), with raw accelerometer counts averaged over 60 s epochs. Associations between the physical activity and sedentary behaviour variables and depression (CIS-R) scores at age 18 years were analysed with regression and group-based trajectory modelling. Findings: 4257 adolescents from the 14 901 enrolled in the ALSPAC study had a CIS-R depression score at age 18 years. Longitudinal analyses included 2486 participants at age 12 years, 1938 at age 14 years, and 1220 at age 16 years. Total follow-up time was 6 years. Total physical activity decreased between 12 years and 16 years of age, driven by decreasing durations of light activity (mean 325·66 min/day [SD 58·09] at 12 years; 244·94 min/day [55·08] at 16 years) and increasing sedentary behaviour (430·99 min/day [65·80]; 523·02 min/day [65·25]). Higher depression scores at 18 years were associated with a 60 min/day increase in sedentary behaviour at 12 years (incidence rate ratio [IRR] 1·111 [95% CI 1·051-1·176]), 14 years (1·080 [1·012-1·152]), and 16 years of age (1·107 [1·015-1·208]). Depression scores at 18 years were lower for every additional 60 min/day of light activity at 12 years (0·904 [0·850-0·961]), 14 years (0·922 [0·857-0·992]), and 16 years of age (0·889 [0·809-0·974]). Group-based trajectory modelling across 12-16 years of age identified three latent subgroups of sedentary behaviour and activity levels. Depression scores were higher in those with persistently high (IRR 1·282 [95% CI 1·061-1·548]) and persistently average (1·249 [1·078-1·446]) sedentary behaviour compared with those with persistently low sedentary behaviour, and were lower in those with persistently high levels of light activity (0·804 [0·652-0·990]) compared with those with persistently low levels of light activity. Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (per 15 min/day increase) at age 12 years (0·910 [0·857-0·966]) and total physical activity (per 100 CPM increase) at ages 12 years (0·941 [0·910-0·972]) and 14 years (0·965 [0·932-0·999]), were negatively associated with depressive symptoms. Interpretation: Sedentary behaviour displaces light activity throughout adolescence, and is associated with a greater risk of depressive symptoms at 18 years of age. Increasing light activity and decreasing sedentary behaviour during adolescence could be an important target for public health interventions aimed at reducing the prevalence of depression. Funding: Details of funding are provided in the Acknowledgments.
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Background Despite vulnerability-stress models underlying a variety of distress-related emotional syndromes, few studies have investigated interactions between personality factors and subjectively experienced stressors in accounting for tinnitus-related distress. Aim The present study compared personality characteristics between patients with chronic tinnitus and the general population. Within the patient sample, it was further examined whether personality dimensions predicted tinnitus-related distress and, if so, whether differential aspects or levels of perceived stress mediated these effects. Method Applying a cross-sectional design, 100 patients with chronic tinnitus completed the Freiburger Persönlichkeitsinventar (FPI-R) measuring personality, the Perceived Stress Questionnaire (PSQ-20) measuring perceived stress and the German version of the Tinnitus Questionnaire (TQ) measuring tinnitus-related distress. FPI-R scores were compared with normed values obtained from a representative German reference population. Mediation analyses were computed specifying FPI-R scores as independent, PSQ20 scores as mediating and the TQ-total score as dependent variables. Results Patients with chronic tinnitus significantly differed from the general population across a variety of personality indices. Tinnitus-related distress was mediated by differential interactions between personality factors and perceived stress dimensions. Conclusion In conceptualizing tinnitus-related distress, idiosyncratic assessments of vulnerability-stress interactions are crucial for devising effective psychological treatment strategies. Patients’ somatic complaints and worries appear to be partly informed by opposing tendencies reflecting emotional excitability vs. aggressive inhibition – suggesting emotion-focused treatment strategies as a promising new direction for alleviating distress.
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This review provides a critical overview of what has been learnt about commuting’s impact on subjective wellbeing (SWB). It is structured around a conceptual model which assumes commuting can affect SWB over three time horizons: (i) during the journey; (ii) immediately after the journey; and (iii) over the longer term. Our assessment of the evidence shows that mood is lower during the commute than other daily activities and stress can be induced by congestion, crowding and unpredictability. People who walk or cycle to work are generally more satisfied with their commute than those who travel by car and especially those who use public transport. Satisfaction decreases with duration of commute, regardless of mode used, and increases when travelling with company. After the journey, evidence shows that the commute experience ‘spills over’ into how people feel and perform at work and home. However, a consistent link between commuting and life satisfaction overall has not been established. The evidence suggests that commuters are generally successful in trading off the drawbacks of longer and more arduous commute journeys against the benefits they bring in relation to overall life satisfaction, but further research is required to understand the decision making involved. The evidence review points to six areas that warrant policy action and research: (i) enhancing the commute experience; (ii) increasing commute satisfaction; (iii) reducing the impacts of long duration commutes; (iv) meeting commuter preferences; (v) recognising flexibility and constraints in commuting routines and (vi) accounting for SWB impacts of commuting in policy making and appraisal.
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Background Active commuting is associated with greater physical activity, but there is no consensus on the actual beneficial effects of this type of physical activity on health outcomes. Objective To examine the association between active commuting and risk of all-cause mortality, incidence and mortality from cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes through meta-analysis. Methods A comprehensive search of MEDLINE, Embase, Google Scholar, Web of Science, The Cochrane Library, Transport Research International Documentation database, and reference lists of included articles was conducted. Only prospective cohort studies were included. Results Twenty-three prospective studies including 531,333 participants were included. Participants who engaged in active commuting had a significantly lower risk of all-cause mortality [relative risk (RR) 0.92, 95% CI 0.85–0.98] and cardiovascular disease incidence (RR 0.91; 95% CI 0.83–0.99). There was no association between active commuting and cardiovascular disease mortality and cancer. Participants who engaged in active commuting had a 30% reduced risk of diabetes (RR 0.70; 95% CI 0.61–0.80) in three studies after removal of an outlying study that affected the heterogeneity of the results. Subgroup analyses suggested a significant risk reduction (− 24%) of all-cause mortality (RR 0.76; 95% CI 0.63–0.94) and cancer mortality (− 25%; RR 0.75; 95% CI 0.59–0.895) among cycling commuters. Conclusion People who engaged in active commuting had a significantly reduced risk of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease incidence and diabetes.
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Background: Studies at the macro level (such as longer-term interventions) showed that physical activity impacts positively on cognitive-emotional processes of patients with mental disorders. However, research focusing on the immediate impact of acute bouts of exercise (micro level) are missing. The aim of the present study was therefore to investigate whether and to what extent single bouts of moderately intense exercise can influence dimensions of psychological functioning in inpatients with mental disorders. Method: 129 inpatients (mean age: 38.16 years; 50.4% females) took part and completed a questionnaire both immediately before and immediately after exercising. Thirty inpatients completed the questionnaires a second time in the same week. The questionnaire covered socio-demographic and illness-related information. Further, the questionnaire asked about current psychological states such as mood, rumination, social interactions, and attention, tiredness, and physical strengths as a proxy of physiological states. Results: Psychological states improved from pre- to post-session. Improvements were observed for mood, social interactions, attention, and physical strengths. Likewise, rumination and tiredness decreased. Mood, rumination, and tiredness further improved, when patients completed the questionnaires the second time in the same week. Conclusion: At micro level, single bouts of exercise impacted positively on cognitive-emotional processes such as mood, rumination, attention and social interactions, and physiological states of tiredness and physical strengths among inpatients with mental disorders. In addition, further improvements were observed, if patients participated in physical activities a second time.
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Background The experience of driving has been suggested to be detrimental to health. One hypothesis is that each exposure elicits an acute stress response, and that repeated exposures may act as a chronic stressor. Objective The aim of this review is to evaluate and synthesise the evidence on whether driving elicits an acute physiological stress response. Methods Electronic databases, including CINAHL, PsycINFO and Medline, were searched for original articles written in English from database inception until March 2016. The inclusion criteria of this review included a quantitative examination of an acute physiological stress response to driving, in either on-road or simulated settings, compared to a comparison or control condition. This review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) reporting criteria. Results A total of 27,295 abstracts were screened and 28 full-text manuscripts retrieved. Of these, seven articles met the inclusion criteria including four simulator studies and three on-road studies. All suggested a significant change in at least one physiological outcome, but the strongest evidence was for increases in urine catecholamine and cortisol after driving for long hours on-road; results on other outcomes are limited by the small number of studies or inconsistent findings. Conclusions Overall, these studies provided moderate evidence to suggest that driving for long hours elicits a stress response over an extended period of time. There is insufficient evidence that driving for a shorter period of time elicits an acute stress response, especially in real, on-road tasks. However, the limited number of studies, small sample sizes, heterogeneity in study objectives, methodologies and physiological outcomes limit conclusions. Future studies could be improved by recruiting a larger sample, utilizing modern stress markers such as heart rate variability, and primarily focusing on the acute physiological stress response to on-road driving.
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This comparative cross-sectional study examines the association between traffic congestion and elevation of systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure levels among a convenience sample of 310 drivers. Data collection took place during a gas station pause at a fixed time of day. Higher average systolic (142 vs 123 mm Hg) and diastolic (87 vs 78 mm Hg) blood pressures were detected among drivers exposed to traffic congestion compared with those who were not exposed (P<.001), while controlling for body mass index, age, sex, pack-year smoking, driving hours per week, and occupational driving. Moreover, among persons exposed to traffic congestion, longer exposure time was associated with higher systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Further studies are needed to better understand the mechanisms of the significant association between elevated blood pressure and traffic congestion.
Past research efforts have shown that cyclists’ safety, stress, and comfort levels greatly affect the routes chosen by cyclists and cycling frequency. Some researchers have tried to categorize cyclists’ levels of traffic stress utilizing data that can be directly measured in the field, such as the number of motorized travel lanes, motorized vehicle travel speeds, and type of bicycle infrastructure. This research effort presents a novel approach: real-world, on-road measurements of physiological stress as cyclists travel across different types of bicycle facilities at peak and off-peak traffic times. By matching videos with stressful events, it was possible to observe the circumstances of those stressful events. The stress data was normalized, and the method was carefully validated by a detailed analysis of the stress measurements. Novel statistical results from a multi-subject study quantifies the impact of traffic conditions, intersections, and bicycle facilities on average stress levels.
Previous research indicates that employees with long commutes suffer from impaired health. In this paper, we argue that this relation should be conceptualized within a stress–strain framework. Using data from 1928 expatriate employees of the German Foreign Office, we test the mediating role of perceived stress in the relation between daily commuting time and health-related quality of life (HRQOL). We find that long commutes are associated with substantially lower HRQOL and that this relation is well-accounted for by associated increases in stress, particularly among parents. We discuss how a stress perspective can inform future research on commuting impacts and implications for individual, organizational, and policy interventions to mitigate adverse consequences of commuting.
This study addresses the question of how work commutes change positive versus negative and active versus passive mood experienced after the commutes. Analyses are presented for 230 time-sampled morning commutes to work, made by 146 randomly sampled people in three different Swedish cities, asking them to use smartphones to report mood before, directly after, and later in the work place after the commute. The results show that self-reported positive emotional responses evoked by critical incidents are related to mood changes directly after the commute but not later in the day. It is also shown that satisfaction with the commute, measured retrospectively, is related to travel mode, travel time, as well as both positive and negative emotional responses to critical incidents.