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Improved anti-noise attack ability of image encryption algorithm using de-noising technique



Information security is considered as one of the important issues in the information age used to preserve the secret information throughout transmissions in practical applications. With regard to image encryption, a lot of schemes related to information security were applied. Such approaches might be categorized into 2 domains; domain frequency and domain spatial. The presented work develops an encryption technique on the basis of conventional watermarking system with the use of singular value decomposition (SVD), discrete cosine transform (DCT), and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) together, the suggested DWT-DCT-SVD method has high robustness in comparison to the other conventional approaches and enhanced approach for having high robustness against Gaussian noise attacks with using denoising approach according to DWT. Mean square error (MSE) in addition to the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) specified the performance measures which are the base of this study's results, as they are showing that the algorithm utilized in this study has high robustness against Gaussian noise attacks.
TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
Vol. 18, No. 6, December 2020, pp. 3080~3087
ISSN: 1693-6930, accredited First Grade by Kemenristekdikti, Decree No: 21/E/KPT/2018
DOI: 10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v18i6.16384 3080
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Improved anti-noise attack ability of image encryption
algorithm using de-noising technique
Mohanad Najm Abdulwahed, Ali kamil Ahmed
Department of Materials, University of Technology, Iraq
Article Info
Article history:
Received Apr 4, 2020
Revised May 18, 2020
Accepted Jun 25, 2020
Information security is considered as one of the important issues in the
information age used to preserve the secret information throughout transmissions
in practical applications. With regard to image encryption, a lot of schemes
related to information security were applied. Such approaches might be
categorized into 2 domains; domain frequency and domain spatial. The presented
work develops an encryption technique on the basis of conventional
watermarking system with the use of singular value decomposition (SVD),
discrete cosine transform (DCT), and discrete wavelet transform (DWT)
together, the suggested DWT-DCT-SVD method has high robustness in
comparison to the other conventional approaches and enhanced approach for
having high robustness against Gaussian noise attacks with using denoising
approach according to DWT. Mean square error (MSE) in addition to the peak
signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) specified the performance measures which are the
base of this study’s results, as they are showing that the algorithm utilized in this
study has high robustness against Gaussian noise attacks.
Gaussian noise
Image encryption
Image processing
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Corresponding Author:
Mohanad Najm Abdulwahed
Department of Materials,
University of Technology,
Baghdad, Iraq.
Image processing is defined as certain mathematical operations with the use of signal processing,
where the input might be image, picture, image collection, video or photo frame, while image processing’s
output might be image or set of image-associated parameters or features [1-3]. A lot of image processing
approaches involves view the images as two-dimesional (2D) signal as well as utilizing standard approaches
for signal processing. The image encryption methods might be categorized into 2 groups on the basis of
frequency domain and spatial domain operations [4]. The latter work in spatial domain, encrypted artifacts
have been the intensity and position of pixels, whereas the former is in frequency domain is frequency
coefficients. The earlier encryption approaches are operating in spatial domain. The techniques related to
spatial domain image-encryption are requiring a lot of computations [5].
Generally, some transformation approaches including discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and discrete
cosine transform (DCT) have been utilized in the approaches of image encryption on the basis of transform
domain. In comparison to conventional discrete Fourier transform (DFT), the DCT is avoiding complex
computations, also the DWT might be obtaining strong input image localization features in frequency and
spatial domain. The drawbacks of double random phase encryption (DRPE) are recognized, also it is indicated
that the digital watermarking has increased robustness in frequency domain, also it might be exploiting the
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control
Improved anti-noise attack ability of image encryption algorithm using ... (Mohanad Najm Abdulwahed)
benefits of transform approaches [4]. The major workflow regarding digital watermarking has been close to
decryption and encryption of image in which it is hiding original (secret) image to the host image. Specifying
the efficiency of image encryption approaches has been of high important with the use of digital watermarking
methods [6]. It has been indicated that the strategies of image denoising might be filtering out the image noises
throughout image’s pre-processing; in the case when such approach might be utilized in developing approaches
of image encryption, anti-attack capability of such approach against the noise attacks is going to be enhanced;
furthermore, robustness regarding such approach is going to be enhanced [7, 8].
The presented study develops DWT-DCT-SVD (singular value decomposition) based approach of the
image encryption according to digital watermarking approaches; the results are showing that the developed
approach has the ability for resisting the majority of attacks; the effectiveness of the suggested scheme has
been however inacceptable in terms of Gaussian noise attacks. Therefore, the study will specify utilizing the
image denoising for boosting anti-attack ability against the noise attacks.
SVD can be defined as matrix transformation approach that depends on the eigenvalue. Each one of
the images could be provided as matrix, SVD might be decomposing the matrix to sum of various matrices.
Also, SVD isn’t associated to transformation between frequency and spatial domain, yet image’s singular value
has excellent stability; also, it is typically combining with the transform algorithms in the field of image
processing. In the case when disturbances are applied to an image, singular value won’t be too much modified.
Also, matrix’s singular vector has invariance in terms of rotation, translation, and s o on. Thus, singular value
might efficiently reflect the matrix’s properties. In the case when being utilized to image’s matrix, singular
value in addition to its spanned vector space regarding the image might be reflecting various features and
components of image. Image’s algebraic characteristics might be specified, also SVD has been majorly utilized
in the image processing. Due to its rotation invariance and stability, the majority of present algorithms of image
encryption have been on the basis of SVD that have elevated robustness [9-11]. An excellent approach for
computing eigenvectors and eigenvalues of data matrix X (KxM) has been with the use of SVD specified as
follows [12]:
 
  
   (1)
The theorem of SVD indicating that ^xM matrix X might be decomposed to the next matrices’ product:
 (2)
In which U representing K x K orthonormal matrix which contain left singular vectors that are arranged
column wise
 
 
  (3)
V representing M x M orthonormal matrix related to the right singular vectors,
 
 
  (4)
while representing K xM matrix regarding the nonnegative real singular values:
 
 
  
  
  
 
 
  
  
  
 
ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 18, No. 6, December 2020: 3080 - 3087
Due to such SVD’s properties, in the past two years, some watermarking calculations were suggested
with regard to such system. The major concept of such approach has been discovering the cover image’s SVD
and then changing its solitary qualities for installing watermark. A few of the SVD-based calculations have
been specified as SVD-situated, it might be indicated that the lone SVD area has been applied for implanting
watermark to picture. Recently, a few of half and half SVD-based calculations were suggested, in which
the different types of changes space involving DCT, DWT, and fast Hadamard transform. were used for
inserting the watermark to picture [13].
This approach has solid energy concentration properties in the low frequency part following a
transform. Also, signal’s statistical characteristics has been close to the process of Markov, DCT’s
de-correlated performance has been close to the performance regarding K-L transform; the latter provided
optimum de-correlated performance, thus DCT has been majorly utilized in the image processing like image
encryption and image compression. In comparison to DFT, computations in the DCT have been in the real
domain, eliminating the complex operations as well as enhancing speed. Also, DCT has rotation, translation,
and scaling invariance related to Fourier transform that might be efficiently resisting the geometric attacks.
Due to such benefits, DCT has excellent performance in image encryption field and was utilized recently in a
lot of studies [13, 14].
Changes in discrete cosine has been a process to change flag to rudimentary recurrence parts. Also, it
is dealing with the picture as entirety of sinusoids related to frequencies and fluctuating extents. With regard
to the information picture, x, the DCT coefficients for changed yield picture, y, have been processed as shown
in (5). Furthermore, x, representing info imagehaving N x M pixels, x(m,n) has been pixel’s power in push m,
also segment n related to picture, y(u,v) representing DCT coefficient in the push u, while the section v of DCT
network [15, 16].
 
An image has been re-constructed via using the inverse DCT operation as show in (6):
 
The wavelets have been utilized in image processing for compression, watermarking, sample edge
detection, coding and denoising of the interesting features with regard to subsequent classification. The next
sub-sections are discussing the denoising of image through thresholding DWT coefficients [17-20].
4.1. DWT of image data
Images are provided as 2D coefficients’ array. Each one of the coefficients are representing that
point’s brightness degree. The majority of the herbal photographs are showing the smooth coloration variations
with optimum details representing sharp edges from simple versions. The clean variations in coloration might
be labelled as low-frequency versions, in which the pointy variations might be labelled as excessive-frequency
versions. Also, low-frequency components (for instance, smooth versions) are showing the photographs’ base,
in which excessive-frequency components (for instance edges providing the details) have been uploaded upon
low-frequency components for refining the image, thus creating in-depth images. Also, the easy versions have
been significant in comparison to details. A lot of approaches might be utilized for differentiating between
the photograph information and easy variations. An example of such approaches has been picture
decomposition through DWT re-modeling. Various levels of de-composition related to DWT can be seen in
the Figure 1.
4.2. Image’s inverse DWT
Various data classes have been collected to re-constructed image with the use of reverse wavelet
transform. Also, pair of the low and high-pass filters have been utilized throughout the process of
re-construction. The filters have been indicated to as synthesis filter pair. The process of filtering has been
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control
Improved anti-noise attack ability of image encryption algorithm using ... (Mohanad Najm Abdulwahed)
the opposite of transformation; the process is starting from highest level. Furthermore, filters have been initially
utilized column-wise, after that row-wise level by level till reaching lowest level.
Figure 1. DWT Decomposition levels; (a) single level decomposition, (b) two level decomposition,
(c) three level decomposition
With regard to digital image processing, images are sometimes attacked via different noises and
the image’s quality is going to be reduced; if the image noise might be efficiently filtered out or not, it is going
to be affecting subsequent processing like image decryption, edge detection, object segmentation, and feature
extraction [21, 22]. With regard to digital image processing, images are sometimes attacked via different noises
and the image’s quality is going to be reduced; if the image noise might be efficiently filtered out or not, it is
going to be affecting subsequent processing like image decryption, edge detection, object segmentation, and
feature extraction [21, 22]. The next phases are describing the process of image denoising.
- DWT related to a noisy image will be estimated.
- After the DWT representation done, de-noising is done using soft-thresholding by modified universal
threshold estimation (MUTE). Providing ambient noise is a colored, a threshold dependent on level applied
to each level of frequency was proposed in [7, 23]. The value of threshold applied to the coefficients of
estimated time-frequency using MUTE [23] is expressed as:
where N is length of signal, , is noise estimated standard deviation for level k, and c is the (modified
universal threshold factor) 0<<1. The noise variance will be computed with the use of the next robust
median estimator:
In which  representing all coefficients related to wavelet details in level k [24].
- Soft threshold will be utilized to sub-band coefficients with regard to each of the sub-bands, excluding
low-pass or approximation sub-band [25].
In which representing threshold value in the level k, also  representing wavelet detail
coefficients following the process of thresholding in level k.
- Image has been re-constructed through using inverse DWT for obtaining denoised image. Figure 2 showing
the data flow diagram related to the denoising process of an image.
ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 18, No. 6, December 2020: 3080 - 3087
Figure 2. Data flow diagram of image denoising
On the basis of the presented DWT-DCT-SVD encryption techniques with the use of normal image
as host image, using the approaches of denoising prior to image decryption for enhancing the anti-attack
capability related to such approach against noise attacks. Also, new workflow has been shown in the Figure 3.
According to the Figure 3, the processes of encryption and decryption might be provided in the following way:
- Step 1: Selecting original and host images of same size;
- Step 2: Utilizing DWT to the two image, also getting 4 sub-bands for each one of the images; following
utilizing DCT on the sub-bands, applying SVD for each one of the sub-bands and composed the coincident
sub-bands towards original and host images; after that, applying the inverse-DWT as well as the inverse-DCT
for getting encrypted image, such process might be treated as DWT-DCT-SVD encryption approach;
- Step 3: Through the encrypted image’s transmission, it might be attacked through the noising attacks; using
conventional denoising approaches or the linear CNN model-based approach for filtering attacked
encrypted image;
- Step 4: Encrypted image is going to be decrypted, also the process of decryption is going to be handled as
encryption’s inverse procedure; after that, getting the decrypted image.
Figure 3. Suggested model
The common measurement parameters with regard to the reliability of image involves mean absolute
error, normalized mean square error (NMSE), mean square error (MSE), and peak signal-to-noise ratio
(PSNR). SNR over 40 dB offers optimum quality of the image which is close to original im age; SNR with
30-40 dB generally producing excellent quality of the image with adequate distortions; SNR with 20-30 dB
presenting bad quality of the image; SNR not more than 20 dB generating undesirable image [26]. Furthermore,
the calculation approaches for NMSE and PSNR [27] have been provided in the following way:
In which MSE representing MSE between original image () as well as denoised image () with size M×N:
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control
Improved anti-noise attack ability of image encryption algorithm using ... (Mohanad Najm Abdulwahed)
This study utilized 2 distinctive algorithms with regard to digital image’s watermarking, also for each
one of the schemes, there are 3 types of results as follows:
- The image watermarking/dewater marking with no image attack.
- The image watermarking/dewater marking with the Gaussian noise image attack.
With regard to all the sets of images, there have been 3 results related to each algorithm. The recover
image’s quality has been estimated via MSE and PSNR. High PSNR values representing higher quality related
to the recover image because of small errors in the algorithm of image extraction. Also, the MSE near zeros is
the similarity measure between 2 images. The study selected image camerman for showing the results.
Decrypted and encrypted images can be seen in Figure 4. According to the results, it can be seen that
the encrypted image has been comparable to host image. Put differently, secret image’s information was
successfully hidden in encrypted image. With regard to the decrypted image, it can be indicated that the secret
image’s details are visible, also specifying that all the 4 results are meeting the expectations, also the encryption
approach on the basis of DWT-DCT-SVD system is of adequate performance.
Figure 4. Results for algorithm one image encryption with no noise attack;
(a) host image, (b) original image, (c) encrypted image, (d) decrypted image
The study utilized the DCT-DWT-SVD noise algorithm on the host image for watermarking original
image. After that, the Gaussian image with the variance attacks has been applied to the watermark image, also
it has been dewater marked and the extracted watermarked image can be seen in the Figure 5. Table 1, showing
the suggested method’s performance on the noise power with variance 0.1 on the basis of Daubechies wavelet
biases in comparison to the case with no noise attack. The values of MSE and PSNR have been estimated
according to noise power value.
Table 1. Performance on the noise power with variance 0.1 on the basis of Daubechies wavelet biases in
comparison to the case with no noise attack
No Attack
ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 18, No. 6, December 2020: 3080 - 3087
Figure 5. Image encryption results with the Gaussian noise attack;
(a) host image, (b) original image, (c) encrypted image, (d) gaussian noise encrypted image,
(e) encrypted image after denoising, (f) decrypted image denoising
The results of this study are suggesting that the DCT-DWT-SVD based watermarking approach as
well as the denoising algorithm utilizing DWT has been providing optimum performance in the existence of
watermark image’s recovery that has been attacked via Gaussian noise. Results have been analytically verified
with regard to MSE and PSNR, also the two have been high for new DCT-DWT-SVD watermarking system.
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... To quantitatively assess the noise resistance of the suggested image encryption algorithm, cropping, and differential attacks, the ordinary image of a female ( 256 256  ) and the carrier image of a mandril ( 512 512  ) are randomly selected for testing. The generated password image contains various artificially added noise pollution types, such as salt and pepper noise (SPN) and speckle noise (SN) [32], which increases the difficulty of normal images. The experiment's results are displayed in Figure 15. ...
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This paper combines Gerchberg-Saxton (GS) algorithm with the integer wavelet transform (IWT) and proposes an image watermarking encryption scheme with better security, stability and imperceptibility. Firstly, the Fourier transform domain's modulus is replaced by the known amplitude information by the iterative principle of the GS algorithm. The noise-like initial image can be obtained when the similarity satisfies certain constraints. Then, variable step Joseph space scrambling and pixel value bit processing are used to enhance anti-interference ability. Finally, IWT decomposes the cover image into four subbands with different frequencies. After embedding all the information of the secret image into each sub-band bit by bit, the visually significant cypher image is obtained, highlighting the imperceptible characteristics. The carrier and the regular images' hash values are calculated using the SHA-256 function. The RSA mode is used to update the key as the initial value of the hyperchaotic system while enhancing the security of the key, producing the password stream encrypted and embedded. The innovation of this paper is the introduction of the GS algorithm, which converts the image amplitude information into phase information and encrypts it as the initial image. Simulation experiments and in-depth performance analysis confirm the proposed method's efficacy and security.
... DWT, DCT and SVD based approach pursued in [11] is more robust to attacks as JPEG compression, Gaussian blur, salt & pepper noise, rotation and cropping with high values of peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR). Similar scheme [16] highlights high robustness against Gaussian attacks. A scheme [12] based on integer wavelet transform, SVD and arnold transform (AT) is used to embed watermarks in a block with lowest variance. ...
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A multi-objective optimized hybrid image watermarking technique is being proposed considering robustness, imperceptibility and security aspects using two different scaling factors. In this technique, original image is subjected to third level lifting wavelet transform (LWT) followed by singular value decomposition (SVD). Watermark is split into two parts to embed each of them into a different subband. In the suggested scheme, firefly algorithm is employed to get optimum solutions for two scaling factors to balance trade-off amid invisibility and robustness. Security in digitized data is an important aspect of image processing. It is improved with a key, an input to Arnold transform for scrambling watermark, to watermark embedding and extraction procedures. All the performance parameters like peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), structural similarity index measure (SSIM), normalized correlation coefficient (NCC) and bit error rate (BER) are used in formulating maximization objective function. Evaluation of the proposed algorithm indicates that it is characterized by fairly good robustness, invisibility and security.
... As we all know, there may be various situations like information loss and attack in the process of image transmission [21]. A robust encryption scheme should be able to resist various common image attacks to a certain extent and should ensure the information missing or contaminated encrypted images can still obtain the main information of the original image through decryption. ...
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Because of the advent of the information age, digital multimedia data are mainly transmitted through the Internet. Image is one of the most popular digital multimedia data. Therefore, this paper proposes a block-based key embedding method and a color image encryption scheme based on deep learning with this method. By using a neural network model to predict the initial chaotic sequence, the key data generated by prediction are encrypted to the color image in layers and blocks. This paper proposed the color image encryption scheme time complexity O n 2 , which is simple and effective. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme exhibits good statistical properties with information entropy mean close to eight and correlation coefficient close to zero. Good robustness to common image attacks like noise addition and cropping. Excellent encryption performance includes enormous key space and low PSNR.
Cloud storage attribute libraries usually store a large amount of sensitive data such as personal information and trade secrets. Attackers adopt diverse and complex attack methods to target the cloud storage attribute database, which makes the defense work more challenging. In order to realize the secure storage of information, an attribute based cloud storage anti-attack algorithm based on dynamic authorization access is proposed. According to the characteristic variables of the sample, the data correlation matrix is calculated, and the principal component analysis method is adopted to reduce the dimension of the data, build the anti-attack code model, simulate the dynamic authorization access rights, and calculate the packet loss rate according to the anti-attack flow. Design the initialization stage, cluster stage and cluster center update stage to realize the attack prevention of cloud storage attribute database. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can accurately classify the anti-attack code, has good packet processing ability, relatively short page request time, and anti-attack success rate is higher than 90%, which can effectively ensure the stability of the algorithm.
Due to the high degree of overlapping of digital image information, the security encryption ability of digital image information is weak and the encryption accuracy is low. A security encryption method for digital image information based on deep learning is designed. Determine the connection form of the deep learning network, and based on this, select the key learning function, decipher the digital image information, and complete the digital image analysis based on deep learning. According to the scrambling result of the image information, a circular index table structure is established, and then the secure encryption of digital image information is realized by solving the value range of the security parameter. The experimental results show that the maximum value of the information overlapping index of this method can only reach 1.36, which has strong digital image information security encryption ability and can effectively improve the security encryption accuracy of digital image information.
To address the problems of low encryption security, slow encryption speed, and small key space of personal biometric authentication image, a double encryption algorithm of image based on chaotic mapping is proposed. The global block-matching strategy of sparse clustering is used to remove the image noise, and the encrypted key information in the biometric authentication image is extracted by mathematical morphology. The logistic index is used to disrupt the image information distribution, bit scrambling is used to double scramble the image, and the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)-256 hash function is used to generate the initial value of the chaotic system to obtain the chaotic map and the random variable sequence of hyperchaotic Chen system, and the chaotic sequence is transformed into the ciphertext image matrix after exclusive OR (XOR) operation in order to realize the double encryption of personal biometric authentication image. The results show that the proposed method has large key space, high encryption accuracy, fast efficiency, and better security performance.
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The emergence of internet-of-things (IoT) devices in homes and industry, has resulted in the current and future generation of wireless communications facing unique challenges in spectral efficiency, energy efficiency, and massive connectivity issues. Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) has been proposed as a viable solution to address these challenges as it offers low-latency, spectral efficiency, and massive connectivity capabilities, which are key requirements in upcoming next-generation networks. In addition, another technology that has emerged as a solution to spectral efficiency and coverage is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Therefore, the combination of UAVs with NOMA has great potential to minimize the challenges and maximize the benefits. Specifically, we investigate the outage performance of the NOMA-UAV network over Nakagami-m channel fading. To this end, we derive a closed-form outage performance metric. The formulated framework is validated using simulations to verify the effectiveness of the proposed solution.
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In many applications, Image de-noising and improvement represent essential processes in presence of colored noise such that in underwater. Power spectral density of the noise is changeable within a definite frequency range, and autocorrelation noise function is does not like delta function. So, noise in underwater is characterized as colored noise. In this paper, a novel image de-noising method is proposed using multi-level noise power estimation in discrete wavelet transform with different basis functions. Peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and mean squared error represented performance measures that the results of this study depend on it. The results of various bases of wavelet such as: Daubechies (db), biorthogonal (bior.) and symlet (sym.), show that denoising process that uses in this method produces extra prominent images and improved values of PSNR than other methods.
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Information security is very important and has been widely implemented. Cryptography and steganography are two common methods that can be implemented to secure and conceal the information. In this research, the proposed AES algorithm for cryptography and DWT for steganography. However, in case of implementing DWT as steganography, there is a weakness which is a lower capacity. Based on DWT's problem, proposed Huffman Coding to reduce the total of the message's bit and increase the capacity. In the implementation, a message will be processed by using AES and compressed by using Huffman Coding then conceal in a cover using DWT. After doing several experiments using a 128x128 pixel message image and a 512x512 pixel of the cover image, achieved the average of MSE is 1.5676 and the average of PSNR result is above 40 db which is 46.1878.
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Encryption systems have been developed for image viewing applications using the Hill Cipher algorithm. This study aims to evaluate the image encryption quality of the Hill Cipher algorithm. Several traditional metrics are used to evaluate the quality of the encryption scheme. Three of such metrics have been selected for this study. These include, the Colour Histogram, the Maximum Deviation (comparing the original image) and the Entropy Analysis of the encrypted image. Encryption quality results from all three schemes using a variety of images show that a plain Hill Cipher approach gives a good result for all kinds of images but is more suited for colour dense images.
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Robust invisible watermarking plays an important role in copyright protection. Such watermarking has high requirements for robustness and security, and transparency and capacity cannot be ignored. Although there are many algorithms using singular value decomposition, most algorithms do not take security and reliability into account. Moreover, a meaningful watermark cannot be extracted under some attacks, resulting in the failure of copyright protection. In this paper, combined with particle swarm optimization (PSO), a secure and robust dual-embedded watermarking algorithm is proposed. First, the watermark image is encrypted by the generalized Arnold transform, then the original host image and the encrypted watermark image are processed by discrete cosine transform and multi-level discrete wavelet transform, and the singular values of the watermark image are embedded into the low-frequency and high-frequency regions of the host image, respectively. In addition, the embedding factor matrices are optimized by PSO. The simulation results based on the normal and medical host and watermark images show that the algorithm can meet the four basic characteristics of the watermarking algorithm. Moreover, the proposed watermarking algorithm has high capacity and good robustness, and can extract watermark with good visual effect under most attacks, so it can be used in copyright protection.
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Image denoising and improvement are essential processes in many underwater applications. Various scientific studies, including marine science and territorial defence, require underwater exploration. When it occurs underwater, noise power spectral density is inconsistent within a certain range of frequency, and the noise autocorrelation function is not a delta function. Therefore, underwater noise is characterised as coloured noise. In this study, a novel image denoising technique is proposed using discrete wavelet transform with different basis functions and a whitening filter, which converts coloured noise characteristics to white noise prior to the denoising process. Results of the proposed method depend on the following performance measures: peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and mean squared error. The results of different wavelet bases, such as Debauchies, biorthogonal and symlet, indicate that the denoising process that uses a pre-whitening filter produces more prominent images and better PSNR values than other methods.
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The security aspect is very important in data transmission. One way to secure data is with steganography and cryptography. Surely research on this should continue to be developed to improve security. In this paper, we proposed a combination of steganographic and cryptographic algorithms for double protection during data transmission. The selected steganographic algorithm is the use of a combination of DCT and DWT domain transformations. Because the Imperceptibility aspect is a very important aspect of steganographic techniques, this aspect needs to be greatly improved. In the proposed method of DCT transformation first, proceed with DWT transformation. From the experimental results obtained better imperceptibility quality, compared with existing methods. To add OTP message security applied algorithm to encrypt the message image, before it is inserted. This is evidenced by experiments conducted on 20 grayscale images measuring 512x512 with performance tests using MSE, PSNR, and NC. Experimental results prove that DCT-DWT-OTP generates PNSR more than 50 dB, and NC of all images is 1.
In Aerial surveillance, thermal images acquired by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) are greatly affected due to various external interferences, which results in a low contrast image. Widely used conventional contrast enhancement methods such as histogram equalization and dynamic range partitioning techniques suffer from severe brightness changes and reduced sharpness, which in turn fail to preserve the edge details of the image. Thus for efficient target detection, it is essential to develop effective thermal infrared image contrast and edge enhancement technique. In this paper, wavelet transform (WT) and singular value decomposition (SVD)-based image enhancement technique is attempted for the target detection using thermal images captured by UAV. The discrete wavelet transform (DWT), stationary wavelet transform (SWT) and SVD are used for texture feature enhancement, edge enhancement and illumination correction, respectively. The experimental results show that the proposed technique yields higher entropy (6.7485), EMEE (2.1212), MSSIM (0.8719) and lower AMBE (21.9049) values when compared to other existing techniques.
Ease process digital data information exchange impact on the increase in cases of copyright infringement. Audio watermarking is one solution in providing protection for the owner of the work. This research aims to optimize the insertion parameters on Modified Discrete Cosine Transform (M-DCT) based audio watermarking using a genetic algorithm, to produce better audio resistance. MDCT is applied after reading host audio, then embedding in MDCT domain is applied by Quantization Index Modulation (QIM) technique. Insertion within the MDCT domain is capable of generating a high imperceptible watermarked audio due to its overlapping frame system. The system is optimized using genetic algorithms to improve the value of imperceptibility and robustness in audio watermarking. In this research, the average SNR reaches 20 dB, and ODG reaches -0.062. The subjective quality testing on the system obtains an average MOS of 4.22 out of five songs tested. In addition, the system is able to withstand several attacks. The use of M-DCT in audio watermaking is capable of producing excellent imperceptibility and better watermark robustness.
Microarray technology allows the simultaneous monitoring of thousands of genes in parallel. Based on the gene expression measurements, microarray technology have proven powerful in gene expression profiling for discovering new types of diseases and for predicting the type of a disease. Enhancement, Gridding, Segmentation and Intensity extraction are important steps in microarray image analysis. This paper presents a noise removal method in microarray images based on Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD). VMD is a signal processing method which decomposes any input signal into discrete number of sub-signals (called Variational Mode Functions) with each mode chosen to be its band width in spectral domain. First the noisy image is processed using 2-D VMD to produce 2-D VMFs. Then Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) thresholding technique is applied to each VMF for denoising. The denoised microarray image is reconstructed by the summation of VMFs. This method is named as 2-D VMD and DWT thresholding method. The proposed method is compared with DWT thresholding and BEMD and DWT thresholding methods. The qualitative and quantitative analysis shows that 2-D VMD and DWT thresholding method produces better noise removal than other two methods.