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Constitutional de novo deletion CNV encompassing REST predisposes to diffuse hyperplastic perilobar nephroblastomatosis (HPLN)


Abstract and Figures

Background: Nephroblastomatosis is a recognised precursor for the development of Wilms tumour (WT), the most common childhood renal tumour. While the majority of WT is sporadic in origin, germline intragenic mutations of predisposition genes such as WT1, REST and TRIM28 have been described in apparently isolated (non-familial) WT.Despite constitutional CNVs being a well-studied cause of developmental disorders, their role in cancer predisposition is less well defined, so that the interpretation of cancer risks associated with specific CNVs can be complex. Objective: To highlight the role of a constitutional deletion CNV (delCNV) encompassing the REST tumour suppressor gene in diffuse hyperplastic perilobar nephroblastomatosis (HPLN). Methods/results: Array comparative genomic hybridisation in an infant presenting with apparently sporadic diffuse HPLN revealed a de novo germline CNV, arr[GRCh37] 4q12(57,385,330-57,947,405)x1. The REST tumour suppressor gene is located at GRCh37 chr4:57,774,042-57,802,010. Conclusion: This delCNV encompassing REST is associated with nephroblastomatosis. Deletion studies should be included in the molecular work-up of inherited predisposition to WT/nephroblastomatosis. Detection of delCNVs involving known cancer predisposition genes can yield insights into the relationship between underlying genomic architecture and associated tumour risk.
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Hyder Z, etal. J Med Genet 2020;0:1–5. doi:10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107087
Constitutional de novo deletion CNV encompassing
REST predisposes to diffuse hyperplastic perilobar
Zerin Hyder,1 Adele Fairclough,1,2 Mike Groom,3 Joan Getty,3 Elizabeth Alexander,1
Elke M van Veen,1 Guy Makin,4,5 Chitra Sethuraman,6 Vivian Tang,7
D Gareth Evans ,1 Eamonn R Maher ,8,9 Emma R Woodward 1
Cancer genetics
To cite: Hyder Z,
Fairclough A, Groom M, etal.
J Med Genet Epub ahead of
print: [please include Day
Month Year]. doi:10.1136/
For numbered affiliations see
end of article.
Correspondence to
Dr Emma R Woodward,
Manchester Centre for
Genomic Medicine, Manchester
University NHS Foundation Trust,
Manchester M13 9WL, Greater
Manchester, UK;
Emma. Woodward@ mft. nhs. uk
Received 17 April 2020
Revised 4 July 2020
Accepted 6 July 2020
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2020. No
commercial re- use. See rights
and permissions. Published
by BMJ.
Background Nephroblastomatosis is a recognised
precursor for the development of Wilms tumour (WT),
the most common childhood renal tumour. While the
majority of WT is sporadic in origin, germline intragenic
mutations of predisposition genes such as WT1, REST
and TRIM28 have been described in apparently isolated
(non- familial) WT.
Despite constitutional CNVs being a well- studied
cause of developmental disorders, their role in
cancer predisposition is less well defined, so that the
interpretation of cancer risks associated with specific
CNVs can be complex.
Objective To highlight the role of a constitutional
deletion CNV (delCNV) encompassing the REST tumour
suppressor gene in diffuse hyperplastic perilobar
nephroblastomatosis (HPLN).
Methods/results Array comparative genomic
hybridisation in an infant presenting with apparently
sporadic diffuse HPLN revealed a de novo germline
CNV, arr[GRCh37] 4q12(57,385,330–57,947,405)x1.
The REST tumour suppressor gene is located at GRCh37
Conclusion This delCNV encompassing REST is
associated with nephroblastomatosis. Deletion studies
should be included in the molecular work- up of inherited
predisposition to WT/nephroblastomatosis. Detection
of delCNVs involving known cancer predisposition
genes can yield insights into the relationship between
underlying genomic architecture and associated tumour
CNVs are an important source of human genetic
variation but can also be associated with disease.
This is best studied for intellectual disability/
congenital abnormalities where a likely causative
CNV is detected in up to 15% of undiagnosed
cases.1 Although the role of constitutional CNVs
in cancer predisposition is less well understood,
particularly for large delCNVs involving a tumour
suppressor gene (TSG), causative CNVs have been
described in cancer predisposition mostly through
involvement of known cancer predisposition genes
(CPGs), for example, PMS2, NF1 and RB1.2 3
Nephroblastomatosis is defined as the presence
of multiple or diffuse nephrogenic rests persisting
beyond 36 weeks’ gestation. While the outcome of
nephroblastomatosis and nephrogenic rests is vari-
able, ranging from regression to neoplasia, nephro-
genic rests have been identified in 40% of unilateral
Wilms tumour (WT), and the presence of nephro-
blastomatosis increases the risk of developing a
subsequent WT.4
The underlying mechanisms predisposing to
nephroblastomatosis and WT are complex and not
fully understood. Germline variants predisposing to
WT may present as familial or sporadic cases in non-
syndromic and syndromic settings. Thus, a germline
mutation of the WT1 tumour suppressor gene may
present with a syndromic (Denys- Drash syndrome,
Frasier syndrome) or non- syndromic phenotype.
In addition, constitutional deletions of chr11p13
involving WT1 represent a classical contiguous
gene syndrome that predisposes to WT as part of
the WAGR syndrome. A further well- recognised
WT- CNV association is paternally derived duplica-
tions of chr11p15.5 causing Beckwith- Wiedemann
Other constitutional CNVs involving genes more
typically undergoing somatic alteration in WT have
also been described in WT/nephroblastomatosis.
Constitutional gains of chr2p24.3 involving MYCN,
somatic gains of which are associated with poor
outcomes in WT, have been reported in both bilat-
eral WT and familial nephroblastomatosis/WT, and
a chr3p22.1 gain involving CTNNB1, commonly
somatically mutated in WT, reported in a child with
bilateral WT.6–8
Germline mutations in the RE1- silencing tran-
scription factor (REST) have been described in indi-
viduals with familial and sporadic non- syndromic
WT, but to our knowledge, neither WT nor
nephroblastomatosis- associated CNVs involving
REST have been described.9 Here, we report an
infant presenting with apparently isolated nephro-
blastomatosis and a de novo 0.5 Mb delCNV
encompassing REST.
Array comparative genomic hybridisation (aCGH)
High- resolution whole- genome aCGH screen was
performed using DNA extracted from peripheral
blood using the Oxford Gene Technology (OGT)
CytoSure Constitutional v3 Array (8×60 k).
DNA digestion, labelling and hybridisation were
Library. Protected by copyright. on November 5, 2020 at The University of Manchester Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107087 on 11 September 2020. Downloaded from
2Hyder Z, etal. J Med Genet 2020;0:1–5. doi:10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107087
Cancer genetics
performed according to the manufacturers’ instructions. Array
slides were scanned using the Agilent DNA G2505C Microarray
Scanner and images quantified using OGT CytoSure Feature
Extraction software. Data were then independently analysed
using OGT CytoSure Interpret software by two trained analysts.
CNV detection was based on a minimum four- probe inclusion
using Log2 thresholds of ≥0.35 (gain) and ≤−0.6 (loss). A
manual screen for mosaic aberrations was also performed.
Fluorescence in situ hybridisation
Cultures from parental bloods collected in lithium heparin were
harvested to create fixed cell suspensions and spread onto glass
slides. FISH was undertaken according to standard protocols
using probes (Empire Genomics; https://www. empiregenomics.
com/ fish- probes) RP11- 533F5 (orange) mapping to chr4q12
(within the deleted region) and RP11- 21L14 (green) mapping to
chr4p16.3 (control).
Clinical and pathological features
A female infant, the third child of distantly related parents, was
noted at age 2 months to have a large right- sided abdominal
mass. Pregnancy, birth and family history were unremarkable as
was clinical examination other than the abdominal mass. MRI
with contrast of the abdomen showed a large (10.8 cm×10.5
cm×14 cm) predominantly solid renal mass with cystic compo-
nents, replacing the entire right kidney (figure 1A). In view of
age at presentation and suspected diagnosis of a renal neoplasm,
she underwent immediate right nephrectomy.
Histological review demonstrated a lobular kidney with intact
capsule and multiple tumour nodules, the largest measuring 7.5
cm in diameter, and also a 4 cm haemorrhagic nodule (figure 1B).
Microscopy showed the presence of blastema and tubules,
without anaplasia (figure 1C). Following specialist histological
review, the diagnosis was considered to be diffuse HPLN rather
than WT. Imaging at the time of diagnosis and subsequently
(censored age 17 months) did not detect any evidence of
contralateral renal masses. Three- monthly surveillance imaging
is ongoing. There was no evidence of developmental delay or
clinical features suggestive of syndromic predisposition to WT/
Molecular genetic and cytogenetic investigations
In view of the complexity and limitations of constitutional molec-
ular genetic investigations in nephroblastomatosis, aCGH was
undertaken as first- line investigation. This showed an approx-
imate 0.56 Mb interstitial deletion of chr4q, arr[GRCh37]
4q12(57,385,330–57,947,405)x1 (maximum size arr[GRCh37]
57,280,593–58,084,496) (figure 2A). This region contains the
eight protein coding genes: ARL9, HOPX, IGFBP7, NOA1,
POLR2B, REST, SPINK2 and THEGL. Literature review and
consideration of the three OMIM (https:// omim. org/ about)
morbid genes (IGFBP7, REST, SPINK2) revealed that while
homozygous mutations of IGFBP7 are associated with retinal
arterial macroaneurysm with supravalvular pulmonic stenosis10
and homozygous mutation of SPINK2 with failure of spermato-
genesis,11 constitutional intragenic mutation of REST has been
associated with predisposition to non- syndromic WT.9
FISH studies using the BAC probe, RP11- 533F5, mapping to
chr4q12 within the deleted region showed the presence of two
correctly located chr4 signals in each parental sample (minimum
five metaphase cells analysed), indicating likely de novo origin
of the deletion (figure 2B). Paternal aCGH targeted to chr4q12
showed no evidence of the deletion (data not shown). Neither a
maternal sample for targeted aCGH nor a proband sample for
FISH was available for analysis.
We interrogated DECIPHER (DatabasE of genomiC varIa-
tion and Phenotype in Humans using Ensembl Resources)
(https:// decipher. sanger. ac. uk/ accessed 24 March 2020) using
the term ‘REST’ and noted four open access patients to have
delCNVs encompassing REST. The CNVs were larger than
the one presented (range 4.2 Mb to 29.2 Mb) and, for the two
with phenotypic data, neither was known to have nephroblas-
tomatosis/WT at the time of ascertainment (ages unknown)
(figure 2C).
This is the first description, to our knowledge, of a CNV
involving REST being associated with either nephroblastoma-
tosis or WT. Intragenic mutation of REST has been shown to
be involved in WT predisposition, although the precise mecha-
nisms by which intragenic mutation promotes tumourigenesis is
unclear, but likely results from disruption of its transcriptional
repressor function as indicated by the calculated lack of toler-
ance of REST to loss of function mutation (pLI=0.97).
On comparison with the open- access delCNV DECIPHER
cases encompassing REST, only this case was known to be asso-
ciated with nephroblastomatosis/WT. While this may reflect
the variable penetrance of REST, this delCNV is much smaller
than those reported in DECIPHER (0.5 Mb deletion vs 4.2 Mb
to 29.2 Mb; figure 2C). In our case, there were no syndromic
features, whereas for the two cases where clinical information
was available, this included intellectual disability, dysmorphic
features and congenital abnormalities but not renal anomalies or
neoplasia (ages unknown at data deposit).
Figure 1 MRI and histology images of renal lesion. (A) Contrast-
enhanced MRI showing right kidney replaced by multiple large solid
lesions of heterogeneous T2 signal. Upper panel, coronal section. Lower
panel, transverse section. Solid arrow, area of haemorrhage within lesion.
Open arrow, areas of hypo- enhancement within lesions. Arrowhead, rim
of enhancing normal renal tissue. (B) Nephrectomy specimen showing
multiple nodules of tumour replacing the entire kidney with one nodule
showing haemorrhage. (C) H&E stain at low power view (×10) showing
presence of blastema and tubules.
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Hyder Z, etal. J Med Genet 2020;0:1–5. doi:10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107087
Cancer genetics
Terminal exon truncating mutations of REST have been asso-
ciated with hereditary gingival fibromatosis (HGF) and splicing
defects with deafness12 13; neither clinical feature was known
to be present at censoring. While the reasons for these varying
phenotypes are not clear, they may reflect differing muta-
tional mechanisms, for example, a dominant negative effect
predisposing to HGF, alternative splicing products to deafness
and loss of function to tumourigenesis, in addition to protein
multi- functionality and differing downstream effects on cellular
pathways. This situation is not unprecedented with germline
disruption of CDH1 predisposes to both hereditary diffuse
gastric cancer and oro- facial clefting.14 15
The presence of nephroblastomatosis is a known precursor for
WT development with, in one study, 21/36 cases with HPLN
and not undergoing nephrectomy, subsequently developing WT.4
However, the somatic molecular changes promoting transition
from persistence of nephrogenic rests to nephroblastomatosis to
WT (or regression) are not fully understood, although somatic
alteration of WT1 is a recognised early step, being detected in
both nephrogenic rests and WT from the same individual.16
Given the natural ascertainment bias of individuals presenting
with WT rather than persistence of nephrogenic rests/nephro-
blastomatosis, the molecular basis of WT has been more exten-
sively studied. However, it is likely that, as with other hereditary
cancer predisposition syndromes, where there is underlying
germline disruption of a gene known to predispose to WT, this
predisposes to an early rate- limiting step in the tumourigenic
pathway, akin to germline mutation of APC predisposing to
adenomatous polyps, precursors of colorectal cancer.17
While germline mutations of REST have been associated with
WT, we are not aware that germline disruption of REST has been
investigated previously in cases of persistent nephrogenic rests/
nephroblastomatosis and our report would suggest that disrup-
tion of REST function is a critical step in tumourigenesis. Of
note, germline gain CNVs encompassing DDX1- MYCN have
been detected in a family with nephroblastomatosis and WT, and
separately in bilateral WT.6 7 When somatically acquired, MYCN
amplifications are associated with poor prognosis7; together,
these findings would suggest MYCN disruption also being critical
in WT development.
Although the majority of cases of WT are sporadic, where
syndromic features, bilateral, multifocal or very early onset
disease is present, consideration should be given to a possible
underlying genetic predisposition including clinical examina-
tion to identify subtle syndromic features. Our findings suggest
that where there is diffuse nephroblastomatosis, in the absence
of overt WT, molecular work- up ought be the same as for
WT. Molecular investigations of non- syndromic WT cases are
complex and, until recently, not always routinely available. The
new UK guidance for investigation of WT predisposition recom-
mends deletion/intragenic sequence analysis of WT1 and dele-
tion/methylation analyses of the chr11p15.5 imprinting region
(https://www. england. nhs. uk/ wp- content/ uploads/ 2018/ 08/ rare-
and- inherited- disease- eligibility- criteria- march- 19. pdf, accessed
29 June 2020). Considering this report and the published liter-
ature, we recommend that investigation (including deletion
analyses) of the more recently described WT- associated genes,
for example, REST, CTR9 and TRIM28, be included.9 18 These
Figure 2 Molecular, cytogenetic and database studies of constitutional CNV involving REST. (A) aCGH showing arr[GRCh37] 4q12(57,385,330–
57,947,405)x1. (B) FISH studies indicating no deletion, interchromosomal or large intrachromosomal rearrangement, in either parent, of the probe RP11-
533F5 (orange) which maps to 4q12 within the deleted region seen on microarray analysis in the proband. Image also shows the control probe RP11- 21L14
(green) mapping to 4p16.3 for positional information. Upper panel, paternal sample. Lower panel, maternal sample. (C) Schematic diagram of the four
delCNVs on DECIPHER encompassing REST, labelled by DECIPHER number, and the case presented relative to the midpoint of REST. Each bar represents
the CNV identified in the patient shown. The central axis represents the midpoint of REST, and the distance in base pairs from this midpoint is shown on the
horizontal axis.
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4Hyder Z, etal. J Med Genet 2020;0:1–5. doi:10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107087
Cancer genetics
investigations should also be offered to very young onset appar-
ently isolated unilateral cases; recent publication has recom-
mended constitutional evaluation of such cases up to age 2
years.19 Where an underlying causative predisposition is present,
3- monthly screening ultrasound imaging to age 7 years has been
recommended for at- risk family members.20
Guidance for molecular investigation and subsequent manage-
ment of rare disease is challenging; therefore, we recommend
data pertaining to diagnostic genetic testing and screening should
be evaluated through prospective international patient cohorts
to assess yield and cost- effectiveness with a view to possible gene
specific guidance.
In addition to CNVs detected in children and adults presenting
with a neoplasm, CNVs involving WT predisposition genes and
other CPGs may be detected as part of investigation of devel-
opmental delay where there is no personal or family history of
neoplasia. In particular, delCNVs involving tumour suppressor
CPGs are found in 0.3%–0.4% of aCGH investigations under-
taken for investigation of developmental delay/congenital abnor-
malities.2 However, accurate prediction of tumour risks in such
cases is difficult because the relevant CNVs are usually heteroge-
neous, affecting a wide variety of CPGs, and for any specific CPG
the size and location of the delCNV also varies. Although whole
gene tumour suppressor CPG deletions are generally associated
with a similar phenotype to loss- of- function intragenic muta-
tions, the consequences can be difficult to interpret where a large
delCNV is detected because of the potential modifying influence
of genes within the deletion.2 3 21 22 Tumour risks may also be
modified by non- coding region effects on long- range regulatory
elements and disruption of topology- associated domains. For
those TSGs that follow a two- hit model of tumourigenesis in
which the somatic ‘second hit’ is frequently total or segmental
loss of a chromosome, this could result in homozygous loss
of many genes in the cancer cell and produce a non- viable or
synthetic lethal state. Such effects might be predicted to be
more likely for large delCNVs but will be specific for individual
TSGs, for example, for RB1 a ~50 Mb deletion was associated
with bilateral retinoblastoma in addition to multiple congenital
abnormalities, whereas for the VHL TSG deletion that includes
the BRK1 gene, the risk of renal cell carcinoma is drastically
reduced.2 21 In the present study, we note that neoplasia has
only been associated with the smallest REST- associated deletion
(limited clinical information available for the larger deletions).
We strongly suggest that, whenever possible, clinical and aCGH
data should be deposited in public repositories (eg, DECIPHER)
so that CNV genotype–phenotype relationships can be char-
acterised and clinical management of individuals with CNVs
affecting CPGs is improved.
Large CNVs and whole exon deletions of WT/nephroblas-
tomatosis predisposition genes may not always be detected by
targeted resequencing techniques. Specific molecular studies to
detect such pathogenic variants should be included when inves-
tigation of the inherited predisposition to WT/nephroblastoma-
tosis is undertaken.
With on- going advances in bioinformatics and genomic
sequencing technologies (eg, long- range sequencing), structural
variant and CNV data will be increasingly generated, necessi-
tating the role of constitutional structural variants in cancer
predisposition to become an increasingly important focus for
clinical genetics practice.
Author affiliations
1Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine, Manchester University NHS Foundation
Trust, Manchester, UK
2NW Genomic Laboratory Hub, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust,
Manchester, UK
3NW Genomic Laboratory Hub, Liverpool Women’s Hospital, Liverpool, UK
4Department of Paediatric Oncology, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital,
Manchester, UK
5Division of Cancer Sciences, School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine
and Health, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
6Department of Paediatric Histopathology, Manchester University NHS Foundation
Trust, Manchester, UK
7Department of Radiology, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Manchester
University NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK
8Department of Medical Genetics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
9Department of Clinical Genetics, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation
Trust, Cambridge, UK
Twitter Emma R Woodward @ER_Woodward
Acknowledgements We thank Kidscan (Charity #109406) for financial support.
This study makes use of data generated by the DECIPHER community. A full list of
centres who contributed to the generation of the data is available online (http://
decipher. sanger. ac. uk) and via email ( decipher@ sanger. ac. uk).
Contributors ERW and ERM planned the study. AF, MG, JG, EA, EMvV, GM, CS, VT
and ERW contributed to the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of the data. The
manuscript was critically appraised and approved by all authors.
Funding ERW and DGE are supported by the Manchester NIHR Biomedical
Research Centre (IS- BRC-1215-20007). ERM is funded by a European Research
Council (Advanced Researcher Award), NIHR (Senior Investigator Award and
Cambridge NIHR Biomedical Research Centre) and the Cancer Research UK
Cambridge Cancer Centre. The University of Cambridge has received salary support
in respect of ERM from the NHS in the East of England through the Clinical Academic
Reserve. Funding for the DECIPHER project was provided by the Wellcome Trust.
Competing interests None declared.
Patient consent for publication Not required.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
D GarethEvans http:// orcid. org/ 0000- 0002- 8482- 5784
Eamonn RMaher http:// orcid. org/ 0000- 0002- 6226- 6918
Emma RWoodward http:// orcid. org/ 0000- 0002- 6297- 2855
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... Looking ahead the challenges will be different. Whilst much of the data presented here refers to intragenic variants and (multi) exon CNVs, with ongoing advances in genetic technologies it is likely that further families will be identified with alternate means of CPG disruption, for example, variants affecting regulatory regions [30] or large structural variants [31,32]. With the mainstreaming of diagnostic testing where immediate treatment decisions are required, robust pathways will be needed to ensure at-risk family members are offered appropriate follow up [22,29]. ...
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It is 30 years since the first diagnostic cancer predisposition gene (CPG) test in the Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine (MCGM), providing opportunities for cancer prevention, early detection and targeted treatments in index cases and at-risk family members. Here, we present time trends (1990–2020) of identification of index cases with a germline CPG variant and numbers of subsequent cascade tests, for 15 high-risk breast and gastro-intestinal tract cancer-associated CPGs: BRCA1 , BRCA2 , PALB2 , PTEN , TP53 , APC , BMPR1a , CDH1 , MLH1 , MSH2 , MSH6 , PMS2 , SMAD4 , STK11 and MUTYH . We recorded 2082 positive index case diagnostic screening tests, generating 3216 positive and 3140 negative family cascade (non-index) tests. This is equivalent to an average of 3.05 subsequent cascade tests per positive diagnostic index test, with 1.54 positive and 1.51 negative non-index tests per family. The CPGs with the highest numbers of non-index positive cases identified on cascade testing were BRCA1/2 ( n = 1999) and the mismatch repair CPGs associated with Lynch Syndrome ( n = 731). These data are important for service provision and health economic assessment of CPG diagnostic testing, in terms of cancer prevention and early detection strategies, and identifying those likely to benefit from targeted treatment strategies.
... Heterozygous germline variants have currently been reported in 19 patients with WT from 14 families [82,83]. Additionally, a de novo deletion encompassing REST was recently identified in a patient with diffuse hyperplastic perilobar nephroblastomatosis [84]. The REST gene encodes the RE1-silencing transcription factor which, similar to TRIM28, is thought to play an important role during embryonic development [8]. ...
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Since previous consensus-based Wilms tumour (WT) surveillance guidelines were published, novel genes and syndromes associated with WT risk have been identified, and diagnostic molecular tests for previously known syndromes have improved. In view of this, the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP)-Europe Host Genome Working Group and SIOP Renal Tumour Study Group hereby present updated WT surveillance guidelines after an extensive literature review and international consensus meetings. These guidelines are for use by clinical geneticists, pediatricians, pediatric oncologists and radiologists involved in the care of children at risk of WT. Additionally, we emphasise the need to register all patients with a cancer predisposition syndrome in national or international databases, to enable the development of better tumour risk estimates and tumour surveillance programs in the future.
Pediatric renal tumors account for 3%-11% of childhood cancers, the most common of which is Wilms tumor or nephroblastoma. Epidemiology plays a key role in cancer prevention and control by describing the distribution of cancer and discovering risk factors for cancer. Large pediatric research consortium trials have led to a clearer understanding of pediatric renal tumors, identification of risk factors, and development of more risk-adapted therapies. These therapies have improved event-free and overall survival for children. However, several challenges remain and not all children have benefited from the improved outcomes. In this article, we review the global epidemiology of pediatric renal tumors, including key consortium and global studies. We identify current knowledge gaps and challenges facing both high and low middle-incomes countries.
Pediatric renal tumors account for 3%-11% of childhood cancers, the most common of which is Wilms tumor or nephroblastoma. Epidemiology plays a key role in cancer prevention and control by describing the distribution of cancer and discovering risk factors for cancer. Large pediatric research consortium trials have led to a clearer understanding of pediatric renal tumors, identification of risk factors, and development of more risk-adapted therapies. These therapies have improved event-free and overall survival for children. However, several challenges remain and not all children have benefited from the improved outcomes. In this article, we review the global epidemiology of pediatric renal tumors, including key consortium and global studies. We identify current knowledge gaps and challenges facing both high and low middle-incomes countries.
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Over 10% of children with Wilms tumor (WT) have an underlying cancer predisposition syndrome (CPS). Cognizant of increasing demand for genetic evaluation and limited resources across health care settings, there is an urgent need to rationalize genetic referrals for this population. The McGill Interactive Pediatric OncoGenetic Guidelines study, a Canadian multi‐institutional initiative, aims to develop an eHealth tool to assist physicians in identifying children at elevated risk of having a CPS. As part of this project, a decisional algorithm specific to WT consisting of five tumor‐specific criteria (age <2 years, bilaterality/multifocality, stromal‐predominant histology, nephrogenic rests, and overgrowth features) and universal criteria including features of family history suspicious for CPS and congenital anomalies, was developed. Application of the algorithm generates a binary recommendation—for or against genetic referral for CPS evaluation. To evaluate the algorithm's sensitivity for CPS identification, we retrospectively applied the tool in consecutive pediatric patients (n = 180) with WT, diagnosed and/or treated at The Hospital for Sick Children (1997–2016). Odds ratios were calculated to evaluate the strengths of associations between each criterion and specific CPS subtypes. Application of the algorithm identified 100% of children with WT and a confirmed CPS (n = 27). Age <2 years, bilaterality/multifocality, and congenital anomalies were strongly associated with pathogenic variants in WT1. Presence of >1 overgrowth feature was strongly associated with Beckwith‐Wiedemann syndrome. Stromal‐predominant histology did not contribute to CPS identification. We recommend the incorporation of the WT algorithm in the routine assessment of children with WT to facilitate prioritization of genetic referrals in a sustainable manner.
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A number of genetic syndromes have been linked to increased risk for Wilms tumor (WT), hepatoblastoma (HB), and other embryonal tumors. Here, we outline these rare syndromes with at least a 1% risk to develop these tumors and recommend uniform tumor screening recommendations for North America. Specifically, for syndromes with increased risk for WT, we recommend renal ultrasounds every 3 months from birth (or the time of diagnosis) through the seventh birthday. For HB, we recommend screening with full abdominal ultrasound and alpha-fetoprotein serum measurements every 3 months from birth (or the time of diagnosis) through the fourth birthday. We recommend that when possible, these patients be evaluated and monitored by cancer predisposition specialists. At this time, these recommendations are not based on the differential risk between different genetic or epigenetic causes for each syndrome, which some European centers have implemented. This differentiated approach largely represents distinct practice environments between the United States and Europe, and these guidelines are designed to be a broad framework within which physicians and families can work together to implement specific screening. Further study is expected to lead to modifications of these recommendations. Clin Cancer Res; 23(13); e115–e22. ©2017 AACR. See all articles in the online-only Pediatric Oncology Series.
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Azoospermia, characterized by the absence of spermatozoa in the ejaculate, is a common cause of male infertility with a poorly characterized etiology. Exome sequencing analysis of two azoospermic brothers allowed the identification of a homozygous splice mutation in SPINK2, encoding a serine protease inhibitor believed to target acrosin, the main sperm acrosomal protease. In accord with these findings, we observed that homozygous Spink2 KO male mice had azoospermia. Moreover, despite normal fertility, heterozygous male mice had a high rate of morphologically abnormal spermatozoa and a reduced sperm motility. Further analysis demonstrated that in the absence of Spink2, protease-induced stress initiates Golgi fragmentation and prevents acrosome biogenesis leading to spermatid differentiation arrest. We also observed a deleterious effect of acrosin overexpression in HEK cells, effect that was alleviated by SPINK2 coexpression confirming its role as acrosin inhibitor. These results demonstrate that SPINK2 is necessary to neutralize proteases during their cellular transit toward the acrosome and that its deficiency induces a pathological continuum ranging from oligoasthenoteratozoospermia in heterozygotes to azoospermia in homozygotes.
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Wilms tumor is the most common childhood renal cancer. To identify mutations that predispose to Wilms tumor, we are conducting exome sequencing studies. Here we describe 11 different inactivating mutations in the REST gene (encoding RE1-silencing transcription factor) in four familial Wilms tumor pedigrees and nine non-familial cases. Notably, no similar mutations were identified in the ICR1000 control series (13/558 versus 0/993; P < 0.0001) or in the ExAC series (13/558 versus 0/61,312; P < 0.0001). We identified a second mutational event in two tumors, suggesting that REST may act as a tumor-suppressor gene in Wilms tumor pathogenesis. REST is a zinc-finger transcription factor that functions in cellular differentiation and embryonic development. Notably, ten of 11 mutations clustered within the portion of REST encoding the DNA-binding domain, and functional analyses showed that these mutations compromise REST transcriptional repression. These data establish REST as a Wilms tumor predisposition gene accounting for ∼2% of Wilms tumor.
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Wilms tumor (WT), the most common cancer of the kidney in infants and children, has a complex etiology that is still poorly understood. Identification of genomic copy number variants (CNV) in tumor genomes provides a better understanding of cancer development which may be useful for diagnosis and therapeutic targets. In paired blood and tumor DNA samples from 14 patients with sporadic WT, analyzed by aCGH, 22% of chromosome abnormalities were novel. All constitutional alterations identified in blood were segmental (in 28.6% of patients) and were also present in the paired tumor samples. Two segmental gains (2p21 and 20q13.3) and one loss (19q13.31) present in blood had not been previously described in WT. We also describe, for the first time, a small, constitutive partial
Wilms tumor (WT), the most common childhood kidney cancer, develops in association with an underlying germline predisposition in up to 15% of cases. Germline alterations affecting the WT1 gene and epigenetic alterations affecting the 11p15 locus are associated with a selective increase in WT risk. Nevertheless, WT also occurs in the context of more pleiotropic cancer predispositions, such as DICER1, Li-Fraumeni, and Bloom syndrome, as well as Fanconi anemia. Recent germline genomic investigations have increased our understanding of the host genetic factors that influence WT risk, with sequencing of rare familial cases and large WT cohorts revealing an expanding array of predisposition genes and associated genetic conditions. Here, we describe evidence implicating WT1, the 11p15 locus, and the recently identified genes CTR9, REST, and TRIM28 in WT predisposition. We discuss the clinical features, mode of inheritance, and biological aspects of tumorigenesis, when known. Despite these described associations, many cases of familial WT remain unexplained. Continued investigations are needed to fully elucidate the landscape of germline genetic alterations in children with WT. Establishing a genetic diagnosis is imperative for WT families so that individuals harboring a predisposing germline variant can undergo surveillance, which should enable the early detection of tumors and use of less intensive treatments, thereby leading to improved overall outcomes.
The DNA-binding protein REST forms complexes with histone deacetylases (HDACs) to repress neuronal genes in non-neuronal cells. In differentiating neurons, REST is downregulated predominantly by transcriptional silencing. Here we report that post-transcriptional inactivation of REST by alternative splicing is required for hearing in humans and mice. We show that, in the mechanosensory hair cells of the mouse ear, regulated alternative splicing of a frameshift-causing exon into the Rest mRNA is essential for the derepression of many neuronal genes. Heterozygous deletion of this alternative exon of mouse Rest causes hair cell degeneration and deafness, and the HDAC inhibitor SAHA (Vorinostat) rescues the hearing of these mice. In humans, inhibition of the frameshifting splicing event by a novel REST variant is associated with dominantly inherited deafness. Our data reveal the necessity for alternative splicing-dependent regulation of REST in hair cells, and they identify a potential treatment for a group of hereditary deafness cases.
Background Identification of CNVs through chromosomal microarray (CMA) testing is the first-line investigation in individuals with learning difficulties/congenital abnormalities. Although recognised that CMA testing may identify CNVs encompassing a cancer predisposition gene (CPG), limited information is available on the frequency and nature of such results. Methods We investigated CNV gains and losses affecting 39 CPGs in 3366 pilot index case individuals undergoing CMA testing, and then studied an extended cohort (n=10 454) for CNV losses at 105 CPGs and CNV gains at 9 proto-oncogenes implicated in inherited cancer susceptibility. Results In the pilot cohort, 31/3366 (0.92%) individuals had a CNV involving one or more of 16/39 CPGs. 30/31 CNVs involved a tumour suppressor gene (TSG), and 1/30 a proto-oncogene (gain of MET). BMPR1A, TSC2 and TMEM127 were affected in multiple cases. In the second stage analysis, 49/10 454 (0.47%) individuals in the extended cohort had 50 CNVs involving 24/105 CPGs. 43/50 CNVs involved a TSG and 7/50 a proto-oncogene (4 gains, 3 deletions). The most frequently involved genes, FLCN (n=10) and SDHA (n=7), map to the Smith-Magenis and cri-du-chat regions, respectively. Conclusion Incidental identification of a CNV involving a CPG is not rare and poses challenges for future cancer risk estimation. Prospective data collection from CPG-CNV cohorts ascertained incidentally and through syndromic presentations is required to determine the risks posed by specific CNVs. In particular, ascertainment and investigation of adults with CPG-CNVs and adults with learning disability and cancer, could provide important information to guide clinical management and surveillance.
Hereditary gingival fibromatosis (HGF) is the most common genetic form of gingival fibromatosis that develops as a slowly progressive, benign, localized or generalized enlargement of keratinized gingiva. HGF is a genetically heterogeneous disorder and can be transmitted either as an autosomal-dominant or autosomal-recessive trait or appear sporadically. To date, four loci (2p22.1, 2p23.3–p22.3, 5q13–q22, and 11p15) have been mapped to autosomes and one gene (SOS1) has been associated with the HGF trait observed to segregate in a dominant inheritance pattern. Here we report 11 individuals with HGF from three unrelated families. Whole-exome sequencing (WES) revealed three different truncating mutations including two frameshifts and one nonsense variant in RE1-silencing transcription factor (REST) in the probands from all families and further genetic and genomic analyses confirmed the WES-identified findings. REST is a transcriptional repressor that is expressed throughout the body; it has different roles in different cellular contexts, such as oncogenic and tumor-suppressor functions and hematopoietic and cardiac differentiation. Here we show the consequences of germline final-exon-truncating mutations in REST for organismal development and the association with the HGF phenotype.
Heterozygous whole gene deletions (WGDs), and intragenic microdeletions, account for a significant proportion of mutations underlying cancer pre-disposition syndromes. We analysed the frequency and genotype-phenotype correlations of microdeletions in twelve genes (BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53, MSH2, MLH1, MSH6, PMS2, NF1, NF2, APC, PTCH1 and VHL) representing seven tumor predisposition syndromes in 5897 individuals (2611 families) from our Centre. Overall, microdeletions accounted for 14% of identified mutations. As expected, smaller deletions or duplications were more common (12%) than WGDs (2.2%). Where a WGD was identified in the germline in NF2, the mechanism of somatic second hit was not deletion, as previously described for NF1. For neurofibromatosis type 1 and 2, we compared the mechanism of germline deletion. Unlike NF1, where three specific deletion sizes account for most germline WGDs, NF2 deletion breakpoints were different across seven samples tested. One of these deletions was 3.93 Mb and conferred a severe phenotype, thus refining the region for a potential NF2 modifier gene to a 2.04 Mb region on chromosome 22. The milder phenotype of NF2 WGDs may be due to the apparent absence of chromosome 22 loss as the second hit. These observations of WGD phenotypes will be helpful for interpreting incidental findings from microarray analysis and next generation sequencing. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.