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The creativity of modern architects and urban planners, engineers and technologists working in various fields of design and construction activities as well as the creation and production of new materials, structures and technologies are inextricably linked with general trends in socioeconomic development. It can effectively support the importance of architecture as a product in the sense of social response. The marketing activities are those activities that suffer adjustments due to the continuous changes in the users' needs to their behavior. In another hand, the subject of sustainable architecture and marketing became an important issue within design and construction process, where the application of the sustainable concept in design and execution process is rescuable, and it is not clear, therefore a clear reading of the building production by a clear strategy put sustainable architecture in a right way towards salability and it will be clear. The aim of this study is to create an evident comprehension, of the correlation between the phenomenon of marketing, supported by the concept of quality in sustainable architecture, and what it represents for the building users today. The method in this article takes two kinds of approach, the first is a literature study the other one is a semi-structured quality method, where an involved person has to create a hierarchy of priorities of many factors, related to the sustainable architecture factors. The study offers a clear reading of the most required factors of building users for getting a high-quality sustainable architecture. 1. INTRODUCTION A building that rests on sustainable design and a technically correct construction has a long service life ahead of it. So the more thoroughly and thoughtfully we build, the more sustainably we usually build as well. Therefore, we must build sustainably in relation to how our buildings are to be used, operated and maintained-rather than just focusing on construction costs. All sustainable architecture, both new style architecture and renovation, presupposes that it be required to think holistically and have close collaboration in all phases of construction between the relevant parties. Today the high-quality architectural elements in the market take a larger understanding., where it tends to be more human and interact with social life. That can support efficiently the meaning of architecture as a product in the sense of social reaction. The high-quality architectural concept is developed to be the area of research that supports the concept of architectural value in social life. Today it is required is to develop constructive approaches that support the desired behavioral changes and underpin the principle of increasing public perception that the benefits of new behavior exceed the costs of adopting that behavior [1] In an architectural domain, the strategy of marketing and the policy of research becomes essential for combining the relation between architectural creation and potential user positively, where a saleable architecture provides us with the opportunity to reach deficient levels of energy consumption by employing high quality, cost-efficient measures to general house components-such actions are in turn of advantage to the ecology and economy [2,3] It required to understand the meaning of profitable in building design, which is influenced by a series of more general economic aspects such as people's living standards, which includes not only the relative stability of the prices but also that of the family income. Therefore, the architectural product much less free than another consumer good when the form in architecture,
ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 07, August, 2020
Quality assurance in a sustainable architecture creation
Amjad Almusaed1, Asaad Almssad2
Department of Construction Engineering and Lighting Science, Jönköping University, 551 11 Jönköping,
Head of Building Technology, Karlstad University Sweden2
ABSTRACT The creativity of modern architects and urban planners, engineers and technologists working
in various fields of design and construction activities as well as the creation and production of new materials,
structures and technologies are inextricably linked with general trends in socio-economic development. It can
effectively support the importance of architecture as a product in the sense of social response. The marketing
activities are those activities that suffer adjustments due to the continuous changes in the users' needs to their
behavior. In another hand, the subject of sustainable architecture and marketing became an important issue
within design and construction process, where the application of the sustainable concept in design and
execution process is rescuable, and it is not clear, therefore a clear reading of the building production by a
clear strategy put sustainable architecture in a right way towards salability and it will be clear. The aim of this
study is to create an evident comprehension, of the correlation between the phenomenon of marketing,
supported by the concept of quality in sustainable architecture, and what it represents for the building users
today. The method in this article takes two kinds of approach, the first is a literature study the other one is a
semi-structured quality method, where an involved person has to create a hierarchy of priorities of many
factors, related to the sustainable architecture factors. The study offers a clear reading of the most required
factors of building users for getting a high-quality sustainable architecture.
KEYWORDS: Sustainable architectural; Marketing; Building user; Quality product; Life cycle product
A building that rests on sustainable design and a technically correct construction has a long service life ahead
of it. So the more thoroughly and thoughtfully we build, the more sustainably we usually build as well.
Therefore, we must build sustainably in relation to how our buildings are to be used, operated and maintained
- rather than just focusing on construction costs. All sustainable architecture, both new style architecture and
renovation, presupposes that it be required to think holistically and have close collaboration in all phases of
construction between the relevant parties. Today the high-quality architectural elements in the market take a
larger understanding., where it tends to be more human and interact with social life. That can support
efficiently the meaning of architecture as a product in the sense of social reaction. The high- quality
architectural concept is developed to be the area of research that supports the concept of architectural value in
social life. Today it is required is to develop constructive approaches that support the desired behavioral
changes and underpin the principle of increasing public perception that the benefits of new behavior exceed
the costs of adopting that behavior [1] In an architectural domain, the strategy of marketing and the policy of
research becomes essential for combining the relation between architectural creation and potential user
positively, where a saleable architecture provides us with the opportunity to reach deficient levels of energy
consumption by employing high quality, cost-efficient measures to general house components - such actions
are in turn of advantage to the ecology and economy [2,3] It required to understand the meaning of profitable
in building design, which is influenced by a series of more general economic aspects such as people’s living
standards, which includes not only the relative stability of the prices but also that of the family income.
Therefore, the architectural product much less free than another consumer good when the form in architecture,
A. Almusaed and A. Almssad, 2020 Technology Reports of Kansai University
for example, has to perform the functional, constructive and esthetical task [4,5]. The comfortable interior
environment is the main aspect required for a healthy architectural product, where the internal environment
of the building demands a feeling of comfortableness. Comfort conditions will vary from person to person. It
is essential to recognize that the evolution of architecture is marked by searches that tend to go beyond the
level reached at some point in time by the architectural thinking and its forms of expression [6]
In 1987, the UN World Commission on the Environment and development was aggravated by the need to
search for a new development model by publishing the report “Our Common Future”, which introduced the
concept of “sustainable development” in the following interpretation: “sustainable development is a
development that meets the needs of the present a great time, but it does not jeopardize the ability of future
generations to satisfy their needs. In 1993, the World Congress of the International Union of Architects (UIA)
in Chicago adopted the “Declaration of Interdependence” for a sustainable future. At the same time, the term
“sustainable architecture” was adopted, which refers to the architecture of the near future. Since that time,
architects have been actively involved in discussions and search for solutions to the problems posed.
Currently, the world community is making an attempt to formulate a universal architectural concept for the
development of new strategies and methods for various climatic, political, social and cultural conditions. At
the same time, architecture is considered as a kind of flexible “interface” between a person and the
environment. In 2009, the UIA in Copenhagen adopted the Declaration of Sustainability by Project. In 2010,
in Sydney, the International Union of Architects and the World Green Building Council ((World GBC)) signed
a cooperation agreement [7]. Given that sustainable architecture is not an exact science, a number of terms for
sustainable solutions are not well-established. and unambiguous. In the framework of the concept of
“sustainable architecture” there are names: “energy-efficient building”, “passive building”, “bioclimatic
architecture”, “intelligent (smart) building”, “high-tech building”, “healthy building”, “environmental, life-
sustaining” building” [8,9]. In many countries of the world, attempts are being made to formalize the
provisions of “sustainable architecture”, to develop the relevant provisions and standards. Priorities have been
formed for the energy efficiency of buildings, their autonomy and independence from centralized networks,
environmental friendliness and overall efficiency of the architectural environment. They are based on: -
efficient use of energy, water and other resources; - attention to maintaining the health of residents and
increasing the efficiency of workers; reduction of waste, emissions and other environmental impacts; - the use
of natural local materials. Sustainable architecture is a product which is designed in an environmentally
friendly way. The goal of sustainable architecture is to create structures which are beautiful and functional,
but which also contribute to a sustainable lifestyle and culture. Architects and engineers must form closer
working alliances with contractors and other project professionals to ensure that their designs will get built
within prevailing quality, budget, time, technology options and resource constraints [10,11,12]. Marketing
knowledge follows a discontinuous model of progress: knowledge has increased over time, but at a decreasing
rate; the marketing field, which is currently characterized by fragmentation and specialization, has reached a
stage of maturity [13].
1.1 The study aim
The article aims to show how the quality aspects interact with sustainable architecture as an important subject
in our human settlement, where the inhabitants are the factor motor subject, where the subject of sustainable
architecture and marketing became a significant issue within design and construction process. The application
of the sustainable concept in design and execution process is rescuable, and it is not clear; therefore, a
comprehensible reading of the building production by a self-evident strategy put sustainable architecture in a
right way towards salability, and it will be obvious. The creativity of modern architecture and urban planners,
engineers and technologists working in various fields of design and construction activities, the creation and
production of new materials, structures and technologies are inextricably linked with general trends in socio-
ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 07, August, 2020
economic development. More and more projects and buildings referred to as sustainable, green, eco-
sustainable, environmentally friendly, energy-efficient and other essentially similar terms. Their appearance
is determined by the paradigm of sustainable development.
1.2 The study problem
In modern society, the role of marketing and quality insurance in the architectural domain is as close as
possible to practice and is aimed at achieving the goals of the community and users of the architectural
elements. Most often, researchers analyze individual factors that affect the community's activities from the
inside and outside. At the stage of globalization, information freedom, and taking into account the importance
of increasing integration processes in international business, economics and politics, new approaches are
required to analyze the role of marketing and quality insurance in creating a global percept of good architecture
that corresponds with the modern orientation towards sustainable development in combat the negative impact
of the human settlement on the environment and the climate change and healthy human life. the questions that
need to be clarified are.
What is the phenomenon of architecture in modern society?
How the value of a sustainable architecture be appreciated?
What are the challenges for creating a sustainable architecture?
How can the role of quality indexes interact with sustainable architecture?
It is required to solve the problem regarding the meaning and the measurement of sustainable building quality
and the meaning of that as a defined concept by using the marketing tools for the modern architecture concept.
2. The method
The selected methods were divided into two workings lines; The first one is the literature review of the studies
made by the researchers' in the architectural quality and sustainability area. The second one is a questionnaire
which was distributed to interested students in secondary schools, who are already in the study environment.
And also selected teachers' staff, who works in the building's physics, building materials and environmental
domain. The questionnaires were sent by e-mail, due to the current ‘COVID-19’ situation. This part of the
survey is meant to inform the involved persons who are interested in sustainable architecture that there is a
research area regarding the quality of sustainable architecture for the future required to be analyzed. Therefore,
involved persons can come with their opinions regarding the practical reading of quality factors in sustainable
architecture and put their priority in the hierarchical form. In this part, it is required to create a hierarchy scale
of the most important quality values (factors) which were raised, according to the student's reading and
opinion. The subjects were students and selective staff from HTX high schools (Higher Technical
Examination Programme), which is a full time three-year technical upper secondary education program, which
qualifies students for admission to Danish business academies, schools of technology and design, university
colleges and universities.
2.1 Why HTX school category?
In this study, selecting the interviewers for the survey was decisive. The requirement was to be dotted with
update knowledge and more realistic. Therefore, the HTX school students were the most suitable for this
survey, where they are young people in creative educational institutes read the problem of today's problem
more scholarly, and they have a cleaver and practical answers to many issues related to our life [14]. The
young people from the HTX school students answered the survey in a vibrant procedure they put the priorities
of factors after a good understands of the role of every factor. And they put the importance of every factor
role in our practical life.
3. Evaluation of modern social interaction with the architectural phenomenon
A. Almusaed and A. Almssad, 2020 Technology Reports of Kansai University
3.1 The phenomenon of architecture
True architecture is that where thinking and human feelings come into play, creates an entire harmonic, which
ensembles structure and possesses significance [15]. The architectural product evolves within large
coordinates of timed spaces, depending on social, esthetical and geographical factors, assuming the role of
co-operation between the climate, economic and material conditions with the production and thinking the way
of a period, defined from the historical point of view. The evolution of architecture is marked by searches that
tend to go over the level touched at some point in time by the architectural thinking and its forms of expressing.
The activities of designing various included phenomena, the functioning way as well as operations specific
for figurative applied thinking and sensitivity are correlated in a continuous cycle starting from creating the
desired status and leads to the creation of a complicated process which begins with the formative vision of the
form, followed by the radiated sight and then to the realization of the architectural object which appears as
another desire with improving lifestyle as a target. This is different from consumer goods or the services that
were the purpose of the marketing activities at the beginning of the last century [16]. Architecture is always a
response to the tradition and culture of its time. It reflects the pulse of the society, environment action, lifestyle
of inhabitants and their aesthetic value as well as their building technology. Today several specialists in
architecture and building design believe that it is necessary to carry out an innovative creation of architectural
products, which keeps up a correspondence to the new demands of a full useful architecture but no more
building. [17,18] The architectural product is a product of human work an excellent suitable to be consumed
for a long time. Marketing for architectural products has a series of specific aspects because the object of
architecture in our lifestyle is a consumer good that cannot be moved (transported). The production cycle in
comparison with that of other consumer goods is exceptionally long. It begins with the placement studies and
ends when it starts to be used. This fact and also the proportion of the necessary material basis require a longer-
term prediction [19].
3.2 The life cycle of the architectural product
The architectural product is characterized by a life cycle similar to the traditional products: introducing the
product on the market represents the first stage. The new product has an increasing request and a rapid growth,
but as time goes by, new products will appear on the market offering more advantages than the already mature
product that will suffer a decline from the request point of view as the users change their needs towards a new
architecture program [20]. This evolution of the architectural product has been represented graphically,
illustrating the four organic phases of the architectural product lifecycle. Figure (1) shows the stages of
architectural product lifecycle.
ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 07, August, 2020
Fig (1) Architectural product lifecycle
The design phase (Launch); In the starting after an in-depth analysis of human requirements for a competent
architectural element, architect offer society a product. In this phase the sales volume is low, the profit is
negligible; the relation between the user and the product is negative.
In the built and use phase (Growth); The social group starts to use the architectural product [19,20]. The
product will be aware of the regions, thus the product is underusing, where the user evaluates building
competence in time-related to the sustainability standards and codes. The relation between the user and the
product is moderate.
The architectural element offers the maximum benefit phase (Maturity); Everything is in regulatory usage,
the product is essential and becomes in maximum form. The sales volume smoothly declines, the profits begin
to drop, the relation between the user and the product is sturdy.
The architectural element starts failure in providing services phase (Declining); The architectural element
becomes old to cover all functions required. Therefore, all other indicators become negative. At this point, the
decision has to be: Changing the actual architectural product, Modification in the architectural product. It can
be a renovation or restoration.
3.3 The architectural function modernization and product quality indexed
The process of modernization can take tow form;
The integration concept upon architectural areas; It means unifying some spaces with close functional
significances in a new function. Changing the functionality of the areas can take place on the vertical or
horizontal line, according to space and structure possibilities. These decisions can be made according to the
beneficiary's desires and needs. The architectural spaces are complicated and relatively complex. They contain
more activities and can facilitate the progress of some functions in the same dine or in altered periods of time.
The integration can also take place in many fields (social, technological, compositional, etc.). For the alike
concept, space can be associated with other space or spaces to creating a new functional space or more, these
forms of association need a thermal synchronizer between those two or more, that represent an appropriate
comfort status.
Fig (2) Integration process of functional space
A. Almusaed and A. Almssad, 2020 Technology Reports of Kansai University
Functions joined, such as the connection between adult bedrooms and living room for creating a functional
improvement space for the social atmosphere like ceremony and festivity, etc. this kind of new large area
needs a human comfort level, such form of conception can be called the integration of functional spaces. The
derivation concept upon architectural spaces; It means sharing and detailing the existing architectural space
with the purpose of obtaining an area that can satisfy the new human needs. For an efficient and competent
architectural element, the concept of a unique function in a functional space is abstract and unrealistic because
all spaces can include more than one service, which needs more than two different human comforts, for
example, in bedrooms, man can locate more than one facility such as study, setting discussions, and sometimes
an easy sportive moving, at the side of the essential role for sleeping. We can call this form of conception
derivation of the functional areas. For example, a kitchen function can extend to suit a new social command
by added many capacities to the principal kitchen function to cover social requirements, see (Fig 3)
Fig (3) Derivation process of functional spaces
The term architecture has both wide and severe meanings. In the widest sense, architecture is everything built
or constructed for human occupation or utilization. A more restricted definition would emphasize the artistic
and aesthetic aspects of construction. A third and still more limited definition would say that architecture is
what the architects are specially trained to do or make [21]. Building and the built environment play a major
role in the human impact on the natural environment and on the quality of life. The sustainable architecture
integrates consideration of resource and energy efficiency, healthy building and materials as well as
ecologically and socially sensitive land-use including aesthetic sensitivity that inspires, affirms, and ennobles.
Today's marketplaces lay greater emphasis and focus on stability and reliability of manufactured products.
Corning has developed “quality architecture” to help engineers and scientists define and build the system
elements that allow quality to be built into a product, rather than rely on inspection. Quality architecture
involves designing a system that controls the manufacturing process in a stable and consistent manner and
provides for continuous improvement. The architecture defines and ensures the appropriate interdependence
ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 07, August, 2020
between product specifications, materials used in and by the process, product and process measurements,
statistical process control and information systems [22] many factors and standards inter in the determination
of the values of architectural quality indexes (see figure 4)
Fig (4) Shows the values of architectural quality indexes:
Building and the built environment play a major role in human impact on the natural environment and on the
quality of life. Intelligent, sustainable architecture integrates consideration of resources and energy efficiency,
healthy building and materials, ecologically and socially sensitive land-use, and aesthetic sensitivity that
inspires affirms and ennobles [23]. The art of building environmental engineering is providing a balanced
quality of the environment at minimum total costs and with the minimum use of fossil fuels for producing
energy. The approach to sustainable architecture will not only evaluate alternative construction materials,
product lifespan, and energy efficiency but also encourage the improvement of local microclimate quality by
design about sustainable architectural principles.
4. Quality management in sustainable architecture
4.1 The influence of quality in modern sustainable architecture
Architectural quality is a concept that is interpreted with the help of value-charged design criteria. It is judged
from criteria which include opinions, values, ideals and impressions of desirable characteristics [24,25], the
key question is; Why quality becomes an important theme in modern sustainable architecture? Because
everyone realizes in one way or another that there are serious problems with the way it is being built now. It
is undoubtedly visible that extremely many constructions are unsatisfactory or even outrageous, while very
few are satisfactory or even delightful. The reasons why we are interested in the quality of architecture are
determined by the obvious consequences of architecture for the quality of life. We are interested in the quality
of our lives and those we share them with. Not recognizing the importance of architecture for quality of life
is a matter of ignorance and enculturation. Moreover, not understanding the new stakes of architecture in
relation to the problems of humanity, nature, society, resources, heritage, means irresponsible incompetence.
The architecture is undoubtedly extremely complex. For this reason, it is difficult to assess quality on the basis
of a limited list of criteria, even if they are numerous. The mere addition of values that exceed the minimum
thresholds set of indicators does not lead to quality. Complexity cannot be reduced to just a few criteria. The
A. Almusaed and A. Almssad, 2020 Technology Reports of Kansai University
general concept of "quality" has wide use in various fields, namely: philosophy, economics, technical
disciplines. In economic practice, the notion of quality initially had the meaning of artistic beauty, then work
well done. Industrial production determined the term of conformity, then the quality of supply - defined in
relation to building user requirements. The product quality is an aspect which is not the same among (architect,
construction company and users). The quality of design and research process supported by the quality of
construction made by the companies which influence directly the quality desired by the building users, noting
that not all design - research and built efforts are entirely in the so-called ideal quality that gives full
satisfaction to the building users (see fig 5).
Fig (5) the ideal quality within the diagram of the three qualities (design, construction, user requirements)
The differences that appear between the quality of application of sustainability in architecture conception
desired by the users, the designed quality and the construction quality, make that the circles of the three
qualities do not overlap and, therefore, there are deviations from the concentricity. The complete satisfaction
of the users corresponds to the area of intersection of the three circles and, the smaller this area, the more
defective the activity of the enterprise in the field of quality. In the other hand, the quality of a timeless entity,
being perceived by each individual subjectively. It does not allow a clear definition of quality or its
measurement. The dynamic nature of quality is determined by the progress of science and technology, on the
one hand, and on the other hand by the growing demands of well-informed and educated building users
regarding the quality of products and services. In other words, what is currently appreciated in a commodity
that is of worthy quality, tomorrow can be obsolete, outdated, morally worn. The term quality in architectural
creation has highlighted five guidelines;
ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 07, August, 2020
Fig (6) shows the factors that are based on sustainable architecture
It is considered that each person has some individual preferences, which can be satisfied by different quality
characteristics of the products. This is the point of view preferred by the followers of the market economy.
"Conformity for use" is achieved through a large number of activities, logically linked, to obtain a building
that corresponds to market demand.
5. Method study and working manner
5.1 Literature review on architectural quality
Sustainable architecture work with the design and construction practices that reduce significantly or eliminate
the negative impact of buildings on the environment. It covers also the building location, energy use,
environmentally preferable purchasing, improved indoor environmental quality and a “continuous
improvement” approach to green building innovations and occupants. [10]. Yahya in his article” Value and
quality in architecture” [26] thought that the idea of quality in sustainable architecture area represents the
attainment of the anticipated level of performance or functions through the characteristics and potentials of
the architectural product benefits and service level that benefit the building user, throughout its lifecycle used
for purposes for which it is created, and according to operation principles. The architectural product has to
afford the user the expected services in high standards. He though just that can reflect the quality of
architecture. It is a self-assessment, could change in harmonically form with its the role played by the user.
Consequently, the quality of the building is the sum of all the qualities and proprieties that benefit the building
to complete its main duty effectively. While Rikesh, in his paper “Quality Control Management in Building
Construction” [27] takes the sense of approach, he thought that the quality of any architectural element must
be reflected by the meaning and symbols of the building form and spaces, in concordances with the human
civilization, not just the architectural today's style but also in history. He affirms that the building technique
had an extremely complex process, including a comprehensive range. Magnus Magnus in his article “Quality
in Architecture “[28] underline that the quality of any architecture product is related to a set of values and
standards. It should be understood as an open and arguable key model resulting from a difference and debate.
Consequently, it represents a continuous process, and at the same time can be changed at a determined time.
For him, the high-quality product must reflect the holistic approach of the architectural profession to design
projects, where the architectural quality within architecture is an open and dynamic concept built on
knowledge and it is created uncertainty. Architectural quality is a knowledge associated with benefits for
society. The same author but in another article “Quality in architecture – learning from history, practice and
competitions “[24] he affirms that the architecture of high quality is related to the element surroundings as a
A. Almusaed and A. Almssad, 2020 Technology Reports of Kansai University
co-player or as a challenger, where the architecture interprets the cultural character and uniqueness of the
surroundings. That can be understood as (a set of good attributes, where architectural elements can be
described as attractive, knowledge or inner characteristics of specific individuals, a specific relationship to a
place and a function, a certain type of material or technological production of a product).
Consequently, it can be understood from different views in concordance with the meaning of the architecture.
Kristin in his article “Architectural quality, Building Research & Information” [29] support the idea that the
quality in architectural products is confirmed from the relation between the architect and the user. It must be
created in a good arrangement by clear communication. For him, good communication can offer a high-quality
architectural product. Marans in his article “Measuring Overall Architectural Quality." Environment and
Behavior [30] affirms that the method of evaluation of the building quality is subjective and is related to the
building functions and user satisfaction. It is linked to the value of the interior space, building functions,
physical user comfort (thermal, optical, acoustic and air quality). Consequently, the quality of the sustainable
architectural element relates to the user physical comfort. Brid in his study “quality architecture” [22] present
that the Quality concept within architecture starts from the design. It is created in concordance with user needs
and requirements, which must be stable and consistent, where it can be developed after the use of building
functions in a continuous form. Consequently, the architecture quality is a complex process, where it combines
the product specifications, building materials used by product a process of measurements, statistical process
control and information systems. Lauring in his study “architectural quality of low energy houses [31] he
mentioned the factors that support the quality of a low-energy building, where the quality of sustainable
architecture is related to materials used and the working of the building system such as; thermal insulation,
building description and passive house system. All these topics must be supported by using ecological
materials and the size and orientation of windows. Consequently, the quality of sustainable architecture is
connected to energy- efficiency factors. In the book, [21], Biophilic and bioclimatic architecture,” the author
considers that the quality of architecture is more complex. It can include another multifaceted level, where the
biophilic architecture is a supporting factor in a healthy and sustainable architecture, it helps in creating and
a high- quality architectural product in the process of energy efficiency concept. Consequently, the quality of
any sustainable architecture is determined by all activities from idea conception to execution and putting it in
the use, between which there is an organic link and must be seen both in terms of architecture quality element
at the architect office, construction company and in the operation of the building user.
5.2 Sustainable architecture quality and build environment strategy (survey case)
Quality in the sustainable area is a dynamic notion, determined by the rapid changes in the characteristics of
the architectural element under the impulse of social factors, energy-efficiency, healthy life, human comfort,
scientific-technical and environmental solutions. Its content evolves according to the determined practical,
historical needs and captures both the extensive aspect (variation in time of the characteristics for the same
architectural element) and under the intensive aspect (amplification, substantial enrichment of the existing
characteristics of the architectural element). In this context, the importance of society is not only quality as
such but also the increase in quality. High quality of sustainable architectural elements meet the needs at a
higher level, are more competitive, better appreciated by the environment and building users, capitalize on
resources at a higher level, have a higher value. The quality of a sustainable architectural element refers to the
degree of utility of the respective product and its impact on the environment, to the extent that the properties
of the respective product satisfy the requirements of the environment and the building user. In another form,
it represents the totality of the properties of a building whose evaluation allows to determine the extent to
which the requirements are satisfied. Sustainable architecture Production quality; refers to a set of elements
that characterize both the quality level of each building as product and the quality of the design conception
activity, the technology used, the organization of built and work, construction and technical quality control.
ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 07, August, 2020
The quality of the architectural elements and the construction process is appreciated for the first time and
verified by the architect, but in the end, the real quality of the product is the appreciation of the building users.
The real quality of a batch of architectural products is in accordance with the recommended quality when the
dispersion of the values of the quality characteristics for all the components of the collection is within the
allowed limits and therefore the average quality of the collection is acceptable. The dispersion is calculated
with the expression:
S2 = (𝑋𝑖−𝑋)2
where X is the average sustainable value of the architectural quality indicator and n is the number of tested
architectural elements. During the architecture-to-user circuit, numerous factors act on the physical comfort
and quality of healthy life level of the architecture. Under the action of these factors and correlated with the
nature of the building, changes in architecture properties occur over time. It can be stated that an architectural
element has a normal quality when, throughout the processing and marketing, respecting the imposed
technical conditions related to the concept of sustainability, the prescribed properties are preserved. From this
point of view, the quality of a batch of the architectural element can be viewed under two aspects:
- Static quality (unsustainable architecture), ie the real level of quality, determined at a given moment
of the under using of architectural element
- Dynamic quality (sustainable architecture), ie the evolution of the real level of quality over time, as a
result of the interaction between the architectural element and the environment.
The pursuit of dynamic quality involves the determination from the initial moment of the design process and
must keep the same level of quality in the future represented related to the timeline. it has to keep the dynamic
properties for the product of architecture to be sustainable. The definition and follow-up of the dynamic quality
are applied to the establishment of the capability and durability terms, the establishment and control of the
unwilling factors that can appear under the everyday function of using, the adaption the negative effects of
the climate, and the capability to offer the comfort for the building users.
5.2.1 Energy efficiency in sustainable architecture
Introducing the concept of sustainable development in the field of architecture followed a parallel evolution
with concept transformations. As long as the accent of was put on the ecological and energy component,
industry construction has found the answer in the area of consumption energy: from the building with low
energy consumption to the passive building, then trying to generate a building that produces an amount of
energy at least equal to that consumed by integrating the concept of the passive house with active systems that
use renewable energies. In creating of the sustainable building regarding the individual life in building spaces
2 aspects required to be respected; environmental, and economical aspects which represent the material and
objective aspect of sustainability as shown in figure 7.
A. Almusaed and A. Almssad, 2020 Technology Reports of Kansai University
Fig (7) The impact of environmental and economic aspects in architectural conception.
After the world energy crisis of 1974, world construction and architectural practice pay great attention to the
problem of saving fuel and energy resources spent on heating /cooling buildings. Sustainable architecture is
more than energy-efficient or zero-emission building. It must adapt to and respect its environment in the
broader context of “milieu”. Sustainable architecture involves a wide range of complex issues within fields of
building physics, environmental sciences, architecture and marketing. Sustainable building design views the
individual building systems not as isolated entities, but as closely connected and interacting with the rest of
the building and a large sphere of environmental. [32] The UN International Energy Conference (MIREC),
criticism showed that modern buildings have huge reserves to increase their thermal efficiency, but researchers
have not studied enough the features of their thermal regime formation, and designers do not use the
achievements of fundamental sciences, the possibility of alternative energy and not They are able to optimize
heat and mass fluxes in buildings, including through the use of computer and control equipment [33].
However, the quality of the sustainable building shown that a large number of buildings, microclimatic, and
even architectural and construction zones have appeared in world construction, which was designed and built
on the basis of various concepts of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies. These concepts
are determined by their own names. The most famous was the following of them:
Fig (8) the names of high quality energy efficient building
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Volume 62, Issue 07, August, 2020
The above concepts of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly buildings are implemented in a large
number of construction projects, in urban areas of rural and urban areas, but so far have no scientific basis for
the best way to carry out their design. For increasing the quality of building designer have to take human
comfort in evidence when he starts in the design process. Thermal comfort is only one of the components of
a comprehensive concept of the quality of the internal environment of a house, one of its characteristics. In
no case, the concept of temperature comfort can completely replace the definition of a comfortable
environment for a person. The list of physical characteristics that affect a person’s thermal comfort consists
of two parts: environmental factors and personal factors. Environmental factors such as air temperature,
average radiation temperature of building envelopes, relative humidity, air velocity. And Personal factors such
as metabolic, metabolic rate (met rate, 1 met = 58W / m²), Clothes on the person (clo value). Between different
people, there are significant variations in the physiological and psychological relation to thermal comfort,
which makes it difficult to satisfy everyone equally. The environmental parameters necessary for a sense of
comfort are not the same for all people.
Table (1) shows the energy efficiency aspects related to human comfort required for a high-quality building.
Building energetic form (Compact building
Natural ventilation requires
Low energy building concept
Energy allocates such cascade (in interior
Effective Orientation present priority (a
good facing to the sun)
Adapting to local micro-climate
A. Almusaed and A. Almssad, 2020 Technology Reports of Kansai University
Ability airtightness (below 0,6/h)
Activate of the thermal insulation (U-value
= 0.1 0.15 W/(m²K))
Adaptive a thermally efficient glass and
The high-quality building provides us with the opportunity to reach extremely optimal human comfort and
low levels of energy consumption by employing high quality, cost-efficient measures to general architectural.
The quality of today’s architectural elements is influenced by the choice of building material from which the
structures are made and the premises are finished [34].
Figure (9) shown the reviewer's priorities regarding the effect of the building energy efficiency factors.
5.2.2 Healthy life in sustainable architecture
We are increasingly thinking about how to make life more harmonious, how to best arrange your building,
improve your health. For thousands of years of its existence, people have been listening to intuition, and
human life has passed in harmony with nature. But the environment around us is constantly changing, and this
affects our building. Table 2 shows the aspects that influence the creation of a healthy building. Simple natural
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Volume 62, Issue 07, August, 2020
building materials, such as stone, clay, wood and many other plants and animal origin, are close to humans If
we build a “passive” building mainly from natural materials, then in the first 35 years of operation, the amount
of CO2 produced by it will be neutral. But if you build a building from ordinary materials, then it will produce
as many emissions, and even before we start living in it, how much is a “passive” building for 135 years [35].
Table (2) s the aspects that influence the creation of a healthy building.
Natural ventilation requires and presents
The green covering of façade and external
Ability to natural lighting
Application of green factors in inner rooms
( Green factor)
Effective connecting with the external
environment (windows and balcony)
Human health is one of the main components of happiness. Our condition is influenced not only by a healthy
lifestyle, nutrition and heredity, but also the architecture surrounding us. A person lives in an environment
that, affects him both physically and psychologically. Today we create our buildings to be a comfortable
psychological environment for us, where just eco-sustainable architecture can give that feeling. serving,
coloring). This is very important because it affects physical and psychological health.
A. Almusaed and A. Almssad, 2020 Technology Reports of Kansai University
Fig (10) shown the reviewer's priorities regarding the effect of the healthy life in sustainable architecture
5.2.3 Social life in sustainable architecture
Social life in sustainable architecture could be broadly and briefly defined as the ability of forestry to
constantly provide people with prosperity. The current unsatisfactory ecological and aesthetic state of many
objects in the urban environment reduces the social efficiency of city spaces, which requires professional
intervention, especially in the process of forming the subject-spatial environment of actively exploited public
spaces. Social life in sustainable architecture has been significantly less focused on public dialogue than
economic and environmental sustainability. The social sustainability covers topics such as social justice, well-
being, health equity, community development, social capital, social support, human rights, labor rights, place-
making, social responsibility, social justice, cultural competence, community resilience and human
Table (3) the influences of social aspects on sustainable architecture
Ability to adapt to the multi-cultural
Multifunctional spaces in building design
Ability to create human objective
ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 07, August, 2020
Flexibility in using interior spaces'
Ability to adapting to multi-generation
Ability to an adaptive to user requirements
Fig (11) shown the reviewer's priorities regarding the effect of the social life in sustainable architecture
A more recent approach assumes that all domains of sustainability are social: including environmental,
economic, political and cultural sustainability. These domains of social sustainability all depend on the
relationship between the social and the natural, with the “environmental domain” defined as a person being
included in the environment. In these conditions, social sustainability covers all types of human activities.
This is not only a relationship to the focused intersection of the economy, the environment and the social. (See
fig 12)
A. Almusaed and A. Almssad, 2020 Technology Reports of Kansai University
Fig (12) Sustainability in the context of architecture and user requirement
6. Sustainable building as a high-quality product upon the marketing phenomenon
The quality of any architectural products upon marketing phenomenon represent; the whole properties of a
presenting it efficiently in urban spaces and the efficient use of inner spaces, besides the building materials
and technology uses. It expresses the degree to which they satisfy the social needs, depending on the technical-
economic, aesthetic, the degree of utility and economic efficiency in operation, respectively in usability [36].
Therefore, quality must be taken into account the construction process and, on the other hand, building quality,
these two notions of quality being interdependent. The factual objectivity of architecture translates the reality
of the technical, economic and social means, habits, level of cultural and aesthetic appreciation of a person at
a certain time or during a certain period of its history, therefore the architecture quality involves a system of
indicators which are:
Destination indicators, which refer to the usability and structure of the building, mentioning the field
of use
Indicators of reliability, respectively the properties of maintainability and building sustainability, in
the concrete conditions of their use technological indicators, which refer to the efficiency of the technology
Aesthetic indicators that give indications of informational expressiveness and compositional integrity
Economic indicators, which relate to development costs, and construction process, as well as the
economic efficiency of their construction.
Technical indicators: sensory properties, physical and energy properties involved in determining the
building qualities.
Sustained excellence is the final expression of the architectural quality production processes and refers to the
technical aspect, expressed by properties and technical-functional characteristics in relation to the degree of
usage efficiency. The aesthetic aspect related to the satisfaction of the psycho-sensory needs of the building
user; the economic aspect determined by the costs involved in purchasing and using the product [36]. The
general measure of quality is expressed by the relation:
J=T.C.A. E
ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 07, August, 2020
Where: J- is the general measure of high quality sustainable architecture
T- a measurement of technical characteristics in building components
C- a measurement of human comfort and the building user impression
A- the value of the aesthetic aspects in architecture
E- the measure of building economic factor
The technical characteristics are defined by the conditions established in the standardization documentation.
The measure of the technical characteristics is determined by the relation:
n - is the number of sustainable architectural element characteristics for which the valuation is made
Zi - the correspondence between the respective characteristics and conditions (environment, human, climate,
etc.) The correspondence between the characteristics and the Z- conditions is estimated numerically the value
of Z is calculated with the relation:
Z = exp (1-𝑥+∆𝑥) where:
ϑ - is the permissible limit of the deviation of the characteristic from the optimal value x - is the real deviation
of the characteristic from its optimal value ∆x - the absolute value of the uncertainty of determining the value
x (uncertainty measurement of deviation x). Measurement of use characteristics A is determined by the
A= 1(R+G+D+B) where:
R - is the measure of operational using of sustainable architecture with safety and health form, which can be
expressed in a simplified way; The form of a ratio between the number of architectural elements as products
that respect sustainable concepts in building form and function at a certain time of use and the number of all
architectural elements that were built as a subject to observation.
G - coefficient which is given by the ratio t1 / (t1 + t2), where t1 is the mean time of use and t2 is the average
time of non-use;
D - coefficient (conventional) which expresses convenience in use and which has a value between 0 and 2 (D
= 1 expresses a normal state, comfort and satisfying)
B - coefficient (conventional) that expresses the comfort and safety of use.
B must be equal to 1; if B <1 the product is un sustainable. The measure of aesthetic characteristics, E, will
be a conventional coefficient with the size between 0 and 2. This coefficient is determined by comparison
with products considered standard. The economic characteristics, K, simplistically, can be calculated with the
K= 1(K1+K
2) 2
where: K1 - the coefficient of the architectural element purchase expenses K2 - coefficient of operating
expenses. The total quality coefficient can be tracked statistically by periods (month, quarter, etc.), there are
different calculation formulas for this. For example, if a team makes a single architectural style and the built
volume varies, depending on orders or other factors, from one exchange to another, to calculate the total
quality coefficient over a period is used the formula:
A. Almusaed and A. Almssad, 2020 Technology Reports of Kansai University
Kper =𝐾𝑖. 𝑄𝑖
Kper - is the total quality coefficient per period
Ki - the total quality coefficie0fnt of buildings executed in an exchange Qi - the volume of buildings executed
in that exchange
7. Results and discussion
Buildings are not built to be sustainable or to reduce energy consumption. Buildings are built to add value to
what people do, want and need to do. Good architecture is usually sustainable. However, sustainable
architecture is not necessarily good. Therefore, it is required to understand that the quality of sustainable
architecture will result an excellence architectural elements. Therefore, the quality of our buildings and the
built environment are important for society from a broad perspective and crucial for people's social and health
well-being. At the same time, buildings often have a lifespan that surpasses all other products we surround
ourselves with. And the consequences of the choices we make today are thus far-reaching. Consequently, a
strengthened and coordinated effort is needed now. From an environmental, social and economic point of
view, our society needs an ambitious effort around sustainable architecture. Construction is responsible for a
large part of our total energy and resource consumption. Therefore, it is crucial that we ensure sustainable
architecture with high quality, which supports the development of construction in our societies. The definition
of high-quality architecture is not clearly determined where many researchers wrote about the quality of
architecture. For example, Yahya in his study” Value and quality in architecture: a study of the principles of
value engineering," brought practical and positive aspects of the implementation of high-quality architecture
in the sustainable architecture, where it must respect a possibility to introduce flexibility in the function of the
building and effective polyvalence in function and appearance in correspondence to the user requirement for
efficient physical comfort. For an architect, it is necessary, following the immediate wishes of the client, to
try to take into account most of the changes in these requirements in the future, where there are different types
of spaces are designed with parameters universal for a certain type of activity. Within the limits of their
universality, it is possible to adapt planning, engineering and technological solutions to the wishes of a
particular user. As a classic example of the architecture of those years, to cite the world-famous work of
“Louis Kahn” - a complex that still remains a revered and effective building for biomedical research. In many
ways, this is due to a successful architectural concept that combines human comfort for individual creativity
with the possibility to transform many of their spaces to another form in the future, according to user’s
requirements. The symbolism for the user represents a part of sustainable architecture. Where Rikesh et al in
his study did not bring the key factor for quality in architecture. However, the moral feeling is required for
the building users to complete the cycle of human comfort required, and then the quality of architecture.
The selected persons from the questionnaire, affirm the most important factor in the energy efficiency of the
sustainable building is thermal insulation, that represents a practical reading where the insulation represents
the main factor that determines the energy consumption in buildings. In the same situation, they don’t think
that the microclimate in the local site is not important, where they consider that is a minor factor and not affect
directly in energy efficiency, it can be an indirect effect, which represents a practical reading. For a healthy
building, they throw that the natural ventilation I more important, where it represents a human required for a
healthy space while covering the external façade of plants is not relevant. This opinion does not reflect the
real effect of green today, maybe they haven’t experienced regarding the green covering and the positive effect
on climate and micro-climate. Related to the social aspect, they think that created a multifunctional interior
space represent a value, where they don’t take major attention to the internal effective communication in
ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 07, August, 2020
building interior spaces, we think that is multifunction’s spaces can support the idea of derivations in future
of interior space where the activities can develop and then modification in interior spaces represent reforming
and adapting to the future user requirement which is very essential for sustainable building regarding the social
aspect. The condition for creating stability of the solution of an innovative, comfortable sustainable building
considers the degree of adaptability to changes that occur over time during operation and using. Buildings of
high architectural value have a longer durability, as people will probably also in 100 years' time want to live
in a building that is architecturally well-thought-out and which for the same reason is often maintained over
the years. Sustainable architecture with high quality is the future, which is absolutely necessary when humans
being are to promote and develop new sustainable solutions in construction sector that can in a decisive way
contribute to the global, sustainable society of the future.
8. Conclusion
Working with quality in sustainable architecture requires insight and understanding, which must very much
be common to those involved, no matter where you are in the process. Driving the development is not an easy
task, and will primarily have to be lifted by the professional actors in sustainable architecture. This study
assumes that using of quality indicators in the conception of sustainable architecture assist in ensuring the
design of a comfortable and safe human building for the use of unconventional, renewable use of energy, and
can help efficiency in reduction of harmful environmental impacts during the construction and operation of a
building, and economically adequate architectural, structural and engineering solutions. Therefore, it is
required to consolidate the relationship between the designer and the building user. When an architect and
user are in connection the communication between them related to instrumental research, experiment and pilot
production, the problems of energy efficiency and ecological, transformation, comfort and safety are
complicated. Many of the procedures on the sustainable architecture debate such as choosing of the optimal
orientation, introducing of natural lighting in the interior spaces of the building, protection against overheating
and from direct sunlight, the use of natural or ecological finishing materials are required for a high quality of
sustainable architecture. Atriums are widely used as a method of passive energy design. However,
instrumental research and experiment impose a number of technological limitations, and a number of
techniques for sustainable architecture require serious adjustments, where the basis for creating a sustainable
architecture with high quality is:
Environmental friendliness and energy saving
The comfort of the environment,
Transformability and flexibility of the solution.
These principles are also required when creating innovative research and production complexes; however,
their implementation is associated with additional difficulties arising as a result of the specific nature of
innovation complexes as a special and complex design object.
Buildings with a high architectural value have longer durability, as people will probably also in 100 years'
time want to live in a building that is architecturally well-thought-out and which for the same reason is often
maintained over the years. Sustainable architecture with high quality in the future, which is absolutely
necessary when humans being to promote and develop new sustainable solutions in the construction sector
that can in a decisive way contribute to the global, sustainable society of the future. The study concludes that
using of sustainability, quality factors can improve the economic factors, which is in the direct link to the
environment, ensuring the protection and rational use of natural and national economic resources in the
interests of the present and future generations
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... This is due to the increased influence of external and internal variables that contribute to economic instability in the area. Because the quality of the analysis of the sustainable development of regions (considering the factors of the external and internal environment and their assessment) determines the adequacy of the strategic priorities formed during planning, the problem discussed in the article is relevant [10,11]. The future of humanity depends on progress, and the precision of the definition and the pace with which these concepts are practically implemented are crucial for our generations, even if there is a lag of many decades between their inception and deepening. ...
... Architects can restore ecological balance and improve quality of life by designing spaces that meet human needs and improve nature-sustainable architecture. However, the definition's ambiguity may allow for a sustainable architectural design with a tenuous connection to sustainability [21,22]. BIO-GREEN PANELS outperform other eco-friendly building materials in terms of thermal insulation. ...
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The pressing concern of climate change and the imperative to mitigate CO2 emissions have significantly influenced the selection of outdoor plant species. Consequently, evaluating CO2’s environmental effects on plants has become integral to the decision-making process. Notably, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from buildings is significant in tackling the consequences of climate change and addressing energy deficiencies. This article presents a novel approach by introducing plant panels as an integral component in future building designs, epitomizing the next generation of sustainable structures and offering a new and sustainable building solution. The integration of environmentally friendly building materials enhances buildings’ indoor environments. Consequently, it becomes crucial to analyze manufacturing processes in order to reduce energy consumption, minimize waste generation, and incorporate green technologies. In this context, experimentation was conducted on six distinct plant species, revealing that the energy-saving potential of different plant types on buildings varies significantly. This finding contributes to the economy’s improvement and fosters enhanced health-related and environmental responsibility. The proposed plant panels harmonize various building components and embody a strategic approach to promote health and well-being through bio-innovation. Furthermore, this innovative solution seeks to provide a sustainable alternative by addressing the challenges of unsustainable practices, outdated standards, limited implementation of new technologies, and excessive administrative barriers in the construction industry. The obtained outcomes will provide stakeholders within the building sector with pertinent data concerning performance and durability. Furthermore, these results will enable producers to acquire essential information, facilitating product improvement.
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Vernacular building materials and models represent the construction methods and building materials used in a healthy manner. Local building materials such as gravel, sand, stone, and clay are used in their natural state or with minor processing and cleaning to mainly satisfy local household needs (production of concrete, mortar, ballast, silicate, and clay bricks and other products). In hot climates, the concept of natural building materials was used in a form that can currently be applied in different kinds of buildings. This concept depends on the proper consideration of the climate characteristics of the construction area. A material passport is a qualitative and quantitative documentation of the material composition of a building, displaying materials embedded in buildings as well as showing their recycling potential and environmental impact. This study will consider two usages of building materials. The first is the traditional use of building materials and their importance in the application of vernacular building strategies as an essential global bioclimatic method in sustainable architecture. The second is the affordable use of new building materials for their availability and utilization by a large part of society in a way to add more detail to research. The article aims to create an objective reading and analysis regarding specific building materials in order to generate a competent solution of materials that is suitable for building requirements in hot climates. This study evaluates the most suitable Building Material Passports needed in hot climates, where the environmental profile must be analyzed to confirm the use of natural materials.
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An overview of recent research related to building renovation has revealed that efforts to date do not address sustainability issues comprehensively. The question then arises in regard to the holistic sustainability objectives within building renovation context. In order to deal with this question, the research adopts a multi-dimensional approach involving literature review, exploration of existing assessment methods and methodologies, individual and focus group interviews, and application of Soft Systems Methodologies (SSM) with Value Focused Thinking (VFT). In doing so, appropriate data about sustainability objectives have been collected and structured, and subsequently verified using a Delphi study. A sustainability framework was developed in cooperation with University of Palermo and Aarhus University to audit, develop and assess building renovation performance, and support decision-making during the project’s lifecycle. The paper represents the results of research aiming at addressing sustainability of the entire renovation effort including new categories, criteria, and indicators. The developed framework can be applied during different project stages and to assist in the consideration of the sustainability issues through support of decision-making and communication with relevant stakeholders. Early in a project, it can be used to identify key performance criteria, and later to evaluate/compare the pros and cons of alternative retrofitting solutions either during the design stage or upon the project completion. According to the procedure of the consensus-based process for the development of an effective sustainability decision-making framework which was employed in this study, the outcome can also be considered as an outset step intended for the establishment of a Decision Support Systems (DSS) and assessment tool suited to building renovation context.
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Business leaders, governments, and scholars are increasingly recognizing the importance of creativity. Recent trends in technology and education, however, suggest that many people are facing fewer opportunities to engage in creative thought as they increasingly solve well-defined (vs. ill-defined) problems. Using three studies that involve real problem-solving activities (e.g., putting together a LEGO kit), the authors examine the mindset created by addressing such well-defined problems. The studies demonstrate the negative downstream impact of such a mindset on both creative task performance and tendency to choose to engage in creative tasks. The research has theoretical Implications for the creativity and mindset literature streams as well as substantive insights for managers and public policy makers.
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Builders from the Western part of Asia are trained to make buildings that can fulfill certain required functions while giving full consideration to all sites and environmental conditions. The research covers the zone between Iraq and Iran. The first investigated region is the “Mesopotamian Marshes” or Iraqi-Iran Marshes, a wetland zone situated in southern Iraq and partially in southwestern Iran. The other region is a desert district, which includes a prominent part of the southern and western parts of Iraq and part of Iran. The last is the center city of Basra. The building materials were the most important building element that affected the conformation of vernacular habitats from the western part of Asia in general and the Iraq-Iran area in particular. In this study, we needed to focus on the effects of ecological and energy-efficiency processes in creating vernacular habitats and the selection of optimal building systems and materials in this part of the world, which can be an essential point for sustainable environmental building processes in the future. Reeds, clay, straw, bricks, and wood were the most popular building materials used by builders from this region. The impact of building material on the environment embodies the essential method implicitly significant in this research to effectively determine traditional building materials in the environment, in addition to comparative analysis. This presents an essential factor of our analysis, in addition to the impact of environments on building systems. The main target of this study is to benefit designers and building engineers in their pursuit to find optimal and competent solutions suitable for specific local microclimates using traditional methods in the design process that are sustainable and ecological.
Rising detrimental global environmental statistics and measurable effects have caused the sustainable building concept to gain momentum. As a result, many sustainable building rating systems and assessment tools have been conceived and are being put into practice around the world. However, with different regions producing their own different interpretations on how to measure sustainability in buildings, a fragmented market has been produced. This study carries out a quantitative and qualitative literature review to systematically analyze 10 leading rating systems, exploring their rating categories, subsets of sustainability, innovation considerations, and rating mechanisms, in order to derive key common themes for a common global consensus. The results of this study were used to propose a framework and rating mechanism to reduce the heterogeneity within the market.
Careers evolve over time and can take many paths as they develop. Within marketing and sales, a common variant of career progression is to begin in a sales position and then advance internally into a marketing role. Doing so provides employees with unique but complementary sets of skills, experiences, and perspectives that may increase their efficacy as marketers. However, sales-to-marketing job transitions (SMJTs) can also be suboptimal and result in adverse outcomes. Although the sales–marketing interface literature has examined how the two functions work together, the SMJT process is unclear. To provide an understanding of this phenomenon, the authors conduct in-depth interviews across a host of different companies and industries with 56 informants who successfully transitioned intraorganizationally from sales to marketing, informants who transitioned but did not remain in marketing, and executives. They develop a theoretical model consisting of transition motivation, acquisition, preparation, and encounter. They also advance individual and organizational facilitators of SMJTs and discuss SMJTs’ potential positive and negative effects on the organization.
An engineer or a research scientist developing a new process is not often encouraged to build quality systems into the product or manufacturing process. However, today's market places greater emphasis and focus on stability and reliability of manufactured products. Corning has developed “quality architecture” to help engineers and scientists define and build the system elements that allow quality to be built into a product, rather than rely on inspection. A researcher or engineer can then provide a first-generation prototype of the quality systems, in addition to the first-generation prototypes of equipment and processes. What is Quality Architecture? Quality architecture involves designing a system that controls the manufacturing process in a stable and consistent manner, and provides for continuous improvement. The architecture defines and ensures the appropriate interdependence between product specifications, materials used in and by the process, product and process measurements, statistical process control and information systems. This results in a consistent and reliable product—features valued in today's market.
Marketing Green Building Services: Strategies for Success presents all the information key decision-makers need to respond to the fast-growing market for green buildings, design and construction services and products. Completely updated, revised and expanded from the author’s previous works, this book is the one resource you need to succeed in the green building marketplace.
The concept of biophilic and bioclimatic architecture represents one of the most promising ideas in sustainable building. Together with its consideration of ecologically harmless materials and use of renewable energy sources, it brings an enormous quality increase in planning and workmanship, as well as an improvement in inhabitants' comfort. This valuable concept merits a dedicated discussion. Biophilic and Bioclimatic Architecture outlines a new movement that aims to create environmentally-friendly, energy-efficient buildings and developments by effectively managing natural resources. The book has three parts: •Part I focuses on the impact of human needs on the creation process and assesses the concept of value in architectural hypotheses. •Part II opens the way to a new understanding of biophilic architecture as a response to destructive human activities and also considers the side effects of using natural resources. •Part III shows the significant benefits of making the connection between climate and comfort that can be achieved through bioclimatic architecture. Biophilic and Bioclimatic Architecture will enable architects, engineers and other specialists to develop innovative, sustainable architectural designs.
There are many original ideas and useful system inputs embedded in the building of human settlements in Scandinavian regions, where the landscape and habitat are strongly interconnected. A cold climate and strong winds are the most prominent risks that affect habitats. The Longhouse is the foremost traditional habitat in the Scandinavian region, dating back to the Iron Age, 2000 BC. This study examines the influence of climate on the conformation of habitats. Climate had a solid impact on the conceptions of habitat form and internal space. Wind and extreme temperatures had firming consequences on the housing arrangements, layouts, orientations, and building materials used in the construction process. Habitats from this region were located in an optimal arrangement, and the south orientation was used effectively. This investigation will provide an evaluative interpretation and analysis of the real facts of vernacular habitats in the context of energy efficiency and ecological concepts, considering human settlement patterns, architectural creation and building material uses.