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‫ Investigating Barriers to Development of Third Party Logistics Companies (3PL) in Iran: An Important Factor of Non- Competitiveness Logistics Services (Persian Language)

  • Institute For Trade Studies and Research, Iran


In this study, reviewed based on important and influential indicators, the evolution, reasons, and business environment of third-party logistics companies are reviewed. Moreover, main tasks and operations of these companies are extracted based on the study of leader companies. Therefore, the current situation of Iran (with a focus on road transport) and the important components in this field including logistics companies, drivers and the freight-road transport fleet are investigated. Then, the lack of coherent formation of large logistics companies in Iran has been discussed. Finally, according to industry experts' opinion, the industry's problems and challenges have been summarized, categorized, and prioritized. Due to the challenges facing the country's transportation sector, legal weakness and the lack of efficient coordination between the relevant government institutions in Iran's logistics sector achieve the highest priority and the education status of the drivers received the lowest priority in terms of the expert's point of view.
  
Investigating Barriers to Development of Third Party Logistics
Companies (3PL) in Iran: An Important Factor of Non-
Competitiveness Logistics Services
G. Reza Nasiri 1, Elnaz Miandoabchi 2
1 Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran;;
2 Logistics and Infrastructures Research Group, Institute for Trade Studies and Research, Tehran, Iran;
* Corresponding author: G. Reza Nasiri
In this study, reviewed based on important and influential indicators, the evolution, reasons, and
business environment of third-party logistics companies are reviewed. Moreover, main tasks and
operations of these companies are extracted based on the study of leader companies. Therefore, the
current situation of Iran (with a focus on road transport) and the important components in this field
including logistics companies, drivers and the freight-road transport fleet are investigated. Then, the
lack of coherent formation of large logistics companies in Iran has been discussed. Finally, according
to industry experts’ opinion, the industry's problems and challenges have been summarized,
categorized, and prioritized. Due to the challenges facing the country's transportation sector, legal
weakness and the lack of efficient coordination between the relevant government institutions in Iran's
logistics sector achieve the highest priority and the education status of the drivers received the lowest
priority in terms of the expert’s point of view.
Keywords: Logistics Management, Third Party Logistics Companies, Barriers of Transportation in
Iran, Logistics Costs, Road Transportation, Evolving of Logistics Companies.
          
               
         
              
         ][    
3PL 
3PL 
          
3PL 
  
           
        
RFID, GPS 
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                
    ][
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               
              
         ""        
          
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               
      ][
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                    
          
       
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 
                
   
         
  
       
  
 
          
             
        
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            
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                  
    
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 3PL          
][     
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Third Party Logistics (3PL)
Asset Based
Management Based
 Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)
 Chain stores
Cash & Carry Mall
Cross Docking
Logistics Performance Index (LPI)
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Purpose – To provide a taxonomy of third party logistics (3PL) research and, based on that, to develop a research agenda for this field of study. Design/methodology/approach – The proposed 3PL research classification framework is based on a comprehensive literature review, which concentrates on peer‐reviewed journal papers published within the period 1990‐2005. A total of 114 academic sources have been retrieved and analysed in terms of research purpose and nature, method employed, theoretical approach and level of analysis. Findings – The review reveals that 3PL research is empirical‐descriptive in nature and that it generally lacks a theoretical foundation. Survey research is the dominant method employed, reflecting the positivist research tradition within logistics. It identifies certain knowledge gaps and develops five propositions for future research. It suggests that focus should be directed towards more normative, theory‐driven and qualitative method‐based studies. It also argues that further empirical research in relation to 3PL design/implementation and fourth party logistics services is needed. Originality/value – This paper fulfils an identified need for a comprehensive classification framework of 3PL studies. It essentially provides both academics and practitioners with a conceptual map of existing 3PL research and also points out opportunities for future research.
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This paper introduces ways and advantages of third-party logistics enterprise servicing manufacturing enterprise, analyses supply-chain of manufacturing enterprise and further studies for the organization structure of third-party logistics enterprise servicing manufacturing enterprise, to seek to the enterprise organization structure which has the best combination in third-party logistics enterprise with manufacturing enterprise.
Third party logistics has many definitions and interpretations. In this paper, we review some of the most commonly used definitions including the ones appear to be broad and inclusive in nature as well as the ones with a narrow and more exclusive focus. We define third party logistics as an external logistics service provider offering single or multiple logistics activities to its customers, which typically is on contract basis. From the provider's point of view, their business covers a great number of relationships involving everything from simple logistical activities to advanced logistical solutions; from the customer's point of view, the degree of outsourcing varies and the outsourced logistics activities differ greatly. We also discuss the reasons why business outsources the logistics functions to 3PLs. Moreover, we review the previous research and attempt to predict the future of 3PL. At the end of the paper, we point out that the rate of growth may decrease, but outsourcing logistics functions to 3PLs is still a major trend. 3PL used to provide services such as warehousing and transportation. More recently, 3PLs are putting more attention on building a long-term contractual relationship with their customers by providing multiple logistics services. We conclude that 3PLs have a significant impact on not only the past and the present, but also the future.
The design of distribution networks is one of the most important problems in supply chain and logistics management. The main elements in designing a distribution network are location and routing decisions. As these elements are interdependent in many distribution networks, the overall system cost can decrease if location and routing decisions are simultaneously tackled. In this paper, we consider a Capacitated Location-Routing Problem with Mixed Backhauls (CLRPMB) which is a general case of the capacitated location-routing problem. CLRPMB is defined as finding locations of the depots and designing vehicle routes in such a way that pickup and delivery demands of each customer must be performed with the same vehicle and the overall cost is minimized. Since CLRPMB is an NP-hard problem, we propose a memetic algorithm to solve the problem. To evaluate the performance of the proposed approach, we conduct an experimental study and compare its results with the lower bounds obtained by the branch-and-cut algorithm on a set of instances derived from the literature. Computational results indicate that the proposed approach is able to find optimal or very good quality solutions in a reasonable computation time.
This paper studies a single-vendor–multi retailer supply chain and considers the case where the vendor merges with one of its retailers. After the merger,the vendor supplies products to the market both through a direct(integrated) sales channel and through the remaining retailers. Different types of competition are considered for the retailers,namely volume competition, price competition,and no competition.The operations policies of the vendor and the retailers are considered explicitly in this paper by taking account of inventory carrying,setup and ordering costs that result from production and ordering decisions. We compare the pre-merger situation to the situation after the merger and show under which conditions the merger is beneficial to the vendor,the retailers,the supplychain,and the consumers.The results of our paper indicate that the type of competition is of major importance for the structure of the supply chain after the merger,and that under certainc onditions,the merger may benefit all parties involved,i.e.the vendor,the retailers,and the consumers.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the performance measurement methodology used by a real case company, namely Vanderlande Industries Ltd, for cost and progress capture for in‐house production, resale material and third party supplied material, in an effort to measure performance of the supply chain of a large scale project – the €6bn London Heathrow Airport Terminal 5 construction project. Design/methodology/approach The case study approach was adopted, which includes ethnography. This research is not about testing a theory; it is about gaining insight to the actual functioning and supply chain performance measuring of a large‐scale project. In that sense, the experiences reported could be shared with those dealing with performance measurement of large‐scale projects. Findings Eight key areas of concerns are found relating to supply chain performance measurement of a large‐scale project: performance measurement requirements, with forecasting and progress reporting not owned by suppliers; lack of detailed planning causing regular changes to baseline; detailed work breakdown structure causing unnecessary complications to performance analysis; organisational structure; performance measurement tool; data capture; timing of progress and cost capture affecting the analysing process; and scope change and traceability. Originality/value The paper is targeted at senior and middle managers involved in large cost reimbursable projects. Managers should manage more carefully the eight key areas of concerns identified. Recommended solutions targeting each area of concerns from the lessons learnt in the €6bn London Heathrow Airport Terminal 5 construction project give a basis for improved project management and supply chain performance measurement for large‐scale projects.
Supply chain management has become such a popular topic in modern business management and researches. It brings the revolutionary philosophy and approach to manage the business with the sustained competitiveness. However, the existing performance measurement theory fails to provide its necessary support in strategy development, decision making, and performance improvement. This paper attempts to propose an innovative performance measurement method to contribute to the development of supply chain management. A process-based systematic perspective is employed to build an effective model to measure the holistic performance of complex supply chains. Fuzzy set theory is introduced to address the real situation in judgment and evaluation processes. The main framework of this method is outlined with some suggestions and a simple example.
Purpose – This paper seeks to introduce a set of key practices that can be used to assess whether an organization has the ability to design, develop and manufacture reliable electronic products. Design/methodology/approach – The ability to design, develop and manufacture reliable electronic products is defined in the paper in terms of a reliability capability maturity model, which is a measure of the practices within an organization that contribute to the reliability of the final product, and the effectiveness of these practices in meeting the reliability requirements of customers. Findings – The paper presents a procedure for evaluating and benchmarking reliability capability. Criteria for assigning different capability maturity levels are presented. The paper also presents a case study corresponding to reliability capability benchmarking of an electronics company. Originality/value – The paper provides a set of practices for evaluating and benchmarking reliability capability.
Supply chain flexibility is widely seen as one major response to the increasing uncertainty and competition in the marketplace. Researchers and practitioners acknowledge the competitive advantage of supply chain flexibility. However, flexibility is costly. Thus, a match between flexibility and environmental uncertainty seems to be an appropriate option. Empirical research on the relationship between environmental uncertainty and supply chain flexibility is sparse. This paper contributes to the emerging body of research by addressing the relationship between environmental uncertainty, supply chain flexibility, and firm performance through a survey of German manufacturing companies. We use structural equation modeling to analyze one of the key questions of operations management: Does a match between environmental uncertainty and supply chain flexibility lead to competitive advantages? More precisely, we present evidence that in uncertain environments companies with highly flexible supply chains perform better than companies with less flexible supply chains while in certain environments the opposite holds.