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Abstract and Figures

Jamun is an important source of nutraceuticals having many therapeutic values. Jamun can be truely called as an important underutilised fruit crop in terms of area expansion as well as research. However these fruits act as miracle fruits in combating many of the health hazards. Apart from fruits other parts like leaves, bark, seed, flowers and roots are also rich source of several bioactive compounds like antioxidants, flavanoids, phenolics, carotenoids and vitamins. Thus these can be used efficiently against hypoglycaemic, antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-HIV, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory properties. It can be also used as a potential source of medicine in both ayurveda and unani system. Now-a-days nanotechnology field has been emerged as a new area having a vast field related to drug delivery, bio imaging, medicine and pharmaceutical industries. Thus here an attempt has been made to collect various review literature regarding area of nanotechnology and health benefits of jamun fruits and other parts in combating various diseases.
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2020; Sp 9(5): 74-80
E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234
JPP 2020; Sp 9(5): 74-80
Received: 08-07-2020
Accepted: 12-08-2020
Pragyanshree Priyadarshinee
Department of Fruit Science and
Horticulture Technology, College
of Agriculture, Odisha
University of Agriculture and
Technology, Bhubaneswar,
Odisha, India
Laxmipreeya Behera
Department of Agricultural
Biotechnology, College of
Agriculture, Odisha University
of Agriculture and Technology,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Sushrita Nayak
Department of Fruit Science and
Horticulture Technology, College
of Agriculture, Odisha
University of Agriculture and
Technology, Bhubaneswar,
Odisha, India
Kailash Chandra Samal
Department of Agricultural
Biotechnology, College of
Agriculture, Odisha University
of Agriculture and Technology,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Corresponding Author:
Pragyanshree Priyadarshinee
Department of Fruit Science and
Horticulture Technology, College
of Agriculture, Odisha
University of Agriculture and
Technology, Bhubaneswar,
Odisha, India
Health benefits of Jamun (Syzygium cumini) an
Underutilised fruit: A ray in nanotechnology field
Pragyanshree Priyadarshinee Sahu, Laxmipreeya Behera, Sushrita Nayak
and Kailash Chandra Samal
Jamun is an important source of nutraceuticals having many therapeutic values. Jamun can be truely
called as an important underutilised fruit crop in terms of area expansion as well as research. However
these fruits act as miracle fruits in combating many of the health hazards. Apart from fruits other parts
like leaves, bark, seed, flowers and roots are also rich source of several bioactive compounds like
antioxidants, flavanoids, phenolics, carotenoids and vitamins. Thus these can be used efficiently against
hypoglycaemic, antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-HIV, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory properties. It can be
also used as a potential source of medicine in both ayurveda and unani system. Now-a-days
nanotechnology field has been emerged as a new area having a vast field related to drug delivery, bio
imaging, medicine and pharmaceutical industries. Thus here an attempt has been made to collect various
review literature regarding area of nanotechnology and health benefits of jamun fruits and other parts in
combating various diseases.
Keywords: Jamun, nutraceuticals, medicinal value, diseases
Syzygium cumini (L.) (Myrtaceae) is a medicinal plant commonly known as Jamun in Hindi,
Jambuda in Gujurati, Kala Jam in Bengali, Jambu in Marathi, Neredu in Telugu, Black plum
or Indian Blackberry in English. It is among one of the least known fruit crops in India
(Katiyar et al., 2016) [26]. It is native of India but is now found in all tropical regions. It is a
common fruit in summer and rainy seasons. Since time immemorial it has been valued in
Ayurveda and Unani system. It possesses various therapeutic properties, while the seeds
possess hypoglycemic, antibacterial, anti-HIV, anti-diarrhoeal properties (Choudhary et al.,
2012) [15]. It is very useful in the treatment of Diabetes mellitus, inflammation, ulcers and
preclinical diseases. Fruits contain various types of antioxidants, flavonoids, phenolics,
carotenoids and vitamins, which are all beneficial to human health. The seeds contain alkaloid,
jambolin or antimellin, which halts the diastatic conversion of sugar to starch. The fruit pulp
contains Vitamin A & C, nicotinic acid, riboflavin, folic acid, maleic acid, choline, sugar,
amino acid, K, Ca, Na, P, Fe, Mn, Zn (Katiyar et al., 2016) [26]. In spite of its high nutritional
and medicinal values the commercial cultivation is lacking which needs to be popularised for
commercial acceptance and orchard establishment in arid and semiarid regions of the country.
Its fruit has a high potential source of nutritional and medicinal values. The value-added
products of the crop need to catch national and international focus so that its nutritional and
medicinal characteristics can be utilised in an ideal manner. The present study has been
performed to access several bioactive compounds and health benefits of Jamun.
Jamun as an underutilised fruit crop
Underutilised crops are those crops which are marginalised by farmers and consumers due to
agronomic, genetic, economic, environmental and cultural reasons, which were once important
and major crop in the community (IPGRI, 2000). In our country some of the major fruit trees
like mango, banana, citrus, guava etc. are cultivated on a large scale still Jamun is cultivated
on a minimal scale and still collected from forests. Despite many phytochemicals and
pharmaceutical property in Jamun still, its cultivation is very limited and thus it needs more
Botanical description and origin of Jamun tree
Jamun has been proved to be a boon to humankind since time immemorial. Jamun is
anevergreen, very slow-growing tree and its expected lifecycle may extend up to a hundred or
more number of years.
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Its bark is light greyish and silver in colour and the plant is
very much resistant to water stagnation condition. Leaves are
simple, opposite, entire, elliptic to broadly oblong.
Inflorescence of Jamun is borne in the axils of the leaves on
the branchlets. Flowers are tiny, hermaphrodite and light
yellowish-white in colour and borne without any stalks.
Stamens are as long as calyx and the leaves have a pleasant
aroma. Flowering starts from April-May. Fruits are oval to
elliptical in shape and the colour varies from dark purple to
black in colour. Fruit type is drupe i.e. it has superior ovary.
Jamun has been originated from the Indian subcontinent and
its adjoining South-east Asia. However, it is commercially
cultivated in Java, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh etc.
Taxonomical classification
Kingdom- Plantae
Order- Myrtales
Division- Angiosperm
Subdivision- Eudicots
Genus- Syzygium
Species- cumini
Fig 1: Jamun tree
Fig 2: Ripe Jamun fruits
Fig 3: Jamun flowers
Fig 4: Jamun bark
Fig 5: Jamun leaves
Fig 6: Jamun seeds
The overall use of Jamun fruits including other parts
(Traditional uses)
All the parts of Jamun trees including stems, flowers, seeds,
fruits have some beneficial medicinal properties and it has
already been described in various ancient medicinal recipes,
which is considered as the backbone of Indian pharmaceutical
industry. Even in Hindu religious epic Ramayana, the Jamun
has got its importance because it is believed that Lord Rama
survived for 14 years of his exilement by eating Jamuns.
Hence it is also considered as "Food of God". The
blackberries contain a very low amount of calories; thus, it is
highly suitable for diabetic patients. The fruits are also rich in
carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals like iron, magnesium,
potassium, iron, fibre, carbohydrates and some other vitamins.
Ayurveda and Unani always recommend consumption of
these berries for treating various heart diseases, high sugar
level, asthma, stomach pain and dysentery. Apart from these,
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the fruits have unique antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and
antioxidant properties. Fruits are also a rich source of iron;
thus, it ensures the supply of properly oxygenated blood
throughout the body. The high vitamin C content in the fruits
bless is found in Jamun. The fruits have a unique capacity to
fight against malaria, cough, cold and bronchitis. It also helps
in controlling Kapha and pitta. Jamun fruits are also used to
cure piles (Joshi et al.,,2001) [24]. The ripe fruits are used for
refreshing health drinks, making preserves, squashes, jellies
and wine as reported by Warrier et al, 1996 [57]. The seed
powder helps in managing high sugar, high blood pressure,
weight loss, reducing the quantity of sugar in urine and
boosting immunity. In order to contract vagina after delivery,
reduce mucous and bad smell, women of Surinam use Jamun
leaves. (Ramya et al, 2012) [39] Apart from these, the barks
can be used for making various furniture. Jamun bark contains
about 8-19% of tannin and it is very much useful for leather
and preserving fishing net industry. The leaves can be used
for strengthening gums and also for controlling constipation.
Jamun juice is often mixed with mango juice and it acts as a
very good drink for quenching thirst in the diabetic patient.
Many researchers have already confirmed about the presence
of various phytochemicalsand bioactive compounds present in
Jamun and all other parts of the tree. Thus that has lead to a
significant change in the pharmaceutical industry.
Phytochemistry of Jamun- a miracle plant
Jamun fruits and all other parts are rich in various
phytochemical compounds. Jamun fruits are rich in
anthocyanin, glucosides, ellagic acid, isoquercetin, kaemferol,
myrecetin etc. Jamun seeds also contain a considerable
amount of phytochemicals such as jambosine, gallic acid,
ellagic acid, corilagin, quercetin, β-sitostero etc. Flowers are
rich in oleanolic acid. Astringency or sourness of fruit is due
to gallic acid and tannins. Roots also contain several
flavanoids and glycosides. Different plant parts are rich in
different phytochemicals and those are enlisted below. (Table
Table 1: Different phytochemicals present in different parts of Jamun plant
Phytochemical compounds present
Fruit pulp
Raffinose, Citric acid, Fructose, Gallic acid, Malic acid, Anthocyanin, Delphinidin, Petunidin,
Srivastava et al. (1953) Lewis et al.
(1956) [54, 29].
Fats, Jambosine, Gallic acid, ellagic acid, Corilagin, other elements like Chromium, Vanadium,
Potassium, Sodium, Zinc, tannins
Nadkarni et al. (1954) Chopra et al.
(1956) Bhatia et al. (1975) [33, 17, 8].
Bornyl acetate,Triancontanol, n-Dotricontanol, Quwecetin, Maslinic acid, Betulinic acid,
Myricitin, n- nonacosane, n-dotricontanol
Craveiro et al. (1983) [16]
Oleanolic acid, Ellagic acid, Isoquercetin, Kamferol, Myricetin, Camferol, Dihydro-myricetin,
Quercetin, Arabinoside
Nair et al. (1974) Sagarwat et al.
(2006) [34, 45].
Friedelin, Ellagic acid, Gallic acid, Gallotannin, Ellagitannin, Myricetin, β-sitosterol, Betulenic
Bhargava et al. (1974) Nair et al.
(1974) Yogeswari et al. (2005) [7, 34,
Flavonoids, Glycosides and isorhamnetin 3-O-rutinoside
Vaishnava et al. (1992) [56].
Bioactive compounds present in Jamun
Bioactive compounds are such chemical substances which are
found in a very minute amount in various fruits, vegetables,
oilseeds, grains, pulses etc and these help in promoting a good
healthy life. Several bioactive compounds are present in
Jamun ex- terpenes, flavanoids, several liquids, alkane etc.
Table 2: Several bioactive compounds present in Jamun
Name of the
bioactive compound
For pleasant flavour Food
additives Pharmaceutical
Cho et al. (2017)
Antioxidant Colouring
Shashank et al.
(2013) [53].
Nematicide Antioxidant
Antioxidant Antiseptic
Allelopathic Antibacterial
Pharmacological Activities of Jamun
Sehwag et al. (2016) [50] carried out an experiment to
determine the composition and antioxidant potential of Jamun
collected from eastern India and found that fruits from eastern
India are rich sources of several minerals like potassium,
sodium, magnesium, total dietary fibres and calcium. It was
found that fruits had low to medium phenolics content and the
kernel had low dietary fibre content than that of pulp. Several
different types of solvents were extracted and it was found
that 50% aq. Ethanolic extract yielded maximum total
phenolic content, which can be further isolated and utilised as
antioxidants. Ruan et al. (2008) [44] studied the antioxidant
activity of Jamun leaf extracts by using DPPH and FRAPS
assays. They confirmed that Jamun leaves contain phenolic
compounds such as ferulic acid and catechin and these two
are responsible for antioxidant property.
Elphadil et al. (2015) [19] in their experiment, found that
Jamun leaves have significant antimicrobial activity against
both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The
advantage of this experiment was these trees are locally
available and these can be a cheap and sustainable way to
irradicate any microbial contamination, particularly in
developing countries.But here, further research work is to be
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tone in order to determine the toxicity level and optimum dose
of application for different fruit crops. Extraction and
application of essential oil have been proved to control
antibacterial properties against several Bacillus sp. (Shaffi et
al., 2002).
Diabetes is becoming the third “killer” of the health of
mankind along with cancer, cardiovascular and
cerebrovascular diseases because of its high prevalence,
morbidity and mortality (Li et al., 2003). Gajera et al. (2017)
[21] studied about the association shipof anti-diabetic and
antioxidant substances with phenolic constituents from
indigenous Jamun landraces and found that the fruit size was
negatively correlated with phenols, anti-diabetic and
antioxidant activities. It was also confirmed that seeds had
more antioxidant and anti-diabetic property due to their kernel
Raza et al. (2017) conducted an experiment to study the effect
of fruits and seedsextracts of Jamun and found that this
extract can reduce the level of blood glucose level in rats and
it has also capacity to regulate insulin level. Shankar et al.
(2007) [48] did an experiment to study the activity of two novel
androgens (JB1 and JB2) derivatives isolated from ethanolic
extracts of Jamun seeds and anti-diabetic effect of both was
evaluated by using alloxan as diabetogenic agent. It was
found that JB1 was more effective as compared to JB2.
Sharma et al. (2003) [51] confirmed that alloxan initiated
diabetes in bunnies can be cured effectively by an ethanolic
concentrate of Jamun seeds.
Maintaining blood pressure
An experiment was carried out by Butt et al. (2017) [11] to
evaluate both the efficiency of Jamun seeds and pulp against
hyperglycemia in rats and it was found that both the seeds as
well as the pulp had the capacity to regulate the blood sugar
level significantly in the hypoglycaemic rats and the Jamun
might have the capacity to regulate the insulin level.
Blood purifier
Jamun is rich in iron; hence it can truly act as a blood purifier
so that there will be enough production of haemoglobin.
Hence it acts as a protective food for menstruating women.
(Katiyar et al., 2007)
Anti-diarrhoeal property
Diarrhoea is often proved to be a fatal disease in both tropics
and subtropics, causing around 5 million deaths annually
throughout the world. Frequent passage of loose and watery
stool from intestine is called as diarrhoea. In order to evaluate
the anti-diarrhoeal property of aqueous Jamun seed in mice,
Shamkumar et al. (2012) [46] applied the method of castor oil-
induced diarrhoea.
They found that aqueous Jamun seed extracts caused a
significant and dose-dependent anti-diarrhoeal and anti-
mortality effect. Mukharjee et al., (1998) [32] tried ethanolic
extracts four different indigenous plant types for anti-
diarrhoeal property in rats and it was found that the extracts of
pipal roots and Jamun bark had significant property against
castor oil-induced diarrhoea in rats.
Hepatoprotective property
It is believed that Jamun has the unique capacity to destroy
bad bacterias inside the stomach (Bhowmik et al, 2013) [9].
Das et al. (2009) [18] concluded that ethanolic extract of Jamun
pulp @100 and 200 mg/kg/day induced with hepatotoxin
paracetamol had significant hepatoprotective property in rats.
Anticancer property
Now a day’s cancer is proved to be a killer disease. A
majority portion of cancer-treating drugs are derived from
natural resources. Very often, women are suffered from breast
cancer. Aquil et al. (2016) [4] conducted an experiment to
study the potential of Jamun against 17β-estrogen-mediated
breast cancer and the study of m-RNA in inhibition of
disease. Female rats were artificially fed with the diet
enriched with Jamun supplement. After two weeks the rats
received 17 β-estradiol and were palpated weekly for
mammary tumors. After 26 weeks, it was found that the
Jamun enriched diet significantly delayed the first tumor
appearance by 21 days. It also reduced the tumor incidence
and tumor multiplication as compared to control.
Afify et al. (2011) [1] tried to estimate the anticancer activities
of Jamun fruit extracts by using DPPH free radical
scavenging assay and AMP cell line. They had used
successive extracts of hexane, chloroform, ether, ethyl
acetate, ethanol and water then the prepared solution was
subjected for anticancer evaluation. It was found that the
ethanolic extracts of Jamun fruits had excellent anticancer
Activity on the central nervous system
The effect of Jamun seeds on the central nervous system was
studied by Kumar et al. (2007) [28]. The seeds were initially
extracted with ethyl acetate and methanol investigation was
done for its central nervous system activity of Albino mice by
rota rod and actophotometer at 200mg/kg and 400mg/kg.
Both the extract dose exhibited a significant amount of CNS
Anti-inflammatory property
Kumar et al. (2010) confirmed that both ethyl acetate and
methanol extracts of Jamun seeds worked significantly in
carrageenan induced paw odema in rats at the oral dose level
of 200 and 400 mg/kg. Thus both exhibited anti-inflammatory
property. Jain et al. (2008) [23] evaluated the anti-inflammatory
activity of ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of Jamun leave
and found thatwhen extracts were orally applied to paw
oedema induced ratsat 200 and 400 mg/kg both extracts had
excellent anti-inflammatory property. Choudhary et al. (1990)
[12] confirmed that the chloroform fraction of Jamun seeds had
significant inhibition capacity against carrageenin, kaoline
and other mediator induced oedema in rats. Apart from these,
it was found the Jamun seeds had exudative, proliferative as
well as antipyretic effect.
Antibacterial property
Anupam Kumar et al., (2017) conducted an experiment to
analyse various antioxidants and antibacterial property from
extracts of Jamun seeds against pathogenic bacteria. The
extracts were obtained by using several things like water,
methanol and acetones.
They conducted various tests to evaluate the presence of
alkaloids and flavanoids. Phytochemical extracts derived from
seeds were examined for different gram-positive and negative
bacteria.It was confirmed that extracts had several antioxidant
properties which can be further utilised for treating various
fatal diseases and it was also found that methanol derived
extracts had more antibacterial property. Pareek et al., (2015)
[35] found that stem and leaf extracts had excellent
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antibacterial property against all used bacteria and the
maximumantibacterial effect was against Roultella plantikol.
Gowri et al., (2010) [22] confirmed that methanol and aqueous
extract of leaves exhibited antibacterial property against
Bacillus subtilis, Salmonella sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, E.
Coli. Shafi et al., (2010) [47] did a comparative study of the
leaf oil of Syzygium cumini and S. Travancoricum and it was
found that the leaf oil of Jamun leaves had an excellent
antibacterial property whereas the other one showed a
moderate effect.
Antiviral property
Bhanuprakash et al., (2008) studied and confirmed that the
leaves have antiviral property for goat pox virus. It was found
that the hot and cold crude extracts of Jamun leave and bark
had antiviral property against avian influenza H5N1 virus.
The inhibition was about 100% which was confirmed in virus
yield reduction assay and by egg-based in ovo assay.
(Sood et al., 2012) [55]. Singh et al., (1972) studied the effect
of water extract of Jamun bark on potato X virus and it was
found that the extract had antiviral property.
Antifungal property
Afshah et al. (2016) confirmed the antifungal property of
Jamun bark and leaves against Rhizoctonia solani.
The leaves and barks from Jamun were ground properly and
their extracts were prepared in methanol at a concentration of
1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% and were tested against the targeted
species. All the methanolic bark extract of Jamun were
applied and it was found that concentration 5% was highly
effective to suppress around 43% of the fungal growth as
compared to treatment. Methanolic bark extracts were more
powerful as compared to the leaf extracts.
Methanolic bark extracts were further subjected to
fractionation and different fractions were isolated, then further
serial dilution was carried out to check MIC with Pulsan
fungicide. MIC was recorded for each fraction at 24,48 and 72
and Puslan were highly effective in inhibiting the mycelium
growth of R. solani.
Anti-fertility effect
Oleanolic acid had been extracted from Jamun flowers by
Rajasekaran et al. (1988) [37] and it was clear that the certain
chemical had the potential to decrease the fertilising capacity
in male rats without any significant change in male
reproductive organ weight.
Gastric ulcer effect
Ulcer is nothing but there will be any disruption on the
mucosal integrity of the intestine or stomach that will lead to
cause a defect in the evacuation purpose and there will be
severe inflammation.
Chaturvedi et al. (2006) carried out an experiment to find out
the effect of ethanolic extract of Jamun seeds for gastric
secretion control in rats.
The result revealed that ethanolic extract of Jamun had some
protective measures against ethanol and aspirin-induced
gastric ulcer in rats. Jonnalagadda et al. (2013) found that
seed kernels carried some antiulcer activity.
Anti-anemic property
Aqueous jamun seed extracts have the property to cure
anemia as it increases the level of iron in the body. (Prince et
al., 1998) [36].
Anti-pyretic effect
Mahapatra et al. (1986) [31] reported that the seed extracts of
jamun (5,1 and 2mg/kg) had antipyretic property in rats
against pyrexia in rats.
Radioprotective effect
Jagetia et al. (2002) confirmed the disease controlling effect
of Jamun leaves against the radiation-induced DNA damage.
Anti-hyperlipidemic effect
Hyperlipidemia is a serious disease which is due to an
increase in lipid peroxide levels and there will be a decrease
in antioxidant level inside the body. Rekha et al. (2010) [43]
found that the combined aqueous application of bark of
cinnamon along with Jamun pulp has significantly better
result against streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Sharma et
al (2008) [52] demonstrated that the seed extracts of Jamun had
excellent anti-hyper-lipidemic property in mice.
A study was conducted by Ravi et al. (2005) [41] in order to
study the antihyperlipidemic property of Jamun seed kernel
and the effect was evaluated in streptozotocin induced
diabetic rats. The overall efficiency was compared with
gibenclamide (a standard hypoglycaemic drug). The ethanolic
extracts of Jamun seed kernel was orally administered to the
rats and the level of phospholipid, cholesterol and free fatty
acid etc were measured. It was found that the level of
phospholipid, cholesterol and free fatty acid was significantly
more aand restored to near normal in seed kernel or
gibenclamide treated animals.
Anti-allergic property
Brito et al. (2007) [6, 10] carried out HPLC analysis and it was
found that hydrolysable flavanoids and tannins are the major
ingredients in the aqueous leaf extracts of Jamun. It was also
found that oral administration of 25-100 mg/kg of the solution
in swiss mice inhibited the edema induced by histamine. They
also confirmed that the anti-allergic property is only due to
mass cell de-granulation and histamine effect. Methanolic
extracts of dried Jamun seeds had antiallergic property.
(Mahapatra et al., 1986) [31].
Anti eosinophill effect
Brito et al., (2007) [6, 10] again confirmed that due to
impairment of eotaxin and IL-5 production, there was an anti-
eosinophill effect of leaf extracts on Jamun.
Anti-arthritis effect
Eshwarappa et al., (2014) [20] conducted an experiment and
found that Jamun leaf gall extracts has some antioxidant
property and that can be used for curing for arthritis.
Hypolipidemic property
Kasiappan et al., (2005) [25] conducted an experiment to study
the hypolipidemic property of Jamun in diabetic rats. They
found that the ethanolic extracts of Jamun seed kernels had
the potential to store all parameters like triglycerides,
cholesterol, phospholipids etc to a normal level.
Free radical scavenging and anti-lipid peri-oxidative
Benherlal et al., (2007) [5] carried out an experiment to study
the in-vitro antioxidant and chemical composition of Jamun
fruits. Mainly the experiment was to study the medicinal
property fruit pulp, seed coat, kernel and seed coat. Fruit pulp
and their ethanolic extracts of Jamun were evaluated for
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chemical composition and for lipid perioxidative inhibition
activity. It was seen that seed and pulp extracts had lower
anti-lipid perioxidative property than the kernel.
Antiulcer property
Ulcer is a detrimental disease and it was found that the seeds
of Jamun had ulcer curing capability in diabetic rats.
(Chaturvedi et al., 2007) [14]
Anti-dermatophytic property
It was found that the EtOA extracts of the bark of Jamun had
antidermatophytic property against three dermatophytic
species. Among severaltriterpenes such as friedelin, βamyrin
acetate, betulinic acid and lupeol betulinic acid and friedelin
was more effective. (Kuiate et al, 2007) [27].
Impact on Nanotechnology
In the present scenario, nanotechnology ruling awareness to
discover a range of promising approaches in the area of
material sciences on a molecular level and silver nanoparticles
(AgNPs) productions. The seed extract of Syzygium cumini
used as reducing agent for nanoparticle production. The leaf
extract also used as capping and reducing agent in the
synthesis of silver nano particles (Ram Prasad et al., 2012)
[38]. UV-Vis spectrophotometer, Atomic Force Microscopy
(AFM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)technology
are mostly used for confirmation of nanoparticles formation.
Further antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles was
studied against Escherichia coli MTCC 1302, Staphylococcus
aureus MTCC 740, Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 2295,
and Bacillus licheniformis MTCC 9555(Ram Prasad et al.,
2012) [38]. As compared to the others, conventional approaches
for the green production of metal nanoparticles of Jamun
helps in the simple, sustainable, non-toxic, economic and
energy-effective production of nanoparticles. In adding up to
this synthesised metal NPs might be a promising aflatoxins
adsorbent for the detoxification of aflatoxin B1 in human and
animal food/feed. Recently one research suggests that iron
(Fe), copper (Cu) and silver (Ag) nanoparticles (NPs)
formation from the extract of Syzygium cumini leaves (Asghar
et al., 2020) [3].
Jamun is a rich source of several important phytochemicals
and other biochemical compounds. Still, Jamun remained as
an under-exploitable crop or underutilised crop.Hence people
should be aware of the health benefits that Jamun posses so
that we can go towards a healthy society.
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... So, this article explores the diverse characteristics of S. cumini, with a specific emphasis on its nutraceutical and pharmacological capacities. Many plant derived physiologically active ingredients have been studied for their potential in disease prevention and health enhancement (Atale et al., 2021;Jagetia, 2017;Zhang, et al., 2022;Mueller et al., 2015;Porika and Suchithra, 2022;Ramteke et al., 2015;Sahu et al., 2020;Xu et al., 2018;Yadav and Srivastava, 2014). ...
... They found that both the leaf and bark extracts of the S. cumini tree can effectively kill the avian influenza virus. They were able to completely prevent the H 5 N 1 strain of the virus (Sahu et al., 2020). ...
... Jamboline a and b extracted from seeds by using ethanolic extraction method act against diabetics. The compounds ellagic acid and ellagitannins contribute to reduce the glucose level in the blood (Sahu et al., 2020). ...
... While it is native to India, 'S. cumini' is now found in all tropical regions (Sahu et al. 2020). Due to its therapeutic value, S. cumini is a significant source of nutraceuticals. ...
... Due to its therapeutic value, S. cumini is a significant source of nutraceuticals. The fruit and its other parts, such as leaves, bark, seed, flowers, and roots, are also abundant in various bioactive compounds like flavonoids, carotenoids, antioxidants, phenolics, and vitamins (Sahu et al., 2020). Sweet, sour, acrid, carminative, refrigerant, astringent, digestive and diuretic are the various properties of S. cumini (Jagetia 2017). ...
... It is considered that even if the primary treatment is the same, the modification could help the procedure to be greened (Armenta et al. 2019). This fundamental approach towards greening the extraction process is based on (Sahu et al., 2020, Jagetia, 2017, Swami et al., 2012 Page 8 of 17 Kaur et al. Food Production, Processing and Nutrition (2024) Page 9 of 17 Kaur et al. ...
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Syzygium cumini anthocyanins have become an area of great interest as biocolourants in the food industry. These anthocyanins impart a deep colour over a suitable pH range due to the high amount of anthocyanin content compared to other natural sources. An important aspect is selecting an appropriate technique where a high yield of anthocyanins can be obtained from the pulp of S. cumini fruit. Among various extraction techniques, ionic/ organic solvents and ultrasonication are the most employed methods due to their efficiency. These green extraction techniques are advantageous over conventional techniques due to the high recovery of anthocyanins utilising much less solvent in a shorter duration with minimal degradation. Despite that, the utilisation of recovered anthocyanins is restricted to mainly acidic (dairy) products due to their instability towards environmental parameters such as pH, light, temperature, enzymes, and metal complexes. Additionally, according to experimental studies, co-pigmentation and acylation could improve anthocyanins’ stability. Being one of the most potential sources of anthocyanins, S. cumini fruits can be exploited for extraction of this biocolourant. However, there is discontinuity in the research between extraction and utilization of S. cumini anthocyanins as is evident from the literature survey. In this review we have summarized the research advances being executed to enhance the extraction and utilization of S. cumini anthocyanins using green or novel techniques and a brief account of stability analysis, characterization, and utilization. Graphical Abstract
... Astringency or sourness of fruit is due to gallic acid and tannins. Roots also contain several flavanoids and glycosides (Sahu et al., 2020) [24] . (Sahu, et al., 2020) [24] ...
... Astringency or sourness of fruit is due to gallic acid and tannins. Roots also contain several flavanoids and glycosides (Sahu et al., 2020) [24] . (Sahu, et al., 2020) [24] ...
... Roots also contain several flavanoids and glycosides (Sahu et al., 2020) [24] . (Sahu, et al., 2020) [24] ...
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Jamun (Syzygium cumini) commonly known as Indian blackberry is an important fruit of Indian sub-continent and belongs to Myrtaceae family. Jamun has been proved to be a boon to human kind since time immemorial. Every part of the Jamun tree has high medicinal value, right from its fruit to its seed and bark to the leaves. It is an important fruit crop of Indian subcontinent, under-exploited and widely grown successfully due to its wider adaptability and nutraceutical properties. Fruits contain various types of antioxidants, flavonoids, phenolics, carotenoids and vitamins, which are all beneficial to human health. Jamun has also anti-diabetic, anticancer, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-hyper lipidemic properties. Fruits of Indian black berry are effectively in blood purifying. Seeds are effectively in anti-diabetic and leaves are effectively in strengthing the teeth. Jamun fruit is rich in antioxidants which can boost immune system, aid in digestion, relieve stomach pain, reduce flatulence and prevent infections. Jamun has astringent properties and keeps skin healthy. They are also used in nutrition, herbal medicine and cosmetics. The present review has been made to access several bioactive compounds and health benefits of Jamun.
... On phytochemical screening of the flowers of S. cumini, oleanolic acid, ellagic acid, iso-quercetin, kaempferol, myricetin, kaempferol, dihydro-myricetin, quercetin, and arabinoside were found (3,23,24). Phytochemical screening of the fruit pulp of S. cumini showed the presence of raffinose, citric acid, fructose, gallic acid, malic acid, anthocyanin (25), delphinidin, petunidin, and malvidin (3,26). Jamun peel powder was found to be useful as a food and drug coloring, and anthocyanin pigments from fruit peels were investigated for their antioxidant activity and stability as extracts and in formulations (26). ...
... Jamun peel powder was found to be useful as a food and drug coloring, and anthocyanin pigments from fruit peels were investigated for their antioxidant activity and stability as extracts and in formulations (26). Phytochemical screening of the seeds of S. cumini revealed the presence of fats, Jambosine, Jamboline, gallic acid, ellagic acid, corilagin, chromium, vanadium, potassium, sodium, zinc, and tannins (3,27). Essential oils isolated from the freshly collected leaf, stem, seed, and fruits of S. cumini showed the presence of α-terpineol, myrtenol, eucarvone, muurolol, α-myrtenal, 1,8-cineole, geranyl acetone, α-cadinol, and pinocarvone (2). ...
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Syzygium cumini, also known as Jamun, Jambul, or Indian blackberry, is a species of tree native to the Indian subcontinent. A comprehensive literature review shows that Jamun can be considered one of the most versatile herbal medicines with anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and other properties. This review aims to investigate and understand the previous research on Jamun, including its pharmacognosy and pharmacological history, to confirm its potential to treat a variety of illnesses. The study also examined the current pharmaceutical formulations available in the market to understand the potential for developing medications from the components of Jamun. To comprehend the available studies, the analytical backdrop is also reviewed. Despite being the focus of many research studies, there are still many unanswered questions regarding Jamun. Therefore, the best formulations or products may be produced in these sectors, possibly through nutraceuticals, to support improved pharmacological aspects or health promotion. This review will help identify unexplored areas where specific tasks related to Jamun can be done.
... Frutos são oblongos de uma casca de cor roxa e muito intensa (Figura 12 à direita), polpa roxo claro e meio translucido, sabor adocicado, levemente ácido e adstringente, contendo uma única semente (Lorenzi et al., 2006;Felippe, 2005). Rica em vitamina A e C, antioxidantes, flavonoides, carotenoides, compostos fenólicos, ácido fólico, carboidratos, aminoácidos, sódio, potássio, cálcio, fosforo, ferro e zinco (Sirilun et al., 2018;Sahu et al., 2020).O fruto é consumido principalmente na sua forma natural e possui além de alto valor nutricional, valor medicinal ajudando a manter os níveis de açúcar baixo, prevenção de doenças cardíacas, ulceras e dor de estomago, tendo ainda propriedades antibacterianas e antifúngicas (Sahu et al., 2020). Segundo a tabela TACO (2011), sua composição centesimal é de aproximadamente: 87.7% de umidade; 0.5 g proteína; 0.1 g lipídeo; 10.6 g carboidratos; 1.8 g fibras e 1.0 cinzas. ...
... Frutos são oblongos de uma casca de cor roxa e muito intensa (Figura 12 à direita), polpa roxo claro e meio translucido, sabor adocicado, levemente ácido e adstringente, contendo uma única semente (Lorenzi et al., 2006;Felippe, 2005). Rica em vitamina A e C, antioxidantes, flavonoides, carotenoides, compostos fenólicos, ácido fólico, carboidratos, aminoácidos, sódio, potássio, cálcio, fosforo, ferro e zinco (Sirilun et al., 2018;Sahu et al., 2020).O fruto é consumido principalmente na sua forma natural e possui além de alto valor nutricional, valor medicinal ajudando a manter os níveis de açúcar baixo, prevenção de doenças cardíacas, ulceras e dor de estomago, tendo ainda propriedades antibacterianas e antifúngicas (Sahu et al., 2020). Segundo a tabela TACO (2011), sua composição centesimal é de aproximadamente: 87.7% de umidade; 0.5 g proteína; 0.1 g lipídeo; 10.6 g carboidratos; 1.8 g fibras e 1.0 cinzas. ...
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A Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE) campus Sede, situado no bairro de Dois Irmãos em Recife/PE, possui ampla diversidade frutífera nativa e exótica, devido à proximidade do Parque Estadual Dois Irmãos – Unidade de Conservação da Natureza de Mata Atlântica de Pernambuco. Essa diversidade contribui para a população local e é fonte de pesquisa da comunidade acadêmica da UFRPE. Em razão disto o objetivo da pesquisa é pontuar as variedades botânicas com frutos comestíveis presentes na UFRPE-Sede. As frutas identificadas durante o levantamento: abacate (Persea americana), abacaxi (Ananas comosus L. Merr), amora preta (Morus nigra L.), araçá (Psidium cattleianum Sabine), araticum do brejo (Annona glabra L.), banana (Musa X paradisíaca L.), caimito (Chrysophyllum cainito L.), cajá (Spondias mombin L.), cajú (Anacardium occidentale L.), coco (Cocos nucifera L.), fruta-pão (Artocarpus altilis), jamelão (Syzygium cumini), jurubeba (Solanum stramoniifolium Jacq.), manga (Mangifera indica L.), mamão (Carica papaya L.), melão de são caetano (Momordica charantia L.) e pitanga (Eugenia uniflora L.). No decorrer da pesquisa constatou-se a importância nutricional e social dessas frutas tanto para o entorno da comunidade acadêmica, como para os campos de pesquisa nas diferentes áreas do conhecimento na UFRPE.
... Jamun (Syzygium cumini (L.) Skells), also known as Indian blackberry or jambolan, is a fruitbearing plant that is native to South Asia (59). Syzygium cumini (L.) Skells produces number of the secondary metabolites when encountered with different stressful conditions such as tannins, Ellagic acid which are polyphenolic compounds having potential health benefits, such as they exhibit antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties and flavonoids such as quercetin and kaempferol (60). Tannins are one of the secondary metabolites that are produced in abundance when the Syzygium cumini (L.) Skells encounters various abiotic stresses such as heat, drought etc. and are produced by the shikimate-phenylpropanoid pathways, the majority of which are structurally and biosynthetically related. ...
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Nutraceuticals are one of the secondary metabolites that are being produced by diverse group of plants including the horticultural crops. The secondary metabolites in diverse horticultural crops are produced in significant amounts when encountered with different stresses such as wounding stress, abiotic stress, biotic stress, exposure to ultraviolet radiation etc. The secondary metabolite production in the plants enhances their response towards different stresses and help the plants to fight against the stresses in addition to their growth and development. The secondary metabolites expressed in horticultural crops such as phenolic compounds, flavonoids, alkaloids, polyphenols, terpenoids have proven to exhibit number of health benefits such as anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anticancer response. The indepth knowledge of the biosynthetic pathways could lead to the enhancement of the secondary metabolites. Also, the stress responses can be modulated in a ways that could lead to the optimal expression of the genes involved in the production of these secondary metabolites. In the present review article, various horticultural crops including two vegetable and four fruit crops were assessed for the production of secondary metabolites under stress conditions, the biosynthetic pathways leading to the specific secondary metabolite production along with their health benefits have been discussed in detail.
... Eshwarappa et al. (2014) found that methanolic extract of jamun leaves and branches strongly scavenge free radicals in DPPH and FRAP assays, indicating the presence of polyphenols and flavonoids.A similar study of the ethyl acetate fraction of methanolic extracts from jamun leaves revealed the presence of polyphenols like ferullic acid and catechin (Ruan et al., 2008). Mohamed et al. (2013) investigated antioxidant activities using the DPPH and FRAP assays and discovered that methanolic extract had higher antioxidant activity than methylene chloride and oil extracts.The total phenol content of the aqueous jamun leaves extract (1370 ± 41.7 μg/mL or 58.5 ± 1.8 mg GAE/g leaves) was comparable to other aqueous plant leaves extracts such as curry (54 ± 4.4 mg GAE/g leaves) (Ningappa et al., 2008).Jamun bark contains phytochemicals such as friedelin, ellagic acid, gallic acid, gallotannin,ellagitannin, myricetin, β-sitosterol, and betulenic acid have an antioxidant property (Sahu et al., 2020). The DPPH anti-oxidant assay results for jamun bark chloroform, ethyl acetate, and methanolic extracts, as well as the standard (Ascorbic acid), ranged from 20 µg/mL to 300 µg/mL, with IC50 values of 41 µg/mL, 57 µg/mL, 53 µg/mL, and 6.1 µg/mL, respectively (Narayanan et al 2017). ...
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Jamun (Syzygium cuminii Skeels) is an important underutilized fruit tree whichis widely known for its potential medicinal uses. Every part of the plants such asfruits, skin, seed, leaves and bark possess pharmaceutical value thus worldwideused as anti-diabetic and anticancerous. The plant has tremendous uses in treatmentof various diseases and in folk medicines. Fruit, seeds and leaves have strongantioxidant potential to scavenge free radical. Seed powder is commercially used inpharmaceutical industries to combat different types of diabetes. Fresh fruits as well as processed products such as jam, jelly, nectar and ready to drink beverage also possess abundant amount of anthocyanins, polyphenols and antioxidants. The present chapter describes the antioxidant potential of jamun and its various medicinal uses. \
... The fruits of jamun are well known for its use in curing diabetes, malaria, cough, cold, bronchitis, etc. This fruit has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal as well as antioxidant properties (Sahu et al., 2020). Antidiabetic properties of it are due to the presence of glycoside, jamboline and ellagic acid which controls blood glucose level (Giri et al., 1985). ...
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COVID-19, a disease caused by SARS-COV-2 virus was the reason for the pandemic and loss of many lives. The virus transmission from human-to-human touch led to outbreaks of this disease. World health organization has recommended a list of precautionary measures to avoid the major infection of this virus. This list includes various medicinal plants, fruits and vegetables which can boost the immunity and help in reducing the risk of infection. Due to this COVID-19, the food habits of most of the people changed which led to shift towards healthier lifestyle. As most of the Indian population is vegetarian, so the health based plant food including wild plant sources have been explored extensively. The wild fruits like bael, aonla, jamun, rubus, aakhe, simul and many more have the antiviral properties and immune boosting properties which could be incorporated in our diet. The bioactive compounds like polyphenolics, flavonoids, tannins, phytosterols, vitamins, minerals, etc., present in above mentioned wild fruits can be utilized to have healthful benefits. As these functional components can help in reducing various diseases like asthma, bronchitis, cold, fever, flu, inflammatory diseases, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and ultimately boost up the immunity to cope up with COVID-19 illness.
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Aqueous glycerol is a proposed green extractant for anthocyanins and polyphenols as an alternative to conventional solvents. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential use of aqueous glycerol to extract anthocyanins from Syzygium cumini fruit pulp with high yields. The ultrasound-assisted extraction process was also examined to enhance the extraction yield. The application of ultrasound-assisted extraction along with glycerol as a modifier remarkably enhanced the extraction of anthocyanins compared to the conventional extraction. Aqueous glycerol (70%) was screened against conventional solvents (ethanol, methanol and water), where glycerol showed promising outcomes. The optimised ultrasonication time and extraction temperature (25 °C for 5 min) were selected based on our previous study of NADESs. The results showed that glycerol gave the highest amount of anthocyanin content (201.05 mg C3G/100 g fresh weight) compared to conventional solvents for retrieving anthocyanins from S. cumini fruit pulp. Besides the anthocyanin content, the extract yield, phenolic content, and antioxidant activities using DPPH and FRAP were also determined. Glycerol showed a higher phenolic recovery (0.9 mg GAE/g dry sample), resulting in higher antioxidant activity (DPPH activity-73.35% inhibition). Therefore, the application of UAE with aqueous glycerol provides accessibility and enhanced anthocyanin extraction efficiency, thus fulfilling the green and sustainable approach to anthocyanin extraction.
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Syzygium cumini commonly known as a "Jamun" having promising therapeutic values. It is a large evergreen tropical tree. It is belongs to the family Myrtaceae. S. cumini is also known as Jamun or black plum or jambolan. S. cumini showed various phytoconstituents such as tannins, alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, terpenoids, fatty acids, phenols, minerals, carbohydrates and vitamins. Its pharmacological actions like hypoglycaemic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-plaque, antimicrobial, anti-diarrhoeal, antioxidant, gastro-protective and astringent to bowels proven on animal models. Different parts of the jambolan were also reported for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neuropsycho-pharmacological, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, nitric oxide scavenging, anticancer, free radical scavenging, anti-diarrheal, anti-fertility, anorexigenic, gastroprotective and anti-ulcerogenic and radio-protective activities. In Ayurveda its bark is acrid, sweet, digestive, astringent to the bowels, anti-helmintic and in good for sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, thirst, biliousness, dysentery, blood impurities and to cure ulcers.
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Forest bathing has beneficial effects on human health via showering of forest aerosols as well as physical relaxation. Terpenes that consist of multiple isoprene units are the largest class of organic compounds produced by various plants, and one of the major components of forest aerosols. Traditionally, terpene-containing plant oil has been used to treat various diseases without knowing the exact functions or the mechanisms of action of the individual bioactive compounds. This review categorizes various terpenes easily obtained from forests according to their anti-inflammatory, anti-tumorigenic, or neuroprotective activities. Moreover, potential action mechanisms of the individual terpenes and their effects on such processes, which are described in various in vivo and in vitro systems, are discussed. In conclusion, the studies that show the biological effectiveness of terpenes support the benefits of forest bathing and propose a potential use of terpenes as chemotherapeutic agents for treating various human diseases.
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Eugenia jambolana (Jamun) fruit has been reported to give soothing effect on human digestive system. Present study includes the effect of ethanolic extract of seeds of E. jambolana (EJE) against gastric ulcers induced by 2 h cold restraint stress (CRS), aspirin (ASP, 200 mg/kg, 4 h), 95% ethanol (EtOH, 1 ml/200 g, 1 h) and 4 h pylorus ligation (PL) in rats. To ascertain the mechanism of action of EJE, its effect was studied on mucosal offensive acid-pepsin secretion, lipid peroxidation (LPO, free radical) and defensive mucin secretion, cell proliferation, glycoprotein and glutathione (GSH, an antioxidant). Acute and subacute toxicity studies were also conducted for the safety profile of Eugenia jambolana. EJE 200 mg/kg, when administered orally for 10 days in rats was found to reduce the ulcer index in all gastric ulcer models. It tended to decrease acid-pepsin secretion, enhanced mucin and mucosal glycoprotein and decreased cell shedding but had no effect on cell proliferation. It showed antioxidant properties indicated by decrease in LPO and increase in GSH levels in the gastric mucosa of rats. Acute toxicity study indicated LD50 to be more than 10 times (>2000 mg/kg) of the effective ulcer protective dose while subactue toxicity study (>1000 mg/kg) indicated no significant change in the general physiological and haematological parameters, liver and renal function tests. The result of the present study indicates that E. jambolana seed has gastro-protective properties mainly through promotion of mucosal defensive factors and antioxidant status and decreasing lipid peroxidation.
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Syzygium cumini (Linn.) Skeels. (Myrtaceae) (Synonym. Eugenia jambolana), commonly known as Jamun or Black Plum is indigenous to India. The plant has traditionally been used for its rich nutrition and medicinal value. The current review focuses on the recent research investigations involving the studies on diverse pharmacological actions of Jamun. The electronic database search was performed in order to achieve this aim. Jamun plant has been reported to be enriched with an array of phytoconstituents like ellagic acid, glucoside, anthocyanins, kaempferol, isoquercetin, myrecetin and so on. The seeds which are mostly utilized for their medicinal value are said to contain an alkaloid-jambosine and glycoside-jambolin or antimellin which inhibit the conversion of starch to sugar. Different plant parts have been claimed to contain different constituents, due to which they possess an assorted pharmacological prospective. Jamun has been used for the treatment of diabetes since ages. Apart from this it has also shown its beneficial potential as anti-allergic, antibacterial, anticancer, anticlastogenic, anti-diarrhoeal, anti-fertility, anti-fungal, anti-hyperlipidemic, anti-hypertensive, anti-inflammatory, anti-lieshmanial, anti-nociceptive, anti-oxidant, anti-viral, ascaricidal, cardioprotective, chemoprotective, diuretic, gastroprotective, hepatoprotective, hypothermic, neuropsychopharmacological and radioprotective agent. These actions and the lacunas in the specific areas have been discussed in this article. This will provide a platform for the future researchers especially in the less explored areas.
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The study evaluated composition and antioxidant potential of jamun (Syzygium cumini) pulp with adhering skin (JP) and kernel powder (JKP) of east India origin. On dry basis, the nutritional value of JP was found to be higher than corresponding values for JKP. The fractions were rich in minerals like potassium (352.161 & 79.766 mg/100 g of JP and JKP, db), sodium (200.249 & 43.575 mg/100 g of JP and JKP, db), magnesium (190.706 & 115.085 mg/100 g of JP and JKP, db) and calcium (90.769 & 31.896 mg/100 g of JP and JKP, db), total dietary fiber (32.802 & 9.822 g/100 g of JP and JKP, db) and anthocyanins (1420.120 mg malvidin3-glucoside/100 g of JP db). JP had more total dietary fiber than that of JKP but the fraction of soluble dietary fiber was found to be more in the latter. The effect of different solvents on phenolic extraction and corresponding antioxidant activity from JP and JKP was found to be significant (F-test, p<0.05) in the order: 50% aq. ethanol > 50% aq. acetone > 50% aq. methanol > absolute ethanol ≡ absolute methanol ≡ absolute acetone > water for JP and 50% aq. ethanol > 50% aq. acetone > 50% aq. methanol > absolute ethanol > absolute acetone > absolute methanol > water for JKP. The value of TPC ranged from 5.82 to 29.23 mg GAE/g JP (db) and 8.66 to 77.40 mg GAE/g JKP (db). A high correlation was obtained between TPC–DPPH, TPC–FRAP and DPPH–FRAP (R>0.82). The antioxidant activity was highly dose dependent with 22.45 µg DPPH ● scavenged/mg JP (db) and 76.33 µg DPPH ● scavenged/mg JKP (db). IC50 values for JP and JKP against superoxide anion radical were found to be 0.750 mg (db) and 0.414 mg (db).
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Leaves extracts of Syzygium cumini (L) were collected to test their antimicrobial activity. The collected materials were extracted by petroleum ether, methanol and water by using different concentration (15% 10% and 5%). Were obtained and bioassay in vitro for its bioactivity to inhabit the growth of four types of bacteria,namely; (Staphlococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Bacillus subitils) and two types of fungi (Aspergillus niger, and Candida albicans). The extract of Syzygium cumini leaves showed different activity against the selected bacteria at all concentration levels. By using cup plate diffusion method, petroleum ether extract of Syzygium cumini leaves showed activity against E. coli only. Methanol extract showed variable activity against bacteria in different concentrations especially 15% concentration showed high activity against B. subtilis. Water extract showed variable activity against most of the tested bacteria. E. coli was found to be sensitive to all concentrations.
Scope: Syzygium cumini (Jamun) is perhaps the only berry that has the diversity of anthocyanidins of blueberry and bilberry and the abundance of ellagitannins/ellagic acid of black raspberry. Here we report the potential of jamun against 17β-estrogen-mediated breast cancer and the role of miRNAs and other targets in disease inhibition. Methods and results: Female ACI rats were given AIN-93M diet or diet supplemented with jamun. Two weeks later, animals received 17β-estradiol and were palpated weekly for the mammary tumors. At the end of 26 week, the jamun-diet significantly delayed the first tumor appearance by 21 days, and reduced the tumor incidence (65% vs 96%), tumor burden (313±95 vs 661±123 mm(3) ) and tumor multiplicity (1.8±0.3 vs 4.2±0.4 tumors/rat) compared to control. The experimental diet significantly reduced the estrogen-associated growth of pituitary prolactinomas, circulating prolactin and estradiol levels and offset estrogen-associated increases in mammary cell-proliferation, ER-α and cyclinD1. MiRNAs that were either overexpressed (miR-182 and miR-375) or underexpressed (miR-127 and miR-206) following estrogen-treatment were significantly protected by jamun diet. Conclusions: Together, our data show that jamun significantly offset estrogen-mediated alterations in mammary cell-proliferation, ER-α, cyclinD1, and candidate miRNAs, and that the modulation of these biomarkers correlated with a reduction in mammary carcinogenicity. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Objective: To study antidiabetic activity of two novel androstane derivatives (JB1 and JB2) isolated from the ethanolic extract of seeds of Syzygium cuminii Linn. Materials and methods: Compounds JB1 and JB2 were isolated from ethanolic extract of seeds of S. cuminii by normal phase column chromatography using toluene: ethyl acetate (80:20) as mobile phase and their structure was elucidated by spectroscopic methods. Antidiabetic activity ofJB1 and JB2 and the ethanolic extract was evaluated using alloxan as diabetogenic agent. The potency of JB1 and JB2 (100mg/kg) and the ethanolic extract (200 mg/kg), was compared with glibenclamide (5 mg/ kg). The elevated blood glucose levels were monitored colorimetrically using glucose oxidase enzyme system. Results: Compound JB1 was found to be 3, 15-dihydroxy Δ 3 androstene [16, 17-C] (6′ methyl, 2′- 1, 3-dihydroxy-1-propene) 4H pyran whereas JB2 to be 3-hydroxy androstane [16, 17-C] (6′ methyl, 2′-1-hydroxy-isopropene-1-yl) 4, 5, 6 H pyran. Ethanolic extract of seeds of S. cuminii reduced elevated blood glucose levels in alloxan-induced diabetes in rats on single dose as well as prolonged treatment. Compound JB1 was found to be more effective than JB2 as it showed peak activity at the end of day three, which was comparable to ethanolic extract.