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Component TPA: benefit of including rotational degrees of freedom and over-determination


Abstract and Figures

Before performing a transfer path analysis (TPA), the engineer needs to think about the right modeling of the source's interface with the receiver. In practice, the vibration transfer from the source to the receiver is often modeled with three translational forces in each connection point. Mechanically this corresponds to a ball joint connection, which cannot transfer any moments. Our goal is to compare different complexities of interface descriptions on the industrial example of an electromagnetic roll control (ERC) in a passenger car. Therefore, different variants of interface degrees of freedom and matrix over-determination are compared: 1. Three hammer impact points in x,y,z-direction (no sensor over-determination). 2. Multiple impacts, transformed with the virtual point transformation (VPT) to 3 forces. 3. Multiple impacts, transformed with the VPT to 3 forces and 3 moments. These interface descriptions are compared in terms of an on-board validation, the interface-completeness-criterion and by evaluating the transferability to a modified vehicle design. It was found that the over-determination of the matrix inverse should be used in any case to avoid spurious noise artifacts. For best quality TPA results at higher frequencies, it was found necessary to include rotational moments in the interface description.
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Component TPA: benefit of including rotational degrees of
freedom and over-determination
M. Haeussler 1, T. Mueller 1, E.A. Pasma 1, J. Freund 2, O. Westphal 2, T. Voehringer 2
Lichtenbergstr. 8, 85748, Garching, Germany
2ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Graf-von-Soden-Platz 1, 88046, Friedrichshafen, Germany
Before performing a transfer path analysis (TPA), the engineer needs to think about the right modeling of
the source’s interface with the receiver. In practice, the vibration transfer from the source to the receiver is
often modeled with three translational forces in each connection point. Mechanically this corresponds to a
ball joint connection, which cannot transfer any moments. Our goal is to compare different complexities of
interface descriptions on the industrial example of an electro-magnetic roll control (ERC) in a passenger car.
Therefore, different variants of interface degrees of freedom and matrix over-determination are compared:
1. Three hammer impact points in x,y,z - direction (no sensor over-determination).
2. Multiple impacts, transformed with the virtual point transformation (VPT) to 3 forces.
3. Multiple impacts, transformed with the VPT to 3 forces and 3 moments.
These interface descriptions are compared in terms of an on-board validation, the interface-completeness-
criterion and by evaluating the transferability to a modified vehicle design. It was found that the over-
determination of the matrix inverse should be used in any case to avoid spurious noise artifacts. For best
quality TPA results at higher frequencies, it was found necessary to include rotational moments in the inter-
face description.
1 Introduction & outline of the paper
Transfer path analysis (TPA) has established in industry as a tool for noise vibration harshness (NVH) engi-
neering1. A broad review and comparison of methods in a unified notation can be found in [2]. In general,
a TPA studies machines which actively excite a final assembly and thereby cause noise and vibrations. As
one of the first applications, Verheij described the transmission of vibrations, from a ship engine to the hull,
by interface forces transmitted over the rubber isolators [3]. In 1982 this was mainly driven by the desire to
make military ships more stealthy. Nowadays, TPA is commonly applied in NVH engineering of vehicles [4,
5]. Classically, TPA has been used as trouble-shooting tool, using interface forces to understand the trans-
mission of vibrations from the source to the receiver. A current trend is to use approaches which describe the
source independently from a specific receiver, e.g. via blocked forces [6–8]. A popular method for obtaining
the blocked forces is the in-situ method [9], which will also be used in this paper. It yields results comparable
to classical TPA, with some improvements if also rotational degrees of freedom (DoF) are included in the
source description (see [8]).
1Some contents of the introduction and theory sections were published in similar form in [1]. The text hereafter has been
modified and adapted to the paper.
(a) photo of the ERC in the vehicle
(b) Setup of the ERC in DIRAC
Figure 1: Overview of electric roll control (ERC) in the vehicle. In figure 1(b) the four connection points
with the vehicle are shown: Two drop link connections to the wheel hub (WH) on driver and co-driver side.
Two connection points of the ERC to the subframe (with rubber isolation). These two connection points will
be modelled with so-called virtual points (VP).
This paper investigates the benefits of including rotational DoF in the interface description on the industrial
example of a electro-magnetic roll controll (ERC) in a passenger car, see figure 1. The ERC contains an
electric motor and a gear transmission to control the wheel hubs and compensate the vehicle roll motion.
It allows dynamic driving with increased safety and improved comfort. One important performance aspect
of this system is its NVH behavior in the vehicle. The ERC introduces vibrations due to the pole-pairs of
the e-motor and the gear meshing of the transmission. Additionally, the impulsive loading from road bumps
introduces impact-like excitations into the vehicle. Both excitation phenomena contain higher frequency
content (>400Hz). The ERC is connected to the vehicle at four points, see figure 1(b): The drop links are
connected to the wheel hub (WH) on both sides. The ERC is connected to the front subframe with two
connection points (with a rubber bushing).
In industrial practice, the NVH development is a modular and collaborative process. The supplier component
shall be integrated into many different vehicles which are developed independently by the OEMs. Therefore,
it is advantageous to describe the excitation of the component with a common quantity that is independent of
the final vehicle. This will be done with blocked forces, but the proper modeling of the ERC interface with
the vehicle needs to be investigated for achieving optimal results. This paper will show the following:
Blocked forces determined on one vehicle variant can be transferred to another vehicle configuration.
6 DoF on the interface, i.e. including rotational DoF, yield a better on-board validation, interface
completeness and transfer validation for higher frequencies (>400Hz).
In TPA it is important to predict the right vibration magnitude. We propose to evaluate the interface
completeness with a coherence like measure, since MAC like criterion is not sensitive to magnitude
The concept underlying the blocked forces will be briefly explained in section 2. Their computation with
the in-situ method is explained in section 3. In section 4, the virtual point transformation (VPT) will be
explained for the blocked forces. The results for different interface complexities will be shown in section 5.
Figure 2: Overview of the source receiver problem and the equivalent modeling of interface vibration trans-
mission by blocked forces fbl
2 Component TPA with blocked forces
The general problem studied with TPA can be described by the situation shown in the upper left part of
figure 2. An assembly AB contains a vibration source A, which is subject to internal loads fA
1. The exact
mechanisms creating the internal forces fA
1and the location of their DoF might be unknown or cumber-
some to model. It is therefore desirable for an NVH engineer to find another more abstract, yet complete
description of the source. It is assumed that the receiver Bis a purely passive structure with no external
The following explanation treats the underlying concepts of a component TPA, with strongly reduced math-
ematical detail (see [2] for a derivation), but a hopefully intuitive explanation.
1. Situation in vehicle: The source’s internal forces fA
1are transferred to vibrations uB
3or sound pressures
3in the receiver, via the frequency response function (FRF) matrix YAB
31 :
31 fA
where subscript (?)31 indicates that the FRF matrix describes the vibration transfer from the internal source
DoF (subscript (?)1) to the final receiver DoF (subscript (?)3). Superscript (?)AB indicates that the FRF
matrix is a property of the coupled system, source Aand receiver B.
2. Blocked interface: Now consider the following thought experiment: The operating source is rigidly
clamped on its interface so that the interface vibration uA
2is zero, see figure 2. The subscript (?)2denotes
forces and vibrations on the interface. The reaction forces in the clamped support are called ’blocked forces’
2and ensure that:
3. Noise cancelation: If fbl
2could be applied as an external load in the interface between source and receiver
(remember this is just a thought experiment) then they would act on the source, just like before, as a perfect
clamping support. The motion on the interface of the assembly AB would thus also be zero:
21 fA
22 fbl
(a) In-situ TPA
(b) Virtual Point
Figure 3: (a) In-Situ determination of blocked forces. (b) General interface connection point. Exemplary
quantities for one force input h.
However, if the assembly AB has no motion on the interface and there is no other vibration source on the
receiver B, then also the sound and vibration at all other points in the receiver would be zero:
31 fA
32 fbl
The blocked forces act like a noise cancellation on the source. This is the theoretical basis for the blocked
force concept (or in fact all component TPA concepts, see [2]).
4. Force superposition: Of course, the discussion so far was just a thought experiment (artificially applying
the blocked forces at the interface DoF of assembly AB is usually not possible). However, since the assembly
AB is modelled as a linear time invariant system, it is allowed to add and subtract the effect of the blocked
forces from the original problem in equation (1) without modifying the outcome (superposition principle):
31 fA
z }| {
32 fbl
32 fbl
5. Equivalent source description: Using the blocking effect on the original exciation fA
1from equation (4),
one finds that:
32 fbl
Notice that the derivation did not specify which particular receiver structure Bis used. The blocked forces
are thus a valid source description for any receiver B. Also note that the blocked forces are a property of the
source alone, see equation (2). The minus sign in equation 6 will be neglected in the rest of this paper for
A thorough derivation of the concept, as well as different methods for obtaining the blocked forces in practice
are described in [2]. A theoretical comparison of these methods is given in [10]. An important assumption
for the derivation of the blocked force concept, is that the internal source excitation fA
1is independent of
the source mounting, i.e. the receiver B. This is (to the authors experience) a good assumption for climate
compressors, electric motors, rear axle differentials and many other components that are usually mounted
with rubber isolators, like the ERC. However, the concepts applicability needs to be thoroughly investigated
per component.
3 In-Situ determination of blocked forces
A popular method for determining the blocked forces in pracitice is the in-situ method [9]. For identifying
the blocked forces, the system is equipped with indicator sensors, denoted as u4, which have to be at or
downstream of the interface (see figure 3(a)). As discussed in the previous section, when artificially applying
the blocked forces fbl
2to the interface, they would have to cancel out all vibration at these points:
41 fA
| {z }
42 fbl
The responses in the indicator sensors u4can be recorded for different operational conditions of the source.
The blocked forces for this operational condition can then be computed by:
42 +u4,(8)
where (?)+indicates the least squares pseudo inverse, and the minus sign has again been dropped for clarity.
A pseudo inverse has to be used if the system of equations is over-determined, i.e. the vector u4contains
more channels than the actual number of blocked forces to be computed in fbl
2. The pseudo inverse can either
be built with least squares, or with a regularized inverse to suppress the detrimental effects of measurement
noise even more than with least squares [1].
4 Virtual point transformation
In the previous sections, it was implicitly assumed that the blocked forces fbl
2contain enough DoF to control
the full interface motion of the source, such that they can block all vibrations at and downstream of the in-
terface. In industry practice, the interface is often modeled with three translational forces in each connection
point, e.g. by performing an impact measurement at three points in x,y,z-direction. The blocked forces are
then represented by these impact points, which is reasonable as long as the full interface can be controlled
and numerical issues due to matrix inversion are not prominent. Obviously, the rotational DoF are neglegted
by this approach. Especially towards higher frequencies, with increasing complexity of the vibration modes,
the rotational DoF can become relevant for an accurate description of the interface. This is also important
for obtaining a set of blocked forces that can actually be transferred to a different vehicle design. Despite the
challenges of measuring rotational DoF, it has been shown in dynamic substructuring applications that they
are crucial for accurate results [11–15].
The method we employed for computing forces and moments in each connection point, is called the ’virtual
point transformation’ (VPT) [16]. It is using kinematic assumptions of the local displacement field directly
at the interface. In most cases, it is assumed that the interface is behaving rigid in a small area around the
connection point. A reference point for the computation of forces and moments is chosen. This point is
called the virtual point. Multiple impacts, contained in the vector f, are performed around the interface, see
figure 3(b). Their linear combinations shall be used to represent 3translational forces and 3moments around
the virtual point, which are contained in the vector m. Each force input hcan be written as a 3×1vector in
space fh, which is composed from its unit direction vector ehand scalar magnitude fh. The vector from the
virtual point to the impact position will be denoted as rh. Thereby, the translational forces mtand moments
mθthat the impact creates around the virtual point can be computed by:
where Rfhdenotes the 6×1matrix representing the virtual point load mresulting from a unit force input
in fh. The virtual point loads resulting from all other force inputs can be found equivalently. Placing each
Rfhin a column of the matrix Rf, one can write:
(a) Left: full virtual point DoF (b) Right: full virtual point DoF
(c) Left: reduced impacts & sensors (d) Right: red. impacts & sensors
Figure 4: Overview interface DoF used for modeling the interface. Impacts (blue arrows) are either directly
used as blocked force DoF (reduced setup in (c) & (d)) or transformed to VP DoF indicated as orange axis
in (a) & (b). Not all of the attached sensors and performed impacts are shown.
m=Rffand f= (Rf)+m,(10)
where the left part of equation (10) computes the resulting virtual point loads mfrom a fixed combination
of force inputs f. Inversely, the right part of equation (10) computes the minimal set of forces fnecessary
for creating a fixed virutal point load m[17]. Since the number of force inputs is typically higher than the
number of virtual point loads, a pseudo-inverse must be used. The impact positions must be carefully chosen,
so that all moments are excited [16].
5 Comparison of different interface complexities for the ERC
The ERC is connected at four points to the vehicle (see figure 1(b)). The two drop links connect to the wheel
hubs (WH) with a ball joint. Therefore, each WH interface is modeled with three forces in x, y, z direction,
and one triaxial sensor is used as indicator. This is common for each of the interface complexity variants
studied in this paper. The ERC is also connected at two points to the vehicle subframe. These connection
points were equipped with fixtures for applying 10 impacts and 3triaxial sensors on each fixture (not shown
in figure 4 (a) and (b)).
The effect of different interface complexities will be studied by using only a subset of impacts, or applying
a VP transformation (including or neglecting rotational DoF) for the inverse estimation of fbl
2at these con-
nection points. The FRFs from hammer impacts at the interface to indicator sensors u4, i.e. FRF matrices
42 , are transformed to virtual point loads by:
For including the rotational DoF in the interface description, the full matrix Rfhfrom equation (9) is used.
Table 1: Overview of different interface complexities and over-determinations used.
Force DoF Indicator DoF u4size YAB
3 DoF active (fig 4 (c) and (d))
untransformed f2
(fig 4 (c) and (d))
triax sensor active
12 ×12
3 DoF passive (fig 4 (c) and (d))
untransformed f2
(fig 4 (c) and (d))
triax sensor passive
12 ×12
VP 3 DoF only translations in Rf
VP transformed,
(fig 4 (a) and (b))
all sensors
42 ×12
VP 6 DoF transl. and rot. in Rf
VP transformed,
(fig 4 (a) and (b))
all sensors
42 ×18
(a) Condition Number VPT (b) Condition Number 3DoF
Figure 5: Condition numbers for the different interface complexities and over-determinations (see table 1).
The y-axis scale is the same in both plots.
For including only the translational DoF, the lower part of Rfhin equation (9), which computes the virtual
point moments mθfor each impact h, is neglected. The geometry preparation, FRF measurement and the
VP transformation in equation (11) is performed in the software DIRAC. The indicator channels used for
the inversion will also vary. A summary of the different variants of the blocked force evaluations is given
in table 1. The condition number of the inverted matrices YAB
42 , resulting from the different interface force
DoF and sets of indicator sensors, is shown in figure 5.
5.1 On-board validation
An initial check that can be done with the computed blocked forces is often called on-board validation (see
e.g. [18]). For computing the blocked forces in this paper a standard, least-squares pseudo-inverse without
any regularization was used. The blocked forces, computed with the signals u4via equation (8), can be
used to predict the vibration at other sensors uB
3which were also applied to the vehicle. As a load case, an
artificial excitation of the ERC with an impulse hammer on its housing will be used, see the impact shown in
figure 6. This can be seen as a repeatable internal load case fA
1as described in section 2. This single column
of the FRF matrix to the on-board validation and indicator sensors can then be used for the blocked force
estimation and on-board validation, i.e.:
31 and u4=YAB
41 .(12)
The signals uB
3are responses to the same impact as u4, but are not used for the calculation of the blocked
Figure 6: Impacts on ERC housing which are used as artificial load cases.
(a) Subframe (b) Seatrail (c) Microphones
Figure 7: Validation Points
forces in (8). As validation points, a sensor on the vehicle subframe, the seatrail and two microphones in the
driver’s cabin were used, see figure 7. The response in these channels is predicted with the blocked forces,
as in equation (6):
32 fbl
If the description of the interface is complete, this should yield equivalent vibration levels to the ones actually
recorded during the measurement (see explanation in section 2). Comparing the measured uB
3and the TPA
prediction ˜uB
3, i.e.:
then serves as an initial validity check of the computed blocked forces. In case the description of the interface
loads is inappropriate, e.g. since an important transfer path on the interface was neglected, this would
manifest in a bad predictability of the measured uB
3. Figure 8 shows the on-board validation for the y-
channel of the subframe sensor (see figure 7(a)) and the z-channel of the seatrail sensor (see figure 7(b)).
It can be observed that for lower frequencies (<400Hz) all variants for computing the blocked forces can
reproduce the reference measurement well. The untransformed 3DoF variant with the indicator sensors on
the active side shows some deviations from the reference also in the lower frequency region. For higher
frequencies, especially in the region from 600-800Hz, the results computed with the untransformed 3DoF
variants are showing large spurious peaks. The results with the VP transformation, including the full 6DoF
per coupling, point generally yields the best on-board validation over the full frequency range.
5.2 Interface Completeness criterion
Another valuable check for testing the ’completeness’ of the interface description is the interface complete-
ness criterion (ICC) [19]. With the ICC, the blocked force prediction in the validation sensors ˜uB
3is compared
to the reference measurement uB
3on the full response vector at once. This is done with a modal assurance
criterion (MAC) like evaluation:
ICC =||uH
3u3|| ||˜uH
(a) Subframe +YVPT (b) Subframe +Y3DoF
(c) Seatrail +ZVPT (d) Seatrail +Z3DoF
Figure 8: On-Board validation of different blocked force descriptions (same y-axis scale in all plots), for
artificial load-case 1in figure 6. The +Ydirection for the Subframe channel corresponds to the sensor axis,
wich can be seen on the sensor housing in figure 7(a). Likewise for the +Zdirection of the seatrail sensor in
figure 7(b).
(a) ICC VPT (b) ICC 3DoF
Figure 9: Interface completeness criterion for different interface complexities. Artificial load-case 1in
figure 6.
The ICC is bounded between zero and one. If reference and prediction are equal, the ICC will have a value
of 1. The ICC is evaluated for all channels of the subframe and seatrail validation sensor in figure 9, i.e. ˜u3
and u3are both 6×1vectors. As before, it can be observed that the blocked force determination with the
full 6DoF on each connection point yields the highest and most stable ICC over the full frequency range.
However, evaluating the ICC with a MAC like criterion makes it insensitive to amplitude differences in the
responses. As an example:
u3= [10 10]T,˜u3= [1 1]T,ICC = 1.(16)
For the comparison of mode shape vectors, an amplitude difference is insignificant, but for blocked force pre-
dictions it is relevant. We propose to evaluate the ICC in each sensor channel individually with a coherence
like criterion [16]. This compares the response in each channel iof ˜u3and u3at each frequency:
cohu3,i, u3,i ) = u3,i +u3,i)(˜u
3,i +u
2(˜u3,i ˜u
3,i +u3,iu
This criterion is also bounded between zero and one, but sensitive to phase and amplitude differences in the
complex numbers aand b. A comparison of the MAC definition of the ICC (equation (15)) and the coherence
definition (equation (17)) is shown in figure 10. Both ICCs were evaluated for the 6DoF VP variant of the
interface description and use the response at the subframe and seatrail validation sensors. The coherence
definition of the ICC was then averaged over the results in all 6 entries of the vectors ˜u3and u3. It can be
seen that the results are in general very comparable.
Another advantage of evaluating the ICC with the criterion in equation (17) is that the quality of the pre-
diction can be evaluated for different load cases and validation channels individually, whereas the MAC
definition requires multiple channels to be evaluated at once. Averaging the coherence evaluation of the
ICC over multiple frequencies allows depicting the ICC for different load cases and validation channels in a
matrix plot, see figure 11.
5.3 Transfer validation
As mentioned in section 2, an advantage of the blocked forces is that they describe the source independently
of the final receiver (provided the interface modeling and computation of blocked forces is done right). Com-
puting the blocked forces in one vehicle configuration (or on a testrig), and using them to predict the response
in a modified vehicle configuration, allows to virtually predict the vehicle sound after a modification. Testing
this capability is called transfer validation. The blocked forces were computed in the normal vehicle, like
Figure 10: Comparison of MAC and coherence evaluation of the ICC criterion for the 6DoF VP interface
(a) VP 6DoF (b) VP 3DoF (c) 3DoF active (d) 3DoF passive
Figure 11: ICC with coherence evaluation (17) averaged over the frequency range 20-1500Hz. Rows repre-
sent signals in the channels of validation sensors (see figure 7). Columns represent the 4impacts on the ERC
housing which can be seen in figure 6.
Figure 12: Difference in normal and modified vehicle FRF, for impact 1on ERC (figure 6) to subframe
y-channel (figure 13(a)).
(a) Subframe VPT (b) Subframe 3DoF
Figure 13: Transfer validation for artificial load-case 1in figure 6: computing blocked forces in normal
vehicle for predicting response in modified vehicle configuration.
in section 5.1. Subsequently, the system was modified by gluing a steel slap of ca. 7kg weight with dental
cement to the subframe, see figure 7(a). In the modified system, the same FRFs on the interface were newly
measured (see figure 4 (a) and (b))2. The same impact on the ERC housing (see figure 6) was also measured
to serve as a validation for the artificial loadcase. The FRF from this ERC housing impact to the subframe
y-channel is significantly altered by the additional weight compared to the normal vehicle, see their plots in
figure 12. Figure 13 shows a comparison of the validation with the blocked force predictions (see table 1).
The blocked forces were determined in the unmodified vehicle.
6 Conclusion
This paper investigates the applicability of the blocked force concept for different complexities of the in-
terface description and varying degrees of over-determination in the matrix inverse. For lower frequencies
(<400Hz) an over-determination in the sensors, and averaging of multiple impacts helps to improve the pre-
dictions and avoid spurious peaks in the results (compare BF VP 3DoF prediction in figure 13(a) to the
predictions with no over-determination and averaging in figure 13(b)). For higher frequencies (>400Hz), it
was found necessary to include also rotational DoF in the interface description (see the ICC in figure 11
and transfer validation in figure 13(a)). This result was expected physically, since at higher frequencies the
rotational DoF become more important due to the more complex mode shapes. The description of the com-
ponent interface with 6 DoF in the connection points was done with the VP transformation. This comes
2In principle the FRFs of the modified system can also be obtained virtually by substructuring [20], but this is beyond the scope
of this paper, so they were newly measured.
with the practical advantage of not having to measure exactly the same impacts during the blocked force
characterization as in the final receiver, which might often not be possible due to physical space restrictions.
The DoF in the VP provide the required common interface between the different experiments. The software
DIRAC was used for placing impacts and sensors on the 3D geometry, thereby taking care of the geometric
position and orientation so the virtual point transformed FRFs can be directly exported.
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... Measuring responses for set 4 yields a characterization FRF matrix Y AB 42 that is preferably overdetermined (Haeussler et al., 2020;M. Van der Seijs, 2016). ...
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Selecting the proper set of Degrees of Freedom is essential in inverse (Blocked) Force calculation. Including too many Degrees of Freedom in the computation can lead to overfitting, resulting in inaccurate force estimations and poor prediction quality. The discrepancy arises from errors within the dataset, such as measurement noise or other artifacts. This paper presents a solution to the overfitting problem, introducing the X-DoF procedure to automatically identify the relevant subset of Blocked Force Degrees of Freedom. Its effectiveness is showcased through numerical and experimental validation and compared against regularization techniques.
... An alternative measure of similarity has also been proposed based on a coherence style formulation (Haeussler et al., 2020), ...
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Transmissibility functions are used to identify and locate damage in critical structures for health monitoring purposes. Their appeal over conventional signal or frequency response-based functions lie in a unique property; sub-structural invariance. It has been shown that the transmissibility of an assembled structure, when obtained correctly, can describe the dynamics of a sub-structure in a manner that is independent from the remainder of the assembly. It is this sub-structural invariance that enables transmissibility functions to locate damage in complex structures. Though a valuable property, sub-structural invariance relies on the notion of a complete interface representation; the interface that separates the sub-structure from remaining assembly must be sufficiently instrumented so that all important interface dynamics can be captured. In practice, without considerable experimental effort, complete interface representations are not achievable. Importantly, the transmissibilities obtained in the presence of an incomplete interface are unable to discern between damage located interior, or exterior, to a particular sub-structure; they are no longer invariant. Hence, their ability to locate damage is compromised. In the present paper we introduce the notion of completeness in the context of transmissibility-based SHM, and examine its importance for the accurate localisation of damage through numerical and experimental examples.
... For M > N, the pseudo-inverse may be used in place of the classical matrix inverse to obtain Y þ Cbc ¼ Z Ccb 2 C MÂN , leading to a least squares solution of the problem. It is important when characterising the blocked force that a complete interface description is used [22][23][24], i.e. a sufficient number of DoFs are chosen at the interface c. If the interface description is incomplete, the blocked force may no longer be transferred between assemblies and used to predict the vibroacoustic response in a new assembly. ...
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Across many industries there is a need to develop products with improved vibro-acoustic performance. Whether the aim is to reduce the radiated sound level in a vehicle cabin, or to minimise the vibration level of sensitive components, the problem may be interpreted as an issue of power transmission from vibration generating components to receiving structures. Interest thus lies in how best to modify a structure, typically the separating interface between active and passive components, to reduce transmitted power. The `best' modification is interpreted here as the one that achieves the greatest reduction in transmitted power, for the smallest necessary modification. In the present paper we consider power transmission from a component-based perspective, and propose a sensitivity analysis to determine a) the optimum structural modifications (e.g. added mass, stiffness or damping) and b) to which degrees of freedom these should be applied. Numerical and experimental examples demonstrate the proposed method.
... The applicability of CB-TPA-DS is restrained by multiple experimental difficulties, such as the determination of terms related to Rotational Degrees of Freedoms (RDOFs). The omission of these terms is generally considered as an important source of inaccuracies for the estimations provided by CB-TPA-DS [4], [5]. These investigations were generally conducted on automotive structures but similar conclusions were drawn recently for aircraft-like structures [6]. ...
Hydraulic pumps are considered to have a major contribution to the structure borne noise generated inside aircrafts. Methods such as Component-Based Transfer Path Analysis (CB-TPA) are promising tools for aircraft manufacturers to build internal processes for the specification, design and validation of the impact of vibrating systems on new aircrafts. However, the experimental applicability of these methods remains limited due to some experimental difficulties. CB-TPA' formulation is based on dynamical quantities, which require the determination of terms related to rotational degrees of freedom. Virtual Point (VP) or Equivalent Multi-Point Connection (EMPC) methods are commonly employed for this purpose, but both result in more cumbersome experimental set-ups and increased measurement uncertainties. The implementation of these methods is difficult in the case of a flat and thin receiving structure as commonly encountered in aircraft applications, since in-plane translational excitations have to be applied and the access to the vibrating system/structure interface points is limited. In this work, a decoupling procedure is used to overcome these issues. A numerical model is used to investigate the influence of model and operator uncertainties on the CB-TPA' predictions, when the dynamical quantities are provided by VP and EMPC methods including the decoupling procedure.
... However, it typically requires some studies to apply the concept in an industrial context. For example, one needs to investigate how many degrees of freedom need to be used for describing the source-receiver interface [11], and what the most practical approach for obtaining the blocked forces of the component is. ...
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Component based TPA allows to obtain a vibration source-description that is independent of the receiver. Typically, blocked forces are determined on a component testbench to predict vibration levels on a receiver. Therefore, impact measurements must be performed. Operational TPA (OTPA) is typically used as a tool for path ranking of different noise sources in a troubleshooting phase. OTPA has the advantage of not requiring laborious impact campaigns but lacks the possibility to predict receiver noise levels from testbench measurements. In this paper, we derive an OTPA method offering this "testbench to vehicle" capability. This novel, component-based OTPA method will be compared to the blocked force TPA method in a numerical test case. The sensitivities of both methods to typically encountered measurement uncertainties are shown. This is achieved by introducing different random errors in a Monte-Carlo simulation. The resulting variance and bias error in the predicted receiver responses are used to evaluate the error sensitivity of both methods.
... Note that to form the necessary vectors multiple excitation and/or response DoFs (a and b) should be considered when measuring the necessary FRFs. An alternative measure of similarity has also been proposed based on a coherence style formulation [30] ...
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The paper outlines some major developments in Virtual Acoustic prototyping. The story starts in the 1980s (four decades ago) when the prediction accuracy for structure-borne sound of 40 dB (four decades) was considered normal! The group's key innovation has been in describing sources in terms of 'blocked forces' which not only can be measured in-situ but are transferrable to other installations and as input to numerical models. It will be shown that 'blocked force transfer path analysis' (TPA) provides the data with the potential to build accurate and sophisticated virtual acoustic prototypes. Examples will be presented including vehicles and trains which nowadays can span the entire range of human perception (nearly four decades in frequency). Statistical analysis of uncertainties is outlined and an approach to constructing virtual acoustic prototypes able to mimic an ensemble of e.g. vehicles in a production run is presented. Forty years later, the vision of replacing physical prototypes with virtual (digital) copies is starting to look like a realistic prospect.
... Coupling points are described with six degrees of freedom: three translational and three rotational. Rotational degrees of freedom are necessary for a correct description of the dynamics in the higher frequency range [3]. Several acceleration sensors and force excitations are placed around the coupling points for the creation of experimental models. ...
Dynamic substructuring methods allow experimental and simulative models to be coupled with one another. Substructuring can defuse the problem of missing model availability in concept phases, which is quite common, and the interior acoustics can be assessed at an early stage. To this end, Magna and VIBES Technology optimized the noise isolation concept of the electric climate compressor in the concept phase of a vehicle development project. It could be proven that the initial isolation design would have exceeded the interior noise target by 20 dB. Optimization of the substructured model made it possible to accomplish the noise target without additional decoupling or masses.
... Coupling points are described with six degrees of freedom: three translational and three rotational. Rotational degrees of freedom are necessary for a correct description of the dynamics in the higher frequency range [3]. Several acceleration sensors and force excitations are placed around the coupling points for the creation of experimental models. ...
Methoden der dynamischen Substrukturierung erlauben es, flexibel experimentelle und simulative Modelle miteinander zu koppeln. Das oft vorhandene Problem fehlender Modellverfügbarkeiten in Konzeptphasen wird durch Substrukturierung entschärft, und die frühzeitige Bewertung der Innenraumakustik wird ermöglicht. Magna und VIBES Technology haben so die Entkopplung des elektrischen Klimakompressors schon in der Konzeptphase auf das Innengeräusch optimiert. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass das initiale Lagerungskonzept zu 20 dB Zielüberschreitung im Innenraum geführt hätte. Eine Optimierung am substrukturierten Modell erlaubte es, das Lagerkonzept ohne zusätzliche Entkopplung ins Ziel zu bringen.
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Structure borne noise induced by vibrating systems is considered as a major contribution to the noise generated inside vehicles and can be assessed using Transfer Path Analysis (TPA) methods. Their theoretical formulation requires the mobility of either the vibrating system, the receiving structure or the assembly of the two components according to all Degrees of Freedom (DoFs). However, rotational and in-plane DoFs cannot be measured easily and their determination may result in a more complex experimental set-up or an increase in measurement uncertainties. The need for assessing the full mobility matrices thus deserves to be investigated. In this work, the robustness of multiple TPA methods dedicated to the design and validation phases of aircraft light equipment is investigated numerically according to the mobility matrices completeness and by considering several configurations of assemblies (i.e., different active source properties, different numbers of contact points). Numerical models have been developed to simulate a source with controlled vibratory behavior and the spatial averaged mean-square velocity on the receiving structure is used as an objective indicator of the method's robustness. For proper predictions accuracy, it is shown that the required completeness should account for the terms of highest amplitude and thus depends on the (i) TPA method, (ii) active behavior of the source and (iii) coupling configuration. A completeness involving all the DoFs is generally required for TPA methods based entirely on the mobility of the decoupled components. Otherwise, the omission of rotational or in-plan DoFs could be suitable for TPA methods based on the mobility of the assembly.
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[ Link to PhD defense video: ] This thesis is the result of a 4-year collaboration between the Technical University of Munich and the BMW Group. The goal was to apply substructuring methods to the Noise Vibration Harshness (NVH) engineering needed for integrating electric climate compressors in upcoming vehicles. The compressor is one of the major contributors to the cabin noise in battery electric vehicles (BEVs). An accurate yet practical development process for its vehicle integration is crucial for industry. Specifically, the aim was to simulate the compressor noise in the cabin for different, virtual design variants of the isolation concept. Therefore, the methods from two broader fields were applied: First, the excitation of the compressor was modeled with component transfer path analysis (TPA) methods. Second, the full transfer path from the compressor to the driver’s ear is assembled from multiple subcomponent models, via dynamic substructuring (DS). For accomplishing the above mentioned goals, different gaps in the current technology have been identified, which will be addressed in this thesis. With frequency based substructuring (FBS), a subclass of DS, it is possible to couple experimental and numerical substructure models in a virtual assembly. For the compressor, it was found that including rigid body models in the transfer path is a valuable addition. The proper formulation and integration of rigid body models in the framework of FBS will be presented. Another bottleneck at the onset of this project, was the proper modeling of rubber bushings in the transfer path. A novel method for experimentally identifying accurate substructure models of rubber isolators was developed. The rotating components in the compressor introduce gyroscopic effects that influence its dynamics. A novel substructuring method for virtually coupling gyroscopic terms to a component could prove that these effects are not relevant for the compressor case. The compressors excitation is described by blocked forces. Applying the blocked forces to the substructured transfer path of the assembly allows to simulate the sound in a virtual prototype. One goal was to make the simulated results audible to non-acoustic experts, which required the creation of sound files. This allowed for a subjective comparison of different designs at an early development stage. Since the noise predictions with TPA are typically in the frequency domain, some signal processing is required to create sound files in the time domain. Different methods for auralization will be compared, which could not be found in the existing TPA literature. Due to the inverse process for identifying the blocked forces, measurement noise can be amplified to unacceptably high levels, which are audible in the sound predictions. Regularization methods have the potential to significantly suppress the noise amplification, which is explained and exemplified for blocked force TPA. Additionally, it was found that only the structure-borne sound transmission was not sufficient to describe the compressor noise in the cabin. The compressor is also directly radiating air-borne sound from its housing, which will be included in the NVH model by means of equivalent monopoles. The application examples at the thesis’ end are extending the current state-of-the-art, by showing how the modular vehicle models can be used for early phase, parametric design optimizations on a complex NVH problem.
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Blocked forces can be used to describe, independently, the operational characteristics of a vibratory source. Their use within a computational model avoids the need to represent explicitly the complex mechanisms that lead to vibratory excitation. To obtain and apply an experimental blocked force with confidence it is important that likely sources of error are known, and measures of their severity are available. In this paper we introduce the notions of completeness and consistency, and detail their role in the introduction of systematic errors in a blocked force characterisation. Their mathematical origins are described and criteria to quantify their severity are proposed; the Interface Completeness Criterion (ICC), and the Measurement Consistency Criterion (MCC). These are illustrated through numerical and experimental examples. Completeness is related to the interface description adopted in a source characterisation (i.e. the number of degrees of freedom used). The ICC represents the quality of an interface description and can be quantified from in-situ measurements, i.e without having to remove the source from its assembly. Consistency is related to the underlying dynamics shared by active and passive quantities (whether measured or modelled). The issue of consistency is more general, completeness being a special case, and so a single criterion is hard to formulate. When an inconsistency arises between the blocked force of a vibration source and its corresponding free interface frequency response function matrix, the MCC provides a quantitative indication of its severity. Importantly, many of the concepts discussed apply equally in the context of experimental dynamic sub-structuring.
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A detailed case study on using in-situ blocked forces for advanced NVH development of automotive structure-borne sound sources is presented. The discussed approach provides a realistic auralization of a steering system virtually operated in a vehicle using in-situ blocked forces from a bench with vehicle transfer paths allowing reliable subjective and objective design evaluations. In-situ Transfer Path Analysis is used to validate the obtained Virtual Acoustic Prototype from operational measurements with low-noise Driver Simulators (DS) yielding highly repeatable steering conditions on the bench and in the vehicle. Potential impact of the DS on the measured and predicted cabin sound is examined. The presented method is believed to be a promising approach towards enabling OEMs to accurately source vibrating components and suppliers to develop robust components on test benches due to the invariant property of the blocked force.
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Dynamic Substructuring methods play a significant role in the analysis of today’s complex systems. Crucial in Dynamic Substructuring is the correct definition of the interfaces of the subsystems and the connectivity between them. Although this is straightforward practice for numerical finite element models, the experimental equivalent remains challenging. One of the issues is the coupling of the rotations at the interface points that cannot be measured directly. This work presents a further extension of the virtual point transformation that is based on the Equivalent Multi-Point Connection (EMPC) method and Interface Deformation Mode (IDM) filtering. The Dynamics Substructuring equations are derived for the weakened interface problem. Different ways to minimise the residuals caused by the IDM filtering will be introduced, resulting in a controllable weighting of measured Frequency Response Functions (FRFs). Also some practical issues are discussed related to the measurement preparation and post-processing. Special attention is given to sensor and impact positioning. New coherence-like indicators are introduced to quantify the consistency of the transformation procedures: sensor consistency, impact consistency and reciprocity.
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Frequency based dynamic substructuring (FBS) allows to predict the dynamic behavior of a complex system where neither building a physical prototype of the assembled system, nor possessing a detailed numerical model of all substructures is required. A task that frequently arises in engineering practice when developing a product containing many supplier parts. However, in the experimental realm, modeling the interface connection between two substructures is not as straightforward as in numerical analysis. The consideration of rotational degrees of freedom (rdof) on the interface seems to be crucial for accurate results, but no common procedure has been established yet. By projecting measured sensor data on interface deformation modes (IDMs) it is possible to consider rdof as well as filtering out uncorrelated measurement noise. The transformation of a measured frequency response function (FRF) matrix on some generalized IDMs has recently been derived by directly using Moore-Penrose pseudoinverses. The transformation process can also be seen as a minimization procedure, e.g. as simple least squares for the displacements and a convex optimization for the forces. This contribution derives the pseudoinverses starting from this minimization point of view, where the engineer is free to choose the quantity to be minimized. From this interpretation, some suggestions for including more engineering judgment in the transformation are made (either gained during testing practice, from measurement variances or mechanical energy minimization principles). We also show that the coupling of transformed FRF matrices effectively corresponds to a weakening of the interface compatibility conditions. Thereby, we hope to give some insight in the meaning of the weighting matrices involved in the transformation, and provide a framework for deriving improved coupling methods in the future.
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Summary The sound transfer from resiliently mounted shipboard machinery to the ship structure is fundamentally of a multi-path nature. It occurs simultaneously via the resilient mountings, via the surrounding air and via mechanical links such as pipes, propeller shaft etc. At the present stage it is usually unknown which factors limit the effectiveness of a resilient mounting system as a noise reduction measure. This hampers a cost-effective improvement. Complete theoretical analysis of a multi-path too complex. On the other hand experimental evaluation requires measuring methods which can be applied under the very restrictive conditions on board ships. For most sound transfer paths such methods are lacking. In the Chapters 2-5 of this thesis new experimental methods have been developed and tested for quantifying the sound transfer respectively via the resilient mountings underneath machinery, via shallow air cavities below machinery and via pipes. All these methods can be applied on board without disturbing seriously normal ship programs. The Chapters 6 and 7 are concerned with a case study of the multi-path noise reduction properties in a representative shipboard mounting system and with the development of a simple experimental method for aiding the design of improved multi-directional structureborne sound isolation. In Chapter 1 an overview is given of the knowledge with respect to the effectiveness of resilient mounting systems on board ships. Different approaches for the in-situ analysis of multi-path mounting systems are compared and an outline of the thesis is presented. In Chapter 2 a method is described for the experimental analysis of the multi-directional structureborne sound transfer through the resilient mountings and through the ship structure. Basic elements are a newly developed technique for measuring multi-directional sound transfer properties of mountings in a laboratory test rig and previously published reciprocity techniques for measuring ship transfer functions. The feasibility of the measurements on resilient mountings is illustrated with some test results. In Chapter 3, the mounting path analysis procedure is investigated in a scale model for the complete path from a diesel engine-like vibration source, via resilient mountings and ship structure, to an accommodation deck. Because of the multi-directional vibrations the complete analysis for a multi—mounting system requires the measurement of an enormous amount of data. Investigations were carried through to what extent the accuracy of the analysis is affected when simplified procedures are applied. Chapter 4 describes two experimental methods for determining the airborne sound transfer through shallow reverberant cavities below resiliently mounted machinery, in cases where these cavities are inaccessible for loudspeakers as substitution sources. Basic elements are the introduction of hypothetical acoustic point sources in a cavity and reciprocal transfer function measurements for such point sources. One of the methods is tested and validated by scale model experiments. The theoretical analysis leads also to improvements in theoretical models for sound transfer through shallow or narrow cavities published previously. In Chapter 5, experimental methods are investigated for the assessment of structureborne sound transfer along pipes. Laboratory tests show that direct determination of the sound transfer using energy flow measurements is feasible at frequencies below the initiation of 2nd order circumferential waves. Two substitution source methods for indirect determination of the sound transfer appear also feasible. One of the methods uses energy flow measurements on the pipe, whereas the other method uses squared radial accelerations averaged over a certain pipe length. The latter method is also usable at frequencies above the cut-off frequency of 2nd order circumferential waves. Of great practical interest is the use of reciprocal measurement of the sound transfer from the substitution sources, when the signal to noise ratio for direct measurements is low. The sound transfer from a resiliently mounted medium-speed propulsion diesel engine to the accommodation is analysed in Chapter 6. It concerns a mounting system representative of several modern passenger and car-ferries. The multi-path system insertion loss is some 12-17 dB for octave bands with centre frequencies 63 Hz - 1 kHz, which is typical for similar systems in other ships too. For octave bands with centre frequencies up to 250 Hz the contributions of the resilient mounting path and the airborne paths appear to be much smaller than the total sound transfer. On the basis of both shipboard and scale model measurements, system parameters which are important for the sound transfer through the resilient mountings and through the air, are discussed for the system investigated. Estimates are given for the upper‘ limit of the insertion loss for similar single stage mounting systems without acoustic enclosure. Compared to the present situation an improvement can be obtained of maximally some 20 dB for the octave bands with centre frequencies 63-250 Hz and of some 10 dB for the 500 Hz and 1 kHz octave bands. In Chapter 7, a simple experimental method is described and tested for estimating frequency bandwidth averages of real parts of point admittances for each of 6 degrees of freedom. Again, use is made of a substitution source principle and of reciprocity relations for transfer functions. The method is very useful for collecting multi-directional admittance data at resilient isolator locations on board ships. Moreover, it is of great practical use as a tool for designing seating structures, taking into account the multi-directionality of machinery vibrations and the multi-directional sound transfer properties of flexible isolators. Finally, in Chapter 8, an attempt is made to evaluate to what extent problems of the experimental analysis of multi-path resilient mounting systems has been solved in the present thesis and what type of work has still to be done. Moreover, some factors are indicated that may form either a practical or a fundamental limitation for mounting system improvement.
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Vibro-acoustic source characterization is an essential task in vehicle development to enable prediction of receiver response. For structure-borne noise, the interface forces in multiple degrees of freedom due to internal loads are often quantified for root cause analyses in a single system assembly, as in transfer path analysis (TPA). However, for a reliable prognosis of the acoustic performance of a known component such as a motor or pump, a receiver-independent source characterization is required, and the method of acquiring blocked forces from in-situ measurements has been shown to be a preferred technique for such purposes. The benefits of the method are the characterization of the intrinsic properties of the source and the possibilities of measuring the component attached to receivers with varying dynamic properties. There is to date a limited number of validation cases where blocked forces from in-situ measurements are acquired for automotive source–receiver assemblies. In this study the blocked forces of a vacuum pump in nine degrees of freedom were determined when connected to a bracket whose boundary conditions were modified in order to achieve four assemblies with different source/receiver dynamic properties. The results show that the blocked forces are transferable, i.e. the receiver response in one assembly was predicted in a wide frequency range by combining source–receiver transfer functions of that assembly with blocked forces estimated in another assembly. Furthermore, an in-situ blocked force TPA was applied to a double-isolated complete vehicle source–receiver case of an electric rear axle drive with interior compartment sound pressure as target. The reconstructed magnetic tonal harmonics agreed with the measured target response in the frequency range 50–500 Hz, which further motivates the use of the blocked force principles for TPA and source requirements specifications.
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Transfer Path Analysis (TPA) designates the family of test-based methodologies to study the transmission of mechanical vibrations. Since the first adaptation of electric network analogies in the field of mechanical engineering a century ago, a multitude of TPA methods have emerged and found their way into industrial development processes. Nowadays the TPA paradigm is largely commercialised into out-of-the-box testing products, making it difficult to articulate the differences and underlying concepts that are paramount to understanding the vibration transmission problem. The aim of this paper is to derive and review a wide repertoire of TPA techniques from their conceptual basics, liberating them from their typical field of application. A selection of historical references is provided to align methodological developments with particular milestones in science. Eleven variants of TPA are derived from a unified framework and classified into three categories, namely classical, component-based and transmissibility-based TPA. Current challenges and practical aspects are discussed and reference is made to related fields of research.
15 years of NVH applications make Transfer Path Analysis appear a commodity tool. This is however not the case. Required insight in the application constraints makes TPA remain an expert approach. This paper reviews past progress in TPA methodology and its limitations. It then introduces a number of innovative approaches addressing these, opening new application fields. This includes speed improvement (Fast TPA), structural modeling integration (Modal Contribution Analysis), CAE integration (Hybrid TPA), sound quality interpretation (TPA-sound synthesis) and supporting better exploitation of operational data (Operational Path Analysis). An outlook is given to the next challenge, the application to transient problems.