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Autonomous Driving Architectures, Perception and Data Fusion: A Review


Abstract and Figures

Over the last 10 years, huge advances have been made in the areas of sensor technologies and processing platforms, pushing forward developments in the field of autonomous vehicles, mostly represented by self-driving cars. However, the complexity of these systems has been also increased in terms of the hardware and software within them, especially for the perception stage in which the goal is to create a reliable representation of the vehicle and the world. In order to manage this complexity, several architectural models have been proposed as guidelines to design, develop, operate and deploy self-driving solutions for real applications. In this work, a review on autonomous driving architectures is presented, classifying them into technical or functional architectures depending on the domain of their definition. In addition, the perception stage of self-driving solutions is analysed as a component of the architectures, detailing into the sensing part and how data fusion is used to perform localisation, mapping and object detection. Finally, the paper is concluded with additional thoughts on the actual status and future trends in the field.
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Autonomous Driving Architectures, Perception and
Data Fusion: A Review
Gustavo Velasco-Hernandez∗†, De Jong Yeong, John Barryand Joseph Walsh
IMaR Research Centre / Lero, The Irish Software Research Centre
Institute of Technology Tralee
Tralee, Ireland
ORCID 0000-0002-2177-6348
Abstract—Over the last 10 years, huge advances have been
made in the areas of sensor technologies and processing plat-
forms, pushing forward developments in the field of autonomous
vehicles, mostly represented by self-driving cars. However, the
complexity of these systems has been also increased in terms
of the hardware and software within them, especially for the
perception stage in which the goal is to create a reliable
representation of the vehicle and the world. In order to manage
this complexity, several architectural models have been proposed
as guidelines to design, develop, operate and deploy self-driving
solutions for real applications. In this work, a review on au-
tonomous driving architectures is presented, classifying them into
technical or functional architectures depending on the domain
of their definition. In addition, the perception stage of self-
driving solutions is analysed as a component of the architectures,
detailing into the sensing part and how data fusion is used to
perform localisation, mapping and object detection. Finally, the
paper is concluded with additional thoughts on the actual status
and future trends in the field.
Index Terms—Architecture, Autonomous Driving, Autonomous
Vehicles, Data Fusion, Localisation, Mapping, Perception, Self-
Driving Car, Sensor Fusion.
Several initiatives for the development of self-driving solu-
tions have been created in industry and academia, but there
is not a one-size-fits-all approach that could accomplish all
the goals or to solve all the issues present in each appli-
cation scenario. However, there are certain components and
processing stages that are shared among different projects
in order to complete the main objective of such a system,
this is, autonomous navigation of a platform in a specified
On the component side, there are hardware parts, like
positioning and range sensors, networks, embedded and High-
Performance Computing (HPC) platforms, and also software
components, low-level embedded and high-level application
software. Regarding the processing stages, they can be sum-
marised in these four categories: sensing and perception, pro-
cessing and planning, vehicle control, and system supervision.
No matter whether the platform is a car on the road, a robot
in a warehouse, a tractor in a crop field or a lifting vehicle
in a building site, these stages are part of any self-driving
architecture definition. The differences between them will be
978-1-7281-9080-8/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE
the conditions where they will operate, encompassed in their
Operational Design Domain (ODD), which defines the scope
and limitations of the environment where a self-driving system
or feature should work, including but not limited to weather,
terrain, time-of-day, location, etc.
An overall description of the common elements of a self-
driving solution can be found in [1] and [2], however, it is
required to organise these elements in a way that enables a suc-
cessful product development life cycle, and avoid reinventing
the wheel for every self-driving development to be done. For
this reason, several authors have proposed architectural models
for the design, development, and deployment of autonomous
driving systems, both from a technical and a functional point
of view.
Some of these initiatives have a wider scope while others
focus on certain specific aspects. One of these aspects is
the perception stage of autonomous vehicles, where multiple
sensors provide information using different modalities with the
objective of creating a reliable representation of the vehicle,
its status and the world that surrounds it. This supposes a
challenge because all the sensors could be seen as separate
subsystems generating streams of data, but this data needs to
be merged in an appropriate way. This process is known as
data fusion and it handles the collection, association of data
and the creation of better representations than those obtained
by using the sensors individually.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Section II pro-
vides an overview of autonomous driving architectures found
in the literature. These are classified based on their domain or
abstraction level (functional vs technical) and each one of their
inner elements is described. Additional concepts on sensors,
perception and data fusion are presented in section III, starting
with a description of typical sensors used in a self-driving
environment and then, different developments in the field of
perception are highlighted, especially in two areas: localisation
and mapping, and object detection. Then an overview of data
fusion, its relevance and its challenges is presented, including
recent work in the area. Finally, conclusions are presented in
section IV with additional thoughts on the actual status and
future trends on autonomous vehicles, especially in perception
and data fusion as part of a self-driving architecture.
When representing a complex system using an architectural
model, there are different perspectives from which the system
can be viewed, for example in terms of physical components,
development stages, logical functions or process blocks, as
described in [3]. In the present work, autonomous driving ar-
chitectures are considered from two viewpoints: 1) a technical
viewpoint, which is related to hardware and software com-
ponents and their implementations, and 2) from a functional
viewpoint, which includes the description of processing stages
that a self-driving vehicle must have as logical blocks of the
whole system.
A. Technical View
Hardware and software are the two main layers of the
technical view of an autonomous driving architecture and each
layer includes components that represent different aspects of
the whole system. Some of these components can be seen as
an isolated group, but there are some components that act like
a backbone within their own layer providing a structure and
guidelines for the interactions between all the components.
This description is depicted in figure 1.
Sensors Processing
Internal Networking Interfaces
(CAN, LIN, GigaEthernet, USB 3.X, etc)
Software Frameworks and Standards
Real-time and
Critical Control
UI/UX and
Hardware Software
Fig. 1. Technical architecture for an autonomous driving system
Autonomous vehicles nowadays are large complex systems
equipped with several sensors, for internal and external mon-
itoring and generating massive amounts of data per day. In
order to handle all that information, communications and
processing units in the vehicles are no longer limited to a num-
ber of Electronic Control Units (ECUs) with low-bandwidth
networks as it used to be. More powerful devices are used
to collect and process the data coming from the sensors,
like heterogeneous computing platforms with multiple cores,
Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) and Field Programmable
Gate Arrays (FPGAs). In addition to the data generated by
the vehicle, external, data is also available from the internet,
other vehicles or infrastructure, what is known as Vehicle-
to-Anything communications (V2X). The hardware part also
includes the vehicle itself, this is the mobile platform and
actuators, which can be of different kinds depending on
the application and terrain where the system will operate.
The internal networking interfaces allow each subsystem to
exchange information with each other, for example high band-
width interfaces like USB 3.x or Gigabit Ethernet for sensor
data transport, or CAN and LIN networks for low bandwith
The processing capabilities of current self-driving vehicles
is such that they are sometimes they are referred to as
supercomputers on wheels. This statement is not far from
reality because due to the complexity in the hardware side,
the software side of vehicles has been also evolving, from the
embedded software running on top of Real-Time Operating
Systems (RTOS) on ECUs, to high-level software includ-
ing frameworks, libraries and modules that support Machine
Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning
(DL) algorithms required for processing the data. But also,
there are software components dealing with different aspects
of the vehicle operation, like drivers for data collection from
the sensors, user interfacing through the infotainment system,
and real-time and critical software for controlling actuators
and monitoring the status of the vehicle. This complexity
in software creates the need to follow certain patterns and
implement standards that enable a successful development,
management and deployment of such systems, both at a low-
level (hard real-time software/firmware) and at a high-level
(detection, inference or forecasting software). These software
frameworks and standards provide a structured way for the
software to operate in a concurrent and cooperative way.
One example of software guidelines and frameworks is
the AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture, AUTOSAR [4]
[5], widely used in the automotive industry. Its main goal
is to create and establish an open and standardized archi-
tecture for ECUs, using a component-based software design
approach. Another example is the Robot Operating System,
ROS [6], a well-established software framework providing
tools and libraries for robotic applications, including ready-
to-use implementations for perception, navigation and motion
control algorithms. However, as the robotics and self-driving
landscape has changed considerably since its introduction in
2009, a new version, ROS2 [7], was re-designed based on new
considerations in order to make it suitable for its use in a new
range of applications, like deterministic, real-time and safety-
critical systems [8]. In the case of software components as part
of an autonomous driving architecture, Autoware Foundation
offers its projects and [9]. They are
built on top of ROS and ROS2 respectively and offer software
modules for algorithms and tasks commonly used in self-
driving systems.
B. Functional View
From another perspective, autonomous vehicles are com-
posed of logical or functional blocks, which are defined based
on the flow of information and the processing stages performed
from data collection to the control of the vehicle, and including
the internal monitoring of the system. From this, four main
functional blocks can be identified across most of the proposed
architectures and solutions from literature in both academia
and industry: perception, planning and decision, motion and
vehicle control, and system supervision. These blocks are
represented in figure 2.
Motion and
System Supervision
External interaction:Maps,
rules, user IO, world status, etc.
Fig. 2. Functional architecture for an autonomous driving system
The main goal of the perception stage is to receive data from
sensors and other sources (vehicle sensors configuration, maps
databases, etc), and generate a representation of the vehicle
status and a world model. For performing these two tasks,
sensors are categorized into proprioceptive and exteroceptive
sensors. Proprioceptive sensors are those used for sensing
the vehicle state, like Global Navigation Satellite Systems
(GNSS), Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs), Inertial Navi-
gation Systems (INS), and Encoders. These are used to get
position, movement and odometry information of the platform.
Exteroceptive sensors monitor the environment surrounding
the vehicles to obtain data of the terrain, the environment
and external objects. Cameras, lidars (LIght Detection And
Ranging), radar and ultrasonic sensors belong to this category.
After collecting all the incoming data from the sensors, two
main functions are performed in the perception stage: Locali-
sation and mapping, and object detection. More details on the
perception stage are covered in section III.
Once the vehicle and world status are available for the
planning and decision stage, the system is able to receive
external information like a goal or a travel mission, and then
can start the navigation plan for the vehicle, including a long-
term plan (going from place A to place B in a global map
or journey plan) as well as a short-term plan (execute partial
goals or waypoints considering a dynamic and local map).
Reactive behaviours are also included in this stage, mostly
intended for the safe operation of the vehicle. Autonomous
Emergency Braking (AEB) or collision preventing features
are common examples of these behaviours that will override
high-level commands. As most of the vehicles will interact
with other actors in the road, this stage should also include
external information from external sources to operate safely,
information like traffic rules, maps updates and speed limits
must be included to generate the plans.
The stage of Motion and Vehicle Control is related to
the way in which the trajectory generated in the previous
stage is executed on the platform, taking into account the
configuration, geometry and limitations of it. The movement
commands can be either goal points if the platform abstracts its
configuration and the control of actuators, or movement com-
mands like longitudinal speed, steering and braking. Again,
this stage is highly associated with safety features as it receives
high priority commands from the reactive behaviour modules
to modify or stop the movement of the vehicle.
Another stage within an autonomous driving architecture
is the System supervision which is in charge of monitoring
all the aspects of the vehicle like the hardware (sensors
operation, missing or degraded information, platform stability,
energy management, fault and diagnosis, etc) and the software
(autonomous driving software stack, data values within ranges,
data update rates, data inconsistencies, etc). The importance of
these tasks is that, as a safety-critical system, malfunctioning
of hardware or software in a self-driving vehicle, should not
result in any harm to people, environment or property. The
ISO 26262 [10] is a standard for functional safety in road
vehicles, adapted from the standard IEC 61508 [11], that aims
to address possible hazards arising from faults in electric or
electronic devices in a car, and offers a framework for the full
product development life cycle, from specification and design
to validation and production release. A further discussion on
functional safety of automotive software can be found in [12].
C. Related Work
Different description of architectures can be found in
literature both from a technical or a functional point of
view, but also with different scopes, for example, focused
on methodologies, design and concept, or focused to actual
implementation on a platform. For example, reference [13]
defines three different technical architectures references for
automotive systems focusing on the distribution of processing
and communication hardware components within a vehicle. On
the software side, reference [14] presents an approach for inter-
connecting two environments, ROS2 and Adaptive AUTOSAR
[15], frameworks that are based on a Data Distribution Service
(DDS) middleware and can cooperate in the whole self-driving
Related also to technical architectures, there are works
detailing the actual implementation of self-driving systems,
both from industry and academia, like [16], which presents
a brief description of a software-system architecture from the
industry perspective, and in [17], the design and development
of a research platform for outdoor environments is presented,
which main focus is on the sensors and vehicle platform
On the functional side, a functional reference architecture is
proposed by [18] and [19], describing three main components
(perception, decision and control and platform manipulation)
and two basic layers (cognitive driving intelligence and vehicle
platform) within it. Another architecture is presented in [20]
and its main design goal is to be compatible with safety-
critical applications and standards like ISO-26262. To this
end, a V-shaped, modular architecture with five layers of
abstraction, providing scalability and traceability is proposed.
Also, in [21] a whole framework is proposed for the design of
supervision functions for the components of an autonomous
driving system. The focus is on the methodological aspects
of the engineering process, starting from functional and safety
requirements, and generating a formal behaviour model for the
specified system.
Finally, there are other works with a wider scope, addressing
the technical and functional view of self-driving systems,
presenting full deployments [22] and comparing different
architectures [23], [24]. An example of a deployed system
is found in [22] where a self-driving car architecture solution
based on ROS2 is presented, addressing some limitations of
the previous version of ROS in terms of usability and main-
tainability. On the side of architectures comparison, reference
[23] presents an overview of four architectures of self-driving
solutions, from an industrial case to a resource-constrained
prototype implementation, detailing in the technical implemen-
tation of the hardware and software, and showing similarities
and differences of their functional components and design
decisions. Reference [24] presents a review on three functional
system architectures used in self-driving platforms, comparing
their construction approach and their robustness.
Perception in a self-driving architecture is the stage dealing
with information from sensors and turning it into meaningful
data for different high-level tasks like navigation and motion
planning. In this section perception will be covered in three
parts: sensors, localisation and mapping, and object detection.
A. Sensors
Perception has been of interest of the field of intelligent
and autonomous vehicles for more than 20 years [25], [26].
Initially, most of the developments were vision-based and
applied to both infrastructure [27] and vehicles [28]. In recent
years, further developments in sensors devices and processing
platforms, have made possible the inclusion Lidar and Radar
technologies into the suite of available sensors for self-driving
applications, providing the perception stage with more data
and allowing to take advantage of the strengths of each sensor
technology and overcome their weaknesses. However, despite
the advances in sensor technologies, there are still different
challenges that need to be addressed.
As stated in the previous section, sensors in self-driving
platforms are categorized into proprioceptive and exterocep-
tive. The former group provides the system with data regarding
the position and movement of the vehicle, in an absolute
reference system, like GNSS, or in a relative reference system
like IMUs and encoders. When two or more of these sensors
are used in conjunction, they can compensate or complement
each other under adverse conditions, like losing GNSS signal,
for example. Exteroceptive sensors enable the system to ”see”
its surrounding environment. Cameras, lidars, radars and ultra-
sonic sensors generate a lot of information in form of images
(2D) and point clouds (3D), from where the conditions and sta-
tus of other vehicles, people and terrain can be obtained. This
allows the vehicle to generate a representation of the external
world, and locate itself in it in order to generate navigation
plans and prevent safety-related issues. A more detailed review
of sensor technology and perception in autonomous vehicles
can be found in [29] and [30].
B. Localisation and Mapping
Localisation refers to the process of obtaining the relation
between the vehicle state (location) and its environment,
represented by a map. Two common approaches are used for
doing so: 1) localisation based on proprioceptive sensors and
2) Localisation using exteroceptive sensors. In the first case,
GNSS is used to provide an absolute location in a global
reference system or a global map, and IMU/encoders provide
relative position information, that can be used to complement
or correct GNSS data when it is degraded due the vehicle been
in an area where the sky is obstructed or signal is weak.
One approach used to provide additional information is
to generate odometry data from range sensors like cameras
and lidars, sometimes referred as visual-odometry [31]–[35]
or lidar-odometry [36]–[38]. In these solutions, features and
landmarks are detected and displacement is calculated from
the difference between frames.
When maps are not available or provided, localisation and
mapping are performed simultaneously. This technique is
known as SLAM (Simultaneous Localisation And Mapping),
where a map is constructed from camera or lidar data and
at the same time the location of the vehicle is estimated.
The main advantage of this method is that a prior map
is not needed and the system could localise itself in an
unknown environment. Reference [39] offers a description of
localisation techniques used in autonomous platforms intended
for warehouse operation and reference [40] presents a deeper
review on localisation techniques for mobile robots. Irrespec-
tive of the application environment or mobile platform, those
techniques and algorithms are shared with self-driving cars or
larger off-road vehicles.
C. Object detection
A self-driving vehicle needs to understand its environment
and be aware of all the objects and actors that could interact
with it. For example, the vehicle must detect the road and
the lanes within it, but it also should detect other vehicles,
pedestrians, obstacles and traffic signs. Or in the case of an
off-road vehicle, it also should detect types of terrain, drivable
areas, livestock, trees, weather conditions, etc. All this is part
of the detection stage. In addition to detection, the system
should be capable of tracking the detected objects in the
space domain in the time domain. The main objective is to
forecast possible incidents based on predicted movements of
other vehicles, people or obstacles. This generated information
can also be integrated into global and local maps to improve
the planning and navigation process.
Another function of detection is scene understanding which
determines if an autonomous vehicle is operating within its
ODD, for example in terms of the environmental conditions.
And this is one of the main challenges for outdoor and off-
road autonomous vehicles, to maintain their reliability across
different weather conditions and handle its impact on sensor
data integrity in a safe way. In [41], the authors propose a
multi-feature method to perform visual localisation across dif-
ferent seasons throughout the year, based on scene-matching.
Rain is another condition that has a big impact on cameras
and lidar sensors, in particular, when droplets remain on the
lenses. Reference [42] proposes a de-raining filtering method
based to overcome this issue and also provides a dataset of
rainy images and a method for creating synthetic water drops
on top of other datasets.
Data fusion, also referred as multi-sensor data fusion, infor-
mation fusion or sensor fusion, has received several definitions
from different authors in the literature [43], [44], [45] [46],
[47], but a better understanding of what it is, can be obtained
by answering the following questions:
What is involved in data fusion?
Combine, merge or integrate homogeneous or heteroge-
neous data.
What is the aim of data fusion?
Get a better representation of a process or the environ-
ment, infer underlying information, improve the quality
of the data.
How to apply data fusion?
Data fusion is a multi-level task, depending of the nature
of the sensors, the context and the final application.
Thus, multi-sensor data fusion is a multidisciplinary field,
because the information in a typical process, flows from
sensors to applications, passing through stages of filtering,
data enhancement and information extraction. Because of
this, knowledge in a wide range of fields is required, e.g.
signal processing, machine learning, probability and statistics,
artificial intelligence, etc. [48].
The first step in multi-sensor data fusion is to collect and
associate the data in space and time, done by performing
the calibration and synchronisation of the sensors within the
system. This step is extremely important as the performance
of fusion stages rely on the data from different sources being
consistent and referenced to a common reference frame. Some
of the challenges on aggregating sensors are described by
[49] where a multi-sensor fusion of camera, radar and lidar is
applied to large off-road vehicles and the difficulties of time
synchronisation are highlighted. Also, reference [50] describes
a multi-sensing system for autonomous driving, outlining the
challenges of fusing heterogeneous data from sensors and the
benefits of adhering to a software architecture model based on
defined interfaces and components. Further examples of recent
developments in the calibration and synchronisation of sensors
(cameras, lidar and/or radar) can be found in [51], [52] and
As mentioned before, two types of localisation approaches
can be done, based on internal sensors, or using range sensors.
In the first case, the fusion of GNSS and IMU data is usually
performed using techniques based on Kalman Filtering [54],
[55]. This is a well-established method, and sometimes this
processing is already done in the sensor, as is the case for
some INSs, which embed a GNSS solution with an IMU into
a single device.
In the area of visual- and lidar-odometry, there are also
developments using both sensors to improve the performance
compared to a unimodal solution. In [56], a method is pro-
posed where visual-odometry is made at an initial stage, and
then lidar is fused to refine the estimation, making it possible
to use in indoor and outdoor conditions. Another approach
is found in [57] where two robust algorithms are coupled,
VISO2 for visual-odometry and LOAM for lidar- odometry. A
different approach is presented in [58], where they use a multi-
camera system composed of four fisheye cameras and generate
virtual lidar data for fusing it into the odometry process.
A variety of SLAM techniques using different configura-
tions of range sensors is found in the literature. There are
solutions based on single cameras, multiple cameras, stereo
cameras, depth cameras and 2D and 3D lidars. For example,
a multi-camera SLAM system is proposed in [59], where a
panoramic view is created by fusing the data from 5 cameras.
The performance of the system using a single camera approach
and a 3, 4 or 5 camera configuration is presented. Reference
[60] presents a review on multimodal localisation approaches
for mobile robots, evaluating Visual SLAM, Visual Odometry
and Place Recognition in terms of the requirements to adapt
to dynamic conditions and terrains, like unstructured, off-road
and outdoor environments. A further review focused only on
SLAM technologies is presented in [61].
All these range sensors are also integrated for the purposes
of object detection and tracking. Most of the recent work in
this area is based on Deep Learning and Deep networks tech-
niques. Reference [62] proposes a lidar-camera fusion system
based on Convolutional Neural Networks. They evaluate the
individual performance of each sensor in addition to the fused
approach. Also, in [63] is presented a Deep-Learning-based
architecture for the fusion of Radar and Camera for object
detection applications. Another recent work is presented in
[64]: a Camera-Radar fusion for object detection using Region
Proposal Networks (RPN) as a layer in a combination of
networks for fusing 2D and 3D data. On the other hand,
reference [65] presents an approach for fusing INS, camera
and Lidar data to perform 3D object tracking based on Kalman
A further comprehensive review on multi-sensor fusion in
automated driving focusing on the fusion of heterogeneous
data from Camera, Lidar, Radar, Ultrasonics, GNSS, IMU and
V2X communications is presented in [66].
Over the last 10 years, several advances have been made
in different aspects of autonomous driving systems, from the
creation of reference architectures, standards, communities,
evolution of hardware and software, etc. However, in order
to achieve levels 4 and 5 of autonomy, as defined by SAE
standard J3016 [67], there are still different challenges that
must be solved, especially in the field of perception. Devel-
opments on new lidars, radars, stereo and depth cameras, and
the decreasing cost and size of these devices will allow the
inclusion of several sensors per kind, opening the possibility
of creating better representation of the world, but this presents
challenges in terms of processing, bandwidth, synchronisation
and data fusion.
In this regard, different data and information fusion tech-
niques are being developed presently with good results, but
further work must be done for taking them from isolated
developments and solutions to a safety-critical self-driving
platform where they should seamlessly integrate within a
defined architecture or framework without affecting other
subsystems. To do so, a proper methodology should be
followed throughout all the product life cycle development
stages: ODD definition, functional and safety requirements,
architecture design, software and hardware development, and
testing, verification, validation and product release.
Driving is a complex task even for humans, and we are good
at dealing with unexpected situations and at making sense of
multitude of multi-modal information while driving, allowing
us to make good decisions and move safely through the road.
However, we have to deal with stress and tiredness, and these
are risk factors in non-autonomous vehicles. Through im-
proved perception and data fusion developments, self-driving
vehicles should surpass our capabilities in the pursuit of better,
safer and greener transport.
This work was supported, in part, by Science Foundation
Ireland grant 13/RC/2094 and co-funded under the European
Regional Development Fund through the Southern & Eastern
Regional Operational Programme to Lero - the Science Foun-
dation Ireland Research Centre for Software (
This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme un-
der the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 754489
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... In addition to detection, the system should also be able to track detected objects in the spatial domain in the time domain. The main goal is to predict possible events based on the predicted motion of other vehicles, people, or obstacles [139]. This ensures the safety of the autonomous vehicle, passengers, and other road users. ...
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Environmental perception is a key technology for autonomous driving, enabling vehicles to analyze and interpret their surroundings in real time to ensure safe navigation and decision-making. Multi-sensor information fusion, which integrates data from different sensors, has become an important approach to overcome the limitations of individual sensors. Each sensor has unique advantages. However, its own limitations, such as sensitivity to lighting, weather, and range, require fusion methods to provide a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the environment. This paper describes multi-sensor information fusion techniques for autonomous driving environmental perception. Various fusion levels, including data-level, feature-level, and decision-level fusion, are explored, highlighting how these methods can improve the accuracy and reliability of perception tasks such as object detection, tracking, localization, and scene segmentation. In addition, this paper explores the critical role of sensor calibration, focusing on methods to align data in a unified reference frame to improve fusion results. Finally, this paper discusses recent advances, especially the application of machine learning in sensor fusion, and highlights the challenges and future research directions required to further enhance the environmental perception of autonomous systems. This study provides a comprehensive review of multi-sensor fusion technology and deeply analyzes the advantages and challenges of different fusion methods, providing a valuable reference and guidance for the field of autonomous driving.
... This phase generates the coordinates (x, y, z), which are essential for precisely determining the location of impact points. Subsequently, in the "Motion and Control" stage, trajectory tracking is performed using advanced control algorithms that utilize these coordinates by the selected strategy [21,22]. This research focuses on the "Data Acquisition" and "Planning and Decision−Strategy 1" modules. ...
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This study presents a multimodal data fusion system to identify and impact rocks in mining comminution tasks, specifically during the crushing stage. The system integrates information from various sensory modalities to enhance data accuracy, even under challenging environmental conditions such as dust and lighting variations. For the strategy selected in this study, 15 rock characteristics are extracted at neighborhood radii of 5 mm, 10 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm, and 25 mm to determine the suitable impact points. Through processes like the Ball−Pivoting Algorithm (BPA) and Poisson Surface Reconstruction techniques, the study achieves a detailed reconstruction of filtered points based on the selected characteristics. Unlike related studies focused on controlled conditions or limited analysis of specific rock shapes, this study examines all rock faces, ensuring the more accurate identification of impact points under adverse conditions. Results show that rock faces with the largest support areas are most suitable for receiving impacts, enhancing the efficiency and stability of the crushing process. This approach addresses the limitations of manual operations and provides a pathway for reducing operational costs and energy consumption. Furthermore, it establishes a robust foundation for future research to develop fully autonomous systems capable of maintaining reliable performance in extreme mining environments.
... In our research, we also test the proposed tool across multiple DCUs connected to sensors, a common architecture in modern AVs, as highlighted in the paper by Arya G. Nair et al. [29]. Sensor synchronization, a vital component of our design, is also emphasized as an important aspect in autonomous vehicle design by Gustavo Velasco-Hernandez et al. [30]. Furthermore, a software-based sensor synchronization solution is presented by Hang Hu et al. [31]; however, our design integrates both software and hardware synchronization, where the DCUs are synchronized via software and cameras via hardware. ...
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Autonomous vehicles (AVs) rely heavily on multi-modal sensors to perceive their surroundings and make real-time decisions. However, the increasing complexity of these sensors, combined with the computational demands of AI models and the challenges of synchronizing data across multiple inputs, presents significant obstacles for AV systems. These challenges of the AV domain often lead to performance latency, resulting in delayed decision-making, causing major traffic accidents. The data concentrator unit (DCU) concept addresses these issues by optimizing data pipelines and implementing intelligent control mechanisms to process sensor data efficiently. Identifying and addressing bottlenecks that contribute to latency can enhance system performance, reducing the need for costly hardware upgrades or advanced AI models. This paper introduces a delay measurement tool for multi-node analysis, enabling synchronized monitoring of data pipelines across connected hardware platforms, such as clock-synchronized DCUs. The proposed tool traces the execution flow of software applications and assesses time delays at various stages of the data pipeline in clock-synchronized hardware. The various stages are represented with intuitive graphical visualization, simplifying the identification of performance bottlenecks.
... Figure 2 illustrates the common architecture of an autonomous system for the navigation of USVs. Similar to autonomous vehicles (AVs) (Velasco-Hernandez et al., 2020;Karangwa et al., 2023a), it consists of three major components: sensors, situation awareness, and navigation. Sensors used in vision tasks are classified as either proprioceptive or exteroceptive. ...
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Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) have emerged as a major platform in maritime operations, capable of supporting a wide range of applications. USVs can help reduce labor costs, increase safety, save energy, and allow for difficult unmanned tasks in harsh maritime environments. With the rapid development of USVs, many vision tasks such as detection and segmentation become increasingly important. Datasets play an important role in encouraging and improving the research and development of reliable vision algorithms for USVs. In this regard, a large number of recent studies have focused on the release of vision datasets for USVs. Along with the development of datasets, a variety of deep learning techniques have also been studied, with a focus on USVs. However, there is a lack of a systematic review of recent studies in both datasets and vision techniques to provide a comprehensive picture of the current development of vision on USVs, including limitations and trends. In this study, we provide a comprehensive review of both USV datasets and deep learning techniques for vision tasks. Our review was conducted using a large number of vision datasets from USVs. We elaborate several challenges and potential opportunities for research and development in USV vision based on a thorough analysis of current datasets and deep learning techniques.
... Above all others, autonomous vehicle networks may see the implementation of JCAS as a tool to improve the quality of shared sensing information and to make the process of sharing such data more efficient. The main requirement for autonomous vehicles to perform cooperative ambient sensing is the availability of high data rates, as each vehicle should ultimately be able to share tens of gigabytes of information per second with all surrounding vehicles[15]. Cooperative ambient sensing allows all vehicles participating in the activity to build a full virtual representation of the surrounding real world, deriving information on static obstacles, Vulnerable Road Users (VRU), other vehicles, etc. from what has been sensed and shared by the others through Vehicle to Vehicle communication (V2V)[16]. This approach, albeit currently infeasible on a large scale given the available technologies and supported data rates, would greatly improve the performance of autonomous driving applications, allowing vehicles to identify obstacles that are hidden from their own sensors through what has been detected and shared by surrounding road users[17].Implementing a network whose users are allowed to share gigabytes of data per second (with each transmission possibly being similar to previous ones, as sensor data may not change drastically from one second to another, especially when travelling at low speed) while simultaneously granting a minimum QoS in a safety-critical application is not a simple task; nonetheless, it may benefit from the introduction of CSI-based ambient sensing to reduce the necessity for an autonomous vehicle to share raw sensor data with all surrounding vehicles, by instead only sending the extracted CSIs as already-parsed information about the surrounding environment.This work serves as a continuation of the introductory study proposed in the Bachelor's Degree Thesis titled "Analysis and Characterization of Wi-Fi Channel State Information"[21]. ...
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Building upon the foundational work of the Bachelor's Degree Thesis titled "Analysis and Characterization of Wi-Fi Channel State Information'', this thesis significantly advances the research by conducting an in-depth analysis of CSIs, offering new insights that extend well beyond the original study. The goal of this work is to broaden the mathematical and statistical representation of a wireless channel through the study of CSI behavior and evolution over time and frequency. CSI provides a high-level description of the behavior of a signal propagating from a transmitter to a receiver, thereby representing the structure of the environment where the signal propagates. This knowledge can be used to perform ambvient sensing, a technique that extracts relevant information about the surroundings of the receiver from the properties of the received signal, which are affected by interactions with the surfaces of the objects within the analyzed environment. Ambient sensing already plays an essential role in new wireless networks such as 5G and Beyond 5G; its use Joint Communication and Sensing applications and for the optimization of signal propagation through beamforming could also enable the implementation of efficient cooperative ambient sensing in vehicular networks, facilitating Cooperative Perception and, consequently, increasing road safety. Due to the lack of research on CSI characterization, this study aims to begin analyzing the structure of CSI traces collected in a controlled experimental environment and to describe their statistical properties. The results of such characterization could provide mathematical support for environment classification and movement recognition tasks that are currently performed only through Machine Learning techniques, introducing instead efficient, dedicated algorithms.
... of spatial information to accurately reason about the environment at a specific point in time, which has led to the development of several single-view range and depth sensors. For autonomous driving, it has been shown that utilizing multimodal depth sensing techniques from both, the optical (lidar) and radio-frequency (radar) domain, can lead to superior performance and robustness in computer-assisted tasks [Velasco-Hernandez et al. 2020]. Due to its environment, the autonomous driving industry has traditionally concentrated on farfield range sensing, with an unambiguous range of several meters and beyond. ...
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Utilizing the complementary strengths of wavelength-specific range or depth sensors is crucial for robust computer-assisted tasks such as autonomous driving. Despite this, there is still little research done at the intersection of optical depth sensors and radars operating close range, where the target is decimeters away from the sensors. Together with a growing interest in high-resolution imaging radars operating in the near field, the question arises how these sensors behave in comparison to their traditional optical counterparts. In this work, we take on the unique challenge of jointly characterizing depth imagers from both, the optical and radio-frequency domain using a multimodal spatial calibration. We collect data from four depth imagers, with three optical sensors of varying operation principle and an imaging radar. We provide a comprehensive evaluation of their depth measurements with respect to distinct object materials, geometries, and object-to-sensor distances. Specifically, we reveal scattering effects of partially transmissive materials and investigate the response of radio-frequency signals. All object measurements will be made public in form of a multimodal dataset, called MAROON.
Conference Paper
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Industry 4.0 or fourth industrial revolution elevates the computerization of Industry 3.0 and enhances it with smart and autonomous systems driven by data and Machine Learning. This paper reviews the advantages and disadvantages of sensors and the architecture of multi-sensor setup for object detection. Here we consider the case of autonomous systems in for large heavy vehicles off-road in industrial environments with the use of camera sensor, LiDAR sensor, and radar sensor. Understanding the vehicles surroundings is a vital task in autonomous operation where personnel and other obstacles present significant hazard of collision. This paper review further discusses the challenges of time synchronisation on sensor data acquisition in multi-modal sensor fusion for personnel and object detection, and details a solution implemented in a Python environment.
Conference Paper
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Object detection and recognition is a key component of autonomous robotic vehicles, as evidenced by the continuous efforts made by the robotic community on areas related to object detection and sensory perception systems. This paper presents a study on multisensor (camera and LIDAR) late fusion strategies for object recognition. In this work, LIDAR data is processed as 3D points and also by means of a 2D representation in the form of depth map (DM), which is obtained by projecting the LIDAR 3D point cloud into a 2D image plane followed by an upsampling strategy which generates a high-resolution 2D range view. A CNN network (Inception V3) is used as classification method on the RGB images, and on the DMs (LIDAR modality). A 3D-network (the PointNet), which directly performs classification on the 3D point clouds, is also considered in the experiments. One of the motivations of this work consists of incorporating the distance to the objects, as measured by the LIDAR, as a relevant cue to improve the classification performance. A new range-based average weighting strategy is proposed, which considers the relationship between the deep-models' performance and the distance of objects. A classification dataset, based on the KITTI database, is used to evaluate the deep-models, and to support the experimental part. We report extensive results in terms of single modality i.e., using RGB and LIDAR models individually, and late fusion multimodality approaches.
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With the rapid development of computer vision, vision-based simultaneous localization and mapping (vSLAM) plays an increasingly important role in the field of unmanned driving. However, traditional SLAM methods based on a monocular camera only perform well in simple indoor environments or urban environments with obvious structural features. In off-road environments, the situation that SLAM encounters could be complicated by problems such as direct sunlight, leaf occlusion, rough roads, sensor failure, sparsity of stably trackable texture. Traditional methods are highly susceptible to these factors, which lead to compromised stability and reliability. To counter such problems, we propose a panoramic vision SLAM method based on multi-camera collaboration, aiming at utilizing the characters of panoramic vision and stereo perception to improve the localization precision in off-road environments. At the same time, the independence and information sharing of each camera in multi-camera system can improve its ability to resist bumps, illumination, occlusion and sparse texture in an off-road environment, and enable our method to recover the metric scale. These characters ensure unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) to locate and navigate safely and reliably in complex off-road environments.