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All content in this area was uploaded by Giuliano Ragnoni on Sep 04, 2020
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Volume : 13 Issue : 8 Series-2
e-ISSN : 2319-2380
International Organization
of Scientific Research
p-ISSN : 2319-2372
An Overview of Methods Used In Assessing the Dynamics of 01-11
Organic Matter in Soils
Abdul R Conteh
Postharvest Food Losses: The Missing Link in Poverty Reduction 12-15
Joyce Ametor Kporvie
Foliar nutrition of zinc on growth and development of ber, cv. 16-25
Thailand apple
Onil Laishram, Dr. Kartik Baruah
Water Deficit and Carbon Absorption of Oil Palm Plants 26-31
(Elaeisguineensis Jacq)
Mardiana Wahyuni
Analysis of contributions of non-farm livelihood activities to 32-37
overall household income of rural farming households in
Oyo State, Nigeria
Adeleye, Ifeoluwa Abiodun, Obabire, Ibikunle Edward
Effect of basalt powder « Farina di Basalto® » on the development 38-47
of pests and diseases on pepper crop under greenhouse and
during storage
Mohamed Elimem, Slim Rouz, Hassan Kharroubi, Amina Mekni, Sofien Kouki,
Abdelmoumen Toukabri, Giuliano Ragnoni, Gianluca Pizzuti, Fabio Primavera,
Alessandro Riccini, Alberto Cari
Formulation of Slow Release NPK Granules with Addition of 48-54
Polystyrene-Polycaprolactone Matrix and and Its Effect on the
Growth of Chilli (Capsicum annum L.)
Elfi Sahlan Ben, Khairul Rizal, Akmal Djamaan
Effect of Extrusion on Soluble Dietary Fiber of Soy Sauce Residue 55-61
Zhang Haijing, Yang Zhe, Zhang Min, Li Hongjun
fect of basalt powder « Farina di Basalto® » on the development
ests and diseases on
er cro
im R
Hassan K
oubi, Amina Mekni, Sofien K
Abdelmoumen T
oukabri, Giuliano R
agnoni, Gianluca Pizzuti, F
abio Primaver
o Riccini, Alberto Cari
IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS)
e-ISSN: 2319-2380, p-ISSN: 2319-2372. Volume 13, Issue 8 Ser. II (August 2020), PP 38-47
DOI: 10.9790/2380-1308023847 38 | Page
Effect of basalt powder « Farina di Basalto® » on the development
of pests and diseases on pepper crop under greenhouse and
during storage
Mohamed Elimem1*, Slim Rouz1, Hassan Kharroubi2, Amina Mekni3,Sofien
Kouki2, Abdelmoumen Toukabri4, Giuliano Ragnoni5; Gianluca Pizzuti5,
Fabio Primavera5, Alessandro Riccini5, Alberto Cari5
1High School of Agriculture of Mograne (ESAM), Mograne, Zaghouane, University of Carthage, Tunisia
2Higher School of Engineer of Medjez El Beb, MedjezElBeb, Béja, University of Jendouba, Tunisia
3Higher Institute of Agronomy of Tunis, Tunis, University of Carthage, Tunisia
4APIA- Agence de Promotion des InvestissementsAgricoles, Agency for the Promotion of Agricultural
Investments, Tunis, Tunisia
5Basalti Orvieto srl –Loc Cornale, 05014-CASTEL VISCARDO (TR), Italy
Background: Basalte is a natural mineral fertilizer rich in nutrients (Si, Al, K, Fe, Ca, Mg), is employed to
improve crops growth and fruits production under greenhouses, fields and orchards. The purpose of this study
is to assess the impact of "Farina di Basalto®” a volcanic rock extracted and produced by “Basalti Orvieto" in
Italy, on the appearance and development of diseases and pests on pepper crop under greenhouse and during
storage. Three treatments were applied: T0: without “Farina di Basalto®” (Control), T1: 3% of “Farina di
Basalto®”, T2: 1.5% of “Farina di Basalto®”.Obtained results showed that the fertilizer exerted a repulsive
effect against pests; mainly Thrips(Frankliniella occidentalis) and mites. A gradual decrease of thrips number
was observed just after the spraying with basalte powder to reach low values. Four days after the treatment, a
total disappearance of the thrips females was noted in the T1 and T2 treatments, while the control treatment
(T0) recorded an average value of about 5 females per flower. On the otherhand, it improved the resistance of
the pepper against the bacterial soft rots caused by Pectobacterium sp. By reducing number of attacked plants.
The root rot disease caused essentially by the genus Phytophtoracapsici was also studied. Results showed that
average values of attacked plants ranked between 1 and 1.33 in treated plot units while in control it was about 6
attacked plants. and the bacterial soft rots caused by Pectobacterium sp.. During storage, treated fruits by
“Farina di Basalto” showed mean values lower than those observed in control, which proves that it protected
fruits against diseases. Analysis of the results showed that the use of "Farina di Basalto®" at a dose of 3%
allowed optimal performance to be obtained. However, the application of the 1.5% half-dose had the same
effect as the 3% dose on all of the qualitative and phytosanitary parameters.
Keywords: pepper crop, protection, thrips, mites, diseases, basalt
Date of Submission: 12-08-2020 Date of Acceptance: 28-08-2020
I. Introduction
Protected crops under greenhouses in Tunisia occupy an area of around 537.2 ha. Among the most
developed greenhouse crops in Tunisia are tomatoes (Lycopercium esculentum) and pepper (Capsicum annuum)
[4]. Pepper crop is one of the most important vegetable species. Indeed, it is cultivated almost in all regions and
throughout the year. Thus, in Tunisia, four seasons of pepper cultivation have been distinguished. In Africa,
Tunisia is the third producer of pepper after Nigeria and Egypt, the third exporter after Morocco and South
Africa [31].However, like any other crop, the pepper is threatened by several abiotic constraints such as
temperature and salinity [31], and biotic such as fungal, bacterial and viral diseases [5]. In addition, nematodes
are classified as enemies that can interfere with the development of pepper plant and reduce the growth of the
root system. Arthropods are also among the most formidable pests of pepper crop [7]. The control of these
problems is possible by various means even though they are usually controlled by pesticides. However, other
ways of control that may preserve and protect environment and human health may be employed such as
parasitoids, predators or traps [14].
Basalt is a tuff that comes from volcanic projections. These are small fragments, sometimes with
blocks and ashes. Basalt tuffs are often found in active volcanic areas, or also on lands where eruptions have
ended since years. Their color is generally black, red or even dark green [35]. Basalt is employed as a crushed
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DOI: 10.9790/2380-1308023847 39 | Page
rock in different areas such as in construction, in industrial and highway engineering, mineral fiber and cast
stone material production, as well as in agronomy [8, 18, 34]. Basalt powder is intended for soil mineralization
as a source of natural fertilizer due to its rich nutrient contents. This is explained by the fact that the composition
of magmas and volcanic ashes from where it came, is rich in Silicon (Si) and other nutrients. These components
are freshly ground and mixed into fine particles and they contain feldspar, micas and zeolites[3]. Basalt mass
contents are; SIO2 (37.76 to 59.64%), Al2O3 (11.77 to 14.32%), CaO (5.57 to 14.75%), MgO (5.37 to 9.15%),
Fe2O3 (10.1 to 20.93%), K2O (1.7 to 6.69%), Na2O (1.4 to 3.34%) and TiO2 (1.81 to 3.73%)[27].Basalt powder
is used to restore fertility of poor soils and to restore the nutritional balance of crops. Natural mineral
fertilization increases plant growth, total yield, fruits quality and certain chemical constituents and chlorophyll
rate of pepper fruits and cucumber [27, 17]. Some other works on acacia in Panama showed that growth rate of
trees has increased twice than in normal soils [22]. On the other hand, Barak et al. (1983) found that crushed
basalt and tuff improved significantly iron nutrition of peanuts plants and their growth in very calcacerous soils
and that chlorophyll content was doubled then that in plants grown in untreated soils.
Furthermore, Silicon, which is one of the most important components of basalt powder, plays an active
and important role in strengthening resistance to plants against diseases by stimulating their natural defenses
reactions[16, 3, 26]. Silicon significantly reduces powdery mildewin wheat cultivation. Indeed foliar and root
applications by different productsbased on Si decreased the severity of the disease to 80%. This suggests a
prophylactic effectoptimal and direct of Si on the powdery mildew[23]. In the same context, inert powders or
dusts in general, such as basalt, have been used as a means of physical control of pests associated with stored
commodities [20], even more, the use of inert natural mineral dust is considered as one of the methods of
protecting stored grains [1].On the other hand, flours or inert powders not only repel insects but also kill them
while causing their desiccation by absorption of the waxy layer surrounding the exoskeleton [9] and are very
effective in reducing the dynamics of pest populations[22].
This work aims to study the impact of a fertilizer from a volcanic rock which is basalt on the
cultivation of early chilli variety "Chergui". It is a natural mineral fertilizer under the trade name "Farina di
Basalto®" rich in nutrients (Si, Al, K, Fe, Ca, Mg) which have an influence on the growth and production of the
pepper as well as its resistance to pests ans diseases.
II. Material And Methods
Study location
The experiment took place in a greenhouse shelter at a High School Engineering, situated In Medjez El
Beb ,wich belongs to theBeja governorate, Tunisia. The area belongs to the semi-arid bioclimatic floor with a
mild winter variant.Its soiltexture is a Clay loam, in which the clay content varies between 42 and 43%. It is also
characterized by a low salinity level (1.09; 1.11) a basic pH (8.22, 8.58) and by an important organic matter
content (2.90%). This soil is suitable for arboriculture, arable and vegetable crops.
Study design
The pepper variety « Chergui » was planted on January 15th2019 at the 5-leaf stage, on simple lines
with a density of 6 plants / m².The greenhouse area is 239 m² which is established according to a complete
random arrangement with 3 blocks.Each block has a dimension of 12 meters in length and 5 meters in width
divided into 3 plot units, each of which represents a treatment.Each plot unit covers 14.4 m² and consists of 3
crop lines, each line contains 30 plants. The planting spacing are 0.6 m between the lines and 0.4m between the
plants. This corresponds to a planting density of 6 plants / m². At each block, 6 lines are treated with basalt
powder such as T0 corresponds to 0% of basalt powder (control), T1: 3% of the basalt powder, T2: 1.5% of the
basalt powder (fig. 1).
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Figure 1. The study design (T0: control plot unit, T1: plot units that received 3% of basalt powder, T2: plot
units that received 1.5% of basalt powder).
Pests and diseases monitoring
In each plot unit, number of plants was determined. Each infected plant by diseases was marked. Pests
and diseases monitoring is determined from the number of plants, fruits, leaves or flowers at which symptoms of
diseases or attacks by pests have been observed.
From each plot unit, three pepper plant were randomly selected from each one three fully opened
flowers were collected from each strata. Every single pepper plant that was used for sampling was marked to
avoid its sampling in the next time. Each sampled flower was placed into a plastic bag on which the number of
sampling units and strata had been marked. The pest counting was carried out at the laboratory under a
Monitoring started in February, one month after planting and continued until May.
Characteristics of the basalt powder
Basalt is a basic volcanic effusive rock containing natural mineral elements, such as Silicium, alumina,
potassium and calcium. Micronized basalt powder was obtained by mechanical grinding of Basalt from Orvieto,
using ceramic elements, without adding other minerals or chemical products. It does not contain any harmful
substances that can damage the environment. The particle diameter is less than 30 mµ, its use therefore requires
an application in aqueous dispersion, sprayed with a manual or mechanical nebulizer.
Chemical proprieties of basaltic mineral fines
Different components of basaltic powder are shown in table 1.
Table 1. Chemical proprieties of basaltic mineral fines[3].
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Basalt application
Basalt powder was mixed with water and then applied as a foliar spray using a backpack sprayer.The
application was carried out every 20 days (three weeks). Three blocks received a dose of 3% of basalt (T2), and
other three blocks received a dose of 1.5% (T3). T0 considered as control plots did not receive any treatment.
Diseases monitoring during storage
Thirteen pepper fruits were coated by Farina di Basalto and placed into plastic boxes disinfected by
formalin. Three treatment were employed ; T0 as control, T1 where pepper fruits were coated by 3% of basalt
and T2 with 1.5%. Each treatment was carried out in three repetitions. Boxes were placed into a fridge at 3°C
during 25 days. Daily, each fruit in each box was checked to monitor rotten fruit, with mold or with black spots.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed with the aid of statistical software SAS. This program was used for the
analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the LSD test for the comparison of means with p ≤0.05.
III. Results and Discussion
Obtained results during the study period showed that pepper crop under greenhouse was attacked by
some pests and diseases. Among those pathogens; the western flower thripsFrankliniellaoccidentalisPergande
(1895) (Thysanoptera ; Thripidae), the broad mite Polyphagotarsonemuslatus syn. Hemitarsonemuslatus Banks
(1904) (Acari ; Tarsonemidae), the bacterial soft rots caused by
Pectobacteriumcarotovorumsubsp.carotovorumWaldee (1945) (syn. Erwiniacarotovorasubsp. carotovora)
(Enterobacteriales ; Enterobacteriaceae), and the rot disease caused essentially by the genus
PhytophtoracapsiciLeonian (1922) (Peronosporales ; Peronosporaceae).
Effect of Basalt on Thrips pest F. occidentalis
Most important thrips species that may attack pepper crop in Tunisia and causes several damages is F.
occidentalis[12]. It is a polyphagous species that attacks plants belonging to several botanical families [30]. F.
occidentalis may cause important damage to its host plants. On roses in Tunisia, damage to the flowers is
particularly important, involving yellow spots and distortions that may be observed on petals [10]. On pepper
crop, damages are results of feeding of adults and larvae leaving scars on leaves and fruits [12]. Scarring on
flower buds may prevent these from fully opening, and sepals become crimped and slightly discoloured[2,6].
During this study, all thrips instars were monitored in pepper flowers; males, females and larvae.
Number of females in all studied plots increased progressively until reaching mean values of about 6.33, 6.18
and 6.07 females per flower respectively in T0, T1 and T2 on April 30th 2019. However, a decrease of females’
average values was observedtwo days after basalt application with mean values of about 4.59 and 4.44 females
per flower respectively in T1 and T2. Four days after spraying basalt on pepper crop, females number dropped
to values surrounding 0 and 0.14 female per flower respectively in T1 and T2 while in control average values
was about 4.70 female per flower on May 04th 2019 (fig. 2).
Figure 2. F. occidentalisfemales average values in pepper crop flowers (Legend: B; Basalt application, T0;
Control, T1; 3% of Basalt, T2; 1.5% of Basalt).
Average thrips female per flower
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Regarding males’ numbers, they increased progressively in all plots and decreased then slightly before
treatment reaching mean values between 3.29 and 4.33 males per flower respectively in T2 and T0 on April 30th
2019. It must be noted that two days after basalt application, a decrease in males mean values was observed in
T1 and T2 till dropping to 0 and 0.18 males per flower in T1 and T2 respectively on May 04th 2019 while an
average of about 5.37 males was observed in control plots (fig. 3).
Figure 3.F. occidentalismales average values in peppercropflowers (Legend: B; Basalt application, T0; Control,
T1; 3% of Basalt, T2; 1.5% of Basalt).
Before treatment by “Farina di Basalto”, larvae showed an increase in all plots including control until
reaching mean values of about 3.88 in T0 and T2 and 3.74 larvae per flower in T1 on April 30th 2019. Same
effect was observed on larvae, where in both treated plots by basalt powder, larvae mean values decreased
considerably till dropping to 0.18 and 0.33 larvae per flower respectively in T1 and T2 on May 04th 2019. In
control unit plots, larvae number continue to increase to reach 04 larvae per flower during last day of
observations (fig. 4).
Figure 4.F. occidentalislarvae average values in pepper crop flowers (Legend: B; Basalt application, T0;
Control, T1; 3% of Basalt, T2; 1.5% of Basalt).
Effect of Basalt on the broad mite
The broad mite is a polyphagous mite species that may attack a wide range of botanical species. It may
cause several damages especially on the young leaves in the apical parts of the host plant and it may attack fruits
too. On the other hand, this mite causes growth inhibition of the host plant [28, 29].
During this study, damages caused by the broad mite were observed in the pepper crop greenhouse and
attacked plants were numbered in each unit plot.
Results showed that though no significant differences that were observed at p ≤ 0.05 between different
plot units (T0, T1 and T2), but in control plots we can find the most important cumulated mean values of
Average thrips males per flower
Average thrips larvae per flower
Effect of basalt powder « Farina di Basalto® » on the development of pests and diseases on ..
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attacked plants by the broad mite with 2 plants while in T1 and T2, only 1.22 and 1.55 attacked plants that were
observed (fig. 5).
Figure 5. Cumulated mean values of attacked plants by broad mite (Values followed by the same letters are not
significantly different at p ≤ 0.05).
Effect of Basalt on the bacterial soft rots caused by P. carotovorum
P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum (syn. Erwiniacarotovora subsp. carotovora) wa first reported in
Tunisia during winters of 2005 and 2006. It is the causal agent of the bacterial soft rot, which is a severe and
devastating disease that may cause important economically losses on many host plants such as potato, tomato,
pepper, eggplants and cabbage [25]. In attacked pepper fruits, symptoms appears at first n the peduncle and
calyx tissues and then the entire fruits turned into watery masses within 2 to 6 days [19].
During this study, pepper fruits with watery masses caused by the bacterial soft rots were observed
under the experimental greenhouse. In fact, results showed that statistically there were no significant differences
between control and treated plot units by basalt. However, cumulated average values of attacked plants were
higher in control than in T1 and T2 with respectively 5.55, 4.66 and 3.88 attacked plants (fig. 6).
Figure 6. Cumulated mean values of attacked plants by the bacterial soft rots(Values followed by the same
letters are not significantly different at p ≤ 0.05).
Effect of Basalt on the rot disease caused by Ph. capsici
Ph. capsiciis responsible of the rot disease and the most destructive pathogen of vegetables and
represents a serious threat to pepper plants, it has become a serious pest to pepper production and it may cause
losses up to 100% [32, 33].
Regarding effect of “Farina di Basalto®” on Ph. capsici, results showed that high significant
difference was observed between control and treated plots at p ≤ 0.05. In fact, in untreated plots with basalt
powder average number of attacked pepper plant was about 6, while it was only 1.33 and 1 attacked plant in T1
and T2 respectively. These results showed that basalt may reduce the rot disease at low values (fig. 7).
Cumulated mean values of
attacked plants by broad
Cumulated mean values of
attacked plants by the bacterial
soft rots
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Figure 7. Cumulated mean values of attacked plants by the rot disease caused by Ph. capsici(Values followed
by the same letters are not significantly different at p ≤ 0.05).
Diseases monitoring during storage
During storage, damages on fruits were observed such as black spot appearance, fruits’ rot and fruits
with moldiness. Obtained results regarding fruits with black spots showed that in control plots average values of
about 0.44 fruit followed by T1 with 0.33 fruit with no significant difference. However, in T2 no fruits with
black spots were observed (fig. 8).
Figure 8. Mean values of fruits with black spots(Values followed by the same letters are not significantly
different at p ≤ 0.05).
Concerning rotten fruits, though average fruits number in T1 and T2 were ower than control, no significant
differences were observed (fig. 9).
Cumulated mean values of
attacked plants by the the rot
Mean values of fruits with black
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Figure 9. Mean values of rotten fruits(Values followed by the same letters are not significantly different at p ≤
Same results were obtained in fruits with moldiness development during storage were no significant differences
were observed between control, T1 and T2, though that mean values in treated fruits with basalt were lower than
control (fig. 10).
Figure 10. Mean values of rotten fruits(Values followed by the same letters are not significantly different at p ≤
Obtained results during this study demonstrated that basalt has an effect on pests and diseases by
strengthening resistance to plants by stimulating their natural defence reaction and this is due to silicon, which is
the most important component of basalt powder [16, 23, 26]. In fact, results concerning F. occidentalisshowed
that basalt reduces thrips populations to very low values till disappearing completely. These results are similar to
those found during chemical control, or even use of organic insecticides, traps associated with kairomones or
pheromones and even when predators such as OriuslaevigatusFieber (Heteroptera; Anthocoridae) are employed
during biological control against F. occidentalisin pepper crop greenhouses [11, 13,14, 15, 24]. Basalt powder,
as other inert powders, repels insects and mites by preventing them to be installed in the crops, and reduces their
populations and kills them by desiccation and absorption of the waxy layer of their exoskeleton [9, 22]
On the other hand, basalt powder had an effect on micro-organisms such asPh..Capsici during this
study. In fact, Silicon reduces significantly powdery mildew in wheat crop where foliar and root applications of
Silicon causes the decrease of this disease to 80 % [23]. Basalt powder is characterized by a Silicon rate
comprised between 40 and 60% [17]. Silicon is exploited since severe years for its prophylactic properties
against plant diseases since it has an effect on plant resistance stimulating thus natural defence reactions [16,
Mean values of rotten fruits
Mean values of fruits moldiness
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In the same context, minerals in general protect stored grains against diseases, which can explain the reduced
mean number of attacked fruits treated by basalt than those in control units [20].
IV. Conclusion
Basalt powder (Farina di Basalto) spraying on pepper crop under greenhouses and during storage with
two different doses (1.5 % and 3%) supresses the intensity of damages caused by diseases and pests and limited
their proliferation and development compared with control plot units. Both concentrations may be employed
since they gave almost same results. It is thus possible to use the concentration of 1.5% in order to minimize
cost of the product and to avoid risks related to overdosing of mineral elements in the soil.
Authors would like to express their profound appreciation to the Higher School of Engineer of Medjez El Beb,
MedjezElBeb, for providing all the necessary materials and the greenhouse.
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IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS)
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