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Stunting in childhood: An overview of global burden, trends, determinants, and drivers of decline


Abstract and Figures

Background: Progress has been made worldwide in reducing chronic undernutrition and rates of linear growth stunting in children under 5 y of age, although rates still remain high in many regions. Policies, programs, and interventions supporting maternal and child health and nutrition have the potential to improve child growth and development. Objective: This article synthesizes the available global evidence on the drivers of national declines in stunting prevalence and compares the relative effect of major drivers of stunting decline between countries. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of published peer-reviewed and gray literature analyzing the relation between changes in key determinants of child linear growth and contemporaneous changes in linear growth outcomes over time. Results: Among the basic determinants of stunting assessed within regression-decomposition analyses, improvement in asset index score was a consistent and strong driver of improved linear growth outcomes. Increased parental education was also a strong predictor of improved child growth. Of the underlying determinants of stunting, reduced rates of open defecation, improved sanitation infrastructure, and improved access to key maternal health services, including optimal antenatal care and delivery in a health facility or with a skilled birth attendant, all accounted for substantially improved child growth, although the magnitude of variation explained by each differed substantially between countries. At the immediate level, changes in several maternal characteristics predicted modest stunting reductions, including parity, interpregnancy interval, and maternal height. Conclusions: Unique sets of stunting determinants predicted stunting reduction within countries that have reduced stunting. Several common drivers emerge at the basic, underlying, and immediate levels, including improvements in maternal and paternal education, household socioeconomic status, sanitation conditions, maternal health services access, and family planning. Further data collection and in-depth mixed-methods research are required to strengthen recommendations for those countries where the stunting burden remains unacceptably high.
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Stunting in childhood: an overview of global burden, trends,
determinants, and drivers of decline
Tyler Vaivada,1Nadia Akseer,1,2Selai Akseer,1Ahalya Somaskandan,1Marianne Stefopulos,1and Zulqar A Bhutta1,2,3
1Centre for Global Child Health, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada; 2Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada;
and 3Center of Excellence in Women and Child Health, the Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan
Background: Progress has been made worldwide in reducing
chronic undernutrition and rates of linear growth stunting in children
under 5 y of age, although rates still remain high in many regions.
Policies, programs, and interventions supporting maternal and child
health and nutrition have the potential to improve child growth and
Objective: This article synthesizes the available global evidence on
the drivers of national declines in stunting prevalence and compares
the relative effect of major drivers of stunting decline between
Methods: We conducted a systematic review of published peer-
reviewed and gray literature analyzing the relation between changes
in key determinants of child linear growth and contemporaneous
changes in linear growth outcomes over time.
Results: Among the basic determinants of stunting assessed within
regression-decomposition analyses, improvement in asset index
score was a consistent and strong driver of improved linear growth
outcomes. Increased parental education was also a strong predictor of
improved child growth. Of the underlying determinants of stunting,
reduced rates of open defecation, improved sanitation infrastructure,
and improved access to key maternal health services, including
optimal antenatal care and delivery in a health facility or with
a skilled birth attendant, all accounted for substantially improved
child growth, although the magnitude of variation explained by each
differed substantially between countries. At the immediate level,
changes in several maternal characteristics predicted modest stunting
reductions, including parity, interpregnancy interval, and maternal
Conclusions: Unique sets of stunting determinants predicted stunt-
ing reduction within countries that have reduced stunting. Several
common drivers emerge at the basic, underlying, and immediate
levels, including improvements in maternal and paternal education,
household socioeconomic status, sanitation conditions, maternal
health services access, and family planning. Further data collection
and in-depth mixed-methods research are required to strengthen rec-
ommendations for those countries where the stunting burden remains
unacceptably high. Am J Clin Nutr 2020;112(Suppl):777S–791S.
Keywords: child, infant, nutrition, height, length, linear growth,
High rates of chronic malnutrition in young children persist
globally, a condition that is strongly linked to poverty. Maternal
malnutrition can start the process of linear growth faltering in
utero, contributing to intrauterine growth restriction and low
birth weight. Suboptimal feeding practices in infancy coupled
with a high burden of infectious diseases also predict poor child
growth. Linear growth stunting, dened as a height-for-age z
score (HAZ) 2 SDs below the median, is an easily recogniz-
able and quantiable physical indicator of chronic childhood
Children whose growth is stunted are more likely to ex-
perience higher rates of mortality, morbidity, and suboptimal
This study was funded by a grant to the Centre for Global Child Health
from Gates Ventures. The funder had no role in the design, implementation,
analysis, or interpretation of the data.
Published in a supplement to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
The Guest Editor for this supplement was Mark Manary, and has no
disclosures. The Supplement Coordinator for the supplement publication was
Nadia Akseer, Gates Ventures/Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada.
Supplement Coordinator disclosure: no conicts to disclose. The Stunting
Exemplars research Principal Investigator was Zulqar A Bhutta, Hospital for
Sick Children, Toronto,Canada. Principal Investigator disclosure: no conicts
to disclose. Publication costs for this supplement were defrayed in part by the
payment of page charges by Gates Ventures. The opinions expressed in this
publication are those of the authors and are not attributable to the sponsors or
the publisher, Editor, or Editorial Board of The American Journal of Clinical
Supplemental Methods, Supplemental Tables 1–4, Supplemental Figures
1–3, and Supplemental Text are available from the “Supplementary data” link
in the online posting of the article and from the same link in the online table
of contents at
SA, AS, and MS contributed equally.
Data described in the manuscript, code book, and analytic code will be
made available upon request.
Address correspondence to ZAB (e-mail: zul
Abbreviations used: ANC4+, mother attended 4 antenatal care visits;
DHS, Demographic and Health Survey; HAZ, height-for-age zscore; LMIC,
low- and middle-income country; MICS, Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey.
Received December 20, 2019. Accepted for publication May 29, 2020.
First published online August 29, 2020; doi:
Am J Clin Nutr 2020;112(Suppl):777S–791S. Printed in USA. Copyright ©The Author(s) on behalf of the American Society for Nutrition 2020. This is an
Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 777S
778S Supplement
cognitive and motor development (1). Meta-analyses of 5
prospective cohort studies have shown that a unit increase
in HAZ for children 2 y was associated with a 0.22-SD
improvement in cognitive function later in childhood at 5–
11 y (2), illustrating the lingering effects of early-life chronic
malnutrition. This has serious implications for population health
and the fullment of the intellectual and economic potential
of low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Despite these
associations, stunting has the potential to be misused as a
measure of population health, as poor nutritional status can
affect the health, growth, and development of children whose
linear growth falls above the HAZ cutoff (3). It is helpful
to conceptualize stunting as a robust indicator of a decient
environment, which has strong associations with adverse out-
comes in the short and long term, rather than the sole cause of
poor cognitive development or future risk for chronic diseases
There has been global progress on reducing rates of child
stunting in recent decades, but this progress has been uneven
(see Panel 1,Figures 14,Supplemental Figure 1). Some
particularly high-performing countries have reduced stunting
prevalence by >30 percentage points in the past 30 y, while
others have made negligible progress. It is crucial to examine
the key determinants and drivers of stunting reduction so that
individual countries can learn what works in order to imple-
ment targeted policies and programs. Countries that prioritize
the implementation and scale-up of evidence-based, nutrition-
sensitive, and nutrition-specic policies and programs stand to
make great improvements in human capital development and
economic productivity, as these initiatives generally have very
high benet–cost ratios (5). There is also a moral imperative to
act, as all children have the right to grow and develop optimally
in order to reach their full developmental potential. Targeted and
concerted action at the national level will be essential to achieve
the Sustainable Development Goals related to child health and
As an introduction to this supplement issue, this article
includes an overview of the epidemiology of stunting across
LMICs (Panel 1, Figures 14, Supplemental Figure 1) and
a summary of existing conceptual thinking around the major
determinants of chronic childhood malnutrition and stunting
(Panel 2). The main objective of this article is to synthesize
the available global evidence on the drivers of national declines
in stunting prevalence and compare the relative effect of major
drivers of stunting decline between LMICs. The remainder
of this article focuses on this objective. Specically, we
sought to synthesize the global evidence examining drivers
of reductions in child stunting over time. To this end, we
conducted a systematic review of published peer-reviewed and
gray literature that analyzed the relation between changes
in key determinants of child growth and contemporaneous
changes in growth outcomes over time. These theoretical
determinants, described in Panel 2 and Supplemental Figure
2, included contextual factors, interventions, policies, strategies,
programs, and other initiatives that may have accounted for
reductions in under-5 child stunting prevalence over time in
Panel 1:
Child Stunting Epidemiology
The changing global burden of childhood linear growth
Although stunting rates have been decreasing over the
past several decades, an estimated 21.3% (144 million) of
children under 5 y of age globally experienced stunted
growth in 2019 (6). Both regional and within-country dispar-
ities exist, with prevalences ranging from 34.5% in eastern
Africa to 4.5% in eastern Asia as of 2019 (6). Globally, there
were 109 million fewer children experiencing stunting
in 2019 compared with 1990. However, despite making
modest progress in reducing prevalence, due to substantial
population growth the total number of children experiencing
stunting in the African region has increased by 13.1
million since 1990 (see Figure 1). An estimated 17% of
mortality burden in children under 5 y is associated with
stunting (1). Compared with children with HAZ >1,
children with HAZ between 2and3 have a 118%
(HR: 2.18) and 138% (HR: 2.38) higher risk of dying from
pneumonia or diarrhea, respectively (7). Those children who
are severely stunted (HAZ ≤−3) are at even higher risk
(pneumonia mortality—HR: 6.39; diarrhea mortality—HR:
6.33) (7).
Those countries with the highest levels of stunting
prevalence are concentrated in South and Southeast Asia and
sub-Saharan Africa, as depicted on the map in Figure 2.A
chart of the most recent country-level estimates of stunting
prevalence worldwide can be found in Supplemental Figure
1. While all global regions have experienced decreases
in stunting prevalence since 1990, this progress has been
uneven. The regions of South Asia and East Asia and
the Pacic have seen the greatest improvements, reducing
stunting prevalence by 25 percentage points over the past
30 y (see Figure 3).
National trends in child stunting in top-performing
Those countries that have achieved substantial reductions
in stunting prevalence over the past 30 y are geographi-
cally dispersed among several regions worldwide. Figure 4
depicts the trends in stunting prevalence in a sample of
13 of the best-performing countries globally, which were
selected based on consultations with experts. Although the
baseline prevalence and rate of reduction in stunting vary for
each of these countries throughout the period examined, one
consistent pattern emerges that characterizes several of these
top performers: an initial period of stagnation followed by a
consistent decline.
For example, between 1988 and 1993 Vietnam initially
experienced stagnation (61%) but saw a very steep
decline between 1993 and 1998, followed by relatively
consistent reductions until 2015 (25%). In Burkina
Faso, this initial plateau lasted until 2006, after which
Global overview of child stunting determinants 779S
FIGURE 1 Global and regional comparison of the total number of children aged 0–59 mo experiencing linear growth stunting in 1990 and 2019. Source
of data: UNICEF, World Bank Group joint malnutrition estimates, 2020 edition (6). Data not available for Europe and Central Asia.
dramatic and consistent reductions were seen. Although
data are not available for Nepal before 1995, since
then, Nepal (68.2%) and Bangladesh (65.8%) followed a
very similar and consistent pattern of decline until 2014,
reducing stunting prevalence by 30 percentage points.
An examination of the contributing factors to Peru’s own
steep decline between 2008 and 2016 (28.2–13.1%) is the
subject of an in-depth case study within this supplement
It is important to note that there exists considerable varia-
tion in both stunting burden and trends within countries. This
subnational variation is closely related to socioeconomic
and geographic disparities, including indicators such as
parental education, household wealth, and rural location.
These subnational inequities are also analyzed and discussed
in detail within each of the case-study articles within this
supplement issue.
Panel 2:
Determinants of Linear Growth in Childhood
Theoretical determinants of linear growth faltering in
young children
Policies and programs designed to alleviate childhood
undernutrition and growth faltering typically rely on tar-
geting a standard set of risk factors that represent the
immediate, underlying, and basic causes of stunting. The
main multilevel conceptual framework used by the global
nutrition community for the past 30 y is the UNICEF Un-
dernutrition Conceptual Framework (8), upon which several
variations have been based. One derivative developed by
the WHO called “Childhood Stunting: Context, Causes and
Consequences” summarizes 3 levels of factors associated
with stunting, and is a product of the Healthy Growth
780S Supplement
FIGURE 2 Stunting prevalence for children under 5 y based on the most recently available country-level estimates. Map based on longitude (generated)
and latitude (generated). Color shows sum of stunting prevalence. Details are shown for country. Source of data: UNICEF, WHO, World Bank Group joint
malnutrition estimates, 2020 edition (6). Data not available for Europe and Central Asia.
Project (9). Adapted versions of the UNICEF framework
were highlighted in the Lancet Series on Maternal and
Child Nutrition in 2008 (10), and expanded in 2013 (1)to
incorporate the theorized effects of both nutrition-sensitive
and nutrition-specic interventions.
Although there are many theoretical determinants of
stunting along the causal chain, only a subset has been
studied well enough to quantify the strength of the relation.
A recent comparative stunting risk-assessment analysis (11)
grouped risk factors into 5 clusters: maternal nutrition and
infection, teenage motherhood and short birth intervals, fetal
growth restriction and preterm birth, child nutrition and
infection, and environmental factors. With the exception
of zinc supplementation trials in zinc-decient children,
all of the effect sizes for stunting risk were derived from
meta-analyses of cohort studies or pooled analyses of
Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data. The leading
global risk factors in terms of total number of attributable
stunting cases were identied as follows: fetal growth
restriction (dened as being born at term and small for
gestational age), unimproved sanitation, childhood diarrhea,
and maternal short stature.
Econometric analysis of underlying and basic determi-
nants using data from 116 countries between 1970 and
2012 (12) identied several drivers of stunting reduction,
including access to safe water, improved sanitation, gender
equality, women’s education, and nutritious food avail-
ability, with governance and income growth providing a
supporting environment. Another cross-country analysis
(13) of the developmental drivers of change in country-
level nutritional status also highlighted asset ownership,
health service access, maternal educational achievement,
and lower fertility. However, growth in the economy and
food production were key predictors only in countries
experiencing food insecurity, and infrastructure was found
to not be directly important to nutritional improvement.
A distinction must be made between analyses of the cross-
sectional associations of specic determinants and stunting
prevalence or mean HAZ and those that analyze the relative
contribution of drivers of change in measures of child growth
over time. Synthesizing the global evidence base detailing
the latter type of analysis is prioritized in this article.
Trends in indicators for key determinants in a set of top-
performing countries
Trends in key indicators for determinants of child stunting
are depicted in Supplemental Figure 2 for the 13 top-
performing countries described earlier. Overall, indicators
have generally been improving over the last 30 y for the
majority of top-performing countries, albeit unevenly. The
rate of progress also varies widely by country. Despite
these general improvements, at present there remain massive
disparities in literacy rates, access to safe water and basic
sanitation, and poverty rates between countries. Analyses of
the relative contribution of these determinants to stunting
reductions in a set of countries is described later in the
Global overview of child stunting determinants 781S
FIGURE 3 Global and regional trends in stunting prevalence, 1990–2019. Source of data: UNICEF, WHO, World Bank Group joint malnutrition estimates,
2020 edition (6). Data not available for Europe and Central Asia.
Building on existing frameworks and a mapping of key
indicators and proxies from the global literature, we developed
an adapted conceptual framework (Figure 5) to aid in the
identication and interpretation of a variety of determinants of
child stunting. Standard systematic review methods were used
to identify and assess literature of interest. These included the
development and execution of a search strategy in 15 databases,
screening of titles and abstracts for relevance, followed by full-
text screening against inclusion criteria and categorization of
records. Additional studies were identied through gray literature
searches, hand-searching of review reference lists, and update
searches. Those records selected for inclusion were abstracted
using a standardized form and underwent methodological
quality appraisal. Abstracted data were then collated in tabular
format, organized by determinant category and country, and
narratively synthesized. The systematic review methods used are
summarized in Panel 3 and described in full in the Supplemental
Panel 3:
Review Methods
Initial title and abstract screening of records was completed
by a team of reviewers and focused on sensitivity and
relevance. Studies were identied as potentially relevant
if they met the 3 following inclusion criteria: 1)aset
of participants that included children <5 y was analyzed,
2)1 anthropometric outcome was measured, and 3)the
782S Supplement
FIGURE 4 Stunting prevalence, top-performing countries. Source of data: UNICEF, WHO, World Bank Group joint malnutrition estimates, 2020 edition
association between 1 stunting determinants and child
growth outcomes was examined.
Subsequently, the full text of records was retrieved and
reviewed, inclusion criteria were applied, and tags were
assigned to the studies using a predened algorithm, which
was used to categorize included articles based on their
study design. For the purposes of the current review, only
the subset of studies examining the drivers of stunting
decline or improvements in child growth outcomes at the
national level were considered for full data abstraction.
These studies contained analyses of multiple national cross-
sectional surveys (e.g., DHS). For this subset of included
studies, the prior categorization exercise was reassessed by
a second reviewer to conrm eligibility for data abstraction.
At this stage, the reference lists of reviews identied during
the eligibility screening process were hand-searched for
additional relevant studies for inclusion.
From the set of included national-level studies, quantita-
tive and qualitative data were extracted, and methodological
quality was appraised by the review team in duplicate. A
standardized abstraction form was generated, which was
designed to collect data on study characteristics, target pop-
ulation, outcome data, intervention/policy/program char-
acteristics, and analysis methods. The estimates extracted
included percentage contributions from decomposition anal-
yses, regression coefcients, ORs, and RRs. In order to
assess the quality of included studies based on their study
design, we produced a tailored quality appraisal tool. We
Global overview of child stunting determinants 783S
FIGURE 5 Conceptual framework of child stunting determinants. Determinants include those identied during the review process, and are based on those
originally described in the UNICEF Undernutrition Conceptual Framework (8) and 2013 Lancet Maternal and Child Nutrition Series framework (1).
used a star rating system to assess quality across 4 domains:
study design, sample selection, data sources, and statistical
analyses measures. Abstracted data and quality appraisal
ratings were matched between 2 reviewers, and any
disagreements were resolved through discussion reaching a
Following the completion of data extraction, study
variables were categorized into groups and subgroups based
on the conceptual framework. The determinants/covariates
were then mapped according to their conceptual domain
grouping and subgrouping, and further study information
was collated to assist with narrative synthesis.
Ethics statement
As this was a systematic review of publicly available literature,
ethical review was not required.
Study selection
After database searches were executed (19 June 2018) and
records exported and de-duplicated, a total of 16059 titles and
abstracts were screened within Covidence, from which 2141
records were identied as potentially relevant. Full texts were
retrieved and then screened against broad inclusion and exclusion
criteria, which yielded a total of 1156 studies. Concurrently, all
1156 studies were then assigned a set of “tags” based on study
design for further categorization. For the purposes of this work,
the subset of studies that were assigned all of the following tags
were included and abstracted: 1) national-level or multinational-
level, 2) quantitative analysis, and 3) analysis of trends over time
(including 2 time points).
A total of 55 studies identied from the original indexed
literature were assigned this set of tags and were eligible for
inclusion in this systematic review. The reference lists of those
784S Supplement
studies tagged as “reviews” within Covidence were also screened,
yielding an additional 4 studies not previously identied. Further
gray literature searching done in February 2019 yielded 12
additional studies eligible for inclusion, and rapid catch-up
searches for indexed literature done in May and August 2019
yielded an additional 6 and 12 studies, respectively. Thus, data
included in this review were abstracted from a grand total of 89
discrete studies (see Supplemental Figure 3 for a review ow
Study characteristics and quality appraisal
The complete list of included studies (14–102), their character-
istics, and quality appraisal scores can be found in Supplemental
Table 1. The quality appraisal of included studies did not identify
any meaningful differences in their individual methodological
quality, nor raise any signicant concerns that would affect the
interpretation or synthesis of this set of observational studies.
Additionally, groups and subgroups of determinants analyzed
within the included studies are summarized in Supplemental
Table 2.
Synthesis of results from analyses of the drivers of improved
child linear growth
The included studies analyzed data on the determinants of
child growth and drivers of stunting reduction from >70 countries
worldwide. A total 11 of studies (29,30,33,40,46,48–51,55,
99) contained data from national-level regression-decomposition
analyses of change in HAZ and stunting prevalence in 14
countries (see Table 1). These studies best address our research
question, and the following sections focus on synthesizing
key ndings from robust models across this set of studies,
organized by groupings based on the basic, underlying, and
immediate determinants of stunting. Other included studies
using different methodologies are also described to augment the
In a majority of these regression-decomposition studies (33,
40,46,48–51) multivariable regression and Oaxaca-Blinder
decomposition methods were used to examine how different
determinants predicted change in nutrition status. Multivari-
able linear regression and linear probability modeling were
used to examine associations between HAZ and covariates of
interest based on data collected regularly through DHS, the
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), and other nationally
representative surveys. The Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition is
complementary to this initial regression analysis using the same
individual/household-level data and ecological variables to assess
predictors of HAZ or stunting change within a country between 2
survey time points at national or subnational levels. Some studies
used extensions of Oaxaca-Blinder methods to incorporate
dummy and nominal variables into the decomposition analysis
(103,104) or account for logit and probit models (105).
Econometric analysis (89), quantile regression-decomposition
(102), and calculation of the relative contribution to decreases in
stunting prevalence (55) were other methods used by authors of
included studies.
Supplemental Table 3 summarizes the effect estimates from
those studies that analyzed the associations between a variety
of key indicators and the risk of stunting across multiple
years. Estimates from decomposition analyses of changes in
the population-level inequality of stunting at the national level
are summarized in Supplemental Table 4 and described in the
Supplemental Text.
Basic Stunting Determinants
Asset index.
Household income is an important measure of a household’s
capacity to afford important elements related to improved
nutrition such as food, water, sanitation, and medical care (12).
Compared with other determinants, improvements in asset index
consistently predicted some of the greatest improvements in
HAZ across the countries analyzed. Of the total HAZ change
observed in Cambodia (55) and Pakistan (49), 42% and 33%
were attributed to asset index scores, respectively—the largest
values analyzed. Similarly, improvements in asset index drove an
estimated 25% of total HAZ change in Bangladesh (50).
Parental education.
Maternal education is associated with decreased odds of
stunting due to improvements in child health and care, and
enhanced uptake and benets from health interventions (1).
Higher levels of paternal education are also associated with
reduced odds of child stunting (106). Improvements in maternal
educational attainment predicted 17% of the total HAZ change
in Pakistan (49), between 11% and 14% in Nepal (33,49–
51), 10% in Guinea (29) and India (49), and 7% in Cambodia
(55). Improvements in paternal education generally appeared
to explain less HAZ change than maternal education, with the
exceptions of Cambodia and Guinea. Increases in combined
measures of parental education were estimated to predict 30%
of the HAZ change in India (50).
Underlying Stunting Determinants
Open defecation and sanitation.
Environmental enteropathy and repeated diarrhea due to
environmental fecal contamination and ingestion by young
children—often related to widespread open-defecation practices
or improper feces disposal—are theorized to increase the risk of
stunting through reduced nutrient absorption and inammation
(107–110). Reductions in open defecation accounted for 17% of
the total HAZ change in Pakistan (49), 10–14% in Nepal (49–
51), 8% in Ethiopia (50), and 7–10% in India (49,50). Similarly,
improved sanitation infrastructure was found to be an important
predictor of HAZ change in Cambodia (12%) (55), Guinea (18%)
(29), and Nepal (7%) (33).
Access to improved water sources.
The presence of a piped water source in the yard of a
house is associated with water-related safe hygiene practices in
mothers (111) and represents a pathway associated with diarrhea
reduction (112). Improved access to safe water source predicted
7% of the change in HAZ in rural Paraguay (40) and 6% in
Senegal (50).
Global overview of child stunting determinants 785S
TABLE 1 Summary of changes in stunting prevalence and HAZ statistically explained by changes in stunting determinant indicators within regression-decomposition analyses.
Bangladesh Cambodia Ethiopia Guinea India Kenya Liberia Namibia Nepal Pakistan Paraguay Rwanda Senegal Zambia
2013 (55)
2019 *
2013 (29)
2019 *
2019 *
2019 *
2017 * (33)
Ervin 2019
(19972012) (40)
2019 *
Category Determinant/Indicator 1997
2011 19992005 1993
2013 19962011 2001
2013 Rural Urban
Household Income 8% 3%
17% 532% 37% 29%
Asset Index 13% 23% 25% 42% 9% 23% 12% 26% 28% 33% 20% 9%
Wealth 8%
Occupaon 15%
Maternal Educaon 8% 12%
6% 7%
10% 10%
11% 12% 14%
17% 18% 25%
Paternal Educaon 5% 5% 10% 3% 80% 3% 3% 2% 6% 10% 1% 2%
Region Rural Residence 2%
and Hygiene
Open Defecaon 6% 8% 3% 8% 10% 7% 10% 14% 12% 17%
Safe Water (piped
water, tube well) 25% 0% 2% 1% 7% 10% 6% 0%
Improved Sanitaon 1% 12% 18% 7% 10% 14%
Household Size 4% 118%
Bed nets 35%
Skilled Birth Aendant
25% 52% 29%
Mother received 4+
antenatal care visits 4%
5% 7% 3%
7% 10%
3% 4%
16% 13% 40% 34% 2%
Place of Birth/
Delivered at Health
4% 11% 10% 17% 15%
Vaccinaon N/A 6% 4% 3% 3%
Pracces Breaseeding 85% 3% 1%
3% 4% 7%
Interval 3% 8%
28% 29%
4% 13% 13%
Birth Order 4% 14% 10% 9%
Maternal Age 1%
Maternal Height 5% 3% 4% 10% 1%
Maternal BMI 2%
comorbidies Diarrhea 1%
Overall Variance (%) explained by
model53% 63% 57% 32% 94% 29% 22% 15% 122% 57% 58% 23% 55% 13% 58% 79% 82% 70% 123% 104% 192% 77% 66% 48%
Buisman 2019: Maternal Risk (birth order, birth interval >24 months, mothers taller than 150 cm, mother’sage at birth)
Ervin 2019: ln(income), delayed vaccines, child breastfed at birth, ln(birth interval)
Ikeda 2013: Outcome is stunting prevalence, all other studies included outcome is HAZ
0–23 months
∗∗0–47 months
∗∗∗0–10 years
The total variance is the variance calculated by the study authors. Some models have adjusted for other covariatesthat have not been included in this table.
786S Supplement
A total of 40 included studies explored the association between
childhood stunting and improved water sources (15,21,28–30,
77,79,83,87,89,90,93,96,98,99,101,102). These studies
used a variety of methods and examined associations with several
indicators measuring access to clean water, including presence
of improved sources, unimproved sources, and physical distance
to water sources. There was variability in the signicance and
magnitude of the relation between improved sources of water and
Optimal antenatal care coverage and place of birth.
High antenatal care coverage within a population is necessary
to optimize maternal health and nutrition, as well as fetal growth
and development. Evidence from a study of available health
services in several LMICs demonstrated that a mother attending
4 antenatal care visits (ANC4+) with 1 visit with a skilled
medical professional has been associated with a reduced risk of
stunting (113). In addition, improved access to health care and
skilled birth attendance at a health facility is associated with
increased HAZ scores in children (114).
The extent to which improved antenatal care coverage pre-
dicted changes in child growth varied widely across the countries
of interest. A combined measure of increases in coverage in
ANC4+and health facility births or skilled birth attendance
accounted for 40%, 34%, and 29% of the change in HAZ
in Pakistan (49), Senegal (50), and Rwanda (30), respectively.
Associations between child growth and ANC4+, facility birth,
or skilled attendance were analyzed in 14 different studies (19,
Bed nets.
The largest predictor of stunting reduction and HAZ change in
Zambia (35%) was the change in the proportion of households
with bed nets (114), likely due in part to reductions in maternal
malaria risk in the population and improved birth outcomes (115).
Vaccination coverage.
High childhood vaccination coverage is an indicator of
a functional health system. Improved vaccination coverage
predicted between 4% (51) and 6% (33) of HAZ change in Nepal
and3%inParaguay(40). A total of 11 studies (14,22,33,40,48,
51,59,68,93,99,102) analyzed the relation between vaccination
coverage and stunting.
Breastfeeding practices.
In addition to being an optimal nutrition source, exclusive
breastfeeding for the rst 6 mo of life followed by continued
breastfeeding for 2 y has a protective effect against diarrhea-
related morbidity and mortality by reducing exposure to water-
borne pathogens (116). Being breastfed at birth predicted 3% of
the change in HAZ in rural Paraguay (40). There were 14 studies
explored the relation between improved breastfeeding practices
and childhood stunting prevalence. Most of these analyses
revealed signicant associations between ever breastfeeding,
breastfeeding duration, and child growth, although a handful
of countries displayed nonsignicant relations, including Brazil,
Dominican Republic, Honduras, Peru, and Sri Lanka.
Complementary feeding practices and food security.
A total of 3 studies analyzed the associations between dietary
intake and child growth outcomes including complementary food
selection (82), actual micronutrient intake (25), and consumption
of nonhuman milk (97). There were 4 studies that assessed
the association between indicators of food insecurity and child
growth (20,62,82,100). However, none of these analyses were
dynamic since they did not assess the relative predicted HAZ
change over an interval.
Immediate Stunting Determinants
Family planning improves birth spacing and is important
in preventing high-risk pregnancies among younger and older
mothers, as well as women who have experienced closely
spaced births (117). A longer time interval between births has
been associated with lowered odds of stunting and reduced
susceptibility to unfavorable outcomes for infants and children
(118). Family-planning interventions may also reduce the number
of children ever born to a mother, also known as parity (117).
The association between fertility and stunting can be linked to
the former’s effect on preceding birth intervals (119), as longer
birth intervals are thought to increase the amount of “nutrition-
specic resources” available to individual children (118).
Declines in parity accounted for <7% of the observed HAZ
change in the countries assessed (49,50). While interpregnancy
interval predicted 13% of HAZ change in Paraguay (40) and 8%
of HAZ change in Cambodia (55), this value was only 3–4%
across other countries analyzed (48–51).
A district-level multilevel ecological analysis in Peru (120)
did not nd a signicant association between total fertility rate
and stunting, whereas a pooled multicountry study (121)en-
compassing 23 countries found a signicant association between
fertility rate (births per 1000 women) and stunting. Three studies
(22,59,70) examined the relation between childhood stunting
and access to family planning including modern contraceptive
Maternal height.
In a cross-country analysis of several LMICs, maternal height
was found to be negatively correlated with stunting in infants and
children, highlighting the importance of maternal nutrition and
early-life factors on maternal growth and the effect on offspring
There was considerable variability among the prediction
estimates across countries analyzed. The largest estimates of
maternal height predicting HAZ change were seen in Nepal,
with values of 4% (33) and 10% (51) of HAZ change explained
provided in separate analyses, while in Bangladesh these values
were 3–5% (48,50). In Rwanda, 24% was explained by a
combined measure of maternal age, height, and interpregnancy
interval (30).
Global overview of child stunting determinants 787S
Low birth weight.
Being born with a low birth weight (<2500 g) can be an
indicator of fetal growth restriction in utero, a process that can
contribute to linear growth faltering. National analyses from
Bangladesh (99), Malawi (37), Sri Lanka (82), and Uganda
(101) examined the relation between a child’s low birth weight
and stunting as an outcome. In all studies, improved birth
outcomes (i.e., increased birth weight or reduced low birth
weight) were signicantly associated with improved measures of
child growth. However, only the Sri Lanka study used actual birth
weight measured in the hospital, while others used a categorical
subjective measure of relative size at birth.
Dietary diversity.
Dietary diversity scores are used as an indicator of diet quality
and density of micronutrients and macronutrients required for
optimal growth and development. Inadequate dietary diversity
is associated with increased odds of childhood stunting (123).
One national study from Sri Lanka using multivariate regression
did not nd a signicant relation between dietary diversity and
child stunting (82), while a multinational study using logistic
regression found that this relation was only signicant in India
Diarrhea incidence has been found to be associated with
stunting in young children, although ndings have been incon-
sistent (124) and effect sizes are generally small (107). Diarrhea
itself may not represent a direct cause of growth faltering, but
rather, indicate enteric inammation and dysfunction. Recent
ndings from the Etiology, Risk Factors and Interactions of
Enteric Infections and Malnutrition and the Consequences for
Child Health and Development (MAL-ED) birth cohort study
(125) revealed that children with enteric pathogens had enteric
inammation and reduced linear growth, even when diarrhea was
not present. Another recent cohort study (126) from Bangladesh
found that diarrhea caused by certain pathogens was associated
with linear growth but not all-cause diarrhea.
Reductions in diarrhea frequency predicted only 1% of HAZ
change in Cambodia (55). Diarrhea was signicantly associated
with odds of stunting in Cambodia (55), Bangladesh (41), Malawi
(37,75), and Uganda (101), although the effect size varied. The
relation between the incidence of diarrhea and growth outcomes
in children was examined in 11 studies in total (14,21,35,37,
Summary of evidence
Due to the very high heterogeneity and observational nature
of the data within the included studies, the aim of this review is
to identify broad patterns from existing national-level analyses
examining how determinants of stunting can predict child
growth outcomes. While the adapted tool used to assess the
methodological quality of included studies did not identify
meaningful differences in study quality, it is important to consider
the percentage of statistically explained HAZ change described
in studies with regression-decomposition analyses in the context
of the total variance explained (see bottom row of Table 1),
which can serve as an indicator of the strength of the model. For
example, the models produced through regression-decomposition
analyses for Ethiopia, Kenya, and Namibia have relatively
low total variance explained. Rather than attempt to interpret
individual estimates, this discussion highlights relatively large
predicted values that arise consistently across multiple countries.
Among the basic determinants of stunting assessed, improve-
ments in asset index score within households appeared to have
the strongest explanatory power within national-level regression-
decomposition analyses of the drivers of stunting reduction. This
was especially true for several South Asian countries, Senegal,
and Cambodia. Increasing parental educational levels was also
found to be a consistently strong predictor of improvements in
child growth outcomes.
Of the underlying determinants of stunting, reduction in the
prevalence of open defecation and improved sanitation infra-
structure were relatively important drivers of HAZ improvement
in Cambodia, Guinea, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. Independent
and combined measures of access to key maternal health services,
including optimal antenatal care coverage and delivery in a health
facility or with a skilled birth attendant, also accounted for
substantially improved child growth, although the magnitude of
variation explained differed substantially between countries.
Due to the unavailability of robust data collection for nutrition-
specic factors within DHS and MICS datasets, there was
less variety in the indicators representing the most immediate
determinants of stunting, including dietary intake and birth
outcomes. Several maternal characteristics predicted modest
stunting reduction across the countries analyzed, including parity,
interpregnancy interval, and maternal height.
Given the nature of these analyses, it is important to consider
possible nonlinearity in some of the associations between
determinants and child growth outcomes. For example, there
appears to be a nonlinear relation between the prevalence of open
defecation and mean HAZ scores within populations (48). This
means that a 20 percentage point decrease in open-defecation
prevalence from 80% to 60% compared with 30% to 10% may
have very different impacts on child growth. This can potentially
explain why reductions in open-defecation rates in Bangladesh
predicted relatively less improvement in HAZ compared with
other countries considered and suggests diminishing returns.
These ndings are generally aligned with those from existing
econometric analyses (12,13) of the key drivers of stunting
decline over the past few decades, including improvements in
household asset index, parental education, health service access
(ANC4+), and sanitation infrastructure. However, clear gaps in
the evidence include those determinants where data availability
and subsequent analyses were scarce, the most glaring of which
are the lack of analyses on how dietary intake and diversity
predict changes in nutrition status.
Due to the observational nature of the survey data discussed
in the included studies, making causal inferences from the
prediction values produced by regression-decomposition tech-
niques is not possible. Additionally, many analyses had a very
788S Supplement
high proportion of unexplained variance or generated models
that explained >100% of variation in HAZ change in a given
country. This suggests that there may be other potential drivers
of stunting reduction that have yet to be theorized, measured,
or analyzed—some of which could be particularly important to
the unique stories of stunting reduction in individual countries.
The risk of omitted variable bias is a potential issue for the
analyses of observational data, and a high percentage prediction
value may represent a strong association but does not suggest a
reduced risk of confounding. There are also potential limitations
related to the datasets available, as we were not able to assess
the quality of the stunting determinant indicator variables, nor
the anthropometric data quality. Nevertheless, the regression-
decomposition approach is relatively agnostic in its assessment
of multiple stunting determinants at the national or subnational
level, lending comprehensiveness and rigor to these analyses of
observational data.
Not all LMICs were represented among the analyses dis-
cussed, and therefore this is not a globally exhaustive synthesis of
the drivers of national stunting reduction. While there was good
South Asian region representation, there was a particular lack of
regression-decomposition analyses from countries in the African
region. Sparse data from fragile and conict settings limited our
assessment of the determinants of stunting in these contexts.
Future national-level explorations of the determinants of stunting
may reveal additional important drivers of reduction. Despite
having conducted thorough database searches, there remains the
possibility of incomplete retrieval of studies that would have been
eligible for inclusion and may have affected the interpretation of
the overall results.
Rationale for examining exemplars in stunting reduction
with in-depth country case studies using mixed methods
Despite apparent progress on stunting reduction worldwide,
regional trends do not illustrate the large variations in the rate
of stunting reduction at the national level. Some countries have
made excellent progress, while others lag behind. In order to
rene our understanding of the drivers of changes in childhood
linear growth faltering and generate meaningful and granular
recommendations that countries can act upon, it is necessary
to unpack the contributing factors surrounding these national
variations in decline. In particular, it is helpful to focus analyses
on periods of rapid national reductions in stunting prevalence
in order to effectively determine the factors that accounted for
these steep declines. This necessarily involves assessing which
programs and policies have successfully predicted changes in
coverage of key indicators.
Quantitative analyses of national survey data can provide
an indication of which sectors were important to the national
stunting-reduction story. However, in-depth country case studies
using both quantitative and qualitative methods—folding in
higher-resolution data on key indicators at the subnational level—
can provide a more comprehensive and nuanced picture of the
drivers of stunting reduction. This is especially important for
examining within-country inequities in stunting reduction, which
can be just as wide as the variation between countries in a given
region. The other articles in this supplement issue describe the
methods and results of in-depth case studies in 5 countries that
have made exemplary progress in stunting reduction despite only
modest economic growth.
There are unique sets of stunting determinants that have
predicted stunting reduction among countries that have reduced
stunting, although there are several common drivers at the basic,
underlying, and immediate level. Determinants identied to be
particularly impactful include improvements in maternal and
paternal education, household socioeconomic status, sanitation
conditions, maternal health services access, and family planning.
There is a need to conduct in-depth, retrospective, and mixed-
methods case studies of determinants of stunting decline over
multiple decades in order to overcome the limitations inherent
in the existing literature and analyses of national survey data.
The authors’ responsibilities were as follows—TV, NA, and ZAB:
designed the research; MS, AS, SA, and TV: conducted the research; MS, AS,
SA, and TV: analyzed data; TV, MS, and AS: drafted the manuscript; NA and
ZAB: critically revised the manuscript; ZAB: had primary responsibility for
the nal content; and all authors: read and approved the nal manuscript. The
authors report no conicts of interest.
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... The importance of SES as a predictor of HAZ highlights the importance of improvements to the broader socioeconomic environment-or nutrition-sensitive interventions (Ruel and Alderman 2013)-for improving stunting. Improvements in asset accumulation and female education were among the key contributors to reductions in stunting across countries over time Headey 2013;Smith and Haddad 2015;Vaivada et al. 2020). Economic growth has also been found to facilitate reductions in stunting (Aiyar and Cummins 2021;Harttgen, Klasen, and Vollmer 2013;O'Connell and Smith 2016;Smith and Haddad 2015;Yaya et al. 2020). ...
... Economic growth has also been found to facilitate reductions in stunting (Aiyar and Cummins 2021;Harttgen, Klasen, and Vollmer 2013;O'Connell and Smith 2016;Smith and Haddad 2015;Yaya et al. 2020). While there is some conflicting evidence (Headey 2013), improved sanitation also appears to have contributed to reductions in stunting (Smith and Haddad 2015;Vaivada et al. 2020). These findings suggest that large-scale reductions in stunting are unlikely to be achieved without broad improvements in socioeconomic conditions. ...
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A large body of research investigates the determinants of stunting in young children, but few studies have considered which factors are the most important predictors of stunting. We examined the relative importance of predictors of height‐for‐age z‐scores (HAZ) and stunting among children under 5 years of age in seven of the most food‐insecure districts in South Africa using data from the Grow Great Community Stunting Survey of 2022. We used dominance analysis and variable importance measures from conditional random forest models to assess the relative importance of predictors. We found that intergenerational and socioeconomic factors—specifically maternal height (HAZ: Coef. 0.02, 95% CI 0.01–0.03; stunting: OR 0.96, 95% CI 0.94–0.98), birth weight (HAZ: Coef. 0.3, 95% CI 0.16–0.43; stunting: OR 0.5, 95% CI 0.35–0.72) and asset‐based measures of socioeconomic status (HAZ: Coef. 0.17, 95% CI 0.10–0.24; stunting: OR 0.77, 95% CI 0.67–0.89)—were the most important predictors of HAZ and stunting in these districts. We explored whether any other factors moderated (weakened) the relationship between these intergenerational factors and child height using conditional inference trees and moderation analysis. We found that being on track for vitamin A and deworming, adequate sanitation, a diverse diet and good maternal mental health moderated the effect of birth weight or mother's height. Though impacts are likely to be small relative to the impact of intergenerational risk factors, these moderating factors may provide promising avenues for helping to mitigate the intergenerational transmission of stunting risk in South Africa.
... Such social strata did not have conducive social status, and the children of the low and middle working classes in Sierra Leone in West Africa also had a 45% child stunting rate (Dasgupta et al., 2016;Organization, 2020). It was also deduced that mother's decision-making choice was responsible for low birth weight and stunting, which was accounted for 20% of child stunting (Sagar et al., 2016;Vaivada et al., 2020). ...
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Pakistan is one of the pioneer countries, who agreed-upon Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’s global agenda in 2016. UNO set the country-based targets to eliminate stunting by 40% by 2025 (Branca et al., 2015a). As a developing country, Pakistan faces an untoward situation and strives to achieve the commitments and targets. Stunting growth is a multi-layered problem. Stunting, along with severe physical effects of stunting, casts lifelong shortcomings among children and militate their natural potential and mental growth. Furthermore, stunting can cause up to a 3% loss in GDP. The situation and stakes attached with the issue make it conspicuous enough to be addressed. This paper’s core objective is to explore the effects of socio-economic factors on stunting growth in Pakistan. Secondary data analysis was conducted on nationally representative cross-sectional survey data from the Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (PDHS), 2017-2018. The given analysis was limited to children stunting growth with sample (N=5360). Notably, data were analysed through descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found that children’s stunting growth was associated with mother education obtaining, locality (less developed area), children's incomplete immunization status, father’s education level, mother earnings types, food diversity, drinking water source, and language-based ethnicity. The study concluded that stunting growth halted the government of Pakistan's efforts to achieve sustainable development goals regarding health and well-being. The problem is multi-dimensional; thus, a collaborative strategy is required to intervene at various levels (individual, family, organizational, and community). It has also been recommended that the parents be aware of their role in the mother’s timely child immunization and diet in the pre and postnatal period. Community sensitization through local influencers’ engagement would catalyse behaviour change toward child immunization programs. The government and social sector provide complete immunization, food provision, health facilities in less developed areas, and education for the parents.
... Midwives play a role in reminding and sensitizing parents to provide information, educate pregnant mothers and parents of toddlers, monitor the baby's growth every month at the posyandu. Monitoring toddlers' height according to age is an effort to detect stunting early so that it can be treated immediately to support optimal height (Nounkeu & Dharod, 2021;Vaivada et al., 2020). Midwives' abilities which include knowledge, skills and behavior are aspects that must be fulfilled in their competence as a midwife (Johnston et al., 2014;Rukiko et al., 2023). ...
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Stunting is a target of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically within the second goal of eliminating hunger and all forms of malnutrition by 2030. This study aims to assess the influence of midwives, cadres, and family support on mothers' behavior in preventing stunting in toddlers in the UPT Puskesmas Jiput area. Using a quantitative analytical approach with a cross-sectional design, the study examines the relationships between these variables. The results show that the role of cadres significantly affects stunting prevention behavior in toddlers, with a p-value of 0.049. Family support also plays a crucial role, as indicated by a p-value of 0.021. Additionally, maternal motivation is significantly linked to stunting prevention behavior, with a p-value of 0.033. The study concludes that the roles of midwives, cadres, and family support significantly influence mothers' efforts to prevent stunting in toddlers. These findings highlight the importance of collaboration between healthcare workers, families, and the community in stunting prevention.
... These elements can have a more significant impact than genetic factors on a child's growth trajectory, potentially causing lasting damage. As a result, children may experience long-term consequences, including stunting adult height, reduced educational success, lower earning potential, and lower birth weights (Horta BL et al., 2013;Vaivada T et al., 2020;Victora CG et al., 2008). ...
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Child malnutrition affects children's health in terms of morbidity and mortality rates. Stunting remains a persistent nutritional issue among children that has yet to be effectively addressed. This study aims to examine the impact of breastfeeding on the incidence of stunting in infants and young children. This study reviewed literature from two databases, PubMed and Google Scholar, based on predetermined criteria. The methodology was conducted using a systematic approach from the literature. The results of the study obtained nine articles that met the criteria, then continued with a systematic review. Three studies showed the role of breastfeeding as a significant protective factor. Five studies identified a link between breastfeeding and stunting incidence, while another study found no such association. The presence of a significant relationship and the protective role of breastfeeding against stunting are crucial in efforts to lower the risk of stunting among toddlers and young children.
... Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa stunting pada anak di bawah lima tahun dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, seperti pendidikan orang tua, indeks kekayaan rumah tangga, durasi menyusui, jenis kelamin anak, berat badan lahir rendah, akses yang tidak memadai ke layanan kesehatan, persalinan di rumah, fasilitas sanitasi yang buruk, serta rendahnya pengetahuan ibu mengenai gizi anak (Ashar et al., 2024;Vaivada et al., 2020). Salah satu upaya untuk mencegah kelahiran bayi stunting adalah melalui edukasi bagi calon pengantin, termasuk pelaksanaan demonstrasi. ...
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Latar Belakang: Pencegahan stunting dimulai saat masa pranikah dan prakonsepsi, salah satunya makanan nilai gizi tinggi yaitu ikan lele. Ikan lele memiliki kandungan protein yang dapat mencegah stunting. Selain itu, ikan lele juga mudah dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat, menjadikannya pilihan yang baik untuk meningkatkan asupan gizi. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mendemonstrasikan pengolahan ikan lele sebagai makanan tambahan dalam pencegahan stunting.Metode: Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan metode demonstrasi dan pemberian informasi menggunakan media power point. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan selama 2 hari, pada tanggal 2-3 April 2024.Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan ini ada kenaikan pengetahuan calon pengantin dari sebelum pemberian edukasi dan praktek yang sebelumnya presentase calon pengantin dengan pengetahuan baik sebanyak 25% meningkat menjadi 75%, dan presentase calon pengantin dengan pengetahuan kurang dari yang sebelumnya 25% berkurang menjadi 0%. Diharapkan calon pengantin dapat senantiasa membiasakan perilaku gemar makan ikan dalam mempersiapkan kehamilan sehingga tidak terjadinya ibu hamil dengan enrgi kronik yang dapat mengakibatkan generasi stunting.Kesimpulan: adanya peningkatan pengetahuan calon pengantin setelah adanya sosialisasi pemanfaatan dan pengolahan ikan lele.
... Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a set of globally agreed development objectives aimed at enhancing human well-being comprehensively [1].The SDGs encompass 17 interconnected and comprehensive goals, with the second goal focused on "Ending hunger, achieving food security and improved nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture" [2]. A major challenge in achieving SDG 2 is the issue of malnutrition, which poses a serious global problem with significant impacts on child [3]. Approximately half of all deaths among children under five years old are attributed to malnutrition, highlighting the need for increased attention to nutritional issues [4]. ...
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Background: The global trend of stunting incidence has been declining from 2000 to 2022; however, the WHO still categorizes Indonesia as a country with a very high prevalence of stunting. A multisectoral and multi-stakeholder approach is one of the methods utilized in the National Action Plan for Accelerating Stunting Reduction. This study aims to analyze the implementation of convergence actions for accelerating stunting reduction in Palopo City. Methods: The study was conducted for 1 months in Palopo City. This study was a qualitative study with 14 informants from different regional government agencies (OPDs) involved in the Palopo City Stunting Reduction Task Force (TPPS). Data related to the implementation convergence action for Accelerating Stunting Reduction in Palopo City owere obtained through in-depth interviews. Qualitative data were processed by searching for keywords and then content analysis was conducted. Qualitative data analysis uses an inductive thinking process. Results: The study reveals that at the initial stage, each OPD recognizes the importance of cross-sectoral participation. However, challenges persist in the utilization of human resources and budgeting. The collaboration process requires improvements as planning, governance structure, and actor roles are not yet optimal, with some OPDs still lacking clarity on their roles. Leadership in Palopo City involves regulation and communication, yet some OPDs lack specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and regulations, though inter-agency communication is fairly effective. The outputs of stunting interventions focus on health, education, infrastructure, and social welfare, with some programs being directly integrated while others provide indirect support. Conclusion: The implementation of convergence actions for accelerating stunting reduction in Palopo City is not yet optimal, with primary challenges in the utilization of human resources and budgeting. The collaboration process, leadership, and program outputs still require improvement, particularly in planning, governance structure, and inter-agency communication.
... Furthermore, based on the identification results on the level of education of the respondents, most of the mothers are high school graduates by 81 people or 47.9%. Related to this fact, previous study has stated that the low level of education is an inhibiting factor of receiving knowledge leading to the incidence of stunting on children (13). In this case, the knowledge refers to the those applied when feeding the children with food containing rich vitamin and nutrition (14). ...
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Introduction: Parenting is a factor most significantly affect and contribute to the incidence of stunting in infants aged 0-59 months. Parenting has recently attracted many attentions since parents are the one who have the most interaction with their own children. Hence, current research was carried out to know the correlation between parenting and the incidence of stunting in infants aged 0-59 months. Methods: This research was carried out through quantitative method with cross sectional approach. In this case, the samples involved are 169 infants. The data obtained were further analyzed through logistic regression with the assistance of SPSS Version 26. Results: There is a relationship between parenting and the incidence of stunting in infants aged 0-59 months old with the logistic regression P-value of <0.05.59,8% respondent of them received poor parenting and his education is only senior high school and This finding found that the higher the knowledge of parents, the more it will influence the provision of food to their children with good nutritional value. Conclusion: Parenting on the incidence of stunting in infants aged 0-59 months old is very important. In this case, knowledge and nutritional intake are necessary to support the growth and development of infants aged 0-59 months.
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Stunting dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan otak. Anak stunting juga memiliki risiko lebih tinggi menderita penyakit kronis di masa dewasanya. Piring Makanku: Sajian Sekali Makan, dimaksudkan sebagai panduan yang menunjukkan sajian makanan pada setiap kali makan (misal sarapan, makan siang, makan malam). Visual Piring Makanku ini menggambarkan anjuran makan sehat dimana separuh (50%) dari total jumlah makanan setiap kali makan adalah sayur dan buah dan separuh (50%) lagi adalah makanan pokok dan lauk pauk. Piring Makanku juga menganjurkan makan porsi sayuran harus lebih banyak dari porsi buah, dan porsi makanan pokok lebih banyak dari lauk pauk. Prevalensi stunting di Gorontalo sebesar 29%, tergolong masih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan standar World Health Organization. Desa Dunggala merupakan salah satu lokus stunting di Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Tujuan Kegiatan adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap dalam penerapan indahnya pelangi di piring makanku di Desa Dunggala, Kecamatan Tapa, Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Metode pelaksanaan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu:. pelaksanaan kegiatan edukasi gizi stunting, edukasi piring makanku dan pelaksanaan lomba warna warni isi piringku sebagai proses perubahan sikap dari para peserta. Hasil pretest dan post test menjadi acuan adanya perubahan pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh peserta, dan dalam kegiatan lomba isi piringku terlihat perubahan pengetahuan masyarakat dalam menyiapkan isi piring saat mengikuti perlombaan.
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Stunting merupakan permasalahan kesehatan mendesak yang sangat kompleks di Indonesia. Dampak stunting tidak hanya terbatas pada kesehatan, tetapi juga menghambat potensi sumber daya manusia yang pada akhirnya dapat mempengaruhi kualitas generasi penerus bangsa. Stunting ditandai dengan gangguan pertumbuhan pada anak akibat kurangnya asupan gizi yang memadai selama periode 1000 hari pertama kehidupan. Program pemberian makanan tambahan (PMT) telah dilakukan untuk menurunkan angka stunting, salah satunya melalui kampanye "One Day One Egg" di Desa Jetis, Kecamatan Bandungan, Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman kader posyandu mengenai pentingnya konsumsi satu butir telur per hari sebagai upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan protein harian anak. Penyuluhan dilakukan dengan metode pre-test, presentasi materi, dan post-test untuk mengukur peningkatan pengetahuan target sasaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan signifikan pada nilai post-test dibandingkan pre-test, dengan rata-rata peningkatan sebesar 12,73 poin. Program "One Day One Egg" terbukti efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan target sasaran tentang pentingnya asupan protein dalam pencegahan stunting, serta diharapkan dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari untuk menurunkan angka stunting di Desa Jetis, Kecamatan Bandungan, Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah.
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Background: Environmental enteric dysfunction (EED) is an acquired enteropathy of the small intestine, characterized by enteric inflammation, villus blunting and decreased crypt-to-villus ratio. EED has been associated with poor outcomes, including chronic malnutrition (stunting), wasting and reduced vaccine efficacy among children living in low-resource settings. As a result, EED may be a valuable interventional target for programs aiming to reduce childhood morbidity in low and middle-income countries. Main text: Several highly plausible mechanisms link the proposed pathophysiology underlying EED to adverse outcomes, but causal attribution of these pathways has proved challenging. We provide an overview of recent studies evaluating the causes and consequences of EED. These include studies of the role of subclinical enteric infection as a primary cause of EED, and efforts to understand how EED-associated systemic inflammation and malabsorption may result in long-term morbidity. Finally, we outline recently completed and upcoming clinical trials that test novel interventions to prevent or treat this highly prevalent condition. Conclusions: Significant strides have been made in linking environmental exposure to enteric pathogens and toxins with EED, and in understanding the multifactorial mechanisms underlying this complex condition. Further insights may come from several ongoing and upcoming interventional studies trialing a variety of novel management strategies.
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Background Undernutrition, an important indicator for monitoring progress of development goals, is a matter of concern in many developing countries, including Bangladesh. Despite regional differences in chronic undernutrition in Bangladesh, regional determinants among children under the age of five were not extensively explored. Data and methods Using combined repeated cross-sectional nationwide Bangladesh Demographic and Health Surveys (BDHS 2011 and 2014) and employing bivariate and logistic regression analyses, we estimated prevalence, changes and variations in regional determinants of stunting among children aged 6–59 months over two time periods 2011 and 2014. Results Our benchmark results suggested that the children from Rajshahi, Khulna, Rangpur, Chittagong and Dhaka tend to be significantly less stunted by 51% (p = 0.000; CI = [0.38, 0.63]), 44% (p = 0.000; CI = [0.44, 0.71]), 26% (p = 0.012; CI = [0.58, 0.93]), 23% (p = 0.012; CI = [0.62, 0.95]) and 22% (p = 0.033; [0.63, 0.97]) respectively, against Sylhet in 2011. With the exception of Dhaka, no region showed significant differences in the odds of stunting over two time periods 2011 and 2014, i.e. only Dhaka revealed significant difference by 30% reductions in the odds of stunting in 2014. Also, rural children were less likely to be stunted (by 19%) of the urban counterparts. Regional covariates of stunting differ. However, children’s age, household wealth, mother’s height, and parental education were important determinants of stunting in Bangladesh. Conclusion Dhaka made an impressive improvement in child nutrition, thus contributed largely to the reduction of stunting levels in Bangladesh for 2014 over 2011. Sylhet and Barisal require strong push to improve nutritional status of children. Further decline is possible through region-specific multipronged interventions that can address area-specific covariates to break the cycle of undernutrition like strengthening economic and educational status, emphasizing the role of father to augment their knowledge in varying aspects like family planning, reduction of fertility and by improving mother’s health.
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Short maternal stature is identified as a strong predictor of offspring undernutrition in low and middle-income countries. However, there is limited information to confirm an intergenerational link between maternal and under-five undernutrition in Bangladesh. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the association between short maternal stature and offspring stunting and wasting in Bangladesh. For analysis, this study pooled the data from four rounds of Bangladesh Demographic and Health Surveys (BDHS) 2004, 2007, 2011, and 2014 that included about 28,123 singleton children aged 0–59 months born to mothers aged 15–49 years. Data on sociodemographic factors, birth history, and anthropometry were analyzed using STATA 14.2 to perform a multivariable model using ‘Modified Poisson Regression’ with step-wise backward elimination procedures. In an adjusted model, every 1 cm increase in maternal height significantly reduced the risk of stunting (relative risks (RR) = 0.960; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.957, 0.962) and wasting (RR = 0.986; 95% CI: 0.980, 0.992). The children of the short statured mothers (<145 cm) had about two times greater risk of stunting and three times the risk of severe stunting, 1.28 times the risk of wasting, and 1.43 times the risk of severe wasting (RR = 1.43; 95% CI: 1.11, 1.83) than the tall mothers (≥155 cm). These findings confirmed a robust intergenerational linkage between short maternal stature and offspring stunting and wasting in Bangladesh.
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Background: Stunting is one of the most commonly used indicators of child nutrition and health status. Despite significant efforts by the government and external development partners to improve maternal and child health and nutrition, stunting is consistently high in Nepal. This paper assesses the potential determinants of stunting among children aged 0-59 months using the last three successive Nepal Demographic and Health Surveys (NDHS). Methods: We used three nationally representative cross-sectional household surveys, known as the NDHS- 2006, 2011 and 2016. Logistic regression was used to identify the potential determinants of stunting. The sub sample for this study includes n = 5083 in 2006, n = 2485 in 2011, and n = 2421 in 2016. Results: Rates of stunting decreased from nearly 50% in 2006 to about 36% in 2016. The prevalence of stunting was higher among children from larger families (51.0% in 2006, 41.1% in 2011, 38.7% in 2016), poor wealth quintile households (61.2% in 2006, 56.0% in 2011, 49.2% in 2016), and severely food insecure households (49.0% in 2011, 46.5% in 2016). For child stunting, the common determinants in all three surveys included: being from the highest equity quintile (OR: 0.58 in 2006, 0.26 in 2011, 0.28 in 2016), being older (OR: 2.24 in 2006, 2.58 in 2011, 1.58 in 2016), being below average size at time of birth (OR: 1.64 in 2006, 1.55 in 2011, 1.60 in 2016), and being affected by anemia (OR: 1.32 in 2006, 1.59 in 2011, 1.40 in 2016). Conclusions: This study found that household wealth status, age of child, size of child at time of birth, and child anemia comprised the common determinants of stunting in all three surveys in Nepal. Study findings underscore the need for effective implementation of evidence-based nutrition interventions in health and non-health sectors to reduce the high rates of child stunting in Nepal.
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Background: Stunting and wasting, as two key health indexes in any society, are two major factors in children’s physical and mental growth in the future, especially in developing countries. We aimed to investigate some factors affecting stunting and wasting among the under-five children in Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR).Materials and Methods: The statistical population of the present study consisted of the under-five children suffering from stunting and wasting in the EMR and natural factors from the website of World Meteorological Organization (WMO), based on the secondary data in the period 2005-2016. After that, the maps were extracted using the Geographical Information System (GIS). Finally, for data analysis, the regression, path analysis and cluster analysis techniques were employed in the SPSS Statistical Software (version 23.0). Results: The highest rates of stunting were in Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Sudan, whereas Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia and Sudan had the highest rates of wasting. Accordingly, the children’s stunting was affected by their wasting (Beta=0.918), and reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health interventions economic status (Direct Impact= -0.323, R= 0.865, R2= 0.748, ADJR2=0.720, P
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Background: Improvements in child health are a key indicator of progress towards the third goal of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Poor nutritional outcomes of Indian children are occurring in the context of high economic growth rates. The aim of this paper is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the demographic and socio-economic factors contributing to changes in the nutritional status of children aged 0–5 years in India using data from the 2004–2005 and 2011–2012 Indian Human Development Survey. Methods: To identify how much the different socio-economic conditions of households contribute to the changes observed in stunting, underweight and the Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF), we employ both linear and non-linear decompositions, as well as the unconditional quantile technique. Results: We find the incidence of stunting and underweight dropping by 7 and 6 percentage points, respectively. Much of this remarkable improvement is encountered in the Central and Western regions. A household’s economic situation, as well as maternal body mass index and education, account for much of the change in child nutrition. The same holds for CIAF in the non-linear decomposition. Although higher maternal autonomy is associated with a decrease in stunting and underweight, the contribution of maternal autonomy to improvements is relatively small. Conclusions: Household wealth consistently makes the largest contribution to improvements in undernutrition. Nevertheless, maternal autonomy and education also play a relatively important role.
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Background A growing number of women in Cambodia are seeking support from health facilities during delivery, up from 8% in 2000 to 82% in 2014. This growth may be attributed to increased national level attention to incentivize hospital births and reduce potential barriers. This paper address three related questions regarding the impact of increased utilization of health care in Cambodia. First, did increasing health facility deliveries occur most among disadvantaged women? Second, as health facility utilization increased, did the benefit of delivery location on child health outcomes weaken? Finally, did socioeconomic disparities in child outcomes decline as a result of increased health facility deliveries? Methods Data is from the 2010 and 2014 Cambodian Demographic and health surveys. Regression models include logistic regression to predict utilization of a health facility, linear regression to predict child nutritional status and Cox regression to measure child survival. Propensity score matching was used to account for selectivity. Results Analysis shows that health facility delivery is associated with better nutritional status and survival and the effectiveness of a health center delivery remains with this rapidly increasing care. However, the largest increases in delivery at a health facility did not occur among less educated, less wealthy, and rural Cambodian women, and inequalities in child health outcomes remain. Conclusions Cambodian women have participated in a rapid increase in health center deliveries and those health facility deliveries remain beneficial for future child outcomes. However, initiatives to increase care are not addressing inequity in access to care among disadvantaged women. Additionally, disparities in children’s health outcomes remain, suggesting that health facility births are not sufficient in reducing disparities among children of disadvantaged mothers. Moving forward, current initiatives are rapidly increasing facility deliveries and maintaining their efficacy, but further efforts need to be placed on targeting disadvantaged women and their children.
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There have been steep falls in rates of child stunting in much of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Using Demographic and Health Survey data, we document significant reductions in stunting in seven SSA countries in the period 2005-2014. For each country, we distinguish potential determinants that move in a direction consistent with having contributed to the reduction in stunting from those that do not. We then decompose the change in stunting and in proximal determinants into a part that can be explained by changes in distal determinants and a residual part that captures the impact of unmeasured factors, such as vertical nutrition programs. We show that increases in coverage of child immunization, deworming medication and maternal iron supplementation often coincide with a fall in stunting. The magnitudes and directions of changes in two other proximal determinants -- age-appropriate feeding and diarrhea prevalence -- suggest that these have not been strong contributors to the fall in stunting. Utilization of maternity care emerges from the decomposition analysis as the most important distal determinant associated with reduced stunting, and also with increased coverage of iron supplementation, and, to a lesser extent, with child immunization and deworming medication. This circumstantial evidence is strong enough to warrant more detailed investigation of the extent to which maternity care is an effective channel through which to target further attacks on the blight of undernourished children.
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Background Childhood malnutrition and growth faltering is a serious concern in Nepal. Studies of child growth typically focus on child and mother characteristics as key factors, largely because Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) collect data at these levels. To control for and measure the importance of higher-level factors this study supplements 2006 and 2011 DHS data for Nepal with data from coincident rounds of the Nepal Living Standards Surveys (NLSS). NLSS information is summarized at the district level and matched to children using district identifiers available in the DHS. Methods The sample consists of 7533 children aged 0 to 59 months with complete anthropometric measurements from the 2006 and 2011 NDHS. These growth metrics, specifically height-for-age and weight-for-height, are used in multilevel regression models, with different group designations as upper-level denominations and different observed characteristics as upper-level predictors. Results Characteristics of children and households explain most of the variance in height-for-age and weight-for-height, with statistically significant but relatively smaller overall contributions from community-level factors. Approximately 6% of total variance and 22% of explained variance in height-for-age z-scores occurs between districts. For weight-for-height, approximately 5% of total variance, and 35% of explained variance occurs between districts. Conclusions The most important district-level factors for explaining variance in linear growth and weight gain are the percentage of the population belonging to marginalized groups and the distance to the nearest hospital. Traditional determinants of child growth maintain their statistical power in the hierarchical models, underscoring their overall importance for policy attention. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1186/s12887-019-1469-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Malnutrition is recognized as a major issue among low-income households in developing countries with long-term implications for economic development. Recently, crop diversification has been considered as a strategy to improve nutrition and health. However, there is no systematic empirical evidence on the role played by crop diversification in improving human health. We use three waves of the Tanzania National Panel Survey to test the effect of crop diversification on child health. We implement two instrumental variable approaches, and perform several robustness checks to address potential endogeneity concerns. We find a positive but small effect of an increase in crop diversification on child height-for-age z-score, through greater dietary diversity. The effect is larger for subsistence households and children living in households with limited market access.