... The used parameters for RIS with AMC are: L = 200, ple = 3, D T,RIS = 1.5, D RIS,D = 2. Figures 5-10 show the throughput of RIS with AMC and with fixed MCS for N = 8, 16,32,64,128,256. The suggested RIS with AMC offers the largest throughput and better than RIS with fixed MCS (Basar et al., 2019;Zhang et al., 2020aZhang et al., , 2020bDi Renzo, 2019;Basar, 2020;Wu and Zhang, 2020;Huang et al., 2019aHuang et al., , 2019bAlexandropoulos and Vlachos, 2020;Guo et al., 2020;Thirumavalavan and Jayaraman, 2020;Pradhan et al., 2020;Ying et al., 2020;Yang et al., 2020;Di et al., 2020;Nadeem et al., 2020;Zhao et al., 2020;Li et al., 2020;Hua and Shi, 2019;Dai et al., 2020;Khaleel and Basar, 2020;Qian et al., 2020. The suggested RIS using AMC offers a larger throughput than Basar et al. (2019), Dai et al. (2020), Khaleel and Basar (2020) and Qian et al. (2020) as the best MCS maximising the throughput is selected. ...