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Urban Traffic Flow Prediction Model with CPSO/SSVM Algorithm under the Edge Computing Framework


Abstract and Figures

Urban traffic flow prediction has always been an important realm for smart city build-up. With the development of edge computing technology in recent years, the network edge nodes of smart cities are able to collect and process various types of urban traffic data in real time, which leads to the possibility of deploying intelligent traffic prediction technology with real-time analysis and timely feedback on the edge. In view of the strong nonlinear characteristics of urban traffic flow, multiple dynamic and static influencing factors involved, and increasing difficulty of short-term traffic flow prediction in a metropolitan area, this paper proposes an urban traffic flow prediction model based on chaotic particle swarm optimization algorithm-smooth support vector machine (CPSO/SSVM). The prediction model has built a new second-order smooth function to achieve better approximation and regression effects and has further improved the computational efficiency of the smooth support vector machine algorithm through chaotic particle swarm optimization. Simulation experiment results show that this model can accurately predict urban traffic flow.
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Research Article
Urban Traffic Flow Prediction Model with CPSO/SSVM
Algorithm under the Edge Computing Framework
Fengkai Liu ,
Xingmin Ma,
Xingshuo An,
and Guangnan Liang
College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, 310027 Hangzhou, China
North China Institute of Computing Technology, NCI, 100083 Beijing, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Fengkai Liu;
Received 23 April 2020; Revised 28 June 2020; Accepted 3 August 2020; Published 1 September 2020
Academic Editor: Ke Xiong
Copyright © 2020 Fengkai Liu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Urban tracow prediction has always been an important realm for smart city build-up. With the development of edge computing
technology in recent years, the network edge nodes of smart cities are able to collect and process various types of urban trac data
in real time, which leads to the possibility of deploying intelligent trac prediction technology with real-time analysis and timely
feedback on the edge. In view of the strong nonlinear characteristics of urban tracow, multiple dynamic and static inuencing
factors involved, and increasing diculty of short-term tracow prediction in a metropolitan area, this paper proposes an urban
tracow prediction model based on chaotic particle swarm optimization algorithm-smooth support vector machine
(CPSO/SSVM). The prediction model has built a new second-order smooth function to achieve better approximation and
regression eects and has further improved the computational eciency of the smooth support vector machine algorithm
through chaotic particle swarm optimization. Simulation experiment results show that this model can accurately predict urban
1. Introduction
The concept of a smart city has been quite popular in recent
years as it demonstrates great potential for improving urban
management and peoples life [1]. Various sensing and com-
puting technologies have gradually outlined the future of a
smart city. In the smart city scenario, the combined applica-
tion of multiple technologies has generated a huge amount of
data, which has laid the basic foundation of a smart city.
With the surge of data volume, cloud computing has
encountered unforeseen challenges [2]. Firstly, due to the
huge amounts of data instantly acquired from multiple
sources, the sensing layer of a smart city has shown special
characteristics such as strong redundancy, inner and inter-
connectivity, sensitivity to transmission delay, and heteroge-
neous. Therefore, it is dicult for cloud-centralized service to
handle such large-scale data under high pressure [3]. Sec-
ondly, cloud computing is a cohesion model; it will lead to
network delay and waste of bandwidth once data is sent from
edge to cloud through a remote network. Finally, the data
security and privacy protection of a smart city during long-
distance transmission are facing great challenge [4], since a
centralized cloud-computing model makes it dicult to
ensure security and privacy of data transmitted from distrib-
uted edges.
The paradigm to handle the aforementioned issues is
edge computing. Edgeindicates proximity to the user or
the sources which generate data. Therefore, edge computing
mainly provides computation, data storage, and network
support from the edge. The tasks of storage and computation
have been transferred to the edge instead of servers from the
cloud, as indicated in Figure 1.
Edge computing has demonstrated great advantages
from the perspectives of wide connection, distributed com-
putation, proximity to a data source, and low latency. Edge
computing can provide better capability in the areas of data
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Volume 2020, Article ID 8871998, 11 pages
ltering and compression, situational awareness, and data
classication, which has laid a strong technical foundation
for the application of big data analysis, trac management,
and urban environmental monitoring [5].
There are some dierences between edge data processing
and traditional data processing techniques. Firstly, the core
of smart city data is heterogeneous in nature. Smart city data
normally come from areas of governance, public security,
environment, transportation, internet, and IOT, all of which
generate data from multiple sources in dierent modalities.
Secondly, restriction on the access of the edge node should
be taken into consideration during the process of edge pro-
cessing. Lastly, the cooperation between edge and cloud
needs to be taken into consideration [6].
Therefore, the paper focuses on the urban data process-
ing on the edge side, particular small-scale urban data though
not huge but signicant in daily urban governance operation,
and successful application of these data would eventually lead
to the informed decision during urban governance and plan-
ning. The contribution of the article includes the following:
(1) proposed a data application framework for urban edge
computing based on the research of requirements of urban
data processing and (2) proposed a new CPSO/SSVM algo-
rithm, which has built a new 2
-order smooth function to
achieve a better eect on approximation and regression.
Meanwhile, CPSO optimization has further improved the
eciency of SVM. The prediction result is satisfactory on
accuracy and stability when processing tracow data from
the edge. The remaining structure of the paper is as follows:
part 2 has introduced related work on edge computing and
tracow prediction, part 3 designed the urban trac pre-
diction model under the edge computing framework, part 4
has tested the model, and part 5 has given the conclusion.
2. Related Works
Big data and edge computing are both hotspots in the acade-
mia, and some scholars have begun to pay attention to big
data processing at the edge. Yang and Liu [7] discussed the
advantages of edge computing. To maximize the application
of edge computing, data fusion is used in the framework of
edge computing. The authors have proposed a Gaussian
process-based temporal data fusion (GPTDF) method aimed
for the issue of sequential online forecasting at the edge. This
approach provides an eective data fusion tool for data cap-
ture and privacy protection of edge computing. Big data
applications operating under an edge computing environ-
ment have their own unique characteristics. Ndikumana
et al. [8] put forward the concept of joint 4C (computing,
caching, communication, and control) to describe this fea-
ture. Joint 4C is transformed into an optimization problem
and solved in the research. Considering the complexity and
dierence of mobile big data, Xu et al. [9] propose a compu-
tation ooading method, named COM, for IoT-enabled
cloud-edge computing. In order to solve the issue of data
sharing and collaboration in edge computing, Zhang et al.
[10] propose a new computing paradigm named Firework.
Firework provides a balanced environment where data can
be shared, distributed, and processed for big data application;
in the meantime, computing power is kept within stake-
holders information infrastructure.
The application of data processing in smart cities has also
received considerable attention in recent years. Lau et al. [11]
introduce a multiperspective classication of the data pro-
cessing to evaluate the smart city applications in their over-
view article on smart cities. Then, the aforementioned
method has been applied to evaluate a group of selective
applications in each domain of the smart city. Jara et al.
[12] fused trac and temperature data in their study. They
also proposed a temperature-trac prediction model that
obeys the Poisson distribution.
The prediction algorithm for urban trac has also
received considerable attentions in recent years. Jiang and
Adeli [13] have proposed a novel nonparametric dynamic
time-delay recurrent wavelet neural network model to pre-
dict tracow. Lv et al. [14] have proposed a novel method
to predict a tracow-based deep-learning algorithm, which
considers the correlation within the spatiotemporal trac
network. The test result has shown a superior outcome in
tracow prediction. Zhang et al. [15] has put forward an
algorithm framework based on deep learning; the algorithm
predicts the trac networks node ow and edge ow con-
currently under a spatiotemporal scenario. Test results have
demonstrated the advantages of methodologies with an out-
come above 11 baselines, such as ConvLSTM, CNN, and
Markov random eld. Yuan et al. [16] have put forward a
novel method to analyze Shanghai urban trac by designing
a key mode of urban trac and predicting transition between
dierent modes. Experimental results have demonstrated the
proposed method to predict that trac mode is more accu-
rate and comprehensive.
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Urban Trac Data Application Architecture under the
Edge Computing Framework. Based on the inherent proper-
ties of tracow in the urban area as well as factors
Core network
Figure 1: Technical architecture for smart city edge computing.
2 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
inuencing the eciency of the intelligent transportation sys-
tem (ITS), such as proximity to the edge, owability, and het-
erogeneous, the paper proposed an application architecture of
urban trac data and designed a tracpredictionmodelto
better handle tracow data from the edge. The overall archi-
tecture includes ve layers including edge data collection, edge
computation, data storage, data processing and computing,
and data analysis and visualization, as illustrated in Figure 2.
Edge data collection layer is the entranceof data for the
overall technical architecture; it is mainly responsible for the
collection of data from road trac network. Real-time trac
data are mainly generated by ring induction coils, toll bayo-
net, car GPS, etc. The amount of data is on a large scale with
heterogeneous in nature. At this layer, it is necessary to build
a channel for data acquisition, so that trac big data can con-
verge to the edge nodes.
Edge computation layer will provide a timely response
from close proximity at the edge of the network; data fusion
methodologies are normally applied at this layer to deal with
heterogeneous trac information collected from multiple
sources. At the same time, preliminary data preprocessing
is also required at the edge computing layer for data quality
control. The edge node is responsible for processing data in
a larger area of the local area network and provides extensible
data processing capabilities. The edge computing layer
mainly performs tasks such as data cleaning, data integration,
and data deduplication.
The data storage layer will store the data extracted from
the edge data collection layer, and the extracted data will be
temporarily or permanently stored in the edge device. In
the urban trac big data scenario, the data stored at this layer
is divided into three categories, including tracow data,
weather data, and street view data from dierent POIs. His-
torical tracow data is used to train tracow prediction
models, and real-time tracow data is used to evaluate pre-
diction eects; improvements on the model will be made
Multi sourc e
trac data
Edge data collection
Data storage
Data processing and
computing service
Road network
Trac ow
Wea t he r
Real-time data
Basic information
database Trac database Data warehouse
Data analysis and
visualization service
Analytical interface for intelligent transportation system
Result feedback Algorithm deployment
Trac cameras’ data
Edge node-server Edge node-smart gateway Edge node-smart trac lights
Data cleaning Data
deduplication Data integration Data
transformation ……
Edge comput ation
Vehicle dataMobile data
Data acquire Data acquire
Data acquire
Multisource trac data
Classication and
prediction algorithm
Model interpretation
and evaluation
Hadoop cluster NoSQL database Flow-data real-time
Figure 2: Technical architecture for urban trac big data.
3Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
accordingly based on evaluation results. This layer provides
data support for the computing service layer. The data
required by the computing service layer comes from this layer.
The data processing and computing service layer is the
core functional layer of the architecture. The purpose of this
architecture is to provide users with accurate tracow pre-
diction. This layer provides tracow preprocessing func-
tion and tracow prediction algorithm library. The
preprocessing function is mainly realized by the system auto-
matically. A variety of prediction algorithms will be provided
including SVM smoothing algorithm, traditional support
vector regression (SVR) algorithm, SVR with Chaotic
Genetic Algorithm (CGA-SVR), Back Propagation Neural
Network (BPNN), Autoregressive Integrated Moving Aver-
age model (ARIMA), and other tracow prediction
models; users can apply the corresponding algorithm for traf-
cow prediction based on dierent scenarios.
Data analysis and visualization service layer will inter-
act with the analytical interface for ITS. With the support
of the data processing and computing service layer, predic-
tion results can be obtained in a more ecient way.
Meanwhile, analytical methods and visualization methods
enhance usersability to acquire in-depth information.
The RESTful architecture is used between the computing
service layer and the visualization service layer, which
can achieve loosely coupled connections between modules.
Through the data analysis and visualization service layer, a
more exible and comprehensive interaction between the
user and the data is achieved.
The combination of edge computing and data analytics is
powerful as it can provide edge users a timely and accurate
decision support when it comes to trac management dur-
ing rush hours. By deploying intelligent algorithms close to
the edge computing layer, analytical results can be quickly
shared across edge networks, which is vital to ITS as trac
ow management is highly related to ecient information
sharing, and safety on the road can be guaranteed by provid-
ing accurate and timely road trac feedback to the drivers.
The urban tracow prediction model can be applied in
the urban trac data application architecture in two ways.
Firstly, it can be deployed in the edge computing layer to con-
duct some instant analytical tasks in order to predict uctu-
ating tracow; the results can be shared with drivers
through edge networks in a timely manner. Secondly, the
model can be applied in the data analysis and visualization
service layer in ITSs enterprise cloud in order to conduct
analysis over heterogeneous trac data from multiple
sources and put forward informed suggestions to key stake-
holders who have overseen the entire metropolitan trac
3.2. Design of Urban Trac Indicators. Urban tracow is a
crucial part of smart city management with multiple
inuencing factors involved. When it comes to the metropol-
itan area, the issue can be even more complex. The factors
inuencing urban tracow normally include ow from
adjacent trac nodes, weather condition, and point of inter-
est (POI), such as nearby school, hospital, and shopping mall,
thanks to the multiple trac data acquired from the edge
node, which includes spatial data, geographical information,
road network data, tracow data, weather condition data,
and trac management data. The paper is based on trac
ow data from Guiyang City, with a spatial span of 717 inter-
sections and a temporal span of 6 months; the experimental
data type is shown in Table 1. A group of urban trac indi-
cators is built to evaluate factors that are inuencing urban
The indicators of weather data are as follows:
(1) Fog: the level of fog can be graded as minor fog, fog,
heavy fog, dense fog, and heavy dense fog
(2) Haze: the level of haze can be graded as light haze,
haze, and heavy haze
(3) Rain: the level of rain can be graded as light rain,
medium rain, heavy rain, storm rain, and heavy
storm rain
(4) Snow: the level of snow can be graded as light snow,
medium snow, and heavy snow
3.3. Methodology for the CPSO/SSVM Urban Trac Flow
Prediction Model. The urban trac prediction model based
on various kinds of machine learning methodologies is
key to the construction of ITS. It is able to provide tech-
nical support for urban trac management especially ow
control of busy trac nodes in the metropolitan area.
Urban trac is a complex system with high dynamic,
which makes it dicult to analyze in a short-time manner.
Increasing randomness within the urban intelligent system
makes it dicult for tracow prediction. Short-time
tracow is the key part of urban trac big data; the
basic characteristics of short-time tracow include non-
linearity, randomness, and uncertainty.
Currently, urban trac control and route guidance is
mostly applied on a preset manner; only a few cities apply
self-adaptive control mode during tracow detection. In
Table 1: Experimental data type.
Data source Data type No. of indicators Content of indicators
Tracow data Continuous variable 1 Tracow
Weather data Discrete variable 4 Fog, haze, rain, snow
POI data Discrete variable 10
Adjacent trac nodes with 500 meters, no. of shopping malls,
no. of schools, no. of hospitals, no. of tourist sites,
no. of bus stations, no. of restaurants, no. of hotels, no. of supermarkets
4 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
order to make up for the ineciency, various machine learn-
ing methodologies have been introduced to build up related
prediction techniques. SVM has been widely applied in the
area of tracow prediction. With the method of structural
risk minimization, SVM has great advantages on overcoming
problems such as a small sample, nonlinearity, curse of
dimensionality, oversimulation, and local minimization,
which simplies the problem of classication and regression
during tracow analysis. Therefore, SVM has shown a
promising future in intelligent trac control and guidance,
which can ease the issue of trac congestion in the metropol-
itan area.
The paper has proposed an urban trac prediction
model based on CPSO/SSVM, which is able to predict
short-time tracow at city intersection by considering
multiple factors including POI and weather condition and
acquire better prediction result compared to tradition SVM
The standard SVM algorithm is as follows [17]:
s:t:DAw +eb
In 2005, Lee et al. from Taiwan University introduced the
concept of smooth function to improve SVM by introducing
nondierentiable function [18]; the formula is as follows:
There is a nondierentiable function in the objective
function, which has shown a strong rotundity and unique
solution; however, its nondierentiable function is not
smooth; therefore, a smooth function is required to innitely
approach a nondierentiable function. Lee et al. have per-
formed integral processing over a sigmoid function [18]
and acquire
klg 1 + ekx
By taking an integral function of Sfunction as smooth
function, smooth processing has been performed over a non-
dierentiable part in formula (2), which therefore acquired
initial SSVM.
With the introduction of SSVM, it can replace nondier-
entiable function by introducing a dierent smooth function
to achieve the eect of smooth processing, which resulted to
lots of smooth functions with a good approximation eect,
which in turn resulted to several SSVM algorithms.
In 2005, Yuan et al. from UESTC has proposed a function
as follows [19]:
0, x<1
In 2013, Wu et al. from XUPT has proposed two 2
order smooth functions as follows [20, 21]:
0, x<1
0, x<1
By a piecewise smooth function from formula (6) and (7)
to an approximate nondierentiable part in formula (2), the
approximation eect and nal regression eect of the func-
tion have shown that the accuracy of formula (7) is more
superior than formula (6) and (7). The paper proposed a
new type of 2
smooth function; the approximation eect
and nal regression eect of the function are more superior
than formula (6) and (7); the proposed smooth function is
as follows:
0, x<1
5Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
The paper has set up a new SSVM algorithm (Ma-Liu
Piecewise Smooth Support Vector Machine, MLSSVM) as
Theorem 1. The smooth function Mðx,kÞis as formula (8);
x+= max f0,xgindicates the nondierentiable function, and
smooth function Mðx,kÞsatises the following:
(1) Mðx,kÞis about x2
-order smooth
(2) Mðx,kÞx+
(3) For xR,Mðx,kÞ2x2
(1) When x= ±1/7kand x=0, condition holds true for
function Mðx,kÞas follows: Mð1/7k,kÞ=0,lim
Mðx,kÞ= lim
x0+Mðx,kÞ,Mð1/7k,kÞ= 1/7k,Mð1/7
x0Mðx,kÞ= lim
x0Mðx,kÞ= lim
Mð1/7k,kÞ=0. Therefore, Mðx,kÞis 2
smooth about x
(2) When x1/7kand x≤−1/7k,Mðx,kÞx+holds
true obviously xð0, 1/7kÞ;Mðx,kÞx+shows
decremental properties, Mðx,kÞx+Mð1/7k,kÞ
x+=0;xð1/7k,0Þ,Mðx,kÞx+shows incremen-
tal properties, Mðx,kÞx+Mð1/7k,kÞ=0;there-
fore, Mðx,kÞx+
(3) When x1/7kand x≤−1/7k,Mðx,kÞ2x2
821k2holds true obviously xð1/7k,0Þ,Mðx,kÞ2
+=Mðx,kÞ2Mð0, kÞ2< 1/821k2;xð0, 1/7kÞ,
let fðxÞ=Mðx,kÞ2x2
+=Mðx,kÞ2x2,t=7kx ð0, 1Þ;
by transformation, we are able to acquire
under tð0, 1Þ, the maximum value of fðtÞis t=
0:1705; plug that value into fðtÞ, we are able to
acquire fð0:1705Þ=0:0012/k2< 1/821k2. Therefore,
for any given xR,Mðx,kÞ2x2
+1/821k2; the
theorem is proved
The smooth function in this paper has a good degree of
approximation under the same kvalue. The paper compared
the result of functions from formula (5), (6), and (7) on the
approximation eect over the nondierentiable function.
The comparison result is as in Figure 3. Figure 3 shows that
the smooth function proposed by this paper has a better
degree of approximation.
In order to further improve the computing eciency of
the SSVM algorithm, the chaotic particle swarm algorithm
with good optimization characteristics has been introduced
for the optimization of parameters over penalty coecient,
insensitive parameters, and relaxation variable [22].
Chaotic characteristic itself is a pattern and possesses the
property of pseudorandomness. The paper will take advan-
tage of the two characteristics to track any state without rep-
etition. The paper applies the logistic equation to build a
chaotic optimization sequence, which is as formula (10)
[23, 24].
In formula (10), μis the overall control parameter.
When 0<xð0Þ<1,μ=4, formula (10) is in a complete
chaotic state [23, 24].
This paper applies two characteristics of chaos to initial-
ize the position and velocity of particles in the system, which
is pseudorandomness of chaos theory and its own law to
enhance search capability for the swarm. Assume formulas
hold true as follows:
In formula (12), when α=0:4,β=0:9, the system is in a
perfect state of chaos. Two constants r1,r2have been intro-
duced to update the logistic mapping, which is as follows:
where riðtÞð0, 1Þ,i=1,2.
Assume objective function is as follows:
min fx
0.0 2
0.015 -0.01 -0.005 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Figure 3: Approximation accuracy of four smooth functions.
6 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
The optimized process for the particle swarm algorithm
is shown in Figure 4.
The specic procedures of the adaptive optimization
algorithm are as follows [23, 24]:
(1) Chaos initialization of corresponding parameters of a
particle swarm algorithm
(2) Comparison and optimization of the tness level
obtained from step (1)
(3) Comparison between optimal tness pbestiwithin the
swarm and gbestiof all the particles and acquire the
particles optimal position and state
(4) Update the particles position and velocity
(5) Chaotic optimization of the optimal position
(6) In the original solution space, obtain a feasible solu-
tion PðmÞ
g, calculate the level of tness, obtain the opti-
mal feasible solution p, and replace other particle
(7) Through the operations of steps (1)-(7), and satisfy-
ing the set optimization conditions, the search is
stopped, the optimal solution is given, and the best
position is obtained, otherwise, return to step (2)
and repeat the operation
3.4. Framework for the CPSO/SSVM-Based Urban Trac
Flow Prediction Model. The SVM prediction method is
applied to predict multisource urban tracow data. It
inherits the relevant ideas of machine learning. Through con-
tinuous training and learning of the prediction model, the
goal of eective prediction is nally achieved. The process
mainly includes two parts, the training process and the test-
ing process. Figure 5 shows the basic framework of the urban
tracow prediction model.
In this paper, multisource urban tracow data is used
as a model input, which needs to go through ve stages: data
collection, data preprocessing, data normalization process-
ing, SSVM construction, and optimization problem solving.
Among them, the preprocessed data consisted of training
data and test data. The training data set is used to train the
CPSO/SSVM model, and then, the test data set is used to test
the performance of the established prediction model. The
models performance is improved by constant learning and
adjusting, which will eventually lead to an automatic predic-
tion of urban tracow. The execution steps of the urban
tracow prediction model based on CPSO/SSVM are as
(1) Data collection stage: collect tracow data, weather
condition data, and POI (points of interest) data
from various sources
(2) Data preprocessing stage:the collected multisource
urban intersection tracow data went through data
cleaning and preprocessing procedures, considering
the universality of the algorithm application scenario.
Firstly, prepossessed all 9,577,708 pieces of trac
information from 717 intersections on a Python 3.8
platform, all the invalid records have been removed,
and a descriptive statistical analysis was carried out
to lter out key urban intersections with higher aver-
age ow rate, ones with a higher average ow rate and
a larger number of surrounding POIs is used as the
model input
Chaos initialization particle position and
Calculate tness for each
If tness (x)>tness(pbest) then pbest=x
If tness(x )>tness(gbest)then gbest=x
Chaos optimization
optimal position
Optimize particle speed
Meet termination
Ye s
No, form the next
generation group
gbest parameter is optimal
Figure 4: Diagram of the particle swarm algorithm.
7Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
(3) Data normalization processing: normalize the multi-
source urban tracow data, including quantifying
the collected POI information of the city intersection
and the weather information of the day and apply the
normalization algorithm to process all model vari-
ables to form a unied metric
(4) Construct a smooth support vector machine: con-
struct a smooth support vector machine algorithm
(5) Optimization problem solving: construct a second-
order smooth kernel function and solve the optimiza-
tion problem with the SSVM algorithm model to
generated prediction results
4. Results and Discussion
Based on the Matlab_R2014a platform, this paper has built
up a tracow prediction algorithm by applying the
Trac ow data Weather
condition data
Data prepossessing
Build smooth kernel
Choose penalty
Build decision
Test set
Test result
Training set Te st se t
POI data
Training set
or test set
Propose optimization
Solve optimization
Training set
Figure 5: Framework for the CPSO/SSVM-based urban tracow prediction model.
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Test samp le dat a
Trac ow
Actual data
Paper algorithm
GA-BP algorithm
LS-SVM algorithm
Figure 6: Analysis of prediction results.
1994 1996 1998 1999
Test sample data
Trac ow
Actual data
Paper algorithm
GA-BP algorithm
LS-SVM algorithm
Figure 7: Comparison of sample data under the same dimension.
8 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
optimized parameter results from part 3 and uses particle
swarm optimization-smooth support vector regression to
predict tracow. The experimental data set is the
cross-section ow data of Guiyang City, Guizhou Province
(5 min interval). 200 intersections with high average trac
ow were selected with 10 ow records per intersection,
which is a total of 2000 ow records for model testing.
Among them, 1989 records are the training set, and the
last 11 records are the test set. In order to verify the pre-
diction eect of the algorithm in this paper, this paper
uses a genetic-BP neural network [25] and LS-SVM algo-
rithm [26] for comparative analysis. The specic results
are shown in Figure 6.
It can be concluded from Figure 6 that the proposed algo-
rithm has higher prediction accuracy than other algorithms.
Due to the large span of tracow in Figure 6, 1994
, 1998
, and 1999
sample data have selected for com-
parison under the same dimension. The comparison result is
as in Figure 7.
From Figure 7, it can be concluded that proposed algo-
rithm is the best match with actual data. GA-BP algorithm
have shown large deviation at 1998
and 1999
sample data,
LS-SVM algorithm has shown large deviation at 1996
ple data. Therefore, the algorithm put forward by the paper
has a better performance in prediction.
In order to facilitate the analysis, the relative error is
introduced for analysis. The relative error data is shown in
Table 2, its comparative analysis is shown in Figure 7.
As can be concluded from Figure 8 and Table 2, com-
pared with the genetic-BP neural network and the minimum
support vector machine regression algorithm, the relative
error of this algorithm is lower, the prediction error is within
5%, and the accuracy and stability of the algorithm both meet
the forecasting needs of actual tracow. Among three algo-
rithms predicting uctuating tracow, the genetic BP neu-
ral network still demonstrates the issue of overtting, which
leads to a higher prediction error. The minimum SVM per-
forms well for the less uctuated data but has a weak gener-
alization ability when dealing with uctuating trac with
high intensity. In comparison, CPSO/SSVM proposed in
the paper has shown a stronger level of robustness and gen-
eralization ability.
In order to further analyze the characteristics of these
three algorithms, the time cost of the three algorithms under
dierent sample data in the prediction process is counted.
The specic results are shown in Table 3.
Table 2: Relative error of prediction results of three algorithms.
Algorithm 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
GA-BP 11.91 7.97 1.92 3.95 4.11 4.06 4.14 24.50 16.75 7.28 5.25
LS-SVM 5.95 6.00 4.88 2.73 4.18 1.49 5.70 19.00 15.38 2.89 9.75
MLSSVM 2.59 3.95 0.22 0.95 2.32 1.11 1.77 2.00 4.85 0.32 0.25
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Test sample data
Mean square error (%)
Paper algorithm
GA-BP algorithm
LS-SVM algorithm
Figure 8: Analysis of relative error.
Table 3: Comparison of three algorithms time overhead.
Algorithm No. of sample (500)
time overhead (S)
No. of samples (1000)
time overhead (S)
No. of samples (2000)
time overhead (S)
GA-BP 0.0158 0.0276 0.0394
LS-SVM 0.0162 0.0287 0.0299
Paper algorithm 0.0147 0.0196 0.0255
9Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
It can be known from Table 3 that although all three algo-
rithms can achieve tracow prediction under low time
overhead, the algorithm in this paper has faster processing
speed and higher adaptability. Therefore, based on the com-
prehensive analysis of the experimental results and the theo-
retical basis, the algorithm in this paper has a good prediction
In conclusion, the SSVM algorithm put forward in this
paper has better prediction accuracy in the area of tracow
management and possesses better robustness and rapid
adaptability. The algorithm can meet the requirements of
low latency during the processing of heterogeneous data at
the edge side, which can benet prospective research that
combines edge computing and big data analytics.
5. Conclusions
In this paper, a CPSO/SSVM model is constructed to predict
tracow at the intersection of Guiyang City. The
CPSO/SSVM model achieves better approximation and
regression eects by constructing a new second-order
smooth function, and at the same time, further improves
the computational eciency of the SSVM regression algo-
rithm through particle swarm optimization. Based on exper-
imental results, it is proved that CPSO/SSVM model is able to
output more accurate result compared with the GA-BP algo-
rithm and LS-SVM algorithm. The model has powerful
information processing and prediction capabilities and can
be applied to deal with complex nonlinear problems, espe-
cially the problem of tracow prediction at urban intersec-
tion, the location of which normally comes with complex
scenes and various disturbance factors. The model provides
an alternative solution for the research of data-driven urban
tracow forecasting, and extends the application of SVM
algorithm in the area of short-term urban tracow predic-
tion at the same time. The output accuracy of the model is
high and can be deployed in ITS to achieve short-term trac
ow prediction, which has a high application value for smart
city development and real-time trac management in edge
computing scenarios.
Data Availability
The paper is based on tracow data from Guiyang City,
with a spatial span of 717 intersections and a temporal span
of 6 months. The experimental data set is the cross-section
ow data of Guiyang City, Guizhou Province (5 min interval).
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that there is no conict of interest
regarding the publication of this paper.
The research is part of the authors employment to explore
potential applications of big data analytics in smart city
development and urban trac planning. The employer is
Zhejiang University.
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11Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
... Liu et al., Recognize the strong non-linear characteristics of urban traffic flow, the multiple dynamic and static influence factors involved, and the increasing challenge of predicting traffic flow in the urban environment [31]. Therefore, through the study called Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization -SVM (CPSO/SSVM), it collects data from several sources: traffic flow data, data on weather conditions and data from points of interest from different sources in 717 intersections in Guizhou City, China, removes all invalid records and uses descriptive statistical analysis to estimate intersections of interest with the highest average flow rate. ...
... Using a second-order kernel function in the SSVM algorithm, adaptive optimization problems of the CPSO algorithm are solved to generate prediction results. The relative error of the proposed algorithm is within 5% and the precision and stability of the model satisfy the forecasting needs of real traffic flow [31]. However, although the SSVM algorithm works well for less fluctuating data, it has little generalizability when it comes to fluctuating traffic with high intensity [31]. ...
... The relative error of the proposed algorithm is within 5% and the precision and stability of the model satisfy the forecasting needs of real traffic flow [31]. However, although the SSVM algorithm works well for less fluctuating data, it has little generalizability when it comes to fluctuating traffic with high intensity [31]. ...
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In recent decades, the development of transport infrastructure has had a great development, although traffic problems continue to spread due to increase due to the increase in the population in urban areas that require the use of these means of transport. This has led to increased problems related to congestion control, which has a direct impact on citizens: air pollution, fuel consumption, violation of traffic rules, noise pollution, accidents and loss of time. In Latin America, the disorderly growth of cities increases distances and routes, likewise, there is an accelerated increase in the number of cars and motorcycles, which increases the problem. In this sense, intelligent transport systems are an alternative to improve the traffic environment, they incorporate the internet of things and intelligent algorithms, for the collection of data from multiple sources and information processing, respectively, in order to improve the efficiency of the transport flow. However, the processing and modeling of traffic data is challenging due to the complexity of road networks, the space–time dependencies between them, and heterogeneous traffic patterns. In this review study, (i) the smart techniques used for the analysis of mobility data in the prediction of traffic flow in urban areas are grouped, likewise, (ii) the results of implementing said techniques are shown, in addition, (iii) The procedures performed are described and analyzed to understand the benefits and limitations of these smart techniques. Given the above, (iv) the data sets used in the literature and available for use are shown, in addition, (v) the quantifiable results of precision of the various techniques were compared, highlighting advantages and limitations, which allows us to (vi) identify the related challenges and, from there, (vii) propose a general taxonomy in which the knowledge acquired in this traffic flow review converges from a computational approach.
... where t is the timestep, x t is the input, i t is the input gate at t (Equation (4)), f t is the forget gate at t (Equation (5)), W is the weight matrix, o t is the output gate at t (Equation (7)), and h t is the LSTM output (Equation (8)). Liu et al. [28] Urban trafc fow prediction SVM Chaotic particle swarm optimization 2 ...
... Techniques. Liu et al.[28] created a model using a Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm-Smooth Support Vector Machine (CPSO/ SSVM) used for urban trafc fow prediction. Urban trafc fow data are highly nonlinear and multiple-dynamic. ...
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Effective traffic congestion prediction is need of the hour in a modern smart city to save time and improve the quality of life for citizens. In this study, AB_AO (ARIMA Bi-LSTM using Aquila optimizer), a hybrid predictive model, is proposed using the most effective time-series data prediction statistical model ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) and sequential predictive Deep Learning (DL) technique LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) which helps in traffic congestion prediction with a minimum error rate. Also, the Aquila optimizer (AO) is used to elevate the adequacy of the AB_AO model. Three road traffic datasets of different cities from the “CityPulse EU FP7 project” are used to implement the proposed hybrid model. In a time-series dataset, two components need to be handled with care, i.e., linear and nonlinear. In this study, the ARIMA model has been used to manage linear components and Bi-LSTM is used to handle nonlinear components of the time-series dataset. The Aquila Optimizer (AO) is used for hyperparametric tuning to enhance the performance of Bi-LSTM. Error measurement parameters like the Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) are used to validate the results. A detailed mathematical and empirical analysis is given to justify the performance of the AB_AO model using an ablation study and comparative analysis. The AB_AO model acquires more stable and precise results with MSE as 18.78, MAE as 3.18, and MAPE as 0.21 than other models. It may further help to predict the vehicle count on the road, which may be of great help in reducing wastage of time in traffic congestion.
... Precisely, the writers project a multitask outline has 4 elements they are a transition-flow encoder for sightseeing transitionflow correlations, a task-specific decoder for predicting traffic flows region-flow encoder to model region-flow dynamics, and context modeling element for contextualized union of 2 kinds of traffic flows. Liu et al. [16] devise an urban traffic flow predictive technique related to chaotic PSO technique-smooth SVM (CPSO or SSVM). The predictive method has constructed a novel 2nd-order smooth function for achieving superior approximation and regression effects and has enhanced the computational efficacy of the smooth SVM technique by chaotic PSO. ...
Conference Paper
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Abstract—Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is one of the revolutionary technologies in smart cities that aids in minimizing traffic congestion and improving traffic quality. ITS provides real-time analysis and very effective traffic management by utilizing big data and communication technology. Traffic Flow Prediction (TFP) becomes a dynamic component in smart city management and was utilized for predicting the future traffic conditions on transportation networks relevant to past data. Machine Learning (ML) and Neural Network (NN) techniques can be broadly used in resolving real-time problems as these techniques are capable of managing adaptive data for some time. Deep Learning (DL) is a sub-divison of ML methods which earns effective performance on prediction and data classification tasks. This article designs a Grey Wolf Optimizer with Deep Learning Based Short Term Traffic Forecasting (GWODL-STTF) in smart city environment. The presented GWODL-STTF technique concentrates on the prediction of traffic flow in smart cities. The presented GWODL-STTF technique involves two major processes. At the initial stage, the GWODL-STTF technique employed gated recurrent unit-neural network (GRU-NN) model to forecast traffic flow. Next, in the second stage, the GWODLSTTF technique makes use of GWO algorithm as a hyperparameter optimizer. The simulation values of the GWODL-STTF method can be tested under several metrics and the outcomes show the significant performance of the GWODLSTTF method over recent approaches with minimum MSE of 105.627.
... The authors of [117] proposed a federated learning approach to predict the number of vehicles in an area. First, they used clustering to group participants. ...
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Given its advantages in low latency, fast response, context-aware services, mobility, and privacy preservation, edge computing has emerged as the key support for intelligent applications and 5G/6G Internet of things (IoT) networks. This technology extends the cloud by providing intermediate services at the edge of the network and improving the quality of service for latency-sensitive applications. Many AI-based solutions with machine learning, deep learning, and swarm intelligence have exhibited the high potential to perform intelligent cognitive sensing, intelligent network management, big data analytics, and security enhancement for edge-based smart applications. Despite its many benefits, there are still concerns about the required capabilities of intelligent edge computing to deal with the computational complexity of machine learning techniques for big IoT data analytics. Resource constraints of edge computing, distributed computing, efficient orchestration, and synchronization of resources are all factors that require attention for quality of service improvement and cost-effective development of edge-based smart applications. In this context, this paper aims to explore the confluence of AI and edge in many application domains in order to leverage the potential of the existing research around these factors and identify new perspectives. The confluence of edge computing and AI improves the quality of user experience in emergency situations, such as in the Internet of vehicles, where critical inaccuracies or delays can lead to damage and accidents. These are the same factors that most studies have used to evaluate the success of an edge-based application. In this review, we first provide an in-depth analysis of the state of the art of AI in edge-based applications with a focus on eight application areas: smart agriculture, smart environment, smart grid, smart healthcare, smart industry, smart education, smart transportation, and security and privacy. Then, we present a qualitative comparison that emphasizes the main objective of the confluence, the roles and the use of artificial intelligence at the network edge, and the key enabling technologies for edge analytics. Then, open challenges, future research directions, and perspectives are identified and discussed. Finally, some conclusions are drawn.
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As an enabler technique, data fusion has gained great attention in the context of Internet of things (IoT). In traditional settings, data fusion is done at the cloud server. So the data to be fused should be transferred from the sensor nodes to the cloud server before data fusion. Such an application mode of data fusion inherits disturbing concerns from the cloud computing framework, e.g., privacy-leaking, large latency between data capture and computation, excessive ingress bandwidth consumption. We take into account how to do temporal data fusion at the edge to bypass the above issues. We present a Gaussian process based temporal data fusion (GPTDF) method targeted for the problem of sequential online prediction at the edge. The GPTDF method fits the edge computing framework and thus inherits desirable properties from edge computing, such as privacy-preserving, low latency between data capture and computation, and tiny bandwidth consumption. Through a real-data experiment using archived traffic datasets from the Caltrans Performance Measurement System (PeMS), we demonstrate that the application of GPTDF can provide more timely and accurate real-time predictions at the network edge.
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The advancement of various research sectors such as Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning, Data Mining, Big Data, and Communication Technology has shed some light in transforming an urban city integrating the aforementioned techniques to a commonly known term - Smart City. With the emergence of smart city, plethora of data sources have been made available for wide variety of applications. The common technique for handling multiple data sources is data fusion, where it improves data output quality or extracts knowledge from the raw data. In order to cater evergrowing highly complicated applications, studies in smart city have to utilize data from various sources and evaluate their performance based on multiple aspects. To this end, we introduce a multi-perspectives classification of the data fusion to evaluate the smart city applications. Moreover, we applied the proposed multi-perspectives classification to evaluate selected applications in each domain of the smart city. We conclude the paper by discussing potential future direction and challenges of data fusion integration.
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Visibility is an important atmospheric parameter that is gaining increasing global attention. This study introduces a back-propagation neural network method based on genetic algorithm optimization to obtain visibility directly using light detection and ranging (lidar) signals instead of acquiring extinction coefficient. We have validated the performance of the novel method by comparing it with the traditional inversion method, the back-propagation (BP) neural network method, and the Belfort, which is used as a standard value. The mean square error (MSE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) values of the genetic algorithm-optimized back propagation (GABP) method are located in the range of 0.002 km ² - 0.005 km ² and 1%-3%, respectively. However, the MSE and MAPE values of the traditional inversion method and the BP method are significantly higher than those of the GABP method. Our results indicate that the proposed algorithm achieves better performance and can be used as a valuable new approach for visibility estimation.
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The performance of interpolation algorithm used in bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition directly affects its popularization and application. Therefore, the research on interpolation algorithm is more reasonable, accurate and fast. So far, in the interpolation algorithm adopted by the bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition, an adaptive interpolation algorithm can be proposed according to the image characteristics. In view of this, this paper proposes an image interpolation algorithm based on the particle swarm and fractal. Its procedure includes: to analyze the given image by using the fractal brown function, to pick up the feature quantity from the image, and then to operate the adaptive image interpolation in terms of the obtained feature quantity. The parameters involved in the interpolation process are optimized by particle swarm optimization algorithm, and the optimal parameters are obtained, which can solve the problem of low efficiency and low precision of interpolation algorithm used in bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition. It solves the problem that the image cannot be decomposed to obtain accurate and reliable bi-dimensional intrinsic modal function, and realize the fast decomposition of the image. It lays the foundation for the further popularization and application of the bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition algorithm.
The industrial Internet of Things (IoT) is a trend of factory development and a basic condition of intelligent factory. It is very important to ensure the security of data transmission in industrial IoT. Applying a new chaotic secure communication scheme to address the security problem of data transmission is the main contribution of this paper. The scheme is proposed and studied based on the synchronization of different-structure fractional-order chaotic systems with different order. The Lyapunov stability theory is used to prove the synchronization between the fractional-order drive system and the response system. The encryption and decryption process of the main data signals is implemented by using the n-shift encryption principle. We calculate and analyze the key space of the scheme. Numerical simulations are introduced to show the effectiveness of theoretical approach we proposed.
The fusion of edge computing and artificial intelligence (AI) technology is a key enabler for the smart Internet of Things (IoT). However, these two emerging paradigms face many issues for their integration, such as data storage structure, model generation algorithms and cloud-edge collaboration mechanisms. Moreover, edge computing is not ready for supporting AI and can be enabled to support AI via some basic network functions related to quality of experience (QoE), such as passive computation offloading and content caching. In this paper, we present an intelligent cooperative edge (ICE) computing in IoT networks to achieve a complementary integration of AI and edge computing. The AI-related modules of edge computing are redesigned for distributing AI’s core functions from the cloud to the edge. IoT-generated data are differentiated as user-private data preserved locally in IoT devices, edge-private data isolated on the edge and public data uploaded to the cloud. Therefore, a cloud-scale machine learning model can be generated, followed by privacy-preserving transfer learning running on each edge, which also has data updated more frequently that enables the model’s incremental learning. The model distribution is accomplished through lightweight deployment pipelines consisting of cloud compression and edge reconstruction. Conversely, some key issues of edge computing, such as the computation offloading and content caching, achieve a better solution using the localized AI. We perform prototype-based evaluation, which indicate that the ICE computing architecture enables a benign combination of AI and edge computing.
The concept of Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) has been recently introduced to supplement cloud computing by deploying MEC servers to the network edge so as to reduce the network delay and alleviate the load on cloud data centers. However, compared to the resourceful cloud, MEC server has limited resources. When each MEC server operates independently, it cannot handle all computational and big data demands stemming from users’ devices. Consequently, the MEC server cannot provide significant gains in overhead reduction of data exchange between users’ devices and remote cloud. Therefore, joint Computing, Caching, Communication, and Control (4C) at the edge with MEC server collaboration is needed. To address these challenges, in this paper, the problem of joint 4C in big data MEC is formulated as an optimization problem whose goal is to jointly optimize a linear combination of the bandwidth consumption and network latency. However, the formulated problem is shown to be non-convex. As a result, a proximal upper bound problem of the original formulated problem is proposed. To solve the proximal upper bound problem, the block successive upper bound minimization method is applied. Simulation results show that the proposed approach satisfies computation deadlines and minimizes bandwidth consumption and network latency.
The Internet of mobile things is a burgeoning technique that generates, stores and processes big real-time data to render rich services for mobile users. In order to mitigate conflicts between the resource limitation of mobile devices and users’ demands of decreasing processing latency as well as prolonging battery life, it spurs a popular wave of offloading mobile applications for execution to centralized and decentralized data centers, such as cloud and edge servers. Due to the complexity and difference of mobile big data, arbitrarily offloading the mobile applications poses a remarkable challenge to optimizing the execution time and the energy consumption for mobile devices, despite the improved performance of Internet of Things (IoT) in cloud-edge computing. To address this challenge, we propose a computation offloading method, named COM, for IoT-enabled cloud-edge computing. Specifically, a system model is investigated, including the execution time and energy consumption for mobile devices. Then dynamic schedules of data/control-constrained computing tasks are confirmed. In addition, NSGA-III (non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm III) is employed to address the multi-objective optimization problem of task offloading in cloud-edge computing. Finally, systematic experiments and comprehensive simulations are conducted to corroborate the efficiency of our proposed method.
Predicting flows (e.g. the traffic of vehicles, crowds and bikes), consisting of the in-out traffic at a node and transitions between different nodes, in a spatio-temporal network plays an important role in transportation systems. However, this is a very challenging problem, affected by multiple complex factors, such as spatial correlations between different locations, temporal correlations among different time intervals, and external factors (like events and weather). In addition, the flow at a node (called node flow) and transitions between nodes (edge flow) mutually influence each other. To address these issues, we propose a multitask deep-learning framework that simultaneously predicts the node flow and edge flow throughout a spatio-temporal network. Using fully convolutional networks, our approach designs two sophisticated models for predicting node flow and edge flow respectively. Two models are connected by coupling their latent representations of middle layers, and trained together. The external factors are also integrated into the framework through a gating fusion mechanism. In the edge flow prediction model, we employ an embedding component to deal with the sparse transitions between nodes. We evaluate our method based on the taxicab data in Beijing and New York City.Experimental results show advantages of our method beyond 11 baselines, such as ConvLSTM, CNN, and Markov Random Field.
The scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) algorithm has been applied to many fields, it has been found that the algorithm has some problems, such as high complexity, it is easily led to the dimensional disaster and it is not completely affine invariant. Some scholars have proposed improved algorithms to solve these problems, but these algorithms were specific to certain solutions and not applicable for comprehensively solving the above problems. To solve these problems, an adaptive image feature extraction algorithm based on bi-dimensional local mean decomposition (BLMD) and SIFT is proposed in this paper. First, adaptive BLMD is used to decompose the image and obtain a number of bi-dimensional production functions (BPFs). Second, the SIFT algorithm based on parameter optimization is used to extract the features of the decomposed BPFs. Finally, we synthesize and process the feature information extracted by the BPFs to obtain all the feature information of the original image. Traditional feature extraction methods and the proposed method are compared and analyzed in three different scenarios involving face database images with different scales and levels of blur. The proposed method yields rich and complete feature information and is beneficial to image matching and registration. Moreover, the proposed is more efficient than other methods. The proposed approach provides a technical method for image adaptive feature extraction and a directional framework for the development and improvement of adaptive image feature extraction schemes.