
Tanıklı Reklam: Reklamda "Bir Bilen"i Göstermek

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Reklamlar, tüketiciyi ikna etmeyi, ürüne ve/veya markaya yönelik olumlu tutum yaratmayı amaçlar. Reklam yaratıcıları ve markalar da pazarlama ve reklam stratejileri ve yaratıcı yapım uygulamaları ile bunu sağlamaya çalışırlar. Bu yaratıcı yapım uygulamalarından biri de tanıklı reklamlardır. Kullanıcı tanıklığı, uzman tanıklığı ve ünlü tanıklığı olmak üzere üç tür tanıklı reklamdan söz etmek mümkündür. Reklam yaratıcıları, tanıklı reklamları kullanarak tüketicide markaya ve/veya ürüne karşı inanılırlık ve güvenilirlik, sahicilik ve samimiyet oluşturmayı hedefler. Bu çalışmada, kullanıcı tanıklığı ve uzman tanıklığına karşı tüketicide oluşan tutum karşılaştırılmış, reklamlarda kullanıcının ve uzmanın kullanılmasına yönelik tüketicinin değerlendirmesi ortaya konmuştur. Çalışmada reklamda uzman tanıklığı kullanmanın, kullanıcı tanıklığına göre daha güvenilir ve daha bilgilendirici olarak görüldüğü belirlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Reklam, tanıklı reklam, kullanıcı tanıklığı, uzman tanıklığı, reklama yönelik tutum THE COMPARISON OF ATTITUDES TOWARDS EXPERT TESTIMONIAL ADVERTISEMENTS AND CONSUMER TESTIMONIAL ADVERTISEMENTS Advertisements aim to persuade consumers and create positive attitudes towards the product and/or the brand. Advertisement creators and brands also try to provide this with marketing and advertisement strategies and executions. One of these execution format is testimonial advertisements. It is possible to mention about three kinds of testimonial advertisements as consumer testimonial, expert testimonial and celebrity testimonial. Advertisement creators aim to constitute credibility and reliability, authenticity and sincerity on consumers towards the brand and/or the product by using testimonial advertisements. In this research, the attitude constituted on consumer towards consumer testimonial and expert testimonial will be compared and the evaluation of the consumer on making use of consumers and experts on the advertisements will be presented. At the end of the study, it is revealed that using expert testimonial in advertisements is more credible and informative than consumer testimonial.
Storytelling, which was taken over from traditional advertising, has been continuing existence of it sown in the World of digital advertising. Efficiency of storytelling is intensively used in digital advertisements with the aim of directing attention of consumers to the product and encouraging them to buy product. In digital advertisements, stories are narrated by storytellers. In this study, storytelling in digital advertising and different types of storytellers are examined and traces of storytelling which has existed from past to the present, are followed.
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Storytelling, which was taken over from traditional advertising, has been continuing existence of it sown in the World of digital advertising. Efficiency of storytelling is intensively used in digital advertisements with the aim of directing attention of consumers to the product and encouraging them to buy product. In digital advertisements, stories are narrated by storytellers. In this study, storytelling in digital advertising and different types of storytellers are examined and traces of storytelling which has existed from past to the present, are followed.
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Reklamlar, tüketiciyi ikna etmeyi, ürüne ve/veya markaya yönelik olumlu tutum yaratmayı amaçlar. Reklam yaratıcıları ve markalar da pazarlama ve reklam stratejileri ve yaratıcı yapım uygulamaları ile bunu sağlamaya çalışırlar. Bu yaratıcı yapım uygulamalarından biri de tanıklı reklamlardır. Kullanıcı tanıklığı, uzman tanıklığı ve ünlü tanıklığı olmak üzere üç tür tanıklı reklamdan söz etmek mümkündür. Reklam yaratıcıları, tanıklı reklamları kullanarak tüketicide markaya ve/veya ürüne karşı inanılırlık ve güvenilirlik, sahicilik ve samimiyet oluşturmayı hedefler. Bu çalışmada, kullanıcı tanıklığı ve uzman tanıklığına karşı tüketicide oluşan tutum karşılaştırılmış, reklamlarda kullanıcının ve uzmanın kullanılmasına yönelik tüketicinin değerlendirmesi ortaya konmuştur. Çalışmada reklamda uzman tanıklığı kullanmanın, kullanıcı tanıklığına göre daha güvenilir ve daha bilgilendirici olarak görüldüğü belirlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Reklam, tanıklı reklam, kullanıcı tanıklığı, uzman tanıklığı, reklama yönelik tutum THE COMPARISON OF ATTITUDES TOWARDS EXPERT TESTIMONIAL ADVERTISEMENTS AND CONSUMER TESTIMONIAL ADVERTISEMENTS Advertisements aim to persuade consumers and create positive attitudes towards the product and/or the brand. Advertisement creators and brands also try to provide this with marketing and advertisement strategies and executions. One of these execution format is testimonial advertisements. It is possible to mention about three kinds of testimonial advertisements as consumer testimonial, expert testimonial and celebrity testimonial. Advertisement creators aim to constitute credibility and reliability, authenticity and sincerity on consumers towards the brand and/or the product by using testimonial advertisements. In this research, the attitude constituted on consumer towards consumer testimonial and expert testimonial will be compared and the evaluation of the consumer on making use of consumers and experts on the advertisements will be presented. At the end of the study, it is revealed that using expert testimonial in advertisements is more credible and informative than consumer testimonial.
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Although a number of scholars have investigated effective celebrity endorser characteristics with consumer samples using experimental methods, there is only one study by Miciak and Shanklin (1994) that explored the point of view of practitioners who are responsible for the selection of celebrities. This paper investigates British advertising agency managers' consideration of important celebrity characteristics when selecting an endorser and these factors' importance according to product types. The research findings validate much of the consumer-based research in that managers consider a range of criteria when choosing celebrity endorsers and indicate that the importance of the criteria depends on the product type.
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The purpose of this study was to develop a scale for measuring celebrity endorsers' perceived expertise, trustworthiness, and attractiveness. Accepted psychometric scale-development procedures were followed which rigorously tested a large pool of items for their reliability and validity. Using two exploratory and two confirmatory samples, the current research developed a 15-item semantic differential scale to measure perceived expertise, trustworthiness, and attractiveness. The scale was validated using respondents' self-reported measures of intention to purchase and perception of quality for the products being tested. The resulting scale demonstrated high reliability and validity.
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The importance of fit between the endorser and the endorsed product has been described as the “match-up hypothesis”. Much “match-up hypothesis” research has focused on physical attraction. We present two studies which collectively suggest that, while attractive endorsers do positively affect attitude toward the endorsed brand, expertise is a more important dimension for driving the fit between an endorser and a brand. Study One examines physical attractiveness as a match-up factor. Results indicate a general “attractiveness effect”, but not a match-up effect based on attractiveness. Study Two considers expertise as the match-up dimension. A match-up effect was found based on expertise.
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Use of celebrities as part of marketing communications strategy is a fairly common practice for major firms in supporting corporate or brand imagery. Firms invest significant monies in juxtaposing brands and organisations with endorser qualities such as attractiveness, likeability, and trustworthiness. They trust that these qualities operate in a transferable way, and, will generate desirable campaign outcomes. But, at times, celebrity qualities may be inappropriate, irrelevant, and undesirable. Thus, a major question is: how can companies select and retain the 'right' celebrity among many competing alternatives, and, simultaneously manage this resource, while avoiding potential pitfalls? This paper seeks to explore variables, which may be considered in any celebrity selection process by drawing together strands from various literature.
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Recent research has found that search and experience attribute claims are processed differently by consumers,with search attribute claims typically being more believable than experience attribute claims. It is, however, routinely the case that marketers desire to promote a product by making a claim featuring an experience attribute.The marketing literature has largely neglected the issue of how to enhance persuasion of experience attribute claims. The purpose of this research was to fill this void.We reason that source credibility impacts the receipt of experience claims and search claims differently.We then report results of 2 experiments featuring 2 different types of sources in the context of 2 different categories that suggest a source high in credibility can be employed to make experience claims more persuasive. The contributions our study makes to the persuasion literature and avenues for future research are discussed.
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This article offers a new approach to celebrity endorsement. Previous explanations, especially the source credibility and source attractiveness models are criticized, and an alternative meaning transfer model is proposed. According to this model, celebrities' effectiveness as endorsers stems from the cultural meanings with which they are endowed. The model shows how meanings pass from celebrity to product and from product to consumer. The implications of this model for our understanding of the consumer society are considered. Research avenues suggested by the model are also discussed. Copyright 1989 by the University of Chicago.
This study proposes a theory of the combined influence of corporate and endorser credibility. Participants assessed the credibility of the companies and spokespersons as well as their attitudes toward the ads and brands, and their intent to purchase the advertised product. The covariance matrix was subjected to a path analysis. The model fit the data, and the findings corroborated prior research indicating that both types of source credibility have an impact on attitudes and purchase intentions albeit a differential one. The results suggest that the Dual Credibility Model partially predicts and explains advertising effectiveness for these dual sources of credibility.
This case study examines the use of celebrity endorsement in the formation of the retail image of leading European grocery distribution group J. Sainsbury, in particular, the process of transference of celebrity images to the product’s image. The incorporation of Jamie Oliver (well known as television celebrity The Naked Chef) into the promotions of one of Britain’s leading grocery chains involves a high profile campaign that has been adopted in order to imbue the company’s products with an image of quality. The success of the campaign has been replicated in New Zealand by another grocery retail “giant”, Foodstuffs, who have also adopted The Naked Chef to endorse their products. The case draws on field research with consumers and key informant interviews with advertising agency personnel who identified the criterion for the choice of Jamie Oliver. The extent to which the market place recognises and consumers associate themselves with the image Jamie projects as a celebrity endorser for J. Sainsbury is explored.
Many studies have investigated the impact of celebrity endorsers on consumers’ purchase intention. None, however, has studied the effects of an association endorsement. This research examined the effect of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association’s (PRCA) endorsement of products on consumers’ purchase intentions. Survey data were collected from 1,456 respondents attending six rodeos across the USA. Binary logit regression revealed that individuals who attended rodeo frequently and those with less than a college degree were the most likely to accept the association endorsement. The findings are explained within the social influence framework.
Using four Chinese celebrities as stimuli and 880 Singaporean undergraduates as respondents, this research verifies the factor structure of the celebrity endorsers' credibility scale, which Ohanian (1990) developed from American samples. The results show that the original scale's factor structure fits the Singaporean data well. All indicators are significantly related to their specified factor, and the inter-factor correlation coefficients are moderate and significant. The composite factor reliability, the Cronbach's , and the variance extracted measures are satisfactory.
Examined the use of celebrity spokespeople in advertising, focusing on 3 dimensions of source credibility: attractiveness, trustworthiness, and expertise. Two pilot studies were conducted with 78 college students to compile a list of 4 celebrities and products that would be appropriate for them to endorse. From this information, 4 questionnaires were developed. 542 respondents (aged 18–73 yrs) completed 1 questionnaire. In each case, Ss evaluated celebrities to be significantly different from each other with respect to the 3 dimensions studied. Ss' gender and age had no significant effect on their intention to purchase or on how they evaluated celebrities' credibility. Only the perceived expertise of celebrities significantly explained Ss' intentions to purchase, regardless of whether the product was for personal use or for gift-giving. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
The seminal work that led to the "Yale Studies in Attitudes and Communication," reporting a series of experiments on communicator credibility, general persuasibility, role playing, fear arousal, order of presentation, and group norms. Much of the later work in attitude change flows directly from this early volume. Harvard Book List (edited) 1971 #487 (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
To better understand how individuals and groups derive satisfaction from information, it is important to identify the information source preferences they apply in information seeking and decision making. Four informal propositions drove the structure and underlying logic of this study, forming a preliminary outline of a theory of information source preference profiles and their influence on information satisfaction. This study employed Social Judgment Analysis (SJA) to identify the information judgment preferences held by professional groups for six selected information sources: word of mouth, expert oral advice, Internet, print news, nonfiction books, and radio/television news. The research was designed as an hypothesis-generating exploratory study employing a purposive sample (n = 90) and generated four empirically supported, testable hypotheses about user satisfaction with information sources. The SJA judgment functions revealed the influences of volume and polarity (i.e., positive versus negative information) on information satisfaction. By advancing the understanding of how information source preferences can be identified empirically and their influence on information satisfaction, this research reflects a first, small step toward understanding “satisficing.” Satisficing behaviors result in early termination of information search processes when individuals, facing incomplete information, are sufficiently satisfied to assume risks and execute decisions.
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