Bisexual clients (Page, 200722.
Page , E. 2007 . “ Bisexual women's and men's experiences of psychotherapy ” . In Becoming visible: Counseling bisexuals across the lifespan , Edited by: Firestein , B.A. 52 – 71 . New York, NY : Columbia University Press . View all references) and lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB)-affirmative therapists (Godfrey, Haddock, Fisher, & Lund, 200611.
Godfrey , K. , Haddock , S.A. , Fisher , A. and Lund , L. 2006 . Essential components of curricula for preparing therapists to work effectively with lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients: A Delphi study . Journal of Marital and Family Therapy , 32 : 491 – 504 . [CrossRef], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®]View all references) agree that facilitating a positive identity is one of the most important therapeutic tasks. However, the task of achieving a positive identity may be particularly challenging for bisexual-identified individuals (Rust, 200226.
Rust , P.C.R. 2002 . Bisexuality: The state of the union . Annual Review of Sex Research , 13 : 180 – 240 . [PubMed], [CSA]View all references). To assist in this effort, the authors conducted an online survey that asked bisexual-identified individuals to respond to an open-ended question about the positive aspects of bisexual identity. Findings from an international sample of 157 adult participants (age 18–69; 67% female; 25% Canadian; 19% British; 51% American; 5% other) revealed 11 positive identity aspects: freedom from social labels, honesty and authenticity, having a unique perspective, increased levels of insight and awareness, freedom to love without regard for sex/gender, freedom to explore relationships, freedom of sexual expression, acceptance of diversity, belonging to a community, understanding privilege and oppression and becoming an advocate/activist. Each of these positive aspects is illustrated with quotes from participants. The authors offer suggestions for incorporating these findings in bisexual-affirmative counselling and therapy.