Conference Paper

Developing apprentice skills for innovation through interdisciplinary training and education

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This paper is concerned with training students of vocational education programs; specifically, tradesmen and skilled workers to better utilise value networks and knowledge hubs, set up through government initiatives, as an innovation platform. The study indicates that massively interdisciplinary innovation workshops originally designed for university students can be adapted to vocational programs demonstrating similar effects on this demographic. Collaboration around solving real-world problems across various trades and even academic disciplines seems to influence participants' attitude towards not only interdisciplinary collaboration but also entrepreneurship in general. The study is based on two years of experimentation running six independent workshops across ten different disciplines and trades and four educational institutions.

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This thesis addresses the concept of student-driven innovation from the perspective of vocational education by experimenting with interdisciplinary problem-based workshops as a tool for generating and applying innovation capacity. These workshops are adapted from university and university college level initiatives to learn how experience generated through use of these methods and principles can be applied within the vocational domain. The research is guided by the main question: How do interdisciplinary educational initiatives affect the cultivation and application of students’ innovation capacity, and what are the organisational implications of these types of initiatives for educational institutions? This is addressed through a theoretical, methodological, technical and organisational perspective on innovation capacity which make up the idea of student-driven innovation.
Danmarks økonomiske vækst skal bl.a. sikres gennem udvikling og anvendelse af innovations-kapacitet. Landets uddannelser skal derfor sørge for, at studerende besidder de rette innovationskompetencer, hvorfor mange allerede har indført forskellige tiltag herfor. Det er dog stadig uklart, hvordan vi systematisk kan udvikle og evaluere disse tiltag på en meningsfuld måde set i forhold til den overordnede strategi om at øge, målrette og anvende innovationskapacitet. Artiklen reflekterer over hvilke forhindringer, der er for at gøre dette samt argumenterer for en model, der kan danne udgangspunkt for struktureret arbejde med udvikling og evaluering af innovationskompetencer i undervisning.
The abstract for this document is available on CSA Illumina.To view the Abstract, click the Abstract button above the document title.
Policy makers take initiatives to stimulate knowledge ecosystems in technology hotspots. It is implicitly assumed that these ecosystems will lead to value networks through which the participating companies can realize a competitive advantage. Value networks refer to business ecosystems where the value proposition is offered by a group of companies which are mutually complementary. The strategy literature suggests that business ecosystems lead to competitive advantages for each of the partners in the ecosystem. Based on a unique hand-collected database of 138 innovative start-ups in the region of Flanders, we analyze the knowledge and business ecosystem and the financial support network. We find that the knowledge ecosystem is well structured and concentrated around a number of central actors while the business ecosystem is almost non-existent at the local level. Further, we find that the financial support network is almost 100% publicly backed and fails to bridge the knowledge and business ecosystem. The implications for policy makers who tend to focus on the development of local ecosystems are discussed.
Companies commercialize new ideas and technologies through their business models. While companies may have extensive investments and processes for exploring new ideas and technologies, they often have little if any ability to innovate the business models through which these inputs will pass. This matters - the same idea or technology taken to market through two different business models will yield two different economic outcomes. So it makes good business sense for companies to develop the capability to innovate their business models.This paper explores the barriers to business model innovation, which previous academic research has identified as including conflicts with existing assets and business models, as well as cognition in understanding these barriers. Processes of experimentation and effectuation, and the successful leadership of organizational change must be brought to bear in order to overcome these barriers. Some examples of business model innovation are provided to underline its importance, in hopes of inspiring managers and academics to take these challenges on.
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