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Abstract and Figures

The objective of this study was to see the pattern of Temporomandibular pain dysfunction syndrome in patients attending Khyber Medical University Institute of Dental Sciences, KMU-IDS, Kohat. This study was carried out at Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of KMU-IDS, Kohat from January 2018 to June 2019. A total of 34 patients with clinical presentation of TMPDS were included in the study. Data about demographics, chief complaint, etiology, stress and history of depression was collected. In this study, out of 34 patients, 12 (35%) were males and 22 (65%) were females. Mean age was 23.5 ± 13.4 years with 14 ( 41%) patients in age group 10-19. With regard to chief complaint, 22 out of 34 patients (65%) complained of pain. Click was reported by 5 patients (14%), 4 patients (12%) attended OPD for limited mouth opening (LMO). Etiology was elicited as trauma to face in 2 out of 34 patients (6%). Bruxism only was documented for just 1 person (3%). Stress was the only etiology in 9 people (26%). Stress collectively was reported in 20 patients (59%). In 11 patients (32%), etiology could not be elicited. Of the people with stress, 8 were on psychiatric medicines for clinical depression (23%). In this study, TMPD was prevalent in females with a mean age of 23 years. Pain was the commonest chief complaint. Stress was the most common main etiology. Clinical depression was also found in 23% of people with stress. Key words: Temporomandibular pain dysfunction syndrome, stress, pain This article may be cited as: Safi S, Qayyum Z, Aslam S. Pattern of temporomandibular pain dys- function syndrome seen at KMU Institute of Dental Sciences . Pak Oral Dent J 2019; 39(4):341-344
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Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal Vol 39, No. 4 (October-December 2019)
1 For Correspondence: Sanna Safi, BDS, FCPS-II, Registrar,
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, KMU-IDS, Kohat.
Cell: 0331-4304365 Email:
2 Zahid Qayyum, BDS, FCPS, Assistant Professor, Oral & Maxillo-
facial Surgery, Khyber Girls Medical College/Hayatabad Medical
Complex, Peshawar.
3 Saddique Aslam, BDS, FCPS, Professor, Oral & Maxillofacial
Surgery, KMU-IDS, Kohat.
Received for Publication: Aug 17, 2019
First Revised: Sept 18, 2019
Second Revised: Sept 30, 2019
Approved: Oct 2, 2019
Oral & MaxillOfacial Surgery
Temporomandibular pain dysfunction syndrome
(TMPDS) is a frequently encountered musculoskeletal
disorder of orofacial region, involving the masticatory
muscles and/or temporomandibular joint. 1 TMPDS
show an increased incidence in women, relative to men.
Several studies have highlighted this gender disparity
for TMPDS. Estrogen, the female sex hormone, seems
to have an important role in this. 2 TMPDS is generally
considered a disorder of adults but various studies have
demonstrated its presence in children as well. 3
Multiple factors are involved in etiology of TMPDS.4,5
Today, mental health has an important role in TMPDS
pathogenesis. 6 Behavioral and psychologic factors are
the most significant etiology among potential causes of
TMPDS.7 Direct relation between stress and TMPDS
exist as stressors like anxiety, depression and sleep
disorders are closely related to the syndrome as shown
by various studies.8 Another possible cause of TMPDS
is trauma, both micro- and macro-trauma.9 A strong
association between bruxism and TMPDS also exist.10
TMPDS is characterized by limited mouth opening,
decreased mandibular motion and clicks, pops, crepita-
tions of temporomandibular joint (TMJ).11
A significant
clinical feature of TMPDS is pain , disturbing quality
of life and stomatognathic system function.12
In the United States, about 65-85% people, during
their lives experience some symptoms of TMPDS.
Chronic symptoms due to prolonged pain or disability is
seen in approximately 12%. Despite the high prevalence
in the population, only about 5 - 7% have symptoms
severe enough to render treatment . A study in Nigeria
showed that varying degrees of symptoms and signs of
temporomandibular disorders are exhibited in 62.8%
of population.13 To see the proportion and distribution
The objective of this study was to see the pattern of Temporomandibular pain dysfunction syndrome
in patients attending Khyber Medical University Institute of Dental Sciences, KMU-IDS, Kohat. This
study was carried out at Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of KMU-IDS, Kohat from
January 2018 to June 2019. A total of 34 patients with clinical presentation of TMPDS were included
in the study. Data about demographics, chief complaint, etiology, stress and history of depression was
collected. In this study, out of 34 patients, 12 (35%) were males and 22 (65%) were females. Mean age
was 23.5 ± 13.4 years with 14 ( 41%) patients in age group 10-19. With regard to chief complaint, 22
out of 34 patients (65%) complained of pain. Click was reported by 5 patients (14%), 4 patients (12%)
attended OPD for limited mouth opening (LMO). Etiology was elicited as trauma to face in 2 out of
34 patients (6%). Bruxism only was documented for just 1 person (3%). Stress was the only etiology
in 9 people (26%). Stress collectively was reported in 20 patients (59%). In 11 patients (32%), etiology
could not be elicited. Of the people with stress, 8 were on psychiatric medicines for clinical depression
In this study, TMPD was prevalent in females with a mean age of 23 years. Pain was the commonest
chief complaint. Stress was the most common main etiology. Clinical depression was also found in
23% of people with stress.
Key words: Temporomandibular pain dysfunction syndrome, stress, pain
This article may be cited as: Safi S, Qayyum Z, Aslam S. Pattern of temporomandibular pain dys-
function syndrome seen at KMU Institute of Dental Sciences . Pak Oral Dent J 2019; 39(4):341-344.
Original article
Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal Vol 39, No. 4 (October-December 2019)
Temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome
of problems associated with TMPDS, a large number
of studies have been carried out. These studies showed
variable results among different populations.14 Unfor-
tunately, local data about this common disorder in local
population is very scarce in Pakistan.
The objective of this study was to see the pattern of
TMPDS in patients attending Department of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery at Khyber Medical University
Institute of Dental Sciences, KMU-IDS, Kohat.
This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried
out at Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
of KMU-IDS, Kohat from January 2018 to June 2019.
A total of 34 patients with clinical presentation of
TMPDS were included in the study. Data about demo-
graphics, chief complaint, etiology, stress and history
of depression was collected. Demographics about age
and gender were specifically noted. Chief complaint
was marked for pain, click and limited mouth opening
(LMO). Etiological causes included bruxism, trauma
to face ( road traffic accident, blow/hits to face, falls),
stress, and unknown factors.
Stress was elicited by asking about sleep quality,
appetite, and level of energy. History of clinical de-
pression and psychiatrist medications was also sought
Data obtained was analyzed by taking out mean,
SD for age and percentages for the other variables in-
cluding age (gender, chief complaint, etiology, stress,
depression) using SPSS version 20.0.
In this study, out of 34 patients, 12 (35%) were
males and 22 (65%) were females with a male to female
ratio of 6:11. See table 1.
The age range was 15 – 68 years. Mean age was
23.5 ± 13.4 years with 14 ( 41%) patients in age group
10-19 followed by age group 40-49 with 8 (23%) patients.
Minimum number of 1(3%) was seen in 60-69 age group.
See table 2.
With regard to chief complaint, 22 out of 34 pa-
tients (65%) complained of pain. Click was reported
by 5 patients (14%), 4 patients (12%) attended OPD
for limited mouth opening (LMO) whereas pain along
with LMO as chief complaint was documented for 3
patients (9%).
Etiology of the patients is shown in figure 1. Stress
collectively was reported in 20 patients (59%). Of the
people with stress, 8 were on psychiatric medicines for
clinical depression (23%).
Fig 1: Etiologies
Gender Frequency Percentage
Males 12 35%
Females 22 65%
Total 34 100%
Age group Frequency Percentage
10 to 19 14 41%
20-29 6 18%
30-39 5 15%
40-49 8 23%
50-59 0 0%
60-69 1 3%
Total 34 100%
In our study, TMPDS was more prevalent in females
(65%) than males (32%). Ahuja et al study with higher
incidence of TMPDS among females (66%) relative to
male dental students is in line with our study.7 This
is also consistent with results of Kitsoulis et al study
which showed that TMPDS is not only common but
also more severe in women than men.15 Also according
to literature, women seek specialised treatment for
this disorder three times more frequently than men.
For greater prevalence in women is the hypothesis
that estrogen receptor changes metabolic functions in
women’s TMJ increasing ligament laxity. Estrogen,
by modulating limbic system, also causes increased
susceptibility to painful stimuli. 16 Increased incidence
and increased severity in women can also be due to the
low threshold of females for both depression and pain.
Age group 10 – 19 years had maximum number of
patients 14(41%) with a mean age of 23.5 years. This
is in accordance to study by Eweka et al showing prev-
Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal Vol 39, No. 4 (October-December 2019)
Temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome
alence of TMPDS in adults. 13 Manfredini et al findings
showed a similar peak incidence between 20 and 40
years. 17 Adulthood is an age of initial exposure to the
stress of education, selection of profession, employment,
and different kinds of social pressures, predisposing
young adults to TMPDS.
Pain was the most common chief complaint (22
patients, 65%). In addition to this, pain together with
limited mouth opening was also seen (3 patients, 9%).
A study by Ogunlewe et al also reported pain as the
most common presenting complaint. 18 Similarly, Kit-
soulis et al study documented pain as the most common
TMPDS symptom. 15 Pain is a symptom which can not
be ignored by a person and thus, becomes the most
common presenting complaint.
Joint click (14%) as presenting complaint was
followed by limited mouth opening (12%). Motta LJ
et al showed a similar pattern of symptoms with pain
as most common complaint followed by joint noises
and finally, limited mouth opening. 19 Eweka et al
documented clicking as presenting complaint in 35%
and pain in 95.2% of subjects. 13 Clicking and limited
mouth opening are two other frequently seen features
of TMPDS as reported by Eweka et al and others.
Stress was the most common known aetiology
(26%) with 32% patients of unknown cause. Stress,
collectively, was seen in 59% patients. Similarly, in
Patil et al study, stress and depression were present
in 60% and 53.3% of TMPDS patients respectively, as
compared to controls. 20 Stress and TMPDS symptoms
usually have a very close relationship. Its difficult to
ascertain that whether chronic TMPDS symptoms lead
to stress or prolonged stress results in TMPDS. Its a
common notion that pain has psychological sequele
like depression and somatization. 21 It can affect the
emotional and mental health by interfering with day to
day activities and social life of a patient. On the other
hand, dental clamping occurs as a result of extreme
tension which changes local circulation of muscles and
affects the ion exchange in cell membranes. This causes
lactic and pyruvic acid accumulation which stimulates
the pain receptors. 22
Ogunlewe et al study revealed parafunction habits
in 5.3% which is consistent with our finding of 3% sub-
jects with bruxism. 18 Bruxism, grinding or clenching,
induces microtrauma in TMJ and sets the stage for
TMPDS. Bruxism and stress together were seen in
15% patients which can be correlated to the reports of
studies showing bruxism in 7.4 % to 27.2% of TMPDS
subjects. 23
Stress, anxiety, and psychological factors stimulate
excessive jaw-muscle activity identified as bruxism,
and thus may result in initiating TMPDS.
In our study, trauma was seen as cause in 6%, stress
and trauma in 15% with stress, trauma and bruxism
together in 3%. Also in Kolk et al study, osteoarthri-
tis occurred in 9.1-11.5% of intracapsular fractures.
24 Similarly, Wang et al study showed that in acute
mandibular injury without condylar fracture resulted
in 18-66% of cases with displaced disc. 25 Direct blow
to joint, or trauma to jaw can occur in road traffic ac-
cidents, assault and sports and can end up in TMPDS.
Traumatic episode can lead to post traumatic stress
disorder as well. Thus trauma and stress together can
unite to cause TMPDS.
TMPDS individuals, as compared to controls, exhibit
increased levels of stress, anxiety, depression, somatic
awareness, pain catastrophizing and kinesiophobia. 9
In our study, clinical depression was present in 23% of
patients. In contrast, Majumder et al observed 66.2%
patients of TMPDS with anxiety and depression. 22
Celic et al also demonstrated an increased level of
depression and somatization in TMPDS patients. 21
This difference in our study may be due to the patients
with undiagnosed clinical depression who had not yet
been labelled depressed by psychiatrist and were not
on any psychiatric medication.
The limitation of our study was small sample size.
This is probably due to study was carried out in a single
As TMPDS and biopsychosocial factors like in-
creased anxiety, depression, stress are closely related,
therefore consultation with a psychologist or psychi-
atrist should always be considered whenever dealing
with TMPDS patients.
In this study, TMPD was prevalent in females
with a mean age of 23 years. Pain was the commonest
chief complaint. Stress was the most common etiology.
Clinical depression was also found in 23%. Trauma to
face and bruxism were other reported causes.
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1 SannaSa: Conception of study idea, study design, collection of data, analysis of
data, manuscript writing, nal draft of the manuscript.
2 Zahid Qayyum: Literature review, discussion.
3 Saddique Aslam: Recommendation, review and edition of the manuscript writing.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Aim and Objectives The aim and objectives of this study are to investigate the various types of stress-inducing factors, most prevalent etiological factor and to determine the correlation between stress and temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) in Dental students in Modinagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. Materials and Methods A sample of 450 students were selected for the study divided into two groups of undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) students further subdivided into UG (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, interns) and PG (1st, 2nd, 3rd year). Study includes clinical evaluation of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) system (TMJ sounds, muscles of mastications, mouth opening, and range of mandibular motion) and questionnaire which covers demographic data (i.e., age, sex, and academic year), TMD symptoms and TMD signs along with standardized scales related to stress dental environmental stress scale and perceived stress scale (PSS). Results Most of the students included into study are mostly of 21–25 years of age (64.3%), males (52.7%), females 47.3% with more number of UGs (91.4%) predominantly 1st year students (23.9%). Headache was found to be the most prevalent TMD symptom (26.2%) followed by clicking (24.9%), pain on clicking (5.5%), jaw lock (3.4), and difficulty in mouth opening (0.9%). Clicking was found to be the most prevalent TMD sign (24.9%) among dental students followed by deviation (16.3%), muscle tenderness (14.3%), and TMJ pain (5.7%). The most prevalent TMD was disc displacement 22.6% followed by myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome (MPDS) with disc displacement (13.5%) and MPDS (3.8%). TMD was higher in UG females students of 21–-25 years of age group, dental environment stress scale score and PSS score shows statistically significant results. Conclusion Stress is a significant etiologic factor involved in initiation and maintenance of TMDs in Dental students.
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Objective The purpose of the study is to determine the prevalence of TMDs among the 12-18 years and 19-30 years patient age group requiring orthodontic treatment by using the Fonseca's questionnaire. Material and Methods A total of 390 patients who visited the orthodontic department for treatment were asked to fill Fonseca's questionnaire. The results were analyzed for both the age groups and the percentage values were compared between males and females, different types of malocclusion and presence of TMDs. Results In the 12-18 years age group, around 18.75% of the males and 12.28% of the females were having some degree of TMJ dysfunction. In the 19-30 years age group, around 30.32% of the females were found to have some severity of TMJ dysfunction as opposed to 19.23% of males. In the 12-18 years age group, around 11% of Class I, 16% of Class II and 50% of class III patients were having some degree of temporomandibular dysfunction. In the 19-30 years age group, the results showed that around 24% of Class I and class II patients and 50% of Class III patients presented with some degree of TMD. In the 12-18 years age group around 15% and in the 19-30 years age group, around 25% of the patients presented with some degree of TMD ranging from mild, moderate to severe. Conclusion The study concludes that significantly more number of females presented with TMDs as compared to males in the 19-30 years age group. As the age increases the presence of TMDs also increases because of the significant presence of TMDs in the 19-30 years age group as compared to 12-18 years age group.
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Background: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction is painful condition of facial musculoskeletal system. Arthrocentesis is less invasive treatment of TMJ dysfunctions. It has been used to treat variety of TMJ disorders. The objective of this study was to determine the success of arthrocentesis in TMJPDS patients where conservative treatment had failed. Methods: This descriptive case study of 45 patients was completed in 6 months at Outpatient Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Mayo hospital Lahore. TMJPDS Patients who were unresponsive to conservative treatment were included in this study. The study consisted of a single arthrocentesis procedure performed by a single oral surgeon per patient. Visual Analogue Scale was used to record pain while maximum mouth opening was measured by the interincisal distance in millimetres, at 1 month and 2 months after the treatment. Success was measured two months after arthrocentesis. Results: Thirty (66.7%) patients had no pain and 15 (33.3%) patients had mild pain. Similarly, 16 (35.5%) patients had maximum mouth opening more than 30mm and 29 (64.5%) patients had less than 30 mm mouth opening, two months after arthrocentesis procedure. Conclusion: Arthrocentesis is very effective in patients suffering from TMPDS by reducing pain and discomfort and increase in mouth opening. This procedure should be considered in TMPDS patients who do not respond to conservative treatment.
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Background: Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome (TMJPDS) is the most common temporomandibular disorder. This condition presents with symptoms of pain, restricted jaw movement and joint noise. Other symptoms include otalgia, headache, neck pain and trismus. Aim: To determine the pattern of Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome patients managed at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria. Methodology: A descriptive study of patients with signs and symptoms of Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome attending the Oral Medicine Clinic of Lagos University Teaching Hospital. Results: Twenty-one patients with Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome were enrolled into the study, out of which 10(48%) were females and 11(52%) were males. The age range was 23-81years with a mean of 45.2 ± 18.9 years. Majority of the patients 20(95.2%) complained of pain around the joint, in the pre-auricular region, in the muscles of mastication and the ear. While 7(35%) complained of clicking sounds, 10(47.6%) complained of pain on mouth opening and during mastication only. In all 5(23.8%) had impaired movement of the jaws, mouth opening was normal in 18(85.7%) but reduced in 3(14.3%) patients. Over half of patients 12(57%) experienced clicking sounds, there was tenderness around the temporomandibular joint in 16(76.2%) cases, pain in the ear of 7(33.3%) patients and 13(61.9%) people presented with tenderness of the muscles of mastication. Conservative management of all the cases resulted in resolution of the symptoms. Conclusion: Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome has diverse clinical presentation and though distressing, it responds to prompt and effective conservative management.
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Temporomandibular joint disorder is a multi-factorial condition affecting the joint or muscles of the jaw. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to determine association of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) sounds with various categories of malocclusions. 384 subjects, who fulfilled the inclusion criteria of the study, were clinically examined for the presence or absence of temporomandibular joint sounds & type of malocclusion. A Chi-Square test (p < 0.05) was used to find any significant association of TMJ sounds with different categories of malocclusion. Joint sounds were found to be present in 100 (26%) subjects. Joint sound were present in 55 (22.6%) subjects with Class I malocclusion, 36 (32%) subjects with Class II malocclusion and only 9 (31%) subjects with Class III malocclusion. Chi- Square test revealed no significant association of TMJ sounds with malocclusion or gender. TMJ sounds can be a frequent finding in healthy individuals with no other symptoms of TMD. In the light of results of current study and other recent studies that have been carried out around the globe, it can be concluded that clicking itself is not indication of any active disease & it can rarely progress to any significant clinical problem, so there needless management must be avoided. Key Words: Temporomandibular joint, Temporomandibular Disorders, Malocclusion, Clicking
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Aims and Objectives: The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of stress and depression within temporomandibular disorder (TMD) patient subgroups with chronic facial pain (cfp) and healthy controls and to assess possible relationships among the different subgroups. It also evaluated the correlation among pain, stress, and depression scores. Materials and Methods: A total number of 120 patients, 60 cases and 60 controls aged 20-40 years were included in the study. The study group after clinical examination was assigned into subgroups depending on the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD). Age- and sex-matched patients with no complaints of TMD formed the control group. Both the groups were administered the Beck's inventory of depression (BDI) and stress symptom rating scale (SSRS) questionnaires. Pain intensity was measured by the visual analogue scale. All the scores were statistically analyzed. Results: Depression and stress scores were seen more in the myofascial pain group. Depression was prevalent in 53.3% and stress in 60% of the study group. Positive correlation was seen among pain scores, depression, and stress scores ( P Conclusion: The findings are consistent with previous research indicating a link among depression, stress, and TMD. Screening for such symptoms should be an integral part of the evaluation for effective cognitive behavioural therapy.
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Background Pain related to temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is a common problem in modern societies. The aim of the article is to present the concepts of TMD pain clinical management. Methods A survey was performed using the PubMed, SCOPUS and CINAHL databases for documents published between 1994 and 2014. The following search keywords were selected using MeSH terms of the National Library of Medicine in combination: TMD pain, TMD, TMJ, TMJ disorders, occlusal splint, TMD physiotherapy, TMJ rheumatoid disorders and TMJ surgery. Original articles and review papers which presented the clinical relevance and practical validity regarding the possibility of application in TMD management have been included. Authors have excluded articles without outstanding practical aspect and evidence-based background. A first selection was carried out by reviewing titles and abstracts of all articles found according to the criteria. After that the full texts of potentially suitable articles were assessed. In line with these criteria, among 11467 results the writers have included 66 papers. Results The most commonly reported conservative treatments are massage therapy and individually fabricated occlusal splints. In addition to massage, other popular methods include manual therapy and taping, warming/cooling of aching joints, and light and laser therapy. Drugs are also commonly used. In the most severe cases of the temporomandibular joint degeneration, surgical restoration of the joint is sometimes applied. Conclusions The authors concluded that conservative treatment including counselling, exercises, occlusal splint therapy, massage, manual therapy and others should be considered as a first choice therapy for TMD pain because of their low risk of side effects. In the case of severe acute pain or chronic pain resulting from serious disorders, inflammation and/or degeneration pharmacotherapy, minimally invasive and invasive procedures should be considered.
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Background and aim: This review aims at presenting a current view on the most frequent factors involved in the mechanisms causing temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Method: We conducted a critical review of the literature for the period January 2000 to December 2014 to identify factors related to TMD development and persistence. Results: The etiology of TMD is multidimensional: biomechanical, neuromuscular, bio-psychosocial and biological factors may contribute to the disorder. Occlusal overloading and parafunctions (bruxism) are frequently involved as biomechanical factors; increased levels of estrogen hormones are considered biological factors affecting the temporo-mandibular-joint. Among bio-psychosocial factors, stress, anxiety or depression, were frequently encountered. Conclusions: The etiopathogenesis of this condition is poorly understood, therefore TMDs are difficult to diagnose and manage. Early and correct identification of the possible etiologic factors will enable the appropriate treatment scheme application in order to reduce or eliminate TMDs debilitating signs and symptoms.
Objective: To know the associated features of temporomandibular pain dysfunction syndrome (TMPD) in order to prepare a preliminary report about patterns of TMPDS in our population. Material and Methods: In this prospective observational study, fifty patients of TMPDS were interviewed and examined in Sardar Begum Dental College Peshawar and authors' private clinic from Jul 2005 to Dec 2006. Diagnosis of TMPD was established by history and clinical examination as the presence of pain, tenderness in muscle of mastications, limitation of jaw movements and by exclusion of other dental or TMJ pathological conditions Results: Most of the patients were in their third decade of life and mostly they were students (34%). Female gender was more common (74%) and most of the female patients were unmarried. Parafunctional habits like bruxisum, daytime clenching of the teeth, nail biting were noted in 22 (44%) patients, difficult extractions in 3(6%) patients and orthodontic treatment in 3(6%) patients while in 17 (34%) cases associated features were unknown. Pain was the presenting complaint of all the patients (100%) followed by clicking sounds in 56% and trismus in 44% of the cases. Conclusion: Parafunctional habits, difficult extractions and orthodontic treatment were related with TMPD in this study and nearly all of these factors reflect the stress affecting the TMJ.