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An Update of the Literature Supporting the Well-Being Benefits of Plants: A Review of the Emotional and Mental Health Benefits of Plants



Consumers have historically shown an inclination to purchase plants that enhance their quality of life, meaning they will purchase items that positively influence their social, physical, psychological, cognitive, environmental, and spiritual well-being. Plants in native and improved landscapes (and interiorscapes) have been documented to influence each of six quality of life constructs. This paper summarizes publications regarding the emotional and mental health benefits associated with plants, addressing reduced anxiety and stress, attention deficit recovery, fractals and visual response, decreased depression, enhanced memory retention, greater happiness and life satisfaction, mitigation of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), increased creativity, enhanced productivity and attention, reduced effects of dementia, and improved self-esteem. This research should be strategically incorporated into both industry-wide and firm-specific marketing messages that highlight the quality of life value proposition in order to maintain the industry's sense of value and relevance to consumers of the future. Index words: benefits of plants, emotional health, mental health.
An Update of the Literature Supporting the Well-Being
Bene¢ts of Plants: A Review of the Emotional and Mental
Health Bene¢ts of Plants
Charles Hall and Melinda Knuth
Consumers have historically shown an inclination to purchase plants that enhance their quality of life, meaning they will purchase
items that positively influence their social, physical, psychological, cognitive, environmental, and spiritual well-being. Plants in
native and improved landscapes (and interiorscapes) have been documented to influence each of six quality of life constructs. This
paper summarizes publications regarding the emotional and mental health benefits associated with plants, addressing reduced anxiety
and stress, attention deficit recovery, fractals and visual response, decreased depression, enhanced memory retention, greater
happiness and life satisfaction, mitigation of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), increased creativity, enhanced productivity and
attention, reduced effects of dementia, and improved self-esteem. This research should be strategically incorporated into both
industry-wide and firm-specific marketing messages that highlight the quality of life value proposition in order to maintain the
industry’s sense of value and relevance to consumers of the future.
Index words: benefits of plants, emotional health, mental health.
Significance to the Horticulture Industry
This paper is the first of a four-part series that provides a
review of the substantial body of peer-reviewed research
that has been conducted regarding the economic, environ-
mental, and health and well-being benefits of green
industry products and services. This article focuses
specifically on the health and well-being benefits. This
research should be strategically incorporated into both
industry-wide and firm-specific marketing messages that
highlight these quality of life dimensions in order to
enhance the perceived value and relevance of green
industry products for gardening and landscaping consumers
in the future.
In 2011, Hall and Dickson published a forum article in
the Journal of Environmental Horticulture (JEH) that
summarized the economic, environmental, and health and
well-being benefits associated with people-plant interac-
tions. The proposition put forth in that article was that
green industry firms needed to focus on these types of
functional benefits in their marketing messages to con-
sumers rather than simply base their value proposition on
the features and benefits of the plants themselves (e.g.
aesthetic aspects, disease resistance, cold/heat tolerance,
salt tolerance, etc.). By doing so, the end consumer would
see the inherent ways in which plants improve the quality
of their lives and begin perceiving plants to be a necessity
in their lives rather than a mere luxury they could cast aside
during economic downturns, as they did during the ‘‘Great
Recession’’ of 2008-2009.
Since 2011, there has been a plethora of additional
research conducted regarding these functional plant
benefits and these voluminous studies provide compelling
evidence that warrants further attention. Thus, this new
series of forum articles attempts to update the findings
summarized in the original article by Hall and Dickson by
presenting a summary of the research on plant benefits that
has been conducted since 2011. By doing so, this new
information provides the basis for future innovative green
industry marketing efforts, which may, in turn, positively
influence the elasticity of demand for plants in general.
The first topic in the four-part series, Emotional and
Mental Health Benefits of Plants, is one that has been
shown to resonate with consumers of all demographic
segments (Hall and Dickson, 2011). These benefits are
segmented and discussed using the following categories:
anxiety and stress reduction, attention deficit recovery,
fractals and visual responses, decreased depression,
enhanced memory retention, greater happiness and life
satisfaction, mitigation of PTSD, increased creativity,
enhanced productivity and attention, reduced effects of
dementia, and improved self-esteem.
Reduced anxiety and stress
Significant correlations have been found between the use
of open spaces and reduced stress. Time spent in natural
settings can help reduce mental fatigue recovery time and
improve concentration levels (Entrix 2010, Keniger et al.
2013, Kjellgren and Buhrkall 2010, White et al. 2017, Wolf
and Housley 2014). Increased access to green spaces also
reduces psychological distress, depression symptoms,
clinical anxiety, and mood disorders in adults (Astell-Burt
et al. 2013, Beyer et al. 2014, Brown et al. 2013, de Vries
et al. 2013, Fan et al. 2011, Nutsford et al. 2013, Stigsdotter
2015, Triguero-Mas et al. 2015, White et al. 2013).
The term ‘‘stress recovery theory’’ was coined by van
den Berg and Custers (2011) and includes the benefits
derived when individuals immerse in nature, including
Received for publication January 17, 2019; in revised form April 8,
Professor and Graduate Student, respectively, Texas A&M University,
College Station, Texas 77843-2133. Corresponding author: Charles
30 Copyright 2019 Horticultural Research Institute J. Environ. Hort. 37(1):30–38. March 2019
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decreased anxiety, lower heart rates, skin conductance
recovery, lower concentrates of cortisol, and positive
changes in nerve activity (Alvarsson et al. 2010, Bowler
et al. 2010, Park et al. 2010, Park et al. 2017, Russell et al.
2013). Controlling for socio-economic and demographic
characteristics, positive relationships between green space
and overall health and stress reduction have been reported
(de Vries et al. 2003) and the effects are transcendent to
viewing images of nature (Ryan et al. 2014). For patients in
hospitals, exposure to real plants or even posters of plants,
resulted in lower levels of experienced stress (Beukeboom
et al. 2012). Exposure to natural scenes mediates the
negative effects of stress; one can recover faster from the
decrease of cognitive performance associated with stress,
especially reflected in attention tasks. (Berto 2014).
Stress reduction and mental restoration occur when
individuals live near green areas, have a view of
vegetation, or spend time in natural settings (Abraham et
al. 2010, Carrus et al. 2015, Watts 2017, Wolf and Housley
2014). The amount of green space in the neighborhood, and
in particular access to a garden or allotment, were
significant predictors of stress (Thompson et al. 2016). In
fact, the amount of green space in residential areas is
positively related to resident overall health (Groenewegen
et al. 2012). White et al. (2013) also found that individuals
have both lower mental distress and higher well-being
when living in urban areas with more green space.
Women also seem to experience more stress than men do
when away from nature. Roe et al. (2013b) found that there
was a significant inverse relationship between green spaces
and stress levels with higher levels of green space resulting
in lower stress levels. Women were found to display higher
stress levels than men when exposed to the same amount of
(or less) green space. Coincidently, the percentage of green
space effects showed a positive outcome on women by
decreasing the mean cortisol concentration. Women who
lived more than 1 km away from green spaces reported
higher stress levels and perceived poorer health and quality
of life than those who lived near of green spaces
(Stigsdotter et al. 2010). Beil and Hanes 2013 also found
there is greater benefit from exposure to natural settings as
measured by pre-and-post changes in salivary alpha-
amylase and self-reported stress with more of a significant
reduction in females than in males.
Thompson (2012) found that those who lived in green
spaces experienced less stress and participated in more
physical activity. Thompson also found self-reported
decreases in stress, diurnal patterns of cortisol secretion,
and quantity of relative green space in the living
environment to all be positively correlated.
Another study found that when comparing a group of
elderly women who spent 15 sessions outside participating
in gardening activities versus staying inside, those who had
gone outside had improved muscle mass and hand
dexterity, and decreased waist circumference, whereas the
women who spent the same time indoors had decreased
muscle mass and agility and increased symptoms of
depression (Park et al. 2016).
Stress reduction through green environments has been
achieved in office settings as well. When employees were
exposed to roses in the workplace, they had significantly
less heart rate variability than those who weren’t exposed
to roses (Callaghan and Mallory-Hill 2016, Ikei et al. 2014,
Ikei et al. 2013, Smith and Pitt 2011). Interior plants can
lead to healthy, productive workplaces through enhanced
attention capacity, lower stress levels, and higher job
satisfaction from viewing plants (Gilchrist et al. 2015,
Hartig et al. 2014, Raanaas et al. 2011). This concept also
carries over to break areas within the workplace (Berto
Biophilia is defined as humans’ innate tendency to seek
connections with nature and other forms of life. Biophilic
design is the incorporation of biophilia into the built
environment. There is a growing body of literature
documenting the benefits of implementing plants on a
large scale to capture the positive psychophysiological and
cognitive benefits afforded by biophilia in architecture
(Ryan et al. 2014). This type of architecture can reduce
stress, enhance creativity and clarity of thought, and
improve well-being in urbanized communities (Browning
et al. 2016). This theory is also backed by Pouya (2016),
who found that if these concepts were applied more widely,
we would see more of a positive impact. The perceptual
and physiological stress responses are correlated to the
complexity of fractals in nature, art and architecture, and
the predictability of the occurrence of design flows and
patterns in nature (Bejan and Zane 2012, Salingaros 2012).
When young people, particularly students, have a view
of green spaces during school, students exhibit significantly
better performance on attention tests and stress recovery
(Li and Sullivan 2016). Kelz et al. (2015) validated Li and
Sullivan’s findings by having children play on different
types of playgrounds with varied levels of green space. The
playground with high green space significantly reduced
students’ physiological stress levels and enhanced their
psychological well-being. They also perceived the envi-
ronment as being more restorative.
Lee et al. (2014) studied forest activities of Japanese
citizens and found significant differences between the
responses of the subjects in forest settings compared with
those in urban environments in salivary cortisol concen-
tration (an index of stress response), diastolic blood
pressure, and pulse rate. Further, subjects felt more
comfortable, soothed and refreshed when viewing a forest
landscape than an urban landscape.
Mennis (2018) found urban green spaces are associated
with lower stress when subjects are away from home,
which is speculated to be due to the properties of stress
reduction and attention restoration associated with expo-
sure to natural areas, and to the influence of other family
dynamics affecting stress levels within the home. Subjects
may also seek out urban greenspaces at times of lower
stress or explicitly for purposes of stress reduction.
Tree cover is also associated with stress reduction. Jiang
et al. (2016) found a positive correlation between urban
street tree density and self-reported stress recovery. Song
(2015) also found that physiological effects of a forest
environment can differ depending on a subject’s initial
levels of stress and that subjects with high initial blood
pressure and pulse rate showed a decrease in these values
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after walking in a forested area, whereas those with low
initial values showed an increase. There was no physio-
logical adjustment effect observed in an urban area; thus,
these effects are specific to a forest environment.
Aspinall et al. (2015) also documents that forest-bathing
can cause stress reduction by using an EEG headset to
measure brain waves by amplitude and frequency.
Participants were asked to walk through an urban shopping
center to a 25-ha (62 acres) green space and a busy
commercial district with heavy traffic. The walk took
participants approximately 25 minutes each. When com-
paring the urban shopping center to the green space,
frustration, engagement, and arousal all decreased which is
consistent with restoration theory but meditation increased,
which was novel. When participants moved from the
greenspace to the busy commercial district, their arousal/
engagement increased, indicating that stress/fear also
Horiuchi et al. (2014) took another approach and used
real viewings of forests and non-forested areas and
compared near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) as well as
mood state scores, heart-rate, blood pressure, and sAMY
concentration (marker for stress). They found that the
NIRS signal, cerebral oxygenation levels, and mood state
levels were lower in forest settings than in non-forest
conditions, but blood pressure, heart rate variability, and
salivary amylase levels were similar. Interestedly, being in
the forest also caused a spike in cerebral activity.
This is reinforced by results of Im et al. (2016), who
looked at the effects of spending two hours in a forest in
Japan. To test neurological effects, they collected blood
and saliva samples and found that there was a significant
change in the level of cytokines that contributing to the
hyperactivity of the inflammatory response which is
physiological reaction of a stress response.
Joung et al. (2015) showed through NIRS that total Hb
(hemoglobin) concentration was significantly lower of
forest scenery over urban scenery. A lower concentration
of total Hb and oxy-Hb indicates that the quantity of
oxygen transmitted to the prefrontal cortex tissue is small.
In other words, the prefrontal cortex activity in a forest area
is more stabilized than in an urban area.
Vedder et al. (2015) took a different approach. They
used fMRI and asked individuals to imagine beautiful and
non-beautiful environments. Functional magnetic reso-
nance imaging (fMRI) showed significantly more cortical
activations when subjects imagined non-pleasant environ-
ments than when they imagined pleasant environments.
The results of this study show that a positive and a negative
frame of reference elicit distinct neural patterns of
environmental cognition. This means that non-beautiful
and non-pleasant environments demand more mental
processing than beautiful and pleasant environments. The
results correlate with previous propositions to explain the
experience of negative environments as characterized by
the demand on more mental resources than the experience
of positive environments. In other words, interacting with a
negative environment requires an additional investment in
emotion processing, cognitive control, and motor function.
These results support Aspinall et al. (2015), Horiuchi et al.
(2014), and Joung et al. (2015) with their claims of
reduction in delta waves (brainwaves for agitation and
excitement). Kim et al. (2010) found similar results when
looking at stress reactions using fMRI.
Students were recruited from Edinburgh University by
Roe et al. (2013a) to undergo an EEG study on natural
settings (fields, forests, and parks) versus urban sceneries
(buildings, roads, and walls). To control the effect of
people and animals, both were withheld from being
included in the pictures presented to the subjects. Subjects
were asked to rate each slide on four criteria based on how
attractive they found the scene, how likely are they to visit
the scene, how the scene made them feel from sad to happy
and also from calm to excited. The results for the ranking
questions showed that the landscape scenes were perceived
as more attractive, more inviting (willingness-to-visit), and
greater valence. Arousal was strongly correlated to the
urban scenes while interest was correlated to landscape
scenes. This confirms restorative theory, indicating a
positive psychological effect of natural scenes.
Rosenbaum used electroencephalogram (EEG) in a
replication-type study with eye-tracking. Given the lack
of neuroscience data in previous studies on consumer
responses and biophilic design in retail settings, they had
participants watch a video of a retail mall or lifestyle center
(e.g. an upscale shopping center or mixed-use commercial
development) with and without plants (biophilic and non-
biophilic). Those participants who viewed the biophilic
video were more enthused and interested and experienced a
higher state of mental relaxation than participants who
viewed the non-biophilic video. Participants who viewed
the biophilic video also reported lower levels of stress,
more attractiveness/focus, and were more emotionally
involved. This finding confirms previous results that
suggest that shoppers are becoming bored in their
excursions to enclosed malls while lifestyle centers
continue to proliferate.
Attention Deficit Recovery (Attention Restoration
Theory or ART)
Natural landscapes, such as beaches, waters, forests,
parks, and mountains, and availability of public open
spaces used for public entertainment and sports reduce
attention deficit disorders (ADD/ADHD) (Coutts and Hahn
2015, Frumkin 2013, Keniger et al. 2013). Green
restoration improved preschooler spatial working memory
(Schutte 2017) and cognitive functioning improved when
participants walked in nature (Berman et al. 2008).
Children with ADHD concentrated better after a walk in
a park than after a downtown neighborhood walk (Taylor
and Kuo 2009). Wilson (2015) showed that children who
play in greenspace for 30 minutes had increased sustained
mental ability and found greenspace to be restorative.
Taking micro-breaks to view nature can help with attention
restoration (Lee et al. 2015).
Fractals & Visual Response
We are so separated from nature that we make up for its
lack by imbuing our surroundings with those geometric
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qualities found in nature (Salingaros 2012). We try to shape
our immediate vicinity so that those qualities reproduce our
response to natural environments. From biophilia, natural
forms have inherent qualities, reducible to a mathematical
description, that induce a healing effect. Complex biophilic
environments dramatically increase brain size and perfor-
mance on intelligence tests (Salingaros 2012).
Decreased Depression
Being immersed in nature and vegetation were used as
active components in a therapeutic horticulture interven-
tion for clinical depression (Beute and de Kort 2018,
Gonzalez et al. 2010). Garden walking and reflective
journaling decreased depression scores in older adults
(McCaffrey et al. 2010). With patients who have major
depressive disorder (MDD), those who walked in nature
exhibited significant increases in memory span after the
nature walk relative to the urban walk. Green spaces also
reduced stress and pain, and increased attention perfor-
mance (McCaffrey et al. 2010). Participants also showed
increases in mood, but the mood effects did not correlate
with the memory effects, suggesting separable mechanisms
(Berman et al. 2012). Bezold (2018) put extensive numbers
to this idea, with a 6% lower incidence of high depressive
symptoms associated with greenness and found this
relationship to be stronger with highly populated areas.
Comparing household medical records and natural ameni-
ties, those residents with only 10% green space within
about half a mile had a 25% greater risk of depression and
a 30% greater risk of anxiety disorders versus those with
the highest degree of green space near the home (Wolf and
Housley 2014).
In a Korean study involving patients with moderate to
severe depression, participants were assigned to cognitive-
behavioral therapy in either a hospital setting or a forest
setting (arboretum), while a third group acted as a control
and were treated using standard outpatient care in the
community (Wolf and Housley 2014). Overall, depressive
symptoms were reduced most significantly in the forest
group, and the odds of complete remission were 20-30%
higher than typically observed from medication alone.
Moreover, the forest therapy group had more pronounced
reductions in physiological markers of stress, including
lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol and improve-
ments in heart rate variability, a marker of adequate
circulatory system response to stress. It appears that the
settings where psychotherapy is conducted can actually
become part of the therapy (Wolf and Housley 2014).
Enhanced Memory Retention
A 2012 experiment in Michigan found that people were
better able to perform a test of working memory (which
measures one’s ability to focus or concentrate) after
walking through a green arboretum, compared to those
who walked on traffic-heavy urban streets (Berman et al.
2012). Subjects who walked through the arboretum had a
20% improvement in working memory. Another study
determined that people who went for a 50-minute walk in
nature, compared to those who went for a similar length
walk in an urban environment, experienced less anxiety
and rumination, along with increased working memory
performance (Berman et al. 2012).
Being in nature and greenspace can also help improve
memory retention of patients suffering from strokes and
dementia (Detweiler and Warf 2005). In children, nature
exposure can influence cognitive development through
improved working memory and a reduction in inattentive-
ness (Dadvand et al. 2015).
Greater Happiness/Life Satisfaction
Interacting with nature, especially with the presence of
water, can increase self-esteem and mood, reduce anger,
and improve general psychological well-being with
positive effects on emotions or behavior (Barton and
Pretty 2010, Keniger et al. 2013, Mensah et al. 2016,
Windhager et al. 2011, Wolf and Housley 2014). In fact,
moving to homes with greener areas positively influences
mental health even after three years post-move (Alcock et
al. 2014). Moving to a less-green area significantly worsens
mental health within one year post-move, but returns to
pre-move mental health status thereafter (Alcock et al.
2014).This is true for public green spaces as well. City park
area quantity and accessibility is a strong predictor of
physical and community well-being (Larson et al. 2016).
Similarly, studies in Perth, Australia found that people in
neighborhoods with high-quality public open spaces had
better mental health than those with low-quality public
open space (Francis et al. 2012a). Features that made an
open space ‘‘high quality’’ included irrigated lawns,
walking paths, lighting, water features, playgrounds, and
birdlife. Mental health was assessed based on symptoms of
psychological distress such as nervousness and feelings of
hopelessness (Francis et al. 2012b). Findings were not
affected by the quantity of open space in the neighborhood,
nor by how frequently residents used the open space
(Francis et al. 2012a).
Pro-environmental behavior and subjective well-being
are positively associated. Those who are more connected to
nature and exhibit environmentally-conscious behaviors
tend to experience more positive vitality and life
satisfaction compared to those less connected to nature
(Capaldi et al. 2014).
Van Dillen (2012) determined, through meta-analysis,
that quality and quantity of green space was correlated to
good health. Greater species diversity positively affects
personal well-being (Dallimer et al. 2012) and neighbor-
hood well-being (Luck et al., 2009). Visiting protected
natural sites (e.g. state parks) improves perceptions of
psychological, emotional, and social benefits (Lemieux et
al. 2012). Results from a meta-analysis in Toronto, Canada
suggest that people who live in neighborhoods with a
higher density of trees on their streets report significantly
less cardio-metabolic conditions. Having 10 or more trees
in a city block, on average, improves personal health
perceptions in ways comparable to a $10,000 increase in
annual personal income or being 7 years younger (Kardan
et al. 2015). The study also found that having 11 more trees
in a city block, on average, decreases cardio-metabolic
conditions in ways comparable to an increase in annual
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personal income of $20,000 and moving to a neighborhood
with $20,000 higher median income or being 1.4 years
younger (Kardan et al. 2015).
Park et al. (2017) found that when subjects observed
plants, Oxy-Hb (oxyhemoglobin) concentrations in the
right prefrontal cortex were significantly lower, indicating
a physiological state of relaxation. Subjects also reported
more positive emotions (feeling more comfortable and
relaxed) when viewing foliage plants.
Mitigation of PTSD
Veterans with PTS (post-traumatic stress) treated with
Nature Adventure Rehabilitation (NAR) experienced an
improvement in emotional and social quality of life, post-
traumatic cognitive inventory, and hope and functioning
(Gelkopf et al. 2013). NAR seems to work through a
process of behavioral activation, desensitization, gradual
exposure to anxiety evoking situations, and gaining control
over symptomatology.
When victims of natural disasters, who are at a high risk
of PTSD, participated in horticulture therapy (HT)
programs, they showed an increase in regional gray matter
volume (rGMV) of the left subgenual anterior cingulate
cortex and left superior frontal gyrus compared with the
stress education (SE) group (Kotozaki et al. 2015,
Sekiguchi et al. 2015). They showed greater salivary
cortisol and alpha amylase levels, which are all signifi-
cantly reduced in individuals experiencing PTSD (Koto-
zaki 2014, Kotozaki et al. 2015, Sekiguchi et al. 2015). The
HT group also showed improvement on PTSD reactions,
post-traumatic growth, and positive states of mind
(Kotozaki et al. 2015). Post-traumatic growth refers to
the positive outcome of people who have experienced
traumatic events through recovering their quality of life.
People identified themselves with plant growth and gaining
a chance to be happy once more (Kotozaki et al. 2015).
Increased Creativity
Ling and Dale (2011) found a link between landscape
plants and creativity and considered how this may reflect
the potential for cultural diversity and thus sustainable
community development. Taking short walks in attractive
green environments can boost creativity and vitality
(Tyrvainen et al. 2014). These same areas can also be
used for ‘walking meetings’ which help boost creativity
(Oppezzo and Schwartz 2014).
Enhanced Productivity and Attention
Biophilic workplaces with views of nature and daylight
can lead to higher productivity and attention with
employees (Elzeyadi 2011, Windhager et al. 2011).
Workers in offices with poor light quality and views used
more sick leave hours and this effect contributes as much
as 6.5% to sick leave use. Moisture released into the air by
plants helps with a dry atmosphere, reducing headaches
and improving concentration. Visible greenery, both
indoors and out, reduces stress and increases the ability
to concentrate (Alker et al. 2014, van Duijin et al. 2011). In
one such concentration test, employees who had a view of
plants completed the test 19% faster than employees in a
room without a view of plants (Nieuwenhuis et al. 2014).
Offices in the Netherlands and Great Britain experienced a
15% increase in worker productivity when plants were
included in office space (Korpela et al. 2017, Nieuwenhuis
et al. 2014).
The Heschong-Mahone Group studied productivity at
the Sacramento Municipal Utility District Call Center
where employees were either seated with views of
vegetation through large windows or were excluded from
the vegetation view. Employees who had a vegetation view
made 6-7% more calls per hour than those with no view.
The initial investment of installing the windows was
recovered in 4 months by improved productivity (Alker et
al. 2014).
Jumeno and Matsumoto (2013), however, did not find
that plants in the workplace had a significant effect on
productivity or attention but found a significant difference
in the employee perceptions of friendliness, comfort,
freshness, and cleanliness of the workplace. Erzsebet et
al. (2014) suggests that improved employee productivity
and attention can be positively affected by the air-
purifying qualities of plants in the workplace by reducing
various allergies, irritations, hypersensitivity, asthma,
drowsiness, and eye problems, while also improving mood.
Jumeno and Matsumoto (2016) sought to quantify the
number of plants in a room that it would take to generate
positive results and found the more plants in a room, the
better the mood of the subjects. Their study also found that
the number and the size of plants affected the perceived air
quality and reaction times and as few as three small-to-
medium sized plants can make a positive difference. Even
a brief view of a green roof can have positive effects on
mood and productivity (Lee and Maheswaran 2011).
When asked about plants in the workplace, 97% of
employees would like to have more plants (Husti et al.
2015) because they perceive plants provide a sense of
relaxation, make the work environment more similar to
space at home, cheer up the image of the office, give a
sense of relief, and improve work motivations. Employees
without an outdoor view from their desk are five times
more likely to put a plant in their office than those with an
outdoor view (Bringslimark et al. 2011). Office employees
with an outdoor green view were happier and had
positively associated higher productivity and job satisfac-
tion levels (Lottrup et al. 2015).
In elementary-level classrooms, green walls (described
as a wall with green plants) can provide restorative impacts
to school children. Results show that children in class-
rooms where a green wall was placed scored better on tests
for selective attention (van den Berg et al. 2017). The green
wall also positively influenced children’s classroom
evaluations. When integrating a school garden into the
curriculum, children’s physical activity was increased and
sedentary behavior decreased (van den Berg et al. 2017).
Children who received breaks and time outside exhibited
improved concentration (Duvall and Sullivan 2016). Just
placing plants in the classroom improved performance,
with children progressing through school curriculum 20-
26% faster (van Duijin et al. 2011).
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Reduced effects of dementia
Participants in outside horticultural therapy activities
such as gardening or landscaping are more actively
engaged, have reduced incidents of aggressive behavior,
and improved cognitive capacity (Gigliotti and Jarrott
Improved Self-Esteem
Natural green space has long been used in the promotion
of human well-being through green exercise (exercise in a
greenspace or outdoors) for improvements on mental
health and self-esteem (Townsend and Weerasuriya
2010). A multi-study analysis assessed the best regime of
green exercise that is needed to improve self-esteem and
mood (Barton and Pretty 2010). Dose responses for both
intensity and duration showed large benefits from short
engagements in green exercise, and then diminishing but
still positive returns (Barton and Pretty 2010). Every green
environment improved both self-esteem and mood and the
presence of water generated greater effects. Both men and
women exhibited similar improvements in self-esteem after
green exercise, though men showed a more positive
difference in mood.
Consumers have historically shown an inclination to
purchase products that enhance their quality of life (Hall
and Dickson 2011), meaning they will purchase items that
positively influence their social, physical, psychological,
cognitive, environmental, and spiritual well-being. Plants
in native and improved landscapes (and interiorscapes)
have been documented to influence each of six quality of
life constructs. This paper focused on providing evidence
from the literature regarding the emotional and mental
health benefits associated with plants, thereby influencing
the psychological and cognitive well-being constructs of
quality of life. This research should be strategically
incorporated into both industry-wide and firm-specific
marketing messages that highlight the quality of life value
proposition in order to maintain the industry’s sense of
value and relevance to consumers of the future.
Literature Cited
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... (Jo et al., 2019) . (Adachi et al., 2000;Ikei et al., 2014;Husti et al., 2015;Hall & Knuth, 2019; , (Lee et al., 2018; . (Eichberger et al., 2007;Manuel & Carvalo, 2011;Sumbul et al., 2011;Yao et al., 2022) . ...
... Plants, as a key component of natural therapies, offer psychological comfort through touch, sight, and scent. Aromatic plants, in particular, have been demonstrated to play a role in the treatment of various mental health disorders [24][25][26] . Hospice care institutions are recommended to implement indoor therapeutic horticulture programs. ...
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Background: Enhancing the training of competent nurses in hospice care helps improve the quality of life for end-of-life care patients. This study aims to improve the effectiveness and quality of the training by exploring the attitudes of trained nurses in community health service centers towards the content and methods of the program. Methods: We conducted semi-structured interviews with 15 eligible nurses specializing in hospice care from seven administrative districts in Shanghai between September and November 2024, using Colaizzi 7 method for analysis. Results: The structure of the interview mainly revolves 4 topics, which are: Operational and Personalized Deficiencies in Course Content, Hospice Care Concept, Training Environment and Facilities, and Difficulties in Training Transfer for Hospice Care. The interviewee highlighted that while the project is practical and enhances professional competence and life values, it faces challenges in areas such as promotion opportunities, motivation mechanisms, implementation of humanistic care, nurses' willingness to learn about hospice care, salary adjustments, public awareness of hospice care, outpatient resource constraints, and the inclusion of emergency end-of-life care. These issues need to be addressed for improvement. Conclusions: This study delves into the perspectives and feedback of hospice care nursing trainees on the current training programs, offering insights into enhancing and optimizing end-of-life care training projects by analyzing the strengths and areas for improvement in teaching content, scheduling, and philosophies. The findings support driving improvements in end-of-life care-related programs, including curriculum optimization, skill enhancement, expanded training scope, and ongoing public education.
... Neighborhood characteristics have been associated with various aspects of quality of life, influencing health outcomes, social cohesion, and cognitive development. Environmental factors, such as air pollution from road traffic, have been linked to increased morbidity and mortality [1][2][3][4], while access to green spaces promotes social inclusion and supports physical and mental health [5][6][7]. These associations are critical as recent research has increasingly highlighted the relationship between neighborhood environments and academic performance-a commonly used proxy for cognitive functioning. ...
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Environmental characteristics, such as proximity to green spaces and exposure to roads, can significantly influence atmospheric factors like air quality. For instance, areas with abundant green spaces typically exhibit better air quality, while high road density often correlates with increased air pollution, both of which can affect students' cognitive functioning and academic performance. This study aimed to evaluate the association between the environmental and atmospheric conditions-specifically green spaces (measured by the NDVI and green space area), roads (total road length), and wildfires-around students' schools and homes in the Federal District (FD), Brazil, and their impact on academic performance. We analyzed data from 344,175 public school students across 256 schools in the FD, covering the years 2017 to 2020. Using a mixed-effects regression model, we investigated how neighborhood characteristics such as green spaces, road density, and wildfire frequency influence individual-level academic performance while controlling for temporal, socioeconomic , and school-specific factors. Our findings indicate that the environmental factors around schools, particularly green spaces and road density, have significant associations with academic outcomes. Specifically, a higher road density around schools was linked to lower academic performance, whereas green space presence had a generally positive impact, especially around schools. Wildfires, while negatively associated with performance around homes, had mixed effects around schools. These results underscore the importance of considering environmental and atmospheric factors in urban planning and education policy to enhance student performance.
... We know that a connection to nature can improve physical health -having a positive impact on blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes -and it can improve mental health, reducing stress and depression while improving happiness, cognitive development, social behavior, and cooperation with other species [1,28,29]. Our human capacity and inclination to nurture other organisms is apparent in innumerable examples, like child rearing, loving our pets, or outdoor and indoor gardening [30]. Caring for these other beings can provide daily, weekly, or seasonal rhythms through associated beneficial activities like exercise. ...
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As the interface between interior and exterior environments, building skins are critical to achieving sustainable architecture. But while sustainability in relation to the building skin is often characterized in terms of energy efficiency and human comfort, we propose an enhanced definition that simultaneously encompasses those concerns while also incorporating the potential benefits of designing with (and for) other species. Examining a series of case studies, we bring to light the ways in which other species can be integrated into the design process and be participants in the performance of building skins. We investigate examples that use living algae that harvest solar energy and retain heat or others that integrate plant species that can provide seasonally appropriate shading in cooling seasons while offering psychological benefits to the building inhabitants. From this perspective, technology can be seen as offering opportunities not just to avoid negative impacts for species, as we see with bird-safe glass, but rather to invite them to cohabit with us through the building skin, identifying space for symbiosis in unconventional ways. Through the precedents we illustrate how formal, contextual, and spatial configurations can support different species with varying degrees of success, and we illuminate the potential for building skins to be conceived as habitats at multiple scales. We recognize the importance of the integration of interdisciplinary knowledge and data related to species to inform the design and its performance over time. The selection of materials, the height at which the building skin is located, and the activities happening on either side of it are key design considerations when incorporating species in urban contexts. We see the potential positive impact that skins can have on ecosystems through horizontal and vertical urban connectivity. Building skins and their species can contribute to the reduction of heat islands. They can play a role in creating habitat continuity for migratory species and provide nourishment for pollinators that in turn are key to human food production. They can metabolize waste and generate usable heat in the process. In addition to the advantages studied, we expose the tensions that arise between the needs of humans and those of other species, pointing out the types and extent of collaborations that we consider most productive. This reflection questions the space allocated to cohabiting with other species and challenges our behavior in the exchange that occurs at the building skin. This research proposes innovative approaches to conceptualize and materialize building skins that expand the scope of sustainable architecture.
... Urban trees have a vital role in reducing the urban heat island effect, which refers to the phenomenon of higher temperatures in metropolitan regions relative to nearby suburban and rural areas [42,43]. There is now data indicating that forests have a beneficial impact on individuals' ability to concentrate, manage anxiety and depression, and improve their general emotional and mental well-being [44]. Forests have a diverse and important role, offering essential advantages to both the environment and humanity [45]. ...
O projeto “Dignidade e Bem-Estar: A Importância do Lazer, Saúde Mental e Higiene para Pessoas em Situação de Rua” foi realizado em uma Associação Comunitária, localizada em Vitória da Conquista, Bahia. A iniciativa visou promover saúde, inclusão social e conscientização sobre higiene pessoal para pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade. As atividades incluíram oficinas de plantio, jogos e teatro educativo, além da distribuição de kits de higiene, proporcionando momentos de lazer e autocuidado. Métodos participativos, como dinâmicas práticas, foram utilizadas para atender às necessidades do público-alvo. O projeto destacou-se pelo engajamento do público, pela conscientização sobre higiene e pelo fortalecimento da autoestima e saúde mental dos participantes. A utilização de materiais recicláveis reforçou a sustentabilidade, enquanto os acadêmicos envolvidos desenvolveram habilidades como empatia e comunicação, essenciais para a formação humanizada. Apesar de desafios logísticos e na manutenção do interesse, a iniciativa gerou impacto positivo na comunidade, promovendo saúde e solidariedade.
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Extreme weather events, considered to be the most destructive natural hazards connected with rapid climate changes in the temperate zone of Europe, necessitate swift adjustments to the selection of ornamental plants for cultivation in multi-stress urbanized areas, public greeneries, and gardens. Moreover, given the rising average air temperature and prolonged growing season, as well as the delay and shortening of the dormancy period, plant phenology is subject to significant alternations. Herbaceous plants fulfill most elements of ecosystem service, e.g., they may enhance biodiversity in climate-warming conditions and create a favorable environment for trees in cities. In this work, we consider the advantages and disadvantages of the dissemination or introduction of annuals and perennials. We draw attention to species rarely or never known to have been cultivated in Europe, which currently occupy hotspots with the highest biodiversity value, including (i) the Mediterranean Basin, (ii) the Caucasus, (iii) Irano-Anatolian, (iv), and the mountains of Central Asia. We emphasize the importance of protecting threatened taxa through safe ex situ cultivation. Ornamentals should be characterized not only by aesthetic values but also by their ability to adapt to environmental changes. However, bearing in mind that horticulture is an important source of invasive alien species, further research assessing the ecological threats and advantages should be conducted.
The human brain evolved in adaptive response to natural environments. However, urbanisation has led to the majority of humanity now living in cities, which differ profoundly from the landscape in which our species originated. At the same time, mental health conditions are increasing rapidly worldwide. Studies suggest that city living impacts brain function and structure, activates the stress response to a greater extent, and increases the risk of multiple mental health conditions. Recently, the close-to-nature concepts of biophilia and biophilic design have emerged as a potential approach to counteract these challenges. They may play a pivotal role in achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Here, we explore the potential of biophilic design to balance urban stressors, protect mental health and support sustainable living on a global scale.
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Nowadays, climate change is recognized as one of the biggest problems the world is facing, posing a potential threat to the environment and almost all aspects of human life. Since the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992, many efforts have been made to mitigate climate change, with no considerable results. According to climate change projections, temperatures will continue to rise, and extreme weather events will become more frequent, prolonged, and intense. Reflecting these concerns, the 2015 Paris Agreement was adopted as the cornerstone for reducing the impact of climate change, aiming to limit global warming below 2 °C and even keep the temperature rise below 1.5 °C. To achieve this international goal, focused mitigation actions will be required. Climate change has a strong impact on forests, enhancing their growth but also posing risks to them. Conversely, forests can mitigate climate change, as they have a considerable impact on global surface temperatures through their influence on the land–atmosphere energy exchange and the absorption of vast amounts of CO2 through photosynthesis. Consequently, afforestation and reforestation have become integral components of climate change mitigation strategies worldwide. This review aims to summarize the cutting-edge knowledge on the role of forests in climate change mitigation, emphasizing their carbon absorption and storage capacity. Overall, the impact of afforestation/reforestation on climate change mitigation hinges on strategic planning, implementation, and local forest conditions. Integrating afforestation and reforestation with other carbon removal technologies could enhance long-term effectiveness in carbon storage. Ultimately, effective climate change mitigation entails both restoring and establishing forests, alongside reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of two-hour exposure to a forest environment on cytokine, anti-oxidant and stress levels among university students and to compare the results to those measured in urban environments. Forty-one subjects were recruited. For our crossover design, subjects were divided into two groups based on similar demographic characteristics. Group A remained in the urban environment and was asked to perform regular breathing for 2 h. Blood samples were collected and the serum levels of cytokines including interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-8, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) were examined. Subjects were moved to a small town in a rural area for an equal amount of time to exclude carryover effects, and then remained for another 2 h in a forest environment. The second set of blood samples was collected to assess the effect of exposure to the forest environment. Using the same method, Group B was first exposed to the forest environment, followed by exposure to the urban environment. Blood samples collected after the subjects were exposed to the forest environment showed significantly lower levels of IL-8 and TNF-α compared to those in samples collected after urban environment exposure (10.76 vs. 9.21, t = 4.559, p < 0.001, and 0.97 vs. 0.87, t = 4.130, p < 0.001). The GPx concentration increased significantly after exposure to the forest environment (LnGPx = 5.09 vs. LnGPx = 5.21, t = −2.039, p < 0.05).
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The objective of this study was to compare physiological and psychological relaxation by assessing heart rate variability (HRV), prefrontal cortex activity, and subjective indexes while subjects performed a task with and without foliage plants. In a crossover experimental design, 24 university students performed a task transferring pots with and without a foliage plant for 3 min. HRV and oxyhemoglobin (oxy-Hb) concentration in the prefrontal cortex were continuously measured. Immediately thereafter, subjective evaluation of emotions was performed using a modified semantic differential (SD) method and a profile of mood state questionnaire (POMS). Results showed that the natural logarithmic (ln) ratio of low frequency/high frequency, as an estimate of sympathetic nerve activity, was significantly lower while performing the task with foliage plants for the average 3 min measurement interval. Oxy-Hb concentration in the left prefrontal cortex showed a tendency to decrease in the 2–3 min interval in the task with foliage plants compared to the task without plants. Moreover, significant psychological relaxation according to POMS score and SD was demonstrated when the task involved foliage plants. In conclusion, the task involving foliage plants led to more physiological and psychological relaxation compared with the task without foliage plants.
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The stress and disorders of the urban life and the pollutions in the large cities such as Istanbul, have made the social and individual health decrease, and therefore it is necessary that some tact be considered in order to diminish these negative effects. The aim of this study is to examine whether there is a relation between restorative gardens in the city and stress. In other words, can restorative gardens surrounding residential homes in cities help to create a less stressful everyday environment? This paper will begin with a cursory overview of a broad concept of stress, health and wellness and proceed to examine in detail Ulrich's Theory of Restorative Garden Design and its implications for gardens in cities. Research shows that benefits would accrue to society as a whole if these design features were implemented on a wide scale.
Green industry firms have competed for decades on the basis of quality and service. While these competitive dimensions are still important, the industry has continued along its path of maturation and firms must incorporate other factors into their value proposition in order to be successful in this hypercompetitive market. Given the recent economic downturn of 2008–2009, consumers are more value-conscious than ever, but are still willing to consume, and pay premiums for, products and services that enhance their quality of life. This paper summarizes the peer-reviewed research regarding the economic benefits, environmental benefits (eco-systems services), and health/well-being benefits of green industry products and services that serve to enhance the quality of life for consumers.
This study investigates the momentary association between urban greenspace, captured using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) derived from Landsat imagery, and psychological stress, captured using Geographic Ecological Momentary Assessment (GEMA), in the activity spaces of a sample of primarily African American adolescents residing in Richmond, Virginia. We employ generalized estimating equations (GEE) to estimate the effect of exposure to urban greenspace on stress and test for moderation by sex, emotional dysregulation, season, neighborhood disadvantage, and whether the observation occurs at home or elsewhere. Results indicate that urban greenspace is associated with lower stress when subjects are away from home, which we speculate is due to the properties of stress reduction and attention restoration associated with exposure to natural areas, and to the primacy of other family dynamics mechanisms of stress within the home. Subjects may also seek out urban greenspaces at times of lower stress or explicitly for purposes of stress reduction. The greenspace-stress association away from home did not differ by sex, emotional dysregulation, neighborhood disadvantage, or season, the latter of which suggests that the observed greenspace-stress relationship is associated with being in a natural environment rather than strictly exposure to abundant green vegetation. Given the association of urban greenspace with lower stress found here and in other studies, future research should address the mediated pathways between greenspace, stress, and stress-related negative health outcomes for different population subgroups as a means toward understanding and addressing health disparities.
Purpose: Exposure to nature and natural environments may be beneficial for mental health; however, most population-based studies have been conducted among adults whereas few have focused on adolescents. We aimed to investigate the relationship between both greenness (vegetation) and blue space (water), and depressive symptoms among teenagers in the United States. Methods: The study population included 9,385 participants ages 12-18 in the 1999 wave of the Growing Up Today Study. We characterized greenness exposure using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index at a 250-m and 1,250-m radius around a subject's residence using data from the moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer onboard the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Terra satellite. Exposure to blue space was defined as the presence of blue space within a 250-m and 1,250-m radius and distance to the nearest blue space. We used logistic regression models to examine associations with high depressive symptoms, measured using self-reported responses to the McKnight Risk Factor Survey. Results: An interquartile range higher peak greenness in the 1,250-m buffer was associated with 11% lower odds of high depressive symptoms (95% confidence interval .79-.99). Although not statistically significant, this association was stronger in middle school students than in high school students. No such association was seen for blue spaces. Conclusions: Surrounding greenness, but not blue space, was associated with lower odds of high depressive symptoms in this population of more than 9,000 U.S. adolescents. This association was stronger in middle school students than in high school students. Incorporating vegetation into residential areas may be beneficial for mental health.
This paper explores how everyday encounters with two natural phenomena -natural elements and daylight- influence affect and stress levels for people differing in mental health. Nature and daylight exposure both have well-documented beneficial effects on mental health and affect but to what extent their exposure has beneficial effects in daily life is currently under investigated, as is the question whether lower mental health would make one more, or instead, less responsive. To this end, an ecological momentary assessment protocol was employed for a period of 6 days. Fifty-nine participants varying in level of depressive symptoms from none to clinical completed momentary assessments of affect, stress, and their physical environment. Results indicate beneficial effects of nature and daylight on affect and some effects on stress and stress-related outcomes. For nature exposure, but not for daylight exposure, effects were stronger for those in higher need of restoration, stressing the importance of our everyday environment for mental wellbeing.
Tranquil environments can provide relief from stresses of everyday of life and can be considered restorative environments. This paper considers the effects of “greening” urban environments to enhance tranquillity and ultimately well-being and health benefits. A number of studies have been conducted at the Bradford Centre for Sustainable Environments at the University of Bradford which have examined the effects of natural features on ratings of tranquillity. These include quantifying the effects of the percentage of natural and contextual features and soundscape quality on rated tranquillity. Recently the resulting prediction equation TRAPT (Tranquillity Rating Prediction Tool) has been used to examine a number of scenarios including city parks and squares, country parks and moorland areas and validated using tranquillity ratings made by visitors to these green spaces and their reported levels of relaxation. In this paper TRAPT is used for predicting tranquillity in city squares of different sizes, to examine rated tranquillity behind natural (green) and manufactured noise barriers and to predict changes in urban streets of introducing avenues of trees, hedges and grass verges. Using such scenarios this paper demonstrates how the application of TRAPT can enable changes in tranquillity to be estimated. This can provide planners, environmentalists, civic leaders and concerned citizens with a further tool to guide improvements in the urban environment by “greening” measures and noise reduction of various kinds and to help counter threats such as over development, tree removal or traffic densification that might threaten existing benefits.