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Abstract and Figures

An increasing number of sprint-related studies have employed robotic devices to provide resistance while sprinting. The aim of this study was to establish within-session reliability and criterion validity of sprint times obtained from a robotic resistance device. Seventeen elite female handball players (22.9 ± 3.0 y; 176.5 ± 6.5 cm; 72.7 ± 5.5 kg; training volume 9.3 ± 0.7 hrs per week) performed two 30-m sprints under three different resistance loading conditions (50, 80 and 110 N). Sprint times (t0-5m, t5-10m, t10-15m, t15-20m, t20-30m and t0-30m) were assessed simultaneously by a 1080 Sprint robotic resistance device and a post-processing timing system. The results showed that 1080 Sprint timing was equivalent to the post-processing timing system within the limits of precision (± 0.01 s). A systematic bias of ~ 0.34 ± 0.01 s was observed for t0-5m caused by different athlete location and velocity at triggering point between the systems. Coefficient of variation was ~ 2% for t0-5 and ~ 1% for the other time intervals, while standard error of measurement ranged from 0.01 to 0.05 s, depending on distance and phase of sprint. Intraclass correlation ranged from 0.86 to 0.95. In conclusion, the present study shows that the 1080 Sprint is valid and reliable for sprint performance monitoring purposes.
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Sprint-time measurements 1
Validity and reliability of a robotic sprint resistance device
Elvir Rakovic1, Gøran Paulsen2,3, Christian Helland2, Thomas Haugen4, Ola Eriksrud3
1 Department of Food and Nutrition and Sport Science, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
2 Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports, Oslo, Norway.
3 Department of Physical Performance, Norwegian School of Sports of Science, Oslo, Norway.
4 School of Health Sciences, Kristiania University College
An increasing number of sprint-related studies have employed robotic devices to provide
resistance while sprinting. The aim of this study was to establish within-session reliability and
criterion validity of sprint times obtained from a robotic resistance device. Seventeen elite
female handball players (22.9 3.0 y; 176.5 6.5 cm; 72.7 5.5 kg; training volume 9.3 0.7
hrs per week) performed two 30-m sprints under three different resistance loading conditions
(50, 80 and 110 N). Sprint times (t0-5m, t5-10m, t10-15m, t15-20m, t20-30m and t0-30m) were assessed
simultaneously by a 1080 Sprint robotic resistance device and a post-processing timing system.
The results showed that 1080 Sprint timing was equivalent to the post-processing timing system
within the limits of precision ( 0.01 s). A systematic bias of ~ 0.34 ± 0.01 s was observed for
t0-5m caused by different athlete location and velocity at triggering point between the systems.
Coefficient of variation was ~ 2% for t0-5 and ~ 1% for the other time intervals, while standard
error of measurement ranged from 0.01 to 0.05 s, depending on distance and phase of sprint.
Intraclass correlation ranged from 0.86 to 0.95. In conclusion, the present study shows that the
1080 Sprint is valid and reliable for sprint performance monitoring purposes.
Key words: Spatiotemporal measurements; sprint conditioning; photocells; resisted sprinting.
Sprint-time measurements 2
Sprint training and testing are common routines for many athletes and coaches. Such practices
are accompanied by a variety of modalities (e.g., linear or change-of-direction sprints,
accelerated or maximal velocity sprinting), loading components (duration, intensity, resting
periods, session rate, resisted/assisted conditions, etc.), procedures (e.g., time initiation and
starting position) and equipment (timing gates, laser guns and radar devices, GPS, sleds, towing
cords, footwear, etc.) (3, 4).
An increasing number of sprint-related studies have employed robotic devices to provide
resistance while sprinting, with the 1080 Sprint (1080 Motion AB, Stockholm, Sweden)
commonly used (1, 7-9, 11). Application of such a device may serve several benefits. Firstly,
an accurate resistance can be predetermined, which is more challenging with e.g. sleds due to
surface friction issues under varying environmental conditions. Moreover, synchronized
assessments of velocity and displacement relative to the start line with the force exerted through
the machine’s cord under varying loading conditions can be obtained by one device only. This
will negate the need for the combination of sleds with photocells, laser guns or radars. The
distance-time or velocity-time running data can in turn be used for computation of macroscopic
mechanical outputs (10) that may form basis for individual training prescription (1, 9, 10).
However, these potential benefits are dependent on the ability of the robotic device to
accurately assess velocity-time data. To the best of our knowledge, no studies to date have
addressed this issue. The purpose of this study was therefore to determine within-session
reliability and criterion validity of sprint split times obtained from a 1080 Sprint robotic device.
Experimental approach to the problem
The data used for this reliability and validation study were compiled from anonymized data
from a previously published investigation exploring the effect of individual sprint training
prescription based on force-velocity (FV) profiles (9). Because it is crucial that the entire
acceleration phase of sprinting athletes is covered by timing gates to ensure valid and reliable
FV profiles (10), the female elite team sport athletes performed 30-m sprints with varying
resistance loading. Split times (t0-5m, t5-10m, t10-15m, t15-20m, t20-30m and t0-30m) were assessed
simultaneously by a robotic resistance device and a post-processing timing system. These
measurements formed basis for intra-session reliability and validity assessments.
Sprint-time measurements 3
Seventeen elite female handball players (mean SD: 22.9 3.0 years; 176.5 6.5 cm; 72.7
5.5 kg; total training volume 9.3 0.7 hrs per week) with a minimum of 10-y handball-specific
conditioning volunteered to participate. Four of these played for the national team while eleven
players participated in the Champions League tournament during the current season. The study
was reviewed by the Regional Ethics Committee and approved by the Norwegian Data
Protection Authority. Due to the newly implemented General Data Protection Regulations
(GDPR) by the European Union, the local university XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX has the
responsibility for data security and ethics. All participants signed an informed consent form
prior to participation, and this study was conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki.
A standardized 20-min warm-up consisting of jogging (~6075% of age-predicted maximal
heart rate), selected exercises (lunges, hip lift, ballistic mobility hamstrings and hips in prone
and supine), running drills (high knees, skipping, butt-kicks, straight leg pulls) and three to four
sprints with increasing speed was conducted prior to testing (9). After the warm-up, the athletes
performed two maximal 30-m sprints with 50, 80 and 110 N resistance respectively, in a
randomized order (i.e., one sprint with each resistance before proceeding to the next sequence).
The resistance during the six sprints was provided by a 1080 Sprint robotic device (1080
Motion AB, Stockholm, Sweden). All sprints were initiated from a standing, split-stance
position with the tip of the toe of the front foot placed on the start line. All starts were
commenced from a static position, meaning that “leaning backward before rolling forward”
was not allowed. After a ready signal was given by the test leader, the athletes started on their
own initiative. Recovery time between each sprint was ~ 4 min.
MuscleLab timing system (Ergotest AS, Porsgrunn, Norway) was used to assess sprint times.
An infrared optical contact mat covered the start line, and timing was initiated at the point of
front foot lift-off. Post-processing timing gates (i.e., an internal software scans all signals from
the timing gate in terms of frequency and duration) where mounted on tripods 120 cm above
floor level and placed at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 m. Thus, all timing gates were mounted above
hip height to avoid undue beam break caused by the lower limbs (3). The onset of the longest
break of the infrared beam was used as a trigger criterion, as the torso will produce a longer
break than an arm (3). Earp & Newton reported that the signal processing technology
completely removed all false signals (i.e., time triggering caused by swinging limbs) (2).
Sprint-time measurements 4
Moreover, Rakovic et al. reported excellent reliability values for this system setup, as typical
error (TE) and coefficient of variation (CV) were 0.03 s and 1.0% for 030 m sprint time and
0.08 m∙s1 and 1.4% for V0 (9). Hence, the MuscleLab timing system was used as gold standard
for sprint performance assessments in this study.
The 1080 Sprint was used to provide resistance and assess sprint times. This portable system
uses a servo motor (2000 RPM OMRON G5 Series Motor, OMRON Corporation, Kyoto,
Japan) to provide resistance while sprinting. The robotic device was placed 5 m behind the
starting line with the line attached to the athlete by a centrally located ring (sacrum) on a belt
firmly tightened around the pelvis. The resistance load (50, 80 or 110 N) was determined and
controlled by the computer application (1080 Motion, Lidingö, Sweden). The isotonic
resistance mode was used, as different modes are offered by the 1080 Sprint. Position trigger
criterion for time initiation was set to 30 cm of line being pulled away from the machine. This
corresponds to the position of the pelvis being ~ 30 cm past the start line. Data (force, position
and time) were recorded at 333 Hz.
Statistical analysis
Mean and standard deviation are presented for all sprint times. Shapiro-Wilk test was used to
test the assumption of normality for each set of sprint time data, and z-scores were calculated
and analyzed for both skewness and kurtosis. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), standard
error of measurement (SEM) and coefficient of variation (CV) were calculated for all sprint-
time intervals to determine within session reliability. Criterion validity was based on mean
difference (tdiff), CV and Pearson’s r correlation. Spearman’s rank correlation was used instead
of Pearson’s r where the datasets were not normally distributed. Bland Altman plots were
created for sprint-time difference distribution between the timing systems.
****Table 1 about here****
****Figure 1 about here****
Table 1 shows within session reliability and criterion validity for 1080 Sprint. Regarding
reliability, CV ranged from 1.93 to 2.56% for t0-5 and from 0.82 to 1.34 for the other time
intervals, while SEM ranged from 0.01 to 0.05, depending on distance and phase of sprint. ICC
ranged from 0.86 to 0.95.
Sprint-time measurements 5
Distribution of sprint time differences for all resisted sprints are presented in Figure 1. Biases
(tdiff ) where low for t5-10m, t10-15m, t15-20m and t20-30m (range = -0.01 to 0.01 s) for all resistance
conditions. Greater differences were observed for t0-5m (range = 0.33 to 0.35 s) and t0-30m (range
= 0.31 to 0.34 s) across all resistance conditions.
The aim of the present study was to explore within session reliability and criterion validity of
sprint split times obtained from a robotic device during resisted sprinting. Overall, the 1080
Sprint device displayed satisfactory reliability values. The reliability values observed are
comparable to previously validated and commonly used timing systems (3). The poorest values
were observed for t0-5m. This is in line with Haugen & Buchheit (3), who reported considerably
poorer reliability (typical error) for t0-5m compared to longer sprint-distance intervals.
The current analysis revealed no systematic variation between the 1080 Sprint and the post-
processing timing gates, except for t0-5m and t0-30m. That is, for practical purposes these systems
give similar results to a precision of ± 0.01 s. Post-processing timing gates, which were used
as gold-standard in this case, are considered accurate for sprint performance monitoring, as the
internal software processes and remove false signals (3). This provides that the timing gates
are mounted above hip height (to avoid undue beam break caused by the lower limbs), as
performed in this study. However, a systematic bias of ~ 0.34 ± 0.01 s was observed for t0-5m
and t0-30m. This is not surprising, as the starting method and timing system used can combine
to generate large absolute differences in “sprint time” (3, 6). The sources of time differences
usually include the starting device, vertical and horizontal placement of starting device relative
to the start line, body configuration and velocity at triggering point (6). In this case, pelvis was
~ 60 cm past the start line at time initiation for the optical contact mat (front foot lift-off), while
only ~ 30 cm past the start line at time initiation for the robotic device. Hence, pelvis was ~ 30
cm further past the start line at time initiation for the optical contact mat than for the robotic
device. Provided that the bias is systematic so that correction factors can be generated (as in
this case), sprint performance comparisons across systems can be performed (3). The same
issue is present for calculation of sprint mechanical outputs based on distance-time or speed-
time data. An essential point when using the simple method proposed by Samozino et al. (10)
is that the time 0 must be very close to the first rise of the force production onto the ground.
This is equivalent to a setup with starts from blocks and audio signal with reaction time
subtracted from the total time (5). According to Haugen & Buchheit (3), front-foot triggering
Sprint-time measurements 6
generates 0.51 s faster sprint times compared to starts from blocks where reaction time is
subtracted from the total time. Because the current systematic bias was 0.34 s on average (Table
1), we estimate that a correction factor of ~ 0.17 s (i.e., 0.51 minus 0.34 s) should be added to
the 1080 Sprint times to ensure valid computations of sprint mechanical outputs.
The present study shows that the 1080 Sprint is valid and reliable for sprint performance
monitoring purposes. This means that multiple functions for sprint training, testing and
monitoring can be operated by one device only. The benefits of using one system in both
research and field based settings includes i) accurate prescription of resistance while obtaining
synchronized assessments of velocity, acceleration and pulling force as a function of time or
displacement relative to starting line, ii) the possibility to apply varying resistance loading
during specific portions of the sprint, iii) monitor individual and team responses (i.e fatigue)
and iiii) computation of sprint mechanical outputs.
Ola Eriksrud is a shareholder in 1080 Motion AB.
Sprint-time measurements 7
1. Cross MR, Lahti J, Brown SR, Chedati M, Jimenez-Reyes P, Samozino P, Eriksrud O,
and Morin JB. Training at maximal power in resisted sprinting: Optimal load determination
methodology and pilot results in team sport athletes. PloS one 13, 2018.
2. Earp JE and Newton RU. Advances in electronic timing systems: considerations for
selecting an appropriate timing system. J Strength Cond Res 26: 1245-1248, 2012.
3. Haugen T and Buchheit M. Sprint Running Performance Monitoring: Methodological
and Practical Considerations. Sports Med 46: 641-656, 2016.
4. Haugen T, Seiler S, Sandbakk O, and Tonnessen E. The Training and Development of
Elite Sprint Performance: an Integration of Scientific and Best Practice Literature. Sports Med
Open 5: 44, 2019.
5. Haugen TA, Breitschadel F, and Samozino P. Power-Force-Velocity Profiling of
Sprinting Athletes: Methodological and Practical Considerations When Using Timing Gates. J
Strength Cond Res, 2018.
6. Haugen TA, Tonnessen E, and Seiler SK. The difference is in the start: impact of timing
and start procedure on sprint running performance. J Strength Cond Res 26: 473-479, 2012.
7. Helland C, Haugen T, Rakovic E, Eriksrud O, Seynnes O, Mero AA, and Paulsen G.
Force-velocity profiling of sprinting athletes: single-run vs. multiple-run methods. Eur J Appl
Physiol 119: 465-473, 2019.
8. Mangine GT, Huet K, Williamson C, Bechke E, Serafini P, Bender D, Hudy J, and
Townsend J. A Resisted Sprint Improves Rate of Force Development During a 20-m Sprint in
Athletes. J Strength Cond Res 32: 1531-1537, 2018.
9. Rakovic E, Paulsen G, Helland C, Eriksrud O, and Haugen T. The effect of
individualised sprint training in elite female team sport athletes: A pilot study. J Sports Sci 36:
2802-2808, 2018.
10. Samozino P, Rabita G, Dorel S, Slawinski J, Peyrot N, Saez de Villarreal E, and Morin
JB. A simple method for measuring power, force, velocity properties, and mechanical
effectiveness in sprint running. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 2015.
11. Thompson KMA, Whinton AK, Ferth S, Spriet LL, and Burr JF. Moderate Load
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Strength Cond Res, 2018.
Sprint-time measurements 8
Figure 1. Bland Altman analysis of sprint times (34 trials for each resisted condition) derived from timing gates and 1080 Sprint.
Sprint-time measurements 9
Table 1. Within session reliability and criterion validity for 1080 Sprint
Sprint times (mean ± SD)
tML (s)
t1080 (s)
tdiff (s)
CV (%)
50 N
1.30 ± 0.05
0.85 ± 0.02
0.77 ± 0.02
0.73 ± 0.02
1.43 ± 0.04
5.06 ± 0.12
80 N
1.36 ± 0.05
0.91 ± 0.02
0.82 ± 0.02
0.79 ± 0.02
1.56 ± 0.04
5.41 ± 0.14
110 N
1.41 ± 0.07
0.96 ± 0.02
0.88 ± 0.02
0.86 ± 0.02
1.71 ± 0.05
5.79 ± 0.16
tML = sprint times from the MuscleLab timing system, t1080 = sprint times from the 1080 Sprint robotic device, CV = coefficient of variation, SEM
= standard error of measurement, ICC = intraclass correlation coefficient, tdiff = time difference between the analyzed systems, Cor. = Correlation
(Pearsons r or Spearman’s rank).
... The "isotonic" function of the 1080 Sprint (1 kg load to ensure tension on the cord) was used. Data were collected from the 1080 Sprint at 333 Hz and analyzed using the 1080 Sprint software to determine peak speed, speed at 5 m, and 0-5 m acceleration during each sprint (Rakovic, Paulsen, Helland, Haugen, & Eriksrud, 2020;Thompson, Safadie, Ford, & Burr, 2020). ...
... Peak speed, speed at 5 m, and 0-5 m acceleration all showed excellent agreement between the LPS and robotic sprint device. While not specific to ice hockey, the 1080 Sprint device has been reported valid in handball players during 30 m sprints, with some concerns at 0-5 m time splits (Rakovic et al., 2020). Studies have suggested that small correction factors may be needed to maximize validity during different sprint starts (Haugen & Buchheit, 2016;Rakovic et al., 2020); however, these correction factors are based on running, which are substantially different than skating mechanics. ...
... While not specific to ice hockey, the 1080 Sprint device has been reported valid in handball players during 30 m sprints, with some concerns at 0-5 m time splits (Rakovic et al., 2020). Studies have suggested that small correction factors may be needed to maximize validity during different sprint starts (Haugen & Buchheit, 2016;Rakovic et al., 2020); however, these correction factors are based on running, which are substantially different than skating mechanics. Regardless, it appears that based on this comparison and low mean biases between systems, LPS reported comparable speed and acceleration measures to that of the 1080 Sprint during a 40 m onice linear sprint. ...
... The "isotonic" function of the 1080 Sprint (1 kg load to ensure tension on the cord) was used. Data were collected from the 1080 Sprint at 333 Hz and analyzed using the 1080 Sprint software to determine peak speed, speed at 5 m, and 0-5 m acceleration during each sprint (Rakovic, Paulsen, Helland, Haugen, & Eriksrud, 2020;Thompson, Safadie, Ford, & Burr, 2020). ...
... Peak speed, speed at 5 m, and 0-5 m acceleration all showed excellent agreement between the LPS and robotic sprint device. While not specific to ice hockey, the 1080 Sprint device has been reported valid in handball players during 30 m sprints, with some concerns at 0-5 m time splits (Rakovic et al., 2020). Studies have suggested that small correction factors may be needed to maximize validity during different sprint starts (Haugen & Buchheit, 2016;Rakovic et al., 2020); however, these correction factors are based on running, which are substantially different than skating mechanics. ...
... While not specific to ice hockey, the 1080 Sprint device has been reported valid in handball players during 30 m sprints, with some concerns at 0-5 m time splits (Rakovic et al., 2020). Studies have suggested that small correction factors may be needed to maximize validity during different sprint starts (Haugen & Buchheit, 2016;Rakovic et al., 2020); however, these correction factors are based on running, which are substantially different than skating mechanics. Regardless, it appears that based on this comparison and low mean biases between systems, LPS reported comparable speed and acceleration measures to that of the 1080 Sprint during a 40 m onice linear sprint. ...
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This study determined the reliability and validity of a Kinexon local positioning system (LPS) for measuring external load in ice hockey players during an on-ice session. Fourteen ice hockey players (25.1 y, 78.6 kg, 176.9 cm) wore two LPS sensors to examine the inter-sensor reliability of the LPS during an on-ice session, and LPS speed and acceleration were measured during 40 m linear on-ice sprints and compared to a previously validated robotic sprint device to examine LPS accuracy. The coefficient of variation (CV), standard error of measurement (SEM), and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) were calculated for each LPS measure. Pearson's correlations, simple linear regressions, and Bland-Altman plots were used to test the agreement and relationship between the two systems. Statistical significance was determined at p < 0.05. The majority of LPS measures were reliable (CV < 10% and ICC > 0.9) when comparing the two sensors worn by each player. Peak speed, speed at 5 m, and 0-5 m acceleration were all comparable to those reported by the robotic sprint device, with nearly perfect (peak speed and 0-5 m acceleration) and very large (speed at 5 m) magnitudes of correlation and mean biases <0.5 km/hr for speed measures and <0.01 m/s2 for acceleration. The present results demonstrate that the Kinexon LPS is reliable and accurate for investigating on-ice external load in ice hockey players when sensors are consistently secured on the back of the players' shoulder pads.
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The aim of this study was to determine validity of velocity measurements of a motorized resistance device (MRD) during change of direction (CoD). Eight male (age: 22.1 ± 4.2 yrs; weight: 83.3 ± 17.1 kg; height: 181.6 ± 12.6 cm) and three female participants (age: 21.7 ± 1.5 yrs; mass: 69.7 ± 2.4 kg; height: 167.0 ± 3.6 cm) completed the modified 505 CoD test (m505) with turning off the left and right foot while exposed to external loads (3, 6, and 9 kg) provided by the MRD. Three-dimensional kinematic data were measured (200 Hz) for all tests using a full-body marker set with an additional marker placed on the pulley used to attach the carabiner (CAR) at the end of the line from the MRD to the participant. Average velocity of overall center of mass (COMvel), pelvis (COMpelvis_vel), and pulley (CARvel) was then calculated and compared to the velocity measured by MRD (MRDvel) in 0.5 s intervals 1.5 s before and after CoD. Average velocities from these intervals were then compared using correlational, Bland–Altman analysis, coefficient of variation (CV), and statistical parametric mapping (SPM). Mostly, excellent correlations were observed and ranged from 0.93 to 1.00, 0.53 to 1.00 and 0.93 to 1.00 for the 3, 6, and 9 kg load conditions, respectively. CV values ranged from 0.3 to 3.2%, 0.8 to 4.3%, and 1.5 to 7.7% for the CARvel, COMpelvis_vel, and COMvel comparisons, respectively. The biases for CARvel comparisons ranged from −0.027 to 0.05 m/s, −0.246 to 0.128 m/s and −0.486 to 0.082 m/s across all load conditions and time intervals for the CARvel, COMpelvis_vel, and COMvel comparisons, respectively. SPM analysis indicated significant differences between MRDvel and COMvel and COMpelvis_vel over short time periods during the CoD, but no difference between MRDvel and CARvel. The velocity measurements obtained by a MRD during a m505 test are valid as low biases, low CV’s, and high correlations are observed for the MRDvel to CARvel comparison. As single points of measurement (i.e., laser) has been proven useful to assess other athletic tasks (i.e., sprint running), the single point CARvel comparison is an appropriate comparison for validating MRDvel measurements during the m505 test.
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Despite a voluminous body of research devoted to sprint training, our understanding of the training process leading to world-class sprint performance is limited. The objective of this review is to integrate scientific and best practice literature regarding the training and development of elite sprint performance. Sprint performance is heavily dependent upon genetic traits, and the annual within-athlete performance differences are lower than the typical variation, the smallest worthwhile change and the influence of external conditions such as wind, monitoring methodologies, etc. Still, key underlying determinants (e.g., power, technique and sprint-specific endurance) are trainable. In this review, we describe how well-known training principles (progression, specificity, variation/periodization and individualization) and varying training methods (e.g., sprinting/running, technical training, strength/power, plyometric training) are used in a sprint-training context. Indeed, there is a considerable gap between science and best practice in how training principles and methods are applied. While the vast majority of sprint-related studies are performed on young team-sport athletes and focus on brief sprints with maximal intensity and short recoveries, elite sprinters perform sprinting/running over a broad range of distances and with varying intensity and recovery periods. Within best practice there is a stronger link between choice of training component (i.e., modality, duration, intensity, recovery, session rate) and the intended purpose of the training session compared to the “one-size-fits-all” approach in scientific literature. This review provides a point of departure for scientists and practitioners regarding the training and development of elite sprint performance and can serve as a position statement for outlining state-of-the-art sprint training recommendations and for generation of new hypotheses to be tested in future research.
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The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of timing gate setup on mechanical outputs in sprinting athletes. Twenty-five male and female team sport athletes (mean ± SD: 23 ± 4 y, 185 ± 11 cm, 85 ± 13 kg) performed two 40-m sprints with maximal effort. Dual-beamed timing gates covered the entire running course with 5-m intervals. Maximal horizontal force (F0), theoretical maximal velocity (v0), maximal horizontal power (Pmax), force-velocity slope (SFV), maximal ratio of force (RFmax) and index of force application technique (DRF) were computed using a validated biomechanical model and based on twelve varying split time combinations, ranging from three to eight timing checkpoints. When no timing gates were located after the 20-m mark, F0 was overestimated (mean difference, ±90%CL: 0.16, ±0.25 to 0.33, ±0.28 N•kg-1 ; possibly to likely; small), in turn affecting SFV and DRF by small to moderate effects. Timing setups covering only the first 15 m displayed lower v0 than setups covering the first 30-40 m of the sprints (0.21 ±0.34 to 0.25 ±0.34 m•s-1 ; likely; small). Moreover, poorer reliability values were observed for timing setups covering the first 15-20 m vs. the first 25-40 m of the sprints. In conclusion, the present findings showed that the entire acceleration phase should be covered by timing gates to ensure acceptably valid and reliable sprint mechanical outputs. However, only three timing checkpoints (i.e., 10, 20 and 30 m) are required to ensure valid and reliable outputs for team sport athletes.
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This study aimed to evaluate whether an individualised sprint-training program was more effective in improving sprint performance in elite team-sport players compared to a generalised sprint-training program. Seventeen elite female handball players (23 +/- 3 y, 177 +/- 7 cm, 73 +/- 6 kg) performed two weekly sprint training sessions over eight weeks in addition to their regular handball practice. An individualised training group (ITG, n = 9) performed a targeted sprint-training program based on their horizontal force-velocity profile from the pre-training test. Within ITG, players displaying the lowest, highest and mid-level force-velocity slope values relative to body mass were assigned to a resisted, an assisted or a mixed sprint-training program (resisted sprinting in the first half and assisted sprinting in the second half of the intervention period), respectively. A control group (CG, n = 8) performed a generalised sprint-training program. Both groups improved 30-m sprint performance by ~ 1% (small effect) and maximal velocity sprinting by ~ 2% (moderate effect). Trivial or small effect magnitudes were observed for mechanical outputs related to horizontal force-or power production. All between-group differences were trivial. In conclusion, individualised sprint-training was no more effective in improving sprint performance than a generalised sprint-training program.
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Aims In the current study we investigated the effects of resisted sprint training on sprinting performance and underlying mechanical parameters (force-velocity-power profile) based on two different training protocols: (i) loads that represented maximum power output (Lopt) and a 50% decrease in maximum unresisted sprinting velocity and (ii) lighter loads that represented a 10% decrease in maximum unresisted sprinting velocity, as drawn from previous research (L10). Methods Soccer [n = 15 male] and rugby [n = 21; 9 male and 12 female] club-level athletes were individually assessed for horizontal force-velocity and load-velocity profiles using a battery of resisted sprints, sled or robotic resistance respectively. Athletes then performed a 12-session resisted (10 × 20-m; and pre- post-profiling) sprint training intervention following the L10 or Lopt protocol. Results Both L10 and Lopt training protocols had minor effects on sprinting performance (average of -1.4 to -2.3% split-times respectively), and provided trivial, small and unclear changes in mechanical sprinting parameters. Unexpectedly, Lopt impacted velocity dominant variables to a greater degree than L10 (trivial benefit in maximum velocity; small increase in slope of the force-velocity relationship), while L10 improved force and power dominant metrics (trivial benefit in maximal power; small benefit in maximal effectiveness of ground force orientation). Conclusions Both resisted-sprint training protocols were likely to improve performance after a short training intervention in already sprint trained athletes. However, widely varied individualised results indicated that adaptations may be dependent on pre-training force-velocity characteristics.
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Resisted sprint training (RST) is commonly used for performance enhancement in athletics and team sports to develop acceleration ability. Evidence suggests that RST may be effective as a short-term intervention to improve successive sprints. While these improvements have been measured in team sport athletes, limited research has considered the acute effects of RST training in sprint-trained athletes. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to determine if performing RST with varsity level sprinters using sled-equivalent resistive loads of ∼45% body mass results in a potentiation effect, leading to improvements in subsequent maximal sprint performance over 0-5 m and 0-20 m. Competitive sprinters (n=20), were randomly assigned to perform a pre/post maximal 20 m sprint separated by either 3 resisted (RST group) or un-resisted (URS group) sprints. The RST or URS protocol was performed on four occasions separated by at least 7 days. No significant differences were observed between the RST and URS groups comparing changes in sprint times over 0-5 m (URS Δ = <0.01 s ± 0.03 s, RST Δ = <0.01 s ± 0.03 s) and 0-20 m (URS Δ = 0.013 s ± 0.04 s, RST Δ = <0.01 s ± 0.04 s). We conclude that resisted sprints using sled equivalent loads of 45% body mass are ineffective at inducing a potentiating effect on subsequent sprint performance in varsity level sprinters. In this population of trained athletes, greater loads may be necessary to induce a potentiating effect.
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Mangine, GT, Huet, K, Williamson, C, Bechke, E, Serafini, P, Bender, D, Hudy, J, and Townsend, J. A resisted sprint improves rate of force development during a 20-m sprint in athletes. J Strength Cond Res 32(6): 1531-1537, 2018-This study examined the effect of a resisted sprint on 20-m sprinting kinetics. After a standardized warm-up, 23 (male = 10, female = 13) Division I basketball players completed 3 maximal 20-m sprint trials while tethered to a robotic resistance device. The first sprint (S1) used the minimal, necessary resistance (1 kg) to detect peak (PK) and average (AVG) sprinting power (P), velocity (V), and force (F); peak rate of force production (RFD) was also calculated. The second sprint (S2) was completed against a load equal to approximately 5% of the athlete's body mass. Minimal resistance (1 kg) was again used for the final sprint (S3). Approximately 4-9 minutes of rest was allotted between each sprint. Separate analyses of variance with repeated measures revealed significant (p ≤ 0.05) main effects for all sprinting kinetic measures except VPK (p = 0.067). Compared with S1, increased (p < 0.006) 20-m sprint time (3.4 ± 4.9%), PAVG (115.9 ± 33.2%), PPK (65.7 ± 23.7%), FAVG (134.1 ± 34.5%), FPK (65.3 ± 16.2%), and RFD (71.8 ± 22.2%) along with decreased (p < 0.001) stride length (-21 ± 15.3%) and VAVG (-6.6 ± 4.6%) were observed during S2. During S3, only RFD was improved (5.2 ± 7.1%, p < 0.001) compared with S1. In conclusion, completing a short, resisted sprint with a load equating to 5% of body mass before a short sprint (∼20-meters) does not seem to affect sprinting time or kinetics. However, it does appear to enhance RFD.
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The aim of this review is to investigate methodological concerns associated with sprint performance monitoring, more specifically the influence and magnitude of varying external conditions, technology and monitoring methodologies not directly related to human physiology. The combination of different starting procedures and triggering devices can cause up to very large time differences, which may be many times greater than performance changes caused by years of conditioning. Wind, altitude, temperature, barometric pressure and humidity can all combine to yield moderate time differences over short sprints. Sprint performance can also be affected by the athlete’s clothing, principally by its weight rather than its aerodynamic properties. On level surfaces, the track compliance must change dramatically before performance changes larger than typical variation can be detected. An optimal shoe bending stiffness can enhance performance by a small margin. Fully-automatic timing systems, dual-beamed photocells, laser guns and high-speed video are the most accurate tools for sprint performance monitoring. Manual timing and single-beamed photocells should be avoided over short sprint distances (10-20 m) due to large absolute errors. The validity of today’s GPS technology is satisfactory for long distances (>30 m) and maximal velocity in team sports, but multiple observations are still needed due to questionable reliability. Based on different approaches used to estimate the smallest worthwhile performance change and the typical error of sprint measures, we have provided an assessment of the usefulness of speed evaluation from 5 to 40 m. Finally, we provide statistical guidelines to accurately assess changes in individual performance; i.e., considering both the smallest worthwhile change in performance and the typical error of measurement, which can be reduced while repeating the number of trials.
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This study aimed to validate a simple field method for determining force- and power-velocity relationships and mechanical effectiveness of force application during sprint running. The proposed method, based on an inverse dynamic approach applied to the body center of mass, estimates the step-averaged ground reaction forces in runner's sagittal plane of motion during overground sprint acceleration from only anthropometric and spatiotemporal data. Force- and power-velocity relationships, the associated variables, and mechanical effectiveness were determined (a) on nine sprinters using both the proposed method and force plate measurements and (b) on six other sprinters using the proposed method during several consecutive trials to assess the inter-trial reliability. The low bias (<5%) and narrow limits of agreement between both methods for maximal horizontal force (638 ± 84 N), velocity (10.5 ± 0.74 m/s), and power output (1680 ± 280 W); for the slope of the force-velocity relationships; and for the mechanical effectiveness of force application showed high concurrent validity of the proposed method. The low standard errors of measurements between trials (<5%) highlighted the high reliability of the method. These findings support the validity of the proposed simple method, convenient for field use, to determine power, force, velocity properties, and mechanical effectiveness in sprint running. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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The difference is in the start: impact of timing and start procedure on sprint running performance. The purpose of this study was to compare different sprint start positions and to generate correction factors between popular timing triggering methods on 40-m/40-yd sprint time. Fourteen female athletes (17 ± 1 years), personal best 100 m: 13.26 (±0.68) seconds and 11 male athletes (20 ± 5 years), personal best 100 m: 11.58 (±0.74) seconds participated. They performed 2 series of 3 40-m sprints in randomized order: (a) start from the block, measured by means of Brower audio sensor (BAS) and Dartfish video timing (DVT), (b) 3-point start, measured by using hand release pod (HR) and DVT, and (c) standing start, triggered by both photocell across starting line (SFC), and foot release (FR) plus DVT. Video analysis was performed by 2 independent observers and averaged. Simultaneous measurements at national athletics competitions demonstrated that DVT and BAS were equivalent to Omega Timing within the limits of precision of video timing (±0.01 seconds). Hand and floor timer triggering showed small but significant biases compared with movement captured from video (0.02-0.04 seconds), presumably because of sensitivity of pressure thresholds. Coefficient of variation for test-retest timing using different starting positions ranged from 0.7 to 1.0%. Compared with block starts reacting to gunfire, HR, SFC, and FR starts yielded 0.17 ± 0.09, 0.27 ± 0.12, and 0.69 ± 0.11 second faster times, respectively, over 40 m (all p < 0.001) because of inclusion or exclusion of reaction time, plus momentum, and body position differences at trigger moment. Correction factors for the conversion of 40 m/40 yd and 40 yd/40 m were 0.92 and 1.08, respectively. The correction factors obtained from this study may facilitate more meaningful comparisons of published sprint performances.
The proper selection of equipment is vital to the ability to accurately measure and track changes in performance. When measuring sprint time, electronic timing systems are recommended but may contain significant errors when an arm or leg passes through a gate before the torso. Dual-photocell (DP) and signal processing systems have been developed to overcome these issues. Ten subjects performed 10× 10-m sprints during which split time was calculated using 3 timing systems: a single photocell (SP) and DP without processing and a no-reflector gate with signal processing. The DP had fewer false signals compared with the SP (7, 14); however, signal processing eliminated all false signals. The mean differences between the 3 timing systems ranged from 9 to 17 milliseconds; however, the SD ranged 12-42 milliseconds because of the occurrence of false signals. When performing repeated 10-m sprints, it is vital to have a system that reduces or eliminates the occurrence of false signals, or training adaptations are likely to be overlooked. Thus, for 10-m sprints or splits, a timing system that reduces the incidence of false signals is needed (either DP or gates signal processing), and the use of an SP system without internal processing is inappropriate. However, as the distance and the expected adaptations increase, a smaller proportion of the adaptation is likely to be confounded when using an SP system.