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Advanced Techniques for Pilotis RC Frames Seismic Retrofit: Performance Comparison for a Strategic Building Case Study


Abstract and Figures

Pilotis buildings have widely spread out in developed countries since World War II onwards. From the structural point of view, Pilotis RC frames exhibit substantial lack in ductility capacity and shear resistance localized at the first floor, since they have been mainly realized before the seismic codes’ era. The present study shows the performance comparison of four advanced retrofit techniques when applied to typical Pilotis RC frame designed for gravity loads only according to Italian building code of ‘60s. A preliminary investigation has been performed to select non-linear numerical models suitable to describe the considered RC frame behavior, involving flexural inelastic hinges of RC beams and columns and in-plane axial inelastic hinges of masonry infill panels. Two seismic retrofit projects have been designed at a local level, by strengthening the masonry infilled panels with Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) technique and alternatively by replacing infilled panels with prefabricated panels disconnected from the structure, so that no infill/frame interaction occurs. Two more retrofit projects have been designed at a global level, in order to improve the overall structural performance making use of energy dissipation and, alternatively, base isolation techniques. Nonlinear time history analysis and structural assessment have been carried out for the as-built case as well as for the four retrofit solutions according to Eurocode 8 and Italian Building Code, in order to highlight the structural deficiencies and relative improvements, respectively. Performances offered by the proposed retrofit techniques have been finally compared in terms of structural behavior, expected damage, and economic impact.
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Buildings 2020, 10, 149; doi:10.3390/buildings10090149
Advanced Techniques for Pilotis RC Frames Seismic
Retrofit: Performance Comparison for a Strategic
Building Case Study
Eleonora Grossi *, Matteo Zerbin and Alessandra Aprile
Engineering Department, University of Ferrara, via Saragat 1, 44122 Ferrara, Italy; (M.Z.); (A.A.)
* Correspondence:
Received: 23 July 2020; Accepted: 22 August 2020; Published: 28 August 2020
Abstract: Pilotis buildings have widely spread out in developed countries since World War II
onwards. From the structural point of view, Pilotis RC frames exhibit substantial lack in ductility
capacity and shear resistance localized at the first floor, since they have been mainly realized before
the seismic codes’ era. The present study shows the performance comparison of four advanced
retrofit techniques when applied to typical Pilotis RC frame designed for gravity loads only
according to Italian building code of ‘60s. A preliminary investigation has been performed to select
non-linear numerical models suitable to describe the considered RC frame behavior, involving
flexural inelastic hinges of RC beams and columns and in-plane axial inelastic hinges of masonry
infill panels. Two seismic retrofit projects have been designed at a local level, by strengthening the
masonry infilled panels with Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) technique and
alternatively by replacing infilled panels with prefabricated panels disconnected from the structure,
so that no infill/frame interaction occurs. Two more retrofit projects have been designed at a global
level, in order to improve the overall structural performance making use of energy dissipation and,
alternatively, base isolation techniques. Nonlinear time history analysis and structural assessment
have been carried out for the as-built case as well as for the four retrofit solutions according to
Eurocode 8 and Italian Building Code, in order to highlight the structural deficiencies and relative
improvements, respectively. Performances offered by the proposed retrofit techniques have been
finally compared in terms of structural behavior, expected damage, and economic impact.
Keywords: advanced seismic retrofit techniques; Pilotis RC frame; seismic performance and
cost-benefit analysis
1. Introduction
Pilotis-type building was firstly introduced in 1923 by Le Corbusier, one of the most important
modern architects, as an RC residential building whose first-floor was designed to be a wide open
space, isolating the structure from the ground level [1]. This modern conception, together with the
development of reinforced concrete technology during the ‘50–‘60s, led to the erection of a great
number of Pilotis RC frames in Italy and in other parts of the world. However, seismic awareness
was only at the beginning and the design of most of these buildings was carried out for gravity loads
only, bringing to an increase of vulnerable built heritage [2].
Typical structural deficiencies of Pilotis buildings consist of poor ductility capacity and shear
resistance of columns, as clearly put in evidence during the San Fernando Earthquake (1971), where
the soft-storey effect led to the collapse of the Olive View Hospital main building [3] and the Mexico
City’s Earthquake experience (1985) [4,5]. Nowadays, it is well known how masonry infilled panels
of RC frames can experience in-plane failure or out-of-plane expulsion under the effect of earthquake
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 2 of 29
loads, as also occurred in recent Central Italy Earthquakes of L’Aquila (2009) and Amatrice (2016)
[6,7]. The effects of masonry infill panels collapse are reflected not only on the building itself [8], but
on the nearby areas, increasing the damage incidence [9,10] and repair costs [11].
While modern design codes take in account strength and ductility capacity of both structural
and non-structural elements, in earthquake prone geographical areas there is a great number of
existing Pilotis buildings that still need urgent retrofit interventions due to severe structural
deficiencies. Several studies have been published concerning the seismic retrofit of existing RC
frames, comparing different rehabilitation strategies and including cost-benefit analysis; among the
others, see [12–15]. However, thorough studies that are focused on Pilotis RC frames are not known
to the authors.
An accurate assessment of the as-built and retrofit structural configurations can be obtained by
using non-linear numerical models, suitable to describe the inelastic behavior of frame elements, and
of in-plane masonry panels. The importance of non-linear time history analysis and advanced
simplified design method, such as the Direct Displacement Based Design (DDBD) [16] or updated
traditional Force-Based Design (FBD), to define the correct structural performance under earthquake
actions was documented by many authors; among the others, see [17–19]. It has been emphasized
how traditional FBD usually overestimates seismic actions, particularly for existing structures, due
to the need of a preliminary selection of the behavior factor q, which plays a significant role [20].
The main purpose of this study is to develop a design strategy for the seismic retrofit of Pilotis
RC frames, in order to select the most suitable advanced technique from both the structural
performance and the intervention cost point of view. Additionally, among the many inelastic
numerical models available in the literature, the most efficient modelling approach is selected in
order to support professionals in facing time-requiring computational efforts and conceptual
complexity related to the application of non-linear analysis and advanced design methods.
This paper presents the case study of a strategic Pilotis RC frame hosting essential functions and
located in Italy. After a preliminary discussion about the proper implementation of non-linear models
using a commercial software, a non-linear time history analysis of the as-built configuration is carried
out in order to assess structural vulnerabilities, according to Italian Building Code (NTC 2018) [21]
and Eurocode 8 [22] requirements. Subsequently, four different retrofit projects are proposed, based
on advanced retrofit techniques. Two retrofit projects operate interventions at the local level by
strengthening masonry infilled panels with the Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM)
technique and alternatively by replacing infilled panels with light prefabricated panels disconnected
from the structure in order to prevent the panel/frame interaction. FRCM technique has been widely
investigated during the last decades for the strengthening of masonry walls in both in and out-of-
plane directions [23–28]. On the other hand, infill panels disconnection from the structure has proved
to be an efficient way to remove the typical Pilotis behavior [29–31]. Two more retrofit projects
operate interventions at the global level by improving the overall structural performance by means
of Friction Dampers (FD) [32,33] and, alternatively, Lead Rubber Bearings (LRB) [34] applications.
Energy Dissipation and Base Isolation techniques have been developed in Italy for many years [35]
but they have found extensive application in rehabilitations projects [36–39] after the inclusion of
such innovative retrofit techniques in the 2008 Building Code [40] upgrade. Nonlinear time history
analysis is also carried out for the retrofitted structural configurations to evaluate the obtained
structural performances. Additionally, intervention costs analysis is performed and presented.
Finally, improvements that are offered by the proposed retrofit techniques are compared in terms of
structural behavior, expected damage, and economic impact.
2. Case Study
This study has been conducted for a typical pilotis RC frame system designed for gravity loads
only during the decade ‘60–‘70s in Italy, with a 12.45 × 36 m rectangular base, and seven floors for a
total of 22 m high. Structural plan and views are presented in Figure 1 while RC materials information
are reported in Table 1, as derived by a preliminary on-site investigation. Main beams span in
transversal direction (named X direction) while only perimetric secondary beams connect main
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 3 of 29
beams in longitudinal direction (named Y direction). The building was first conceived to host
essential functions, including public administration functions and directional offices: this led to
different interstorey heights, as highlighted from the frontal views of Figure 1b,c.
Figure 1. Pilotis RC frame (a) plan, (b) A-A view, and (c) B-B view. Dimensions in m.
Table 1. Material properties for RC frame.
[MPa] E
[MPa] f
22.4 28018 409
A nonlinear time history analysis has been performed in order to accurately evaluate the case
study structural performance under seismic action. The considered building is located in one of
Italian highest seismic risk zones, characterized by a Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) of 0.36 g and
Soil Amplification Factor of 1.17. A group of seven natural ground motions with two components
have been selected, whose spectral compatibility have been checked by comparison of the mean
spectrum with the target elastic spectrum, as reported in Figure 2a,b for, respectively, X and Y
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 4 of 29
(a) (b)
Figure 2. Natural ground motions mean spectrum and target spectrum of the selected site for (a) X
and (b) Y directions.
2.1. Non-Linear Models
A preliminary investigation has been performed to select non-linear numerical models that are
suitable to describe the considered RC frame behavior, involving flexural inelastic hinges of RC
beams and columns and in-plane axial inelastic hinges of masonry infill panels.
The non-linear numerical analyses have been carried out using the commercial FEM code
Midas/Gen [41], while MATLAB [42] software was used to pre- and post-process data.
2.1.1. Beams and Columns Flexural Inelastic Hinges
Idealized inelastic models of beam and column elements stand out by the way their plasticity
evolution is distributed along the element length, defining two main groups: concentrated (or
lumped) and distributed plasticity models.
The first group models concentrate the inelastic behavior at the end of the elements using a
moment-rotation law through a rigid-plastic hinge or a inelastic spring with hysteretic properties, as
outlined, respectively, by Figure 3a,b. The second group models are progressively more complex than
the previous ones. In the finite length hinge model pointed out in Figure 3c, the plasticity formulation
is designated while using a moment-curvature law at the end of the element through a hinge zone of
finite length. In the fiber section model figured in Figure 3d, the plasticity is distributed by numerical
integration all along member length, defining non-linear axial stress-strain hysteretic laws for the
cross section materials. Finally, in the last and most complex model shown in Figure 3e, a continuum
discretization is implemented along the whole member through finite elements with non-linear
constitutive properties, leading to a tricky parameter calibration and demanding computational
efforts [43].
Figure 3. Idealized inelastic models of beams and columns, implemented as (a) plastic hinge, (b)
nonlinear spring hinge, (c) finite length hinge zone, (d) fiber section and (e) finite element.
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 5 of 29
Non-linear spring (NS), finite length hinge zone (FL) and fiber section (FS) models have been
considered in the preliminary investigation in order to select a simple but efficient numerical
implementation technique for RC frame nonlinear modelling. NS and FL models are easily carried
out starting from the geometric definition of the cross sections and assuming nonlinear constitutive
laws of materials, as defined by Eurocode 8 [22] and NTC 2018 [21]. As for FS models is concern, axial
stress-strain laws have been defined using Kent-Park and Menegotto-Pinto formulations [44,45], for
concrete and steel bars, respectively, and four integration points for a better convergence [46]. NS, FL
and FS models have been implemented for the considered RC frame and worked out using a non-
linear time history analysis. In Figure 4, the NS, FL, and FS hysteretic cycles obtained for a column
and a beam have been compared to the backbone (B) curves representing the analytical moment-
curvature law of the selected sections. The B curve has been carried out for the geometry and rebars’
configuration of the selected cross sections using a Midas/Gen [41] software tool, according to
Eurocode 8 [22] and NTC 2018 [21].
(a) (b)
Figure 4. Inelastic models comparison for (a) columns and (b) beams elements.
Concerning the column modelling, NS, FL, and FS models’ curves are in good agreement with
the backbone one. The FS model provides the most accurate curve, while FL and NS models provide
curves with higher stiffness when compared to the backbone one, even if a good strength prediction
is observed. Concerning the beam modelling, FS model strength and NS model stiffness are much
higher than the backbone one.
This last remark, as well as the numerical convergence issues found out during the FS model
implementation, led to the selection of FL model to be implemented in this study for beams and
columns. In fact, the FL model provides a good compromise in terms of accuracy and stability of the
numerical solution.
2.1.2. Masonry Infill Panels In-Plane Models Axial Hinges
Masonry infill panels are usually modelled by diagonal compressed equivalent struts,
implemented as linear truss elements using Stafford–Smith theory [47,48] and Al Chaar theory to
account for openings and previous damage [49], as largely transposed by the NTC 2018 [21]. The
equivalent strut has same thickness t of the selected panel, while its width 𝑎 is computed as a
function of the adimensional parameter λ1H defined, as follows:
4EcJh 14
H, h, t and θ are geometric parameters showed in Figure 5,
J is the moment of inertia of confining column,
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 6 of 29
Em is masonry elastic modulus, and
Ec is concrete elastic modulus.
Figure 5. Infill panel geometric properties.
The equivalent width a is given by Equation (2) for whole panels, while a reduced equivalent
width ared is given by Equation (3) when some section reduction can affect the infilled panel
a = 0.175d
-0.4 (2)
ared = a R1 R2 (3)
where d is panel diagonal length and R1, R2 are the reduction factors that take into account openings
and previous damage as defined by Al Chaar [49].
The maximum horizontal force Hmax carried by infill panels can be evaluated as:
Hmax = minH0,i with i = 1,3 (4)
H0,i are the maximum horizontal forces related to typical failure modes, reported in Table 2,
where fvk0 and fk are, respectively, initial shear strength under zero compressive stress and
compressive strength of masonry panels.
Table 2. Stafford-Smith Failure Modes adapted from [47,48].
Bed Joints Sliding H0,1
1+ 0.8 hl
1.5fvk0lt lt
Diagonal Tensile Failure H0,2=
Corner Crushing H0,3
This modelling approach is very effective for linear analysis only, due to the lack of cracking and
post-failure behavior.
Starting from the Stafford–Smith linear formulation, Decanini et al. model [50,51] developed an
inelastic equivalent strut model, whose equivalent strut width ω is given by Equation (5):
d (5)
where λH is given by Equation (1) and coefficients K1, K2 are reported in Table 3 as a function of
The maximum horizontal force Hmax carried by infill panels can be evaluated as:
Hmax =
minσbr, i tωcos θ with i
= 1,4 (6)
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 7 of 29
σbr, i are the maximum axial stresses related to typical failure modes reported in Table 4, where:
σ0 is the vertical stress, set to 0 MPa due to the lack of vertical load acting on the panels,
σm0 is the compression strength,
γσm0 is the shear strength, with γ = 0.6÷1.5 here assumed equal 1, and σm0 expressed in
(kg/cm2), and
= 0.7τm0 is the sliding strength.
Table 3. Coefficients K1 and K2.
K1 K
H < 3.14 1.3 0.178
H 7.85 0.707 0.01
7.85 <
H 0.47 0.04
Table 4. Decanini et al. Failure Modes adapted from [50,51].
Bed Joints Sliding σbr,1=1
2sinθ+0.45 cos θu+0.3σ0
Diagonal Tensile Failure σbr,2=0.6τm0+0.3σ0
Corner Crushing σbr,3=1.12 sin θcos θ
Diagonal Compressive Failure σbr,4=1.16σm0 tan θ
The secant stiffness contribution Ksec of the equivalent strut in horizontal direction is defined
by Equation (7). In order to consider the strength reduction due to openings, both Hmax and Ksec
must be multiplied for a coefficient ρ0 reported in Equation (8), where αa=l0h0lh·100 ,
α1=l0l·100 and l0, h0, l, h are defined in Figure 5.
dcos2θ (7)
025α1 (8)
Figure 6 shows a graphical representation of the non-linear constitutive model by Decanini et al.
[50,51], where the expected drifts at cracked δcr , maximum δmax , and residual δres stages are
empirically obtained starting from initial Ki
4Ksec and residual Kres = 0.02 Ksec stiffness values and
horizontal forces at crack Hcr = 0.8 Hmax and residual Hres = 0.35 Hmax stages.
Further studies showed that the Decanini et al. [50,51] constitutive model can correctly predict
the infill panel experimental behavior in term of strength, but not in terms of equivalent stiffness,
which results in being overestimated [52]. Cardone, Perrone, and Sassun [53] recently proposed a
Decanini modified model, revising the expected panel drift δ, as follows:
h-1-ε21+ L
h2-1 (9)
where ε is the diagonal strain capacity of the considered infill panel.
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 8 of 29
Figure 6. Infill panels backbone curve adapted from Decanini et al. [50,51].
A comparison has been performed for a masonry panel whose geometry and material properties
are listed in Tables 5 and 6, respectively, in order to select the model that better describes the infill
panels behavior for the considered case study. Masonry elastic modulus and compressive strength
are selected from previous on-site investigations, while shear strengths and strain capacities ε are
gathered from the average values of experimental results reported by Cardone et al. [53], which
investigated both weak and strong masonry infill panels.
The obtained results are showed in Figure 7 where the horizontal force Hm applied to the panel
is plotted as a function of the top horizontal displacement d.
Table 5. Panel geometry.
H [m] h [m] L [m] l [m] t [m] h0 [m] l0 [m] θ
4 3.72 5.125 4.7 0.16 0 0 38.4°
Table 6. Panel material properties for selected models.
Ec [MPa] 27,938
Em [MPa] 5000
fk [MPa] 5.50 Strength for Stafford Smith
fvk0 [MPa] 0.37
σ0 [MPa] 0
Strength for Decanini et al.
σmo [MPa] 5.50
τmo [MPa] 0.74
u [MPa] 0.52
εcr [%] 0.09 Strain for Decanini Modified
εmax [%] 0.2
εres [%] 0.9
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 9 of 29
Figure 7. Comparison of infill panel equivalent strut constitutive models.
The difference between Decanini [50,51] and Decanini modified [52,53] models in terms of initial
stiffness and top horizontal displacement is clearly visible, while in terms of maximum strength, all
the selected models show similar results. It can be observed that Stafford–Smith model [47,48] elastic
behavior is very similar to the one of Decanini modified model [52,53]. This last remark, in addition
to the accredited prediction efficiency of the Stafford–Smith model, has led to the choice of the
Decanini modified model [52,53] for the implementation of masonry infill panels of this study.
The infill panels constitutive models obtained for the case study are finally reported in Figure 8,
while Figure 9 represents their location and relative identification colors. Infill panels have been
dived into groups that consider interstory heights and panels geometry as well, obtaining the nine
different acronyms of Figure 8. F1, F2, and F3 characterize three different interstorey heights: F1 is
used for the second storey height, F2 for the third, fourth, and fifth storey heights, and F3 for the sixth
storey height. A and B characterize the transversal and longitudinal building sides, as shown by
Figure 1b,c, respectively. Lastly, L and C characterize lateral and central infill panels, respectively, of
the transversal building side.
Figure 8. Case study masonry infill panels constitutive models.
0 20406080
Hm (kN)
d (mm)
Equivalent strut comparison
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 10 of 29
Figure 9. Case study representation with masonry infill panels IDs location.
2.2. Performance Assesment Criteria
Performance assessment criteria have been defined according to NTC 2108 [21], Circ. C.S.LL.PP.
2019 [54], and Eurocodes [22]. RC beams and columns have been checked for brittle failure modes,
comparing shear demand VEd with capacity VRd , and for ductile failure modes, comparing the
element chord rotation demand θEd with capacity θu. The infill panels have been checked for out-of-
plane and in-plane failure modes, by comparing the out-of-plane flexural moment demand MEd, with
capacity MRd, and the in-plane horizontal displacement demand dEdwith capacity du, respectively.
Performance ratios, pr, have been defined for each type of crisis to easily evaluate the structural
behavior. Shear performance ratios prV and rotational performance ratios prθ have been defined
for RC elements, according to (10) and (11), while moment performance ratios pr
and displacement
performance ratios pr
have been defined for infill walls, according to (12) and (13). The safety check
is positive whenever pr values are lower than 1.
Frame elements and infill panels demands have been set performing nonlinear time history
analysis using the group of seven natural records of two components shown in Figure 2, selected for
the Severe Damage (SD) Limit State of the considered site according to NTC 2018 [21]. Elements chord
rotation capacity θu has been set according to Circ. C.S.LL.PP. 2019 [54] and Eurocodes [22] for the
SD Limit State. The infill panels in-plane horizontal displacement capacity 𝑑 has been set according
to the maximum displacement associated to panels strength Hmax, as assessed by Decanini modified
model [52,53]. Unconfined beam-to-column joints have been also checked in terms of tensile and
compressive strength according to Par. C8. of Circ. C.S.LL.PP. 2019 [54].
The overall structural performance is finally evaluated according to the Italian DM 65/2017 [55],
also called “Sismabonus”, which classifies the seismic risk level of a structure from the worst class,
G, to the best class, A+, using the Safety Index (SI) and Expected Annual Loss (EAL) concepts. SI,
expressed as α in the following, is defined as ratio between the capacity peak ground acceleration,
, associated to the limit structural behavior, and the demand peak ground acceleration, PGA
associated to the considered Limit State. PGA
is obtained rescaling the group of selected
accelerograms until the conducted safety checks give positive results, while the PGA
is the target
spectrum PGA for the considered site. EAL is defined as the average annual amount of damage,
associated to the repairing costs due to future expected earthquakes, taking in account the frequency
and severity of all the possible earthquakes compatible with the seismic hazard of the site [15], as
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 11 of 29
given by NTC 2018 [21] standard for new constructions. The seismic risk level of the structure is
assessed as the lower level between the SI and EAL-based risk levels.
It is to remark that the “Sismabonus” [55] is an innovative Italian Government law conceived to
reduce the seismic risk level of the Italian built heritage by supporting the buildings’ owners from
the economical point of view with a tax break between 50% and 85% of the structural retrofit
intervention costs over five years, depending on the seismic risk level that was obtained for the
retrofit structure. With this law, the Italian Government actively means to spread the seismic risk
awareness among citizens.
2.3. As-Built Performance Assesment
Non-linear time history analysis has been conducted of As-Built (AB) structural configuration
while using the group of seven natural records of two components that are shown in Figure 2, selected
for the SD Limit State of the considered site according to NTC 2018 [21]. As already reported in
Section 2.1, the structure inelastic behavior has been numerically implemented using inelastic hinges
of finite length for RC beams and columns, while using compression only inelastic links for masonry
infill panels, according to Decanini Modified Model [28,29], as shown in Figure 8.
AB storey shear forces and displacements are plotted in Figure 10 charts for both X and Y
direction. Maximum storey shear forces are 3500 kN and 5500 kN in X and Y directions, respectively.
The charts show that infill panels absorb from 34% to 82% of the storey shear force in X direction, and
from 71% to 91% in Y direction, depending on the floor level. Maximum top displacements are 18
and 14 cm in X and Y directions, respectively. The highest interstorey drifts are recorded at the lower
floors of about 1.1% and 1.3% in X and Y directions, respectively.
Performance ratios, pr, are plotted in Figure 11 charts. The RC beams and columns show a good
performance for both brittle and ductile failure modes, with prV and pr
lower than 1. pr values
tend to decrease from F1 to F6. It is to notice that steel rebar yielding takes place in both RC beams
and columns, as highlighted by the yellow dots plotted in both X and Y directions of chord rotation
graphs; however, the chord rotations never reach their ultimate values. Unconfined beam-to-column
joints show a good performance in both tensile and compressive terms according to Par. C8. of
Circ. C.S.LL.PP. 2019 [54]. On the other hand, almost all of the infill panels reach the out-of-plane
failure condition, with prM values generally higher than 1, leading to a critical scenario in term of
masonry performance. Most of the infill panels also reach the in-plane failure condition, as shown by
> 1, except at the higher floor levels, where they are almost completely cracked.
Figure 10. As-Built storey shear forces and displacements.
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 12 of 29
Figure 11. As-Built RC elements and infill panels performance ratios.
The AB safety index has been valued as α = 32%, corresponding to a D class of seismic risk, and
the EAL has been valued as 1.5% corresponding to a C class of seismic risk, according to the
Sismabonus [55]. The overall seismic risk class of the AB configuration has been set to a D level.
3. Retrofit Projects Definition and Performance Assessment
Seismic retrofit projects focused on local intervention techniques are herein considered, as AB
structural configuration deficiencies mainly involve masonry infill panels. A first option (RP1)
consists in strengthening the existing infill panels using FRCM to prevent both in-plane and out-of
plane failure modes. A second option (RP2) consists in replacing the existing infill panels with light
prefabricated panels, disconnected from the structure in order to avoid structural elements-infill
panels interaction.
Seismic retrofit projects that are focused on global intervention techniques are also considered,
applying passive control techniques. Accordingly, a third option (RP3) consists in introducing energy
dissipation devices, such as FD, along the height of the RC frame and, finally, a fourth option (RP4)
consists in introducing base isolation devices, such as LRBs, at the basement level.
The above described four retrofit projects options have been designed and assessed in terms of
structural performances and intervention costs, with the aim to compare them under the cost–benefit
ratio point of view.
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 13 of 29
3.1. Infill Panels Strengthening (RP1)
In RP1, masonry infill panels are strengthened with FRCM, an innovative composite material
that is based on high strength fibers grids embedded into inorganic matrices, such as natural mortars
or cements. The application of FRCM at both panel’s surfaces can lead to an increment of their in-
plane strength up to twice the unreinforced one [56]. Figure 12 shows the comparison between in-
plane force-displacement relationships of strengthened and AB infill panels, using the same
symbology of Figure 8. In this case study, the effect of FRCM reinforcement has been numerically
implemented by considering a double strength value of inelastic struts associated to each panel, and
assuming unchanged cracking and ultimate deformations. FRCM application also increases the out-
of-plane strength, up to 400% the original one [57], preventing the expulsion failure mode.
Figure 12. Original and strengthened masonry infill panels constitutive models.
Nonlinear time history analysis has been carried out in order to evaluate RP1 structural
performance and the obtained results are reported in the following Figures 13 and 14.
Figure 13. RP1 storey shear forces and displacements.
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 14 of 29
Figure 14. RP1 RC elements and infill panels performance ratios.
Storey shear forces and displacements are plotted in Figure 13 charts for both the X and Y
direction. Maximum storey shear forces are 4400 kN and 6400 kN in X and Y directions, respectively,
which are about 1000 kN higher than the AB configuration in both directions, with an average
increment of 21%. Strengthened infill panels absorb from 63% to 87% of the storey shear force in X
direction, and from 84% to 94% in Y direction, depending on the floor level, with a shear force average
increment of 90% respect to the AB configuration. Maximum top displacements are 16 and 12 cm in
X and Y directions, respectively, which are slightly lower than the AB configuration. However, the
recorded firsts floors drifts are higher than the AB configuration, leading to values of 1.6% and 1.4%
in X and Y directions, respectively.
Performance ratios, pr, are plotted in Figure 14 charts. RC beams show a good performance for
both brittle and ductile failure modes, with prV and pr
lower than 1, while RC columns exhibit
some shear failures at floor F1, with maximum prV = 1.1. pr values tend to decrease from F1 to F6. It
is to notice that steel rebar yielding takes place in both RC beams and columns, as highlighted by the
yellow dots that are plotted in both X and Y directions of chord rotation graphs; however, the chord
rotations never reach their ultimate values. Unconfined beam-to-column joints show a good
performance in both tensile and compressive terms according to Par. C8. of Circ. C.S.LL.PP.
2019 [54]. The infill panels show a remarkable out-of plane performance improvement, with prM<
1. However, in-plane failures still occur at the first two floors, as shown by pr
> 1, with significant
damage level at the upper floors.
RP1 safety index has been valued as α = 45%, corresponding to a C class of seismic risk, and the
EAL has been valued as 0.93%, corresponding to an A class of seismic risk, according to the
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 15 of 29
Sismabonus [55]. The overall seismic risk class of the RP1 configuration has been set to a C level,
highlighting a seismic risk reduction of 1 class with respect to the AB structural configuration.
3.2. Infill Panels Replacement (RP2)
In RP2, the masonry infill panels are replaced with light prefabricated panels, set to avoid any
interaction with RC frame elements. Typical light prefabricated panels are made by drywall, lighter
than masonry panels and settable to allow high interstorey drift values [58,59]. In this case study, the
light panels have been numerically implemented as weight only, so that the RP2 structural behavior
corresponds to the bare RC frame, without the typical Pilotis behavior.
Nonlinear time history analysis has been carried out in order to evaluate RP2 structural
performance and the obtained results are reported in the following Figures 15 and 16.
Storey shear forces and displacements are plotted in Figure 15 charts for both X and Y direction.
Maximum storey shear forces are about 3000 kN in both directions, that are lower than the AB
configuration of about 500 kN in X direction and 2500 kN in Y direction, with an average decrement
of 30%. Maximum top displacements are 25 cm in both directions, which are higher than the AB
configuration. Furthermore, the recorded central intersorey drifts are higher than the AB
configuration, leading to values of 1.4% in both directions.
Performance ratios, pr, are plotted in Figure 16 charts. RC beams and columns show a good
performance for both brittle and ductile failure modes, with prV and pr
lower than 1. The pr
values tend to increase from F1 to F6. It is to notice that steel rebar yielding takes place in both RC
beams and columns, as highlighted by the yellow dots plotted in X direction only of chord rotation
graphs; however, the chord rotations never reach their ultimate values. Unconfined beam-to-column
joints show a good performance in both tensile and compressive terms according to Par. C8. of
Circ. C.S.LL.PP. 2019 [54].
Figure 15. RP2 storey shear forces and displacements.
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 16 of 29
Figure 16. RP2 RC elements and infill panels performance ratios.
The RP2 safety index has been valued as α = 100%, corresponding to an A+ class of seismic risk,
and the EAL has been valued as 0.46%, corresponding to an A+ class of seismic risk, according to the
Sismabonus [55]. The overall seismic risk class of the RP2 configuration has been set to an A+ level,
highlighting a seismic risk reduction of four classes with respect to the AB structural configuration.
3.3. Energy Dissipation (RP3)
In RP3, energy dissipation is demanded to FDs, distributed within the RC frame respecting its
in-plane and in-height regularity. Sized on the AB configuration’s interstorey drifts and shear forces,
FD devices produced by Quaketek [60] have been selected. Figure 17 shows the implemented FDs
constitutive model, where an activation force of about 800 kN and a maximum allowable
displacement of 94 mm can be observed. Thanks to FDs application, four bracing frames are added
to the AB RC frame in both X and Y directions, as schematically represented in Figure 18.
Figure 17. Selected Friction Dampers (FD) Hysteresis Cycle.
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 17 of 29
Figure 18. RP3 principal structure.
Nonlinear time history analysis has been carried out in order to evaluate RP1 structural
performance and the obtained results are reported in the following Figures 19 and 20.
Figure 19. RP3 storey shear forces and displacements.
Storey shear forces and displacements are plotted in Figure 19 charts for both X and Y direction.
Maximum storey shear forces are 6100 kN and 7100 kN in X and Y directions, respectively, which are
about 2000 kN higher than the AB configuration in both directions, with an average increment of
52%. The charts show that infill panels absorb from 19% to 22% of the storey shear force in X direction,
and from 22% to 43% in Y direction, depending on the floor level. The FD devices absorb from 41%
to 72% of the storey shear force in X direction, and from 39% to 74% in Y direction, depending on the
floor level. Infill panels and frame columns register a shear force average decrement of 50% respect
to the AB configuration, except F1 frame columns that register a shear force average decrement of
10% respect to the AB configuration. Maximum top displacements are 8 and 7 cm in X and Y
directions, respectively, which are considerably lower values with respect to the AB configuration.
F1 drifts are lower than the AB configuration, leading to values of 0.71% and 0.57% in X and Y
directions, respectively.
Performance ratios, pr, are plotted in Figure 20 charts. RC beams and columns show a good
performance for both brittle and ductile failure modes, with prV and pr
lower than 1. The pr
values tend to decrease from F1 to F6. It is to notice that steel rebar yielding takes place in RC beams
only, as highlighted by the yellow dots plotted in X direction only of chord rotation graphs; however,
the chord rotations never reach their ultimate values. Most of the infill panels reach the out-of-plane
failure condition with prM higher than 1, while they reach in-plane failure condition at F1 with pr
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 18 of 29
> 1, and limited damage level at the upper floors. Unconfined beam-to-column joints show a good
performance in both tensile and compressive terms according to Par. C8. of Circ. C.S.LL.PP.
2019 [54].
Figure 20. RP3 RC elements and infill panels performance ratios.
RP3 safety index has been valued as α = 62%, corresponding to a B class of seismic risk, and the
EAL has been valued as 0.65%, corresponding to an A class of seismic risk, according to the
Sismabonus [55]. The overall seismic risk class of the RP3 configuration has been set to a B level,
highlighting a seismic risk reduction of 2 class with respect to the AB structural configuration.
3.4. Base Isolation (RP4)
In RP3, the base isolation technique is applied by using LRBs produced by FipIndustriale [61].
Figure 21 shows the implemented LRBs constitutive model, where an activation force of about 200
kN, a maximum force of 400 kN and a maximum allowable displacement of 333 mm can be observed.
Sliding Bearings (SB) that are produced by FipIndustriale [62] are also used at the basement level,
together with LRBs, in order to obtain a regular in-plane behavior. SB activation force and maximum
allowable displacement are about 200 kN and 50 mm, respectively. Figure 22 shows the overall base
isolated structure, where LRBs and SBs, located at the base, are represented in blue and red colors,
respectively. It can be observed that a new rigid RC diaphragm must be created at the basement level
before setting LRBs and SBs.
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 19 of 29
Figure 21. Selected LRB hysteresis cycle.
Figure 22. RP4 principal structure.
Nonlinear time history analysis has been carried out to evaluate RP4 structural performance and
the obtained results are reported in the following Figures 23 and 24.
Figure 23. RP4 storey shear forces and displacements.
Storey shear forces and displacements are plotted in Figure 23 charts for both the X and Y
direction. Maximum storey shear forces are about 1500 kN in both directions, which are lower than
the AB configuration of about 2000 kN in X direction and 4000 kN in Y direction, with an average
decrement of 65%.Infill panels absorb from 61% to 76% of the storey shear force in X direction, and
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 20 of 29
from 80% to 86% in Y direction, depending on the floor level, with a shear force average decrement
of 90% respect to the AB configuration. The infill panels and frame columns register a shear force
average decrement of 65% with respect to the AB configuration and of 62% with respect to the RP3
configuration. Maximum top displacements are 16 and 15 cm in X and Y directions, respectively,
which are higher than the AB configuration. However, recorded F1 drifts are remarkably lower than
the AB configuration, leading to values of 0.19% and 0.11% in X and Y directions, respectively.
Performance ratios, pr, are plotted in Figure 24 charts. RC beams and columns show a good
performance for both brittle and ductile failure modes, with prV and prϑ lower than 1. pr values
tend to decrease from F1 to F6. It is to notice that steel rebar yielding does not take place in both RC
beams and columns. Infill panels show remarkable out-of plane and in-plane performances
improvement, with prM<1 and prd<1, with a moderate in-plane damage level only. Unconfined
beam-to-column joints show a good performance in both tensile and compressive terms according to
Par. C8. of Circ. C.S.LL.PP. 2019 [54].
Figure 24. RP4 RC elements and infill panels performance ratios.
The RP4 safety index has been valued as α = 100%, corresponding to a A+ class of seismic risk,
and the EAL has been valued as 0.45%, corresponding to a A+ class of seismic risk, according to the
Sismabonus [15]. The overall seismic risk class of the RP4 configuration has been set to a A+ level,
highlighting a seismic risk reduction of 4 class with respect to the AB structural configuration.
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 21 of 29
4. Performance Comparison of Retrofit Projects
In order to thoroughly compare RP1, RP2, RP3, and RP4 to AB structures in terms of structural
behavior, their performance has been plotted on the Acceleration-Displacement Response Spectrum
(ADRS) graph of Figure 25 for the SD Limit State of the considered site according to NTC 2018 [21].
RP1 and RP2 are based on local interventions. In terms of energy dissipation rate, they provide
an average equivalent damping in X and Y directions, ξeq, of about 26% very similar to the 29% of the
AB configuration. RP1 fundamental periods, T, in X and Y directions (2 s and 1.5 s, respectively) are
very similar to the AB configuration (2.4 s and 1.7 s, respectively), while RP2 fundamental periods
(2.9 s and 3 s, respectively) are higher than the AB configuration due to the lack of infill panels-RC
frame interaction. The RP1 and AB solutions have similar spectral accelerations (about 0.15 g and 0.2
g in X and Y directions, respectively) and displacements (about 17 cm and 13 cm in X and Y directions,
respectively) while RP2 has lower spectral acceleration (about 0.1 g in both X and Y directions) and
higher displacement (about 25 cm in both X and Y directions).
RP3 and RP4 are based on global interventions. In terms of energy dissipation rate, they provide
an average equivalent damping in X and Y directions, ξeq, of about 45% and 75%, respectively, much
higher than the 29% of the AB configuration. RP3 fundamental periods, T, in X and Y directions (on
average 1.1 s) are much lower than the AB configuration (2.4 s and 1.7 s, respectively), while RP4
fundamental periods (in average 3.4 s) are much higher than the AB configuration. RP3 has higher
spectral acceleration (in average 0.23 g in X and Y directions) and lower displacement (in average 7
cm in both X and Y directions) when compared with the AB configuration. On the contrary, RP4 has
lower spectral acceleration (in average 0.05 g in X and Y directions) and higher displacement (on
average 25 cm in both X and Y directions) if compared with the AB configuration.
It is interesting to underline that RP2 and RP4 equalize the structural performance in X and Y
directions, decrease the seismic actions more efficiently than RP1 and RP3, and provide a safety level
as high as the expected for a new construction.
Figure 25. As-Built (AB) and RPs performance Acceleration-Displacement Response Spectrum
(ADRS) in X and Y directions.
A thorough structural performance evaluation must account both safety and damage issues. The
proposed retrofit projects can have similar safety indexes, but much different expected damage
levels, as outlined by the performance assessment presented in Section 3.
In order to perform a full comparison, damage indexes for frame elements, ρθ, and infill panels,
, have been set as ratio between demand and capacity of the deformation excursions in the inelastic
field, and they have been expressed as function of ductility demands µθ,D ,µd,D, and capacities
µθ,C,µd,C using the following Equations (14) and (15):
µθ,C-1 (14)
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 22 of 29
µd,C-1 (15)
θ and d are the frame elements chord rotation and panels displacement demand, respectively;
θy and dcr are the frame elements chord rotation at yielding and panels displacement at
cracking, respectively; and,
θu and du are the frame elements chord rotation and panels displacement capacity,
Global damage indexes for frame elements, DIθ, and infill panels, DId, have also been defined
as ratio between summations, over the i-th structural elements, of demand and capacity of the
deformation excursions in the inelastic field, as given by (16) and (17) correspondingly. Global
damage indexes DIθ and DId have been set to range between 0 and 1, where 0 means no damage
and 1 means the ultimate failure of all the structural elements. Global damage indexes have been
introduced in order to measure how much the damaged elements affect the overall structure.
In addition, the total number of damaged frame elements, DEtot,θ, and infill panels, DEtot,d, have
been set as ratio between the number of frame elements and infill panels with damage index ρθ,ρd>
0, and the total number of frame elements and infill panels, respectively. Finally, the total number of
failed frame elements, FEtot,θ, and infill panels, FEtot,d, have been set as the ratio between the number
of frame elements and infill panels with damage index ρθ,ρd = 1, and the total number of frame
elements and infill panels, respectively.
Table 7 reports frame elements and infill panels DI, DEtot and FEtot in percentage.
Frame elements DIθ are always lower than 1%; however, the DIθ values of RP1 and RP2 are
higher while RP3 and RP4 are lower than the AB configuration (DIθ = 0.44%). The better performance
is given by RP4 with a DIθ = 0%; the worst performance is given by RP1 with a DIθ = 0.99%. Infill
panels DId strongly depend on the retrofit configuration; DId values of all the RPs are lower than the
AB configuration (DId = 87.37%). The better performance is given by RP2 with a DId = 0%; the worst
performance is given by RP1 with a DIθ = 51.28%.
Frame elements DEtot,θ are always lower than 10%; however, DEtot,θ values of RP1 and RP2 are
higher, while RP3 and RP4 are lower than the AB configuration (DEtot,θ = 6.58%). The better
performance is given by RP4 with a DEtot,θ = 0%; the worst performance is given by RP1 with a DEtot,θ
= 10.31%. The infill panels DEtot,d strongly depend on the retrofit configuration; DEtot,d values of all the
RPs are lower than the AB configuration (DEtot,d = 75%). The better performance is given by RP2 with
a DEtot,d = 0%; the worst performance is given by RP1 with a DEtot,d = 67.50%.
Frame elements FEtot,θ = 0% for all of the considered structural configuration. Infill panels FEtot,d
strongly depend on the retrofit configuration; FEtot,d values of all the RPs are lower than the AB
configuration (FEtot,d = 43.75%). The better performance is given by RP2 and RP4 with a FEtot,d = 0%;
the worst performance is given by RP1 with a FEto t,d = 21.25%.
It is interesting to highlight that RP2 and RP4 result to be the more efficient RP configurations,
providing the better performance for both infill panels and frame elements.
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 23 of 29
Table 7. DI, DEtot, and FEtot for AB and RPs configurations.
Frame Elements Infill Panels
DIθ,d (%) 0.44 0.99 0.65 0.11 0 87.37 51.98 0 27.84 12.53
DEtot,θ,d (%) 6.58 10.31 6.80 1.32 0 75.00 67.50 0 36.67 40.00
FEtot,θ,d (%) 0 0 0 0 0 43.75 21.25 0 3.33 0
The number of frame elements, DEθ, and infill panels, DEd, which have reached a certain level
of damage, ρθ and ρd, respectively, have also been computed and expressed in percent respect the
number of total elements. DEθ and DEd are evaluated in distributed form, i.e., as total damaged
elements’ percentage for each ρθ,ρd, interval and, in cumulative form, i.e., as total damaged elements’
percentage up to the ρθ,ρd, interval. In Figure 26, DEθ and DEd in both distributed and cumulative
forms are plotted vs. ρ
and ρ
, respectively, with ρθ,ρd, intervals of 0.1.
For frame elements, DEθ maximum value is lower than 10% for a ρθ of about 0.1 for all of the
RPs. The number of elements that reach higher values of ρθ are progressively lower, as confirmed
by the cumulative plot of DEθ that is set constant for ρθ > 0.3. The damage level of frame elements is
low and involves a limited percentage of elements (about 10%) for all of the proposed RPs
configuration. RP4 configuration still highlights the better performance due to damage lacking.
For infill panels, DEd maximum value is about 40% for a ρd of about 1 for the AB configuration,
20% for the RP1 and lower than 5% for the other RPs. The cumulative plot of DEd increases linearly
with ρd, due to an almost uniform damage distribution for all of the RPs. The damage level of infill
panels is generally high and involve a significant percentage of elements (between 40 and 80%),
depending on the proposed RPs configuration. RP2 configuration highlights the better performance
due to damage lacking; however, RP4 exhibits a good performance in term of infills damage, reaching
a maximum ρ
= 0.6 for less than 10% of elements, without any failure occurrence.
Figure 26. DE in distributed and cumulative forms for AB and RPs configurations.
A cost analysis has been performed for the considered RPs in order to complete the retrofit
projects comparison. Retrofit total costs are classified in direct and indirect costs. Direct costs include
the structural and related non-structural work costs, estimated using Italian medium prices [63].
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 24 of 29
Indirect costs take in account the occupants dislocation costs during the rehabilitation works,
estimated using Italian month-rent medium costs for a 100 m
apartment and including the moving
costs. Dislocation time has been estimated based on a single work-month for each building floor.
Eventual repair costs have also been considered for future post-earthquake rehabilitation
interventions, estimated using Italian medium prices [63]. The repair costs include the strengthening
of yielded frame elements using FRP, the demolition and reconstruction of collapsed masonry infill
panels and the restoration of cracked panels, but they do not include the costs of eventual displaced
occupants, since minor damage levels are expected.
Retrofit total costs and eventual repair costs that are evaluated in Euros are collected in Table 8
together with the achieved risk levels for the considered RPs and the expected seismic risk reduction
with respect to the AB structural configuration. Retrofit total costs and eventual repair costs in Euros
and in Euros per unit surface are also graphically compared in Figure 27.
Based on the obtained results, RP4 is by far the most efficient intervention technique among the
considered RPs, achieving the highest safety levels with the lowest total costs. Differently from the
other RPs, RP4 provides very low storey accelerations during a major earthquake and the occupants’
danger perception can be very reduced. Furthermore, RP4 exhibits lower eventual post-earthquake
repair costs, due to the lack of post-earthquake structural damage, while slightly damaged infill
panels can be easily and inexpensively restored. Finally, RP4 execution does not interfere with the
building occupants’ life, and current activities are not interrupted during the whole duration of
rehabilitation works. RP2 also reveals to be a very promising retrofit strategy, achieving the highest
safety level with limited damage and relatively low costs. However, due to the high impact of
rehabilitation works on the occupants’ lifestyle, it is mainly suggested for the retrofit of unoccupied
Table 8. Achieved seismic risk level, retrofit, and repair costs for different RPs.
Seismic Risk Level C A+ B A+
(+1) (+4) (+2) (+4)
Direct Costs 450,000€ 420,000€ 880,000€ 300,000€
Indirect Costs 90,000€ 90,000€ 90,000€ 0€
Total Costs 540,000€ 510,000€ 970,000€ 300,000€
Eventual Repair Costs 200,000€ 70,000€ 170,000€ 30,000€
Figure 27. Total and per unit surface costs for different RPs.
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 25 of 29
5. Conclusions
In this study, four different retrofit projects have been developed and compared for the seismic
rehabilitation of an existing Pilotis RC frame, designed for gravity loads only and located in a high
seismic risk region of Italy. Advanced retrofit techniques have been applied both at the local and
global structural level. Two retrofit projects have been defined at the local level by strengthening the
original masonry infilled panels with FRCM (RP1) and alternatively replacing the original infilled
panels with not interacting and light prefabricated panels (RP2). Two more retrofit projects have been
defined at the global level by improving the overall structural capacity by means of FDs (RP3) and
LRBs (RP4) applications. Nonlinear time history analysis has been carried out for as-built (AB) and
retrofit (RPs) structural configurations in order to assess the structural performance according to
Eurocode 8 [22] and NTC 2018 [21].
The main remarks are collected below:
In RP1 configuration, in-plane and out-of-plane stiffness and strength of infilled masonry panels
are much higher than in the AB configuration, due to the FRCM application. The overall structural
stiffness and base shear force are also increased and shear failure and yielding occur in some first-
floor RC beams and columns, without reaching the ultimate chord rotation. Thanks to RP1, a
Seismic Risk Class type C is assessed according to Sismabonus [55]. RP1 provides an average
equivalent damping ξeq in X and Y directions of about 27%, very similar to the 29% of the AB
configuration. RC frame elements and masonry infilled panels result in being slightly and
moderately damaged with a DIθ of 0.99% and a DId of 52%, respectively. Structural damage affects
the 10.31% of RC frame elements, without failure occurrence, and the 67.50% of infill panels, with
failure occurrence of 21.25%. RP1 realization cost is about 241€/m2 with an eventual repair cost of
89€/m2 after a major earthquake. Furthermore, occupants are accounted to leave the building
during both the rehabilitation and repair interventions.
In RP2 configuration, original infilled masonry panels are removed and replaced by non-
interacting light prefabricated panels, so that the activated seismic response corresponds to the
bare frame seismic response. The overall structural stiffness is substantially reduced due to the
abolition of the Pilotis frame behavior, leading to lower base shear forces and higher inter-storey
drifts and top displacements. RC columns yielding occurs at different storey heights, without
reaching the ultimate chord rotation. Thanks to RP2, a Risk Class A+ is assessed according to
Sismabonus [55]. RP2 provides an average equivalent damping ξeq in X and Y directions of
approximately 25%, very similar to the 29% of the AB configuration. RC frame elements and
masonry infilled panels result slightly and no damaged with a DIθ of 0.65% and a DId of 0%,
respectively. Structural damage affects the 6.80% of RC frame elements, without failure
occurrence. RP2 realization cost is about 228€/m2 with an eventual repair cost of 31€/m2 after a
major earthquake. Furthermore, occupants are accounted to leave the building during both the
rehabilitation and repair interventions.
In RP3 configuration, the global performance under seismic actions is improved by using energy
dissipation that is supplied by FDs system. The overall structural stiffness is increased, leading to
a substantial reduction of inter-storey drifts and top displacements together with a meaningful
increase of base shear forces. However, the frame demand is decreased due to FDs system efficacy
and RC columns yielding occurs in very few elements, without reaching the ultimate chord
rotation. Thanks to RP3, a Risk Class B is assessed according to Sismabonus [55]. RP3 provides an
average equivalent damping ξeq in X and Y directions of about 45%, higher than the 29% of the AB
configuration. RC frame elements and masonry infilled panels result in slightly and moderately
damaged with a DIθ of 0,11% and a DId of 28%, respectively. Structural damage affects the 1.32%
of RC frame elements, without failure occurrence, and the 36.67% of infill panels, with failure
occurrence of 3.33%. RP3 realization cost is about 433€/m2 with an eventual repair cost of 76€/m2
after a major earthquake. Furthermore, occupants are accounted to leave the building during both
the rehabilitation and repair interventions.
In RP4 configuration, the global performance under seismic action is improved using base isolation
that is supplied by LRBs system. The main oscillation period is conveniently increased, leading to
Buildings 2020, 10, 149 26 of 29
a meaningful reduction of base shear forces and inter-storey drifts even though with increased top
displacements. Thanks to RP4, a Risk Class A+ is assessed according to Sismabonus [55]. RP4
provides an average equivalent damping ξeq in X and Y directions of about 75%, much higher than
the 29% of the AB configuration. RC frame elements results without damage, and masonry infilled
panels result in being slightly damaged with a DIθ of 0% and a DId of 13%, respectively. Structural
damage affects the 40.00% of infill panels, without failure occurrence. RP4 realization cost is about
134€/m2 with an eventual repair cost of 13€/m2 after a major earthquake. Differently by previous
cases, occupants are not accounted to leave the building during both the rehabilitation and repair
The base isolation technique, based on LRBs application, has provided the better overall
structural performance with much higher equivalent damping and much lower associated costs than
the other considered rehabilitation techniques, confirming to be a very effective and competitive
retrofit technique for Pilotis RC frames rehabilitation. Additionally, occupants’ activities are not
interrupted during the whole duration of rehabilitation works. However, base isolation technique is
not always permitted, as in the presence of nearby buildings or soft soils, so the other retrofit
configurations can still be very useful as design tools for professionals.
Energy dissipation technique, based on FDs application, has also proved to be a sound solution,
but with high associated costs despite the high equivalent damping provided. The FRCM
strengthening technique is suggested as complementary technique only, in case base isolation or
energy dissipation techniques need further interventions due to a highly vulnerable as-built
structure. Finally, the replacement of original masonry infill panels with non-interacting light
prefabricated panels has also proved to be a very promising retrofit strategy for Pilotis RC frames.
However, due to the high impact of rehabilitation works on the occupants’ lifestyle, it is suggested
mainly for the retrofit of unoccupied buildings.
It is to recall that the considered structure was originally designed to host essential functions,
with high quality RC elements detailing if compared to the standard detailing of the construction
time. The considered rehabilitation techniques can lead to different results when applied to RC
frames with poor detailing or different structural typologies. This work also emphasizes that non-
linear numerical analysis provides a more accurate assessment of the existing structures performance,
fully taking into account the available ductility and capacity of the structural elements, including
infill panels, and helping professionals to identify the better rehabilitation technique according to
different requirements.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.Z. and A.A.; methodology, E.G., M.Z. and A.A; software, E.G.;
validation, E.G., M.Z. and A.A.; formal analysis, E.G.; investigation, E.G., M.Z. and A.A.; resources, M.Z. and
A.A.; data curation, E.G.; writing—original draft preparation, E.G.; writing—review and editing, M.Z. and A.A.;
visualization, E.G.; supervision, M.Z. and A.A.; project administration, M.Z. and A.A.; funding acquisition, A.A.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The authors wish to acknowledge the support provided by FAR funding from the University of
Ferrara, 2019–2020, “In-plane shear capacity of clay masonry walls strengthened with textile reinforced mortars
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Important conclusions from this study include: (a) the failure mode of multi-storey piloti frames changes significantly when considering joint degradation compared to assuming rigid beam-column joints; (b) the maximum interstorey drifts of 8-storey frame structures with joint degradation increase in the lower floors and decrease in the upper floors, compared to those simulated with rigid joints; (c) degradation in the joint core area reduces the maximum ductility demands on columns at the base of the multi-storey structure; and (d) the presence of masonry infill improves the seismic performance of piloti structures, especially when the low capacity of exterior joints is taken into account. Grossi et al. (2020) conducted a comparative analysis of four advanced retrofitting techniques applied to typical piloti RC frames designed for gravity loads. The techniques considered include strengthening masonry infilled panels with Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM), replacing infilled panels with prefabricated panels, energy dissipation systems, and base isolation systems. ...
Out-of-plane offsets causing wall discontinuities in piloti buildings can generate significant shear forces in the transfer slabs, potentially leading to brittle shear failure and slab collapse during earthquakes. To address this issue, this study investigates the effectiveness of practical shear reinforcement details for reinforced concrete slabs in critical regions influenced by out-of-plane offsets. An experimental program was conducted on ten specimens representing slab-wall connections in piloti buildings. The main test parameters included the shear span-to-depth ratio (a/d) and the configuration of the shear reinforcement. The experimental results found that all the proposed practical shear reinforcement details exhibited favorable performance in strengthening the RC slab-wall connections for a given range of a/d ratios. Notably, these practical details outperformed conventional reinforcement configurations, particularly for slabs with a small a/d ratio of 1.5. Moreover, shear reinforcement details employing T-type units demonstrated comparable performance in reducing crack propagation compared to their U-type-and Z-type counterparts, despite having a smaller effective shear reinforcement area within the shear span. Finally, the shear strengths of the slab-wall connections were evaluated and discussed using current design codes and theoretical models.
... Passive control techniques primarily rely on the yielding or friction properties of metallic materials to dissipate seismic energy [12]. Implementing dissipative devices has proven to be an effective and affordable solution compared to traditional retrofitting methods, preventing damage to structural and non-structural elements [13]. During the last decade, several authors have focused on the seismic rehabilitation of precast RC structures, developing devices that are able to dissipate energy and simultaneously improve the connection between structural elements. ...
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Precast RC structures have been widely used in industrial and commercial buildings since the 60 s in the most developed areas. However, during those decades of economic growth, most buildings were constructed without seismic design criteria, accounting for gravity loads only. For this reason, this structural typology often faces a significant seismic risk in earthquake-prone areas due to the lack of effective connection between structural elements. As a result, the seismic retrofit of precast RC structures is essential to prolong their service life and mitigate seismic losses. The present work shows the conceptualisation study of an innovative seismic protection device called Bidirectional Rotational Friction Damper (BRFD) for precast RC structures that behave simultaneously as a beam-to-column joint and damper. This device unifies the concepts of rotational friction dampers and a movable plate system, producing a damping effect along two main directions. Furthermore, the device’s ability to dissipate energy through friction enables it to remain undamaged during multiple seismic events while maintaining its damping capacity. After defining a simplified analytical model, to evaluate the influence of the BRFD on a structure’s behaviour during a seismic event, a case study was conducted on a single-story, single-bay precast reinforced concrete structure made of plane parallel frames, i.e. that lacks secondary frames. Quasi-static and nonlinear time history analyses were performed to evaluate the BRFD efficacy in reducing seismic forces and displacements, and an importance analysis was carried out using a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) approach to identify the optimal configuration of the BRFD for the case study. The main results highlight that introducing the BRFD positively influences the dynamic performance of the structure, producing a significant reduction of interstorey drift and total base shear and preventing structural and non-structural damage.
... In the context of the seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings, passive control techniques based on energy dissipation devices have proved to be a very efficient solution, being much cheaper if compared to traditional retrofit techniques [1,2], and able to prevent damage to structural elements [3]. Most common and simple dissipation devices are of the hysteretic type, based on yielding or friction properties of metallic materials. ...
... As discussed by Prota et al. (2009), with proper calibration, this model, which was originally developed with rebar bars in mind, can also be used to model smooth rebars often found in existing structures. (Grossi et al. 2020) and the necessary explanations will be explained in this section. Distributed plastic hinge model takes into account distributed plasticity along to all the element cross-sections and the element length. ...
Bingöl, a city in eastern Türkiye, is located at a very close distance to the Karlıova Region which is a junction point of the North Anatolian Fault Zone and Eastern Anatolian Fault Zone. By bilateral step over of North Anatolian Fault Zone and Eastern Anatolian Fault Zone each other there occurred NorthWest-SouthEast extended right-lateral and NorthEast-SouthWest extended left-lateral fault zones. In this paper, a typical school building located in Bingöl Çeltiksuyu was selected as the case study. Information on the school building and Bingöl Earthquake (2003) have been given in the paper. This study aimed to determine the fragility curves of the school building according to HAZUS 2022, Turkish Seismic Codes 1998, 2007 and 2018. These codes have been introduced in terms of damage limits. Incremental dynamic analysis is a parametric analysis method that has recently emerged in several different forms to estimate more thoroughly structural performance under seismic loads. Fragility analysis is commonly using to estimate the damage probability of buildings. Incremental Dynamic Analysis have performed, and 1295 Incremental Dynamic Analysis output was evaluated to obtain fragility curves. 20 different ground motion records have been selected with magnitudes between 5.6M and 7.6M. Scaling factors of these ground motions were selected between 0.1g and 2g. Comparison has been made between HAZUS 2022 and Turkish Seismic Codes 1998, 2007 and 2018 in terms of damage states and how they affected fragility curves. TSC 1998 has more conservative strictions along with TSC 2018 than TSC2007 and HAZUS moderate and extensive damage limits.
... The seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings is a crucial topic for many earthquake-prone countries, and the need of economical but effective retrofit techniques has led researchers to the development of innovative systems [1,2]. Energy dissipation provided by additional devices has proved to be a very efficient and minimally invasive solution if compared to traditional retrofit techniques [3,4], and the most simple and cheap devices are the ones based on friction [1]. For this reason, during the last decades several typologies of Friction Dampers (FDs) have been developed and successfully applied thanks to their versatility, showing the effectiveness of this retrofit technique [5][6][7]. ...
... Grossi et al. [1] presented and discussed four different advanced design solutions for the structural rehabilitation of existing Pilotis RC buildings with a substantial lack of shear and ductility capacity at the first floor. The design solutions are described in detail and were applied to a real building designed only for gravity loads during the 1960s, despite being sited in a high-risk seismic Italian area. ...
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Structural rehabilitation has globally become an urgent need due to both widespread construction obsolescence and more demanding requirements from modern construction codes, especially in earthquake-prone areas, where upgrading the existing constructions has become a primary goal [...]
... It is common for existing frames to be retrofitted with RC shear walls [2,8,12] or steel braces [8,13,14]. Moreover, the reduction of seismic demands can be achieved through the use of supplemental damping systems, such as viscous dampers [15,16] or base isolation [2,17,18]. ...
The seismic performance of existing buildings can be improved significantly through the installation of various retrofit technologies. Decision support systems can be used for the selection of an optimal retrofit alternative when several important decision variables (DVs) need to be considered. Typically, the decision-making process considers a range of economic, social and technical aspects that are of interest to decision-makers; however, less or no consideration is given to the environmental impact (EI) of the retrofit alternatives. This study investigates how including the EI of possible retrofit alternatives as an additional DV in a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) process can affect the choice of the optimal retrofitting scheme for a reinforced concrete school building in Italy. An assessment methodology for determining the life cycle EIs for the case-study structure, based on environmentally extended input-output life cycle analysis, is described. Then, a set of five retrofit alternatives is developed using response estimates from non-linear static analyses and their performance is assessed using non-linear time-history analysis and the PEER-PBEE framework. Several decision assessments are conducted, using the MCDM framework, each considering a subset of 13 possible DVs, including EI, to select an optimal retro-fitting alternative. The results of the MCDM assessment and their implications are discussed in detail. The main conclusions were: (1) in some instances the expected annual EI may be a suitable proxy for the total life cycle EI when used in the MCDM framework; (2) the use of aggregated performance metrics such as the Life Cycle Performance Metric should be carefully considered when the MCDM procedure is used for the decision analysis, and; (3) the most significant factor affecting whether or not the inclusion of EI will affect the choice of optimal alternative is the weights of the DVs assigned by the decision-maker.
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This paper presents a numerical investigation into the fire endurance of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP)-strengthened columns, shielded with fire-resistant materials, in piloti-type reinforced concrete buildings. The strengthened column, equipped with a fire protection system, underwent exposure to the ASTM E119 standard time-temperature curve for a duration of 4 h. To comprehensively evaluate the thermal and structural performance of the strengthened column at elevated temperatures and substantiate the effectiveness of the fire protection system, a fully coupled thermal-stress analysis was conducted. The numerical modeling approach employed in this study was rigorously validated through previous experimental studies in conjunction with adherence to the ACI design guideline, specifically ACI 440.2R-17. Using the validated structural fire model, the thermal and structural behaviors of the RC column with an insulated CFRP strengthening system were investigated based on four key performance criteria: glass transition temperature, ignition temperature of polymer matrix, critical temperature of reinforcing bars, and the design axial load capacity at elevated temperatures. Furthermore, a comparative assessment of fire endurance was performed using diverse fire-resistant materials, including Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material (SFRM) and Sikacrete®-213 F, with insulation thicknesses ranging from 10 to 30 mm, during the 4-hour fire exposure period.
Precast RC structures have been widely used in Italy during past 60 years and mainly adopted to host industrial and commercial activities, as well as school buildings, such as the “Ercole I d’Este” in Ferrara. For these structures, quite common features are poor connections between structural elements, along with limited shear strength and flexural ductility of columns. Many of them were designed for gravity loads only, since past regulations did not imposed earthquake loads application for the whole Italian territory. Recent seismic events have proved how much these structures are prone to premature and fragile collapse, as observed during the 2012 Emilia Earthquakes when they caused several casualties, injured people, and displaced. This study presents the application of Buckling Restrained Braces (BRBs) as advanced retrofit solution for a sustainable upgrading of precast RC structures seismic performances. BRBs are implemented to add significant damping to traditional external seismic steel bracings, and seismic forces are transferred to external bracings thanks to a proper floor and roof reinforcement. Direct displacement-based design is applied to design BRBs, optimizing their sizing and plan position. BRBs effectiveness on the RC precast structure upgrading has been investigated using nonlinear time history analysis. The designed retrofit solution provides a global improvement of the seismic performance of the building to prevent any structural and nonstructural damage with sustainable costs. The major benefit of BRBs application respect to traditional braces is the reduction of external bracing and their foundations which leads to significant savings. KeywordsSeismic retrofitbuckling-restrained braceRC precast structurenonlinear time history analysisdirect displacement-based design
Precast RC structures are commonly adopted for industrial and commercial buildings, to build huge spaces with limited costs and construction times. Due to the lack of efficient seismic regulations until recent times, and adequate assessments of seismic hazard, a huge number of seismically inadequate precast RC buildings are spread through Southern Europe territories. Workers’ and users’ safety requirements, and the preservation of high-value facilities and stocks, demand the adoption of effective retrofit techniques for earthquake risk mitigation.For this structural typology, connections between structural elements are often crucial for carrying lateral loads, such as earthquakes. This study presents an innovative device that acts as beam-to-column joint and as damper at once, with bidirectional dissipative capacity. Very easy to install, low cost and reusable after the main shock, this novel Bidirectional Rotation Friction Damper (BRFD) has been conceptualized and designed to improve the seismic performance of such structures by excluding the brittle failure of structural and non-structural elements. Preliminary experimental tests performed at the University of Ferrara, Italy, have proved the high-damping capacity of this novel device.BRFD effectiveness on a precast structure has been explored using nonlinear time-history analysis accounting both low- and high-intensity Italian earthquakes. Numerical modelling has shown that no beam’s slippage on column top section and no column crisis can occur in both building directions when BRFD are properly implemented. The designed devices provide a global improvement of the seismic performance of the building, preventing any structural and non-structural damage even for the more critical Near-Field events.Keywordsbeam-to-columns connectionsbidirectional dampingrotational friction dampersRC precast structures
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The goal of this study is to develop a racking model of plasterboard-sheathed timber walls as part of the efforts towards performance-based seismic engineering of low-rise light timber-framed (LTF) residential buildings in New Zealand. Residential buildings in New Zealand are primarily stand-alone low-rise LTF buildings, and their bracing elements are commonly plasterboard-sheathed LTF walls. It is an essential part of performance-based seismic designs of LTF buildings to be able to simulate the racking performance of plasterboard walls. In this study, racking test results of 12 plasterboard walls were collected and studied to gain insight into the seismic performance of plasterboard-sheathed LTF walls. The racking performance of these walls was examined in terms of stiffness/strength degradation, displacement capacity, superposition applicability and failure mechanisms. Subsequently, a mathematical analysis model for simulating racking performance of LTF plasterboard walls is developed and presented. The developed racking model is a closed-form wall model and could be easily used for conducting three-dimensional non-linear push-over studies of seismic performance of LTF buildings.
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We report on experimental and numerical investigations of textile reinforced mortar (TRM) strengthening systems, an innovative solution for reinforcing historical masonry structures. The experimental campaign presented in this paper is original and concerns two commercial TRM applications to single-leaf clay masonry panels. The proposed FE modelling is based on a multiscale approach with the possibility of simulating bed joints sliding and TRM-reinforcement debonding. This last phenomenon is frequently reported in the experimental literature and it has been observed also in our experimental tests. The numerical model is applied to study the behaviour of TRM reinforced masonry panels under diagonal compression tests.
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The estimation of direct and indirect losses due to earthquakes is a key issue in the Performance Based Earthquake Engineering framework. In commonly adopted loss computation tools, no specific data related to masonry infill panels, widespread in moment-resisting-frame residential buildings, are available to perform a probabilistic assessment of losses. To fill this gap, specific fragility and loss functions have been recently proposed in the last years. To assess their validity and estimate the relevance of the repair costs due to infills after earthquakes with respect to the total reconstruction process, the present work analyses the Reinforced Concrete residential buildings with masonry infills struck by the 2009 L’Aquila (Italy) earthquake, focusing on the dataset of “lightly” damaged buildings, where only damage to masonry infills occurred. Based on available data related to these buildings, the observed damage scenario after L’Aquila earthquake is first obtained. The repair costs for infills are estimated given this damage scenario. The resulting estimated repair costs are then compared with the actual repair costs presented in the available literature. The percentage influence of infills on the total repair costs due to earthquakes for residential buildings is lastly computed, resulting on average equal to the fifty percent.
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Several studies investigated the influence of infills on the response of reinforced concrete (RC) frames. However, possible shear brittle failures are generally neglected. The interaction between the infill panels and the surrounding frames can lead to anticipated brittle-type failures that should be considered in code-based assessment of lateral seismic capacity. This paper investigates, by means of simplified pushover analyses, on the effect of infills on the lateral seismic capacity explicitly considering possible brittle failures in unconfined beam-column joints or in columns. Archetype buildings representative of existing gravity load designed (GLD) RC frames of three different height ranges are obtained with a simulated design process and a sensitivity analysis is performed to investigate on the effect of infill consistency on the capacity. Moreover, possible alternative local retrofit interventions devoted to avoiding brittle failures are considered, evaluating their relative efficacy in case of different infill typologies. It is seen that for the considered existing GLD buildings, the attainment of life safety limit state is premature and happens before the damage limitation limit state. The capacity can be increased with application of local retrofit interventions. However, the retrofit efficacy varies depending on the infills consistency if the horizontal action transferred from the infills to the surrounding frame is not absorbed by the retrofit solution.
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Reinforced Concrete (RC) buildings with clay masonry infills are a very common structural typology worldwide for civil, strategic or productive use. Damage to infills may cause danger for human lives and strongly affects economic losses, as shown during past earthquakes. Despite their role is crucial in terms of global and local response of RC buildings in the event of an earthquake, in current practice, infills are considered as partition elements without any structural function. The behaviour of infills under seismic actions has to be reliably characterized, starting from the analysis of their displacement capacity at different performance levels due to in-plane actions, and a proper complete numerical modelling, able to reproduce their influence on the global behaviour of RC frames under seismic actions. Some models have been already proposed in literature, but their reliability should be yet proved on the basis of an as wide as possible experimental database. Therefore, in this paper, a homogenous extensive database of experimental tests on RC frames infilled with hollow clay-masonry infills – typical of Italian and Mediterranean RC building stock – is collected and presented. The experimental responses of the infills under lateral loads are obtained and the main related numerical models existing in literature are investigated and compared with the experimental results. A new modelling proposal is carried out to obtain a simple practice-oriented force-displacement envelope to significantly reduce the errors in the prediction of the infill in-plane behaviour under lateral loads. The experimental evolutions of damage under increasing displacement demand are also analysed, and the displacement capacity at given performance levels are identified and correlated to the in-plane behaviour of the infill panels. The analysis of the damage evolution to the infills during the experimental tests finally allows the definition of drift-based fragility functions for these components, representing a key point for a more reliable estimation of losses due to earthquakes.
Any design of standard structures in keeping with seismic safety norms is usually founded on an approach characterised by force-based design. Research has proven, over the course of several decades, that such an approach has a solid basis and can easily be applied by the engineers in charge of the design project. Furthermore, when taken in conjunction with principles of capacity design, the force-based approach is effective against premature structural failures. The force-based design approach, however, suffers from a number of shortcomings, especially regarding the way it has been employed in seismic design codes of recent years. One of the weaknesses can be attributed to the way the base shear is calculated via a reduction factor that has been defined a priori and that remains constant for a certain structural system typology. The outcome of depending on the same design input shows that structures identical in type but variant in geometry undergo varying ductility demands and exhibit, therefore, a different seismic performance. In this research, a procedure for assessing force-reduction factors of RC frame-wall dual systems is developed, by combining the analytical formulations proposed by Zerbin et al. (2019) for wall and frame systems, separately. These analytical formulations make it possible to combine global and local ductility demands, thereby allowing a calculation of the factors of force ductility reduction that result in balanced local ductility demands and the predicted levels of damage. The proposed method is based on empiric expressions that merely require – as input data – the information available when starting the design process. The proposed formulation is applied to a set of frame-wall structures and tested by means of both nonlinear static and dynamic analyses. The current study has produced conclusions showing that, with respect to such dual system structures' seismic behaviour, the procedure proposed herein yields a more accurate assessment of than the approach being currently used by design guidelines; in turn this method may provide a valid contribution to the evolving guidelines of future seismic design codes.
Plasterboard partition walls typically used in commercial buildings are especially sensitive to earthquakes, with the onset of cosmetic damage initiating at small values of interstorey drift. The most common partition wall systems are constructed of gypsum board attached to either steel or timber framing which is fixed directly to the floor system at the top and bottom interfaces. This study investigates the seismic performance of a novel partly-sliding steel-framed partition system examined in the past and used by industry, with minor modifications incorporated within the partition detailing. This novel system involves removing top track anchors within the proximity of wall intersections, thus allowing the tracks to ‘bow’ out at these locations. In this study three full-scale specimens were subjected to quasi-static cyclic testing; two identical plane specimens and the third including a doorway. The specimens were built in a y-shape and angled at 30° to the direction of applied loading, which allowed bi-direction behaviour to be examined. The specimens included an acoustic/fire sealant. The progression of damage in a partition can be categorized by three sequential damage states associated with distinct levels of repair: superficial damage requiring cosmetic repair (damage state 1 (DS1)), damage requiring local repairs or replacement of only portions of the partition assembly (damage state 2 (DS2)), and severe damage requiring complete removal and replacement of the wall (damage state 3 (DS3)). Damage was first observed as cracking of the wallboard at the wall ends, at external junctions, and propagating from the corners of the door opening. The onset of DS1 and DS2 occurred simultaneously at a median in-plane drift of 0.29%. DS3 was not observable until the linings had been removed at the end of the tests. In addition to providing drift capacities, the force-displacement behaviour is also reported, the dissipated energy was computed, and the parameters of the Wayne–Stewart hysteretic model were fitted to the results. The specimen with the door opening behaved significantly different to the plane specimens: damage to the doorway specimen began as cracking of the wallboard propagating from the corners of the doorway following which the L- and Y-shaped junctions behaved independently, whereas damage to the plane specimens began as cracking of the wallboard at the top of the L-junction and wall system deformed as a single unit. The results suggest that bi-directional behaviour is important even if its impact cannot be directly quantified by this experiment. Damage to sealant implies that the bond between plasterboard and sealant is important for its seismic performance, and careful quality control is advised, as defects in the bond may significantly impact its ability to withstand seismic movement.
A strong earthquake (Mw = 7.1) hit Mexico City at 13:14 local time on September 19, 2017. The earthquake severely damaged more than 600 buildings and more than 1000 buildings were classified in different risk levels. First soft-story buildings were one of the most commonly used structural configurations in collapsed buildings. The very close location of seismic stations to the damage area provided the opportunity to assess the seismic response of the buildings subjected to real ground motions. This study aims to analyze the seismic damages observed during the visual inspection of the affected area, to evaluate the seismic vulnerability of typical soft-story structures, and to propose retrofit alternatives that include braces and energy dissipation systems to enhance the seismic capacity of existing buildings. Results show that viscous dampers and elastoplastic devices are suitable alternatives to reduce the seismic vulnerability of existing low rise soft-story buildings. As the number of stories of the buildings increase, the combination of braces in one bay and elastoplastic dissipators in the other showed to be a feasible retrofit alternative as well.
Seismic design of standard structures is typically founded on a force-based design approach. Over the years this approach has proven robust and easily applicable by design engineers and – in combination with capacity design principles – it provides a good protection against premature structural failures. However, it is also known that the force-based design approach as it is implemented in the current generation of seismic design codes suffers from some shortcomings; among these is the fact that the base shear is computed using a pre-defined force reduction factor, which is constant for a given structural system. Thus, for the same design input, structures of an identical type but different geometry are subjected to varying ductility demands and may perform differently during an earthquake. The objective of this research is to present an alternative formulation for computing force reduction factors for RC wall and frame structures, using simple analytical models which only require input data already available at the beginning of the design process. Such analytical models allow to link global to local ductility demands and therefore to compute an estimate of the force ductility reduction factors that lead to equal local ductility demands and expected damage levels. A series of pushover and nonlinear time history analyses are run on simplified numerical models of a set of wall and frame structures. The results show that the proposed alternative formulation yields a more accurate ductility reduction factor than the current Eurocode 8 design approach.