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Swarna Bindu Prashana—an Ancient Approach to Improve the Infant’s Immunity

  • Aarupadai veedu medical college and hospitalVinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation-DU Puducherry campus
  • Aarupadai veedu medical College and hospital

Abstract and Figures

Swarna bindu prashana (SBP) is a metallic medicinal preparation widely used in Ayurveda pediatrics. The main ingredients of SBP are swarna prashan (gold nanoparticle), gou ghrita (cow ghee), madhu (honey), and other medhya dravyas (drugs which enhance intellectual, memory). According to the Indian classical text, SBP has been proposed as a potent medicine for immunotherapies and vaccine development due to its indefinite size, shapes, charges, and surface functionality. In this review, we describe the plausible mechanism of SBP in dendritic cells maturation and subsequent T cell activation. But being herbo-metallic preparation, its safety and efficacy are well supported by the classical publications of Ayurveda. To conclude, SBP is an immune booster for infants against any viral disease, and it is necessary to validate its safety and efficacy through systematic methodological research.
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Swarna Bindu Prashanaan Ancient Approach to Improve
the Infants Immunity
Prabhudas Nelaturi
&Prithiviraj Nagarajan
&Satheesh Kumar Sabapathy
&Ravikumar Sambandam
Received: 29 July 2020 /Accepted: 23 August 2020
#Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020
Swarna bindu prashana (SBP) is a metallic medicinal preparation widely used in Ayurveda pediatrics. The main ingredients of
SBP are swarna prashan (gold nanoparticle), gou ghrita (cow ghee), madhu (honey), and other medhya dravyas (drugs which
enhance intellectual, memory). According to the Indian classical text, SBP has been proposed as a potent medicine for immu-
notherapies and vaccine development due to its indefinite size, shapes, charges, and surface functionality. In this review, we
describe the plausible mechanism of SBP in dendritic cells maturation and subsequent T cell activation. But being herbo-metallic
preparation, its safety and efficacy are well supported by the classical publications of Ayurveda. To conclude, SBP is an immune
booster for infants against any viral disease, and it is necessary to validate its safety and efficacy through systematic methodo-
logical research.
Keywords Swarna bindu prashan (SBP) .Pediatric .Immune booster .Herbo-metallic .Immune-modulatory .Vaccine
In Ayurveda, administration of the gold particles in children is
considered to be a unique practice termed as swarna prashana
[1]. The term swarna refers to gold and prashana refers to
consuming or ingesting. Therefore, swarna prashana refers
to the act of consuming or ingesting gold in the prescribed
dose and quantity [2]. Gold is one among seven metal catego-
rized pure metals which is mainly used for preventive and
curative purposes. The benefits of children, who consumed
swarna prashana, improve their intellectual, digestion and me-
tabolism, physical strength, immunity, fertility, and lifespan
For the past several decades, experimental evidence proved
that gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have become better biocom-
patible metal nanoparticles in disease diagnosis and therapeu-
tics [5]. These nanoparticles can be synthesized by using var-
ious methods which include chemical and electrochemical
radiation, photochemical method, and biological techniques
[1]. Nanoparticles synthesized for therapeutics using physical
and chemical techniques have major limitation, namely, toxic
and hazardous chemicals being produced during the synthesis
process [6]. To overcome this limitation, synthesis of nano-
particles using biological conjugates such as proteins, pep-
tides, oligonucleotide, polysaccharides, fatty acid, and amino
acids might be done reducing the toxic nature of the prepared
nanoparticles [1]. These gold nanoparticles also possess anti-
bacterial, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory properties [7,8].
Similarly, synthesis of swarna prashana was also done by
using biological conjugates such as ghee, honey, and herbs.
This will increase the immunity of the infant to acts on path-
ogens, cancer cell, and inflammatory agent [4,9,10].
In swarna prashana, gold particles are encapsulated by
honey, ghee, and herbs, and it helps the gold particles to
form into various size, shape, charges, and composition.
This irregular form of the gold particles in swarna prashana
may induce the non-specific immunity by activating both cel-
lular and humoral immunity [4,9,11,12]. In general, patho-
gens undergo several mutations naturally or induced by man.
Therefore, human system which acquired non-specific immu-
nity will be ready to defend against any pathogens and inflam-
matory substances that enter or develop in our system [13]. It
is evident that gold nanoparticles are efficiently interacting
with the target cells in terms of immunological responses
and cytotoxicity [14].
*Ravikumar Sambandam
Multi-Disciplinary Centre for Biomedical research,Aarupadai Veedu
Medical College and Hospital, Vinayaka MissionsResearch
Foundation (Deemed to be university), Kirumampakkam,
Puducherry 607403, India
/ Published online: 27 August 2020
Biological Trace Element Research (2021) 199:2145–2148
At present, the whole world is facing one of the greatest
pandemics (COVID-19) in a century caused by a novel coro-
navirus. As a result, COVID-19 patient exhibits severe acute
immune response causing cytokine release syndrome and
acute respiratory distress. In the future, to avoid this kind of
pandemic situation, ancient immunization technique, namely,
against any viral disease [15]. SBP not only has the capacity
to attenuate the manifested disease but also produces resis-
tance to the offspring of next generation [3]. The purpose of
this mini-review is to highlight its role, preparations, salient
features, mode of administration, and plausible mechanisms
of SBP in manipulating both cellular and humoral immunity.
Swarna Bindu Prashan
When the swarna bhasma is administered in very low dose for
a particular time, it is known to increase the memory power
along with immunity [4,16]. Swarna prashana is easily ab-
sorbable in oxide form. There are such confusions regarding
the mixing and absorption of swarna bhasma although it is the
simplest form. Then, how come the simple ashudha swarna in
the crude form gets absorbed is a matter of discussion. So
here, swarna may remain unabsorbed in the body and act as
an incompatible substance or binding material by playing a
significant role in the stimulation of the immune system [1,5,
8]. Gold has already proved its immune-modulatory effects
because of its antibacterial action against different organisms,
but when it is mixed with kinds ofhoney and clarified butter, it
widens its spectrum of action to stimulate body immune cells
[4,5,16]. It is administered orally on an empty stomach,
preferably in the early morning. It can be given from birth
up to 16 years of age. It is given with clarified butter and
honey in a dose of two drops up to 6 months and four drops
after 6 months. It can be given daily for a minimum of 30 days
and maximum of 180 days. Alternately, it can be given every
pushya nakshatra (every 28 days) for a minimum of 30 doses
SBP can be administered to all children from day 1 up to
5 years. It will be more beneficial in children with low immu-
nity, low intellect, low memory power, and dyslexia [2,4]. It
is contraindicated among children suffering from fever, dys-
entery, and indigestion, etc.
Properties and Benefits of SBP It enhances the immunity, im-
proves memory intelligence and appetite, and tones up the
skin [4]. As per Kashyapa Samhita, SBP will enhance medha,
bala, agni, aayu, varnya, pavitra, and manglyakarak.
Therapeutically, it is used as ghraha badha and vrushya [17].
Mode of Action SBP Swarna bhasma has moisturizing and
unctuous effect on the body, as its madhura helps as rasayana,
and through detoxification can treat vishamjwara, antra jwara
(Enteric fever), weakness, etc. Scientifically, it has been
proved that swarna bhasma also possesses antioxidant, anti-
depressant, anti-cancerous, antibacterial, and anti-rheumatoid
property and acts as a nerve stimulant [7,16,18,19].
Toxicity Clinical tests revealed that SBP is free from toxicity
as the ingredients used for its preparation are only after their
non-toxic certification [20].
Side Effects Sometimes due to smell of medicine and different
taste, babies may vomit it. Except this, no other side effects
have been reported [1,4,20,21].
Till date, there are no published research data available
regarding its safety and efficacy. But there are few studies
presented in national and international seminars/conferences,
which support its safety and efficacy. Besides, some animal
studies support its safety and efficacy.
Plausible Mechanisms of Swarna Prashana
Swarna prashana is related to the smaller gold particles per-
haps containing wide variation in shapes, sizes, charges, and
bio-molecular compositions [4]. These particles retain high
stability, low toxicity, and immunogenicity conjugation due
to the molecular ingredients found in ghee and honey [21].
The molecular ingredients contain sugars, amino acids, pro-
teins, lipids, vitamins, and other components [10]. Moreover,
these components help in capping the gold particles in swarna
prashan which exhibits multivalent interactions between the
particle and membrane receptor of antigen-presenting cells
(APCs) such as dendritic cells [1,4,8]. Targeting these den-
dritic cells is considered to be one of the efficient strategies in
promoting immunotherapies and vaccine development [8].
Therefore, the plausible mechanism of swarna prashana in
interacting with dendritic cells is as follows: dendritic cells
opt several mechanisms in the internalization of swarna
prashana particles including receptor-mediated endocytosis,
pinocytosis, and phagocytosis [1,4,5,20]. Immature dendrit-
ic cells will uptake and internalize the swarna prashana parti-
cles in the cytosol. As a result, immature dendritic cells dif-
ferentiate into mature dendritic that causes expression of
CD83 and CD86 and also morphological changes in the mat-
uration of the dendritic cells [8] (Fig. 1). The internalized
particles, namely, antigens, are processed in the cytoplasm
and initiate T cell response based on antigen presented
through MHC complex [4,7,19]. Interestingly, swarna
prashana particles comprise of mosaic features in terms of
size, shape, charge, and composition of the particles which
results in intercellular trafficking in dendritic cells [1,4].
Therefore, dendritic cells present multiple antigens effectively
to the T cells [20]. It is believed that the activated dendritic
2146 Nelaturi et al.
cells and T cells require soluble cytokines including IL-7, IL-
6, IL-10, IL-12, IL-23, TNF, and IFN to exhibit immunogenic
response [4,8]. The potential application of swarna prashana
in immunomodulation is the development of both prophylac-
tic and therapeutic vaccine [4,8,19]. Ancient scripts have
suggested that the colloidal preparation of swarna (gold parti-
cles) with honey and ghee would significantly induce robust
immunity like vaccines [4,8,10]. Gold particles are the most
promising ones which do not affect living cells and do not
produce adverse effects [20]. It is believed that gold is used
in ayurvedic, herbal, and herbo-mineral preparations for the
treatment of chronic and degenerative disease without any
side effect [12,13,17]. The advantages of biodegradable gold
particles are utilization in the vaccinated organism, high load-
ing efficiency for the target substance, enhanced ability to
cross various physiological barriers, and low systemic side
effects. In all likelihood, the immune actions of biodegradable
nanoparticles and gold nanoparticles as corpuscular carriers
are similar. The recent data indicating low toxicity of gold
nanoparticles makes it being used in the development of
next-generation vaccines [1,8,16]. However, no extensive
studies on animals or cell lines model are available, and fur-
ther clinical trials are required on interaction of swarna
prashana particles and human functions.
SBP is an immune booster used in pediatrics practice; its safety
and efficacy are well supported by the classical texts of
Ayurveda. In this review, we outlined the plausible mechanisms
of swarna prashana in inducing immune system. It is also be-
lieved in older days that swarna prashana helps the child to grow
up with a better immune system and intellectual performance.
Ayurveda also explains about vyadhikshamatwam
(immunomodulation), i.e., the individuals resistance to any in-
fectious disease which includes both the capacity of attenuation
against manifested disease and resistance to the offspring of the
next generation. It is the ancient immunization technique with
no adverse effect and provides a good life with physical, mental,
and social health. So swarna prashana samskara should be ac-
cepted as immunization program. However, its safety and effi-
cacy need to be validated through systematic methodological
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2148 Nelaturi et al.
... Using Swarna Bhasma, the number of peritoneal macrophages increased significantly (P0.001), as did the phagocytic index of the macrophages. Most of our body's antibody-based defenses against pathogen invasion are based on IgG [5]. Regular Dose of Rifampicin can be decreased by the introduction of swarna Prashan in tuberculosis treatment. ...
... Improvements are observed as per opinion by parents of children and reported reduced episodes of respiratory infections by, increase in mental functions, enhanced growth and immunity for observable benefits of Swarnaprashna [5][6][7][8]. Anticancer action is also observed for long term benefit with swarna Prashan. ...
... Swarna Prashan can increase quality of life among children and thus in coming generations. As a result, society requires the availability of an immunological modulatory agent [5]. Swarna Prashan can be included in routine immunization program after validated systemic review and clinical trials [6]. ...
Covid-19 calls for immunity boosters especially among children and the young generation. Ayurvedic preparations are another safer choice to build immunity naturally. Swarna Prashan is a safe ayurvedic combination that is beneficial for the normal growth and development of a child. Swarna Prashan is introducing Swarna (GOLD METAL) alone or along with herbs in the liquid form as an oral vaccine by children. Swarna Prashan is one of the samskaras in Ayurveda. Swarna Prashan is initiated from infancy till Adolescence. To review the components of swarnaprashna, clinical trials, and evidence of benefits for children. Ayurveda has deep roots for the Current and old method of introduction of Swarnaprashna among children below 16 y of age group in India. Overall results of all studies showed improved growth and development after the introduction of Swarna Prashan within a year without any side effects and a happy childhood which shows not only health but also wellbeing.
... Swarnaprashan, a unique immunization practice mentioned in ancient texts, has been suggested since Vedic times to enhance memory, intelligence, immunity, and clarity of speech in children from birth (Saini et al., 2023;Nelaturi et al., 2021). Pāṇini, an ancient Sanskrit grammarian, addresses phonetics and the significance of accurate pronunciation in his work, Ashtadhyayi. ...
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Stuttering is a distinct speech fluency disorder affecting people of all ages, from children to adults. Although recognized for centuries, the understanding of stuttering-including definitions, classifications, and the history of stuttering research in Eastern and Western contexts, as well as the influence of religion, mythology, and scriptures up to the 18th and 19th centuries. This bibliographic review seeks to highlight only few key developments and timelines in stuttering research. The review identified approximately 96 notable works, including books, chapters, and original research articles, from 511 sources collected through various online and offline databases. These contributions were systematically organized, coded, and analyzed according to themes, publication years, journal names, and publishers. The results were visualized using a harvest plot and followed PRISMA-2020 guidelines. The review concludes with a summary of insights and implications for future research directions.
... Swarna Bindu Prashana, a ghee-based gold nanoparticle complex show immunity enhancing effects in children [55]. Ā malaki Rasāyana, an Ayurvedic formulation containing Ā malaki (Emblica officinalis), show significant immunostimulant activity and moderate cytoprotective activity in rats [56]. ...
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The scientific view on dairy fats is undergoing a change. While at one time they were associated with negative health effects, recent scientific research has provided new insights into the functional benefits of dairy fats and their fatty acids. This changing scientific view on dairy fats is also resulting in a scientific interest in Ghee, the clarified butter obtained from milk. Ghee, besides being a traditional milk product of cultural importance in India and finding extensive use in its cuisines, is also one of the most important ingredients of the materia medica of Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine that originated in India. While modern scientific literature has limited studies on functional benefits of ghee, Ayurveda literature extensively catalogues the therapeutic potential of ghee and details different types of ghee based on source of milk, manufacturing method, maturation and physical phase. This work reviewed the Ayurveda literature on health benefits of ghee and examined the complementarity and gaps between Ayurveda literature and modern scientific literature to identify research questions and hypotheses for further exploring the therapeutic potential of ghee. The Ayurveda literature review involved curation of references to ghee in eleven important Ayurvedic texts spanning over 3000 years. 4000 references to milk and milk products were curated from these texts, of which 2913 mentions were in the context of therapeutic benefits of milk products. Of these, ghee had 774 mentions, the highest amongst milk-based products. These mentions were grouped into 15 benefit clusters. A review of ghee in modern literature published between 1990 and 2023 was also conducted. A comparison of this with the Ayurveda literature showed that there were major differences in the focus areas of health between the two. While recent research primarily focused on ghee's connection with cardiovascular health, wound healing and skin health, Ayurveda prioritized cognitive benefits, gastrointestinal health, and nourishing. These later areas are of growing importance to human health as global population ages, and chronic and brain related diseases start dominating public health concerns. As scientists search for solutions to these, ghee, its usage and formulations in Ayurveda and the detailed associations between ghee's animal source, processing, maturation, phases and health benefits, may have scientific insights to offer that can guide future research.
... analogue to PD and has been described in several Ayurveda scriptures [5]. Suvarna Bhasma is one of the prime Ayurveda formulations having anti-aging, immunomodulatory, anxiolytic and intellect promoting actions, [6,7]. Suvarna Bhasma is also used in the management of Kampavata. ...
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Background: Neurodegenerative diseases have been one of the major concerns for human health. Genetic and environmental factors are believed to be responsible for neuronal diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Alz-heimer's disease, and Huntington's disease. It is difficult to restore normal nervous function after neuro-degeneration; hence, prevention could be the best strategy against these diseases. Ayurved medicines such as Suvarna Bhasma (SB) have enormous potential to treat these neurological diseases. Aim: The aim of this study is to examine the protective effect of SB against rotenone-induced Parkinson's-like model in zebrafish. Materials and methods: In this study, we induced Parkinson's-like disease model in zebrafish by inducing it with rotenone (7 μg/L). We examined the behavioural, proteomics and dopamine alterations of rotenone induced zebrafish of SB pre-treated group as compared to the control group. Results: The behavioural experiments showed that due to rotenone exposure, Parkinson's-like behavioural abnormality was induced in zebrafish. However, because of SB treatment, this behavioural abnormality was reduced. The proteomics study of zebrafish brains clearly showed that the SB-treated group was not significantly affected due to rotenone exposure. However, in the SB non-treated group, expression of nine proteins that are linked to Parkinson's disease (gene name: sncgb, ywhae1, ywhah, uchl1, ywhaba, psma6a, ywhabl, ywhaqb, and ywhabb) were differentially expressed after rotenone exposure. Finally, prevention of dopamine alteration in SB-treated fish brains confirmed the protective action of SB against rotenone-induced Parkinson's-like model in zebrafish. Conclusions: This study finds that Suvarna Bhasma has neuroprotective effects against Parkinson's-like disease model.
... So Swarna can be administered throughout the process of development of the reproductive system. (14) The dosage can be decided with the help of Fried's rule (15). ...
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The existence of life on Earth is sustained by the act of reproduction. The ultimate blessing for a couple in their lifetime is to give birth to a healthy progeny, which is only possible by the union of healthy beeja in the favorable conditions of Ritu, kshetra and ambhu. Female reproductive health plays a key role in all these four factors. Good reproductive health ensures a female to have a satisfactory and safe sexual life both physically and mentally. Rasayana prayoga during the course of dhatu utpatti in balya and madhyamavastha helps to attain the rasadi dhatu at its supreme quality. Acharya Sharangadhara quotes that the development of certain bodily characteristics attained in its pinnacle in every decade of life, starts to decline gradually after that certain period of years naturally. Rasayana therapy administered in each reproductive stage of female life may improve her reproductive health qualitatively which intern helps them to prevent various common reproductive aliments from balyatara avastha (pre-menarche) to Jara (complications after menopause). In this article, an attempt is made to collect and analyze the relevant facts from Samhitas, contemporary textbooks and e-resources and tried to conceptualize the significance of administering decade-wise Rasayana in female for improving their reproductive health.
... While modern medicine focuses on vaccines to provide specific immunity against particular diseases, Suvarnaprashan is believed to provide non-specific immunity and numerous additional benefits.(3)(4)(5) (6) The detailed procedure and benefits of Suvarnaprashan were described by the ancient sage Kashyapa in his work on Kaumarbhritya (pediatrics). In the modern world, where stress, altered food habits, and various other factors impact physical and mental well-being, Ayurveda offers alternative approaches to maintain health and treat disorders successfully, while minimizing the side effects associated with many modern medications. ...
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This review paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the effect of Suvarnaprashan on the nutritional status of children. Suvarnaprashan, an ancient Ayurvedic practice, involves the administration of a specific combination of herbs, gold ash, and other natural ingredients to boost immunity and overall health. By considering these additional aspects, the review aims to provide a comprehensive and well-rounded evaluation of the impact of suvarnaprashan on the nutritional status including growth, development, micronutrient status, and immune function. The paper discusses various studies, clinical trials, and observational data to present an evidence-based assessment of Suvarnaprashan's effectiveness in promoting optimal nutritional status among children. Furthermore, potential mechanisms of action, safety considerations, and future research directions are also explored.
... SBP can be used in vaccine development and immunotherapies because of its shape, size, surface, functionality, and charges. Furthermore, the role of SBP has been identified in dendritic cell maturation and T-cell activation (Nelaturi et al., 2020). Ayurveda is used in tissue nutrition, which is a continuous process after conception and persists till death. ...
Herbal-based traditional medicines have a long history of therapeutic application throughout the world. Ayurveda and Chinese herbs have been traditionally used as indigenous complementary and alternative medicine to treat various types of diseases since ancient times effectively. These medicines demonstrated fewer toxic effects, prolonged survival rates, and enhanced quality of life. Further, the use of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine in combination with chemotherapy and radiotherapy enhances these therapies' efficacy. Cancer is a complex disease and the leading cause of death worldwide. The existing anti-cancer therapies do not address the challenges arising from tumor heterogeneity, such as developing drug resistance and the side effects of these therapies. In this context, different preclinical and clinical experiments show different modes of actions of Ayurveda and Chinese herbs in various cancers, such as induction of apoptosis, modulation of tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes, interaction with the tumor microenvironment, inhibition of metastasis, and cancer stem cells proliferation. Interestingly, these medicines have less or no toxic effect on normal cells. This chapter will illustrate the efficacy of Ayurvedic and Chinese herbal medicine in combating different cancers, either alone or in combination with other therapies.
... Gold is already proved for its immunomodulatory effects because of its anti-bacterial action against different organisms but when it is mixed with Madhu and Ghrita, it enhances its action to stimulate body immune system. 18 Madhu is manufactured from pollen grains by bees. The reason behind adding Madhu in Swarna Prashana is that when Madhu is administered in low doses to new born, the child gradually develop resistance for allergens and it remains unaffected by allergic disorders. ...
Swarna Prashana(the oral administration of gold as an electuary) is a unique Ayurvedic treatment in the field of children. The canonical textbook of Kaumarabhritya(paediatrics), Kashyapa Samhita, illustrates this unusual formulation in the setting of Lehana (licking procedure by electuary). It has been explained that gold should be triturated with water, honey, and Ghrita on a pre-washed and clean stone facing east, and the semisolid concoction should be presented to the Shishu/infant. Swarna has been used in a variety of forms and doses throughout history, including raw gold, pure metal, gold foils, red colloidal solution, Swarna Patra, Swarna Parpati, and Bhasma,to name a few.Swarnaprashana is a practise in which Swarna and herbs are given to children orally in the form of a liquid, semi-solid, or paste. Madhu + Ghrita + Abharak bhasma + Swarna Bhasma + Swarnamakshik bhasma + Brahmi Churna + Kantakari +Shankhpushpi +Haritaki +Haridra + Kootha are the constituents of Swarna prashana. In Present Conceptual study describe the Immunomodulator effect of Swarna Prashanain detail according to Ayurveda.
Swarnaprashana (SP) is a measure mentioned in the Ayurvedic literatures which can enhance immunity, intellect, and strength in children. It is prepared by rubbing gold on a stone in a mixture of honey and ghee and given to children for licking. In out-patient departments of some Ayurvedic hospitals, SP is administered to the children as part of immunization measures. SP contains gold nanoparticles. Gold nanoparticles have various activities in biological systems, including significant potential in various therapeutic applications and effect on the immune response. The gold nanoparticles strongly influence microglial activation; microglia are the resident immune cells of the brain. Microglia can reduce proinflammatory cytokine production, can stimulate phagocytosis caused by alveolar macrophages, and can inhibit neutrophil activation and mobilization. Gold nanoparticles are also effective as vaccine adjuvants and can potentiate activity of the vaccines. SP is applied to increase immunity in children. It is inferred that gold plays an important role in the effectiveness of SP. In this review article, we describe the application of SP for improving immunity in relation to the activity of gold nanoparticles.
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Despite their historical praise, specialty studies and practices are not generally seen in current Ayurvedic education and practice. Current Ayurvedic education by and large is devoid of training programs focusing upon specialty based health care delivery. This makes many disappointed who look at Ayurveda for a focused and specialized health care. The consequences of this gap in demand and supply are alarmingly obvious. With its unfocused health care approach, the Ayurvedic health care remains generic for large section of its delivery. There are no referral settings in Ayurveda to get a higher level of care better than the one offered at a primary health care setting. This apparent lack of expertise care in Ayurveda shifts it as an alternative health care used only on the instances of failure of other trusted options. Specialty clinical practices in Ayurveda seem highly important in order to build the trust and to enhance its quality of health care delivery. Our preliminary observations from a deemed arthritis clinic at an Ayurveda teaching hospital, visited by a diverse joint disease population carves a path in this direction and proposes the possibilities of using it as a template for the qualitative improvements in Ayurvedic health care delivery in the country in various clinical areas.
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Bioavailability of the well-known Ayurvedic drug Swarnabhasma (gold bhasma or calcined gold) is unknown. It is orally administered either sublingually or directly with various Anupanas like black pepper powder (Piper nigrum Linn.) and cow ghee in the dose range of 15–240 mg by Ayurvedic physicians. Study of bioavailability of Swarnabhasma is necessary as this metal-derived drug is administered for long duration for rejuvenation. The pilot study was carried out in healthy human male participants to assess bioavailability of Swarnabhasma in three doses, viz. 30 mg plain sublingual, 30 mg oral dose mixed with black pepper powder (250 mg) and cow ghee (2.5 gm); and 240 mg oral dose mixed with black pepper powder (250 mg) and cow ghee (2.5 gm). Blood samples were withdrawn at 0, 1, 2 and 4 h after administration of dose. Estimation of gold levels in blood was carried out by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Results show that gold is absorbed in traces from single dose of Swarnabhasma. Maximum concentration of gold was bioavailable from 30 mg sublingual dose with Cmax 0.983 μg/L at 2 h (Tmax). Oral dose of 30 mg Swarnabhasma mixed with black pepper powder and ghee showed faster absorption with Tmax at 1 h and Cmax 0.867 μg/L, and 240 mg dose with black pepper and ghee showed Cmax 0.668 μg/L and Tmax at 2 h. © 2018 Transdisciplinary University, Bangalore and World Ayurveda Foundation
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The application of nanotechnology for the treatment of cancer is mostly based on early tumor detection and diagnosis by nanodevices capable of selective targeting and delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs to the specific tumor site. Due to the remarkable properties of gold nanoparticles, they have long been considered as a potential tool for diagnosis of various cancers and for drug delivery applications. These properties include high surface area to volume ratio, surface plasmon resonance, surface chemistry and multi-functionalization, facile synthesis, and stable nature. Moreover, the non-toxic and non-immunogenic nature of gold nanoparticles and the high permeability and retention effect provide additional benefits by enabling easy penetration and accumulation of drugs at the tumor sites. Various innovative approaches with gold nanoparticles are under development. In this review, we provide an overview of recent progress made in the application of gold nanoparticles in the treatment of cancer by tumor detection, drug delivery, imaging, photothermal and photodynamic therapy and their current limitations in terms of bioavailability and the fate of the nanoparticles.
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Ayurvedic medicine is a personalized system of traditional medicine native to India and the Indian subcontinent. It is based on a holistic view of treatment which promotes and supports equilibrium in different aspects of human life: the body, mind, and soul. Popular Ayurvedic medicinal plants and formulations that are used to slow down brain aging and enhance memory include Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) , Turmeric (Curcuma longa) , Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) , Shankhpushpi ( Convolvulus pluricaulis, Evolvulus alsinoides , and other species), gotu kola (Centella asiatica) , and guggulu ( Commiphora mukul and related species) and a formulation known as Brāhmī Gh ṛ ita, containing Brahmi, Vacā (Acorus calamus) , Ku ṣṭ ha (Saussurea lappa) , Shankhpushpi, and Purāṇa Gh ṛ ita (old clarified butter/old ghee). The rationale for the utilization of Ayurvedic medicinal plants has depended mostly on traditional usage, with little scientific data on signal transduction processes, efficacy, and safety. However, in recent years, pharmacological and toxicological studies have begun to be published and receive attention from scientists for verification of their claimed pharmacological and therapeutic effects. The purpose of this review is to outline the molecular mechanisms, signal transduction processes, and sites of action of some Ayurvedic medicinal plants. It is hoped that this description can be further explored with modern scientific methods, to reveal new therapeutic leads and jump-start more studies on the use of Ayurvedic medicine for prevention and treatment of dementia.
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Development of multifunctional nanomaterials, one of the most interesting and advanced research areas in the field of nanotechnology, is anticipated to revolutionize cancer diagnosis and treatment. Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are now being widely utilized in bio-imaging and phototherapy due to their tunable and highly sensitive optical and electronic properties (the surface plasmon resonance). As a new concept, termed “theranostics,” multifunctional AuNPs may contain diagnostic and therapeutic functions that can be integrated into one system, thereby simultaneously facilitating diagnosis and therapy and monitoring therapeutic responses. In this review, the important properties of AuNPs relevant to diagnostic and phototherapeutic applications such as structure, shape, optics, and surface chemistry are described. Barriers for translational development of theranostic AuNPs and recent advances in the application of AuNPs for cancer diagnosis, photothermal, and photodynamic therapy are discussed.
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The quest for excellence in mental and physical health is not new. We find various references and formulations in Ayurvedic classics meant for promoting mental and physical health of a child. Suvarna Prashan is one of the formulations explained in age old Ayurvedic classic Kashyap Samhita. This formulation is very widely used now days as a memory and immune booster for children. But there is very little systematic documented study which can be used to evaluate the efficacy of the formulation. Suvarna Bhasma was prepared in Ayurved Rasayani Pharmacy, Pune. Madhu and Ghrita were collected from KLE Ayurveda Pharmacy, Belgaum. Suvarna Bindu Prashan was prepared in KLE Ayurved pharmacy, Belgaum. It contains Suvarna Bhasma, Ghrita and Madhu. Twenty apparently healthy male and female children with age group of three to four years were ready to sign inform consent form were selected into two groups each. Subjects in Group A received Suvarna Bindu Prashan where as Group B (Control group) did not receive any treatment. Both the groups were observed for six months. Children in Suvarna Bindu Prashan group showed significant reduction in the scores of eating habits, behavior, mood, temperament and scores of event of illness. However there was no significant difference in the score of sleeping habit. There was significant increase in IQ percentage.
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Introduction: Swarna Prashana a classical incinerated gold preparation used as a Rasayana agent in indigenous system of medicine Ayurveda. Swarna Prashana, Vacha, cow ghee and honey are used for Swarna Prashana preparation. Nowadays physicians are claiming that it is a immune-modulator and prescribing it to neonates and children in India. So here it was decided to assess Immuno-modulatory action of Swarna Prashana. The aim of study was to evaluate immuno-modualtory activity of Swarna Prashana for humoral antibody formation and cell mediated immunity in albino rats. Methods: Sheep red blood corpuscles were assessed for humoral antibody formation. The test drug and vehicle were administered for 10 days. Animals were sacrificed on 11th day. Parameters like haemoagglutination titre, haematological, serum biochemical and histo-pathological study of spleen, thymus and lymph nodes were studied to assess the effect on humoral immunity. For cell mediated immunity, Immunological paw oedema was assessed. Results: Platelets count was significantly increased in drug treated group compared with Sheep red blood corpuscles group. Test drug observed moderate but non-significant increase in paw oedema after 24 hours and after 48 hours compared to control group. Histopathological studies show that Swarna Prashana increased the cellularity in spleen and lymph node. Conclusion: The present study demonstrates that Swarna Prashana produces humoral immune response.
We present a comprehensive review of the applications of biosynthesized metallic nanoparticles (NPs). The biosynthesis of metallic NPs is the subject of a number of recent reviews, which focus on the various ''bottom-up'' biofabrication methods and characterization of the final products. Numerous applications exploit the advantages of biosynthesis over chemical or physical NP syntheses, including lower capital and operating expenses, reduced environmental impacts, and superior biocompatibility and stability of the NP products. The key applications reviewed here include biomedical applications, especially antimi-crobial applications, but also imaging applications, catalytic applications such as reduction of environmental contaminants, and electrochemical applications including sensing. The discussion of each application is augmented with a critical review of the potential for continued development.
Photocross-linkable Au nanoparticles are prepared through surface decoration of photolabile diazirine moieties. Both in vitro and in vivo studies indicate that the light-triggered cross-linking can dramatically shift the surface plasmon resonance of Au nanoparticles to near-infrared regions, which in consequence remarkably enhances their efficacy for photothermal therapy and photoacoustic imaging of tumors in vivo.
This review is written in memory of Professor Peter Molan, who published a paper in the Journal of Wound Care in 1999 describing the therapeutic properties of honey in relation to wound care. It provides an update to show how our understanding of the mode of action of honey has changed within the past 17 years. Declaration of interest: No conflict of interest to declare.