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Reduction in global habitat loss from fossil‐fuel‐dependent increases in cropland productivity

Conservation Biology
  • Independent Researcher

Abstract and Figures

Terrestrial biodiversity loss and climate change, driven mainly by loss of habitat to agriculture and fossil fuel (FF) use, respectively, are considered among the world's greatest environmental threats. However, FF‐dependent technologies are currently essential for manufacturing synthetic nitrogen fertilizers (SNFs) and synthetic pesticides (SPs) critical to increasing agricultural productivity, which reduces habitat loss. Fossil fuel use increases CO2 levels, further enhancing agricultural productivity. Based on estimates of global increases in yields from SNFs, SPs, and atmospheric CO2 fertilization, I estimated that FF‐dependent technologies are responsible for at least 62.5% of current global food production (GFP) from cropland. Thus, if FF use is eschewed in the future, maintaining current GFP means croplands would have to increase from 12.2% of global land area (GLA) excluding Antarctica to 32.7%. The additional 20.4% of GLA needed exceeds habitat lost currently to cropland (12.2% of GLA) and cumulative conservation areas globally (14.6% of GLA). Thus, although eliminating FF use could reduce climate change, its unintended consequences may be to significantly exacerbate biodiversity loss and indirectly increase food costs, reducing food security which, moreover, disproportionately affects the poor. Although it may be possible to replace SNFs and SPs with FF‐free technologies, such substitutes have not yet been demonstrated to be sufficiently economical or efficient. In the interim, meeting global food demand and keeping food prices affordable would increase habitat conversion and food prices. These trade‐offs should be considered in analyses of climate change policies.
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Conservation Practice and Policy
Reduction in global habitat loss from
fossil-fuel-dependent increases in cropland productivity
Indur M. Goklany
8726 Old Courthouse Rd, Vienna, VA 22182, U.S.A
Abstract: Terrestrial biodiversity loss and climate change, driven mainly by loss of habitat to agriculture and
fossil fuel (FF) use, respectively, are considered among the world’s greatest environmental threats. However, FF-
dependent technologies are currently essential for manufacturing synthetic nitrogen fertilizers (SNFs) and syn-
thetic pesticides (SPs) critical to increasing agricultural productivity, which reduces habitat loss. Fossil fuel use
increases CO2levels, further enhancing agricultural productivity. Based on estimates of global increases in yields
from SNFs, SPs, and atmospheric CO2fertilization, I estimated that FF-dependent technologies are responsible for
at least 62.5% of current global food production (GFP) from cropland. Thus, if FF use is eschewed in the future,
maintaining current GFP means croplands would have to increase from 12.2% of global land area (GLA) excluding
Antarctica to 32.7%. The additional 20.4% of GLA needed exceeds habitat lost currently to cropland (12.2% of
GLA) and cumulative conservation areas globally (14.6% of GLA). Thus, although eliminating FF use could reduce
climate change, its unintended consequences may be to significantly exacerbate biodiversity loss and indirectly
increase food costs, reducing food security which, moreover, disproportionately affects the poor. Although it may
be possible to replace SNFs and SPs with FF-free technologies, such substitutes have not yet been demonstrated
to be sufficiently economical or efficient. In the interim, meeting global food demand and keeping food prices
affordable would increase habitat conversion and food prices. These trade-offs should be considered in analyses
of climate change policies.
Keywords: agriculture, biodiversity, carbon dioxide, conservation, crop yields, fertilizers, land saving, pesti-
Reducción de la Pérdida Mundial de Hábitat a Partir de Incrementos Dependientes de Combustibles Fósiles en la
Productividad de los Terrenos de Cultivo
Resumen: La pérdida de la biodiversidad terrestre y el cambio climático, causados principalmente por la pérdida
del hábitat debido a la agricultura y al uso de combustibles fósiles (CF) respectivamente, están consideradas entre
las más grandes amenazas ambientales a nivel mundial. Sin embargo, las tecnologías dependientes de los CF
son actualmente de mucha importancia para la manufactura de fertilizantes sintéticos de nitrógeno (FSN) y de
pesticidas sintéticos (PS) fundamentales para el incremento de la productividad agrícola, lo cual reduce la pérdida
del hábitat. El uso de los CF incrementa los niveles de CO2, mejorando todavía más la productividad agrícola.
Con base en los estimados de los incrementos mundiales de producción de FSN, PS y la fertilización por CO2
atmosférico estimé que las tecnologías dependientes de los CF son las responsables de al menos el 62.5% de la
producción mundial de alimentos (PMA) en las tierras de cultivo. Por esto, si en el futuro se evita el uso de los FF,
para mantener la PMA actual los terrenos de cultivo tendrían que incrementar de 12.2% del área global de suelo
(AGS) (excluyendo a la Antártida) a 32.7%. El 20.4% adicional del AGS necesaria excede a los hábitats perdidos
hasta ahora por terrenos de cultivo (12.2% del AGS) y a las áreas acumuladas de conservación (14.6% del AGS) en
todo el mundo. Por lo tanto, mientras que la eliminación de los CF podría reducir el avance del cambio climático,
las consecuencias imprevistas de esto podrían exacerbar significativamente la pérdida de la biodiversidad e in-
directamente incrementar el costo de los alimentos, reduciendo así la seguridad alimentaria. Aunque puede ser
posible reemplazar los FSN y los PS con tecnologías libres de CF, no se ha demostrado que dichos sustitutos sean
suficientemente económicos o eficientes. Mientras tanto, cumplir la demanda mundial de alimentos y mantener
Article impact statement: Fossil fuel technologies saved at least 20% of global land area from agricultural conversion; by contrast, 15% is
protected in nature preserves.
Paper submitted October 2, 2019; revised manuscript accepted August 7, 2020.
Conservation Biology, Volume 0, No. 0, 1–9
© 2020 Society for Conservation Biology
DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13611
2Habitat Loss
costeables los precios alimentarios incrementa la conversión de los hábitats. Estas compensaciones deberían ser
consideradas en los análisis de las políticas para el cambio climático.
Palabras Clave: agricultura, biodiversidad, conservación, cosechas de cultivos, dióxido de carbono, econo-
mización de terrenos, fertilizantes, pesticidas
62.5% ,,
()12.2%  32.7% 20.4%
(12.2%) (
14.6%) ,,,
Habitat loss has been driven mostly by demand for agri-
cultural land to meet human needs (Goldewijk et al.
2011; FAO 2019a). High-yield agriculture reduces this
demand through the use of synthetic nitrogen fertiliz-
ers (SNFs) and synthetic pesticides (SPs) (Goklany 1998;
Green et al. 2005; Phalan et al. 2011). But SNFs and SPs
threaten biodiversity. Moreover, they are manufactured
using feedstocks derived from fossil fuels (FFs) via FF-
dependent energy-intensive processes, and FF usage is
itself a potential threat to biodiversity because it is the
foremost contributor to climate change (via greenhouse
gas emissions) and is a source of pollution (NRC 2010).
So, although FF use threatens biodiversity, it paradoxi-
cally reduces the major threat to biodiversity by limiting
habitat loss to agriculture.
I estimated a lower bound for the share of current
global food production (GFP) from cropland attributable
to FF-dependent technologies. I assumed that non-FF
technologies (including practices) would partially com-
pensate for production losses if FF use is eschewed. I esti-
mated a lower bound for the additional cropland needed
to compensate for these losses, assuming a FF-free world,
as some advocate (CBD 2019). Others would postpone
such a transition to midcentury; yet others would ac-
cept FF use to the extent they employ net-zero strate-
gies (Friedman & Trip 2019) to allow some FF use in
agriculture and other sectors. I compared the increase
in habitat loss (assuming no FF use) with habitat cur-
rently used as cropland and currently protected land
It is unlikely FFs will be abandoned in the near
term, and if they were there would be economic ad-
justments to rebalance supply and demand that would
change the extent of cropland and food security. But,
this scenario helps illustrate the current contribution
of FF-dependent technologies to food security and land
I focused on current GFP, so possible future increases
in demand are not considered (Tilman et al. 2011). Sim-
ilarly, I did not consider future advances that may obvi-
ate the need for FF-intensive processes to manufacture
fertilizers and pesticides, which may occur considering
current investments in research on alternatives to SNFs
and SPs and the general acceleration of scientific and
technological advances.
I also did not account for all the avenues through
which FF-dependent technologies can affect agricultural
productivity (and, therefore, habitat converted to agri-
culture), for example, extra cropland to feed livestock
needed to replace FF-dependent power and energy used
on and off the farm and a reduction in cropland because
in an FF-free world air pollutants (e.g., ozone, partic-
ulate matter) would be reduced, increasing crop yield
(NRC 2010; Schiferl et al. 2018; Ainsworth et al. 2020).
I assumed that near-term substitution of FFs by nuclear
power is infeasible because of long construction lead
times and lack of political will.
Until the 20th century, increased human demand
for food and other agricultural goods was met largely
through habitat conversion to cropland and pasture
(Fig. 1) (Goklany 1998; Green et al. 2005). By 1990 over
67% of the area of 2 of the world’s 14 major terres-
trial biomes and more than half of the area of 4 other
biomes had been converted primarily to agriculture (Mil-
lennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005). By 2017 agricul-
ture occupied 37.4% of global land area (GLA) (excluding
Antarctica), of which 67% was pastureland and 33% crop-
land (FAO 2019a). In recent decades increases in agri-
cultural productivity, driven by FF-dependent technolo-
gies, have limited habitat conversion to agricultural uses,
Conservation Biology
Volume 0, No. 0, 2020
Goklany 3
Figure 1. Global land area used for cropland and other agricultural (ag) land, and global population, 1700–2016
(Goldewijk et al. 2011; Maddison 2010; FAO 2019a) (LS, left scale; RS, right scale; cap, capita).
notwithstanding explosive growth in populations and
per capita wealth, which drive increases in per capita
food consumption (Tilman et al. 2011). Mine is the first
attempt to estimate the cumulative increase in cropland
productivity resulting from the FF-dependent technolo-
gies of SNFs, SPs, and FF combustion (which increases
carbon fertilization). I used these estimates to develop a
lower-bound estimate of habitat saved from conversion
to cropland due to higher crop yields from FF-dependent
Figure 1 shows global trends in population, cropland,
agricultural land, per capita cropland, and per capita agri-
cultural land (the latter 2 are proxies for land productiv-
ity). I used HYDE 3.1 project data for 1700–1950 (Gold-
ewijk et al. 2011) and data from the U.N. Food and Agri-
cultural Organization (FAO 2019a) for 1961–2017. The
quality of FAO’s land-use data has been questioned. Data
are collected via questionnaires sent to member coun-
tries, but response rate, accuracy, and data quality vary
by country (World Bank 2011; See et al. 2015; APCAS
2016). Nevertheless, FAO’s is the longest time series with
worldwide coverage obtained using relatively consistent
methods. Figure 1 shows that until the 19th century
there was little variation in per capita agricultural land,
notwithstanding some productivity gains, particularly in
cropland per capita in the 18th century (Koning et al.
2008). Consequently, agricultural land loosely tracked
population. As agriculture expanded into sparsely
populated areas in the Americas and Australia in the 19th
century, per capita cropland and per capita pastureland
increased. However, cropland per capita peaked around
the early 20th century. With continuing improvements
in productivity and declining global population growth
rates, area of agricultural lands apparently peaked in the
late 1990s; cropland currently seems to be approaching
its peak.
Three major FF-dependent technologies and prac-
tices that have increased agricultural productivity since
the early 20th century are SNFs, manufactured via the
Haber–Bosch process, generally powered by natural gas
or coal (in China) to fix nitrogen from the air (Erisman
et al. 2008; Yara 2018); SPs, derived from petroleum and
coal (in China) (Oerke 2006; Chen et al. 2019); and FF
combustion, which has increased global CO2levels and
fertilized plant life (Ciais et al. 2013).
To estimate the cumulative contribution of SNF, SP, and
FF technologies to current GFP, I used the peer-reviewed
literature to obtain or derive estimates of the direct or
indirect increase in GFP for each technology. Assuming
that increases in GFP from each technology are indepen-
dent of each other, I estimated their cumulative contri-
bution. When faced with a choice of alternative assump-
tions, I generally selected the assumption that would
result in a lower-bound estimate for the increase in GFP.
Increase from SNFs
Erisman et al. (2008) estimate that SNFs were responsi-
ble for 44% of GFP in 2004 and 48% in 2008. They as-
sumed that in the absence of the Haber–Bosch process,
substitute yield-enhancing technologies would increase
productivity by 20% from 1950 to 2000.
Conservation Biology
Volume 0, No. 0, 2020
4Habitat Loss
From 2008 to 2016, global SNF use increased 15.3%,
and cropland and total cereal production (proxy for food
production) increased by 2.8% and 15.4%, respectively
(FAO 2019a). Because SNF use has increased and agricul-
tural technologies and practices have evolved to increase
nitrogen-use efficiency (Mueller et al. 2019), the contri-
bution of SNFs to GFP has probably increased since 2008.
Nevertheless, I assumed that it has stayed at its 2008 level
Increase from SPs
I based increase in food production from SPs on Oerke’s
(2006) estimates for global losses to pests for soybean,
wheat, maize, rice, potatoes, and cotton, which cumu-
latively account for 47.2% of all harvested cropland in
2016 (FAO 2019a). Oerke (2006) estimated that global
losses for these crops ranged from a potential 50–77%
absent pesticide use to an actual 26–40% with SP use
(Table 1). Using these estimates, I calculated the share of
GFP that may be attributed to SPs. I estimated increases
in yield due to SPs for each of the crops based on the
ratios of actual-to-potential yields (Table 1). I calculated
the globally weighted yield increase for all 6 crops to
be 104.3% by weighting the increase in yield for each
by its harvested area as a share of the cumulative area
harvested for the crops. I assumed that, absent FFs, cur-
rently available substitute crop protection technologies
would be 50–75% as effective as SPs. This range may be
an overestimate, considering it is impossible for fertiliz-
ers and pesticides to be manufactured, transported, and
distributed without involving FFs in the quantities and
scale necessary for effective and efficient functioning of
global agriculture.
I assumed that the 104.3% weighted yield increase
applies to all cropland and that non-FF-dependent pes-
ticides would be 75% as effective as FF-dependent pes-
ticides. This also assumes that pest pressure and ef-
fectiveness of crop protection technologies are un-
changed since Oerke’s assessment. Both are probably
different today. In particular, increases in attainable
yields are often associated with increased vulnerabil-
ity to damage from pests (Oerke 2006), and yields
have increased for all important crops from 2008 to
2016 (from 5% for cotton to 14% for soybeans) (FAO
2019a). Changes in pest pressure and pesticide effec-
tiveness are expected because climate change should
have modified ranges and severity of pest infesta-
tion and effectiveness of crop protection (IPCC 2014);
increased international trade in agricultural products
probably increases risks from invasive species (Paini
et al. 2016); and pests evolve, as do crop protection
Changes in the latter include use of genetically mod-
ified insect-resistant (Bt) crops, herbicide-tolerant (HT)
crops, and mixed Bt/HT crops (currently grown on 1.5%,
Table 1. Estimates of changes in crop yield with and without use of synthetic pesticides.
Global area
harvested in 2016
Potential crop loss
without synthetic
pesticides (%)b
Actual crop loss
with synthetic
pesticides use
Ratio of
Increase in yield
with synthetic
pesticides use (%)
yield increase
with synthetic
pesticides (%)c
Maize 197,185,936 68.5 31.2 2.18 118.4 30.77
Potatoes 19,302,642 74.9 40.3 2.38 137.8 3.51
Rice 167,249,103 77 37.4 2.72 172.2 37.95
Cotton 32,979,140 74.9 40.3 2.38 137.8 5.99
Soybeans 123,551,146 60 26.3 1.84 84.3 13.72
Wheat 218,543,071 49.8 28.2 1.43 43.0 12.39
Total 758,811,038 104.33
aFAO 2019a.
bOerke 2006.
cArea weighted, calculated using area for crops per FAO (2019).
Conservation Biology
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Goklany 5
5.4%, and 4.7% of global cropland, respectively) (FAO
2019a; ISAAA 2016). Herbicide-tolerant crops have in-
creased the use of broad-spectrum pesticides at the ex-
pense of more specialized pesticides targeting different
pests and reduced production costs by decreasing the
need for labor and alternative practices (e.g., mechanical
weeding) but have not necessarily increased yields (e.g.,
by enabling cultivation of second crops) (Brookes & Bar-
foot 2018). Although Bt crops reduce rather than elim-
inate the need for pesticides, they sometimes provide
higher yields (ISAAA 2016). Because global assessments
of potential and actual GM crop losses due to SPs use are
unavailable and area currently occupied by such crops
is relatively small, I assumed no differences between GM
and conventional crops in terms of yields and pesticide
Increase from CO2Fertilization
Doubling CO2relative to the preindustrial level (277
ppm in 1755) (IPCC 2013) would increase net primary
productivity by 20–25% (Ciais et al. 2013). These es-
timates may underestimate yield increases by 20–30%
because the experiments used to derive these esti-
mates subject plants to higher-than-natural CO2fluc-
tuations (Allen et al. 2020), but I defer to the IPCC.
Accordingly, if productivity increases linearly with CO2
concentration, then at the current atmospheric concen-
tration (412 ppm) (NOAA 2019), fertilization should have
increased yields by 10–12%. This is an underestimate, be-
cause the relationship between productivity increase and
CO2bends downward (i.e., CO2increases, productivity
increases rapidly, and then rate of increase slows) (von
Caemmerer et al. 2012).
An alternative estimate can be derived from data on
the effect of CO2concentrations on crop yields main-
tained by the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide
and Global Change (Idso 2013). Its data indicate that a
300-ppm increase in CO2concentrations would increase
the production-weighted yield of 45 crops, accounting
for 95% of global crop production by 35%. Assuming lin-
earity, an increase from 277 to 412 ppm implies a 15.8%
yield increase. To be conservative, I assumed a yield in-
crease of 10%.
I found that SNFs alone increased current food produc-
tion by at least 92.3%. Hence, to maintain current GFP
absent FF use, and assuming average productivity stays
constant, cropland would have to increase from 12.2% to
23.5% of GLA. Use of SPs increased GFP by 26.1% above
what it would have been absent FFs. Fertilization via CO2
increased GFP by 10%.
Together SNFs, SPs, and FFs increased GFP by at least
167% (=1.923 ×1.261 ×1.1 ×100 100) assuming that
increases for each are independent. Thus, I found that
FF-dependent technologies were responsible for 62.5%
of current GFP and absent any FFs, cropland would need
to expand by at least 167% to maintain current GFP (i.e.,
cropland would have to expand by 20.4% of GLA from
12.2% to 32.7%).
Implicit in these estimates are 2 heroic assumptions. The
system, connecting 570 million farms with 7.8 billion
consumers distributed worldwide through millions of in-
termediaries mainly through harnessing relatively cheap
FFs, can be maintained without FFs and major price in-
creases (which would reduce consumption but fail to
maintain GFP). Consider that FF-free agriculture is essen-
tially organic agriculture (OA), which abjures SNFs and
SPs, and has no access to all other energy services pro-
vided by FFs. Despite centuries’ head start on develop-
ing FF-free agriculture and the possibility of premiums
for organic produce, globally only 1.4% of cropland (and
0.5% of farms) were under OA in 2017 (FAO 2014; FIBL
2019), suggesting that non-FF-based alternatives to SNFs
and SPs are not currently competitive on a wide scale. An
FF-free agriculture would require scaling up OA area and
farms worldwide by 70- and 200-fold, respectively, while
abandoning FFs.
Second, my estimates are based on the assumption that
various agricultural processes that use energy (e.g., irri-
gation, mechanical weeding, packaging, and transport-
ing [Ziesemer 2007]) would continue without loss of
productivity or increase in costs in the absence of FFs
and that it is possible for raw and intermediate materi-
als and finished products to be extracted, mined, pro-
cessed, transported, and distributed to and from manu-
facturers to farms, then to markets, and eventually to all
consumers without involving FFs in the quantities and
scale necessary to sustain global agriculture. This seems
highly unlikely in the medium term, considering that FFs
currently supply 81% of global energy (IEA 2018), which
reaffirms that currently non-FF-based alternatives are not
broadly competitive. Despite renouncing SNFs and SPs,
organic systems use 49–79% (Fess & Benedito 2018) to
85% (Clark & Tilman 2017) as much energy as conven-
tional systems. These heroic assumptions suggest that
global replacement of FF use in agriculture is unlikely in
the medium term.
My estimate that absent FFs an extra 20.4% of GLA
would be needed to maintain current GFP is also based
on the following 11 assumptions.
Conservation Biology
Volume 0, No. 0, 2020
6Habitat Loss
Additional cropland cultivated in the absence of FF
is as productive as current cropland (assumption 1). If
economically more productive lands were available, they
would probably already have been converted and culti-
vated, given that transportation costs are sufficiently low
that even relatively low-value agricultural products can
be produced and moved profitably worldwide (Trading
Economics 2020).
Production increases from irrigation, often an energy-
intensive activity and, therefore, partly FF-dependent, are
captured in the yield increase from SNFs (2). On average,
an irrigated acre (0.4 ha) has a 167% greater yield than an
unirrigated acre (FAO 2019b). In the absence of cheap
FFs, at least some irrigation activity would be reduced,
which would reduce agricultural productivity in areas
where yields are water limited.
It is economically feasible to manufacture and dis-
tribute non-FF-derived fertilizers and pesticides to
570 million farms worldwide without FFs or raising
prices to meet demand (3).
Yield increase from CO2fertilization is at the low end
of the IPCC range (4).
The share of GFP due to SNFs has not increased since
2008, despite increases in SNF use and nitrogen-use effi-
ciencies (5).
Present-day energy demands will be met without ad-
ditional terrestrial habitat loss (6). Onshore, nonnuclear
substitutes (solar, wind, hydro, and biomass) have larger
footprints than FFs per energy unit produced (Ausubel
2015). Wind and solar power, by harnessing energy at
different elevations, may coexist with farming on the
same footprint, although existing large-scale examples
are few. Moreover, renewable energy projects inadver-
tently degrade habitat for wildlife (FWS 2018; Rehbein
et al. 2020).
Society (and agriculture) will not partially revert to
animate power (7). Substantial land would be required
to feed draught animals needed to replace FF-powered
machinery (Goklany 2012). In 1910, before FF-powered
tractors displaced animate power, 23% of U.S. cropland
was devoted to feeding on-farm draught animals. By
1960, U.S. on-farm horsepower from draft animals had
shrunk 84% despite total horsepower increasing 4.6-fold
(Olmstead & Rhode 2001). Also, most farm machinery
runs on and is manufactured with FFs.
Land productivity due to climate change (excluding
yield increase from carbon fertilization) will not change
(8). Zhu et al. (2016) estimated Earth’s vegetated area
(i.e., area covered by leaves) has increased 8% from 1982
to 2009 due to climate change.
Effectiveness of crop protection technologies and pest
pressure stays at 2008 levels despite increasing yields and
climate changes postdating Oerke’s analysis (9).
There is no effect from loss of other FF-dependent
technologies and practices (e.g., rapid and timely dis-
tribution of inputs and outputs continues, including in
the cold food supply chain; no spoilage due to changes
in packaging, storage, and processing) (10). These FF-
dependent technologies increase the amount of consum-
able food without increasing cropland or yields (Goklany
No net effect from reduced ozone, particulate mat-
ter, and acidification on yields (11). Ozone has reduced
global yields by about 10% for wheat and soybean and 3–
5% for maize and rice (Porter et al. 2014), whereas par-
ticulate matter and nitrogen deposition increases global
yields for maize and wheat by 2.3–11% and for rice by 2%
(Schiferl et al. 2018). In aggregate, air pollutants probably
reduce GFP.
These assumptions, except assumption 11, underesti-
mate extra cropland needed to maintain GFP, some sub-
stantially. Extra cropland is unlikely to be as productive as
current cropland because additional land will be needed
to supply energy on and off the farm and to feed draught
animals. It is also unlikely that SNFs and SPs can be
manufactured and distributed worldwide economically,
absent FFs, without reducing food security. Thus, con-
sidering the preponderance of assumptions that under-
estimate extra cropland needed to maintain GFP in a
FF-free world, and their potential magnitudes, my esti-
mate is probably a lower bound for habitat saved by FF-
dependent technologies.
Estimating additional habitat converted more broadly
to agriculture would have involved including extra pas-
tureland to compensate for lower pasture productivity
due to lack of SNFs, SPs, and carbon fertilization (IFGC
2010; Polley et al. 2019).
Currently Available Alternatives
I assumed that in the absence of FFs, alternative tech-
nologies would compensate partially for loss of SNFs and
SPs. Technological advances will undoubtedly expand fu-
ture FF-free options available for agriculture, but a short-
fall in GFP, no matter how brief, should be avoided, dur-
ing any transition to FF-free agriculture.
Alternatives to SNFs include recycling manure, catch
crops, and crop residues. Such practices can reduce yield
gaps between conventional and organic cropping sys-
tems, without always enhancing total productivity of the
latter (Shah et al. 2017).
About 11% of nitrogen inputs to global crop produc-
tion come from animal manure and another 8% from
crop residues (Seufert & Ramankutty 2017). Replacing
SNFs would mean significantly increasing livestock num-
bers and crop residues, which may be counterproductive
to the goal of reducing, or eliminating, FFs (Meemkem &
Qaim 2018; Lamb et al. 2016; Balmford et al. 2018). In
rice paddies in China, pastures for beef cattle in Latin
America, and dairy farming in Europe, increased use of
organic nitrogen may reduce land use but it may increase
greenhouse gas emissions, whereas there is little or no
Conservation Biology
Volume 0, No. 0, 2020
Goklany 7
emissions increase from boosting yield with inorganic
nitrogen (Balmford et al. 2018).
Despite burgeoning research interest in displacing the
Haber–Bosch process (e.g., Johnson 2018), deploying re-
sulting technologies globally would be challenging be-
cause it annually fixes almost twice as much reactive ni-
trogen globally as natural terrestrial sources (Fowler et al.
Alternatives to SPs include, for example, crop rota-
tion, pest-resistant crops, pheromones to disrupt pest
reproduction, thermal and mechanical weeding, phys-
ical barriers (plastic fabrics and mulch), and biopesti-
cides derived from naturally occurring biological pre-
cursors (e.g., plants, microbes, fungi, and nematodes).
They include Bt and Bt crops. Since 2010 new biopesti-
cides have entered the market more rapidly than conven-
tional pesticides (McDougall 2018). The SP alternatives,
however, frequently cost more and demand closer mon-
itoring by skilled labor and more frequent applications
(especially for vegetables). Because many biocontrols tar-
get specific pests, they are often incorporated into in-
tegrated pest management, which can include SPs, but
are knowledge and monitoring intensive. This increases
costs and inconvenience and often lowers yields (Moss
2019). Reliance on multiple technologies adds costs and
complexity to operations (McDougall 2018; Damalas &
Koutroubas 2018). Thus, some crops are unprofitable un-
der OA, and many farmers would continue conventional
practices despite recognizing their health and environ-
mental costs (Cabasan et al. 2019). Biopesticides had
only 5% of the global crop protection market in 2019
(IHS Markit 2020. Alternatives, such as thermal weeding,
frequently also require use of FFs or animate power. But
the latter requires additional land for feed and fodder.
Reliance on human labor would also raise costs. Alter-
natively, if labor is expensive, farmers may, instead, culti-
vate more land. Another alternative is using plastic sheets
or mulch for weed control, but plastic is an FF product.
Obtaining plastic or alternative fabrics from plant-based
material would not necessarily relieve pressure on the
Orderly Transition to a FF-Free Agriculture
If FF-dependent technologies contribute at least 62.5%
of GFP, then cutting off FFs would reduce average daily
global food supply per capita from 2917 kcal (in 2017) to
1100 kcal (FAO n.d.)—24% below the average daily food
supply of 1439 kcal per capita for China in 1961 at the
end of its Great (1959–1961) Famine, in which tens of
millions perished and some descended into cannibalism
(Becker 1996).
Even a brief shortfall in food supply, beyond reduc-
ing food security and human well-being, would increase
pressure from hunger beset populations to clear land for
crops worldwide, with potentially disastrous effects on
ecosystems and biodiversity. The effects of such clear-
ing would persist perhaps long after the transition to
a mainly FF-free agriculture (Haddad et al. 2015). Un-
less one deals with nearer-term problems successfully,
addressing longer-term problems may be futile. Transi-
tioning to an FF-free agriculture should, therefore, be ac-
complished in a fashion that precludes significant food
supply shortfalls.
My estimates did not consider that, absent FFs, both
food supplies and population would be lower. But if
food supplies are reduced, it does not necessarily fol-
low that population would be proportionally lower be-
cause medical and public health advances might reduce
mortality from malnutrition. Thus, reduced food supplies
per capita could increase pressure to convert habitat to
cropland, despite a population decrease. In India from
1918 to 1945, food supplies were relatively constant, yet
the population increased by 25% (Cipolla 1978) and life
expectancy rose from 25 to 33 years from 1921 to 1941
(OWID 2019). An increase in population, not matched by
increases in food supplies, would increase hunger and,
therefore, pressure for land conversion. Thus, lower agri-
cultural productivity, while limiting food supplies, could
reduce population and human well-being without neces-
sarily reducing land conversion (Goklany 1998).
Adoption of high-yield seeds, which characterizes the
Green Revolution, require greater use of fertilizers, pes-
ticides, and irrigation to realize seed potential and result
in significant (p<0.01) reductions in infant and adult
mortality rates (i.e., improved health), fertility, and pop-
ulation growth rate, whereas per capita income increases
and harvested area decreases (p<0.1) (Gollin et al.
If humanity desires to maintain GFP at present levels,
forsaking FF usage could increase habitat loss and, with
it, the already considerable existing threats to ecosys-
tems and biodiversity. It could trigger ecological tipping
points. Barnosky et al. (2012), for example, postulated
a global tipping point at 50% for the transformation of
GLA. Dinerstein et al. (2019) proposed a “global deal for
nature” to formally protect 30% of Earth and designate an
additional 20% as a climate stabilization area by 2030. But
37.4% of GLA is already under cultivation. An extra 20.4%
of cropland to meet current human needs in the absence
of FFs would push this to at least 57.8%, beyond the pos-
tulated tipping point, and preclude the global-deal-for-
nature target. Similarly, Rockstrom et al. (2009) proposed
a safe “planetary boundary” limit of 15% for cropland,
less than half of the 32.7% of GLA I estimated would be
needed to meet current demand absent FFs. For perspec-
tive on these numbers, 14.6% of GLA is designated as
protected for nature conservation (UNEP-WCMC & IUCN
Thus, the increase in agricultural productivity realized
through FF use, advertently (via SNFs and SPs) or in-
advertently (via CO2fertilization), may paradoxically be
Conservation Biology
Volume 0, No. 0, 2020
8Habitat Loss
the single most effective strategy for conserving nature,
notwithstanding all its other threats to natural ecosys-
tems. However, it does not necessarily follow that FFs are
a net plus ecologically or from a conservation perspec-
tive. To make such a determination requires a compre-
hensive benefit–cost analysis that would include consid-
eration of CO2emissions from additional land converted
to agriculture and its broader effects via climate change,
which could be substantial (Hannah et al. 2020). Efforts
to limit FF use should recognize that among the unin-
tended consequences might be greater loss of biodiver-
sity due to additional land conversion needed to maintain
global food supplies, which could also counteract some
hoped-for climate change gains or it could lead to higher
food prices that would reduce global food security.
I acknowledge, with appreciation, 3 anonymous review-
ers for their constructive criticism, which have substan-
tially improved this paper.
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Conservation Biology
Volume 0, No. 0, 2020
... El rábano (Raphanus sativus L.) es un tubérculo cultivado y consumido en todo el mundo y se considera parte de la dieta humana (Manivannan et al. 2019). En la mayoría de los estados productores de rábano en México, el cultivo se realiza de manera intensiva, con un alto consumo de agroquímicos, lo que puede ocasionar impactos negativos en el medio ambiente debido al uso excesivo: pérdida de fertilidad de los suelos agrícolas, contaminación del medio ambiente y problemas de salud humana (Goklany 2021). Asimismo, los agroquímicos incrementan los costos de producción, lo que afecta la economía de los agricultores (Janssens et al. 2020). ...
Full-text available
Evaluation of the effect of Bacillus licheniformis M2-7 as a biofertilizer in Raphanus sativus L. (Brassicales: Brassicaceae) ABSTRACT Plant growth promoting bacteria possess characteristics that favor plant growth and health. Therefore , biofertilizers are emerging as alternatives in agriculture, partially or totally substituting chemical fertilization. We evaluated the effect of a bioformulation based on Bacillus lichenifor-mis M2-7 on the germination, growth, and yield of Raphanus sativus L. A bioformulation was standardized with 6% molasses, and the growth of strain M2-7 was monitored from 0 to 288 h. Experiments were also conducted to determine the percentage of germination, growth and yield of the vegetable. The germination percentage was determined 15 days after sowing; growth and yield, 45 days later. The results showed that strain M2-7 increased the germination percentage (80.6%) and significantly improved the evaluated variables (p≤0.05). The results suggest the use of B. licheniformis M2-7 in formulations to be applied in vegetables.
... In African resource frontiers, the discovery and extraction of oil is documented as contributing to significant land use and vegetation cover changes, impacting livelihoods, biodiversity and local economies (Butt et al., 2013;Goklany, 2020;Muñoa Capron-Manieux, 2021). Moreover, oil extraction fuels conflict where pressure on limited resources and competing demands on land are reinforced by the ill-definition of land tenure rights, especially in rural areas undergoing rapid change (Rockmore, 2020; Sabir and Torre, 2020). ...
The discovery of oil in the North Albertine Rift Landscape of Uganda has increased pressure on land and heightened the potential for resource use conflict. In this article, we focus on changing land use dynamics as oil extraction unfolds in a new resource frontier. We ask how the development of the nascent oil industry will affect land use dynamics, including land use conflicts. This leads us to identify the land use change already arising and to use this as the basis for participatory modelling of projected change. Given they are dominant forms of land use, agriculture and forestry are central to our analysis. Design of the methodology combined remote sensing with innovative modelling incorporating participatory development methods. This facilitated insight into projected land use patterns, and specifically relationships between small-scale food production, commercial sugarcane production, and forestry conservation adjacent to settlement areas. Our data show that ill–defined land boundaries and an aggressive sugarcane out-grower scheme are avenues for so-called land grabbing. Modelling scenarios under both the status quo and under oil extraction suggest the land area covered by sugarcane production will increase at the expense of food crop farming. Given a context where forestry conservation is an important form of land use, we also consider the implications of local agricultural change on land reserved for conservation. Overall, our modelling indicates that in accounting for land use change within the resource frontier associated with oil extraction, there needs to be insight into the intricate interconnections between different forms of rural land use as future change unfolds. Understanding how oil extraction effects rural land use patterns holds relevance for planning in contexts of the Global South where new oil industries are emerging. Innovative methodologies for teasing out these complex land use dynamics can aid planning that seeks to anticipate and reduce land use conflict and support agricultural livelihoods.
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Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) was conceived as an experimental method to measure plant responses to elevated CO2 in natural environments rather than in chambered or controlled environments. However, due to the difficulty of controlling elevated CO2 concentrations in turbulent air, the range of fluctuations of CO2 in FACE experiments are more than 10-fold greater than plants experience in natural conditions. One early study reported that photosynthetic increases of leaves in 40- and 80-s periods of oscillating elevated CO2 were only about 68% of those in leaves exposed to constant elevated CO2 with the same mean CO2 concentration. Later whole-plant studies reported smaller increases of responses in 60-s periods of oscillating elevated CO2 compared to constant elevated CO2 with the same mean concentration. After eliminating problematic data from studies that predicted plant responses in FACE to be only 45% of responses in open top chambers, we calculated that yields increased 65% as much in fluctuating elevated CO2 of FACE as in constant elevated CO2. The smaller plant responses in fluctuating elevated CO2 can be attributed partially to the non-linear, convex-upward curved response of photosynthesis to CO2 concentration, but other unknown mechanisms must exist. Future leaf chamber studies and FACE studies should include fundamental photosynthetic physiologists who can focus on uncovering the mechanisms responsible for lower photosynthetic, biomass, and yield response in both regular waveform oscillating and irregular fluctuating elevated CO2. Because CO2 fluctuates in FACE and recent experiments indicate reduced photosynthesis and growth under fluctuating CO2, responses of plants in FACE are likely to underestimate the benefits of rising CO2. We found that a correction factor of about 1.5 needs to be applied to FACE results. While responses to elevated CO2 in FACE experiments are smaller than those in chamber experiments, FACE responses are obtained in natural conditions not available in chambers and thus are conservative regarding future projections of agricultural productivity.
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Transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy is fundamental for halting anthropogenic climate change. However, renewable energy facilities can be land‐use intensive and impact conservation areas, and little attention has been given to whether the aggregated effect of energy transitions poses a substantial threat to global biodiversity. Here, we assess the extent of current and likely future renewable energy infrastructure associated with onshore wind, hydropower and solar photovoltaic generation, within three important conservation areas: protected areas, Key Biodiversity Areas and Earth’s remaining wilderness. We identified 2,206 fully operational renewable energy facilities within the boundaries of these conservation areas, with another 922 facilities under development. Combined, these facilities span and are degrading 886 protected areas, 749 Key Biodiversity Areas, and 40 distinct wilderness areas. Two trends are particularly concerning. First, while the majority of historical overlap occurs in Western Europe, the renewable electricity facilities under development increasingly overlap with conservation areas in South East Asia, a globally important region for biodiversity. Second, this next wave of renewable energy infrastructure represents a ~30% increase in the number of protected areas and Key Biodiversity Areas impacted and could increase the number of compromised wilderness areas by ~60%. If the world continues to rapidly transition towards renewable energy these areas will face increasing pressure to allow infrastructure expansion. Coordinated planning of renewable energy expansion and biodiversity conservation is essential to avoid conflicts that compromise their respective objectives.
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Growing conditions for crops such as coffee and wine grapes are shifting to track climate change. Research on these crop responses has focused principally on impacts to food production impacts, but evidence is emerging that they may have serious environmental consequences as well. Recent research has documented potential environmental impacts of shifting cropping patterns, including impacts on water, wildlife, pollinator interaction, carbon storage and nature conservation, on national to global scales. Multiple crops will be moving in response to shifting climatic suitability, and the cumulative environmental effects of these multi-crop shifts at global scales is not known. Here we model for the first time multiple major global commodity crop suitability changes due to climate change, to estimate the impacts of new crop suitability on water, biodiversity and carbon storage. Areas that become newly suitable for one or more crops are Climate-driven Agricultural Frontiers. These frontiers cover an area equivalent to over 30% of the current agricultural land on the planet and have major potential impacts on biodiversity in tropical mountains, on water resources downstream and on carbon storage in high latitude lands. Frontier soils contain up to 177 Gt of C, which might be subject to release, which is the equivalent of over a century of current United States CO2 emissions. Watersheds serving over 1.8 billion people would be impacted by the cultivation of the climate-driven frontiers. Frontiers intersect 19 global biodiversity hotspots and the habitat of 20% of all global restricted range birds. Sound planning and management of climate-driven agricultural frontiers can therefore help reduce globally significant impacts on people, ecosystems and the climate system.
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The competing demands of increasing grain yields to feed a growing population and decreasing nitrogen (N) fertilizer use and loss to the environment poses a grand challenge to farmers and society, and necessitates achieving improved N use efficiency (NUE) in cereal crops. Although selection for increased yield in maize has improved NUE over time, the present understanding of the physiological determinants of NUE and its key components hampers the design of more effective breeding strategies conducive to accelerating genetic gain for this trait. We show that maize NUE gains have been supported by more efficient allocation of N among plant organs during the grain filling period. Comparing seven maize hybrids commercialized between 1946 and 2015 from a single seed company in multiple N fertilizer treatments, we demonstrate that modern hybrids produced more grain per unit of accumulated N by more efficiently remobilizing N stored in stems than in leaves to support kernel growth. Increases in N fertilizer recovery and N harvest index at maturity were mirrored by a steady decrease in stem N allocation in this era study. These insights can inform future breeding strategies for continued NUE gains through improved conversion efficiency of accumulated plant N into grain yield.
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The Global Deal for Nature (GDN) is a time-bound, science-driven plan to save the diversity and abundance of life on Earth. Pairing the GDN and the Paris Climate Agreement would avoid catastrophic climate change, conserve species, and secure essential ecosystem services. New findings give urgency to this union: Less than half of the terrestrial realm is intact, yet conserving all native ecosystems—coupled with energy transition measures—will be required to remain below a 1.5°C rise in average global temperature. The GDN targets 30% of Earth to be formally protected and an additional 20% designated as climate stabilization areas, by 2030, to stay below 1.5°C. We highlight the 67% of terrestrial ecoregions that can meet 30% protection, thereby reducing extinction threats and carbon emissions from natural reservoirs. Freshwater and marine targets included here extend the GDN to all realms and provide a pathway to ensuring a more livable biosphere.
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Human activities result in a wide array of pollutants being released to the atmosphere. A number of these pollutants have direct effects on plants, including carbon dioxide (CO2), which is the substrate for photosynthesis, and ozone (O3), a damaging oxidant. How plants respond to changes in these atmospheric air pollutants, both directly and indirectly, feeds back on atmospheric composition and climate, global net primary productivity and ecosystem service provisioning. Here we discuss the past, current and future trends in emissions of CO2 and O3 and synthesize the current atmospheric CO2 and O3 budgets, describing the important role of vegetation in determining the atmospheric burden of those pollutants. While increased atmospheric CO2 concentration over the past 150 years has been accompanied by greater CO2 assimilation and storage in terrestrial ecosystems, there is evidence that rising temperatures and increased drought stress may limit the ability of future terrestrial ecosystems to buffer against atmospheric emissions. Long‐term Free Air CO2 or O3 Enrichment (FACE) experiments provide critical experimentation about the effects of future CO2 and O3 on ecosystems, and highlight the important interactive effects of temperature, nutrients, and water supply in determining ecosystem responses to air pollution. Long‐term experimentation in both natural and cropping systems is needed to provide critical empirical data for modeling the effects of air pollutants on plant productivity in the decades to come. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Understanding farmers’ perception is important in the development of sustainable and cost-effective integrated pest management strategies. Hence, farmers’ perception on rice insect pests and pesticide use was evaluated by selected 112 farmers composed of 77% males and 23% females, over the rice growing areas of North Cotabato, Central Mindanao, Philippines. 62% of farmers that were interviewed use pesticides based on the presence of pests. These farmers identified white stem borer and rice leaf folder as the most encountered insect pests on the local rice crops. Due to these insect pests, rice production became constrained producing low income for the farmers. Pesticide application was perceived to be effective (73%) but not efficient in controlling insects. Moreover, farmers recognized the negative effects of pesticide applications in the environment (76%). However, in spite of these expensive pest control strategies, local farmers still agreed (83%) to apply these methods to increase rice production and their income. With the advantage of using pesticides to boost production over the harm it can cause, farmers would not agree to stop (39%) or still are undecided (23%) to reduce pesticide application. Thus, efficient, safe, low cost pest control strategies are needed to reduce reliance of farmers to pesticides and to improve agricultural production and food security of smallholder farmers in the Philippines.
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Implementation of integrated weed management (IWM) has been poor, with little evidence of concomitant reductions in herbicide use. Non‐chemical methods are often adopted as a means of compensating for reduced herbicide efficacy, due to increasing resistance, rather than as alternatives to herbicides. Reluctance to adopt non‐chemical methods is not due to a lack of research or technology but to a lack of farmer motivation and action. Justifiably, herbicides are often seen as the easier option – their convenience outweighs the increased complexity, costs and management time associated with non‐chemical alternatives. Greater use of non‐chemical alternatives to herbicides will only occur if the following seven aspects are addressed: (i) better recognition of the reasons why farmers are reluctant to use non‐chemical alternatives; (ii) encouraging farmers to adopt a longer‐term approach to weed control; (iii) changing farmers' attitudes to pesticides; (iv) paying more attention to the individual farmer's perspective; (v). greater involvement of economists, social scientists and marketing professionals; (vi) re‐evaluating research and extension priorities; and (vii) changing the mindset of funders of research and extension. If ‘persuasion’ fails to deliver greater implementation of IWM, authorities may resort to greater use of financial and other incentives combined with tougher regulations. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry
Coal consumption in China has been almost equal to the consumption of all other countries since 2011, and influenced not only global climate change but also domestic air pollution control, energy production and consumption revolution. Coal consumption is closely related to China's whole economy, and its cap control should be based on comprehensive understanding of different economic agents' interactions. Therefore, this study uses the input-output model to identify key relationships to be adjusted which have their significant direct and indirect effects on coal consumption. We find that fixed capital formation in construction having a significant indirect impact on coal consumption in all main coal-intensive sectors, and most of the important production relationships in a sector involve inputs of basic raw materials or fuel, such as building materials in construction. From the perspective of fine structure adjustment to control coal effectively, some non-basic inputs need massive restrictions, such as substantially reducing pesticide and fertilizer application in agriculture, and construction expansion should be limited to a rational growth through reducing short-lived buildings, constraining low-level redundant construction of roads and buildings, and minimizing the vacancy rate and incremental construction area. Moreover, export of coke, chemicals, and chemical products should be discouraged from the perspective of coal control, and urban households should consume daily chemical and pharmaceutical products more rationally.