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COVID-19 stands for Corona Virus Disease, which is an infectious disease that was detected in China in late 2019. This disease has become a pandemic, causing a threat to human life globally. The impact of COVID-19 is not only on humans health but is affecting economies at both national and global level. The $1000 billion Event management or event planning industry is one of the most affected industry of this pandemic globally as it is a business for people coming in huge numbers and celebrating an occasion. This study is about the impact of COVID-19 on Event businesses and how they are tackling in this situation.
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 5, Issue 3, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 533-535
Published Online July 2020 in IJEAST (
Jaskaran Singh Madray
Department of Business Administration
Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Punjab, India
Abstract COVID-19 stands for Corona Virus Disease,
which is an infectious disease that was detected in China in
late 2019. This disease has become a pandemic, causing a
threat to human life globally. The impact of COVID-19 is
not only on humans health but is affecting economies at
both national and global level. The $1000 billion Event
management or event planning industry is one of the most
affected industry of this pandemic globally as it is a business
for people coming in huge numbers and celebrating an
occasion. This study is about the impact of COVID-19 on
Event businesses and how they are tackling in this situation.
Keywords COVID-19, Pandemic, Events, Economy,
Coronavirus is a large family of virus that infects animals or
humans and COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a
newly discovered coronavirus which was detected in Wuhan,
China in December 2019. This disease has now outbreak into a
pandemic affecting humans life globally. It is spread normally
through small droplets from the nose or mouth, which are
expelled when a person with COVID-19 coughs, sneezes, or
speaks. This is the reason the precautionary measure till its
proper medicine is discovered, are social distancing, staying
atleast 1 meter away from others, isolation of sick people
(especially respiratory illness), wear a mask and wash hands
regularly in a day.
Event management is defined as a well-planned and organised
occasion with the view of meeting or achieving specific
objectives for the benefit of person, group of people or an
organization. The professionals in this business are known as
Event planners. An event can be a Celebration (festivals,
weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries), Education
(conferences, graduations), Promotions (product launches,
fashion shows, and conventions) or Commemorations
(memorials, civic events).
COVID-19 has irrupted the global markets and various
industries drastically, though innovative minds and leaders of
respective fields are struggling and bringing new ways to
survive in this condition. But, still the Tourism and hospitality
industries are still suffering the most. The threat of disease has
homed in the minds of the people and the policies of travel,
entertain and organise events by certain countries are leading a
major setback and an edge to recession for such and interlinked
In the recent studies around the globe, it has reported that
maximum loss of about more than $666 million till April is
noted in event industry, due to cancellation of events worldwide
and have 85.9 million jobs at stake. The businesses are suffering
for huge capital shortage to sustain in long run though use of
technology and measures like live chat, webinars, online
discussion shows, podcasts etc. are being used by companies to
continue their services but they cannot replace the revenue from
big fat events or events at large scale in terms of money and
people inducement. The daily wage workers associated with the
industry, the small and medium event companies who do not
have the platform or the target customers to provide such
services are suffering more harshness of this pandemic.
1. Sergio Correia, Stephan Luck, and Emil Verner (2020),
Pandemics Depress the Economy, Public Health
Interventions Do Not: Evidence from the 1918 Flu
This study is to depict the effects of COVID-19 pandemic
on global economy through Non- Pharmaceutical
Interventions (NPIs) by referring to 1918 Influenza
pandemic. NPIs include social distancing, isolation and
shutdowns of public indulging platforms to reduce or
control the spread of infection. The analysis in the study
shows that the effect on economy depends on the severity of
pandemic and how aggressively and earlier the actions are
taken by government against disease. If it is tackled at
primary levels rapidly than post pandemic time can cause a
relative growth in the economy but more the delay in
tackling, the more worse it will affect the mortality rate and
the economy simultaneously. It can cause a relative decline
in manufacturing employment, manufacturing output, bank
assets, and consumer durables.
2. W.Qiu; S. Rutherford; A. Mao; C. Chu (2017), The
Pandemic and its Impacts
The study explains about the concept of pandemic i.e.,
widespread of a contiguous epidemic disease effecting a
whole country or one or more continents at a same time.
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 5, Issue 3, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 533-535
Published Online July 2020 in IJEAST (
Furthermore, impacting health, economy, social and
security at different levels. The impact of a pandemic leads
to huge economic loss and instability of economy through
direct costs, long term burden,
and indirect costs.
The direct costs of a pandemic is huge as to tackle and
control it requires high costs in conditions of awareness and
treatments. The long term burden is inevitable and severe as
the burden of loss of earnings from people who died are in
huge numbers and the indirect costs include everything that
contributes to a decline in GDP are also heavy.
The social impacts are also very clear as movement of
people are restricted and with rime grew the fear to travel
and indulge in any sort of public affairs or people
gatherings, affecting the social life of the society as whole.
3. Made Gede Yudiyana, Andrew Sumichan, Ni Wayan Sri
Ariyani (2018) Management Information System of Event
The study represents the assistance of management
information system in event activities in terms of providing
ticket sales, booths, accommodation and activities which are
outside of events such as tours for guests. This is to highlight
the importance of technology helping in the event industry
to work more efficiently and easy for organizers or planners
to handle other such business domains of the event
management. The upgrading technologies are opening
gateways for better performance, providing information,
economic benefits through cutting additional costs of labor
and time, better efficiency and service to the customers
alongwith maintaining control of data regarding the event
and guests digitally which are much better than manual
4. Joe J Goldblatt, Seung-won Lee (2012) The current and
future impacts of the 2007-2009 economic recession on the
festival and event industry
This study is to show the impacts on business performance
of festival and event industry in the period of global
economic recession from 2007 to 2009. It depicts that
during economic crisis in the world, the event industry is
also affected dramatically and it takes solid strategies to
overcome after recession. During this period, the industry
had suffered decrease in profit margins caused by decrease
in sponsorship, high cost of products and services and
recession on all sources of revenue. The strategies that lead
to survival and a conservative growth pace after recession
were to increase marketing efforts, control overall expenses
and the use of technology in different ways to get
sponsorships and target customers accordingly.
The nature of study is descriptive. The source of data is
secondary. The data is collected and interpreted from various
academic journals, research publications, news releases and
1. Report of Events and Entertainment Management
Association (EEMA)
EEMA has conducted a survey of their members with 170
companies which are affected by COVID-19. These 170
companies represents over a 1,00,000 companies that are
struggling in this pandemic.
The report depicts a huge loss of business, employers livelihood
at stake, revenue being affected globally and requirement of
funds to attain stability in long run. The major statistics found
in the study were:
90% of the business being cancelled of around 52.91%
of companies between March-July 2020
Around 7 companies envisage a 50%-80%
retrenchment of their current workforce and 35
between 25%-50%
63.1% companies i.e. around 107 companies suffered
from a revenue loss of up to 1 crore each.
Around 97 companies will need to raise capital or debt
from institutions or shareholders, VC funding etc., to
The ideal working capital/ loan expected to keep afloat
for the next 6 months is around 2-5 CR for 39
companies and 1-2 CR for 118 companies.
This shows that the business in various sectors has seen a huge
downfall due to this economic disruption. The major cause of
this rising difficulties for the industry is either the increasing
cancellation of events of 2020 or the postpone of these to 2021
worldwide. Furthermore, the daily wages workers, small and
medium associates businesses are also facing brutal economic
conditions leading for sudden support else there will be an
increase in unemployment ratios.
2. Report of Professional Convention Management
Association (PCMA)
The survey of more than thousand Event professionals were
done by PCMA to know the impact of COVID-19 on their
businesses. The outcome of the survey were:
High Rate of Cancelled/ Postponed events-
The survey highlighted that 88 percent of respondents marked
the cancellation of events they have been booked for and 66
percent have postponed their events to organise after COVID-
19 affecting the business and dependant sectors drastically.
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 5, Issue 3, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 533-535
Published Online July 2020 in IJEAST (
Using Time productively-
63 percent of respondents claim that they are using this free
time to upgrade their skills and majorly focusing on virtual
technology and online platforms for organising events . To
learn the benefits and software required for online events and
use them to overcome operational costs and meet day to day
Virtual Events-
The future of events using technology or the survival means for
event industry in this pandemic are virtual events. 7 out of 10
respondents or the businesses having facilities to upgrade
certain events for their customers online are using virtual
medium in this pandemic. The reason is because of the losses
they are inculcating and no certain get away from COVID-19
encouraged virtual events. Due to this, there is a certain increase
in webinars, online discussions and live chats to keep the
industry active.
3. Other impacts on Event industry:
a. Increased Personalisation-
The positive outcome for online live events are the increase in
the sense of personalisation and ease of accessibility to the
customers. In conventional events, there are lot of people and
large area during performances which effects the experience of
customers as they get disconnected or due to overcrowding.
But, the events in this COVID-19 has overcome this hurdle
through the opportunity of enjoying the event while staying at
own premise.
b. Global presence-
Another impact is the reformation of global village or getting
close to each other by removing border barriers through this
virtual growth. Though, people are waiting to pass this time
rapidly but the events and festivals in this online manner has
grown new opportunities for businesses around the globe and
gave a sense of togetherness in this harsh times.
c. Modern Advertising Techniques-
The impact of COVID-19 on advertising techniques are well
seen as in this condition when people are confined to stay at
their homes the usage of social media platforms have increased
and methods have grown more consumer- centric, dynamic and
engaging. This lead to organisation to promote more on these
platforms and strengthen their services by claiming to take
proper care and sanitization measures. Event companies are
also promoting their webinars , live events and chats through
providing free masks, webinar certificates, engaging audiences
through their COVID-19 measures and increasing their web
traffics and participation.
d. Low costs-
This is both positive and negative for the industry as the virtual
events costs very less than conventional events which means
low revenue also to the company due to the low charges. The
usage of these forums affects the sectors and workers who are
solely dependent on traditional manner of events leading to
their unemployment.
The study shows different impacts of COVID-19 on Event
management industry. The major effect of this pandemic is the
severe loss in the industry due to huge cancellations and
postponements. The pace of industry is very slow and surviving
with the help of virtual events. The revenue and the workers are
drastically impacted and require funds to survive and sustain at
longer run. The innovative leaders of event industry are
working on different strategies like use of virtual technology to
connect people and make them participate through organizing
webinars, live chats & discussions, live artist performances and
podcasts. They are promoting these through different unique
marketing strategies on social media platforms majorly.
Therefore, the impact of COVID-19 on event management
industry is severe and require support of governments and
sponsors but they are still active and trying to survive through
the means of virtual events.
[1] Joe J Goldblatt, Seung-won Lee (2012) The current and
future impacts of the 2007-2009 economic recession on the
festival and event industry,
[2] Made Gede Yudiyana, Andrew Sumichan, Ni Wayan Sri
Ariyani (2018) Management Information System of Event
[3] Sergio Correia, Stephan Luck, and Emil Verner (2020),
Pandemics Depress the Economy, Public Health
Interventions Do Not: Evidence from the 1918 Flu,
[4] W.Qiu; S. Rutherford; A. Mao; C. Chu (2017), The
Pandemic and its Impacts,
... This has an impact on the event sector, which relies on human mobility in practice. The pandemic's most profound impact is the widespread cancellation and delay of events across various sectors, particularly in the event industry (Madray, 2020;Bartis et al., 2021). Since the COVID-19 pandemic started spreading in 2020, thousands of events worldwide have been postponed or cancelled, leaving a significant impact on entertainment, sports, and cultural industries (Congrex Team, 2020). ...
... Event organizers play an important role in organizing events because they have been appointed by the client to organize the event from planning to implementation and evaluation (Fadillah, 2015;Priyatmoko et al., 2022). The transition towards digital and blended events has forced event planners to adapt quickly to new technologies and strategies (Madray, 2020). As the event landscape continues to transform, event professionals must stay abreast of the latest innovations and advancements in event planning and management (Lekgau & Tichaawa, 2021). ...
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This study aims to fill the gap between hybrid events in Malaysia and attendees’ engagement and experience. It is also hoped to provide event stakeholders with information that will help them design successful hybrid events that prioritize attendee engagement and enhance the overall event experience. By understanding the needs and preferences of attendees, event organizers can tailor their strategies to create seamless and interactive experiences for both in-person and virtual participants. This study will contribute valuable insights to the growing field of hybrid events in Malaysia and guide event planners in delivering impactful and memorable experiences to all attendees. From the findings, none of the studies related to hybrid events has been conducted in the Malaysian context. This study was conducted by using electronic database searching from reputable databases such as Scopus, Science Direct and Google Scholar. 52 articles that are related to hybrid events were published from 2014-2023. Hybrid event is a new trend in organizing events. It offers a unique opportunity to cater to both in-person and virtual attendees.
... Coronavirus is a broad family of viruses infecting animals or humans. A newly identified coronavirus found in December 2019 in Wuhan, China caused the first outbreak of COVID-19 (Madray, 2020). After sporadic outbreaks in multiple cities within China, the virus spread rapidly worldwide, and the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared the COVID-19 outbreak as a global pandemic in March 2020 (World Health Organization, 2020). ...
... It was later confirmed that population density and intensity of social contacts were the main drivers for the exacerbation of this pandemic (Rocklöv & Sjödin, 2020). The virus usually spreads through tiny droplets released from the nose or mouth when a person with COVID-19 coughs, sneezes, or talks (Madray, 2020). Consequently, with the ban or restriction on travel and mass gathering as well as the need to maintain social distancing, the business event industry faced immense challenges to survive. ...
Conference Paper
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This paper puts forward the idea of using thematic analysis as one of the systematic literature review techniques to explore the use of event technology, particularly in overcoming challenges related to the recent COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 28 articles were reviewed for this study. The articles were collected from Scopus, Emerald and Science Direct. The collected data regarding event stakeholders' behaviour of using technology and development of technology innovations as well as the experience of using technology were categorised based on code, sub-code and main code. The review found a number of factors that are crucial to understanding event stakeholders' behaviour, due to the rising need of technology utilisation during events. However, this paper only elaborates on several themes as highlighted by the researchers. It should be noted deliberating on the role of technology in events is no less crucial than overcoming issues that emerge from the use of event technology during an event.
... COVID-19 drastically impacted global markets and various industries, despite the valiant efforts and endeavours of innovative minds and leaders in their respective fields in inventing new ways and adapting to survive. According to recent studies conducted around the world (Madray, 2020), the events industry suffered a total loss of more than $666 million through April as a result of event cancellations worldwide, with 85.9 million jobs at stake. Event businesses suffered from a severe lack of capital to sustain themselves in the long run, despite the use of technology and measures such as live chat, webinars, online discussion shows, podcasts and so on. ...
... These measures could not replace the revenue generated by large-scale events in terms of money and people inducement. Daily wage workers in the industry, as well as small and medium event companies that lacked the platform or target customers to provide such services, significantly felt the brunt of the pandemic (Madray, 2020). ...
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The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of COVID-19 on Malaysian entertainment events by examining the risk assessments, responses and control measures taken by event organisers. Utilising a qualitative method, in-depth interviews were conducted with seven informants-organisers who actively organised entertainment events before the COVID-19 pandemic. From the coding analysis using the Atlas.ti software, four major themes emerged: event cancellation and postponement, financial loss, unemployment and unsatisfactory virtual events. However, there is a limitation in the context of previous literature, especially in the creative industry. The findings are relevant to event managers, who can use the insights as a reference for their business growth and consolidation.
... In 2019, the festival, which includes 61 showcase garden lots and 43 international exhibitors from 23 countries, was one of the most popular events on Putrajaya's yearly calendar, with over one million visitors (Perbadanan Putrajaya, 2021). Event management is the preparation and implementation of an event to fulfil or exceed particular goals that benefit a person, community or institution (Madray, 2020). With that notion, understanding event quality perceptions and gaining local citizen cooperation is thus critical for special events such as Royal Floria Putrajaya. ...
... The pandemic has particularly affected industries reliant on direct human interactions, notably those necessitating large group gatherings like meetings, exhibitions, concerts, and assorted events [23]. The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the event management industry globally, particularly affecting the USD 1000 billion event planning sector [41]. The enforcement of social distancing regulations, lockdowns, and travel restrictions has severely disrupted these sectors. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant transformations in industries globally, particularly those heavily reliant on human interaction, such as the event industry. However, the effects of COVID-19 on the event industry have not been thoroughly explored in previous studies. This study utilizes secondary data from the Korean Statistical Information Service, covering 16 cities and regions from 2018 to 2022, to analyze the effects of COVID-19 on the event industry and how the pandemic has reshaped the sector’s landscape and sustainability. We employed a Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) model to assess the causal impact and utilized Garthwaite’s (2014) Dynamic Discontinuity model to explore the dynamic effects over time. The results demonstrate that, initially, COVID-19 had a considerable disruptive influence on the event industry, severely affecting face-to-face interactions and operations. However, our findings reveal significant signs of adaptation and recovery in the industry by 2022, with the initial negative impacts no longer evident. This study highlights the event industry’s resilience, the progressive nature of its post-pandemic recovery, and its path toward sustainable practices in a post-pandemic era.
... As medidas de combate à disseminação do vírus mais usadas foram o uso de máscara e o distanciamento social, como consequência muitos países fecharam fronteiras e/ou adotaram médicas restritivas aos visitantes, além da adoção do confinamento. A pandemia trouxe consequências graves na área da saúde pública, se estendendo à econômica, a exemplo das viagens, lazer, entretenimento e eventos (Gama Neto, 2020;Madray, 2020). ...
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O ecoturismo é um segmento turístico com grande potencial no Brasil, que foi também afetado pela pandemia de COVID-19, a exemplo do Parque Estadual do Itacolomi (PEIT), em Minas Gerais. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar o impacto da pandemia no ecoturismo no PEIT. A metodologia foi do tipo estudo de caso, descritiva e exploratória de abordagem qualiquantitativa. Após revisão de literatura e autorização de pesquisa na unidade de conservação, elaborou-se instrumentos de coleta de dados do tipo roteiro estruturado aplicado via formulário de inquérito online a 337 visitantes do PEIT, e roteiro semiestruturado em entrevista remota à gestora do parque. Os resultados demonstraram que o comportamento dos turistas foi alterado em 2022 não só pelas restrições impostas, mas também pelo receio de praticar a atividade, mas que a partir do momento em que as restrições foram flexibilizadas, eles passaram a priorizar atividades em contato com a natureza e ao ar livre como o ecoturismo. Conclui-se que a pesquisa traz dados que podem ser utilizados para uma melhor compreensão do desdobramento da pandemia sobre o ecoturismo em áreas naturais protegidas, e contribuição ao planejamento turístico regional, em novas crises sanitárias ou afins.
... In the UK it was thought, in December 2020, that over half a million event industry jobs were at risk and the majority of event companies likely to cease existence if events failed to resume before February 2021 (Drury et al 2021). Some events and organisers turned to innovative use of technology and ran virtual events (Madray 2020) and post-covid some events have continued to use the new technology to run hybrid events. In 2021 the Royal Highland Show was unable to run as a spectator event, so ran as a competitor only event with seven days of live streaming to over 250,000 people in 87 countries across the world. ...
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This research investigates the sustainability of agricultural shows both in a social and financial manner as these are now commonly interlinked. This century, key shows in the calendar have been lost due to financial issues combined with other pressures that have caused the organising societies to decide against continuing with their shows. The key themes addressed in this thesis include the social implications of agricultural shows on the rural community which they serve, the economic security of agricultural shows and the importance of volunteering to the running of events. This research draws together information on the viability and sustainability of this distinct and understudied area of the events industry. A literature review was undertaken of the key themes and a thorough investigation of research undertaken within the agricultural events industry and wider sector, discussing the social capital built by events, the economic pressures and governance structures of charities along with the value of volunteers to agricultural organisations. Primary research was undertaken in the form of semi-structured interviews with Show Managers or Executive Directors of nine agricultural shows from around England, varying in size and duration. The financial status of the shows interviewed is currently, on paper, good, however funds are required in case of unforeseen circumstances causing disruption to some or all of an upcoming show. The social aspect of shows is strong, with clear drive from volunteers at all levels to aid in the success of the shows, however the recruitment of new volunteers is becoming increasingly difficult and has caused a number of shows to cease in recent years.
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The rapid evolution of the internet has made search engines an integral part of online navigation. Google, the dominant player in this arena, holds substantial influence over user preferences (Rabe 2023). Securing a high ranking on Google's search results is a coveted advantage for companies, especially regarding the high competition (Erlhofer 2023). This paper delves into the realm of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), specifically tailored to the unique needs of event locations in Berlin. Despite the critical role of SEO in online marketing, there is a noticeable gap in research focusing on its application for the business of event locations (Setiawan et al. 2022, Wiedmann 2018, Zanger and Drengner 2016). The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the paramount importance of a robust online presence for event locations. The shift to online and hybrid formats during the crisis underscored the significance of having a well-optimized website (Madray 2020, Zanger 2022). Even post-pandemic, the prevalence of online and hybrid events persists, necessitating effective online marketing strategies. Traditional offline advertising methods are limited in their reach, making online marketing, particularly SEO, a vital component for event locations to attract both local and international audiences (Werner et al. 2022, Zanger 2023). Understanding Google's ranking algorithm is fundamental to effective SEO. The algorithm considers over 200 components which are not specifically communicated directly by the company (Alpar et al. 2015). These can be broadly categorized into on-page and off-page factors. On-page factors involve content relevance, user-friendliness, and adherence to Google's "Core Web Vitals." Off-page factors, such as backlinks from reputable sources, contribute to a website's credibility. Personalization, incorporating user data and behavior, further refines search results (Erlhofer 2023). Basically Google uses the self-developed E-E-A-T principle (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) when assessing the quality of a website (Google 2023). The study employs a three-step approach: website selection, SEO scorecard preparation, and result evaluation with SEO experts. The websites of event locations in Berlin used were filtered via the online directory “Eventinc”, whereby the selected filter criteria guarantee comparability of the websites. The self-developed SEO scorecard, incorporating key on-page and off-page factors, is used for evaluation. Experts from the field of SEO and event locations provide insights through interviews, shedding light on the causes of inadequate SEO implementation and the perceived relevance of SEO compared to other marketing elements. The analysis of 33 event location websites in Berlin reveals a suboptimal implementation of SEO practices. The majority have a very poor to mediocre result, indicating room for improvement. The Google Business Profile emerges as the best-optimized area, while the internal link structure lags. Common errors include improper keyword usage, a lack of breadcrumbs, and formatting issues in headlines. The consensus among the experts is that a lack of focus on the topic and a shortage of personnel resources contribute to poor SEO implementation (Franke 2023, Raaf 2023, Riechert 2023). Despite the acknowledged importance of SEO in digital marketing, event locations in Berlin exhibit a trend of insufficient implementation. A lot of different factors, especially the prioritization of other marketing elements, contribute to this gap. Recommendations for better implementation include a collaborative approach between developers and SEO experts during website design, prioritizing SEO as a core marketing element, and increasing knowledge of the powerful tool in the companies (Franke 2023, Raaf 2023, Riechert 2023). The findings provide valuable insights for event locations and other businesses aiming to enhance their online visibility and engagement. Further research avenues could explore a broader scope, considering national or global analyses and delving into additional SEO criteria and tools. The study serves as a call to action for event locations to embrace SEO as a key driver of online success in the evolving digital area.
Purpose The paper aims to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art of the event industry in the context of digitalization to understand how digital technologies change the event industry and what research topics are the most promising for further exploration. Design/methodology/approach A bibliometric analysis of the existing body of knowledge on the topic was conducted and the results were visualized using CiteSpace 5.8.R3. A total of 1999 articles and proceeding papers from the Web of Science Core Collection published between 2007 and 2022 were selected for our analysis. Based on the articles and proceeding papers in the Web of Science Core Collection database, we selected a set of publications for our analysis. The data were obtained through specific keywords related to our research topic. The method involves a process of three main stages: data collection, data processing and the bibliometric analysis. Findings Co-citation analysis indicated that issues of crowd management and tracking human mobility during mass events are important for the event industry and that technologies such as the Internet of Things, special-purpose mobile applications and systems make it easier for an event organizer to handle the issues. The findings demonstrated a weak scientific collaboration between countries in the topic studied and shift of research hotspots to study of satisfaction, motivation and behavioral patterns of events attendees. Based on this analysis, three directions for future research were revealed. Research limitations/implications The results should be interpreted in light of our sample, because the analysis was conducted within our sample which has boundaries. We collected data from all categories in the Web of Science Core Collection database, but we considered only articles and proceeding papers as opposed to all possible types of scientific publications and other databases. In the study, we focused on detecting the state-of-the-art of the event industry in the context of digitalization overall. More specific topics that could be analyzed remain, for example, the dependency of digital technologies from the event type, etc. Practical implications This study reflects the state-of-the-art of the event industry in the context of digitalization. It provides researchers with key developmental trends in the event industry, which assists them in more deeply understanding the evolution of research hotspots in the field during last 15 years and defining future research agenda. The paper presents an overview of digital technologies used in various types of events and describes the issues and results related to the implementing digital technologies. The results obtained were extremely important, as they can be used by event managers and organizers to enhance customers’ experience during the events. Originality/value This study reflects the state-of-the-art of the event industry in the context of digitalization. This is the first attempt to make an overall analysis of scientific papers published in the Web of Science Core Collection on the topic studied without excluding any categories. The search procedure is transparent, and the results can be reproduced in other search fields using the same approach. Based on this analysis, three directions for future research were revealed including technological aspects of online event-based social networks, issues of crowd management and security at mass events and issues of attendees’ acceptance of novel digital technologies.