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Your Honour or Your Life. An Explanation of Honour Cases for Police Officers and other Professionals


Abstract and Figures

Honour-based violence has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years. However, given that honour can be damaged and restored in many different ways, identifying an honour case is not always easy. This book serves as an introduction to this complex area for police officers and other professionals who have to deal with honour cases as part of their professional practice.
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... Why this particular theme? Several years ago, the National Expertise Centre for Honour-Related Violence (LEC EGG) published a trilogy presenting research into various aspects of early recognition and the police approach to honour-related violence (Janssen, 2008(Janssen, , 2009aJanssen & Sanberg, 2010b). ...
... The former minister of Immigration and Integration, Rita Verdonk, commissioned the 'Honour-Related Violence' pilot study in the police regions of Haaglanden and South Holland. The project started in 2004 and ended in 2006 (Janssen, 2009a). ...
... This definition, which places the emphasis firmly on the context of family, morals and group processes, played an important role in the demarcation of the policy area. Although we come across codes of practice and the conflicts emanating from these codes everywhere in society -think of national, military or sporting honour -the Dutch government policy and the police strategy principally focus on moral issues in ethnic minority families (Janssen, 2007(Janssen, , 2008(Janssen, , 2009a. ...
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his book deals with the dilemmas caused by the various roles one has in life simultaneously. For instance, being a family member, an employee, a friend, a member of a sports club. This could generate tension because expectations of behaviour may clash, or even contradict one another. Individuals may find themselves in a tight spot because notions about loyalty in one’s own family, for instance, may be at odds with the dedication and integrity expected by an employer. The central theme of the book focuses on the involvement of police officers in honour-related cases in their private lives, either as suspect, victim, or in some other way. The Colours of the Chameleon thereby not only fills a gap in current honour-related conflict research, but also provides a unique insight into honour codes in the private lives of police officers.
... Crime data for a broad geographic area are useful as general indicators of offense incidence and prevalence; however, an understanding of crime in cultural context requires both quantitative and qualitative data, compatible data collection methods across culturally dissimilar areas, and an internally valid means to recognize culturally influenced causes and conditions of crime. Even measures of the incidence and prevalence of violent crime can be influenced by culture: Turkish culture in the Netherlands recognizes honour-based crime, but there is no objective, decisive definition of honour crime, making accurate measurement difficult (Janssen, 2009). If one's purpose focuses on counting homicides, cross-cultural internal validity may be unnecessary; however, if one seeks to identify cultural antecedents to homicide and design subsequent community-based responses, then first-responders like police investigators would benefit by protocols bearing in mind cultural interpretation. ...
... If one's purpose focuses on counting homicides, cross-cultural internal validity may be unnecessary; however, if one seeks to identify cultural antecedents to homicide and design subsequent community-based responses, then first-responders like police investigators would benefit by protocols bearing in mind cultural interpretation. Strong collaboration between police officials and multi-disciplinary social scientists can have long-ranging positive effects on violence intervention and government responses (Fleisher, 2012;Janssen, 2009). Culturally informed research can benefit police departments and community interventionists, enabling them to find com-mon ground and facilitate collaboration on prevention and intervention protocols. ...
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The Republic of Turkey abided adverse effects of domestic migration over decades. In the past 50 years, rapid population growth, globalization, industrialization, and terrorism stimulated continuous movement of migrants from remote eastern villages to western provinces' urban centers.
In the United Kingdom a number of high-profile cases related to forced marriage and ‘honour’ killing have sparked media attention to so-called ‘honour’ crimes and ‘honour-based’ violence (HBV). In response, recent scholarly research has focused on the impact of honour-based practices on the lives of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) women, particularly incidents that culminate in violence and aggression (Akpinar 2003; Welchman and Hossain 2005; Meetoo and Mirza 2007; Gill 2009; Idriss and Abbas 2011). However, this form of violence and abuse remains largely under-re ported and underestimated. It is only partially understood and therefore susceptible to prejudicial cultural stereotypes and media sensationalism (Dustin and Phillips 2008). This chapter unpacks these emerging debates around ‘honour’ crime and victimisation while acknowledging the cultural and political sensitivity associated with these issues. After an initial overview of what constitutes a ‘crime of honour’ and how we might move beyond the contested nature of the term to understand its specificities, the discussion analyses the nature and extent of ‘honour’ crimes in the United Kingdom. This is followed by a discussion of the concept of izzat, which occupies the centre of the distinct honour/shame complex that plays an important reproductive role in specific South Asian cultural groups, with a particular focus on British-Pakistani diasporic communities.
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Although honour codes may seem old-fashioned, these traditions have found their way into virtual reality. Violent or threatening behaviour based on honour codes can be classified as either violating honour or as restoring honour. Police files of honour based violence contain examples of both types of behaviour and of individuals who use the Internet to reach their goals. This article deals with two key questions: how have honour codes found their way into virtual reality, and what does this imply for police practice regarding honour based violence? These questions are addressed through a description of the current method for the police to handle cases of honour based violence and the work of the Dutch national centre of expertise on honour based violence (LEC EGG), an assessment of internet use among ethnic minorities in the Netherlands, cases from the archive of the LEC EGG and some considerations on policing cybercrime in general. This leads to the conclusion that to fully assess the risks in cases of honour based violence, it is necessary for the police to take into account the online activities of victims and offenders.
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Eergerelateerd geweld in Nederland mag zich in een toenemende belangstelling verheugen. Het is echter opvallend dat bij de bespreking van mogelijke oorzaken van deze vormen van eigenrichting relatief weinig wordt stilgestaan bij andere dan culturele verklaringen. Daarbij komt nog dat het begrip cultuur veelal wordt gebruikt als synoniem voor niet-westers of zelfs exotisch. Psychologische verkla-ringen, die zich richten op de rol van emoties bij het gebruik van geweld, hebben inzake eerkwesties nog geen enorme belangstelling aandacht getrokken. In dit discussiestuk pleit ik voor een meer genuanceerd gebruik van het begrip cultuur en oog voor emotionele aspecten bij het plegen van eergerelateerd geweld. Enkele kanttekeningen bij 'cultuur' De onderzoeksliteratuur met betrekking tot eergerelateerd geweld, waarin een verklaring wordt gezocht in de culturele achtergrond van betrokkenen, groeit ge-staag. 1 Uit die literatuur kunnen beslist waardevolle lessen worden getrokken, maar opvallend is de wijze waarop het begrip cultuur zich inmiddels een stevige positie heeft weten te verwerven in de brede maatschappelijke discussie over de preventie en aanpak van eergerelateerd geweld. Niet-westerse en exotische cultuur Een gemiddelde krantenlezer zou bijna denken dat het begrip cultureel synoniem is voor niet-westers. Het komt er grof gezegd op neer dat vooral het gedrag van niet-westerse allochtonen in het algemeen, of van bijvoorbeeld Turken in het bij-zonder, wordt verklaard door te wijzen op hun culturele achtergrond. Door eer als een cultuurverschijnsel te benoemen, zou het in die gangbare redenering niet meer onderzocht hoeven te worden. Eer is dan immers een gegevenheid, een vast-staand aspect van cultuur van een bepaalde etnische groep of zelfs van niet-wes-terse allochtonen in het algemeen.
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In het integratiedebat van de laatste jaren wordt de concentratie van minderheden in buurten en scholen van de grote steden steeds vaker gezien als oorzaak van de falende integratie. Maar klopt dat ook met de feiten? Deze publicatie onderzoekt het verband tussen etnische concentratie en (elementen van) sociaal-culturele integratie en draagt bij aan de kennisvorming en discussie over de betekenis van etnische concentratie. Hebben etnische concentraties in buurten een weerslag op de contacten tussen allochtonen en autochtonen en wordt de kennis van het Nederlands erdoor beïnvloed? En de vraag wordt gesteld of zwarte scholen nadelig zijn voor de taalprestaties van leerlingen. Voor een succesvolle sociaal-culturele integratie is het van belang te weten hoe autochtonen en allochtonen over elkaar en over de aanwezigheid van minderheden in het algemeen denken. Worden deze opvattingen beïnvloed door (toenemende) concentraties minderheden in de buurten van de grote steden?
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Due to ongoing immigration of people to the Netherlands, Dutch society has become a multicultural society. In chapter 1, it is pointed out that the cultural diversity that accompanies immigration could lead to acts that are an offence under Dutch law. These so-called cultural offences can be serious. Among others, they challenge criminal law judges to find solutions on how to cope with the cultural background of these offences and of the offender. The question answered in this research is: Does the Dutch criminal law attempt to create possibilities in dealing with the cultural conditioning of cultural offences and the cultural background of a defendant?
In het boek Rechercheportret wordt verslag gedaan van het eerste wetenschappelijke onderzoek naar de dagelijkse praktijk van het recherchewerk. De auteurs hebben in zes verschillende politieregio's langdurig en intensief onderzoek verricht naar het recherchewerk in zaken als moord en doodslag, mishandeling en diefstal met geweld. Het boek geeft inzicht in de methoden die de recherche inzet bij de opsporing, de wijze waarop het opsporingsonderzoek is georganiseerd en de dilemma's die daarbij een rol spelen. De lezer krijgt inzicht in de manier waarop rechercheurs, soms met vallen en opstaan, ingewikkelde zaken trachten op te lossen.